Paul Mort Talks Sh*t #18 - Ollie Ollerton

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and then we all got down on the onto the onto the um bow of the ship and um our objective was straight into the into the door on the on the first level clear all the decks and i can remember um first of all i can remember at the top because when you're in the helicopter you put like your balaclavas on and um everyone puts the balaclavas on and you get ready you know when it's two minutes to go in everyone finally checks each other off we're in yeah and then when you're down on the ship obviously there's lights and everything remember remember we stack up on the door and when you stack up on the door it's [ __ ] massive anxiety right you don't know what's behind whether you could be explosive devices people you know could you could be walking into a wall of bullets yeah so anyway you wait for the squeeze from the back the doorman opens the door all right welcome to another episode of paul mort talks [ __ ] and today i'm talking [ __ ] with man like ollie allen ollie what are you seeing i'm super excited me i'm very pumped for this also here is producer mark just messing with the messing with the sentence mark is back on b you know what i felt bad today i said to mark i said mate you want to come on the podcast because i feel like me and mike do a lot of podcasts together but sometimes when we get big guests on it kind of like matt you're not in this one i feel really bad i did it with tyson fury i did it with chris ramsey who i've done it with anyone else i haven't ever only them too only them too all right so i i first saw ollie on tv in 2017 on the um on the tv show sas who dares wins which i'm sure we're gonna have some fun talking about today and the guy that i know ryan roddy won the first one and then another guy that i know which was mad was um moses won the second one i knew them all i knew them both which was mad and then not that i only know winners yeah yeah but i saw that show and part of me was like i could do that and then the other part of me is like [ __ ] no there's no way i'm doing that and then i saw i think i must have searched for something online found this thing called breakpoint did it and it was a life-changing no [ __ ] a life-changing experience for me i was just talking to all his girlfriend about it there before laura shout out laura about it it was a life-changing experience for me so first up thanks for that my friend you know what i was saying there right when i first came it was in pitt and park yeah i came in my flash car yeah i parked it and little michelle came over and she went who the [ __ ] has parked their car like that which flash bastard he has and i was like this is serious she and i was like you don't [ __ ] with her no i was like i was like this is serious this and anyway then she said right get in the back of this [ __ ] van and it was it was it was like a blacked out what they called the truth carriers yes there yeah yeah troop carriers and uh and it was pitch black and it was tight like that and then i put a [ __ ] bag on my head right within 30 seconds i'd i'd quit i was like this is not for me i put it on i just started getting really claustrophobic that's what that was my thing and she said it was these words this is this change these words are so similar changing like i said you're not [ __ ] quitting yet you're not allowed i'm not letting you just said just imagine you're on a bus with no windows and i was like oh that was it yeah i was fine not my dad so thank you for that framing dude that's awesome imagine you're on a bus with no windows and my simple brain was like oh okay okay okay i will i've been there before i wild it was wild or i saw him for you guys in fact listen we'll have done an intro by now and ollie before we shot this and probably talk loads of [ __ ] about them um ollie let's listen i'm not gonna [ __ ] around here what's the [ __ ] deal with channel four let's just go for it what's the deal with channel 4. you know what when i actually you're on the show for how long i was on the show since 2015 so that's what six episodes yeah six seasons yeah six seasons you know that's that includes the celebrity ones as well but yes you know i was actually in this because we were at great point hq at the moment yeah shropshire i was actually so that's where we are yeah okay honestly i haven't seen anything but [ __ ] combine harvest that's for about three hours right i was sat over there on that chair and and that's when i got the call and my my reaction when i got the call how did the parent they said oh um ollie unfortunately channel four have decided that um they're going to uh change up the ds and that was that's how they framed it so uh they're not gonna you know you're not gonna be used on the next one yes and my immediate reaction was i smiled to myself and i said in my head i said you've got what you wish for and that's what i said to myself so when i dealt with that i just went oh okay no problem yeah um and he was like very apologetic and all this and everything i was like i said don't don't worry about it yeah you know it's fine it's fine and the reason for that was is because my internal messaging for a long time and i totally understand the whole thing about internal messaging my message the message i said to myself was that breakpoint has always been my priority my business has always been my priority yes and the tv was very much a second job yes now for me you know we've just taken on the new australian sas who does wins which is a totally separate thing which is brilliant um and for me what had happened is that different channel yeah it's a different channel okay that's a really good one yeah those guys are awesome um but the thing is my what what was happening is basically the tv stuff was starting to suffocate my business yes and you know when i look at it i would have never gone to them and handed them a notice and said i've had enough yeah because at the end of the day it's it was it was money above all else um you know it's