Pawn Stars: BEST OF CHUMLEE & THE OLD MAN | History

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hey boss what looks like we got the world's first game boy first off watch the game boy uh chum can explain it i decided to come to the pawn shop today to try and sell my ancient pinball machine my dad gave it to me as a housewarming person when i bought my place i should see it selling for at least five grand and that's what i intend to walk out with what can you tell me about this 1933 original pinball machine 1833-1933 century of progress this was made to commemorate the 1934 world fire which was held in chicago the world's fairest were they used to show all the new and important inventions i guess they still have them but nobody cares anymore about anything tell me how it works runs off pennies you hit the bottom lever shoots a ball in pull the top one back swings one around as it drops in this square here puzzle pieces flip you get 10 tries 10 balls in the game object of the game get the entire puzzle to show up so it is broke a little because that one didn't come up it's got its character antique flaws this don't look like a pinball machine you don't have the flappers i shouldn't have any flappers on it because flappers didn't come out until the 50s okay you didn't know that no most of the time chumley is a couple fries short of a happy meal but he does know a few things about these old pinball machines and i hate to admit it what type of price are you talking about five grand ain't no way this is a real rarity i've seen a few of these go for about three thousand dollars in top condition to a collector this is considered fair not perfect there's rust on the balls and on the inside rails it also doesn't look like all the mechanics work right it's character characters one thing bottom line is another if you want it you got a thousand dollars if not i really appreciate you bringing it in i gotta look for at least 25 for you you got to come up for me a little nope nope nope thousand dollar son i think it's a bit of rubbish but you know what let's do it all right all right thank you so much you wanna do the paperwork it's a good job somebody earned his key for a change but i'm sure he'll do something to piss me off again before the day's over oh man damn it what's wrong charlie i just almost had a killer deal freaking pair of nike paranormal phone posits we're going for nineteen hundred dollars hot pockets phone posits a basketball shoe i could have easily made 300 bucks for you like that boss but the guy emailed me back someone bought him yesterday 1900 for a pair of damn tennis shoes that sounds like to me charming these guys have to understand that there's other ways to make money and right now shoes are worth their weight in gold you guys might know about old antiques but when it comes to modern stuff if you guys would just listen to me a little bit you guys would be increasing your bottom dollar by a big amount you know guys trump knows what he's talking about i don't have any idea what a pair of paranormal phone posits are but i think we should give them a shot okay find me some good deals on that stuff then sweet let's talk finder's fee what kind of percentage am i gonna get your salary an everlasting gratitude point i got no problem taking my salary as long as it walks through the doors but if i'm putting in extra work extra work you don't work to start with is he really going to tell me that sitting in that chair i worked my whole life to sit in this damn chair i don't need chum giving me crap about it back in the day we worked our ass off this generation wants everything handed to him on a silver platter if you make me some big deals where i make some good money i'll throw you a bone i'll give you two percent of the deal now we're talking they're finally gonna give me a piece of the pie i'm gonna find a big deal that's gonna make everybody some serious cash all right well i'll definitely line a few deals though for you rick in the meantime once you get back to all that hard work you're doing boss it doesn't have a point all right guys what can i do for you today well i got an old bear here was my uh my grandma's damn that is a cute bear does it talk does better than that chummy [Music] you hear the farts [Music] came to the pawn shop today to try to sell my grandmother's old teddy bear she's passed away and i'm getting married so i need some money to pay for it i think the bear's like 50 years old so i hope it's worth some money i'm hoping to get you know 2 300 bucks this is a stiff bear from the 20s or the 30s in germany i've had quite a few of these over the years they're super collectible it's rolls royce of teddy paris book value of this is probably about five thousand dollars really yeah really stiff was one of the first companies to make teddy bears back in 1902. maybe i shouldn't have told him how much it was worth so what you want to do with this sun you want to sell it i'm going to sell it the bear's got some problems with it the threading on the nose has been loosened it looks like it might have been repaired the fur's getting matted up awful bad it's pretty old buddy yeah well you want it you got 1500 times that's what i'll do i'm gonna go any two thousand i go i go down twelve hundred no yeah well you know i don't need it 1500 bucks i didn't have so i'll take it we got a deal time we go do some paperwork the bear doesn't want me to the bears you're fixing to get kicked somewhere all right coming over there for some paperwork i was expecting 200 bucks i got 1500 bucks gonna put that towards the wedding and uh yeah i'm pretty pumped check out what i just bought guys an aphorism written by mark twain what's an aphorism a cute little saying throws down a little bit of knowledge or a little bit of humor what's it say it says one ought never to do wrong when anyone