Ten point test to see if you are saved

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this will either offend you or save you and I with my levitational power so if you're here today you thought I can't be forgiven I'm too bad of a sinner you don't know how good of a Savior Jesus in the matter of who you no matter what you have done worse ended about hello and welcome to wretched my name is Tod free ode I am your host the wretch the song refers to a little bit lady you see right before the program began I got hit by a semi-truck can you believe it your answer is no you show no evidence of being mowed down by a semi-truck if you were you'd look a little different maybe just the tie might be just at least a little bit crooked no evidence I'm not buying your tale what does that have to do with the price of tea in Texas sorry see do I don't have OCD I've got it so bad it's actually see deal what does this little analogy have to do with you and your church unfortunately a lot you see jesus promised that inside of the church there would be wheat and tares together in other words false converts and true converts and these days an evangelical Christianity if you look at any of the polls that ask people about their beliefs and their behavior I think the proof is in the statistics that point toward a lot of tears people that do not have evidence of the new birth this is pandemic in evangelical Christianity and we are to be about the business of starting by examining ourselves to see if we're in the truth and then lovingly with one another not be nitpicky fruit inspectors but seeing if there is fruit in somebody's life you got rotten fruit you got a rotten root dr. Steve Lawson when he started at a new church he couldn't help but notice hmm there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of evidence of the new birth and so he said about a course to make sure that nobody in his congregation was a false vert was asked at my table you know what would I preach to bring church members to Christ and that's and I said the last thing I would preach would be John 3:16 that that just lulls everyone in the building to sleep I would preach the lordship of Christ I would preach repentance I would preach the new birth I would preach the necessary evidence of the new birth I would preach the sovereignty of God in salvation to the extent that I could push that I would do everything that I could to blow a trumpet in Zion and to awaken those who are asleep are you sure this is dr. Steve Lawson he understands that the new birth isn't ho-hum dare I say being born again is perhaps more traumatic than being hit by a semi hit by the law of God you become undone then you hear the good news that Jesus is willing to save you it should be a radical experience am I talking about ecstatic you got to fall down you've got a week buckets of Tears for three weeks okay I did but you know you don't have to be doing those things it doesn't need to be this public demonstration of sackcloth and ashes but the new birth is radical when a dead man is made alive in Christ an individual should notice some changes and that is precisely what John was after when he wrote the first John Epistle when I was at my previous church it's not it's not a County Church but it was it was a long-standing church a hundred years old when I preached first John and the necessary evidences of the new birth it rocked the planet for good and for worse years first John you can count nine ten eleven twelve depending on how you want to order them but first John is the examination book John wants to make sure that you your congregation are not filled with tears with rotten fish with unwise virgins so he gives us what I've compiled together Steve came up with nine I've come up with a ten-point test that will help us to examine ourselves to see if we have experienced the new birth you do not see this evidence in your life you are not saved you are self deceived you have never been born again and I mean across the boards not three out of these nine it's not a multiple-choice all nine of these will be evident and present in your life if you are born of God if you know God and if not you're going to hell as subtle as a napalm bomb my doctor Steve loss and very definitively declaring if you don't exhibit all of the fruit that is described inside a first John you're going to hell might I add simply one caveat to that it could be that somebody who truly is saved here's one of these ten points defined in John and says thanks I didn't know I have no idea now I realize it and you get on it that could happen as we take this ten point test which we'll do next on wretched [Music] how can anyone know God unless he reveals himself if God did not speak religion would be nothing more than man's best guess but God has revealed himself in creation in the Bible and in the person of Jesus Christ we can know God and we can be brought into right standing with him but enough about me encouraging you to support the master's Academy international take it from Phil Johnson I love the master's Academy International I've been to several of their schools in various parts of the world and I love the way they trained national workers efficiently inexpensively send them back out to proclaim the Gospel it's in my view the the smartest way to do missions work a small investment massive impact rachet org slash pastor welcome back to a wretched evidence of the new birth should be evident to everyone including ourselves and that is why there is a book in the Bible dedicated for us to use to examine ourselves to see if we're in the truth there is a necessary evidence of the new birth and that's why first John is written that you may know that you have eternal life and there's something worse than not having the assurance of your salvation what's worse is to have a false assurance of no salvation and so you just have to shake people loose from their dead testimony from their dead religion and and you just have to be relentless with it you have to paint things in black and white let's start painting there shall we the ten point test from first John number one from first John 1:7 if we walk in the light please notice we're gonna see that if word a lot if this then that if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light here it is then we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin saved then you like fellowship what is that exactly does it mean having some people over from church on a Sunday afternoon to watch a football game well that's fine if you want to do that but that's not fellowship fellowship is having Jesus Christ in the center of our conversation and our thoughts because we are in him and he is the chief priority of everybody in the room and we enjoy spending time with fellow believers more than we do with the pagans I'm not saying you don't have pagan friends but you prefer to spend that quality time with