PAW Patrol Pups Save Baby Mayor Humdinger! w/ Skye & Zuma | 60 Minute Compilation | Nick Jr.

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foreign [Music] what [Music] a mayor Humdinger is that baby I gotta admit he's kind of cute sorry baby it's all out of coconut water he's [Music] [Music] [Music] it again what do I do we have to change him back into a grown-up do you have another golden coconut I think there was only one golden coconut will water from another one change him back maybe but I guess we'll have to get it from the jungle Carlos can help for sure meanwhile gotta watch this baby no Mary's Too Young no pup is too small Paw Patrol to the lookout Ryder needs us [Music] hey did we get new helmets [Music] thank you [Music] Paw Patrol ready for action Rider we've got to keep these baby dinos safe in the wrong slide we need all of us on Deck Rubble Marshall Zuma I need you here at the Mountainside quick chill all right on our way foreign use your Dyno vehicles to stop those boulders [Music] Marshall use your water cannons to slow them down instant mud coming up water cannons [Music] oh two baby dinos are better than none this must be my lucky day that didn't last long I uh I think this one's yours Mama there you go [Music] no [Music] the baby can fall Skye fly up and give that baby a lift back to its mama [Music] harness [Music] just in time Skye bring it a little lower [Music] steady I'll get you down no worries Big Mommy we're going to bring your baby back to you thank you [Music] [Applause] a ball [Music] I'll get it oh [Music] are you okay I'm fine you don't really look fine I'll call for help [Music] foreign [Music] that's no place to be hanging around don't worry we'll get you down from there I'm not worried but that water does look kind of cold I like my best warm with bubbles [Music] path is too narrow and steep hmm Chase your net give the little guy something to climb up chase is on the case put back wow cool backpack can Cool Math thanks okay little guy climb up careful I told you I'm fine [Music] thank you thank you thank you you're welcome hey that tickles a little like this good job now use your body to guide the leaves [Music] if we keep going we can beat the folder you can do it snort it's [Music] it sounds like you all had one Wild Ride yeah but where did snort go as soon as it was safe he went back up the mountain well he lives on that mountain just like you live on yours why don't I make some smoothies oh no we never got the coconut we went to pick huh what's that wait is that and you brought us a coconut that's why he went back up the mountain to get you a coconut [Music] coconut smoothies for everybody I think snort is thanking you for saving him and teaching him how to ride a leaf [Music] you are very welcome snort just remember if you're ever about to get run down by a rock just snort for help here try it Everest yum I can't wait for my next trip to the Jungle great job head out to the bay and see if you can locate the Dolphins family [Music] all attach the dolphin to your buoy line okay let's give this a try okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's following us she's stoked to have a dolphin friend to play with any side of them Ryder I found the Dolphin's family great Skye looks like the little pup and its new friend are almost out of the river [Music] hey where'd that pup go Ryder I think I lost it again [Music] [Applause] hang on [Music] HEB on autopilot [Music] thanks Ryder good job you too Zuma that was a totally awesome ride guess all pups like to play even dolphin pups [Music] great job pups the little dolphin is safe and the family is back together again [Music] don't lose it Re-Use it we need to stop that calamitous kangaroo I know you have not today but do not let go I'm trying Skye grab them with your hook who's [Music] here good way I'm coming to fix that bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] amazing way to go pups nice Rocky looks like you're the best helper ever now [Music] oh don't worry my darling chickaletta I haven't even come for your place right here for you Paw Patrol now I can get Hops and Joey back to the ranch where they'll have all the bouncy space they need you're welcome whenever you lose a jumping Joey just yell for help oh sweet mommy and baby are going to live hop Ali Ever After [Music] how are we gonna get rid of all this fight don't worry we can fix it foreign [Music] they want to help us melt the ice they do how do you know whoa this is score hi Scorch and that's Jade hi Jade Ruby flame Draco hi flame hi Draco and blizzy hi blizzy all right pops and Dragons let's team up melt that ice and feed some meatballs to Sparks [Music] you've got this Rubble bruh catapult launch those meatballs [Music] oh boy it works now Sparks is breathing fire again well have you captured my castle yet claw oh wow it's time to melt the ice thank you at last the ice has been melted and big Benji has been wound now that's time to say thank you you're welcome your highness whenever you're in trouble just for help [Music] attention all dinos you need to get out of here come on we gotta hurry hurry time to go the volcano is going to erupt follow me not now buddy there's a lot more sticks where we're going cool [Music] Ryder I don't think he can get down Skye a dino needs a lift this puppy's gotta fly [Music] just hold still and I'll get you [Music] it's