🔴LIVE: Cousins Moments | Bluey

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foreign [Music] finish thanks ladies I told you this place was great come back soon we need more customers [Music] nah stump oh you've almost got it yes [Music] register your toenails okay so beat up too much no oh that's very interesting hi oh hello are you here to have your nails done well no we're not here to have our nails done we're here for that stump as I'm sure you are aware excuse me it's the first I've heard about all this you ready yeah ready [Music] [Music] but what do you think socks hmm Valerie ballerina yeah yeah oh never mind socks it's my turn Okay muffin your turn are you sure you know how to do it yes I know cards okay now take a look now act it out I don't wanna God I want the ballerina card oh ah well muffin we have to do the one on the card but I wanna do the ballerina oh okay can you take me to my dad's house um no I say where we go and what we do but you can be the passenger okay ready for take-home [Music] I'm a bit bored I might go now of a helicopter in the middle of the sky oh sorry I forgot you're sleeping [Music] dad's house [Music] oh yeah I can drop you in it where does he live I don't know winter I know he doesn't live with my mom well I'll just look for his pool it's the one with the purple blend and the deep end with a back road in the deep end there it is I'll drop you on free one two make sure you wait for the defense okay [Music] hey what's going on come here [Music] okay [Music] [Music] ready [Music] ready [Music] [Music] that's okay I'm sorry Library customer here's your library card muffin yes it's pink now you can borrow any books you want [Music] but you know Dad yes Murphy Louie isn't letting we play Library oh Chloe yes Mom can you include muffin in your game please we are but she's not playing properly well everyone has their own way of playing Bluey just let muffin play how she wants okay honey okay here you go huh [Music] let me up let me out of here oh please [Music] mom come look at this oh look it's just like when we first met and feet xylophone give me that xylophone give me that [Music] Bingo let's get the pins [Music] you have wait till your father hears about this speed it up one two two that's it you have to bend down oh okay you're going to time out young man now you sit in that toilet paper chair and have a good thing about what you've done toilet paper chair this isn't fair mum why doesn't Snowdrop have to go to timeout she's the one who's being cheeky because she's my favorite you mean snowdrop's really your favorite yes Snowdrop is my favorite oh I see [Music] I'll just sit here until you tell me I can come out well um yes good [Music] oh Bluey Mackenzie where are your buddies we ran away from us oh goodness me don't they like us of course they do but it can be hard being 12 years old sometimes what do you mean here give me those Barky boats I'll show you something go on hold the water back once were two six-year-old buddies floating around nice and calm not a care in the world they turned seven years old then eight years old then nine and ten and eleven then yeah off they went on a big adventure peace [Music] [Music] okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to the circus our First Act today will be um what should our First Act be I've got an idea okay you say it our first act will be a lion jumping through the soup jumpy jump lion get your treat Now You're a Mean lion tamer remember oh yeah I forgot Lazy Lion husband be kind to your lion I'm not your husband [Music] no treat for you [Music] Mackenzie doesn't want to be my husband Mackenzie can you pretend to be Coco's husband but I don't want to sorry Coco he doesn't want to well can't you make him oh no yeah if he doesn't want to Lily can't make him okay [Music] laughs yeah I wish Winnie was here I know you do you wish when his dad was here yeah I do he's good fan actually if you if you're your friend do you think he would say yes well I don't know maybe if you were my dad I'd want to be your friend oh thanks mate come on we have to get back to bricky [Music] sorry we're late bugga lug slept in no worries we were just heading back for brekkie oh oh okay no worries well um would you like to come to our house for breakfast for real life only if it's okay with your dad I mean it's pretty short notice coming read that please please yeah right oh yeah yeah hi muffin I'm sorry I can't stop sucking my thumb it's okay muffin I think I have to wear my cone forever well then we're going to think of a game where your cone is okay really yeah thanks boy what if we pop it down oh yeah Aunt Trixie didn't say anything about that oh okay yeah you look like a wedding why or a traffic car or a ballerina I know let's play wedding white traffic cone and ballerina yeah foreign sorry tricks I what happened to the chips [Music] tricks it