fellow believers in fellow ship do you bear that fruit here's number two from first John 1:8 if we say that we have no sin we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us if this then that if we say we have no sin you're not saved does that mean a person can simply yeah you know I made some mistakes there's been some boo-boos and hiccups in my life is that what John is after not even close this is more like a Nineveh response I just want to throw dirt on my animals of the disgusted by my sin I am like Paul I want to do good but I don't do it the things that I want to do I don't do the things I don't want to do those are the very things that I do who will save me from this body of death that's what John is after may I ask you what is your attitude toward your sin have you ever been appalled at yourself have you ever dare I say been disgusted with the things that you do and think this is not to trash-talk you this is to help you see what John wants you to see a true Christian one who is walking in the truth begins by recognizing I am more than just a bit messed up I am totally depraved do you understand that about yourself test number three first John 2:3 by this we know that we have come to know him if we keep his Commandments question number one do you know the commandments that I'm not talking about the Big Ten I'm talking about all of God's commandments standards and precepts the true Christian does second question are you striving to keep those laws we're protestants we recognize that when we are born again we are totally justified declared from heaven totally forgiven past present future sins as far as the East is from the West we are justified so we do not keep the commandments to gain God's approval thankfully Jesus did that for us then then after we recognize my good works are not pleasing to God I would rather climb to heaven on a rope of sand and try to work my way there because I absolutely can't but Jesus could and he did and he credits all of that to me now I desire to keep his Commandments I want to be obedient to hear the difference many are confused about this they think that okay well yeah okay God God forgave me but I gotta keep doing stuff so that his face will shine upon me it's not the way it works you are totally forgiven and because of that wonderful good news that serves as our motivation to be obedient recognizing we can't please God any more than he is already pleased because he's totally pleased with Christ and we are in him may I ask you do you know the commandments are you keeping the commandments understanding that you do not have to do things to earn salvation or to keep yourself in God's favor any more than a son who would approach a father and say dad I'm gonna mow the lawn can I still be your son that's ridiculous and so it is for the Christian we are in Christ we can go no and because of that we want to get busy obeying the commandments test number four first John 2:15 do not love the world nor the things of the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him what is the world is it this chair or this table and no there's it's a part of the world but John is talking about the world system the the love of things as idols or believing false systems or following lies because it allows you to live life sensuously if we love that stuff if we find more joy in the creation than we do in the Creator we are not in Christ how are you doing I mean leaving some marks possibly remember the caveat I don't want anybody to fall into despair remember the caveat maybe you haven't heard one of these four things then I would ask you what's your response to that hmm if it's like whatever skinny guys just being a little bit nitpicky that's a big problem but if you see one of these ten-point tests and recognize oh no I haven't been doing that that is the very good sign that you are indeed saved we will continue with our ten-point tests next on wretched [Music] important dates in Christian history 64 AD after fire ravages Rome Emperor Nero blames Christians and unleashes the first state sanctioned persecution of Christians Roman persecution will continue for 250 years until Emperor Constantine officially recognized and defended Christianity [Music] we know it sounds terrible but it's not going to stop until you go to wretched org we have thousands of hours of wretched TV and radio the wretched store has biblical resources ranging from apologetics to parenting it's not going to stop like ever when Christian women are persecuted overseas for their faith they are attacked raped forced to divorce or give up custody of their children men experienced economic harassment imprisonment force military service are there just beat to death Bible League International would like to bring them a Bible would you join them for just $5 you can bring a Bible to the persecuted Church and wretched org slash Bible welcome back to wretched prepare to experience what dr. Steve Lawson's congregation experienced a ten-point test from first John to potentially startled you out of your slumber to wake you up to understanding what a man is born again it's as radical as being born first John 10 points ten questions asking you are you in the truth let's keep taking our test shall we this is number five anyone who denies the son does not have the father the one who confesses the son has the father also this would fall under the banner of Christology theology is important understanding who Jesus Christ is lightly is the difference between heaven and hell the early church councils they wrangled with this and they made it very clear if we do not understand the Trinity rightly if we do not understand the nature of Jesus Christ rightly you have no place in the kingdom Jesus himself labored over this point with the Pharisees in the marketplace John five really through eleven if you don't believe in me you don't have the father theology is important do you understand that Jesus Christ is 100% God 100% math man that's not bad arithmetic that's good theology and it's the difference between an eternity with God and damnation test number six first John 3:2 beloved and now we are children of God and it has not appeared as yet what we will be we know that when he Jesus appears we will be like him because we will see him just as he is do you long for the return of Jesus Christ do you hope that he is going to come back today to take his bride gathered together to the place that he has prepared for us we live on this planet because God has left us here with work to do which means by the way if you're not working for expanding the kingdom then you're not being an obedient servant if you happen to be older that should be a word of comfort to you if you are say in a nursing home an assisted care facility and you're thinking I just want to be done there's nothing for me to do here yes there is he has assigned work for us to do so don't stop working for the King