These Substances 'Defy the Laws' of Physics

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thank you we live in a macro world where everything has a definite shape occupies space and behaves predictably we're used to the idea that thin materials tear fragile things break ice chills Flames burn and water flows downwards yet when the opposite occurs we're left speechless for centuries magicians built their careers on these unexpected phenomena in 1983 the most famous Illusionist of our time David Copperfield stunned The Audience by making the Statue of Liberty disappear the effect was mind-blowing and to this day it's hard to tell exactly how he did it through his act Copperfield managed to shock The Audience by challenging our understanding of reality making it look as though the statue really disappeared however intuitively we know that the Statue of Liberty didn't actually vanish the audience just couldn't see it for a moment but do you think there can be something both outstanding and genuine in our world something that doesn't involve magic tricks the answer is a resounding yes and today you'll witness real wonders first hand without any tricks get ready to see a liquid flowing upwards a vote floating in an aquarium without a drop of water dry water hot ice and many more unusual and astonishing things substances that defy the laws of physics likes support videos and help the YouTube algorithm promote high quality content please leave a thumbs up to support this video [Music] what we are about to show you is not an illusion and that's the most important part there are real materials and structures that genuinely exist and even David Copperfield wouldn't Envy their astonishing properties some might seem impossible to you but rest assured everything is real and strictly follows the laws of physics clearly there's more to this world than meets the eye with that in mind let's move on to the first item in our collection at some point nanotechnology experts came to wonder what would happen if you vertically aligned many carbon nanotubes and pressed them close together how would such a material behave the developers of Surrey Nano systems were the first to come up with a practical answer they created vantablack the darkest substance in the world vantablack is a honeycomb comprising of millions of carbon nanotubes however unlike in Bee Honeycombs its carbon cells are empty although this structure is quite unique its most important property is that it almost completely absorbs electromagnetic radiation what does this mean it means that it's possible to make an aircraft that doesn't reflect radar signals Optics without glare from scattered light some new designs and much more don't you see the implications to fully understand vanderblack's effect imagine being in an empty room with the ceiling walls and Floors covered in vantablack there's absolute darkness and void all around you turn on a flashlight but it doesn't make any difference as long as a flashlight is pointing sideways it doesn't light up anything and you can't even see its beam you might see your hand and legs when pointing it directly at yourself but other than that there's nothing around but a pitch black void if you pointed the flashlight ahead and took a step you'd bump into an invisible wall that's what 99.965 absorption means due to this property we see any object with such a coating as shadowy anomalies against other objects its unmatched absorption makes it impossible to distinguish detail see relief and shape any sculpture coated in vantablack would be perceived as a two-dimensional silhouette made of black paper thanks to the ultimate black body effect vantablack has already found applications in aviation car manufacturing and of course in space what you've just witnessed was The Uncanny ability of vantablack to hide an object's texture blurring the lines between reality and fiction as impressive as this might be you might want to hold on to your socks right now cause we're about to knock them off this stuff sounds totally like something ripped straight from a Sci-Fi Epic one of the most recurring motifs in movies involving time travel and alien visitors is rapid wound healing and body regeneration for now these remain science fiction however the real evidence suggests that we might be seeing the dawn of such technology you're about to see polymers capable of rebonding after being severed moreover this reintegration neither involves loss of original properties nor any external intervention meet the pdms ssip BNB an absolutely unique polymer with an innate flare for self-repair similar to futuristic robots this material can seamlessly mend itself post-breakage without the need for adhesive welding or any other tricks developed by scientists from Tianjin University this elastomeric polymer has quite impressive resilience it can regenerate even under low temperatures in fresh or sea water and even in an aggressive chemical environment while it's too soon to talk today about instantly regenerating human muscles and skin this new polymer is sure to find applications in robotics Aviation and automative production imagine a car that can self-repair interior Linings or a leather sofa fixing its upholstery all by itself what's even more impressive is this polymer's ability to be