Pawn Stars: Customers Got More than Their ASKING Price

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how much you want for it 20,000 what you want 20 for it sure no problem let's go this is worth a lot more than 20 grand and who would have this how much do you want for this over 100 years old I was thinking 6 grand last one of these sold for over $25,000 a guy hands Rick an old coin to check got a 1922 proof High Relief mat finish coin where did you get this I wanton it at a poker game believe this is like one of the Holy Grails of American coins the 1922 Hy relief peace dollar is one of the rarest coins in American history how much you want for it 20,000 what you want 20 for it yeah sure no problem let's go this is worth a lot more than 20 grand do you mind if I call a friend to take a look at this Rick absolutely wants it but he has to make sure if it's the real deal it's always nice to get called in on an exciting coin this coin is particularly interesting historical and it's rare as H teeth these were more or less unknown and They carried over the high relief of the 1921 all of which by the way were stuck in a onewe period at the end of 1921 so I assume your main concern is is it real yeah it is an NGC holder which is wonderful the holder is completely intact and genuine and the coin is perfectly legitimate what's it worth one of these sold very recently that brought a touch over 100,000 this coin is worth something north of 50 but less than 100 Rick has no more concerns about the coin coin so let's find out if he makes a deal should just gave you the 20 grand and I called in Dave I'll give you $65,000 what about 90 I think 90 is fair you were willing to take 20 grand for it I think 75 is fair meet me in the middle at 80 and you got a deal it's a deal all right okay all right let's go up front I'll write you up a vampire defense kit is brought into the shop wow hey Rick what what do we got here a vampire defense kit it looks like a a real kit for killing vampire these things aren't supposed to exist this is truly one of the creepiest things I've ever been around just due the fact that it's real this is not a movie prop it's way well to made never fear Chum hings here just put it down a rosary cuz if you're going to battle vampires you're going to need that so I don't get it a wooden steak kill a vampire but it has to be a silver bullet how come a steak doesn't have to be made out of silver because there's no such thing as vampires everything is 100% correct but vampires don't exist so I just don't understand who would have this how much do you want for this over 100 years old I was thinking six grand I've never seen anything in my entire career that even comes similar to compare this to this is creepy after the offer an expert is called in the pistols are a matched pair and they do date from about 1840 to about mid1 1850s that is a big barrel I wonder if this has like holy water something in it Chum smell that real quick this is a letter November 1890 dear friend sign Arthur I I can't read that all right well so there's a little bit of paperwork with it last one of these sold for over $25,000 thanks man Rick negotiates the price to make a deal what would he take for it I mean he said 25 so I think I'd be comfortable with 20 I'll give you 15 grand you go maybe 185 I'll tell you what I will give you 16 Grand I'm not going to go any higher I'll let it go for 16 cool man um you deal with this because I really don't want to touch anything anymore just put it away and be careful with it a customer walks in with a coin hoping it's a very old and rare one I have what I'm hoping is a very very old very rare coin how' you get it from my understanding it was purchased an auction 30 years ago I got it in a will there's literally hundreds if not over a thousand coins like this you know they put their own faces on it and everything else like that but basically the same amount of silver same weight so it made trade really easy between those cities Rick shares some of his concerns that's one of the parts that gets confusing with these coins is dating them and figuring out which city it came from these things go from anywhere from 10,000 to100 ,000 there's 500 fakes for every real one how much do you want for it completely honest was hoping about 20 G you know my big concerns are is like it's in really good shape it's struck really well most of these coins the figure on the front and these figures on the back are way off center there's a chance this could be real but I'm assuming it's fake so do you have any paperwork with it I do not know not personally let me have someone take a look at it rick decides to call an expert if this is real this is a home run what year 400 to 360 BC this is a chariot scene crowning the Victorious charioteer so so who's the person on the front this lady is uh arusa water nymph so is it real okay I have news it's absolutely genuine all the features line up it has great metal quality the strike is excellent how much