PAW Patrol Jungle Pups Find a Hidden Jungle! 🐍 w/ Marshall & Rubble | 90 Minutes | Nick Jr.

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those are the cave drawings tracker sent me a picture of there's more over here what do these drawings mean it looks like an Explorer discovering a hidden world we have to find that hidden world that's got to be where tracker is do you think he might be down there tracker come on pups huh what's this that must be the hidden jungle tracker to Carlos about and he's lost in it somewhere don't worry pups no jungle is too hidden no pup is too small Paw Patrol to the Paw patroller rder wo wo wo wo wo woy I guess you could say I'm light on my [Music] [Applause] [Music] feet Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir and cool new gear too that's part of my surprise along with the new new vehicles I've made you awesome cool so cool I designed your new animal rides to help explore the jungle better and our first mission with them will be to find tracker last time I heard from him he was trying to rescue a monkey somewhere out there so for this Mission I'll need Sky you'll use your new jet for a Sky High aerial search this puppy's going to fly like a falcon and chicks you'll use your vehicle's Tiger Claw tires to go wherever tracker is to rescue him chase is on the track and tracker case and all the rest of you pups will come along too in this strange jungle who knows what we come across all right Paw Patrol is on our roll what is that I have no idea Mandy wait we have to get you out of here W uh Ryder we all have to get out of here the noise is getting louder oh no we must have gone the wrong way well I hear monkey ukas on the other side of this wall we've got to get through them somehow it won't budge I have an idea rough [Music] cable got to find a way out of here Chase yeah but how where tracker you did it yeah but we better get out of here okay Mandy let's go it's too dangerous in here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you know what this means the long lost monkey Queen turns out to be [Applause] [Music] Mandy if you're ever in trouble Queen Mandy just luk up for [Music] help Rory time to to use your tiger pouncing skills agility of a [Music] tiger excellent Theory climb on my back little monkey we're going for a ride are you sure you can carry the monkey and make the jump back to the wall uh-huh but I'll need more height to reach that statue look our Firefly friends are lighting up the the ceiling wow I didn't see that part of the ceiling before can you reach it watch me let's [Music] pounce you did it out a cat nice move now let's check that leg little monkey buddy R X-Ray Scanner she's okay everyone just a sprain foot you'll be back climbing trees in no time well it's noas more good news those blocks up there held Rory so my CA should be able to get a good grip on them our [Music] cables got it get ready Leo I even go I'm coming to [Music] you the mouse a sorry silly Mouse hang on everyone now catastic save Rory get to the bottom of the mountain find the lowest spot and take a big hole stop that Boulder Roger that what about snort I have an idea tracker I'll need a bunch of really big leaves you got it I'll meet you at the exit to the cave Earth [Music] cables here we come tracker be ready thanks amigo faster Ryder we need to get in front of [Music] him come on snort time to learn how to Lea board okay snor now watch what I do you can balance snort just bend your knees a little like this good job now use your body to guide the leaf you're a natural s keep going the right side looks clear stay on my tail and lean hard to your right just look ahead if we keep going we can beat the boulder you can do it snor we did it happy [Applause] dance don't worry chetta Mommy's coming I'll get you down sh we don't want to wake the big kitty cat wo it sounds like a big cat maybe it's a tiger or a panther and a chicken it must be chetta dudes Ryder we found chetta that's great news Zuma maybe not that great she sounds super close to a big jungle cat okay all pops report to the Paw patroller pops we need to rescue Mir good way without waking the big cat Robo do activate stealth mode wow super quiet don't look down don't look down I'm coming chicky boo hi mayor don't worry we're here to save you thank goodness [Music] H okay chicken of my heart let's go Robo do we have to distract the panther play some animal sounds through the [Music] megaphone oh no help us Rider Robo doog quick maximum [Music] speed nice of you two to drop [Music] in okay sky going up woohoo check out my flying surfboard claw [Music] [Music] hammer screwdriver [Music] okay lower the next load Sky need more nails and screws chase is on the case zipline thanks Chase no problem Rock [Music] I'm thirsty hot too Sky I think everybody could use a drink can you bring back some water from the river be back in a [Music] splash thanks Skye huh [Music] [Music] water water thanks Marshall that totally cooled me [Music] off Chase net net [Music] okay Rubble lower the hook on [Music] it here we [Music] go [Music] W now we