transformed into a conductor by adding an idiom and gallium just think about self-reparation Electronics what if you broke a smartphone in half only to see the two halves joined together and merge within minutes all by themselves turning into a fully functioning smartphone the extraordinary properties of pdms ssip BNB push scientific achievements into the realm of sci-fi while many modern materials Astound us with their capabilities we know that their production often involves complicated processes and sophisticated equipment fortunately there are some exceptions where even the simplest processes can yield a super material the discovery of graphene is one of these rare almost magical moments in science you might find it hard to believe that two young Moscow State University graduates equipped with cheap adhesive tape were the first to obtain graphene and subsequently even a Nobel Prize yet this is exactly what happened in 2004 Andre geim and Constantine navasolov attempted to separate graphite into individual layers using adhesive tape multiple tape exfoliations later they obtained a layer only one atom thick that one could see with the naked eye this was the first piece of graphene further research revealed a plethora of graphene's unique properties as it turns out it's an excellent conductor of electricity and heat and one could modify its properties by altering the shape of the sheet or substrate which means an even bigger plethora of possible uses moreover being 100 times stronger than steel graphene is the thinnest and strongest material in the world now this does sound Unthinkable doesn't it do you need an extravagant example showing its properties well he is one a one square meter graphene hammock can support a large cat weigh in over four kilograms yet it would weigh less than one of its whiskers just for the sake of comparison a piece of paper of the same size would be one hundred thousand times heavier given such unique properties there is no doubt that graphene would revolutionize the production of electronic and optoelectronic devices chemical sensors Nano Composites and energy storage systems this chapter is about Plastics let's start off with a simple question what happens if you step on a plastic cup you've probably visualized a crushed Cup right that would be the case unless the cup was made from or coated with line X finding it hard to believe well then watch how a heavyweight stands on these cups it's not easy to crush such a cup it can withstand even more and the cup doesn't even need to be entirely made of Linux a thin coating on the surface would be enough Linex is a particularly durable spray-on protective coating made from a two-component polyurethane in addition to its strength it boasts high adhesion chemical resistance and abrasion resistance Linex can fully protect virtually any surface it might sound far-fetched but even Fierce ax blows would leave almost invisible marks on a car hood coated with Linux and the coating would still be intact Linex polyurethane materials are applied using specialized Industrial Equipment under high pressure the spray material solidifies within three to six seconds its short curing time allows multiple layers of Linux to be applied without drips or runs at any desired thickness new groundbreaking materials never fail to surprise us with what was once considered impossible in other words every new technology strikes us with its novelty and nanotechnology holes a special place here most people believe that the prefix Nano implies something Ultra Modern many would find it hard to believe that one of the most amazing Nano materials was created almost 100 years ago nevertheless it's true and this material is known as Aero gel in the distant 1930s American chemist Samuel Stevens Kissler was obsessed with one unique idea to retain only the frame of a silicate gel replacing its liquid with air using a clever and rather complex method kisler succeeded consequently in 1931 he introduced the world to airgel a material with some outstanding properties airgel consists of a three-dimensional Nano grid with a framework of particles size between three to five nanometers and cells up to 100 nanometers as you've probably guessed the cells are filled with air which accounts for 99 of airgel such a structure makes the material extremely lightweight and a solid insulator you can easily hold one cubic meter of airgel with your arm outstretched and a millimeter thick layer would protect you from a flamethrower and you don't even need pure air gel to Shield yourself from a flamethrower or any flame for that matter it's enough to reinforce fiberglass with pieces of this material watching all is this person casually holds their Palm against the wall made of this composite even though a gas flamethrower is aimed at the other side airgel's outstanding properties have earned this material 15 entries in the Guinness Book of Records you have to admit that's quite impressive considering that the material was discovered a hundred years ago you already know graphene's capabilities and have just seen air gel in action many of you are probably wondering what would you get if you try to make airgel out of graphene it seems pretty tempting to combine graphene strength and airgel's lightness into one material well Chinese experts