Paul Washer, “I learned something from Joel Osteen.”

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it's time for Richard radio with Tom free Oh prepare to hear something you would have never imagined this is wretched radio if I said to you paul Washer was watching joel osteen on TV and actually learned something would you believe me probably not we buddy way more detail and you're gonna get them right now paul Washer who we're hoping is on the man to talking about somebody which usually not even talk or think about in the same sentence Joel Osteen I was at a place that had cable last year two years ago and turned on the TV and there was Joel Osteen [Music] and I listened to his sermon and I was very convicted I told you you would never expect to hear that now here are the details that Tony was requesting and that I think frankly the church is now demanding just let that sink in for a moment [Music] I do believe that the things he was saying were out of context and wrong [Music] because when he talked about all the great things that God had in store for the people they were more material you know houses success jobs and all this where I was where I was greatly rebuked was this he was greatly encouraging with all his heart he really was he was encouraging people in the things of God all that God had for them but he was wrong about what was important totally wrong there is a reason that Joel Osteen is as popular as he is this doesn't go back as far as paul washers paul Washer paul wash I'm confusing paul Washer and Joel Osteen as Paul washers recollection of Joel Osteen's goes but someone recently I was at a gas station on a Sunday morning and a young lady had Joel Osteen on I said why do you watch him he just makes me feel good every time I watch him now everything and I I think this is that defensible everything Joel Osteen teaches is probably wrong or close to it nevertheless he does make people feel good now we know it's a house of cards he's building a foundation on sinking sand but could we not learn something from Joel Osteen could we not recognize that there is something about our preaching our teaching and even our demeanor that could be positive for people hopeful something that's even you know joyful but I asked myself how encouraging am I [Music] how it is so such a blessing to me when someone comes up to me and encourages me I mean says you're doing well and that that was great you're you're progressing how it just just jumped starts me and I have found out it jump-starts everyone else to be encouraged to encourage people by pointing out are you ready for this the good in them oh boy got a couple of questions for you you're not gonna like this first one are you like Joel Osteen you're probably going no no no not just in this regard are you encouraging is your demeanor positive or is it negative I think this is let's use Joel Osteen for something beneficial let us ask ourselves what am i known for like everybody knows joel is the smiling preacher he's pastor encouragement and when I used the word pastor I'm using it very loosely right now nevertheless he's known for those things should we not also be known for those things rightly so second do your children see you as an encourage do they see you as one who wants to encourage them to do better to be more obedient to God to love the Lord more or do they just see you as kind of an egg or a crabby pants person that's right a crabby pants person that's up I think that might have been in the DSM too but they've taken it out since then number three at work at work are you an encouraged or and oh by the by the way Tony and Joey I do believe that you are doing a bang-up job there is nobody finer in the business than you back to our regularly scheduled diatribe because just trying to oh that felt perfunctory thank you anyway I believe that your heart was behind well I I might get better at it with practice I have to confess it is not my bent I suspect it isn't many people's bent in fact frankly I don't even think it's Joel Osteen's bent it's his schtick oh I I would be willing to bet some money if I weren't a Christian you get alone with Joel Osteen and you push some buttons you see you see captain crab pants it the dsm2 will be back in action let me tell you something it's just not our human bent you pick the ratio that you like but I think that we could all strive for something like this for every critique ten positives try that ratio in your home cuz chances are like like me you've got it backwards a paul Washer learning from jehovah hosting God has worked good in his people Paul was convinced of the goodness of the people he was writing to God's done something wonderful than you I can see good things in you even to the Corinthian congregation believe it or not Paul always began with a bit of encouragement okay I confess when it came to the Galatians not quite as much encouragement there nevertheless there was something of an encouragement who did I just read oh I know who I'm not gonna tell you the source of this because sometimes you can read a nugget of good stuff from a bad teacher and if you quote the bad teacher even though it's a good nugget people will think you're endorsing the bad teacher sort of like paul Washer he's not he's not endorsing Joel Osteen by any means I just read a fellow who said that the current movement regarding sexual issues and how we aren't supposed to pay any attention to what somebody's gender is they're all man-made constructs you are what you think you are they said it's a form of Gnosticism like they've now learned something higher they've tapped into a knowledge that knuckleheads heretofore have never figured out sure it looks like a boy sure it has girl parts but we know better there is no such thing it's Gnosticism at its core even when Paul was writing to a congregation that was being tempted by ganache to sysm it for instance Colossians always something paws did Paul ever rebuke of course he did but we are also supposed to be exhorting may I ask you how much of an encouragement are you compared to Joel Osteen look at the church in Florence there they're having trouble with comprehending that the the resurrection some of them are denying physical resurrection every sort of other thing going on but how does Paul start that letter in first Corinthians talking about all the good that he saw in them all that the Lord had done him will I just don't think by and large as as a as the people of God at least for myself I don't do that enough Wow [Music] sister that was amazing I'm so proud of God's grace in you so happy keep going press on is that you is that I how might you get better at this might I suggest you do with what you just heard what we're supposed to be doing with any sermon that convicts to a degree any time we read the Bible dwell on it meditate on it how do we learn to apply these things how can I get better at encouragement no I think it's by constantly reflecting and remembering meditating turning this over and then applying it it's easy to do really it is easy to do your kids do some stuff right don't they your spouse isn't a total disaster look around at church do you see anybody who okay maybe it's ragtag who knows what but how's about that Dad who gets out of the minivan and they look a little frazzled how's about you know what dad I've been watching you come to this church every week your faithfulness is amazing way to go pop it's not hard we've just got to be looking for it but first we need to be persuaded that it is the right thing to do to be an encourage all eminent courage sure is God and encourage her is he not for you so if we want to be like him let us be an encourage or to others so what I'm trying to say is let us all be like Joel Osteen Wow that hurts this is wretched Radio thanks for listening to the wretched segment dujour if you'd like more wretched you can listen to the most current stream for free at wretched TV slash listen or you can become a club member and listen to our entire archive wretched reaching the lost 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Channel: Wretched
Views: 418,955
Rating: 4.7270589 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: 8A2YxkvcMU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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