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I'm in the DC area I'm meeting up with one of my really high-end clients I'm going to go to Mount Vernon Home of George Washington and I'm thinking that we're about to be seriously wowed well here we are Rick I brought you here to see something very very exciting for my collection it's one of the most amazing things I could ever imagine owning this is George Washington's silver lion head coach a hunting a hunting sword correct that's cool it is just amazing that this exists this particular sword was one of only two that George Washington used during the Revolutionary War he didn't want a sword imported from England you want to make sure it was American made to carry a sword that was made in the colonies was a real statement of being independent so Rick would you like to hold it um yeah a little nervous that's pretty cool it just sends Shivers through your body when you hold it yeah here we go that's so cool I mean I own a few cool things but I don't know nothing nearly that cool I'm guessing this is never going to leave your collection no not at all I'm sorry but there is something else I have that if the price was right maybe I would sell it all right lead the way let's go I just held George Washington's sword which was like a serious bucket list thing just now so the next item is supposed to be pretty amazing too and this time it's actually for sale so I'm pretty excited to see what it is and hopefully it's something I can afford to buy okay so we have the Headless Horseman no drum roll whoa so is this George Washington's too it is it's a three-piece suit that he acquired sometime in the mid 18th century it's amazing that it held up so well it's pretty fit guy no he was six too he was he was a tall man but he wasn't a really large man so our mannequin's a little short I purchased this George Washington suit over 21 years ago and it was one of my first major purchases for my collection of Americana it's a major highlight of my collection but if Rick really wants me to put a price on it I'm gonna put a price on it for him today I I'm just like an awe it is amazing if I could go back and have a cup of coffee with just about anybody in history it'd probably be this guy he could have been elected president until the day he died but he stepped down after two terms and he set the standard for presidents to come to me he's one of the most amazing men in history he really is oh yeah so where'd you get it it was passed down from family member to family member and it ended up in an auction in New York City I was able to purchase it there a highlight of my collection until I purchased the Washington sword so it dropped down to number two do we know the date on this thing I think it's from the 1750s or 60s okay back then it was a pink and you can still see some of the pink in this area Washington was always very aware of how he presented himself pink would have been a bright color and one that really would have set you off as you know fashion conscious individual and it's also or silk I'm impressed so you think this is legit and everything right yes I think it is on a piece like this what it's dependent on is provenance they're missing pieces that sort of thing but that's minimal 150 years old exactly I think you just don't see a piece of Americana like this very often this is just amazing absolutely so you enticed me with a sword that's not for sale and this thing right here does it have a price on it well it's one of my highlights of my collection plus everything has a price well I'll let you guys work that out very good to see you Rick good to see you we'll see you back in Vegas take care so how much uh I wouldn't sell for less than three million dollars that's a lot of money it's a lot of suit I don't think I'd ever say this but I'm actually considering this I mean it's George Washington's suit I mean they never occurred to me that one would be available I'm gonna go think and contemplate about this for a little bit can we meet up later absolutely all right um I'm intrigued I'll talk to you soon okay thanks Rick cool so I'm back at the hotel I'm seeing Brian I'm ready to sit down and have a serious conversation with him I'm back yeah I'm back he wants three million dollars for George Washington's suit I've been offered items in the millions of dollars before but I've never really considered them until now um the suit okay you asked for three million dollars right but what's the best you can do 1.5 no I I appreciate your offer but it's really a major part of my collection how about two million dollars um since we're friends I would the best price absolute best price would be Two and a Half Men and you're firm at that foreign okay well I guess the suit's out then this has been an amazing day I got the whole George Washington sword today so not too many people could say that I'll talk to you soon man this has been one of the greatest trips I've ever had I got to nerd out in DC I didn't get the suit but you know what it didn't fit me anyway what do we have here I actually got one of the most important documents in Rock and Roll History the contract between Brian Epstein who is the manager in the Beatles creating the partnership between the two of them you have the original Beatles contract yep that's a big wow factor right there what's really unique it had to be signed by two of the parents James McCartney and Harold Harrison because at the time both of them were under 21. all right uh what you have here is pretty I mean it's pretty incredible obviously you want a lot of money for yes this is the Holy Grail of rock and roll it's an agreement between Brian and the Beatles basically giving him 25 percent of all royalties I came back because the last time I sold Sergeant Pepper and I got a good deal and hopefully I can get another good deal with that the Articles hereby appoint