Pawn Stars: 5 GOLDEN HOLIDAY DEALS (Rick’s Rare Christmas List) | History

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here at the pawn shop christmas is our favorite  holiday and even though we're in the desert we   still love to be festive so every year we  decorate the shop and exchange gifts ho ho   ho merry christmas merry christmas john have you  been naughty or nice nice santa outfit except the   old man's already got santa claus covered merry  christmas chump what the old man is the grumpiest   santa you've ever met so if you bring your kid  in here don't try and put him on santa's lap   because the kid's not gonna like it and neither  is the old man come back when you have something original what do you have here uh i have two copies of a  christmas carol first edition um i have the first   printing and i have the second printing of the  first edition okay so you're telling me you have   two first editions of the christmas carol from  charles dickens yes wow that's cool yeah what's   so cool about that it's probably one of the  most popular christmas books or christmas   stories of all time tiny tim remember  the disney cartoon yeah scrooge mcduck i bought them at an auction  with my dad about 10 years ago   but we didn't know yet that they were first  editions we did a little bit of research   and i went online and i was like wow i think i  have a first edition copy of this i didn't pay   a whole lot for the books i don't even remember  how much but it probably wasn't more than a couple   of dollars for the box do you know about the  story at all yeah it's like the three ghosts   yeah what's the name the ghost of christmas past  you're the ghost of christmas present that goes   to christmas future charles dickens saw you know  during the industrial revolution in england that   there was all these guys out there who really  didn't care about anything else but money   ebenezer scrooge was treated as employees like  crap all he cared about was making money like   the old man pretty much charles dickens was only  in his early 30s when he wrote a christmas carol   it was so popular that it spawned all kinds of  adaptations and it's never gone out of print   if i can get an actual first edition for the  shop that would be awesome if i can get two   that would be incredible so what can you tell me  about them from the outside they look very much   the same charles dickens did not like the color of  the end papers on the first printing and so he had   them changed and then he didn't like the second  colors either so they just had to live with it   they look like they're gonna fall apart  they're you know they're 175 years old   they're pretty fragile what do you want to  do with them i'd like to sell them um we got   them appraised a couple of years ago and the  bookstore said that they were probably valued   anywhere between ten to fifteen thousand  dollars a piece in their current condition i'm gonna kind of remove myself from this cause  these things i don't even wanna touch if i pick   this up and the cover comes off she's gonna make  me buy it absolutely let me call a friend of mine   up this is all she deals with all day long okay  she's great really help us out here this lady's   got a couple of first editions of a christmas  carol but they're so delicate i'm afraid to touch   them so rebecca's gonna come down and take a look  well you guys know this is probably dickens most   famous work historically it's a pretty important  book in that this is all part of the age when we   start getting our modern conception of christmas  okay christmas trees christmas cards this whole   charitable giving thing around christmas  dickens is a key factor in determining how we   look at christmas today modernly christmas  carol was first published in december of 1843.   dickens is a great example of the influence  a popular book can have on the world because   christmas changed entirely based on this book kind  of important this book is notoriously fragile part   of that is dickens financed this book himself and  he wanted it to be this amazing deluxe production   he created a very delicate book but delicate means  fragile and it means that it doesn't necessarily   survive well this book and collectibility it  is condition condition condition say you had a   completely pristine copy those copies can get over  30 000 wow okay so green end papers here and then   this is the real kicker right here stave one all  right so that's the one let's take a look at that   all right we have yellow in papers  stay one with the ones spelled out   so this one has a stave one with roman numeral  this one has stave one spelled out that's going   to determine this is a first state this is a  later state so what do you think they're worth okay well here's what i  would suggest personally um   this book is kind of already a goner as far as  condition goes on top of that it's a later state i would personally not recommend getting it okay  okay i would actually say focus only on the first   state because this how far gone these are let's at  least stick with the earliest copy gotcha i would   say um if you were to purchase this copy  spend at least a thousand dollars on   restoration with someone who's good  all right and you get it restored   what i would say is that the retail  price for a restored copy of this   shape is about 12 to 15 000. all right i don't  know what i'd do without you i know all right   see you later you're not going to hear me say  this often but corey does need