PAW Patrol Rubble & the Jungle Pups Rescue Animals! w/ Tracker | 1 Hour Compilation | Rubble & Crew

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dble all in the double great work pups we've channeled the volcano's gases into a pipe with a hatch which we can open remotely and it looks like this tunnel's almost reached the Lagoon uh-oh you okay Rubble I'm fine but I just hit a wall of Shiny Stone that's harder than Rock can you try to break through it I'll give it my wrecking ball back H it's super solid Ryder maybe with some help we could Rak through Chase Marshall we're up against the wall of really strong Stone in here we need some help from your side to break through it I know who could be a big big [Music] help hey hi we're trying to stop stop that icy storm but we need your [Music] help right [Music] there wa those mammoths are Mammoth thanks for Lending us a tusk [Music] it's very cold now not for long listen everyone the volcano's gases come from deep underground and they're very hot so the blast is going to be really powerful and I need you all to clear everyone and every animal a safe distance away from the tunnel guys we're on let's go follow us whoa who's going to move that big cat to a safe place look it's got a thorn in its paw no wonder it's been so angry and mean I'll take it out for you Marshall careful tigers can you help us [Music] out those rhinos are a little [Applause] [Music] scary they don't look very friendly that's because they're protecting their home from strangers us I'm picking up tracker scent he's over this way but how do we get past all those fangs horns and stuff dude what was that a Tremor the ground just shook could be dangerous you're right Carlos but at least for now we have a clear path and can look for tracker Chase lead the way this way Sky we're headed up that mountain try to spot tracker [Music] Roger Ryder there's a bunch of monkeys up ahead and oh there's tracker but he's not the only one needing [Music] help Amigos I'm so glad you're here back at you buddy we'll get you out of there Chase use your claw tires to climb down a Tracker got it rough claw tires cool nice [Music] grip great job Chase now tracker use your cable arm to swing the monkey over to Chase's tiger ride no problem no problem gotcha now let's get you topside with your monkey buddies now that the monkey is safe I could pull myself up with my other cable uh-oh wa Rocky grab tracker's cable snapping Jaws nice catch gracias Rocky full reverse nice save all right the ants are building a bridge rhom might I love how powerful my new ride is we'll be able to rebuild the anome fast how will we turn the around down Ryder operation home sweet home is underway home sweet home that's it thanks for the great idea Rocky huh glad I could help okay team I've got a sweet idea ants will eat pretty much anything but they love sweet Foods see mangoes we'll lure them to the new home with sweet mangoes great thinking Carlos Chase fire your net under the mango trees Rock ret launcher Marshall and Sky Shake loose some fruit Let's Make It Rain Marshall way to harvest pups Carlos let's load these mangoes tracker take Patch wave boarding through the hidden jungle and use the mango to get the ants to follow you what isimo really good [Music] [Music] idea the plan is working tracker Zuma lead them to their new home get your mangoes here big juicy mangoes Rubble I'll need you to use your rig to dig a ramp into the hole Rubble on the double and Chase you'll extend your winch so snort can grab it with this trunk and then you can got him up chase is on the case Everest tracker can you keep snort calm until we get there off the trail we won't fail I'm all ears all right Pop Patrol is on a [Music] roll reble [Music] Chase [Music] Patrol don't try to climb snort you might stumble and hurt yourself we need to distract him here bounce it back snort it'll be okay hey snork we'll have you out of there in two shakes of a pup's tail Rubble start digging ready snort rough [Music] winch rough winch [Music] retract yay snort you did it happy dance Rubble let's fill in that hole so no one else Falls in you got it Ryder Rubble Marshall I need you pups at the tree Grove as fast as you can on my way ryer with some rhinal helpers wa watch those horns Marshall can you let down those trees before they start burning you bet we'll get them wet Ellie friend just watch and do what I [Music] do wait to spray now let's try cooling down the lava oh that is [Music] pawesome how's it going tracker better now that they trust