can lead these two elephants back to Gilda ready Rocky [Music] ready finally the perfect photo oops thanks Gilda elephant Quake look out a the family is back together K such a cute little elephant and you're a bunch of good pups you all did such a great job helping this elephant family a elephant fun family photo op but of course excellent idea I think I must get a little closer y almost done Rider everyone safe we're okay but the way out is totally blocked H tell Ryder to move back Ryder Leo's going to try something move back from the pile and plug your ears and plug your ears wait yeah everyone cover your ears lion roar it's working I can see the fireflies outside go maybe you should go next Rider right I can get the monkey out what's that sound Ryder the block is giving way oh hold it up you get Marshal [Music] ah mouse or no mouse I've got a stone stop lion string Earth cable thanks cracker thanks Leo okay Mr Mouse jump on Leo it is Mu Valente you are very brave thanks and holding up that heavy Rock wasn't easy [Music] either here they [Music] come hear that all the lions tigers cheetahs and jaguars are saluting you wow thank you she says thanks to everybody for saving her if you ever get stuck in a monkey temple just yel for help I know it's okay tracker we'll just go down into the gorge and get it but you can't get down there the cliff Hills are too steep then you'll have to use your cable and lower yourself in when not e there rough [Music] cables [Music] my cable's Too Short okay tracker just hang on time to call for air support So you need me to help tracker get lower okay I'm down with it take it to the sky elevator Going Down Easy Sky just a little lower got it he got it yeah he did it great work pups I think you've all earned a [Music] party thank you everyone this is awesome and thanks especially for helping me save Carlos's gift it's what we do whenever there's a problem just yel for help or you help for cake it looks so yummy not yet Carlos has to open sud Gallo ooh I want to see it too wow I love the picture what a cool frame but wait there's more happy happy birthday I can't believe my luck to find a boy like you and get to be your p car it today always my best Amigos all the way Amiga you need to say screwdriver so it will pop out oh no Rocky's lost his voice he can't make his Pup Pack work water hey come on [Music] Marshall oh no rck cables Carlos can you get Mata to fly up to Rocky and imitate his voice to activate his Pup Pack right I'll try Mata want a cracker [Music] incoming cracker Rocky come on come on and Amigo hurry Rocky we're going to try to get Mata to say the word screwdriver Mata say screwdriver come on Rubble on the dck double [Music] screwdriver got it yeah screwdriver screwdriver you can do it Rocky Amigo hurry good Mata now say Hammer Hammer [Music] here looks like this is the way trap door where are we going guess we better keep looking huh yep let's get moving W where'd that vine come from it looks like a trip wire and it tripped a booby trap we got to stop that wall it's not going to hold for long come on dips on that stick good thing I don't have a longer [Laughter] tail a this Darkness may aoso my nervoso is getting pretty Moy too I hear a knocking sound yeah I hear it too Marshall guess my knees are noos so too monkeys Straight Ahead after that Crow it's a giant coconut run over here everybody okay better than okay I love coconut call us if you spot them Sky Rog your that Rider don't worry we'll get you down Marshall you got it Ryder Ladder Up okay on [Music] down Ryder here uh Ryder we found the baby elephant great where'd you find her in Marshall's tent my tent I think she's hungry oh no she's not eating my midnight banana snack is she yeah she kind of [Music] is hey watch it wow she sure is thirsty too elephants need loads of lunch and lots of liquid her family could be at the watering hole maybe we could get Gilda to follow us back there Rocky right here Ryder we need to load your truck with bananas and get Gilda to follow I'm on it the pups of the Paw Patrol prepare another perfect plan Rocky meet us at the banana trees Zuma keep an eye on [Music] Gilda or maybe an [Music] ear all right bananas are loaded Rocky's banana launcher is working Julia Julius are you out there I don't hear anyone I spell papaya juice the Twins were drinking juice they must have come this way [Music] ryer the sky see if you can spot them on the trail ahead of us Roger ryer a pink feather that must be from Flora I bet she's with the twins but where would they be going Carlo said flamingos are happier when they're with the flock the twins must be trying to help Flora find the other flamingos another feather this is the right way follow me where are you Julia and Julius they'll be okay Gustavo the PAW Patrol are looking for them well I'm not counting on the Kine crew to find my flora be careful Winnie It's a Jungle Out There oh this jungle is so thick I can barely see what's in front of me I need a far better view to find my flora leaves leaves and more leaves I've never seen such shoddy Landscaping I see something