already have a practical answer to this question they've created the world's lightest solid material graphene airgel with a density of only 0.16 milligram per cubic centimeter its vacuum fill variation is 7.5 times lighter than air without air in its pores the material would simply hover however before you imagine anything crazy like a flying house consider a few points although the idea of ultralight bricks sounds amazing the vacuum filled graphene airgel quickly absorbs air and water vapor making it heavier than air additionally there's the challenge of enhancing the structural Integrity of graphene airgel bricks such research is ongoing and some prototype samples with promising properties have already been obtained while they are heavier than air their weight strength ratio surpasses every known material one major advancement happened in this field quite recently it turns out that a three-dimensional graphene Matrix can be printed on a special 3D printer using unique carbon inks these 3D printed graphene airgels have some enhanced properties that are bound to revolutionize catalysis desalination as well as filtration and separation technology you would see advancements in every field that requires large surface areas low density High mechanical rigidity and specific porosity this new material is so unique that it's hard to Envision a full spectrum of its possible applications right now [Music] the unique properties aren't the only thing that can surprise us when it comes to new materials some of them might surprise us just with their history for instance the story of Starlight is so weird that it could be as well titled the three mysteries of Maurice Ward mystery number one a regular hairdresser called Starlight a polymer with an unparalleled thermal insulation properties in homemade conditions just watch how a raw chicken egg coated with a thin layer of Starlight remains fresh even when exposed to a blowtorch but trust me this goes far beyond egg preservation one could coat a hand with a thin layer of Starlight immerse it in molten steel and still feel nothing Starlight effectively protects objects against high temperatures moreover unlike traditional materials like asbestos only a thin layer is required another important thing is that Starlight is simply applied to the surface there is no need to glue it or use any special fixation structures you've got to admit such material is indispensable for space exploration Aviation the energy industry Etc this leads us to Maurice Ward's second mystery for some unclear reasons the amateur chemist never revealed his secret neither Agents from Boeing nor members from the UK's Ministry of Defense could strike a deal with him Morris Ward never sold the Starlight technology he could have easily become wealthy and famous but he chose to live on his own terms the secret remained sealed and was taken to the grave now you might ask okay that's indeed intriguing but what about the third mystery well here he goes the public learned about Starlight in 1993. the inventor passed away in 2011. in 2013 thermashield bought all Starlight related rights from Ward's family fast forward two decades yet no one not even thermoshield or NASA's Labs has managed to replicate Maurice Ward's success there's still no commercial product available and this is the third mystery we hope that one day science will unravel it and we will see various Starlight applications despite all its amazing properties the spotlight of our previous chapter Starlight couldn't Dazzle anyone with external effects however shape-shifting nitinol is a totally different story just look at how it transforms a nitinol paperclip can be bent or crumpled but once slightly heated around 40 degrees celsius the mangled wire transforms into its original paperclip shape this looks mesmerizing an experiment with an internal spring looks no less spectacular once stretched or crumpled it becomes straight and elastic when heated there's nickel titanium alloy can remember its shape and restore itself when exposed to heat wondering how this happens let's tell you the first thing you should know is that there are no Nano Electronics involved instead the alloy has two structures bostonite and martensite during deformation austenite transforms into martensite at the bend points when exposed to heat the reverse transition occurs thereby restoring the Metal's original structure now the true nitinol secret is that its memory can be fully erased by heating the alloy to 500 degrees Celsius 90 Knolls thermomechanical memory has already solved problems in multiple Fields including medicine Aerospace and aviation in medicine nitinol fixators are applied to connect and straight and broken bone Parts 90 null spirals restore the diameter of damaged vessels in dentistry nitinol arches have revolutionized bite correction in space technology nitinol produces self-sealing thermomechanical joints self-straightening metal Farms as well as telescopic and parabolic antennas in aviation nitinol's memory has been used for variable geometry air intake devices and serrations on the nozzle's edge in previous chapters what surprised us the most were the materials physical properties or mysterious shape changes but here the very name of the substance stops us in our tracks 3M dry water it sounds