PAW Patrol Pups Save Halloween! 🎃 | 30 Minute Compilation | Nick Jr.

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ready when you are rider hello is there a ghost in here maybe it's busy let's get to the bottom of this sorry just my tummy growling [Music] hmm doesn't smell like a ghost what does a ghost smell like scary [Music] rubble where'd he go the ghost got him ryder he's still right there he's not alone not alone keep howling rubble we're coming i'll wait here hurry [Applause] oh no it sounds like rubble is behind this wall hmm [Music] ryder help i mean i wasn't scared don't worry rubble wow a secret room cool huh what is that it looks like mice that explains your missing lunch look the mice are making the paintings move and making the lights flicker and this doorway spin around i knew it wasn't a ghost all along i don't know what you guys were scared of so there's really no ghost nope my drone just sees mice lots and lots of mice hey they're tickling my paws [Music] covering the last mouse hole rider that means no more ghosts jake oh shoot skye i need you to get into your scarecrow costume fly to town square and scare away the eagle the eagle you got it let's take to the halloween sky rubble hustle over with your crane we need you to unstick a giant spider from a marshmallow web a giant spider those are the worst kind okay rubble on the double chase distract the eagle until skye gets here rough tennis ball launcher wanna play fetch big eagle [Music] it didn't work okay you're not so scared of me how about this time to play a little rescue line [Music] [Applause] good work skye rubble you're up whoa good thing that's not a real spider or it'd be super creepy [Applause] my candy corn i must have it oh my candy no yay oh look at that it's raining on halloween this is my kind of rain mmm yummy oh thank you ryder you and the pups worked yourselves to the bone to save our halloween party you're welcome whenever you're out of treats the trick is to yelp for help [Music] trick or treat thank you what do you say [Music] you're welcome you don't want to wind up like ouchie paws ouchy paws who's that only uh oh tell us more dude um you don't have to danny he walks on tiptoes and howls in the darkness oh cuz he like stepped on the sharp prickles and if he catches you he gives you ouchy paws too so you go that's a really silly story danny yeah so funny yeah us extreme stunt guys like to tell it to scare each other it's okay rubble there's nothing scary out there [Music] that ouchy paws sure was a scary story huh captain boss mr sid sir hi almost as scary as trying to find my buried treasure in the middle of the desert i'm sure i think you buried it on a desert island not the desert oh yeah [Applause] change of plans rv forget the treasure i need that skateboard that skateboard would be a step up from the tricycle you borrowed and i won't have to battle it but how do we borrow it when they're sleeping right next to it we think we'll scare them away with a little help from ouchy paws ouchy paws where oh you mean we're gonna pretend to be ghosts hi arby or should i say ouchie [Applause] what's that noise it's ouchy paws danny's made-up story wasn't made up at all easy rubble i'm sure it's not ruffle's right it's ouchy paws now let's make ghosty shadows okay paws is coming [Music] hey what's going on out there careful of the freckleberries it works thank you for helping me put up the decorations for the halloween party marshall you're welcome mere good way oh there's my cinderella chickaletta ready to help her fairy godmare hand out treats oh aren't you the sweetest little princess chicken mary good you have pup and kid treats too yum and thanks the halloween party is the last stop on the trick-or-treat route i want everything to be ghost-tacular hi alex hey mr porter great costumes thanks we're the great portini and his magic bunny abracadabra it's a pumpkin pie oh perfect marshall can you top it off with some orange marshmallow cream i sure can oh cannon oh dear where's my earring it's over there oh [Music] sorry i'll go clean that up no don't i love it it looks like a scary orange spiderweb okay then i better get back home and put on my costume see you soon be careful cinderella chickaletta this marshmallow web is sticky ha well well looks like there's a party tonight and where there's a party there are party snacks right kittens [Music] hey nice chase costume oh sweets these are only for halloween trick-or-treating trick or whatting trick-or-treating is when you wear a costume and knock on people's doors let's show them how it's done alex now you say trick or treat trick or treat here you go if they give you a treat you say thank you oh look it's the space [Music] me a good way ryder thank goodness you're here my guests are floating away how am i supposed to serve them i'll go get out later [Music] i like being a flying dino look there's katie and callie i'm on it [Music] chase i think you'll need to get higher to reach them you're right ruff walkers [Music] zip line hang on katie i'll i may never look at bubble baths the same way again chase over there mayor humdinger [Music] [Applause] oh better be really really good snacks [Music] what is that ladder [Music] it's just you rudy let me help you out of there ruff [Music] i'll get you good okay chase use the megaphone to ask mr wingnut to start yodeling here goes mr wingnut i hope you can hear me [Music] huh every time i yodel they howl almost like they think i'm their leader maybe i can sneak by them [Applause] hurry paw patrol [Music] are you getting a fix on mr wingnut's location my sonar shows a lot of sound waves bouncing off boulders looks like it's really noisy in that canyon the echo is probably making every noise even louder so where is he these sound waves shows yodeling is coming from right there but he's got company good work zuma time to shoo away those wolves marshall head southeast into the canyon that's where mr wingnut is and the wolves roger that i'll tell them to go away like this [Music] oh no sounds like another wolf phew i guess they found another leader i think it's safe to get up oh [Applause] great job marshall it sounds like they think you're their leader now i think you're right rubble i'll just leave them out of here time to get started making a pup sly sheep let's get lolly with it we'll need more than just wool and i've got the perfect stuff in my truck soup cans what are those for i'll show you just as soon as you spray paint them black okay oh paint cannons i don't get it no socks that'd be silly marshall they're ear socks all right ear socks i still don't get it now i get it not bad [Music] great disguise come on time to make friends with the real sheep hi ryder rocky marshall that's some halloween costume it's not for halloween i'm an undercover sheep this way he can sneak around and find out who's