pink down there it's floraa and the twins rder I found them they're on the trail just ahead of you Paw Patrol you found us hola amigos I'm glad you're okay Julia and Julius you know you shouldn't go hiking without a grown-up we didn't mean to get lost we just wanted to help Flora find a friend but instead I found monkeys I hear flamingos down that path Pome let's s floora to them help hold on someone's in trouble that way I'll check it out ready snort rough [Music] winch rough winch [Music] retract yay snort you did it happy dance Rubble let's fill in that hole so no one else Falls in you got it [Music] Ryder careful dark witho don't get too close to [Music] the I'm coming snort [Music] snowboard AR [Music] cables hang on snort oh no go get him Everest Ryder Everest followed snort into that cave I'll find him you pups meet us at the bottom where the cave comes out I'll show you where [Music] amigo [Music] [Applause] uh-oh not good not good not good W ever [Music] jump It's time for super spy Chase night vision [Music] goggles zipline I miss you light she dropped the necklace now's our chance wa careful I'm good there I think it worked we did it now let's get out of here oh Jackhammer W shovel Ryder Rubble cleared the boulders away from the door see if it can slide open now it's too heavy there must be some other way to open the [Music] door you did it yep With a Little Help from our mischievous little monkey see you thanks for getting us out pups I knew all I'd have to do is Yelp for help what are those rocks doing there they're turning into Turtles Snappy ones those grhos are a little [Music] [Applause] scary [Music] they don't look very friendly that's because they're protecting their home from strangers us I'm picking up tracker scent he's over this way but how do we get past all those fangs horns and stuff dude what was that a trimmer the ground just shook could be dangerous you're right car close but at least for now you have a clear path and can look for tracker Chase lead the way this way Sky we're headed up that mountain try to spot tracker Roger Ryder there's a bunch of monkeys up ahead and oh there's tracker but he's not the only one needing help [Music] Amigos I'm so glad you're here back at you buddy we'll get you out of there Chase use your claw tires to climb down a Tracker got it rough claw tires cool nice grip great job Chase now tracker use your cable arm to swing the monkey over to Chase's tiger ride no problem not no problem gotcha now let's get you top side with your monkey Buddies the big big paw prit is right over here [Music] Ryder some kind of cat must have made this it looks kind of like a tiger print but I've never seen one that big before maybe that big cats with the other Tiger's Chase we should go check out their favorite hangout spot I'll go ask the elephants if they've seen this big [Music] [Applause] cat the Falcons it looks like they're hiding from something too it's okay Tigers it's just us Ryder I've never seen them so jump what could make a tiger nervous wa something that growls like [Music] that don't be afraid it's just me have you seen a big cat with big paws around here did you say scary Tiger but I thought the tigers and elephants around here got along [Music] wa that's a tiger uh [Music] hi nice gigantic kitty cat I'm Marshall what's your name [Music] ra [Music] uh-oh that sounds like trouble be careful that cat's got big teeth and Claws I'll save you Ella friends cats don't like [Music] water PH close call the Pirates are Mir cats K so what a surprise and look who their Captain is Arby please don't take those seeds Arby you're making all the trees sick oh no Ryder's right those plants are in trouble because of me I got to give those seeds back aast Arby what's taking so long I need that surprise I need need need it yes Captain boss Mr Sid sir um sorry Ryder we got to go after them pups crew I need your help to get us away from them banana peels sure let's try it I got this Ro CL Tire hey s down please this is wao this is getting way too wild even for pirates what would Sid do settle down me haries that's better now listen up your mere cat cat has something to say uh-oh okay so I'm not a m cat but I'm still your captain right uh-oh It's A Mir cat Mutiny abandoned ship H oh no pirate pop overboard and look now the ship's headed right to that crocodile family don't worry Amigos I hear that help is on the way zba I got you Ary now land home nice work Suma sweetie I'm so glad to see you- everything she touches turns to Gold princess stay oh no Rubble I'm sorry Rubble everyone just stay away from me I'm sure rubble's okay it looks like some kind of spell was cast on sweetie we must find a way to help my poor pup wait in fairy tales and folk stories there's always a way to reverse a spell Ryder look at those cave drawings on the wall Maybe that's the answer huh it looks like water is being sprinkled on that monkey the water over here looks kind of magical maybe if I sprayed rubble and everything else that's gold with it they'll go back to normal let's try it [Music] Marshall ooh pass it on