starting [Music] that's not good did you know this is the Dino's favorite place to eat we'll stop the fire you pups keep moving the dinos Marshall cool down.lava before it burns any more grass [Music] [Applause] or cannons [Music] It's Gonna Keep erupting Rubble dig a trench so the lava will Flow Away From Here into that Canyon one trench coming up hey I found this funny baby rattle made out of an old key in the water maybe it's his [Music] house it's working at rattle I can find it huh with my metal detector are you sure Rocky you'll have to swim and get wet getting wet will help that baby octopus get back to his mom I can do it that's my Sea Patrol Pup I saw the rattle land around here okay I can do this metal detector everything else [Music] you're amazing hey it's just water okay pups we still have a job to finish I'll need a magnifying glass to make the baby look so big even its mama can see it but where are you gonna find a magnifying glass hmm I'll start with this punch bowl over here [Music] I hope Mom isn't as hungry as this little guy she's not hungry she just misses her baby okay Zuma it's time to Rattle and Roll come on okay Zuma we're out far enough [Music] I'm starving me not to whoever you are who's there who who oh I get it Yoo-hoo you were calling me you make me laugh wait you're not a knock knock joke you're an owl a tiny owl what's your name little guy we just did that you're a hoot hey that's a good name for you little hoodie [Applause] is something wrong well you picked the right pup hey wait up [Music] show me the way little hoodie [Music] so the problem is this tree [Music] looks like it fell over in the wind [Music] more knock-knock jokes [Music] there's another owl in there it stuck but it seems to be okay don't worry chase is on the case I'll just dig down under the tree and the owl can get out [Music] all right [Music] whoa there's a little hoodie that tree can slip over the cliff don't worry I'm gonna take care of this we need the PAW Patrol Ryder mayor humdinger's got the baby T-Rex and he's heading for the tunnel we've got to stop him Chase on the dino case Christmas almost there baby dino the ice gotta get to the tunnel [Music] [Applause] a baby never hey pups I could really use a little help here they're so far away how are we gonna get there in time watch this Dino Club [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] here's the Paw patroller Olivia robo-dog can drive you back [Music] thanks for hurrying robozog let's get Olivia inside and [Music] again [Music] rubber duck you suggest to catch up with them and lead them back [Music] friends robot dog will be back with Oscar but let's get you inside whoa where's the Paw patroller going and who's driving it uh oh who looks like the babies have hatched let's head after them we'll be right back Olivia [Music] stop thanks robo-dog you're away smooth ride than an ostrich Skye robot I need you to do an air maneuver to stop the Paw patroller on my way [Music] it's open Ryder great your turn robot dog thank you Rocky could rig something up that could help us Slide the baby whale out into the bay we were just doing that this morning at the park perfect thanks for getting here so fast rocky rocky to the rescue okay Rocky Roll it into the channel [Music] perfect Marshall can you spray the plastic so it's slippery sure can [Music] excellent okay then I'll pause on Deck one two three and push [Music] no I'm all wet look [Music] bye little whale we'll miss you be good [Music] what's wrong Rubble dust um sand in my eye any of you Puffs hungry after all that work me too me too well I realize I'm not technically a pop but I am actually hungry which is why I always carry a little homemade dried squid jerky super tasty hmm try some no thanks I'm good here you go pups I think we all deserve a day at the beach [Music] [Applause] and now it's time to play around Adventure Bay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] harness gotcha [Music] okay baby man we're gonna play nicely in the yard until Marshall gets back with the coconut yeah okay [Music] there's the baby there he is tracker better get up there [Music] huh boy sure had to pick a lot of coconuts to find one golden one I'll put the golden one where it's safe oh [Music] oh not so safe now [Music] cables [Music] he's going to give you a hug Cali hurry Rex this stegosaurus won't move [Music] come on little guy it's gonna get real hot out real fast good job Rex we're almost there we just have to get across that Rock Bridge they get across Rocky Zuma Skye take the Fallen trees and pile them up across the Gap so the dinosaurs can cross safely totally [Music] my turn dude [Music] [Music] great work pups now let's move these dinos across Rubble we have to get out of here the trench is ready let's go [Music] thank you I'm afraid to look did it work see for yourself [Music] oh that opening's too small for my rig then we can't finish the tunnel I said my rig can't go through I didn't say anything about me [Music] oh oh Zuma's kite surfy thing Alex Porter kites everything champion [Music] oh Alex wow don't worry we'll get you Alex Scott hi this one's for you I'm on it to the beach but I don't have a steering wheel poor Sky I can't watch [Music] not a puff I knew she'd do it yay yay [Music] thank you she was lying you did it Skye I was so worried I mean uh excellent flying yeah thanks a gazillion Skye you're