at the very least to contradictory since water can't be dry but in reality there's no contradiction the dry water is actually perfluoro two parts methyl three parts pentanone which looks exactly like water but has some completely different properties unlike regular water nothing gets wet in dry water not even cotton the substance simply rolls off a paper napkin leaving it completely dry with such water you can easily walk Between The Raindrops pun intended but it's also hard to dissolve anything in it for instance it doesn't mix with alcohol the two liquids instantly separate leaving a clear demarcation we now know for a fact that dry water isn't really water it's not drinkable you can't clean anything with it so how do we use it dry water is an excellent insulator you can submerge a laptop in dry water aquarium and the device would still work no issues with the keyboard dry water boils at around 50 degrees Celsius and evaporates rapidly Without a Trace naturally it's perfect for extinguishing fires in server rooms archives and museums Electronics will remain intact documents and paintings won't get wet dry water is quite fascinating but it's not the only liquid that can surprise you watch closely how a ferromagnetic liquid behaves this is arguably one of the most mesmerizing sites you can see today it feels like it's interaction with cylindrical and spherical magnets was taken straight from a world of science fiction and alien intelligence the mathematically precise yet unfamiliar 3D shapes that form when the liquid contacts helical services are especially mesmerizing the dynamic visuals with surfaces appearing and disappearing all the same time are truly a joy to behold naturally one starts to wonder how all of this works and why it happens the answer might be easier than you think in 1963 NASA employee Steve papel was trying to solve the problem of delivering liquid fuel in zero gravity iron nanoparticles were added to the fuel along with a small amount of surfactants to prevent clumping the magnet was then used to draw the particles and consequently the fuel to the desired spot that's it this was the first ferromagnetic liquid now you know that liquids aren't just for show ferromagnetic fluids find applications in Optics and electronics as well as adaptive suspensions of supercars many beautiful experiments involve magnetic effects stay tuned for our next feature to see one of them magnet related videos have become common these days and they mostly involve Metals but what you're about to witness is a flat piece of graphite effortlessly levitating over a magnet everyone knows how challenging it is to place one magnet over another so it hovers in mid-air without sliding off achieving this manually is virtually impossible due to the shape of the magnetic field however you can easily do it with a graphite plate what's more the plate stays levitating even when nudged in any direction what we witness here is stable levitation without any tricks but how does it work you might have guessed that the secret lies in the material of the plate this isn't ordinary graphite but pyrolytic graphite an extremely strong diomagnetic substance its magnetic susceptibility is almost 40 times greater than that of bismuth the best natural diamagnetic material when exposed to an external magnetic field the pyrolytic graphite generates its own magnetic field oriented in the opposite direction to the former the intensity of this inherit field depends on the external field strength and the materials properties due to the pyrolytic graphite unique qualities the generated magnetic force can counteract the force of gravity as a result when repelled by an external magnetic field a plate of this material can hover even above a regular non-superconducting permanent magnet you often need a strong magnet to show the extraordinary properties of materials however in the case of gallium you can do without one all you need is roughly one cubic centimeter of gallium a couple of tablespoons of warm sulfuric acid and an equal amount of potassium dichromate personally using a magnet seems easy to me but let's proceed with our experiment anyway introduce acid into a petri dish with gallium see how the droplet of metal contracts if you then add some potassium dichromate the metal will start pulsating in a weird way gallium will contract and expand pulsing at the rhythm of a heartbeat this occurs due to the rare Metals properties at room temperature it remains liquid and readily wets most materials in our experiment the wetting properties are diminished by acid and are subsequently restored by the potassium dichromate consequently the gallium droplet expands and contracts caught in the tug of war between these chemicals it's a pulsating metallic heart a quite unusual sight gallium pulsation has multiple practical applications it can be used to create chemical timers micro valves and the mini pumps that operate without batteries gallium is also widely used in medicine electronics and electrical engineering the average concentration of gallium in the Earth's crust doesn't exceed 0.002 percent but it can still be extracted from mineral sources stay tuned to learn about the substance that never existed on our planet until humans invented it helium-2 doesn't occur in nature it's a liquid created