might be time to take off muffin's cone [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you bet I will good Ness come on [Music] subscribe let the microwave [Music] [Music] time everyone outside the Cake's ready okay [Music] kids what are you doing [Music] all right oh not too much [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign my ice cream [Music] kids hey we're shooting bows and hours at you not real ones they're pretend we'll we're not playing your game we're going to see Calypso I'm looking for the real typewriter oh please can you pretend that the pretend wheel oh okay [Music] you sneak around them through those skinny treats and then wait at the top of the hill to do you know what oh yeah okay [Music] trying to outflank us I'm going into those skinny trees oh why do you get to go into the skinny trees because you got to sit in the boot seat this morning even though it was my turn cause I said both feet at breakfast before you you don't know where I was before I was born no oh you'll have to figure that out for yourself how do I do that I'm sure you'll work it out you figured out how to avoid capture by the police what's up weird the Barbie dumping my drawings in the stinky dump forever well I wasn't putting them in the stinky dump I was putting them in this dump any drawings you throw in this dump get mushed up and turned into new paper oh like brand new Bits of Paper yeah so some other kid can draw a picture on it and what happens when that kid's Dad throws it away well then it gets mushed up again and turned into another piece of paper for another kid and over and over oh wow see I know some stuff you can throw it away dad oh you sure yeah I can do another one time okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play past the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go [Music] keep passing [Music] oh sorry Leila ah whoa I was so close maybe next time you ready for pasta parcel yeah we're doing lucky stars rules all right [Music] we're coming down [Music] cockatoos [Music] [Music] how good was that yeah but the map has strawberry jam on it that's okay sweetie we don't need it anymore [Music] I didn't give up my spare but from now on keep track of your equipment yes Sergeant pop pop Rusty took me into the bush to learn all the army stuff the first thing I had to learn was heaps of hand signals stop this one means stop this means get down this is move over there no Rusty and I can talk to each other without talking it'll put a part of the army stuff is doing push-ups good push-ups Russell also everything had a name okay that hilly is called Hill four that one is called Hill six that blue gun is called Tango seven you got that oh I said I'm not good at remembering numbers or words will you be able to get good if you want to be in the army recruit Russell you need to know these things if we call for a dust off we ready nothing but just don't drive too [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all right here we go what's going on oh it's after battle we oh we have to charge it okay battery's charging kids how long does it take to charge this one oh hi girls so go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be [Music] I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got it covered kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off whoa okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well well hey if you're sure right I'm setting a timer on my phone when it goes off it sucks his turn Okay Muffy I'll take that as a yes [Music] a timer Sox's turn now yeah I have to finish my cowboy hat no you don't have to finish a cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn then one day barnacus woke up to discover that bumpy was very sick oh no Buffy's sick lots of days and nights went by the bumpy wasn't getting better not fair varticus wandered around looking for help but no one knew how to fix socks oh I mean bumpy shopkeeper please can you help bumpy sorry I only know how to sell carrots finally she asked the baker oh no muffin that's my good vase hi Brewery did you want pancakes muffin the name is barnacus why'd you um why don't you try the wise old Wolfhound barnacus why don't you try the wise old wolf hound Louie barnacus I mean barnacus oh yes of course thanks Baker lady is that all right Dad [Music] I'll take one croissant please no no you went all the croissants ah I'll take all of your croissants please how much 600. okay one sec here you go huh do you take bananas yes you do oh what luck so good Namaste mate hello how much for you to take us to this hotel no the guidebook says 100 that's a good price no no no 300 ready to roll he wants 300. ask him if he takes bananas okay ah my stomach I need the toilet tell him whatever he wants I know how this ends oh croissants I told you not to eat too many but they were so cheap here it comes Pop hurray