welcome just doing my job right there that's it Rubble you're through great job now the turtles will have a safe path to the Bay for years and years hey whenever there's trouble just Yelp for help yay [Music] that's it [Music] he's gonna have control Skye can you see what the problem is there there's a bridge stuck in his wing brace [Music] and now his wing brace is broken we have to fix it we will Skye pick up Rocky Roger that Rocky use your ratchet to tighten that Wing brace it's time for a mid-air Dino rescue ready when you are Skye hook so this is what it's like to be a pterodactyl okay [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] number four three oh thanks big guy okay I'm moving in nice and steady got it two more to go um Rocky you better hurry we've got one unhappy T-Rex ahead T-Rex come on Rocky you can do this wrecking ball spinner on the double great job Rubble now Zuma use your buoys to turn the wagon and slow it down you you oh sure slowing down great work we're really hot [Music] oh no the mama Dragon thinks we're trying to hurt her babies everyone stay back one more stop and that ledge is gonna break off and take the wagon with it no don't back away save me come on [Music] no gloss stop jumping the wagon Rocky use your Talon hook to snag the wagon look at your baby's mama dragon [Music] [Music] much better I couldn't have said that better myself there you go no more sticky marshmallow huh you're welcome Little Cuties [Music] okay Rubble try to dig some dirt out from under the tree maybe the owl can scramble out of its hole but be careful oh [Music] Hang on we're gonna get you look out Rubble the tree's slipping solves my truck I need to brace it against something we're good but we need to get that owl though and fast I have an idea hang on foreign [Music] that was close little hoodie it was nothing you know I think that's not just any owl I think it's little hootie's mama I think you're right Ryder chase you saved little hoodie and his mom hello Mama hoodie oh you don't have to speak owl to tell that was a thank you oh you're welcome whenever you're in trouble just hoot for help [Music] great job guys all set to go just one thing sir [Music] Where Are You Gonna live now oh thank you [Music] this looks like a sturdy tree why don't you try it [Music] [Applause] [Music] well at least you know where they are Chase you can always check in on little hoodie yeah I guess I can Ryder Mr Porter Let's see if we can catch her you got it Ryder [Music] Mandy is headed your way where did she go Skye what is it Ryder look up huh wow man he sure loves to climb Mandy loves to climb and swing and Sly I've got the perfect plan oh hi Mandy we've been looking all over for you here we go let's hope it works Marshall don't let her out the door you got it [Music] look what I've got oh [Music] Mandy [Music] daughter great job great plan Ryder uh Mr Porter you better get behind the wheel before Mandy does oh right oh what's going on [Music] bye Mandy get home safe hi Timmy talk to me let's hope this plant likes Dino treats [Music] furnace thanks Skye that would have been messy great work pups now make sure you keep a close eye on that baby dinosaur look Timmy it's your daddy [Music] it's okay guys he just said I'm coming to save you but I think he means from us quick Rex tell him we're trying to help I don't think you can hear me over all the noise oh it's okay Timmy your daddy's gonna be okay now this big giant plant is coming for him Scott use your hook to pull the big plant away from him Roger that Rider you need to do something I've got an idea remember when Marshall dropped the ball off his nose because the butterfly tickled him sure Ryder but who even knows if plants are ticklish oh [Music] it's [Music] okay big guy the Paw Patrol is on its way Sand River will this work great idea Rocky if stones won't work let's try a wooden bridge [Music] which [Music] loud sound again thanks buddy now let's get you out of there retract the winds Chase Ruff winch for trash oh baby's big ger big guy Rubble get that log Underneath Him [Music] watch your step guys [Music] great job everyone but we still have a problem is that that Thunder mouth that's just a story Rubble but something out there is scaring the elephants and everybody jungle it might cost more animals to get in trouble like baby here but how do we stop whatever or whoever is making the sound first up is to find out what it is we're gonna track down whoever is making that sound but we need more help trucker Skye meet us in the clearing on our way what do you think baby Humdinger isn't the playground fun [Music] I now now baby humning are playing nice here have a nice ball [Music] I for a baby you have some arms oh yeah [Music] Ryder Kelly is on a runaway trike heading towards Mr Porter's Cafe I'll meet you there but Drive slowly don't forget you have a baby on board delivery drone pick up that lunch [Music] there she is sucker use your cables to stop that truck or something [Music] Cali you had quite a ride [Music] baby in a top hat actually that's mayor Humdinger Humdinger Marshall's looking for a golden coconut to change him back I'm fine oh no they're on Zuma's hovercraft [Music] a storm Skye you follow the twins Zuma come with me [Applause] wow these waves are big maybe too big hurry we're on our way Skye life jacket the boy [Music] yeah look this guy's a bear worry the wings