the manager to act as their manager throughout the world for a period of five years from the first day of October 1962. an agreement basically States what Brian Epstein's cut would be including Vaudeville concerts movies merchandise The Beatles you actually get paid a lot less than he did we got a ridiculous management amount he got 25 percent exactly that's what they said but the entire contract wasn't going to be valid until Brian Epstein actually got them a record deal that is correct Brian Epstein was a genius he basically transformed The Beatles from an unknown band playing small clubs into the biggest rock band ever when he died he couldn't be replaced and it played a large role in The Beatles breaking up to actually have his original contract in front of me is surreal where'd you get it I got it from the person who actually bought it Christie's in 2004 basically I have the original receipt from Christie's and I also have who's verified this particular document okay it's got all the official seals it's embossed and it's in the original folder it's never been altered okay how much do you want for it a million dollars um that's a lot of money I'm gonna call my guy I just want to make sure that everything is 100 cool before we start talking price you know I can imagine someone spending a ridiculous amount of money to make a brand new one of these I totally understand all right hang out I'm gonna get him down here momentarily thanks this contract is legendary some people consider it the most important document in the history of rock music if this thing checks out I will do what I have to do to get it now that's cool I've heard about this piece before it's been well documented people want Beetle stuff autographs of lyrics you name it you know the stuff they wore on stage The Beatles are always number one in terms of their signatures I mean there's still the most sought after it's not uncommon to have them together but on a contract that's a pretty rare piece in itself the contract is well known throughout the Beatles collectible world was one of the most significant contracts in the history of rock and roll it's a thing of Legend I can't wait to get my hands on and really take a look at it in person I'm going to start off at the top with John Lennon I'm just looking for live Inc I'm looking for overlapping and the overlapping is where it gets darker yeah it starts to get darker you could see one pen stroke go over the other I see no reason to believe at all that this is printed it's not a stamp it's not a copy or anything these are definitely live signatures on here so that's a good thing okay that's a very good thing absolutely you have some really early signatures of The Beatles so what I've done here is I've tried to pull out some super early stuff that I have on a file but I'm starting to look at here letter formations and overlapping the Harrison signature is just you know very early signature for him John Lennon wouldn't sign John W Lennon as a signature he'd never do it for someone in person but this is a pretty unique situation but I'm still seeing a lot of the same similarities here especially in the double ends here so these are all very good signs all right so is it real I mean based on everything I've seen here there's no question that this is genuine it's awesome um yeah it's it's all cool I mean um what's it worth I'd put the value of this piece right around five hundred thousand dollars okay he's asking a million uh well I mean the record just sold a month ago for three hundred thousand you're talking about a record right the one thing you have to be cautious of is when you look into the history of the piece in 2008 I saw another sale of this piece and that's kind of where I'm not sure and then 2009 it was supposed to be offered through a raffle what happened was uh the gentleman who did own this basically made a deal to raffle it off if it raised enough money and it didn't raise enough money so that never happened what about the 2008 auction it didn't sell when the when that price came down it wasn't high enough for the seller that's what happened okay so it didn't meet reserved exactly okay I think I got enough okay well good luck on that thanks man it was awesome to see the peace in person I mean it's a great piece of Rock and Roll History it's probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen I think I gave a pretty good estimate of where that piece is priced at but sellers entitled to put whatever value he wants on it all right so you're still stuck in a Million um I really got to get a million I don't think about history here you know and when you start talking that money there's very few people in the world that have that much money I totally agree okay if I bought it from you I have to put an auction so it charged me 14 15 percent I mean you're not gonna like my prize so I mean I pay like 350 for it you know I have to look at it I think I can probably get a half a million dollars for it you know what that's that's an incredible offer but I'm really gonna have to stick to a million dollars I could probably take it to one of the major auction houses tomorrow and I really believe that I could probably get a million dollar reserve on this um okay you take the risk I would go 350. that's cash right now if you don't take that I would wait for another auction um I'm gonna have to decline on the 350. good luck with it I appreciate it thanks very much I'm disappointed I couldn't make a deal I really wanted to sell it today but I really had to find the right buyer today just wasn't it [Music] see something that he says we absolutely have to have for the shop and I don't know what it is exactly but I've never seen him this excited foreign [Music] this is Robosaurus it's our 31 ton 45 foot basically a Transformer that eats cars eats airplanes we could actually lift your bikes up if you'd