Pawn Stars: Rick's FAST MONEY Deal for a SPEEDY Race Car (Season 7) | History

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earlier a guy gave me a call about an old chevy  i'm a sucker for vintage rides so chum and i are   on our way to check it out hey how's it going  glad to see you so what do we got here well we   got a 1956 chevy quarter mile race car you always  did want your own race car yeah that is badass called the guys on the pawn shop down today  take a look at this 56 chevy quarter mile car   i have to move and i can't take it with me  i would not let this car go for less than 35   000. so where did you get it i had a friend who  raised stock cars and i got it from him for cheap   when i bought it it was half finished but i built  a whole new package for it i did everything myself   well the potty looks nice it looks pretty beefed  up for a chevy man well it is it's a drag car it   was built specifically to race on a quarter mile  closed race track because they go really fast   really quick it's gonna run faster than 150 and  it's gonna need a parachute nice you can take this   car right now put the suit on and go race it you  don't have to do anything to it it's ready to go   all right drag racing got real popular in the late  1940s chevy came out with a lot of vehicles that   were really easy to upgrade and make fast so do  you mind if i take a look around please do that's   got a full cage in it now this is pretty cool  it's certified by the national hot rod association   which means that the inspector came out here  and went over this thing and said it meets   all the specs for a safe race car okay you mind  if i look under the hood no sir i like you too yeah it definitely looks fast i'll tell you  that it's fast the engine was originally   made for offshore racing boats really yeah  i said well if they're good enough for the   ocean they're good enough for the street we  just started it yesterday for the first time so i mean you've never took this down the track  yet no it's brand new brand new with all the work   this guy's done to this car i'm sure anyone crazy  enough to race it would love to have it i just   wish he had tested it first so what do you want  to do with it i'm thinking about selling it what   did you want to get out of it the car is worth 55  i was thinking maybe i could get 42. i mean i'm   a little concerned that you haven't tested it i  know a guy who will know everything about this car   so let me get my buddy out here let him look at  it and um maybe we can make a deal on this thing   sounds good all right i'll be right back whoever  they bring in if he's competent he will see the   workmanship that's going into that vehicle it  is pretty isn't it for a drag car i mean this   car is beautiful you've had the car inspected and  certified absolutely all the way through it's got   a stamp on a bar i can run 850 with it right now  850. yeah 850 meaning that they've certified this   car to be allowed to run as fast as an eight and a  half second quarter mile time which is insane fast   rick what's your concerns brother what's  it worth how well is the motor built   all right let me check this  thing out give it the once-over ah absolutely beautiful door shut's gorgeous the whole  body here is just beautiful it's   just straight as an arrow thank you absolutely wow can we can we open up the hood  yeah just pull it pull the pins not a lot of engines make me giggle  but good lord and mighty this is   beautiful look at that injection system can  we fire it up here absolutely let's do it that smell is delicious man and oh man it sounds great take it for a test  drive danny it's not something you would do   out on the public roads at all you've got to be  in a controlled environment if the surface of   the road isn't proper one rear wheel might pull  harder than the other and it could send you into   somebody's house so we can't take it for a test  drive is everything all right without a test drive the fact that it's been nhra certified that  basically tells me the car is magnificent so   the question is the engine itself it sounds great  the execution of the build the way you put this   car together it's absolutely beautiful i would  certainly think that it would be safe to negotiate   a fair offer on this car so what kind of money  are you talking uh to put a number on this car   it's difficult there's probably 60 grand 70 grand  worth of just parts list on this car that motor is   probably worth 40 grand you build a hot rod you  never get your money back out of it that's just   how it is you know it's worth whatever somebody's  gonna pay for it that's the type of car that it is   at least you know pretty much what the components  are worth go from there i hope it helps all right   thanks man yeah man my pleasure it's a race  car and it's a show car it's amazing to see   the quality of this build it's gorgeous  all right so how much do you want for   it knowing what's in there 42. 42 i  can't do um i'll give you 30 grand that's just not enough i got to make some  money and it's the economy um i'll go 35 on it i know i got to take a loss on it how about 38 i'll go 37. 37 bye honey at the deal all right  that's the deal i got this car for an amazing   deal and i'm already thinking about some people  who might be interested all in all a great day
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,224,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, pawn shop, rick harrison, pawn stars episode pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawnstars, pawn stars show, Pawn Stars Season 7, Pawn Stars S7 videos, Watch pawn stars s7, watch pawn stars, HISTORICAL, FAST MONEY, SPEEDY Race Car, Chevy Race Car, The Offer, car expertise
Id: RiAfMHMi6wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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