by humans in an attempt to reach absolute zero while subjecting liquid helium to ultra low temperatures scientists noticed that it suddenly changed properties upon reach in a temperature of 2.17 Kelvin or lower the changes were so significant that they called helium at such temperatures helium-2 this substance behaves very unusually let's see how superfluidity is the property of a liquid with zero viscosity being superfluid helium-2 can permeate Ceramics with pores as Tiny as half a micron in diameter no other known material can do that there are two other experiments that vividly demonstrate this effect if you pour helium-2 into a cup filling it only halfway you'll see a thin layer known as the rolling film crawling out of the cup sides before dripping down alternatively if you dip a capillary tip tube into a container with helium too a fountain of this superfluid will almost instantly eject from the tip helium-2 is difficult to store due to its super fluidity it constantly tries to escape from a seal container along the walls and through the tiniest gaps in the lid this has to be taken into account in Practical applications the behavior of helium-2 at ultra low temperatures is quite intriguing but let's face it unusual properties are not that unusual when it comes to such extreme conditions why don't we go back to the real world and take a look at say europium this costly Rare Earth metal belongs to the lanthanide group in general it shares many characteristics with its fellow lanthanides but has one very distinct property unlike its chemical relatives europium easily forms both different and turbulent compounds meaning that it can bond with two or three atoms of different substances this unique trait opens up two promising application avenues for europium divulent europium exhibits a stable Red Line in its emission spectrum as part of any compound such property is critical for developing organic red LEDs and phosphors based on it this paves the way for eco-friendly photonics where atmospheric carbon dioxide is used to produce light emitting devices given the rising concerns about greenhouse gases and global warming divulent europium-based Technologies may offer a timely solution in contrast the emission spectrum of turbulent European varies depending on the compound that incorporates its atoms this property gave rise to an ingenious anti-counterfeiting strategy for the European currency EU banknotes incorporate European elements that glow in a specific Spectrum replicating this glow demands precise paint formula which makes it very challenging thus europium ensures a high level of anti-counterfeiting protection what we see now clearly challenges our everyday experiences white sneakers remain clean after being in a muddy puddle and Pepsi Cola rolls off a white T-shirt Without a Trace meanwhile construction materials tools and car parts also stay clean even when exposed to dirt and oil as incredible as it may seem this isn't a Photoshop trick but the result of applying a hydrophobic coating hydrophobes refer to substances with non-wettable surfaces liquids bead up and don't get absorbed by such surfaces this phenomenon is scientifically known as the Lotus effect have a look at a water droplet on a Lotus Leaf it takes on a spherical shape and rolls off without leaving any Trace this effect comes down to the special surface structure of hydrophobes they have a micro bristle layer that traps an air pocket beneath a droplet in the case of lotus this function is performed by ultra fine hairs whereas artificial materials achieve it through Micron level texturing research reveals that most effective hydrophobic surfaces are Micron sized bumps layered with nano-sized protrusions these materials are categorized as super hydrophobes this kind of material is exactly what keeps the services you see right now spotless now that we've seen how Dirt fails to stain it's time to explore the phenomenon of hot ice let's keep on breaking stereotypes we're used to the fact that ice is cold however you're about to see one that can warm you up if you'd like you can even create an ice sculpture of Santa Claus in the summer what makes it possible is the supersaturated solution of sodium acetate used instead of water a tiny Crystal introduced into the solution at room temperature triggers the crystallization thus forming something of an ice cube this process produces heat making the ice hot this effect is utilized in the manufacture of popular hand warmers so the next time you need a quick warm-up just use the ice while hot ice may warm a car driver sadly you can't use it to make a windshield for that you need robust car glass that doesn't shatter into pieces during a crash in some cases one needs even something more specifically bullet resistant glass the bulletproof glass we see in movies is More Than Fiction and serves to protect people in real life however there's an important detail the target remains passive and cannot retaliate with gunfire it might seem like nothing can change this but actually there's a solution you will now see how one-way bulletproof glass works demonstrated by an employee of the Israeli firm BP developments the bullet from an M16 failed to breach the two inch thick glass from the outside yet the inner side remained completely unscathed