like and touch my bike I'll kill you okay well we'll leave the bike alone I've got the guys from the pawn shop coming down to look at my one and only Robosaurus I bought Robosaurus at an auction I made a business out of it but it's time for me to get rid of this and look at raising the Venture Capital to do something else that I have a great idea for so Chum you think this is appropriate for my pawn shop you tow a car again and the wrong hands I bet this thing could cause a lot of damage I mean these guys must have one hell of an insurance policy I don't know what my idiot friend told you but I just own a pawn shop I mean there's you can't really expect me to buy this thing it is a money making machine it can be rented out it can be leased out we do special events it can do bar mitzvahs it can do a big giant demolition derbies 25 000 bucks is a day you can make from this thing when you put it on on the road this machine can perform a bar mitzvah huh I mean you might as well just show me more about it what do we got going here we got 24 000 pounds of crushing power in these claws so we could rip apart car we can tear it apart pull the roof off whatever you want to do check out this cockpit you look through this front window and that's where the pilot sits you're strapped into a seat your feet are on pedals your arms lock into devices so when you move your arms the robot's arms move all your fingers are in double-sided switches so when you squeeze your finger and thumb like this 24 000 pounds of crushing power we shoot air cannons out we have confetti we can do fireworks we actually could launch missiles from this thing what powers this thing well there's a 500 horsepower turbocharged diesel engine drives four hydraulic pumps housed right in here are two 20 gallon propane tanks that's what gives Robo is fire and the power is back here I can think of a few ways to hurt myself in this thing my dad and the old man would kill me if I even considered buying this thing but I mean they also love to make money I was completely ready to walk away but when he said this thing could make 25 Grand a day it got my attention this thing generates money 25 000 a day huh do the math and you can thank me later well let's fire this thing up and see what it does man all right let's go all right leaving the chum to show me the biggest most impractical thing I've ever seen on the other hand I mean it has a lot of value because it's famous so if it's a good working condition I'll make an offer takes a second for me to get it going and after it's going guys they'll do all the tricks can I do a backflip or anything well it can't actually get in the air but that's a great idea it is amazing what it can do it is an engineering Marvel are you ready because it's going to be crazy [Music] foreign which one's yours what's this one right here it comes any closer to my bike you're going in front of it the Robosaurus might be big and strong but if it came any closer to my bike I might have kicked his ass all right attack that car but I want to show you the immense power all right let's see the car here we go thank you [Applause] donkey big hot this thing is badass no he's lifting that up as if it's nothing it weighs nothing now there you go oh it's a convertible now see ribs in that car in half it's crazy [Music] are you impressed oh I'm impressed I'm not cleaning it up there you go I gotta admit if I didn't expect it to do all that we're ready to make a deal honestly man how much are you asking me this thing well you know I we can do a bargain today for about one million bucks holy did he just use the m word as in six zeros and by the way if you do it now I'll throw in the tractor trailer hey you told us he was a Transformer that turns into a tractor trailer so we'll throw that inside he doesn't turn into a check well he needs to be told he's not a Transformer Man without that piece I mean the robosource is awesome and I'm sure there's somebody out there that would love to buy it it's just way too much money to risk I mean it could easily end up bankrupting the shop it was very cool guys but I had to admit million bucks he's a little out of my budget foreign I guess we gave it a shot and I really appreciate your time it was a very very nice meeting you appreciate it you know I thought they were really interested when they came out I know the one billion dollars is high but I did expect them to counter offer I thought these guys liked one-of-a-kind items and this is one of a kind a million is so far out of their question I mean we're not even on the same Planet hell we're not even in the same galaxy what do you think do you think I'm really gonna buy this thing for a million bucks so what do we got here I think there's something in here you're really gonna like to see okay 1963 American made Fender Stratocaster however to me this is the guitar but there's something very very special about this specific guitar all right this guitar was actually played by Jimi Hendrix that's a big wow factor right there Jimi Hendrix man he's one of the greatest rock and roll Legends of all time when I'm bringing to the table today is not only a piece of Rock and Roll history but it's very well preserved Jimi Hendrix he was an icon this guy did things with a guitar that no one did before he played a strat yeah left-hand guitars are far into you between his first guitars were used he couldn't find a left one so he started playing with a right-handed guitar with the strings upside down even when he had money he continued playing guitars that were right hand guitars strung upside down you mind if I pick it up no absolutely by all means all right this is the Holy Grail he actually held this guitar that you now have in your hands and made wonderful music with it is there any pictures of him playing it on stage or anything or no because he it was exclusively played in the