to restore this   book and if he doesn't i'm going to come after him  what are you looking to get out of the book well   um knowing that it has to be restored i'd like  to get 7 500 out of it i'm gonna offer you five   five is a fair deal i've got to get it restored  i take all the risk would you consider 6 500 no six i'll go five grand okay i could do five all right deal thanks   chum i'm gonna take this why don't you write it  up too i got something to do all right i am really   excited to get five thousand dollars i'm going to  finish landscaping the backyard and finally put in   our hot tub and have a good time what i have here  today is a storyboard from how to grinch though   christmas drawing with the signature of chuck  jones i got about 50 grinches in my family so   i'm bringing in the original storyboard  piece from how the grinch stole christmas   i picked it up in an auction years ago  i'm an animation collector and i've been   collecting for 30 years i'm looking to get  about 5 000 may go to 3 35 but nothing less   this is badass so how'd you get it auction been  collecting chuck jones pieces as well as the   grinch and now it's the 50th anniversary  it's a good time to think about selling   chuck jones he's an icon as far as animation goes  he was the director of the entire thing you know   when you're making a cartoon or anything you got  to come up with a storyboard so basically all   your artists know exactly what to draw i mean your  actors here know we're going to be talking about   this thing barely happened because the networks  were afraid of it they told chuck jones and dr   seuss find your own sponsors and maybe we'll  do it eventually they found a bank that would   sponsor it i thought it was great when i was  a kid i mean it's just one of those classic   stories i mean just like every dr seuss story i  used to make him green eggs and ham there you go   anyway it ended up becoming a major success okay  so what do you want for it looking to get five   thousand five thousand bushels these go for much  more in some auctions that recently closed and   this is signed um i actually know a grinch i can  call who might help me out with it he'll know more   than i do the old man's coming to work no i'm  going to call chad um let me call my art guy   he might know something about it well as long  as he don't have this face on when he comes in   i'll be i'll be right back i'm going to give  him a call already i'm excited to have an expert   look at this piece and i'm sure he'll also be  excited seeing something so rare and signed by   the great chuck jones a customer came in with  a storyboard image from the christmas classic   how the grinch stole christmas if chad tells me  it's worth anything close to what the seller wants   for it i'm buying it i have to have it chuck  jones chuck jones mgm a portrait of my father   portrait of yeah that's the old man with a hat on  so what do you think this is a it's a super cool   collaboration between dr seuss and chuck jones  they actually were they met in the army in 1943   it's like mel blanc for his free link theodore  geisel dr seuss they made these army films called   private snafu showing you what not to do in the  military like he would pull a grenade and you   know throw the pin and then drop the grenade okay  so do we know who did painted all the storyboards   we know a lot about these because he wrote about  them in the book chuck redux it was chuck jones   maurice noble and the writers we know he did  around 1500 of them he actually carried these   things around with him like hundreds and hundreds  and hundreds of them to 26 different sponsors   and literally acted out the grinch he was the  grinch he was the little girl he played out   every part when we look at the paper the paper  type's exactly right the signature's right just   the general animation and action styles right he  really likes putting these action lines in so this   is definitely chuck jones work i know there's a  huge market for dr seuss collectors out there yeah   does it make it worth less that it's christmas  under normal circumstances i would say yes   absolutely a christmas thing but  in this particular circumstance   the grinch is iconic as santa claus you know what  i mean so it is it is christmas-oriented still   but that's his specific thing like if you like the  grinch you kind of have to you're going to have to   take the christmas on the side of the plate they  kind of all go together meat and potatoes yeah   so how much do you think it's worth my feeling is  it's worth between 2 500 and 3 000. rarely you see   one of these signed by chuck jones especially  he was very proud of the animation we created   so he signed all of these every single one of them  because he wanted the world to know this is his   this is this is the one that he created thanks man  thanks a lot for having me it's good to see you   hey that's a cool piece thanks  a lot you guys take it easy   if rick's able to get a good price on  this he should absolutely purchase it   because it would be extremely easy to sell um  he knows his heart yeah i mean he really does   i'd give you 1500 bucks for it can't go that  low it's matted it's all set to go 22.50 i'll tell you what i'll give you two grand for it 21 nope all ready let's do it all right cool  man all right i'll get ready come with me man   got this at an auction for a really good  price so even selling that tooth grant   is a great profit for me so now i'm going to  go out and buy some more