like a contract but um so when i got the news i wasn't i wasn't really disappointed it was only afterwards i was i was absolutely i was angry yeah and i was angry because take me out of the picture look at the look at the situation we've just been through been through covid a lot of mental health issues i'm dealing on a daily basis doing webinars and stuff for people yeah suffering with mental health issues a lot of people losing their jobs a lot of people are uncertain about the future and then all of a sudden you know the people that advocate mental health and strength and inspire people they say two months before filming you're not needed yeah you know what i mean when we've invested so much of our own you know our heart and soul into that show take me out the equation they should not treat anyone like that and that's what pissed me off yeah yeah yeah but if it was someone that didn't have your yeah you think about that if it's someone that doesn't have your ability to reframe that yeah and maybe doesn't have a business yeah exactly if something i mean what if they didn't think yeah if it was their sole occupation their sole revenue i thought you know it would have been a welcome break to them finish that and go right yeah so i've got the i've got the net you know the channel 4 thing you know that's going to be money coming in and that you know if i hadn't set all this up yeah and i've treated every show like it's the last one essentially unemployed right i'd be unemployed and it'd be like i'd be struggling beyond belief now but and that's why i'm so angry because if they do hey you know what we're doing you'll be doing teeth whitening ads on [ __ ] instagram let's get some i need to get some teeth first i remember seeing i think i seen it i saw something about the [ __ ] sun or the [ __ ] mirror or something you're going yeah it wasn't like from front page news or some [ __ ] yeah it was the highest red um it was our highest red piece in the sun that week and it was the highest rating post i've ever had on instagram wow really isn't that funny yeah 42 000 likes wow over a thousand comments even more than that i think and all the feedback would have been that's [ __ ] yeah but it was it's all positive you know it's all really positive from everyone which was it was massively supportive um and um but the thing is you know i consider now because i've just come back six weeks away in australia yeah i've just come back and for me to now i should be now if i was still doing that i'd be up in scotland and we wouldn't be sat here for instance but there's so many you know this business would just be standing still yeah you know what i mean so has that been a challenging time for the business as well yeah no absolutely absolutely you know we've had to shelve all of our front-facing events our corporate stuff our public events and everything but you know one thing about us one thing about not just people in special forces but definitely people people in the special forces we're experts so finding ourselves in this [ __ ] and looking for the opportunities and there is always an opportunity in christ your [ __ ] adaptability yeah yeah we taught a friend of ours martin stable the next royal marine and that's what he used he said that's one of the the major reasons why um he's been able to be successful with fighting in his business and that because of that adaptability yeah yeah yeah yeah he's got some energy some energy yeah he was talking about that i've got a question for that i didn't ask him yeah do you think you're joining a special forces you have to be a little bit [ __ ] mental yeah yeah yeah hundreds you have to have a bit of psychopathy i think i think that helps i think um you have to be a bit mental to to actually put yourself through that i mean it's the hardest thing i would ever choose to do i wouldn't say it's the hardest thing i've done but those things are not by choice those things have not been by choice that is by choice and i've had to do the [ __ ] thing twice yeah um so i mean i'm even more stupid than anyone else double stupid that's a bit double dumb yeah so let's talk about that then um joining the special forces that came about on the back of you being in you're in royal marines royal marines yeah marines yeah yeah yeah it was it was you in the royal marines how long i was in the royal marines for five years and then i joined the special forces six years yeah but it was an interesting part of my life that because i'd lost interest i come back came back you know i passed as a special as a royal marine yeah joined my unit up in scotland 4-5 commando i went to northern ireland my first tour yeah and then came straight back off that and we were rebounded straight out to to northern iraq yeah how old you were in that storm i was 18 years old yeah 18 18 in training 19 in in northern ireland and you know at 19 i think we can all relate to this the fact you know we all think you think you're a man at 19. fair point i can only remember because it's the time i joined up and i was like yeah you're a real man now and like you just look back and you you absolutely know i mean my son's 19 now yeah and i look at him and think about me being in iraq yeah at the same age and he just doesn't doesn't compute for me but yeah i was i was just a pup little hop yeah but um for me it was an interesting time because i'd lost interest in the royal marines yeah yeah very quickly as soon as i joined because you know when i [ __ ] when i joined up i got this brochure right and when i opened the brochure there was a bloke um on a windsurf yeah in the bahamas with shorts on than that you know and his missus was on the beach she was blonde beautiful and like he was on leave and it was like everything that was that was the that was in the brochure wow no that was in the brochure and then there was a you know a royal marine in his uniform you know i just thought all the chicks are going to love anyone you know so i was sold on that passed out training i was on the main gate at 4-5 commando on christmas eve pissed