Francis Chan responds to concerns.

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it's time for Richard radio with toll-free Oh oh boy not much to talk about in the world what are we gonna do to film well I guess Francis Chan will have to do this is wretched Radio Francis Chan finding himself in the news for high-profile ecumenical events what is ecumenism it is the thing that we are warned to do and the thing that we're warned to not do we are to have unity as long as there is truth in the essentials that Cardinal doctrines are agreed upon John 17 we have unity and it should be really really sweet even as we disagree on some secondary issues was just watching for instance the qat from the Ligonier conference stevelawson believers baptism guy sitting with a bunch of pedo Baptists that's ecumenism of the right kind unity because baptism isn't a secondary issue as long as it doesn't become salvation through baptism then there's disagreement and we get along however second John you'll recall John the disciple of love speaking very clearly do not have ecumenism with false teachers starting in verse 7 of second Shawn he warns many deceivers have gone out into the world and the issue is Christology they don't profess Jesus rightly that's an essential listen to what John warns second John 10 if anyone comes to you and does not bring correct Christology do not receive him into your house nor even greet him for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds that is the clear warning against ecumenism and that I think is the primary concern about one Francis Chan I don't think anybody is calling the man a heretic because of his teaching I don't think so I don't think anybody's got him on record denying Christology Trinitarian theology salvation by grace alone I don't think so but he has a history that is seeming to intensify of speaking with groups that are notoriously false two of them in particular the New Apostolic Reformation movement he's been speaking at the Mike Bickle I hop conference since drumroll please 2013 and three or four times since then stating quote I was warned to not come here but I love Mike Bickle I love this guy I really love this guy that caused many of us to go oh recently speaking at the send conference having his picture taken with Benny Hinn is there anybody who doesn't know what Benny's up to I can understand the picture with Heidi Baker you don't know who she is but Benny Hinn Todd white hugging Todd white and many people have now concluded you know it seems that Francis Chan while not a heretic should not be considered a teacher who is profitable or reliable and that has caused many people to be annoyed we talked about this last week Francis Chan has responded to people who have expressed their concerns and I'm very glad that he has so now the question is just days days after the send conference a lot of people were critical of him he's responding remember history happens in time our attitude toward Francis several days later could be different might not be might regress my progress but now we've got some responses from Francis Chan how do we treat this document that you can find it we're we are h we are CH where we're at sure we are Church calm we are who let that one you can read the whole thing it's a response to some concerns by Francis Chan let's make our way through a chair to believe see what we can learn and if nothing else through this exercise even if we don't conclude anything in particular about Francis let's use this as a discernment sharpening exercise I have to confess to you I have been absolutely thrilled at the engagement that I have had with people who agree disagreed a little bit here a little bit there with my comments that I made about Francis Chan if it was it's high level thinking through critical issues and that to me if nothing else is a benefit in this exercise so let's read his article hopefully and yet with discernment why because Francis has demonstrated he is indeed guilty of 2nd John 10 ecumenism if by the way you weren't persuaded of that this is Francis Chan at an an event called one thing the ecumenical track remember ecumenism ecumenical track this is with Roman Catholics Francis Chan with a roomful of Roman Catholics another group of people that he is partnered with that are outside of orthodoxy this is kind of a no-brainer we should also note Francis Chan once had Mike Gendron speak at his church apparently he didn't okay that somebody does Church did Mike former Roman Catholic has spoken out against Roman Catholicism for years Francis Chan apologized for letting him speak there gulp and I think it's time for us to get beyond ok I'll sing with them ok I'll worship with them you know ok I'll admit that they're Christians and go to a biblical stance which just says I can't live without them Francis Chan holding ecumenical track and so I know we have some differences I get that tonight and I will tell you I don't know how to work through some of the differences I'm not sure what they all are really but what I do know is that I can't say I have no need of you but instead I know I'm so much stronger when I'm United with them Bert dad that's just that's just troubling anybody any believer as much as you might love Francis 10 you should hear that and go wait what Francis you're not familiar with what the Roman Catholic Church teaches you don't know what the differences are or how to work through them here it is mark those which cause division contrary to that which you have learned and avoid them that's all let's make our way through his response charitably discerning Lea answering the question that I don't think anybody has really been asking what do you believe regarding the prosperity gospel he says it's a dangerous teaching and he does an excellent job of laying that out however that's not what most are concerned about most are concerned about what you just heard most are concerned at the partnering with the NA are is there an element of prosperity doctrine in the na r yes there is is that the main thing no and as is hug with Benny Hinn okay he's a prosperity guy otherwise Francis has been hobnobbing with the Bethel crowd speaking at Bethel Church speaking and I hop that's not prosperity gospel as much as it is outside of orthodoxy and completely wacky Shiki nuri nevertheless he answers the question why do you sometimes accept speaking engagements in places that tolerate theology that is different from yours there's our second John 10 verse here's his answer quote it seems more effective to speak where there is less Bible teaching okay what you're gonna hear throughout this letter is a bit of pragmatism I teach the Bible says Francis I go to places where they in an effort to have an effect that I can get but if they're teaching the Bible wrongly then I'm violating second John 10 and I shouldn't be going quote it has not been my practice to ask who will share the platform with me and to research the other speakers there are many I know little about okay um I would say regardless of the fact that we are living in a technological age where everything is on the YouTube machine wherever you speak it gets filmed and posted someplace people have record of it it doesn't matter I still have a responsibility if I'm gonna go speak someplace to ask the question who else is there because you don't want to be sharing a platform with somebody who's outside of orthodoxy I have spoken in a number of different churches and I am NOT on the same theological page as them on several issues but that's not the same as going to speak with a bunch of heretics this current experience has caused me to consider exercising more caution and to develop a team to help me research that's excellent now we can grab on to that can't we that's something good however the next sentence kind of tamp sit down a little bit that being said I speak in many places where I'm not in alignment theologically okay here's here's here's here's here's why this is just a little too loose it's not just being in alignment theologically I have spoken in a Presbyterian Church I am NOT in alignment with them on covenant ilysm on church polity unbaptized we can disagree on those things we're not in alignment theologically but I love my Presbyterian brothers and sisters that's not what's in view here it's the type of ecumenism being aligned theologically by appearing on a platform with somebody that is way out there and Benny Hinn does anybody not realize this guy is a false teacher furthermore when you have been warned in advance hey this is false teaching going on at the IHOP then he says I'm going anyway and then affirms them some good some bad we continue with Francis's response next on wretched radio you
Channel: Wretched
Views: 319,940
Rating: 3.9847715 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: NPfkbBE3RXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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