those gold pints yes it works wubble you're [Music] next back wa what happened sweetie turned you into oral gold but Marshall used our magika Magic Water to turn you back I guess it was just my turn to [Music] shine and last but not least now I can hug you dearest sweetie wait your highness sweetie should touch something else first um this [Laughter] [Music] uh no one should find it here but if they do the water will keep us safe from putting a spell on anyone else get I idea being under an old spell is no fun thank you poor Patrol you're welcome sweetie whenever a magical orb is giving you a golden touch just Yelp for help follow me Ryo buddies [Music] wo uh-oh looks like the water's going to get [Applause] hot out of the marsh Turtle team it's okay elephant it's just a little [Music] trim that's better see the shaking stopped and you stop shaking [Music] time to make some tiger tracks follow [Music] me wo I got it [Music] you're welcome Mama Falcon now let's put your nest someplace safe away from this [Music] volcano whoa we don't want to go lava surfing let's bounce Croc dudes [Music] oh no this is going from bad to much much [Music] worse now would be a good time to rescue me please Zuma use your boat to move those Crocs away on it Ryder this way Croco dudes you good work Zuma now let's get the hippo on dry land tracker grab some bananas to lure him coming right up rough [Music] cables here hippo hippo hippo Sky time for an airlift this puppy's going to fly like a falcon hey you hoggy hippo I want a snack too oh I'm stuck they hunting her grab my Talon I can't no stop hups follow that hippo ow ow ow I knew I should have gone with the an eater this is going to be tough got you oh I'm saved I'm saved no my banana oh Sky please tell me you have snacks on board hard sounds like the Sabertooth we don't want to run into him [Music] again oh no that Mammoth is in our way those look like the same kind of seeds that made the watermelons grow so [Music] fast the mammoth must think that the seed is a coconut or maybe a watermelon oh you sound thirsty would you like some [Music] water oh no that seed must have turned all that ice and snow into an icy funnel cloud and it's getting bigger Marshall T Rider I'm by the waterfall somehow a seed is making a snow Cyclone a snow clone hang on Marshall we're going to get you out of there as soon as we can the storm is getting closer maybe we can go through that crack H looks like there's only one way in and out we should head back before the storm Corners Us in here uh-oh speaking of being cornered do you have a sore pockety let me see it maybe I can help ra ra or maybe you're feeling much better now hurry Marshall this way tracker one net coming [Music] up here's something for you to play with G Grande let's get out of [Music] here look at all those seeds oh was I howling uh cuz I meant to now let's put those with the others Sid will be so surprised when he sees them sees what it's Sid go go go what's going on Arby you look different did you brush your fur oh well I uh then who's that behind you uh got to go that was [Music] close wa this isn't good there are more SI trees than I thought there'd be Chase see if there's something wrong with those seeds rough claw tires ryer I know what's wrong with the seeds there aren't any someone must have taken them we have to get them back or these trees will get sicker and sicker until they fall down tracker can you tell if this is happening anywhere else I'll get a monkey's eye view w ta wo W rough N More just glas I almost squashed that tiny hat tiny hat that's a pirate hat do you think tiny Pirates took the seeds I'm not sure but I know who can help us find out Zuma I need you to check the the river for any pirate activity let's dive in [Music] mes good to see you too patch okay Rocky let's move that tree you've got it Ryder I'll make this rescue nice and [Music] snappy nice rescue Rocky a he's thanking you Carlos which way did the ants come from they came from there and marched off that way Sky find where the trail started maybe there's a clue that'll tell us why the ants are on the Move Roger Rider everyone else let's follow the trail and catch up to the ants good idea I'll go get my Jeep wao look at all the stuff those ants ate fer Ryder the big storm last night must have washed away the ant's home that explains why the ants are so far away from their Hill they're looking for somewhere safe to build a new home Sky double back and meet up with us we can use your visor to find those ANS on my way Ryder I found the giant ant and they're heading for the volcano maybe they think it'll be a good place to build their new home inside it so the mountain will protect them but they could fall into the magma inside super hot we need to find them a new home or fix up their old one Rubble meet Rocky at the ant's old Home Marshall Zuma Chase I need you at the volcano on our way Ryder see you in the grass PL Rocky the hippo's going to smash into the Phantom flower but he'll hit those rocks first Suma use your buoys right on Ryder [Music] booies we got to stop him Chase