Paw Patrol get a New House & Go to the Shopping Mall - Learning Video for Kids!

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it's moving day for the paw patrol you guys have fun playing on the playground while the grown-ups finish packing up James I'm gonna go down the zipline look out below Oh would you like to come in the castle yeah you bet big thanks guy I love slides you but I don't like mud alright just a few more bags there we go let's not forget this box of toys let me put the last box and we'll be ready to go alright Skye that's everything come on pups it's time to see your new house did you hear that it's time to go are we really gonna get to see our new house yep and your new school now hop in a new school I don't know if I like that don't worry guys it'll be fine come on let's go I can't wait to see our new house okay we're ready okay pups we'll be there soon is that our new house nope that's pororo's house hello let's keep moving our house is down the road it's dad our house nope that's Peppa pig's house it's a good day for a barbecue our house is the next one on the street so let's keep moving ah here we are take a look at our new house bucks Wow look at that sounds cool our new house is really big but it needs some work [Music] come on pups let's go inside and check it out make sure you wipe your feet before you come in Wow it looks amazing inside but where's our stuff where's our toys what it's my favorite firetruck don't worry Marshall we packed all those things and brought him with us really yep and now it's time for us to start unpacking and getting the house ready we'll help you guys unpack oh no you guys need to go to your new school remember I don't want to go to a new school rocky come back oh no this school bus is here we have to find rocky before the school bus leaves rocky rocky rocky where are you are you hiding over here or a year I'll see if he's out here oh there you are rocky what are you doing up on the deck I'm scared to go to a new school I won't know anyone there don't worry rocky you'll make friends at the new school I promise really you think so yes of course now let's go downstairs and get on okay bye have fun in school everyone make lots of new friends we will all right now that the pups are at school let's get to work first we need to install the florist leave that to me there's the first floor floor there we go and now in a second great job rubble thanks now it's time for the Windows Windows one [Music] two three four [Music] in our last window makes five now for the front steps steps in the shape for the window shape look what I found at the recycling plant wooden railing these will look good around the deck but I'm not sure how to get them up there leave that to me rocky I can carry them up on my fire trucks ladder see easy peasy now I'll place our banister railings to complete our deck really [Music] laughs one and we can use the extra ones for extra safety inside and they look nice too wait we're coming in with the stairs stairs now to line it up their stairs are in place how are we gonna get that big heavy roof all the way up here just leave that to me okay Roger that let's move in for the pickup careful careful there [Music] three points guys yeah that was amazing now let's start placing the furniture here's the entertainment center entertainment center and here's my favorite piece of furniture the TV TV yeah looks good don't forget the ride oh nice touch 9r oh and I got the sofa sofa [Music] Hey so bouncy I got the coffee table coffee table and rubble and I have two armchairs on chairs let's get started on the kitchen where should I put the refrigerator over there should be fine okay refrigerator that's heavy whoa and look at all this great food yum yum yummy hold on rubble we still got a lot more unpacking to do before we eat I know yeah we're gonna need the oven if we're gonna cook anything I'll put it way back here against the wall good thinking Zuma yep got everything but the kitchen sink kitchen see we'll need this table to eat at table and here's one two three four Cheers [Music] we talk Marshall does anyone know her chases uh yeah I think I do what a great joke on chase we still need help unpacking oh right I'll take this writing desk upstairs to the pucks bedroom thanks chase you can put it there in the corner writing test oh don't forget the chair thanks Zuma now for the bottom bunk bed bump it I'll slide it into the hallway and then I got the top of the bunk bed I'll just put it on top there the pups like that and how about a piano for some outdoor entertainment you know all right pups now let's get to work on the bathroom first we need to install the shower shower and then I'll slide in the bathtub and now for the bathroom sink bathroom see [Music] in every bathroom needs a toilet toilet I'll just light it against the far wall and don't forget the toilet paper well guys the house looks amazing I hope the pups like it as well and I hope they're having a good day if they're used pool I'm sure they're having a great time trapper great job showing everyone how to write their letters and numbers thanks miss whiskers oh that beau Mews it's time for recess now I want all of our classes to be extra nice to our new students don't worry miss whiskers we'll be extra nice we this playground is fun he might add too much Erica sorry look at me guys I'm the king of the castle [Music] I love driving rocky why are you over here all by yourself nobody wants to play with me you can play with me and tractor really yeah come on I'll show you something cool see rocky it's a train set Wow cool tractor and I love to play on it during recess do you want to join us sure if that's okay with tracker of course rocky the more the merrier all aboard choo-choo we this is cool [Applause] the school bus is here kids time for everyone to go home already when I was having so much fun come on everyone don't miss the school bus why now Miss whiskers I sure didn't have a lot of fun I'm so glad that you had fun and made lots of new friends rocky I'll see you tomorrow I can't wait see you kids tomorrow all the pups are here I hope they had a good day at school see you tomorrow kids we had so much fun at school and I made two new friends Everest and tracker who let me play with their train oh I'm so glad to hear that well how about you pups come inside and take a look at the new house oh yeah I can't wait to see what it looks like so what do you pop stink do you like it wow it's so amazing we love it wow