is looking these guys might not appreciate stuff like this but i think it's awesome and it's the kind of thing that makes the shop look unique how much did you pay for this thing i paid 8 500 for it i think i got it for a bargain for a couple sayings you can make some good money off of that stuff yep i should follow the old man around he says that kind of crazy stuff all the time i don't think they'll be worth as much as a mark twain thing but i'll see the difference what's that one you say about possums and pea seeds shall we do something for garden country and go back to work that's a good one right there i'm gonna kick your butt tom can you threaten to kick me in a funnier way [Laughter] i knew it wasn't gonna be easy with the old man he doesn't want to cooperate for anything but he can't help it funny things come out of his mouth all the time i just got to make sure i'm around to catch it hey how you doing good thanks what do you got here well i bought some bradley watches in from some television shows from back in the 80s i was just out hitting up some garage sales one day and i came across these mr t watch i thought were really cool you know it is time for me to get a watch yeah well you got a nice little cinderella one here if you're interested cinderella that's you charming i got about 150 of them and after i got home it's like what the heck we're going to do with 150 watches so i kept a few of them and just trying to sell a little here and there i'm hoping to get a couple of hundred dollars for him i'll be happy if i can walk out with 50 bucks actually tell you the truth yeah the a-team was legend when they came out they they had mr t and he was just full of jewelry i pity the fool well that's definitely mr t but i don't know how good you are at it are these swiss maiden watches boss i wouldn't think so these are mass produce low-grade watches they were marketed to kids they probably sold for 4.95 five dollars at the time the only thing that they got going for them is they're still in the package because condition is everything for collectors there is a market form but it's very limited i don't know boss i feel like there's hipsters everywhere that would love to get their hands on one of these they would actually wear them charming what in the hell's a hipster it's a person that likes to believe they're doing cool things that aren't trendy but actually now hipsters are like the trendy thing so they're actually all the same reminds me of a big knicks oh my i don't know what that is but probably what do you want to do with them i'd like to sell them i've seen some of the mr t's actually selling for upwards of thirty dollars i was kind of hoping to maybe get two hundred dollars for all ten all right sweet huh what about a buck fifty it's 15 bucks a piece yeah that's pretty fair for some old quartz watches well if i'm lucky i'll get 30 bucks a piece out of them could we maybe do 180. 180 just leaves a tight room for me to make a profit the on punch once makes them a little bit more collective and i know the star wars i still have one punch too um maybe 170. the 150 is a no how about cut the difference to do 160. yeah go ahead chum i can do 160. all right thank you very much i appreciate it i'll leave the watches with you boss maybe at the calendar over there well i think i did okay seeing i paid about 30 cents a piece for the watches and i got 16 a piece farm so i'm very happy how you doing what do you got here i got some uh world war ii ration books i brought in today hey boss let's see what you got looks like stamps to me you're dumb as a board chamber i came down to the pawn shop today to sell my world war ii war rationing coupon books the books come from my wife's family i was hoping to get maybe 25 or 40 out of it what's a war ration book generally in the second world war they rationed quite a few different items gas tires sugar i'd have been selling these on the black market for big bucks john might say that if you sell these things you go jail up for 10 years i wouldn't get caught yeah right in world war ii the war effort was priority number one anything that the military needed they got gasoline meat aluminum you name it people had to sacrifice a lot in those days but they were glad to do it it was all set up on what you needed to survive and to do your job you go to the gas station you get two gallons of gas they tear a stamp out when the stamps run out you didn't get no more gas until you were eligible for another book yeah i guess you'd be walking then huh stone cold russian stamps is a reminder of how people had to sacrifice back in the day that's how come they were called the greatest generation what were you looking to do with these sir i was wanting to sell them these things are neat and they're a part of american history the problem you have is they printed millions on millions of these so you don't think they're worth anything there's just no resale value on them well i appreciate you taking time to look at i learned a lot from you no problem you have a good day i think i just might keep him as a memento to my wife's family hello oh my god [Music] oh smokey the bear chum wait that's big enough to replace you might work harder than me oh it would i'm here at the pawn shop today to see if they wanted to purchase my life-sized stuffed teddy bear i like to sell them today because my daughter's getting married in two months and i figured it'd be a nice wedding present for me to sell the bear and give her the money for it i want to get 5 000 out of him but i'll settle for 4 000. what can you tell me about the bear sir i got a life-size stiff stuffed studio bear he didn't tell us the stiff about a tag it's got the ear tag like every staff ever made has i heard a stiff before but what's so special about them stiff started making teddy bears back 1900 their name teddy