are too big can't get close enough Julia Julian I need your help what should we do you have to reject the rescue police see the button ready and push yeah good job Zuma you did it let's get you back to dry land [Music] [Music] my precious niece and nephew how was your date with the Paw Patrol the coolest we played the best game of hide and seek ever Paw Patrol is really good at the sea part whenever you need to be found just yell for help wow [Music] so loud but there wasn't anything to be afraid of Ryder Thunder mouth is big hairy and he's trying to make music with the walls really big harry was making the noise The Sounds must have gotten louder echoing through the cave whoa he's really rocking the house I mean cave oh no those rocks no Harry any more noise it'll make it worse Harry it'll be okay everyone's scared of something but we're here with you and stuff is a lot less scary when your Amigos are by your side Rubble let's move those rocks all right oh no we're gonna need a lot more muscle to move that big boulder [Music] get ready it's show time [Music] it's not so scary when you can see who's making the noise nope but it's still pretty loud I think he's saying thank you you're welcome daddy elephant just remember whenever you hear a scary noise just yell for help [Music] or sing along [Applause] okay Skye time to airlift him out of there harness you can do this just get in the sling that's it and he's in great job Rex Skye take him up going up now I just need to find a place to set him down um what was that hey baby stego I gotta get you on the ground [Music] yikes that was close that sounds even closer that's a T-Rex did you know that means Lizard King that Lizard King doesn't sound very happy Skye can you see it I do now sized mess that explains the teeth marks on those trees T-Rexes don't normally eat trees and they sure don't eat rocks find out what's wrong with it before it destroys the jungle hop on Taylor [Music] you too Benny what's the T-Rex saying mostly ow my mouth hurts oh that powerful prehistoric Pals in pain yup but I don't know why it keeps biting stuff Skye can you get a look inside his mouth zooming in for a closer look [Music] the T-Rex has a branch stuck between its teeth I bet the T-Rex is trying to get it unstuck by chomping on things it's a dino Dental dilemma [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] thank you [Music] something's coming and it's muy Grande oh no what are we going to do stand aside Paw Patrol my Cody molisher is going to level your town Paw Patrol [Music] it's time to knock down City Hall Marshall I'm fired up look at it s Sky Europe This puppy's gotta fly a hook cable all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] follows orders like a good robot cat should too bad I made him so small I just need to build something to make him bigger and better like super mayor Minnie Meister would do [Laughter] [Music] ah here it is by Transformers zapper machine meow meow go stand under the zap emitter now to make meow meow bigger and better by pulling this lever just a little bit [Music] uh-oh I just meant to make you a bigger cat not a tiger I'm hungry yeah you can talk aluminum [Music] what did you expect me to eat pizza [Music] [Music] [Applause] for my next spectacular stunt I daring Danny X will ride my rocket-powered bike around and around and upside down in this steel globe or should I say say hello to your new mayor and his head I'm in the mood stop that cat at once stop him I can barely hang on to him I'm calling Ryder would I may or Harold need to make my town super fun and good luck catching me with my new and improved rocket thrusters oh I know what would be really fun taking those PewDie pups tower that would make Harold fill the muddiest town ever speed can't keep up with it and he's heading for the lookout Mighty pups Harold's robot is flying super fast towards the lookout to take him down we're gonna have to charge up this guy trying to slow him down with your charged up weather powers [Music] great job Skye Rocky use your X-ray vision to disable his rocket thrusters on it foreign [Music] hey you Rockets just for that prepare to be teleported Chase charge up and use your Sonic bark [Music] Ness superpowers I mean just okay new superpowers I gotta get out of here Marshall time for a charged up super jump yeah [Music] hey I can't see press the button for the white Shield wipers Marshall's slowing him down great the robot is powered by a meteor piece in its backpack now is there a chance to pull it out and shut him down put your vehicles in Hover mode you can ask your parents to subscribe to the Nick Jr YouTube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on TV on Nickelodeon and the Nick Jr Channel
Channel: Nick Jr.
Views: 2,833,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick jr, animation, cartoons, kids, nickelodeon, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick, nick jr. shows, preschool videos, kids games, kids entertainment, nick jr. cartoons, nick jr animation, #nickjr, #youtubekids, preschool, learn, #forkids, youtubekids, full episode, new episode, kidstv, all paws on deck, paw patrol all paws on deck, paw patrol full episodes, baby, paw patrol rescue knights, ytao_paw, cartoons for kids, shows for kids
Id: jj5PUgw4r8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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