CHEAP ITEMS that Turned out to Be EXPENSIVE on Pawn Stars

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good day folks and welcome back to the channel sailed from England 1772 this is interesting resolution and Adventure were Captain Cook's ships I'm definitely intrigued but I don't know if this was made in 1772 or if they sell these in the gift shop in England right next to all the old ships okay that's why I'm thinking it's a lot newer than that but there's that little chance it's something how much you want for it um I'd be thrilled with 50 or 100 bucks can you wait around so I can get someone to look at it I I'm really really interested these would have been extremely interesting to the recipients and so each one of these is pedigreed right back to Captain Cook he handled every one of them who how mean what I mean so that that was struck in 1772 absolutely so what do you would think it would go for at an auction to me it's about a $7,500 to $88,500 item yes wow should just gave you your 50 bucks I feel like I should ask for what it's worth so 7500 you know what I'm going to give you 5 grand for it you know why I'm going to give you five grand for it why because you owe it to me because remember an hour ago you wanted 50 bucks for it oh yeah fair enough today we'll show you the best of moments when cheap items turned out to be expensive on Pawn Stars it's a 1950 horse and buggy B Kitty ride okay I was 8 years old I walked in front of a grocery store with my mom and this was in front of the grocery store that's the reason I went to the grocery stores to ride one of these still work oh works perfect watch this here we go still works perfect works perfect how much did you want to sell it for $5,000 I'd be looking somewhere to buy this for about maybe 700 no I would come down to 1,500 I mean I can go up to $11,000 that's my spending limit liit that's what I feel comfortable on this thing you got a deal let's go do some paperwork so what' you pay well I paid 1,000 bucks actually that's not bad as far as restoring it I don't think it's worth restoring it I mean I've spent 5 to Seven Grand painting all artwork on this honestly I think 3500 is what you could sell this for right now you did your job I'm happy for good job sign 23rd Olympic Games boxing ticket Bill brought in a 1984 Olympic boxing ticket stub signed by Vander Holyfield and Mike Tyson initially hoping for $500 what do we got I got a 1984 Olympic boxing ticket duub with a few autographs on you might be interested in and I know the signatur is right off the bat that's Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson this is in 1984 and back then Holyfield had two ears right Holyfield won the bronze medal for the light heavyweight division after these games U both these guys were huge I mean they both went pro immediately after that by 1988 they were both the Crim of the of heavyweight boxing it's definitely cool so what are you looking to do with it I've had a long time I think I'm ready to sell it I think 500 bucks is a fair price you know you got something really interesting here I've never seen anything like this do you mind if I have a guy come in and take a look at the signatures please do as memories of his time with the Olympic boxers flooded back Bill waited anxiously expert Steve marveled at the Rarity valuing the signatures at $2,000 surprising bill I have to be honest with you don't really see that too often the two of together from that period cuz no one was really asking these guys when they were amateurs it just it'd be pretty rare are these their autographs Tyson very difficult to find any kind of signature from him from that period I've seen just so few of them this is from one of the only I've ever seen signed and it's literally the same type of signature the holy field autograph very basic and he takes his time with it so I'll tell you the truth you got a winter here okay so what would something like this go for well you know with the two of them together I think it's significant their hisory together kind of makes it worth more money and in today's Marketplace you're looking at about $2,000 oh wow my kids told me it was going to be a a big hit but I thought not that big of a hit I'd say it's one of the neatest Olympic items from 84 I've ever seen wow pory offered $11,000 but Bill hesitated sensing its increasing value over 37 years ultimately he declined opting to hold on to the momento a little longer what do you take for it 1,500 I'll double what you came in asking for and give you a th000 knowing how rare it is now I think I'll stay at 1,500 me having to sell this thing so I'm just going to have to stick it 1,00 I think after holding it for 37 years I can hold on for a couple more so if you ever want to come back please do okay I appreciate that thanks he tried to hook me for $1,000 based on the Rarity I think I'm going to pass take it home put it in a nice frame and let everybody see it reflecting bill marveled at how a humble item had turned into a valuable collectible reminding him not to overlook the treasures hidden in memories and memorabilia bout shotgun in this episode Dennis brought in a beautiful 1984 Olympic shotgun inherited from his father an antique firearm collector initially hoping for $10,000 Dennis felt hopeful as Alex the expert identified it as a masterpiece by renowned French gunsmith Nicholas boute hey how's it going good how you doing what do we got looks like something fancy very fancy oh wow let's take a look oh this is really fancy I'm here at the pawn shop to try and install my bdet shotgun I got this shotgun from my father it's rare it's beautiful and it's very very well kept that's