Pawn Stars Risk EVERYTHING On $100,00 Ancient Artifacts

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hey everyone and welcome back to the screen a Pawn Stars has proven to be one of the most well received reality shows to ever make its way to television Rick and the gang have become household names and Pawn Stars has permanently altered the way Americans perceive history related content over the years Rick has managed to purchase some incredible pieces of history from all over the world so let's take a look at some of the most valuable historical items ever seen on Pawn Stars before we begin make sure to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos about your favorite movies and TV shows number seven signed Lincoln card a couple of years ago a man brought in an astonishing piece of American history looking to sell it to Rick in the game in his hands he held an Abraham Lincoln parlor card that had been signed by the president before his untimely passing this card contained a photo that was later used as the basis for the penny and was illustrated by the same man who drew the illustrations for the $5 bill a customer says that he found the card at an estate sale but that the owners of the sale had no idea what they were selling they likely believed this was just another print of the image and had no idea that the photo contained Lincoln's actual signature though one man's trash is another man's retirement fund I know you've got to make some money on it this is the only one left so I think a fair price is unheard thousand dollars he says that he plans sees the funds to reinvest in his personal Lincoln collection as he has several artifacts in mind that he would rather have as opposed to a signature if I saw the card I'm going to reinvest in my Lincoln collection these cards first became popular in the mid-1800s when families would purchase them to display in their homes photographs were notoriously expensive at the time so it was a big deal to be able to display a photo of the president in your home according to the customer this was the only remaining parlor card in civilian possession the rest of them have been located and are now displayed in museums or private collections across the country the man was asking for $100,000 any claimed that this price was a bit lower than what it was worth an expert leader came in the shop and agreed stating that this signature would likely sell for $150,000 so the big question was it worth you probably put a price of $150,000 Rickon the customer eventually agreed to $100,000 and they both walked away extremely satisfied number six where the wild things are original these are amazing illustrations from where the wild things are by Maurice Sendak totally amazing that is cool many of us grew up with a classic story where the wild things are the book was a major success across the globe and several films were inspired by the legendary book in a later season of Pawn Stars the original where the wild things are artwork was brought into the shop for sale they're in great condition which is also you know an amazing point to any vintage art this artwork is one-of-a-kind and priceless however for Rick everything has a price he hagel dwith the seller and eventually settled on an incredible $250,000 for his amazing work of art and piece of history how about 250 I can't believe I'm doing this but number 5 libertas coin and medal the half team is widely regarded as being the first American coin ever put into production these coins are extremely valuable and only a handful of them still exist as they were all melted down after they were moved from production they were created to be given to foreign government leaders to announce the new US Republic a well known coin collector named Walter brought the coin into the shop seeking an appraisal and an offer he also brought in a coin from 1781 known as the Libertas medal this medal was created to commemorate American War victories throughout the Revolutionary War this piece is also extremely valuable and once again only a handful are still in existence could be considered the first American point yes very rare piece very rare Walter began negotiations for the coins at an astonishing eight hundred thousand dollars Rick was blown away by this asking price and the two haggled profusely before settling on $150,000 however Rick only wanted the libertas American metal he was uninterested in the half team due to its extremely high value this offers almost nothing compared to what Walter was asking but it's still nothing to sneeze at 150,000 dollars is a ton of money Rick seemed to walk away extremely happy with his purchase and Walter was satisfied number four ancient Greek coin an ancient Greek decade DRAM coin was brought into the shop recently with a customer asking Rick for several thousand dollars for the coin these coins were made between the years 405 in 367 BC with most of them originating in Syracuse these coins are extremely rare and are impressively designed for the time many of our coins today don't even look this magnificent the DECA dram is one of the largest silver denominations ever produced which is likely why the coin was designed in such a detailed way many of these coins have fetched hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years it's a bit unclear if Rick wasn't convinced that he could receive such a large amount of money from the coin or if he knowingly stiffed the customer but the two made a deal and the customer seemed relatively satisfied with the transaction I'll tell you why I'll give you 40 grand 40,000 sir okay all right cool Rick will certainly make a ton of money on this one number three earliest Super Mario game a few years ago a man brought a sealed copy of the original Super Mario Brothers video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System in requesting that Rick purchased the game the customer says that this game is the earliest sealed copy of the game known to exist making it nearly priceless many of these games were shrink-wrapped sealed but this particular example is sealed with a sticker making it even more valuable the game was taken into an appraiser and was given a nine-point four out of ten a plus plus rating meaning that this game has almost come completely perfect and has no wrinkles bends folds or creases to be found the man completely stumped Rick when he revealed his asking price of 1 million dollars but I would sell it for a million dollars a million dollars yep Rick had no idea how to value the game and he ended up having to call in an expert from wada the expert arrived the shop in a form Drake that this specific copy of the game is the most important piece of video game history to have ever passed through the doors of wada the game was revealed to have been from the test market of the NES before mass production taking place in America the game was dated somewhere between 1985 and 1986 but no one can be sure when it was created no other first or second prints of the game are known to still be sealed to this day with this game being considered a second print only 10,000 of these games are known to exist and this is the only sealed example that has ever been found the fact that it has also remained in such immaculate condition is completely unheard of in the end Rick was unable to offer the man anything for the game as he simply didn't know enough about it to be able to invest such a large amount of money there's a big business in these right here and I just I'm not gonna get into it with this kind of bigger to start with I understand number 2 Egyptian mummy mask dr. Phineas castle was called on upon stars to validate an incredibly rare and interesting piece of history a customer brought in what was expected to be an authentic Egyptian mummies mask and was asking a whopping thirty thousand dollars for the item dr. Phineas informed the shop owners that the piece was in fact real however he only valued the item at $22,000 the customer vehemently denied to the suppress all and stood his ground at 30,000 dollars eventually Corey agreed with a man and offered him the full asking price as he wanted to display this mask in his private collection all right you want 30 for it I'll do 30 right now right now $30,000 $30,000 my man you got a deal I do number 1 1941 Gibson guitar it's beautiful it's rare and it was owned by a rock and roll legend a customer brought a genuine piece of rock and roll history into the shop a 1941 Gibson SJ 200 acoustic guitar that was estimated to be worth over $100,000 Nick guitar on its own his flute anywhere between 75 and 90 grand just by itself the guitar was owned by the one and only stephan stills a legendary musician the guitar alone was worth around ninety thousand dollars but the fact that it was owned by stefan stills at around thirty thousand dollars to the value making the total of this guitar $120,000 Rickon the customer settled on a price of $85,000 and Rick was pleased to have the guitar enter his collection of music memorabilia thanks for watching today's video make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on your favorite TV shows and tap one of the two videos on screen for another amazing video
Channel: TheScreeny
Views: 215,586
Rating: 4.5607762 out of 5
Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars full episode, pawn stars season 19, pawn stars rick harrison, pawn stars chumlee, the old man, chumlee, rick harrison, pawn stars biggest deals, pawn stars most expensive item bought, pawn stars biggest offer, viral, new, education, entertainment, thescreeny, the screeny, pawn stars moments, pawn stars episodes, histroy, history pawn stars, pawn shop, pawn stars history items, Signed Linkoln Card, Super Mario Game, Egyptian Mummy Mask, 1941 Gibson Guitar
Id: bQe-toDDGD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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