look at our new room and they even got my favorite fire truck yay of course we did Marshall we packed everyone's favorite things we went watch TV with rub old first you need a bath rocky you got dirty on the playground oh man and can we test out the new kitchen we're hungry of course pups who's waiting for you at the table mmm yummy so what do you think of the new house rocky I love it best house ever this house is so much fun all right pops it's bedtime good night everyone tomorrow's a new day and I'll get to play with my new friend Everest and tracker I'm so happy good night I'm so glad that everything worked out good night thanks for watching the video guys great job Marshall you guys at home be sure to check out our new online web store for cool Genovese Playhouse merchandise bye guys the paw patrol are going shopping today I can't wait to see the new mom I know I heard it supposed to have lots of great stores are you pups buckled up back there yeah of course then let's go shopping I can't wait it's Genevieve's Playhouse Wow guys it looks like the pups are going shopping and we've got this great shopping mall to put together just for them it's from the Calico Critters town and it's called the grand department store gift set and it comes with one finger Stella hopscotch rabbit with a cute little hat and an adorable Travis and it even comes with a working elevator when we're done building it we'll have a chocolate lounge a boutique fashion store with some cute clothes a cosmetic beauty shop for makeovers in an awesome fashion shop that we're gonna customize does a cute toy store I can't wait to see what our department store is gonna look like so let's take it out of the box and put it together I don't know about you guys but I really love putting together toys like this it's so fun now let's see what we have first it's a science it go on top of them all then we have our adorable figure that comes with the playset oh here comes a big piece it's the main buildings for the mall and if we turn it around there's a whole bunch of other accessories in sodding Wow look at all that I think this box here is loaded with all the railings that go inside and for the four shops inside the mall there's two boxes here and two more over here awesome oh and look over here it looks like the tower for the entrance we can actually put this in a lot of different places depending on how we put it together and finally we have the stickers a manual and some floor pieces that we can arrange a lot of different ways now that we got our pieces out of the box we can start putting it together to help customers see our mall we're gonna need to add some signs here's one for the pink building and one more for our yellow building aren't there designs for these really cool-looking I think so too now we have some awnings for two of our enter - one right here and another right here next we need to add our windows we'll add the frame in the back and next we'll attach the window to the front there's one another one over heater makes - and now for the pink building we'll add one here for three and one more makes four and on the inside we can add a cool balcony here for some extra floor space and then we can add some protective railings so it's safe to stand on we'll add some more railing over here and on the other side as well then down below on the first level here and one more for the other side now that we're back on the outside let's add some banners to attract even more customers and now to add our Tower with its real working revolving door since we sent our mall up like this I'll put it here in the corner and we'll top it off with some more railing for our towers balcony [Music] and in one more year now let's get our great department store sticker and add it here in the middle here that looks awesome we can use these rectangle pieces a lot of different ways but I think we're gonna use them to make a floor one more there and now for one last touch and the structure of our mall will be done a dome for the tower check it out guys doesn't that look awesome now let's go inside and design our shops let's start with our chocolate shop here on the bottom left corner first we'll need the display case then we can start adding our trees here's two plates of chocolate we'll slide them in at the bottom now we have macaroon cookies and different kinds of chocolate candies we'll add these on a shelf above the chocolates and we even have a chocolate masterpiece in the shape of the mall we'll add that to our counter here now that we set up our display case let's slide it to the corner of the shop for our customers comfort we've got this red sofa here and then a table so they can eat their treats while they're at the shop in for the bottom right part of our mall we're gonna set up a cosmetic shop we'll start with our cosmetic counter with all the different makeups in the middle and so our customers can see what they look like we'll add a mirror let's move it into the shop here and add a cushion so our customers will be comfortable then we can stock it with different perfumes great job our first floor is done so we can start working upstairs we're gonna make our store on the top right a clothing store and we're definitely going to need some clothes for that this set comes with dresses but I added some boy clothes because they like clothes too we can put our clothes over here and for helping display our clothes will use a dress stand this one has a blue dress on it and finally a mirror so our customers can see how they look in their new clothes now our final store on the top left is supposed to be a fashion boutique but I think our customers are gonna want a toy shop so we're gonna use our own toys to make a cool toy store first we'll use another display stand that comes with our shopping mall we'll use this to show off some of our toys then we're gonna add our own stuff like this game table and here's a cool red speedboat it looks really fast oh wow look at this cool dollhouse we have I'll set this on a game table and here's a cute little teddy bear with the paint bow whoa check out this fast yellow sports car it has a big engine and some flames on the side nice yeah look at this it's an airplane with a propeller on the front and next we have a cool purple dinosaur I think this is a toy I would like to play with and here's a colorful box of blocks we'll set it here next to the speedboat and the last toy for our shop is this rainbow wagon wow this looks super fun to play with now that