until he calls you home until that time we should be looking longing we should watch the reports on the news and not just be disgusted but call out come Lord Jesus come that is a sign that you are in the faith test number seven no one who is born of God practices sin because his seed abides in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God this is not to suggest that Christians don't sin we do sin but you see this language practice is in that means if you do that you are waking up in the morning whoo-hoo have I got plans to sin tonight and you spend your day dreaming about what you're going to do at night you're practicing sin day after day you repeat the cycle John the apostle of love says you're of the devil please note Christians fall into sin but they do not dive and swim and practice sin test number eight we know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the Brethren he who does not love abides in death you say wait didn't you cover that with the fellowship with the Brethren business no this is actually taking the idea of fellowship and putting it on steroids not only do we like hangin with fellow believers talking about the Lord we love them and it shows we serve one another we help one another we give to one another we pray for one another in other words we do all the one in others not because we're just do it do it just be obedient but because we love the Brethren how do you get that kind of love it isn't because they're so loved a bowl it is because they like you are in Christ Wow God has saved us and we're gonna be spending eternity together I love you more than pagans here's a test for you do you love fellow believers more than you love unbelieving family members test number nine we are from God he who knows God listens to us he who is not from God it does not listen to us by this we know the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error if you love to hear good teaching you love preaching longer the sermon the better the deeper the better then then you're in Christ if you don't like hearing from God through the proclamation of his word that's an indicator you're not in Christ test number 10 whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God God abides in him and he in God again I think there's a christological element in this but I think John is after even more do you blush do you run from speaking when you know that you should you are like Jonah he's told you to speak but you keep holding it in that is a bad sign if the reason for it is I'm gonna be embarrassed about this I recognize evangelism it's an irksome task it's not easy and we need to get trained we can practice and we can get better at it but if you fear telling anybody about Jesus because why don't want them to think I'm one of those Jesus crackpots that's a sign that you are not saved so how did you do I know what you're asking what's the curve we'll tackle that in our surprise next on rection [Music] a vital part of biblical hermeneutics is an understanding of genre one genre we find inscription is an epistle it whistles are letters written to the church at large or to a specific church which contained doctrine and practical applications God uses first century correspondence to deliver his timeless truth hearing the heartbeat made me cry and it was certain that I was going to keep my baby forever and I cannot imagine my life without my happy lovely joyful smart baby and I'm so grateful another ultrasound another saved baby for just $28 you could save the life of a child by providing a free ultrasound through preborn dot org how many babies could you save preborn dot org slash wretched would you please consider becoming a gospel partner we cannot do anything wretched without the support of God's people and so I would like to invite you to consider Todd quit talking to me like Al Gore becoming a gospel partner if you have already planned your giving for church excellent the local church comes first but if you have the ability to give more to a ministry that is trying to preach the gospel to as many people as possible would you please consider becoming a gospel partner so we can keep doing that very thing you can do that at wretched org slash donate yes these kids are having a good time but this is about a lot more than just dancing and singing this is about the gospel you're seeing a tomorrow club in action kids coming to hear the gospel beloved on by the team leaders they're getting saved and they're bringing the guy home to mom and dad this is about a lot more than just fun would you please support your own tomorrow club at tomorrow clubs org slash wretched welcome back to a wretched surprise dr. Steve loss and not throwing rocks into a crowd the one that screams is the one that got hit what caused that screaming first John a ten-point test to see if you are in the truth he preached through that book and many people and perhaps even you now haven't taken that ten-point test are feeling a bit wounded what is the correct response people like that usually don't walk the aisle at the end of the service I mean Spurgeon said the wounded deer wants to withdraw to the thickets and lick its wounds in private rather than be paraded forward in front of a TV camera and so there was week after week after week after week after week after week after week just non-stop that knock on my my office door when the service is over and can I talk to you and my office became like the the birthing room at the hospital and I would just say have a seat and the the cushion is still creased from the last person that was you know sat there and the box of Kleenex right there and and people just under the sense of desperation and that's the way it was in acts two they interrupted Peters sermon and the sinners gave the invitation what must we do to be saved there's a sense of desperation having taken the ten-point test do you feel desperate you're not desperate is to be without hope desperate is to recognize I'm in really big trouble here and there is no rescue for me the good news of the gospel is you should feel desperate but you should also know that you're not because you have a rescuer you have a redeemer you have a Savior and his name is Jesus Christ if you have been alerted to the state of your salvation and now you're in a panic you don't have to be call out to God repent put your trust in Jesus Christ and you will be adopted into his family totally and forever let's see the one something shall we Congrats to then dangle Herman who would you like to win visit wretched org subscribe to the free wretched newsletter and until tomorrow go serve your king thank you for spending time with wretched and thank you for your tax-deductible financial support that allows us to preach the amazing gospel wretched amazing grace
Channel: Wretched
Views: 342,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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