merry christmas again   my god what are you guys laughing  at charm work what is wrong with you   that is probably the worst outfit i have ever  seen anyone have on their body i look stupid   but that's ridiculous you guys ready to  exchange gifts or what all right santa   who's first somewhere's first every year for  christmas me and the guys do a secret santa   most of the time the gifts stink but hey  it's all for good fun i got you a present what is this wrapped in foil   chamois this is one of the coins that's on  the desk the other day i have a small budget it's the felt account thank you very much   ricky read it damn it tell us  what it says happy holidays   he didn't even sign the damn thing and there's  like there's like five bucks on this thing   there's seven merry christmas this is classic  cory seven bucks i guarantee you that's what   he had in his wallet he'll give you money  that's what i always want i never get it   i gave you money you give me a coin which i owned  before here you go chum all right this looks good   sweet i know you wanted it me and the guys don't  normally take this too seriously well we all do   have a soft spot for chum and he's usually the  only one who gets a real gift thanks rick ah no   problem the only person who lives big house hey  and your grandmother made it for you nice nice oh hello how'd i get oh that's please put it on corey  grandma's coming down what time is she coming down   we don't know so you're gonna  have to wear it all day long   put it on come on cory put it on really yeah yes  do you really want to break your grandma's heart   it's a possibility at this point buddy cory she seriously couldn't have  thought this was a good idea cory   your grandmother put a lot of work  into it i think it looks great hos   all right christmas is over baja bug all  that crap you wear the sweater you get   your ass over there go to work it's the  ugliest sweater i've ever seen in my life hey how's it going what can i help you with  well i have four pieces of original mad magazine   john martin preliminary art of the cover one of  their christmas issues sweet i know mad started   off as more of like a gore comic and then they  went more towards the satire version of it i know   there was congressman that wanted it banned which  if you think about what's on tv and stuff today   and this was a problem back then i'm selling four  pieces of original mad magazine don martin art i   like don martin's art because it portrays a lot  of humor i want to sell these so i can get some   additional money i plan on going to costa rica to  visit my son who's down there studying for college   these are very interesting because a lot of  the don martin art that's available today   is his black and white art that's actually inside  the magazine i think these are much more desirable   because they are related to the cover and because  they are in color okay good any idea how much   you're looking to get i'm looking for three  thousand dollars okay do you mind if i have a   friend of mine come down and check him out i just  think he'll know a lot more about them and what   they're worth and i will be better for both of us  don martin i see ah i was a big mad magazine fan   these are really interesting these look like  preliminary drawings or storyboard drawings   one of the neatest things about don martin was  his ability to make you laugh without any words   satire just through line drawings which is very  very difficult wasn't he also known as mad's   maddest artist he was mad's maddest artist because  if you look at his drawings they're very wacky   if you look at his the shoes he does he always  just kind of the floppy shoes people without necks   the bulbous knows i mean look at this one this  is classic martin right here he's pulling out his   hair because the amount of santa claus is begging  him for money what do you think they're worth   these are in very good condition they've been  cared for i would put these at somewhere between   four to six hundred dollars per piece around  2 400 on the high end you still have to get   them framed and things but the christmas  theme might make them a little bit narrower   for collectors and we have to remember these never  saw the magazine if they did see the magazine it   would have a little bit of extra value i'd like  to offer you around a thousand bucks for them   you got to figure i've got to frame every one of  these you know for as cool and as collectible as   they are it's not as if they're going to fly off  the shelf selling them for a thousand i lose money   okay well give me a better number  well two thousand i'll do 1200. oh they're original they're  don martin they're in color   when i bought them i didn't buy them framed  i think they're valuable as they are without   being framed i'll do 1400 bucks that's the  most i can go if you do 1500 you have a deal all right i'll do 1500. you got a deal i  have my 1500 now i just have to go out and   buy sunscreen the current issue of mad magazine  for my plane ride to costa rica and off i go i   got this tin box here it's fairly old i know it's  old just by the date on the bottom christmas 1914   this is pretty cool this was a gift to the  british troops a christmas gift in 1914.   