me but there's too many monkeys to rescue yeah it would really help to move this lava away from the trees rhinos and Rubble on the double turns down fellas trenches complete Rider great job everyone that should be enough to save the jungle okay amigos that's everybody hang on and let's go vinal you did it tracker you saved the monkeys amazing actually we did it thanks everyone for saving my new friends and thanks to you patch I couldn't have done this rescue Without You Marshall Zuma [Music] Water look the L lava stopped flowing woohoo you're welcome monos monkeys and you too patch okay Rubble see if your rhino horn can fry that door open Prin princess I found this Magic Orb but I can't let go of it and everything I touch turns to sweetie I'm so glad to see you- everything she touches turns to Gold princess stay oh no Robble I'm sorry Rubble everyone just stay away from me I'm sure rubble's okay it looks like some kind of spell was cast on sweetie we must find a way to help my poor pup wait wait in fairy tales and folk stories there's always a way to reverse a spell Ryder look at those cave drawings on the wall maybe that's the answer huh it looks like water is being sprinkled on that monkey the water over here looks kind of magical maybe if I sprayed rubble and everything else that's gold with it they'll go back to normal let's try it [Music] Marshall ooh T it on those gold paw prints yes it works wubble you're [Music] next back wao what happened sweetie turned you into oral gold but Marshall used our magika Magic Water to turn you back I guess it was just my turn to shine [Music] and last but not least now I can hug you dearest sweetie wait your highness sweetie should touch something else first um this oh no Rubble quick stop that statue before it falls on Mandy Rubble on the double but I don't know for how long Mandy quick get out of there stop monkeying around monkey trucker get Mandy out of there Earth [Music] cables that was close Rubble push that statue back in [Applause] place let's get those tools back before the monkeys do any more damage Rubble let's move those rocks Rubble run the double oh no we're going to need a lot more muscle to move that big [Music] boulder y get ready it's show [Music] time it's not so scary when you can see who's making the noise nope but it's still pretty loud I think he's saying thank you you're welcome daddy elephant just remember whenever you hear a scary noise just yel for [Music] help did someone call for a pickup I need you to lift those slabs to free that trapped baby elephant you got it [Music] H you're free baby elephant paw some work rubble and so fast Thunder up pretty amazing wasn't [Music] it thanks to the PAW Patrol and Alex we counted 17 new baby parrots make that 18 I picked this fresh fruit to thank you for rescuing Alex me and the baby elephant you're welcome whenever you're in trouble just for help there oh no it's blocked we can fix that Rubble move that Boulder with your rig on it oh now that's what I call rock and roll that noise does not sound good let's find the turbet [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick that's big hariry stall I wonder why it's in here H I don't know help hello I think the turbet are on the other side of this wall but how do we get through it should I jack it hammer it open better not this is a very Ancient Temple let's try not to damage it wait this part of the wall looks like a door I can use my shovel to pry it open Earth [Music] shovel oh is that really you Ryder yeah hold on we're almost there yes we are saved uh-oh the noise is waking him [Music] upaa o ooh sleep big hairy time to [Music] dream that should do it all right everybody [Music] push yes we're in we have saved so happy to see you that's the scary sound big hairy more like big noisy Paw Patrol Rubble clear the tunnel Marshall get your water cannons ready to make us a slippery slope Let's help these elephants get out of here tracker we'll hook your cables between that slab of Brock and the Paw patroller tow hook you got it Ryder all [Music] caes now let's get our big friends onto the slab go on that's the banana Marshall blast the floor of the tunnel with water Robo do put the patroller in reverse and back [Music] up woo that was close wenel a beefree watering hole thanks for your help Paw Patrol no problem whenever you need to move an animal big or small just yell for help okay Rocky and Rubble you're [Music] up Patrol Zuma tracker you're next okay Sky ready to fly i [Music] i r water [Music] jet what wow uhoh