we need you chase is on the case wo bumpy claw tires Ro [Music] net great safe Chase now let's get to the flower before it blooms any minute [Music] now ah wow wow beautiful well Ryder it was not my idea to go to this jungle but thanks for saving me no problem mayor whenever your hippo ride gets too wild just yel for help H maybe hum hippo could learn to make crustless PB and J what as lazy and ungrateful as my kitties are they never rate my hat come to think of it maybe those kitties are the best Hench animals for me after all you know mayor even though your kitties may play pranks on you they really do care about you they do kitties daddy's coming home All Is Forgiven even shedding fur on my lir chair net launcher Marshall and Sky Shake loose some fruit Let's Make It Rain Marshall way to harvest pups Carlos let's load these mangoes tracker take Patch wave boarding through the hidden jungle and use the mangoes to get the ants to follow you what isimo really good [Music] idea [Music] [Music] the plan is working tracker Zuma lead them to their new home get your mangoes here big juicy mangoes check it out it looks good as new actually it's better I dug a drainage moat so the rainwater will Flow Away from the antill if there's another big storm let's hope they like it enough to stay hey everybody we're [Music] home it works they're heading back into their [Music] home huh that tickles but I think you meant to say thanks for fixing their home and for feeding them yummy mangoes whenever your ant hill gets washed away just yel for help there's no doors we're stuck Rocky can you find them a way out with your X-ray scanner my scanner shows there's a secret exit tunnel behind that stone slab and it looks like there's a rope running over to a switch on the wall can you see it tracker see that must be it Earth [Music] cables it looks like our we out [Music] we've got to get them out of here Molly happy snor let's go come on it's okay follow me the tunnel's LED we're on our way tracker Rubble Marshall get ready to Launch Paw Patrol Rubble clear the tunnel Marshall get your water cannons ready to make us a slippery slope Let's help these elephants get out of here tracker we'll hook your cables between that slab of rock and the Paw patroller tow hook you got it Ryder Earth [Music] cables now let's get our big friends onto the slab go on that's the banana Marshall blast the floor of the tunnel with water Robo do put the patroller in reverse and back [Music] up woo that was close come back monkeys don't need pliers and you too give that Paw Patrol I'm so glad you're here glad to help Carlos we'll get you out in no time Rocky take a per of jungle gy on it [Music] screwdriver Chase help tracker get those tools r megaphone attention monkey put down your tools and back away please got it and lost it I'll get it those are definitely our tools but how did they get down here to the Jungle I don't know I just hope we can get them back before Ryder sees his surprise what was [Music] that wait come back we better get those tools back fast yeah let's go thanks Rocky Ryder no problem Carlos but where did the monkeys get those super cool tools uh do you really think they're Cool Rider sure I mean they looks really nice why oh uh no reason I should probably go help Jason tracker huh um on my way Ryder Carlos have you seen Mandy no why that's why uh-oh that tire came from the Paw patroller and it's about to go into the monkey temple we got to stop [Applause] [Music] Mandy sh escucha listen that's the noise we heard on the phone it's coming from inside the temple no time to lose [Music] oh no these doors are sealed shut we have to find another way in Esa the last time Carlos and I were here exploring we found another door follow me there oh no it's blocked we can fix that Rubble move that Boulder with your rig on it wo go Now That's What I Call rock and roll that noise does not sound good let's find the turbit [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick that's big harry stall I wonder why it's in here H I don't know help hello I think the turbet are on the other side of this wall but how do we get through it should I Jackhammer it open better not this is a very Ancient Temple let's try not to damage it wait this part of the wall looks like a door I can use my shovel to pry it open Earth [Music] shovel oh is that really you Ryder yeah hold on we're almost there yes we are saved uh-oh the noise is waking him up AAA ooh ooh e sleep big hairy time to [Music] [Applause] [Music] dream [Music] oh Chase send out your drone and let's find those Penguins rough [Music] drone there's one a that penguin looks really tired Marshall the penguin is past those trees he could use some water wet wet rescue on the way drone find the next [Music] penguin that poor penguin looks even hotter let's go help him while the Drone looks for number three drone find the third penguin Chase zip line up there R zipline woohoo come on penguin buddy I'm here to help Ryder I think he's confused and really hot how'd he get up there Marshall you're just the pup to help him get back down