making those holes in your fence and i'll help you fix the fence again farmer out screwdriver [Music] hey lambs say hello to our new friend uh um barney [Music] [Applause] [Music] i mean [Music] hi i'm the new sheep barney [Music] chili's ready who wants some [Music] you know what goes great with chili river sausage you're in luck pups [Music] have one mr porter me no thanks come on try some mr porter try it grandpa oh oh all right [Music] do you like it pretty good huh mr porter um very mmm livery knew you'd love them have another uh no i don't want to hog them all pops [Music] grandpa you're so funny where's my camera [Music] got it the fire good thing rubble made a fire break there's nothing there to catch on fire alex use your fire safety quick right uh water sand the sand and water will put these out easily i think we got them all i smell something like smoke [Music] i got it rubble on the double oh shovel [Music] and smells like it's out i better stir the ashes to make sure nice job alex didn't think i'd be using my fire safety badge already thanks paw patrol if you ever need to build a safe fire just yelp for help exactly what a bunch of good action scouts [Laughter] what's wrong marshall um i don't like flying especially when flying means falling oh that's okay you can stay and guard the lookout really whoo yes i'll be the best lookout looker outer you ever had oh he looks scared how can we get him down i think i have a pup pack that'll work [Music] oh i hope this flies better than it fits are you going to fly all the way up there i can do it this pups gotta fly [Music] wow [Music] night i dreamt the cats could talk weird what is that huh is that marshall wearing my wings and a little itty bitty witty kitty [Music] got you ryder marshall you did it huh you saved the kitties even the kitty thanks you well whenever you're in trouble just meow for help you really did look out for the lookout while we were gone what a good pup i saw a ghost isn't that exciting you weren't scared not at all it's fun and i can't wait to show it to my favorite pups come on those pups are going to try to ruin my ghostly plant busby but we're not going to let that happen are we sweetie i'm coming to my princess keep watch out here your highness i'll turn on the lights somebody must have cut the power wait did you hear that silly puppy it's just sweetie with her chew toy busby did i scare you that's not a toy poor rubble [Music] chase use your night vision visor and see what's making that noise night vision [Music] okay that's weird all the paintings on the walls are moving pretty spooky hot princess yes how thrilling ghost come on really thrilling looks like i'll have to do something a bit scarier then they'll flee and i'll have this place all to myself i'll be the queen of the castle [Laughter] there's the ghost must be somebody inside that armor yeah somebody sneaky like sweetie whoo let alone me [Music] well then who's in there [Music] sorry maybe that is a little spooky a silly ghost hey where's marshall did the ghost get him he's probably still asleep let's check his pup house ryder look the ghost [Music] that's not a ghost it's marshall hello earth to marshall where are you going pups it looks like marshall's sleepwalking and now we sleep skateboarding that's not good chase let's go he can't skate that well when he's awake marshall it's ryder wake up chase your zip line great idea [Music] got him [Music] lost him zuma i need you down at the docks no worries i'm right here whoa awesome [Music] move oh [Music] i was having this silly dream that i was surfing on a whale [Music] don't worry marshall you're safe sound and awake uh all right thanks zuma all right pups we'll go trick-or-treating as soon as i'm magic pumpkin pumpkin ghost yikes hey pups it's okay it's just marshall hey where did everybody go mr porter chickaletta thinks that your spiderweb cookies look yummy enough to catch flies thank you chickaletta what was that it must be the wind howling look at the flag up in the crow's nest i'd better get more cookies and leave us alone i mean um hurry back [Music] wait a second who ate all the cookies not me and certainly not chickaletta [Music] that's so strange all the cookies are gone again there's no such thing as ghosts [Music] i have some treats do you have a trick i have a trick yes may i have a treat very nice wanna shake what a gentleman here you go [Music] outstanding hey check out my robot dance excellent you get a treat thank you milady i can [Music] you mean our meteor you mean our meteor it's okay partner at least you still have this super solid tower whoopsie i didn't know i had super strength wait for me and my kitties [Music] oh no the tower's gonna fall mighty pups charge up wow i have x-ray vision i can see right through the tower ryder mayor humdinger and his kitties are still up there i know how to stop that tower from falling [Music] i don't think the copycats tower is as solid as we thought kitties [Music] hmm foggy dude i like the sound of that it's gonna fall on the lookout [Music] my precious kittens were saved we're glad you're okay mayor humdinger let's rule [Music] [Applause] [Music] seal island lighthouse come in lighthouse this is the captain of the cruise ship princess maria we can't see your light over this is seal island lighthouse captain our light is going on [Music] we can see you seal island lighthouse we're turning away from you and the rocks thank you and out [Music] paw patrol you did it and just in the nick of time nice work zuma and chase yes you did a great job puppies way to go um sunglasses at night what for so i can fix the lighthouse huh cover your eyes everyone thanks again ryder you and the paw patrol saved the day the cruise ship and me anytime captain if you're ever in trouble just yelp for help [Music] i'm uh wide awake in case ryder needs us yep i'm wide awake too [Music] hi pups ryder what happened we stayed up all night waiting in case you needed us we can't wait to hear what happened even if it takes all night good job staying awake pups i'm gonna go grab some sleepout snacks and tell you all about it [Music] i'll save them for you [Music] you can ask your parents to subscribe to the nick jr youtube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on tv on nickelodeon and the nick jr channel
Channel: Nick Jr.
Views: 38,488,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol pups, halloween, halloween compilation, nick jr halloween, paw patrol, paw patrol rescue, paw patrol saves, paw patrol nick jr, nick jr, nickelodeon, fun, animation, cartoons, kids, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick, nick jr. shows, preschool videos, kids games, kids entertainment, nick jr. cartoons, nick jr animation, #nickjr
Id: 1Lw309TqONs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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