studio this was his really favorite sort of recording Acts set this down [Laughter] and where did you get this it was actually owned by a guy named skip Jarrett there was a studio called Juggy Sound Studio that Jimmy loved to cut in New York skip was the chief engineer at juggie Sound Studio and after they wrapped up all the production on band of gypsies and all that they gave this guitar to skip when he passed away one of my business associates and I acquired a guitar okay this guitar was on banded gypsies yeah he played this guitar on several records he actually played it on nervous breakdown as well okay here's just something that came out this year in this magazine about this specific guitar the guy that wrote this article you know did a lot of extreme diligence plus I have you know letter signed by Jimmy's brother I have seen items where people had letters from the family right okay and it turned out not to be what they said it was right okay that's the one big thing that scares me how much do you want for the guitar I think this guitar you know from everyone I've talked to I'd be willing to take say 750 000 for it I have a friend who if this thing is real he will know and if not he'll call both bring it all right I'll be right back give me a few minutes okay thanks man I have nothing to hide let's turn the lights on real bright this is an authentic Jimi Hendrix guitar I'm happy to challenge anybody that he wants to bring the table to look at it because he'll authenticate the guitar this is stupid stupid cool I mean Jimmy's one of Jimmy's guitars Hendrix turned the guitar into an extension of his body every way he moved was altering the sound of the guitar when you see him dip down real low he's bending the kids physically defending the guitar there's very few guys that can make their own statement with the guitar anymore but guys come along like Jimi Hendrix and just take it to a completely new place I want to make sure this is 100 before we start talking a lot of money yeah you mind if I take a look at it no man by all means that's why there's a couple things you'd want to look at the tremolo bar these are usually bent and angled up you can play the guitar upside down you flattened a lot of these out made them straight so they probably went ramming into his arm and stuff like that another thing is what they call ring wear for playing the guitar like this my wedding ring hits the guitar removes a lot of the paint finish from there if you look at this guitar the top side of the neck has a lot of that wear that's from the guitar being this way now Jimmy would have played it left-handed the article that you guys have sitting over there they asked a bunch of vintage dealers to take a look at this guitar with photos and stuff like that the serial number here l14985 this guitar has actually been documented no doubt this is definitely one of Jimmy's guitars that's really really cool in my head I think I know what it's worth but what do you think cars worth anything unless everything's working on it in my book [Applause] [Laughter] plug it in let it rip let's turn it up loud cannot believe this [Music] um foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] that's a good guitar man so what do you think it's worth anywhere from 750 to good auction million all right thanks buddy all right man thank you thanks again for letting me play welcome man thanks a lot it felt crazy to hold one of Jimi hendrix's guitars man you can see why he liked it because it was a really good balanced nice feeling guitar at a personal level I absolutely love it but you have to find the right auction it has to be advertised in the least amount of time would be a year most likely right let me give you 450 000. 450. my thing is I take all the risks you walk away with cash for a guitar that could fetch it may be a million dollars on any day you've got own guy just told you that okay come on 450 Grand yeah I'm thinking 750 man a lot of commissions and a lot of people got to get paid to sell this stuff right it's just it's the way the world works okay I'll give you half a million this guitar is worth more than that it it just is if you want the money now I can go 550. knowing that it could potentially affect you a million dollars at an auction I can't leave that much money on the table at 750 really man that's a that's a bottom dollar I can take for the guitar tell me if it goes to auction I might bid on okay thanks man well [Music] I can't do it man but I'll call you if I change my mind call me okay all right he's fired one last bullet across the boat there with with the 600 000 offer you know honestly I was starting to kind of get a little bit more tempted by that but if you want to come to a fair point and selling something of Great Value don't be desperate about it and that I am not guys guys what can you tell me about Tupac one of the greatest artists ever to live some guy says he has the car that Tupac was shot in this is probably like one of the most iconic cars ever Rick yeah I mean it is a piece of music history but it's kind of disturbing supposedly it was registered some guy named sugar Knight and Suge Knight do you know anything about the car uh yeah it's a 7 series BMW black on rims okay sweet I'm just I'm just gonna call Warwick you can't just take Warwick I mean come on I mean he knows a lot about rock and roll culture but we're talking about Tupac this is my era it would be a disservice to you and your company if you didn't take me fine you can come with me but give Warwick a call I have an appointment and if it all works out we can own this thing by tomorrow night all right I'll give him a call so this is supposed to be the most amazing car on the planet it's pretty dang close I mean Tupac probably wrote some poems in this thing I don't I know it's an extremely huge deal but I know what you're thinking those rims aren't big but