it's a boy let's go I mean it's a go hello I'm calling her Polly right okay who's next no Bluey because Paul is an early baby she needs to stay in the hospital for a long time because she's still very small oh okay we can take care of her I can use my wet flannel thanks but before you touch her you have to wash your hands with soap got it this is where you wash your hands everyone yeah but we need to put owner it's like a fish tank with holes in it you need to wash your hands oh yeah I forgot there you go Polly she likes reading life great can you believe it the butler kicked us out oh we'll have to live in the forest not this one she hasn't had a bath in three days goodbye sweet stinky cook oh we'll have to make a house out of sticks for you hi this is like more huh it's called your song I'm not really sure what you're talking about oh thanks these are for my house my brother kicked me out I'm Miss horses [Music] oh yeah those will be the Wolves [Music] now we need food to eat hey yeah we kids I'm putting out photos in Bob bilby's book [Music] these are just all a bob watching cartoons oh wow yep it doesn't look like he's having much fun no he doesn't does he [Music] oh bingo [Music] are you all right Bingo this is the most boring time Falls had in the whole book now that's not true kiddo yeah it is I'm the worst friends Bob Scott he's never going to watch the videos again okay let's sort this out what's the best move right now hmm yeah I wrote down I'm terribly sorry well I should say so I have a very important meeting in the morning do you need a crazy pillow it won't happen again well please see that it doesn't [Music] but it's the middle of the night [Music] this won't happen again [Music] well night bacon does sound pretty good actually as long as I'm up I might as well watch the news yeah the news Louie can I be crazy pillow now come on Bingo ah what's stumpfest well we're gonna rip up this stump and then let's dump put on some tunes you kids will play and the ladies watch us get all sweaty right ladies you got it Lucky's dad [Applause] now let's kick this up what should we play oh let's set up a nail salon on this thumb yay we're just gonna use this stuff for our nails salon that's fine Bluey but you've got until we finish with this stump okay because then we're gonna come and do that one yeah so you understand that eventually we're gonna come and rip up that stump because it's stumpfest and that's a stump God [Music] [Applause] where'd they go [Applause] there you are whoa now where are those Lions one Sunday morning as I went walking by Brisbane Waters our chance to stop what was that [Music] is that you lucky oh well I guess that's enough [Music] well I don't know about this [Applause] get back in the House YouTube Sorry Lucky Star no worries Bluey I shouldn't have let my guard down okay [Music] wait what is it the wind is back look it's blowing the cloud it it was the Sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurry up [Music] [Music] no so much that's why you can't change the rules because oh yeah [Music] I'm watching cupcakes eh yellow pepper now I'm gonna relax my favorite color purple is red pepper red pepper oh there's no red plants around though muffin yes there is in that tree [Music] Bingo what are you doing [Music] okay [Music] red pepper yeah I don't think there's any more colors of pepper so now hi Mommy I'm just gonna relax in my relaxator [Music] and we can make confetti sauce [Music] oh man foreign [Music] [Music] inside letting it started it's not working get them to say some things you may now say some things uh I'm not marrying him he stinks hey look at your cousin muffin finish my water put it in my backpack put my backpack on my back when I'm through now the other one um she can't get the bag on oh muffins okay just stick your arm through look Bingo's having another go Bingo Faster come on bingo come on Pinko come on bingo [Music] oh she's gonna try to jump okay here she goes yay oh ow she's okay whoa look at muffin Bingo's not playing anymore honey you have to get the potion glass now what but I'm a guy not anymore uh Chloe do you mind getting the potion grass um no thanks I like being a God too but I can shout password the loudest though what if we don't need potion grass we just use this chip packet that won't work it might the barbecue flavor and the parents are having a barbecue let's try it you do it Louie I'm up to spy hey whoa [Music] password is grumpy how you going in there bingo I can feel my sausages burning Chile would you like some fish and chips Terriers yes please can we have enough to feed our whole Army okay but it might just be chips because we're out of fish okay okay the Terriers won enough fish and chips to feed an army wow okay how about these are recycled chips yeah one's that two sacks three sacks [Music] look at this beautiful is it ready for annoying to come