money we got here uh $50,000 wow I might hug you Rick offers a price I'll give you 35 grand for it I mean 50,000 down to 35 we can meet in the middle somewhere I'll tell you what I'll give you 40 Grand anything more than that makes zero sense for me and 40,000 is fair okay all right cool this is great a beautiful lady comes into the shop to sell her Pottery duck we have a pottery duck from kma Mexico you know anything about ducks from khma Mexico um a little bit it looks old it looks like the pottery they made you know like a couple thousand years ago Rick shares some history regarding the item I mean what do you think was used for were you're supposed to drink out of it or something it's probably something ceremonial they truly believe that the animals after you passed away they would guide you to the next World what religion is the duck in probably an ancient religion that doesn't exist anymore some weird things have been happening around the house well things like fall off the shelves I hear weird noises the craftsmanship is amazing you can still see in the Kiln burn marks and everything on the bottom so it went into a Kil like this and it came out with those beautiful finishes on it I mean how much you looking to get out of this about 4,000 it could be very very old but I'd like someone to look at it if you don't mind I don't know Rick decides to get an opinion from the expert 2,000 years ago they made animals to go into a tomb and they'd lay the body and they'd place these animals around they'd be companion ions they'd be Spirit guides but most of them were to be eaten in the afterlife it's got the burnishing lines so they would use a stone and they would polish this extensively before it would go in the Kiln I see a repair here they're almost invisible so whoever restored this they did a fabulous job the valuation by the expert shocks Rick and the customer 100% real yeah 100% real 300 BC to 300 ad ancient so what's it worth 8,000 so you want 4,000 for it okay awesome please you want to go write her up all right I'll meet you up over there all right a girl brings in a print made by a famous artist she doesn't know much about this is a mark shagal print that I have do you know who Mark shagal was sort of very famous painter you know the difference between like impressionism and post impressionism not really where'd you get it oh I have a wealthy aunt and she gave it to me but I just it doesn't go with the decor of my house Rick starts explaining to the girl some information regarding the print and the artist there's probably like two dozen artists in the world where you just look at the art go that's Picasso or Renoir chal is one of those people 500 years from now they'll still be talking about his paintings and they'll still be worth money if you ever get a chance to go to Paris Paris opera house painted the entire ceiling oh wow how don't you want for it I don't maybe around $11,000 or so do you get any paperwork I don't have any paperwork Rick brings in an expert so it looks shagal that is an image by shagal this is Captain Bri ais's dream in fact it's one of his most famous images this particular image image is from a work called dhus and Khloe 2 Century Greek poem you look very closely you're going to see a bit of a crease here this is a double panel so it's a little more valuable and it's the only double panel that was in the overall set the expert reveals how much it's worth what's it worth it's worth at least $88,000 awesome so you still won 1,000 bucks um no obviously I'll tell you what I'll give you three grand for it kind of low he just said it was eight what is your best price lowest 6,000 I'll give you four grand five $4,500 not a penny Mark I'll take 45 deal a guy brings in an antique sword that belonged to his grandfather do you know what it is I'm actually not too sure I know my grandfather got it at an auction it's got some very cool detail like the head of Medusa what looks like a lion right here ooh that's nice careful it is sharp that's Arabic writing it's got Arabic on the blade it's got Russian writing right here I'm just kind of a loss here without any idea of its value the owner makes an offer and how much are you looking to get I is looking for 40,000 I'd like to have someone come in and take a look at it I know this sword this is actually it's like a historically significant sword so this sword belonged to a Russian prince Ivan Ivanovich adki and he was killed at the Battle of Brienne in France by Napoleon's troops wow this guy gets killed with this sword on him the expert takes it in his hands to examine closely this Arabic writing means it came out of Persia built with the intention of being like a head of state sword what kind of value do you think this has I would imagine you're talking 75 100,000 thank you for letting me see it of course hearing everything Chum needed he wants to negotiate on the price I'd buy it for 20,000 the problem is it's too big of a risk for me now that makes me think that I