here spray some water up there water cannon come on Birdie Buddy want to lift down to the ground good another penguin down wow you can see the whole jungle from way too far up here no why [Music] me just my luck tracker any sign of big harry silencio quiet I'm hearing happy monkey Grunts and someone whining why me that's mayor Humdinger all right how's the big banana coming Rocky I'm gluing on the last piece now wo that looks so real let's hope big harry thinks so in you go time to trick a monkey okay liso I'm ready I'm bananas about this [Music] plan great now let's peel [Music] out a tea party oh I don't even like tea oh thank you this isn't even tea it's water which I like even less than tea no I don't want bananas I don't want water I just want to go home there they are don't let big harry see you Rocky that looks like a good place to put the fake banana mission accomplished no two bananas is not making it any better I want Zero bananas oh he's taking the bait he put mayor Humdinger down now's your chance tracker hey yes I have eyes on the purple prize May hinger I'm here to help [Music] you up we go AR we need to get us far away from that giant monkey as possible that's the plan now hold on to your top p w I wonder which way the animals ran that way Ryder I found the runaway animals good job Chase are they out of the stinky Zone yet yep smells okay here I'll see if I can get them to [Music] stop rough megaphone attention animals please stop running it doesn't smell bad [Music] here that's it we're out here in the jungle where the animals sing it's working we don't need words just saying animal things Ryder they stopped running now they're singing sort of great job Chase we found Carlos and tracker Ryder Marshall we're so glad you're here no problem Marshall check out that monkey's leg x-ray looks like your leg will be fine monkey buddy it just needs a little bandage gross yuck I wish you could bandage our noses Sky any luck fny once behind the mystery smell stand by Ryder I'm going back to where the animals were running from now now to Humdinger eyesee the lookout we'll use this paint to turn the Paw logo purple and I'll put my picture in front of their Periscope so all they'll see is [Music] me Ryder I'm over the swamp and it looks like there are a lot of green bubbles coming out of the water PE you really stinky bubbles yep those swamp bubbles are where the bad is coming from nice work sky sky set tracker down on that Branch tracker send down a cable so little Harry can climb it Earth [Music] cable climb up little Harry oh no it's going to break trucker lower little Harry back down he sounds scared don't worry Amigos we'll find a way to get you out I know Rocky bring over some boards that Carlos was using for the Treehouse don't lose it ReUse It Rocky we need a long ladder to get a big little monkey out of a deep hole I'm on it [Music] screwdriver done now lower it into the hole this is [Music] heavy y we did it all right we better cover this up so no one else can fall [Music] in there it's a whole lot sa for now tracker am I glad to see you and me you Jian thanks for checking me down everybody I think they're saying thank you too you're welcome whenever you're in trouble just AA for help rough [Music] ladder it won't go far enough can you climb down part way Miss margerie sure good thing I brought my handy dandy cardigan w W wo monkeys don't play with those controls wo I'm good oh that tickles those monkeys are making it hard for Miss margerie to hold on oh helper thanks Marshall that was almost a tickle catastrophe you're welcome Miss Margery I certainly hope we find the others in time to see that beautiful sunset Ryder my Sonar station is picking up rustling sounds in the Treetops not far from you let's go Rocky aim your X-ray scanner to where Zuma found the sound I see something actually two things and one of them is really skinny and long like a snake we'll be right there I hear something it sounds like singing by sakey don't stay awake if you come near this P's going to break oh no that snake is getting too close to Grandma Tilly way too close get your net ready rough [Music] net well thanks har fella [Music] uhoh and thanks little fella great job pubs we better hurry careful Mandy move away from the face nice catch Carlos pH thanks oh no Rubble quick stop that statue before it falls on Mandy Rubble on the double and I don't know for how long Mandy quick get out of there stop monkeying around monkey truer get Mandy out of there our cables that was close Rubble push that statue back in [Music] [Applause] place let's get those tools back before the monkeys do any more damage and I think I know [Music] how I hope Rebel can keep Ryder busy till we get all the tools back if this works we'll be able to finally give Ryder his surprise rough MEAP phone fresh bananas come and get [Music] them H I found this up there too to face put the tools back I don't know where the others are Ryder oh here they are what a coincidence hi pups we need to get the tires back on the Paw patroller sure thing be right there nothing to see here