really really nice I mean just everything about this is just like crazy quality and there's probably some other stuff about it I don't know um I'm looking at 10 grand okay what do you think so boute was the gunsmith in France in the 18th century and into the beginning of the 19th century he was so good that he was the royal gunsmith to Louis the 16 who was the final King before the Revolution and Not only was he his gunsmith but Napoleon made him his gunsmith okay the shotguns detail go inlay and Burl Walnut showcase exceptional Craftsman ship Alex suggested testing it which added to its value this is really fancy that is gold inlay where they would literally keep on pounding the gold into the steel till it's stuck this is a burled walnut P checkered okay um any idea what it's worth so simple boutes will start easily about $10,000 one like this on a scale of 1 to 10 as far as decorative this is about a six so they get get very very decorative the one thing I'd like to do is I'd like to test it if it fires how I believe it would I'd be more comfortable evaluating at the range the shotgun performed perfectly increasing its appeal the prais at $30,000 Dennis was amazed typically I wouldn't fire this gun but collectors search for firearms like this and if it's successful uh I do think it'll help the value all right here we go that was good so it fires it works it's everything's perfect on it it function exactly as it should function what do you think it's worth I think if this went to auction in this condition I wouldn't be surprised to see it sell up for 30,000 do you see the smile on my face offered $116,000 surpassing his expectations Dennis happily agreed the transaction turned into a pleasant surprise revealing the Hidden Treasures within family a Heir loans I'll tell you what I'll give you 16 grand for it and normally I'd pay a little bit more but something like this I'm not going to see money back for a year or two and I'm I'm going to be on a level with you it's it's a lot more than I thought I would get we'll do 16 I now own a fine boute Captain Cook metal Jeff found an old coin from 1772 showing George III resolution and adventure suggesting Captain Cook's voyages unsure of its value Jeff initially hoped for $50 to $100 what is this well I'm not 100% sure but it looks like it could be like a really old and hopefully really expensive coin sailed from England 1772 this is interesting resolution and Adventure were Captain Cook ships I'm definitely intrigued but I don't know if this was made in 1772 or if they sell these in the gift shop in England right next to all the old ships okay that's why I'm thinking it's a lot newer than that but there's that little chance it's something how much you want for it um I'd be thrilled with 50 or 100 bucks can you wait around so I can get someone to look at it I I'm really really interested okay Rick called an expert Dave Dave fascinated by its history recognized it as a resolution and Adventure medal from Captain Cook's Expedition Dave explained that cook personally handled each medal pegging its value between $7,500 to $88,500 it's a very interesting item this is a resolution and Adventure medal what do you think this is really an historical item they made 2,000 of these but all of these went to Captain Cook every single one of them in a cask and he carried them on his journey wow these would have been extremely interesting to the recipients and so each one of these is pedigreed right back to Captain Cook he handled every one of them w i mean one I mean so that that was struck in 1772 absolutely so what do you would think it would go for it an auction to me it's about a $7500 to $88,500 item yes wow Jeff was astonished considering his initial estimate despite originally aiming for $50 Dennis agreed to sell for 5,000 realizing the immense value he held should have just gave you 50 bucks I feel like I should ask for what it's worth so 7500 you know what I'm gonna give you five grand for it you know why I'm gonna give you five grand for it why because you owe it to me because remember an hour ago you wanted 50 bucks for it oh yeah fair enough okay thank you I didn't know what I had walking in when he told me that this is what I'm going to give you I was pretty happy with it the unexpected wifall left Jeff grateful for the expertise that uncovered the treasure hidden within his grandmother's possession elephant bird egg Diana visited a pawn shop to sell an elephant bird egg known as the largest bird species weighing twice as much as an ostrich and towering a foot taller so what exactly is this this is an elephant bird egg okay I bought it for my business I sell fossils and other Natural History things this is interesting so I know a little bit about the uh elephant bird basically they were the biggest birds ever looked like an ostrich but it weighed twice as much was like a foot taller a very old Trading Card the picture of the elephant bird this thing would be scary to be out I mean yeah I think ostriches are sces are scary enough she hoped to fetch $2,500 for the egg which she owned for 15 years a paleontologist friend of Rick was called in to verify its authenticity I'm hoping to get $2,500 for the egg I've had the egg for 15 years I think it's about time that uh somebody else gets some enjoy M out of it okay um tell you the truth I have no idea if that's a good number or if it's even made out of eggshells okay so if you don't mind I do have a friend he's paleontologist if I can get him down here to take a look at it I think that's great upon inspection Andre confirmed the eggs genuine but noted some condition issues despite this the elephant bird egg remained a