should find the right auction for it thanks for coming I appreciate it after knowing the actual value on this sword kind of glad I didn't sell it a man brings in a fancy shotgun to the shop to sell it I mean it definitely looks French that's about my extent of knowledge on this thing pops what do you got or boutet boute he started doing this right around 1800 is Rick explains the item to Cory and the customer you had to be really really wealthy to have a gun like this that is gold inlay or they would literally keep on pounding the gold into the steel till it's stuck all these pieces down here really high quality steel and there's probably some other stuff about it I don't know well how much do you want for it cuz if he wants 50 bucks I'll just give that now I'm looking at 10 grand yeah give Alex a call I mean it's most likely worth at least that Rick decides to get an opinion from the expert this is stun bout was the gunsmith in France he was so good that he was the royal gunsmith to Louis the 16th so the guy had a long career as basically the finest gunsmith many people would argue in the world so it's it's about probably a 50 or 60 caliber it's muzzle loading it's flint lock what I'm doing there is just making sure that the Springs are still good and so it's a double trigger so one trigger fires one the other fires the other any idea what it's worth like to test it if it fires is how I believe it would I'd be more comfortable evaluate so he asks to test it out first so the boute looks all polished up and ready to go this shotgun is like a piece of art and if it's successful I do think it'll help the value all right here we go it function exactly as it should function what do you think it's worth I wouldn't be surprised to see it sell up for 30,000 it was a pleasure to thank you for letting me fire it I want a lot more 20 I'll give you 15 grand for it 18 I'll tell you what I'll give you 16 grand for it we'll do 16 all right sweet all right a lady brings in a signed picture of Benjamin Harrison I have the signed picture Benjamin Harrison do you really believe we're actually related to that guy grandpa says we were I've met your grandfather and he was a liar do you see any resemblance I do how much do you want for it 500 um I'll call somebody down here but if it's not a signature it's worth like box Rick asks for an offer and suspects that it might be way less so he calls in an expert Benjamin Harrison our 23rd president this size of photograph is known as a Cabinet card because it was large enough that you put in your cabinet cabinet cards today are actually relatively common and uh they do remain relatively durable is that his signature sometimes when these were printed up the uh signature of the person was printed on at the same time so I have to make sure that this is actually signed in ink yes it does appear to be signed in ink it's not a printed on Signal signature first there's about a 30° slant on a signature and the slant is about 30° to the right which is the way it is here now if you look carefully you see that little flip in the B similar to right over here the expert comes to a conclusion what do you think I do believe this was signed by President Benjamin Harrison himself so what do you think it's worth so if you see along here there all those extra lines I don't think this is a first generation photograph what some photographers did is it would take photographs of previous photographs and keep reproducing it that way this is probably second or third generation which makes it worth a little bit less would probably be about $1,250 hey thanks for coming in man anytime Rick Rick and the customer negotiate on the price so 500 bucks no problem can you go a little bit higher I give you like 700 bucks for it that's the best I could do on it could you do eight you just wanted five and now I'm offering you seven I have to frame it up I have to do some other things did you do 750 yeah I'll give you the 750 it's a deal feel that that was a fair price it's all about the Benjamin a customer walks in with a diamond in his hands and Rick thought it was a cake when he first saw it when he walked in I thought that was a cake I've got a uh Diamond Tiara that was formerly owned by Ida McKinley she was uh president McKinley's wife Rick is really interested in it there was stories about how he treated his wife better than any other person in Washington basically what we have we have a tiara that these things bolt onto correct but also on the back you have these little Clips like this so they can be a brooch also it's really nice work I'll tell you that what were you looking to get out of uh 75,000 it's just putting a value on it is difficult let me call my buddy Greg Rick has so many questions so he calls in an expert pieces like this were quite popular the diamonds are are fine quality for the period they're what you would expect to see the idea that this was convertible and has the fittings for both the brooch and also the so the question become