those trees are already down time to catch a big fish rough [Music] net oops my catch Got Away got to sh those pups away somehow we got to shut down that sound Zuma use your buoy to muffle it buoy they jammed up my jams oh knocking all these trees down one at a time is taking too long that's the biggest tree I've ever seen if I knock that one down it will flatten the entire jungle cheetah for the win quick everybody back on board we've got no time to spare Rubble use your scoop to knock a hole in the mountain right there Rubble on the [Music] double like that it's big enough but it's too high the tracks are way below it that Minecart could still smash right into the [Music] wall but maybe if we add to the tracks already there that Minecart can ride up and out oh yeah like a roller coaster Rocky get some pipes that we could use as [Music] rails we need to work as fast as we can [Music] I don't find a little excitement once in a while but this is ridiculous hurry up pups we're running out of [Music] time done get ready [Music] uncus hang on to me uncle Lotus you don't have to tell me [Applause] twice thanks Paw Patrol sorry for putting you up to all this trouble you're welcome whenever you're lost in a jungle mine just yel for help I know now friendship is worth more than gold can I get a ride back home there's no gold here anyway okay now let's put this mountain back the way we found itol help us on the way Rubble we need you and your hoverboard to help rescue Travis Rubble on the double don't worry Penguins I'll help you out follow me like this hurry Rubble Travis are you okay better now that the PAW Patrol's here I didn't realize Mars had such strong gravity Mars uh Travis we're not on Mars grab off to my boort and hang on got it great work pups is everyone out oh no it sounds like my little friend she must still be inside I'll get her [Music] out don't worry I'm here to help I can't fit but you might [Music] grapple come on out little one way to go Eis that's incredible M suddenly changed color it's not red anymore Travis doesn't know he's in Antarctica he thinks he's on another planet oh Travis you should know that there's air on Mars today's been chalk full of fascinating discoveries but nothing like discovering my trusty balloon is flying again good as new thanks Rocky now I just need my space map to get back to Earth sorry Travis but I had to use your map to patch the hole no worries I'll just rely on my Keen Explorer instincts to find my way wherever I go that's where I am thanks for everything Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever you're stuck on another planet just yell for help Paw Patrol hey they're coming from everywhere look out oh no oh no now the tentacles have the sea patroller too I've got Ryder you rescue Captain turbus you got it I'm coming [Music] dudes it's tickle time [Music] w w oh no it's going to drop me in the water I'm [Music] coming thanks Marshall Ryder this is tough these tentacles keep getting in the way I can't get to cab turban maybe we can scare them off robot dog give them a blast of the [Music] horn you uh-oh my boat is still sinking hurry Rubble use your crane to get him you got it Ryder oh [Music] crane w it'll be okay Captain the pups and I will do everything we can to raise the flounder back up please I can't bear to be without my boat Zuma Rubble take Captain turbet back to Adventure Beach maybe the party will cheer him up ay I captain Ryder I'll try though I doubt my smile will come up until my boat does rubble we need you and your hoverboard to help help rescue Travis Rubble on the double don't worry Penguins I'll help you out follow me like this hurry Rubble Travis are you okay better now that the PAW Patrol's here I didn't realize Mars had such strong gravity Mars uh Travis we're not on Mars grab on to my port and hang on great work pups is everyone out oh no it sounds like my little friend she must still be inside I'll get her [Music] out don't worry I'm here to help I can't fit a but you might [Music] grapple come on out little one [Music] go that's incredible M suddenly changed color it's not red anymore Travis doesn't know he's in Antarctica he thinks he's on another plan R it oh Travis you should know that there's air on Mars today's been chalk full of fascinating discoveries but nothing like discovering my trusty balloon is flying again good as new thanks Rocky now I just need my space map to get back to Earth sorry Travis but I had to use your map to patch the hole no worries I'll just rely on my Keen Explorer