our mall is set up we're gonna need one more thing we're gonna need employees to work in each of our shops will have our bunny that came with them all work in our cosmetic shop because she's so cute and this little turtle loves chocolate so he's gonna work behind the counter in our candy shop and this adorable teddy bear is gonna work in the clothing store and finally this koalas gonna work in our toy store and now our mall is ready for some customers and just in time too because here come the fog patrol pups for here all right come on pups time to go inside I can't wait to go shopping hmm how did this door worth like this whoa whoa take it easy there Marshall come on guys it's amazing in here you heard Marshall let's go Wow Marsten you want kidding it is amazing what's that smell it's it's chocolate Wow and my favorite macaroons it's a big counter oh yeah you're right okay boys you can go get some treats I'll take Skye to go get a makeover and welcome to the job my job what would you like I would like for macaroons to share with my friends all right coming right up let me get them with the spatula here we go here's a one two three and four mmm smell so delicious what are you getting gay trouble mmm a chocolate on my chocolate oh you're like a chocolate I suggest you're trying this one I am made that myself that's the one I want let's see $2.00 free it's a macaroon and the six dollars will be $14 here you go now it's really our treats thank you are they my guns we see some seats for you Tommy I got chocolate and I got macaroon see here um I sure you have a better chocolate on your face I'll take your that nice one Marshall I wonder how Skye's like in our makeover hey there we were looking to get a makeover oh wow what an adorable little puppy you are come sit in my chair and I'll get you fixed up really beautifully okay I can't wait all right just wait right there and I'll fix you up in no time let's see a little bit of makeup and some eyeshadow here tada what do you think well I think you're beautiful no matter what but the important thing is what do you think sky it's beautiful thank you so much and now for one final touch some rosewater perfume all right what is it oh wow it smells so terrific now your lip so cute and you smell nice too oh thanks it's my rosewater perfume excuse me Oh what does happen sorry hey guys how's Amica wait I thought sky was getting a makeover not Marshall uh it's complicated oh right hey when are we going to a shopping yay toy shopping hold your props guys first chase and I have to go get some clothes and then we can hog our toy shopping yay I can't wait come on Skye let's head up to the elevator and go clothes shopping way ahead of you chase hey wait for me see you at the top now let's see what should I wear what took you so long chase are hard very funny very funny welcome to my shop try on anything you'd like don't mind if I do hey there's something I like this outfit would be perfect for our formal ball next week it's got a white shirt a green tie and silver pants what do you think sky go try it on and we'll see the changing rooms rates over here all right I'll be right back tada what do you think wow you look wonderful yep and now it's my turn to pick out something I really like this purple and pink dress I'm gonna go try it on [Music] well what do you think wow sky you look amazing are you sure this doesn't make my ears look too big of course not your ears look fine well I'm gonna need to try on the blue dress just to be sure [Music] but sky you look fine ah tada now which dress do you like the best um I like both dresses the same you look good in either hmm I can't decide can you kids at home let me know which dress I should wear at the formal the blue one or the purple one are you two ready to check out yeah I just want this outfit yep and since I can't decide I'm gonna have to buy both alright great that'll be two hundred and ten dollars what two hundred and ten dollars oh that's right your office ten dollars and each dress is 100 dollars um are you okay sir oh he's fine this happens every time you go shopping I'll just take the money out of his wallet all right here you go you know I had a necklace would look nice with your outfit too I had necklace Oh perfect just add those on to come on up pups it's time to get to the toy store hey Julie shopping okay oh wait all right sky pick out one toy let's see what do I want there's so many good boys I'll take the airplane not yet sky the other pups still have to pick Russell it's your turn hmm I want the toy house yay good joist Marshall rocky your turn let's see I want the dinosaurs can I have it can I have it of course you can rocky Zuma what would you like I want the toy bone [Music] your turn rubble I'm like a car because it's yellow like me good thinking rubble all right chase what would you like I think I want this little red wagon it's so cool-looking great choice chase now let's check out and head home or else we'll end up buying everything at the mall I hope you pups had a wonderful time at the shopping mall today but Chase is right it's time to go home yeah we had a great time and we can't wait to go home and play with our toys boy I hope the pups had as much fun shopping as we did oh I think they did just look at them all playing with their new toys here's your new house Caddy's yay they love it sorry Rocky it's okay rubble I'm just glad you're having fun let's see what this button does [Music] Wow cool what a great act toy hey sky want a meeting at the ball field sure I bet I'll beat you there anyway for me wow I guess the shopping trip was a big hit yep if only I could figure out which dress to wear to the formal the purple one or the blue one thanks for watching the video guys if you liked it give it a thumbs up and be sure to let us know in the comments which dress do you think Skyy should wear to the big ball bye guys [Music]
Channel: Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids
Views: 44,818,589
Rating: 3.8562949 out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, paw, patrol, best, toy learning, video for kids, new house, house, move, pawpatrol, learning, educational, preschool, toy learning video, kids videos, toddler learning, teach kids, toy house, learn words, toddler learning video, for kids, toys, dollhouse, doll house, genevieves playhouse, new, moving day, mall, shopping, shopping mall, store
Id: LlwoWpvVpa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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