what do we know about the Providence this is one of the events that was going on at the McKinley Museum It's featured there the expert gives quite interesting details related to it and offers an opinion on its value what would it go in your store in a retail store like Fred Lon we would see this piece sell for $75,000 sort of what he's wanting are give you 35 Grand it's a lot of money after hearing what he has say I I think we've got to get more I mean what's your bottom dollar up in the at the 75,000 there's no way what's the best you can do 40 I think we're probably a little bit too far apart at this point right now but could I ever come back um you can come back the offer stand no I'd go 43 that would be it I and I appreciate it I'll be back in touch with okay Rick goes to check out an iconic car 2014 Herz Pensky GT this is nice I'm asking 85,000 for the car the lowest I'll accept is 60,000 I have someone out here at the track um do you mind if I go grab him he's a friend of mine I just want him to look at it okay Rick asks his Nascar buddy Joey Logano to help him test drive selling it actually I was helping someone might test drive it for me I just want to make sure there's no problems at high speed think he's had this thing this fast before I doubt it Rick's a a brave man he was sitting on the right side of this car and we're going in the corners at 150 this thing's a lot faster than I thought it was tires are a little L but so I heard the car is okay Joey recommends a price for it so Joey what do you think is work right there's not many of these cars for sale but I think the fact that this is so with all that I'd say it's worth around around $75,000 that's my so what's your best price I'll do 75 I'd give you 60 grand for it it's cooler than the other ones but you know I don't know and and they're all valid points I still think that's a little low would you do 67 I'll go 60 Grand 62 Rick I'll write your check for 60 Grand I'll do it all right man it's a deal Rick and Cory go out to check a pristine jet black 1932 Ford Roadster he got a 1932 Ford Roadster here got to be fast right yeah it's right around 500 horse one thing that concerns me is would we be able to fit in that thing like a sardine in this thing I'd like to get around5 at least I'll take a 70 let's listen to The Experts assessment so what do you think I think I love it it ain't nothing cooler than a 1932 Ford hot rod this is a $135,000 build that's a number that I would say that it would cost to build this car at my shop realistically I would see a car like this in the uh 70 to 75 all right thanks Danny you're the best Rick asks for the best rock bottom price what is your best rock bottom price best price is 70 65 it will take me a while to sell it that really hurts I I I understand but remember they don't sell overnight it takes the right customer $65,000 cash 69 that that's less than half of what I have in it we do 67 for it 684 68 250 all right 68 250 all right we got a deal Rick calls in a gun expert to take a look at a beautifully preserved musket a guy came in with a musket that he says was owned by a soldier during the Revolutionary War this could be a very sought-after piece of American History Brown best is in really great shape you know I'm going to start shaking here in a minute because you just don't see these things and why I think it's original is because this age you know rusted appearance has not been altered Back in the Day In the Heat of battle the expert demonstrates how the gun works and provides further explanations you could actually load and fire this without using the ram to seat the ball they would slam the musket down on the ground now when you were to then fire the musket they would have to have it up at the ready position lightly get right to level and then pull the trigger it has paperwork here saying that it's from Nicholas verer who served in the Revolutionary War but is this the one that Nicholas verer got during the Revolutionary War how much does that really add to it it does add something to it the expert recommends a value for the gun there's lots of other guns in this picture if they were to have said that the one that's marked Grace 1762 with the initials on the discussion then it'd be hard to argue well the bill of sale I have has that that means going and getting a statement notorized so what do you think it's worth 15 to 20,000 by itself thanks for all the info dude absolutely let's see if Rick makes a deal I'll give you 15,000 for it which is not there just not there okay well all right you change your mind I thought 15,000 was low thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 132,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars deals, hardcore pawn deals, best of hardcore pawn, hardcore pawn customers, seth gold, les gold, rick harrison, chumlee, deals on pawn stars, deals on hardcore pawn
Id: zXA28tumigk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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