bear from teddy roosevelt our president theodore roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip he refused to shoot a bear that was tied to a tree for him the story got so popular that the toy manufacturers started naming their toy bears teddy bears was one of the first companies to do this stipes is the rolls royce of the stuffed animal collection well i've had a lot of stiffs over the years i never had nothing this damn big studio bear huh yep the reason they called them stiff studio bears they had to meet two criterias they had to be life-sized or they had to meet authenticity as far as what they were trying to sell this diff was designed as a display how did you acquire this sir about 10 years ago i picked it up at a yard sale my 10 year old daughter at the time just fell in love with it what are you trying to do with this sir i'm trying to sell it what you trying to get out of it sir trying to get 5 000 out of it i'll be honest with you i don't know okay it could be worth a hundred dollars it could be worth the 5 000. exactly i got a guy that knows these things we'll get him down here we'll figure this mess out okay i'm excited about the expert coming in because this is totally out of my realm as far as the expertise on this item man that bear was huge what bear all that stuff to bear me the old man were looking at me the stiff bear yeah whatever the same thing that could be worth a lot of money stiff bears are really collectible stone cold who do you think would really win in a fight a bear or a lion oh the bear would win oh yeah they're so fast they're so lions are so fast that when the bear goes to swoop him the lion will come around and bite his arm off any big bear would take down a line then why is the lion the king in the jungle because a bear isn't in the jungle why are we having this dumb conversation morning johnny hey good morning what's going on how's it going what's going on man this is what i called you about nothing's taller than you oh that's cool the guys usually call me down at the shop to to get some extra information on a piece or if they want to put a value on something that they have it's interesting but other than that i need your help well the founder of this type company was margarita style she contracted polio at the age of one and she went to school to sew started the company it was really big in germany it's pretty amazing back then in the early 1900s to to overcome a lot of those challenges to start a big company like stife they've always been all about quality from the beginning and still to this day the company still handcrafts a lot of their bears as far as collectible bears go there's no bigger name than stiff i mean they've been handcrafting bears since the beginning and still to this day i mean nothing but high quality pieces a lot of limited production runs and some of the earlier pieces fetch huge amounts of money so what are your concerns about the bear i know it's in good shape but i don't know the age of it and i don't know the value of it what's the damn thing worth well it's got the the signature tag that we always look for stipe takes a lot of pride in what they put out everything's still handcrafted to this day out of the factory this piece here probably about 25 to 30 years old it looks like it was well taken care of and preserved but unfortunately size isn't always a good thing it's a select group of people that could fit such a large piece into their collection it limits the market of people that you can sell it to cut to the chase johnny what's the dollar amount well with all of those factors considered i would i would value this piece at about about 1500 to 2 000. his appraisal seemed a little low i was shocked by it well i'm really not happy with that number i've found it to be in the value range of between five to seven thousand dollars yeah i mean there's a lot of people asking large amount of money for some of the bigger sticks but it's just a limited market as far as who can fit this piece into their collection thanks johnny for coming in oh i appreciate it see you later take care you see that all the time a lot of people research a piece but not really look at what these pieces are or truly going for in in an auction setting or in a store setting well you heard what he says it's worth what your bottom dollar got what will you take for well i'd like to get 2 000 out of him well i ain't going to go 2 000 because that's high retail tell you what i'll do i'll give you a thousand dollars i ain't going no higher that or you can look the damn thing home can't go 15 on it well i'll go to 11 but i'm pressing there because if i get 15 out of it after i market it and pay my employees i'm just going to make a couple hundred well i think for 11 i think i'm gonna take him home with me all right well hey thanks for bringing it back no problem when you get tired of looking at it drag it back down come on someone you're lucky you still got your job i'm kind of sad we couldn't make a deal today because i was hoping to get some money for my daughter's wedding but i figured if he's going to be worth a little bit more in 20 years then i'll bring him back in 20 years [Music] flits like a glove chum was running around with this guitar like a kid with scissors so i took it everyone around here sucks i mean yeah sometimes i get carried away but it's not like i hurt anyone at least not in a while [Music] who's the ninja now chum [Music] really you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 2,157,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, old man, best of, pawn stars best of, chum & old man, Old Man, Chum, money, Money, business, history, las vegas, Pawn star clips, gold & silver pawn shop, gold & silver
Id: nprlxBYKZHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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