you know i just love imperium britannicum  it's the latin version of imperial britain   for some reason even back then it was real  important for everything to sound latin i have a tin box that i purchased at a yard sale  in new jersey i really don't know much about the   box itself but i purchased it because of the date  1914. it's the year my grandfather was born i'd   like to get 200 for the box this is really really  cool it's been a while since i've seen one of   these while world war one was raging on in europe  princess mary in england thought it would be very   very nice for all the troops to get a present  so they came up with this little brass box   and they distributed to all the troops there was  a christmas card inside i think the christmas   card had princess mary's face on it and it  also had a little thing of tobacco in it   and they determined that the nurses should not get  the tobacco because it was not proper for a woman   to smoke and that chocolate would have been the  nicest thing it does got a neat history to it you   ever hear about the christmas truce in uh world  war one no they called a truce for christmas day   during the war and a lot of the troops actually  went over the enemy lines they sat around they   drank with each other and the next day they went  back to war not only did this thing get through   world war one in one piece it's amazing the troops  ever got it at all there was a huge shortage of   brass at the time because of the war and the  last thing a lot of generals were wanting to do   was give brass candy boxes out they wanted to make  bullets how much were you looking to get out of it   200. um no if it still had the card in  it yeah all right what's your best offer   i'll make this really really easy on you i'll give  you a hundred bucks no i'd probably be willing to   take 125 for her it's not gonna happen the cool  thing is it christmas is coming up so it'll sell   if you come in next month i'm gonna offer you  less because i'm gonna have to hold it a year   to sell it these things sell around christmas  time okay i'll give you a hundred bucks okay all right cool all right uh follow me we'll write this up  okay the hundred dollars is good because i only   purchased it fifteen dollars and now i'm gonna  be able to go for a nice dinner this evening   so what in the world do we have here well this is  a family sleigh it's been in my mom's living room   for many years it's actually been a christmas  decoration that stays year round hey pops   you know anything about antique  slays dashing through the snow   in a one-horse open sleigh it's a one horse  open sleigh thanks dad i appreciate that   i got the sleigh from my dad he'd always  loved slays he bought it many years ago from   a customer of his it's original there's amazing  artwork on it of santa it's just in beautiful   condition and has a wonderful antiqued  look that it doesn't even need anything   i absolutely love this do you know how old it  is or anything or it was made somewhere between   1850 and 1880 don't know exactly when yeah this  is uh like modern transportation in the 1800s   these things were used in wintertime outside  when it was nasty this would have not been the   fabric that was on it generally things like this  were either oil cloth or leather because what   would this cushion be like after like 10 minutes  riding around in the rain it'd be pretty gnarly   it's an incredibly good shape  though it is in great shape   the runners have been repainted sometime a long  time ago but back here it's original bodywork   and there's even santa over here see driving  the sleigh reindeer that's cool well it's to   the period most people don't know this up  until the 1800s santa was more like an elf   he wasn't like the modern santa claus be like  a human being that lives in the north pole he   was sort of like this elephant creature how much  you want for it 43 400. not gonna happen hey the   thing's made for snow am i getting a clydesdale  to pull me around the sand dunes in this thing   i don't know there's no use for it here in vegas  it'll look pretty in your living room at christmas   time you can put presents under it i will tell  you what i'll give you a thousand bucks for it no no no look at it from my perspective okay first  off if i sell this to someone who's actually gonna   use it they're gonna have to redo the interior  and they're gonna [ __ ] about it if i sell this   to someone who wants to make it a christmas  display in their store or something like that   they're a business owner they're cheap i i  understand that finding the customer these things   it's a niche market uh it i feel like it's worth  more than that because it's got an aged antiques   patina you know what i'm looking at what i can  sell it for i understand there is a very very   slim market for cutter in las vegas especially on  the west coast so i will give you a thousand bucks   i'm sorry i just can't go that low okay all  right thanks a lot man appreciate it very much   it would have been nice to make  a deal but i'm going to keep   filling it with presents and just  keep using it as a christmas tree merry christmas i know you give you a lot of crap   but i'm really happy you work here even if the  old man doesn't agree merry christmas but corey hello this is the best christmas ever you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 781,333
Rating: 4.8899813 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, gold & silver pawn shop, rick harrison, pawn stars show, watch pawn stars clips, 5 GOLDEN HOLIDAY DEALS, festive deals, Pawn Stars mega compilation, mega compilation, compilation, holiday spirit
Id: xkMXHYimZK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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