valuable piece of Natural History wow elephant bird that's what she says these are pretty rare they're often fake too though so elephant Birds could get up to 10 ft tall and weigh as much as600 lb so wow there it is Rick see those long grooves in the Shell right there that's what we would expect to see from an elephant bird okay so we have an actual elephant bird egg we do have an actual elephant bird egg but there is some condition issues that I'd like to point out all of these abrasions here that's where the pieces didn't quite fit together so rather than taking the time to to find pieces that fit better they just kind of ground them into place that's really going to affect the value rake eventually offered Diana $2,800 and they sealed the deal the transaction marked the culmination of Diana's efforts to sell the Intriguing artifact shedding light on the remarkable world of prehistoric a all right so you want $2,500 for it uh well now I'm thinking 3,000 it's a very small Market it's very weird it will eventually sell tell you what I'll give you $2,800 for it if it's really your best fine okay all right sweet we have a deal if you just go around the corner just a paper workor I'll get you paid okay space Explorer toy Rick became intrigued when David enveed and and seek space Explorer toy from Marx esteem for its Rarity and historical importance post World War II what do we have here I have here my uh antique space Explorer toy cool this is a Marx tent toy this was like the early Japanese stuff right after World War II right if you look at pictures of Japan right after World War II just about everything was bombed out they were looking for you know being able to manufacture things with what they had left and inexpensive toys made out of sheet metal was their thing and quite frankly the quality was pretty bad so they didn't last long so it's absolutely amazing to see one in this kind of shape so how much you want for it and I found in an old toy magazine where it was listed for $5,500 I figured 3,000 would be a good price to ask for so my buddy's not around I think I know enough about this thing I'll give you 1,000 bucks for it, 1750 no I'll give you 1,200 bucks would you do 1300 let me do [Music] 1250 sure all right despite the Toy's remarkable condition Rick lacking expert advice took a chance and and bought it for $1,250 later he saw the opinion of expert Johnny who lotted the Toy's Excellence highlighting its vibrant colors and overall craftsmanship hey dude what's up look what I bought oh sweet man old Limar toy want see what you thought it was worth well let me take a closer look this is definitely up there as far as some of the rare tin toys from that era all of the colors are really bright I mean look at the red on the astronaut the nose is clean and that whole bottom surface is just gorgeous I mean with the condition that it's in you could sell this easily for 2500 cool man so you'll do well with this thanks man all right Johnny estimated a potential selling price of $2,500 assuring Rick of doubling his investment Rick's bold decision made without his expert companion turned out to be fruitful underscoring his talent for lucrative Acquisitions Western Express Kitty ride responding to a call Chumley examined a nostalgic 1950s horse and buggy Valley Kitty ride with $8,000 spending limit from Rick he assessed the Intriguing Peak A call came in from a guy selling something I think he said it was a horse I'm really trying to prove myself around here and Rick gave me a $1,000 spending limit so I'm going to go check it out on my own so what you got for us it's a 1950 horse and buggy B Kitty ride okay I was 8 years old I walked in front of a grocery store of my mom and this was in front of the groc grocery store that's the reason I went to the grocery stor is to ride one of these it still work oh works perfect watch this here we go still works perfect works perfect this thing is cool as hell if I can make a deal Rick will think I'm the man do you want to pwn it or sell it I want to sell it how much did you want to sell it for $5,000 little more than I think it's worth you know it's a really cool piece but I'm going to have to put a couple thousand into it to get it restored I'd be looking somewhere to buy this for about maybe 700 no I would come down to 1,500 I mean I could go up to $1,000 that's my spending limit that's what I feel comfortable on this thing you got a deal let's go do some paperwork initially priced at $4,000 Chumley's intuition led to negotiation securing the purchase at $11,000 his gamble paid off the Vintage ride was in excellent working condition sparking excitement among Rick Cory and their expert oh my God God so we bought this yeah why well I paid 1,000 bucks for it I know you probably think it's a little too much but we could have someone restore it and it will be worth at least a few thousand if we make some money off this thing maybe I'll give you a little bit more responsibility oh we're going to make some money all right let me go give Rick a call jum you bought this yeah stepped up and bought it to show these guys that I know what I'm doing um I don't know I mean I've never had one of these things before Chum do you know if it works yeah it works pretty good so what' you pay well I paid 1,000 bucks actually that's not bad as far as restoring it I don't think it's worth restoring it I mean I've spend 5 to Seven Grand painting all artwork on this honestly I think 3500 is what you could sell this for right now you did your job I'm happy good job CH valued at a potential selling price of $3,500 after restoration Chum Le's deal making skills and profit oriented Vision left a lasting