and live here of course it is look at it hey muffin foreign I know I did but we have to do the right thing by Muffin she skipped asleep but you famous One game then bet oh [Music] okay one game then bid great now which game yeah so husband and Sheila should we have a nice slow dinner at the restaurant sure thing bye good evening Welcome to our restaurant known for its Speedy service how many will be dining Tonight free very good one [Music] one where's the other one [Music] my name is [Music] Tina stink so bad quick let's get it outside here [Music] you didn't see anything [Music] ah Tina come on let's just talk about this easy easy okay okay we give up you win hey high five yeah Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink yeah when was the last time she had a bath robot Nation [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sprite the milk in his wings oh man is she really gonna pee on your curtains oh she'll do it all right okay just leave enough for a cup of tea okay you got 30 seconds [Music] a traffic [Music] jams this whole time yeah [Music] we're back whoa no [Music] just for a little bit [Music] here you go are you sure you haven't been attacked by a giraffe or something um no because that will be a real pickle oh looks like she's done before doctor this kid's Advantage is on for 11 years she's a lollipop see ya okay who's next me oh yes Sony right this way ow I killed the cactus oh no I'm gonna crawled it up for another sky and building on the bottom my stars this is a real pickle wow what are you gonna spend it on that's the question that is a question hmm question come on [Music] look Andy Tooth Fairy gave me five bucks wow what are you gonna spend it on I don't know can you come and help me yeah Mom can I go and help Louie sure thing Indy I'll keep an eye on him follow me [Music] wow [Laughter] do you want to get one yeah I do excuse me what's that Pony's name her name's biscuits oh okay let's start getting hello I'd like to buy a wait what what kind of store is this how about a kitten store what's a kitten store a store that sells kittens whatever what have we got a kitten oh yeah how about a store that sells things for kittens yeah yeah okay starting wait assistant help me find things so we can sell kittens wait what we won't be long what are kids like um they like Lily pillies oh yeah these can be the kitten Treats they're a bit two rounds they're not all round some are a bit bumpy oh yeah hurry up Mackenzie you're always in such a hurry you can't play shop if we don't have anything to sell okay can we please start yes yes Louie are you feeling sick yet no I'm fine okay Mackenzie go finally getting hello wait oh we don't have anything for mine [Music] and what an inspiration to those of us out there trying to face our fears what's your idea Mr oh yeah [Music] hey hey really come on come on Mr blue whale [Music] yeah I did foreign I don't think I've been here since I was your age still looks the same so what are we supposed to play uh I don't know it's the creek you just sort of muck around oh yeah okay but how do we have look at the little fellas they're nibbling my toes [Laughter] [Music] so beautiful I still want to head back to the playground kiddo no I like it here barnacus wandered around looking for help but no one knew how to fix socks oh I mean bumpy shopkeeper please can you help bumpy sorry I only know how to sell carrots finally she asked the baker oh no muffin that's my good vase Library I do want pancakes muffin the name is barnacus why'd you um why don't you try the wise old Wolfhound barnacus why don't you try the wise old wolf hound Louie barnacus I mean barnacus oh yes of course thanks baby lady is that all right Dad oh muffin we can edit that bit out right don't worry bumpy the wires are Wolfhound will be able to Magic you better [Music] [Music] no Winton if we play mums and dads we do pinky promise to do everything I say yes I'm a very obedient breed great here's pie I'm of tour uh hello right now to get some work done wondering I don't know what to do you have to get Paulie to sleep how just Roku back and forth no like this there she's asleep what do I do you take her home and put her in the cot come on [Music] hammocks well we go down the tunnel too we can't there's a manhole cover which is locked well I get an accident it's made of metal your ax breaks hmm what chops through metal uh Diamond friend it don't help them sorry [Music] ah no time to [Music] it's like a giant same house on wheels it's got 11 Burger shops and 20 bedrooms and 40 toilets and a spa on the balcony who's driving it Butlers oh no [Applause]
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 16,868,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, Music and Games, Live Stream
Id: 2L88XUBRh_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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