nice teamwork you're all such good pups thanks Ryder Paw Patrol you saved the jungle from a mess of monkey Mischief whenever monkeys throw wrench in your jungle just yel for help who see Getta I am almost totally positive those are reindeer I got to get a closer [Music] shot Ola Rider he's up there hold on Travis we'll get you down w we rder how'd you get all the way up here to the Frid in North po Chase I need you to launch your net for Travis and chetta to drop into it and soon they'll be in it but first we have to get those Crocs away from there I've got just the [Music] thing the fish are all loaded Ryder great Everest Drive near those Crocs and launch the fish away from Travis got it Ryder snack time crocodiles Ry have white sharper teeth than I thought incredible that should do it we're going to get you down now Travis better do it fast look this adventure continues to be more and more amazing I've discovered a rarely seen North Pole python [Music] incredible Chase want your net now R [Music] net WoW where's the spider that made this wh it must be Jo [Music] gantic so I bid a fond farewell to the North Pole as I traveling Travis continue my round the world adventures sadly I had to say goodbye to my faithful companion seala but I found a new one where to hamster activate rear camera quick reubel deploy the tow hook got it Robo do full power they stopped my Mayim [Music] mobile CH can play this game cheetah patroller full [Music] power hups we need to divert all the power to the Paw patroller engines we'll do it on the count of three that'll send all the power we have into the Super Speed engine you got it Ryder 3 2 1 now [Music] the Paw patroller no my precious trophy I swiped the che we can't save both know the right thing to do we have to save the cheetah tracker you got this what a super Rider you got it our [Music] cables [Music] a bye-bye old paw patroller thanks tracker it feels like I want it again win-win how can elephant so big be so hard to spot Ola Rocky ready to make a new home for the bees you better be it Carlos don't dump in me too these old crates will make a great be box don't lose it reuse it ham Earth [Music] multi-tool all done now how do we get the Beast to move in let's try putting part of the old Hive in the Box leave it to me our [Music] cables it works Ryder the bees have moved into their new home away from the watering hole great now we just need to find the elephants rer to Sky any luck yes I see them they're still running and they still look scared Roger that Sky will follow you you and try to catch up to them waa Rider the elephants could be heading into big trouble what kind of trouble dude monkey temple trouble no cuties don't go in there Ryder the elephants went into the temple I think they're trying to hide the monkey temple is full of secret rooms and tunnels they might get trapped in there not if we can get them out first everyone let's hurry to the temple that's the scary sound big hairy more like big noisy he fell into the roof then he was smashing things all over let's get you out before he wakes up we don't want to startle him oh crispy crab cakes close call [Music] oh no no no no no no [Music] no maybe another Melody will mow this massive monkey e e no time for that now Captain turbet everybody clear out you don't have to tell me twice [Music] good thing that big monkey can't fit through this dog way but he's tearing apart the temple I think he's looking for something he is and I know what [Music] for roof cable perfect tracker this will be just what we need to lure him out big hairy Ma I found your [Laughter] toy okay Sky bring me up come on follow your Dolly wo here you go big hairry thanks Paw Patrol for a picture perfect Rescue you're welcome whenever you're trapped in an ancient temple with a giant monkey just yel for help no sign of tracker yet Ryder keep looking Sky we'll check for Clues near the deck Carlos which way was tracker going when he disappeared I heard him calling for help from over there that's strange the only scent I can pick up is monkey well it is the jungle I'll try to call Tracker again that sounds like a pup tag and where there's a pup tag there's a pup Carlos stay here and call us if tracker comes back sound came from around here yeah I hear it but I can't see it Skye see anything yep there's something [Music] shiny it's a pump tag it's on top of that big bush beside you yes it's trackers but where's he I don't know but this is a good place to start your drone search send it under the jungle canopy Sky search the area from above rff [Music] drone hm looks like some monkeys were eating bananas here that's not unusual in the jungle giant monkey Footprints okay that's definitely unusual I know who leaves Prince like that big harry maybe he's seen tracker Skye see if you can spot that monkey from your copter someone as big as big harry won't be hard to spot nothing yet wait Ryder I found them big harry is running off with tracker thanks Sky I wonder what big harry wants with him I don't know but we should find out Chase use your drone to get a closer [Music] look [Music] harness gracias Sky follow me let though hurry okay but do we have to run oh oh I have a better idea hiding in here M Humdinger where'd you go a I better find him fast oh stay absolutely still shoo shoo this is my hiding spot uh-oh it's not a hiding spot anymore May Humdinger get out of that plane G run run ha Humdinger don't don't run unless we're [Music] scared oh no I need to call Rider what's up tracker big Harry's got the Mir in an old plane and I'm afraid he's going to throw it like a toy we'll be right there tracker Sky Chase you're up this puppy got to fly Chase is all in the chase oh no this can't be happening ooh o okay it's happening wo [Music] W okay Sky I need you to hover alongside the plane and lower your harness in front of its side door Roger May hinger grab the harness oh I can't reach it bring it closer Chase stay below and get ready to fire your nut in case he falls I'm on it or at least under it Ryder hurry mayor Humdinger the plane is going to hit that tree you did it you saved me uh-oh I'm hearing another bubbly sound but bigger and bubbler than before [Music] now that's a big bubble full of stinky swamp gas and the animals are headed back if it pops they'll run away again and that smell could be so bad that they'll never come back Chase Marshall keep the animals away we've got big bubble trouble Roger Rider uh-oh I'm almost out of treats we've got to keep them here but how are we going to make them stay H you know what they like even better than treats music we up here in the jungle where the animals sing we don't need words just sing animal things s sque should I try to use my copter to blow that bubble away like the others I think it's too big sky your rotors might pop it Zuma we need your hovercraft and Rocky we need your vacuum at the swamp green means go let's dive in okay be very gentle Zuma pilot your hovercraft up to the bubble then Rocky put your vacuum on reverse so it blows air out we're going to send this bubble up to the sky vacuum [Music] reverse it's working bye bubble see you don't want to smell you great job pups looks like the wind's blowing it far away Chase Marshall the coast is clear for the animals to return to their [Music] homes let me down let me down my designer boots are getting scuffed ryer I found Winnie in a tree but I can't lift her out her feet are stuck in the vines then split up the team tracker you and I will help Winnie chase you help the twins take fluide to the flock of [Music] flamingos an eagle it must think wi he is a rival Bird go away I'll save you rock cable leave Sita the Winnie alone I'm too fast for you rescue me faster Barky Bunch flora and I have a contest to win Ryder I'll try to lead that eagle away from [Music] tracker well ared you an enormous help rer to chase we've rescued Winnie with some extra big help and we found the [Music] flamingos that's such a cool dance let's invite them to the festival so everyone can see it I know who can help us with that rough megaphone go ahead Marshall I'll put on the speaker megaphone Hong Kong flamingos follow Chase to the festival H Hong Hong and now for our special guests flora and the [Music] flamingos muchas gracias Paw Patrol for finding the twins in Flora you're welcome whenever your dancers have disappeared just honk honk for help those poor Penguins still look hot they do Rocky do you have a little pool in your truck let me [Music] check don't lose it reuse it look Pegman friends how about some cool water to chill out [Applause] in [Music] sweet H but the Drone still hasn't found the last penguin tracker can you hear any penguin noises hm see see I heard a penguin peep strange though it's coming from way up there but how penguins can't fly well they don't live in the jungle either Chase use your heat seeking goggles and see if you can find the penguin in the canopy I see him he's up in that tree tracker use your cables to reach the penguin rough cables [Music] be very gentle and quiet penguins are really shy that's why I'll bring him a [Music] treat Ola Amigo [Music] penguino would you like some more [Music] fish yay yay hi Captain turbet I'm prepared to pait that's penguin speak yes positively the Penguins want to thank the PAW Patrol for rescuing them you're welcome whenever you're lost just for hope you can ask your parents to subscribe to the Nick Jr YouTube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on TV on Nickelodeon and the Nick Jr Channel
Channel: Nick Jr.
Views: 4,462,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick jr, animation, cartoons, kids, nickelodeon, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick, nick jr. shows, kids games, nick jr. cartoons, #nickjr, preschool, learn, #forkids, youtubekids, full episode, new episode, kidstv, ytao_paw, paw patrol, paw patrol full episodes, paw patrol compilation, mighty pups, paw patrol movie, paw patrol mighty pups, paw patrol rescue, paw patrol pups, cartoons for kids, paw patrol and friends, kids shows
Id: mUjh-2Cifk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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