impact signifying a notable achievement this achievement show Chum Le's potential suggesting increased responsibilities in the future Back to the Future signed hoverboard Bill presented a mint condition Back to the Future hoverboard adorned with signatures from the cast accompanied by an authenticity letter hoping to fetch $1,500 bill emphasized the Rarity of having all three signatures together I have a Back to the Future 2 hoverboard signed by some of the cast members and a letter of authenticity to go with it first things first does it float no but but you're more than happy to try if you'd like I probably exceed the weight limit I'm here at the pawn shop to sell my back to the future to hoverboard I'm asking $1,500 the hoverboard has uh all three signatures on there which is actually very hard to pull all those cast members together the hoverboard is in pristine Condition it's right out of the box I don't think it's going to be a problem making a deal so are you a huge fan of the movie or yeah uh always been a fan of Michael J fox Back to the Future as part of the childhood growing up the whole movie franchise I mean was huge Spielberg was one of the producers on it and after their success of the first one they knew it was going to be such a hit that they literally they filmed Back to the Future 2 and Back to the Future 3 at the same time they actually had the trailer for Back to the Future 3 already done and it was at the end of Back to the Future too I didn't even know that despite Cory's playful query about his ability to float he admired Michael J fox and the film franchise's significance however Cory's initial offer of $300 fell short of Bill's expectations any idea what you're looking to get for it or I'm looking for probably around $1,500 realistically I mean I'm not going to be able to give you 1,500 bucks for this thing I'm looking around 300 bucks I can't take that there's more into it than that I can come down to say about 900 five would be about the most I could pay come up to seven nope I'll meet you in the middle I'll do six I mean I think it'll just be something cool to have on the wall in here I don't think I'll make money on it if anything I'll go put it in my office tell you what it's 600 bucks off my school all right cool appreciate him after some negotiation they settled on a fair price of $600 recognizing the hoverboards appeal whether as a display piece in his office or for potential resale Cory secured what he considered his ultimate best deal Fender precision base Cory's remarkable deal began when Kyler brought in a worn out vintage Fender precision base guitar despite its need for restoration Cory saw its hidden value what do we got here I have this old Fender base guitar here this is cool what you have here is a Fender precision base okay I mean this still is say one of the most popular base any Rock player play and the older they are man the more and more expensive they can be so how much you looking to get for it 1,000 okay I mean it's in pretty rough shape man this needs a pretty deep restoration now I have a guy he's local here that may be able to help us out with an idea of restoring it he brought an expert Mike who agreed to restore stored for $1,000 Cory paid Kyler $2,000 anticipating its potential Worth Post restoration to be $110,000 to $112,000 look at this Dusty nugget wow all right so what do you think I think once this gets cleaned up it could be pretty cool there there's a lot to be excited about here Cory is it something that could be restored it's definitely something that I can Restore for you yeah absolutely the goal is going to be to keep this finish looking Soulful there's a lot of value there but I think we're looking at around 1,000 bucks what do you think it could be worth restored I think we could be talking upwards of $10 to 122,000 once this is ready to go you came in here you ordered ,000 I'm going to give you two cuz I got to get him cracking on this thing did a deal yes after days of meticulous work Mike transformed the guitar enhancing its appearance and sound the one cheap item had turned into a valuable asset okay um where's the guitar I'm blown away well we had three kind of primary challenges in getting this 1960 P base back on the road Hardware spent time in our Ultrasonic Cleaner secondly we look to the electronics and this is my favorite portion of the program is the Cosmetics we're able to buff off and detail it so that it shows off in its best light and still preserves it original patina you guys did a phenomenal job what can I sell it for now that it's restored I think you can get upwards of about 12,000 for it I'm blown away I can't thank you enough I really do appreciate it Cory sharp investment instincts and Mike's skillful restoration proved instrumental in turning a seemingly ordinary guitar into a priz possession this is where we'll end our video we hope you enjoyed watching make sure to 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Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars full episodes, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn stars clips, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars episode, pawn stars chumlee, pawn stars old man, watch pawn stars, pawn stars scenes, history pawn stars, pawn stars show, pawn stars compilation, history channel pawn stars, pawn stars episode scenes, pawn stars marathon, best of pawn stars, pawn stars compilations, pawn stars fake items, pawn stars top moments, pawn stars purchases
Id: zXplenGENa0
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Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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