instincts to find my way way wherever I go that's where I am thanks for everything Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever you're stuck on another planet just yell for help Rubble let's dig a path in the snow so the shallow goes around it snow problem Ryder R shovel oh my W oh I can't look that should do it hi there Humdinger you're up Al go and grab that Chalet with your big claw 104 good buddy this ice rad trucker is on his way it's about time you got here now hurry up and stop this thing our big truck deployed hang on M [Music] hinger oh I missed the ice is making that shallal slide even [Applause] [Music] faster uh Ryder who's that fuzzy skier up in the cheer lift that's no skier that's that's a bear Skye get him down before he falls on it Ryder big drop [Music] deploy harness I got you big guy breaker breaker I'll calling rer wo it's bumpy and icy grabbing that house is going to be easy you got this Al you're the best Ice Road Trucker I know almost there mayor just sit tight oh oh sit tight easy for him to say I got it kind of dark underwater come on I'll help you see underwater spot look wo drill this is different I've never had to drill up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before I can't get any closer without damaging The Flounder you're right Rocky your turn as long as my scuba stuff's keeping me dry I'm ready [Music] great job pups I'm ready to help too Ryder thanks Everest Robo dog and the Sea patroller will finish the job job check out our new ice breaker now that the flounder is safely detached this ice breaker will create a path to the flounder Robo dog forward y way to go okay Robo doog let's turn around and lead the flower out woohoo we're right behind you that is bad no yes I'm afraid the engine's Frozen if they don't move soon the water will turn to ice again if you need an extra set of Paws I'm here thanks for asking Everest but right now I need all the underwater vehicles to move the flounder out and fast I wish I could go underwater and help okay Rocky and Rubble I need you to push the flounder and Zuma you have the tougher job I need you to lead the way and use your sub to pull the bow totally on it the double let's hustle before the ice freezes up again hey fru how you doing oh very very glad to see you skot lower the basket for the penguin take him to his family one penguin carrier coming down here benoa it was fun hanging out with you I think he wants to stay with me Everest launch your grappling cable across the crevice Francois can you tight RPP walk across and carry the penguin with you I would not leave benoa behind grappling [Music] hook come with me Ben yes doing great Fran of course I will and [Music] steady oh no no no no what have I done franois it'll be okay let's get you safely across and then we'll rescue [Music] Ben gotch you but what about the pretty penguin Rubble I need you to suit up and get your hoverboard and shovel to dig out Ben walk Rubble on the double shovel Rubble wait that's no Caven any second Ben W should stay clear but how will we warn him m allow me I happen to speak a little penguines it is okay to [Music] dig hey Beno come on out you're safe nice job Rubble okay cutie are you ready this time it's okay sky is the best fire ever what a good little benw wo [Music] W Marshall uh-oh I'm get that's one way to get down the hill [Music] I'm going this [Music] way do not try that at home are you okay Marshall I'm fine just helping you guys get down that's good because it's cold and I'm starting to shiver don't worry we'll get you out of that chair as soon as I get out of this snow you okay buddy yeah but my Tail's a little [Laughter] chilly hey Ryder what's the plan we can't get Marshall's ladder down here so I thought we could build some stairs huh stairs we can make a giant snow staircase a snow staircase like this o this will work [Music] great that should do it yay Ryder Cali is getting pretty cold I'll give you a hand thanks [Music] Ryder Kelly wao what are you doing Kelly Marshall w w uh-oh Callie are you [Music] okay and how about you Marshall I'm okay I'm just not much of a snow pup Rubble on the [Music] double whoa whoa [Music] stop steep cliff on the other side of those trees the course needs to stay back from the cliff okay chase you know what to do I'm on [Music] it [Music] great job pups now we can start the totally awesome snowboard competition we're going to shred it you're all such great snowboarders we're just racing to have fun Alex don't worry I'll ride with you really thanks Chase