yet when fired from the inside bullets effortlessly go through notably fragments of the exterior fly towards the attacker improving the efficacy of return fire the outer layer of this glass consists of hard brittle acrylic it is followed by Thin layers of bullet resistant carbonate with an adhesive layer of transparent thin polyurethane which helps to absorb the bullet's energy when the shot comes from the inside no energy is spent on pushing hard shards inward instead the bullet merely forces the hard layer outward and flies along with fragments towards the enemy in previous chapters you've learned about some intriguing substances with fascinating physical properties now let's delve into something different a substance that alters not his own but our seemingly constant physical traits specifically the pitch of our voice keep watching to see how a person's voice changes many of us probably remember from childhood how our voice becomes squeaky when we inhale helium from a party balloon however what you'll see now is actually the opposite watch closely as a woman inhales a certain gas that immediately deepens her voice the same happens when a man inhales the gas notably their pitch is fully return to normal upon inhaling regular hair this indicates that the vocal structures haven't changed so why did the voice alter the reason lies in the unique physical properties of sulfur hexafluoride this was the gas featured in The Experiment it has a very high density and is five times heavier than air causing vocal cords used to regular air to produce a deeper lower sound there's another impressive experiment demonstrating its high density if you fill an empty aquarium with sulfur hexafluoride and place a lightweight ship into it it would float on invisible waves such a scene would never fail to amaze anyone you've already seen the unusual behavior of some substances with unique physical properties however even objects made from well-known and seemingly ordinary materials may act quite peculiar now let's take a look at a fascinating toy the Celtic stone as suggested by its name the Celtic stone traces its Origins back to an ancient artifact first discovered in Celtic burial sites for our demonstration we'll use a modern replica a commercially produced version of this item if you spin the Celtic stone counterclockwise it simply rotates for a while then gradually stops in short nothing out of the ordinary the real magic unfolds when you spin it clockwise the stone begins to wobble then reverses its spin Direction this seems utterly counter-intuitive as Nothing Stops it or prompts it to spin the other way is this another quantum effect not in this case the movement of the Celtic stone strictly follows the laws of classical mechanics the secret lies in its asymmetric Mass distribution and instability along its longitudinal and Traverse rotation axis one can only wonder how the ancient Celts came up with such an ingenious toy stay tuned to discover even more Mysteries the gumbert is essentially a mathematical roly-poly or self-rightening object it always finds equilibrium regardless of how it's tilted the GunBot came into existence not in the lab but rather in the mind the thing is no such objects have been found in nature its shape is a result of solving a very complex topological problem for a long time it was believed that a homogeneous convex object with one point of stable and one point of unstable equilibrium couldn't exist in short it was believed that a convex object that always returns to equilibrium should contain cavities or inserts made of a heavier material a well-known example is a traditional roly-poly toy the bottom part of this toy has a heavier insert so whenever it's tilted its Central gravity never crosses the support point as a result gravitational force always makes the toys stand upward here everything is clear but the question remains can we make a roly-poly toy from one material without any inserts or voids Russian mathematician Vladimir Arnold was the first to propose that such objects could exist the solution was found by Hungarian mathematicians Gabor domicos and Peter varconi after 10 years of research they even proved there could be multiple solutions to this problem they also came up with the shape that you can see on the screen as of now there's only one physical type of the gombot no other forms have been proposed manufacturing such a toy is very challenging requiring processing accuracy of about a tenth of a millimeter of course everything in the real world strictly follows the laws of physics and nature fascinating materials challenge our stereotypes about the world around us they teach us to embrace the parts of reality that go beyond our experience reminding us that the universe is richer and more mysterious than we might think
Channel: ReYOUniverse
Views: 2,057,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryv, reyouniverse, Vantablack, Self-healing polymers, Graphene, Line-Х, Aerogel, Starlite, Nitinol, Ferromagnetic Liquid, Pyrolytic Graphite, Gallium, Helium II, Europium, Hydrophobes & the Lotus Effect, Hot ice, One-Way Bulletproof Glass, Sulfur Hexafluoride, Celtic stone, Gömböc, Graphene Aerogel
Id: iSV3lee-JOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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