in 1996 boy those things were huge it's like huge to me there's a car dealership here in Vegas that actually has the car that Tupac was shot at I'm bringing Warwick with me because he's my music memorabilia guy it's been 20 years since Tupac passed away a lot of his personal items have come up for sale and they're going for a lot of money good to see you how you doing it's going it looks pretty cool you got all the documentation back to this is the car he got shot at we do we have at least paperwork showing that Death Row Records actually was the lease or and that Tupac was the one that was riding in it all right we'll take a look at it sounds good you guys give it a once over and let me know what you think thanks so remind me what happened here it was 1996. it happened here in Las Vegas after a Tyson fight Tupac ran it with a bunch of like La Bloods and there was a bunch of La Crips here at the fight and they got into an altercation and then later on that night when they're leaving the fight car pulls upside and opens Fire On Tupac in the passenger seat and Suge Knight in the driver's seat two of his albums from this period have gone on to the diamond status which means 10 million plus sold and he's still selling records to this day so is there a market for this well in the memorabilia Market hip-hop and uh rap it's not yet taken off as a collectible so I'm going to put this in the same range as two packs Hummer which made two hundred thousand dollars all right thanks man you're welcome I think you should really think about this okay um well you call billup and maybe get some advice from him all right I'm gonna do that right now this is seriously the only time chumus took me to school this is an interesting piece of History we're talking about it's one car that signifies so much in pop culture that took place what happened in this car Changed History right to bring it up to your date and age this is the Jimi Hendrix of hip-hop I keep on feeling older and older today just so you guys know this is crazy last time I saw this car was back in 96 so I show up at my buddy's house and lo and behold across the street there's the car Tupac got shot in on a tow truck or something on a tow truck so yeah these are pictures of the car the weekend after this took place on the tow truck taking it back to California so it's been a while she looks a little different okay so where would the bullet holes be so you got one up here top of the driver's door a couple underneath the door door handle and then a couple in the back seat if you look carefully there's one that went through the bottom of the windshield right here I guess all that's been repaired yeah it's surprising to me the car's still around I mean based on the condition it was in and it being uh part of a crime the wheels look similar to the wheels that were on it which is kind of your first dead giveaway when you look at it I mean obviously she's been polished up a little bit but uh man this is a this is definitely a Unique Piece okay so my problem is it's a little weird it's not like you have like a great celebrity and this is the car he drove in a movie and he drove it really fast and all that this was a car a celebrity got shot at and died a few days later so in the car world there's the drivability factor you can own a piece of history and actually drive it and it really won't devalue it so much but this car because of the connection to a crime and a murder and all that stuff establishing that value is the tough part for all intents and purposes if you're looking at the car it's a 96 BMW you know it's a 96 BMW worth when it's the best day if you found the the right Car Lot five grand okay but this is on a whole different Spectrum you know this is clearly a historical value vehicle Hoosier demographic is going to buy this car that's got the discretionary income to buy this car you're talking big money Players you got a lot of celebrity sports figures other hip-hop artists might buy the best on this car is going to be probably an auction I mean it's put in an auction and just uh wish for the best well I think the right place the right auction this car half a million to a million bucks okay thanks man all right if Rick can come to a deal and buy this car this is hands down the coolest thing we've ever purchased it's definitely the coolest thing we've ever had a chance to purchase well what do we think um how much do you want for the car we're actually asking 1.5 million dollars whoa it's a big number I've actually already had an offer at 900 000 from a guy overseas and you didn't take it we did not take it we turned it down we think there's money there what do you think I mean I don't know it's a pretty freaking cool car this is a very iconic car in more ways than one it's got a lot of cool stuff tied into it well you think he can beat 900 Rick maybe the best I can figure is it's going to go between 200 000 or million dollars at an auction then just sort of depends on the auction so a lot more than I'm willing to pay for it but uh I really appreciate it no problem thank you very much come on jump seriously what do you mean seriously I can't believe it Tupac I'm just passing on the car because I'm just not gonna risk this kind of money at least I got a whole education from shop and when I learned something from Chum it's a pretty rare occasion
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 6,748,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top million dollar money makers, million dollar items pawn stars, million dollar pawn stars, pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, pawn stars million dollar items, million dollars, one million, pawn stars one million dollars, best of pawn stars most expensive, best of pawn stars 2022, Pawn Stars compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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