go pups go go team catastrophe you'd better win uhoh ready set and and they're flying down the slope Everest and Rubble in the leag woohoo all right go pups you can do it yeah you know what to do catastrophe crew [Music] huh W hey who's throwing [Music] snowballs jump woohoo awesome yeah [Music] woohoo wo slippery right about there Robo dog [Music] incoming now where do you need the first hole right over there good job Rubble okay Rocky time to make the hole bigger so the Little Whale can get a big breath [Music] s okay Everest how about using your grappling hook to pull up the ice chunk ice or snow I'm ready to go grappling hook nice ice pulling Everest this looks like a good spot Rubble [Applause] [Music] wow that's weird it's the baby whale so cute you must have been so lonely down there huh that cold silly whale didn't get me guess the baby knows I don't like bass nice to meet you too hey hi buddy I'm going to give him a high fin uh-oh cold [Music] help all job buddy thanks for getting me out the monster went this way [Music] okay let's go home come on Rubble sure no problem H looks like our mystery creature likes berries yeah look Rubble Rubble where did he go Rubble what are you doing I'm a standing Lookout in case something comes out of the bushes I can't believe you're scared of a monster wo wo pups you're not afraid of a little noise are you sorry Rider let's do this it's close really close really really close Ryder snow monster gotcha oops Chase sorry Ryder I was trying to catch the snow monster he was right there there it is we found the monster now that's a snow monster that it's no monster it's a mooster the snow monster is farmer yumi's cow and goat and Mar goodways chicken they were after the berries it made those strange tracks because betina's wearing [Music] boots hm I knew that's what it was come on Monster let's get you home uh-oh I you come back patina and that's the sound they make together it's okay gnarly we're going to get you out of [Music] this can I look now yep gnarly's out of the way but he's still stuck that's where you coming Rubble I do I need you to use your drill to break the ice a little hole on the top should do the trick Rubble on the double oh drill got should do it good work [Music] pups oh oh oh right on time Rubble but you'll need to hurry we're not sure how long Chase can keep the Wolves Away Rubble on the double la la la this is going to take a while it's the PAW Patrols keep digging little pup we're going to get out of here you found us oh right aw look at that cute little Wolf Chase Everest and the Wolf Pup are out of the cave time to bring the big wolves back we're on our [Music] way [Music] a you're welcome cutie [Music] pie thanks again for the stupendous save Rider you're welcome whenever you're stuck in a storm just howl for help hey Ryder what about that cool surprise you told us about look up pups it's the Luminous Northern Lights awesome beautiful [Applause] wao Rubble use your scoop like a snowplow and build a snow ramp right here snow problem Ridder get ready patina hurry Rubble they're almost [Music] here come on Rubble you can do this it's not pretty but it's finished great job Rubble now get out of the [Music] way you did it patina you're one hot dog and cow give me a hook [Music] bump wa the engineer was right we need to clear the tracks Everest you close hang on to your head cuz I will be in three 2 2 [Music] 1 there you go Ryder the snow p is clear but not those branches we better stop the train while we move them Mr engineer ryer here how do the tracks look bad you need to stop the train a big Branch fell across the tracks we have to clear it before you come into the station okay Ryder I'll hit the brakes ryer the track's too icy the train isn't stopping if he can't stop the train he'll hit the branch and jump the track Chase will use your winch to drag the branches Everest use your Trail clearing arm to move the trunk Rubble your shovel can scrape the ice off the tracks so the train can stop let's go pups we're on it wind hook I'll hook this to the branches wo clearing art all right Chase Ro [Music] [Applause] [Music] winch great job Everest here comes the train hurry Rubble Rubble on the [Applause] double it looks like it's working Rubble pull over he should be able to stop now Rubble getting off the track on the [Applause] double the brakes are holding wooo the Train's stopping where Rubble cleared the track we did [Applause] [Music] it thanks Rubble no problem Rubble use your crane to lift the beam on it Ryder [Applause] cran now let's get that beam back in [Applause] place ladder Time Marshall coming up oh oh ladder your turn Rocky use your tools to reattach the beam on my way [Music] ratchet that should do it great now you're your turn tracker tracker got to go Amigo Rider needs me climb up Marshall's ladder then use your cables to pick up the lights okay R cables r r huh noo get down please I'll stop [Music] it Look Out Below I'm good so's this cake yummy nah go away no pastries for Penguins go on now Captain turbet you dropped one you can keep it Rubble hi Rubble did you like your ride oh yeah what a great truck thanks for the ride Chase you're welcome sky is scouting the safest way down we'll use the harness and your winch so you can pull me out if I get stuck yeah [Music] woohoo wow that looks like [Music] fun I've always wanted to try snowboarding I bet if I get down there I can help Ryder get Jake out okay Chase how's it looking down there Sky let me check Ryder you should be fine heading right down the slope I'm on my way thanks sky over an out rder Hey Jake how's it going cool a little too cool don't worry we'll get you out these snow Boulders are frozen solid hey Chase I can use a paw or two to help me move the boulders I'm on my way Ryder hey Rubble uh Rubble where'd he go is that who I think it is hey Ryder You're about to have some company Ryder this snowboarding is awesome did you say you could use a paw I've got four well I need to clear away some of the snow to get Jake out hang on a [Music] sec wait Rubble you could get trapped under there Rubble Rubble Jake you haven't seen a little pup in there have you you mean this awesome snow digging dude here woo okay okay okay I'm happy to see you too that tickles he got you out great job Rubble yeah thanks bud you [Music] rock uh-oh my tongue stuck that was kind of fun Ryder this is a disaster the PAW Patrol has to fix this I know what if we turn sports day into snow sports day what do you say Mayor Goodway let the games be again welcome back everyone back to the new improved sports day Sky shows us there's more than one way to get past a hurdle and the long jump is now a long long slide woohoo all right go oh the pops are really relaying belly style that's baton and for our surprise Main Event rubble and Everest are tearing up the half pipe [Applause] a triple double flip I got to try that we'll move Everest you rule sports day is the best time ever you pups rule actually daring Danny X rules daring Danny Rides Again w I know what if Rebel and I snowboard on either side of you then we can catch you if you fall sure okay now just try to find your balance yeah I'm getting this that's the way tracker yeah I can do this on my own now but we haven't showed you everything yet I got this I'm a snowboarder Now wee uh-oh look out bunnies run wo pH at least he missed the little bitty bunnies W we've got to stop him hups form a snowboard [Music] barricade [Music] W tracker are you okay oh I'm fine when do I stop rolling there they [Music] are hang on kittens will get you careful they're way too close to the edge it might not [Music] hold hey I can see the Finish Line I'm going to make it come on wo don't worry we'll pull you up Everest I need you to use your grappling hook to lower me down to the kitties and your snowboard jet to pull me back up on it ryer [Music] snowboard grappling [Music] hook low me down when I give the word pull us up got [Music] it a little more there okay everis pull us up let's [Music] jet hooray all right you kittens are lucky every then the rest of the Paw Patrol were around for this race [Music] y yep yep lost to a pack of [Music] pups where have you slowpokes been I finished a long time ago you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick Jr's official Rubble YouTube channel and watch Paw Patrol on Nickelodeon and everywhere you can by Nick Jr
Channel: Rubble & Crew
Views: 244,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, rubble, paw patrol rubble, cartoons for kids, full episode, new episode, nick jr, preschool, rescues, rubble rescue, rubble and crew, pups, paw patrol pups, rubble and crew clip, rubble and crew nickelodeon, paw patrol full episodes, rubble and crew full episodes, ultimate rescue, paw patrol compilation, compilation 1 hour, 60 min, paw patrol jungle pups, jungle pups, animal rescue, ytao_rubble, rubble paw patrol, paw patrol movie, rubble and crew marshall
Id: 7uzwZ5RJmbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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