off like you wouldn't believe thinking this was because you didn't get what you're signing up for yeah it wasn't in the production do you know what that's actually happened to me being in fact we're talking ty's in view about that's actually happened to me when i got really successful yeah i was like this isn't i'd sacrifice a lot just to make money and move to [ __ ] more beyond this nice corner and i'm like actually this isn't isn't anything like what i thought it would be yeah so you are that same experience but that's the thing i mean yeah i mean and the thing for me i mean i'm not you know it's a sales brochure at the end of the day and it's a lot has changed since that date but you know for me it was like going to northern ireland was a big eye-opener for me you know that was taking it away from the brochure that was taken away from everything and going yes you know people call it a conflict whatever you want to call it it's war when people are trying to kill you yeah it's war yeah um so that for me changed everything that i've realized i realized two things on that tour and that was this is a serious this is serious business yes second thing i realized is i don't know why it was i just had this epiphany i can remember i was walking across the ground and there was a guy that was in the patrol uh and one of the guys used to carry what's known as ecm equipment basically what that does is that blocks the signal for any uh improvised explosive devices so if anyone's trying to like communicate with the mobile device that will blow up a um a bomb that you're walking past it blocks that signal right okay so anyway i'm looking across and i'm walking across patrolling across the ground in south armor bandit country and i look across at this guy johnny and the earpiece that basically identifies that there's a device he's just walking along and it's not even connected to its his head right it's swinging along by the side of it and i just thought holy [ __ ] you know what i mean it was like you just there was no care in the world and then i don't know why in that same moment i just looked and i thought all these missions all these jobs all these tasks that they gave us that were very real yeah and made this thing well we're going out there to to do something really perfect i thought we just bait yeah we just bait they're putting us on the ground and now this was just like an epiphany you know i had no reason to think this it just came to me i thought we're bait the point is on the ground to get attacked yeah and that's how that's what they do basically they put us on the ground wait till we get attacked by they are the ira or the enemy wherever you are and then they build the intelligence picture from that you know you imagine an enemy that never physically attacks yes you don't get to build that intelligence picture yeah yeah you know i mean so that i just saw i just thought we're just bait yeah we just bait and i'm just a number and this is not what i joined for i wanted to be at the i felt like i was at the back end of the arrow yes and i wanted to be on the phone yeah yeah yeah you know i mean and i kind of thought you know i want to be in the special forces that was a big dream of mine then we went off to iraq what made you want to be in the special forces you know what i went i went to the uh it wasn't rambo or anything like that was it was it i'll tell you what you know what when i was a kid i got caught with a shotgun i stole a shotgun from from uh from a house and i took it back i was only 14 years old the shotgun was actually bigger than me it was ridiculous really so anyway i had a solution to that so i got it in the vice and i chopped it down so it was about off yeah it was a beautiful shotgun as well it was a shame but yeah it's interesting because like the um you know i did a very good job on it my dad was like we were very hands-on as kids you know it was like victorian dad we were chopping wood doing this building i learned to cut pipes with my dad you know plumbing and all that kind of stuff so chopping the end of a shotgun off was like um you know it's like i was well versed in that skill yeah um but you know i can remember when i got my little shotgun and um you know obviously no one knew about it and um i you know i just seen rambo you know i was 14 years old just 13 or 14 years old 14 years old and i saw rainbow and i was like i got all the gear i thought i was rambo yeah you know what i mean i got bandoliers i got like a massive knife that was bigger than my leg it was dragging on the floor it was ridiculous and i used to go out at night you know thinking i was really yeah yeah it was it was a crazy time on my life so although you said that you're joining that wasn't that the one thing that made me want to join the special forces was i saw in 1980 the sas storm the iranian embassy in london yeah no i mean i mean about that reason yeah yeah six days but for me i mean i think that was was in power at that time and i think it was great because usually they blanket off the front of that building so you couldn't see what was going on and she said no i want to show the world how how good our special forces are really so that's why it was all on tv you saw everything that for me i saw that and it was the falklands as well and those two things you know seeing that as as i was growing up that was that was the things that really spurred you know that that sort of sowed the seed yeah and then i went to the careers office i remember going in there and i've been in trouble with the law obviously i got caught with a shotgun yeah um i just dodged i went on remand but i dodged in dodge i just got away without a custodial sentence which was really fortunate yeah um and um and then from that point on 14 years old you know into my into my um 14th year i decided the military was for me yeah and um so that was it i was i forgot the [ __ ] whole point obviously you can't go straight in the special forces yeah yeah no that no that was yeah and then normally i was like what the [ __ ] was that yeah yeah i get lost i go down these alleyways but uh yeah so um and my mom used to take me you know at that time my mum was amazing you know marriage had fallen apart she was in trouble financially yeah she was trying to keep the household together this me and my brother and sister and then she although that stuff was going on she knew that i needed support at that time so she you know she she really put some time in and make sure that energy of mine which was was misguided had been misguided was put into my fitness and everything else so yeah and she used to take me to the careers office in derbyshire and it was almost like a on a regular basis and i they kind of talked me out if i could have joined at 16 but they said look because you've got a criminal conviction you'd have to take that into you had that would have to be on your records if you go at 16. if you wait till you're 18 it's gone it's gone so anyway i was like disappointed but you know i understood the point um i can remember going to the careers office there was a this rural navy um lady there and she sat down with me she said so if when i say if you pass the royal marines commando course what do you want to do when you get in and i open the brochure and the other thing apart from the surfing on the beach and she said if you want to do it you'd love to join the special forces i love it no no no so anyway i opened the brochure on the center page and it was the sbs and it was a picture of a mini sub yeah a mini submarine the sbs pilot and there was a diver combat diver that obviously left a submarine it's a beautiful pitch and i said i want to do that yeah and she looked at me and she laughed and she went everybody wants to do that and she closed the brochure was that and that for me and that's that's i don't know if that's probably not the first time but that for me was like a red flag to a ball some people you know there's two types of people in this world there's people that see that and then they they they consume that doubt yes which stops them in their trash all over [ __ ] you yeah or have a [ __ ] you i'm gonna prove you wrong um so that was it for me you can't get ollie in your podcast [ __ ] you um so uh and that was it that was that was like that so the seed for me and then but then you know going back then to northern ireland came back and then did i i did um i went off to desert storm um came back from there and i was like disillusioned i was like you know it wasn't it wasn't enough i wanted to be at war every day it was unhealthy you know what the another point here is adrenaline yeah the thing is i was right i joined and this goes back to what you just said earlier actually i fell in love with the image of being in the special forces i fell in love with the image of being in the royal marines you know i had this image and this perception of what it would be like and how i would feel and how complete it would make me feel yes and that would be my purpose yes all right so when i got into royal marines it didn't connect for me so then i was like disillusioned was about to leave and then um i was six months away you have to put 18 months notice in to leave and i was six months away from from um being a civilian and i went down my brother passed out as a helicopter pilot down in calderos he was in the royal navy as a helicopter pilot and i went down there to his pass out and my officer from northern ireland and desert storm um was it the passout his girlfriend was passing out in the same batch and uh bagsy baker absolute legend of a bloke and he said what are you doing i said well i'm leaving i've had enough yeah and he says no way he says he says you know what i said when when um when i served with you he said there was always something different about you and i really think i really always thought that you had it in you to join the special forces he said if you leave you'll regret it for the rest of your life and those words changed me yeah it was someone that i admired and what happened i joined the royal marines in this self-confidence and and and this they're not much relief is there not much positive feedback in the forces there is but the thing is you know it's it's almost like that you know you join as a young lad and and they knock the [ __ ] out of yes you know i mean i joined and then the first week i joined my nose all smashed in i was beating up i had to go to hospital and you know i mean it was like that wasn't in the grocery either if i you know i could imagine if that that's what the boyfriend would have done if i'd done that chick on the beach well imagine coming to a course and then getting a [ __ ] bag put over your head well exactly and then baby's crying in the ears for about two that's where it stems from yeah so um so yeah i mean it's those words that that gave me one little inch of confidence you know because i kind of i thought special forces because i've been not my confidence i've lost a bit of self-worth and self-belief i thought no way could i do special force i took myself out of it but then saying hear me then give me that tiny little bit of confidence yeah i went back to camp um and i was down at pool actually where the sbs were based i was just doing guard duties down there serving my time out and i went to see my sergeant who was in charge of me and i've turned into the worst soldier ever i mean i wasn't turning up on timeout my kit was nined i've never been so you know what that's what that's the thing about 18 months notice yeah i don't want to be here yeah so i'm going to stay yeah yeah i've always saw that in workplaces oh you have to give us a month notice the leave i'm like so i can [ __ ] and and you know i had no interest in being there so i turned into you know i was not invested in my job whatsoever and i went in to see him and i said he said what do you want i was like i want to take my notice out to leave and he went what yeah he said why he says because i want to put him for special forces selection and this was the second bloke or the second person that laughs he sat there laughing it must have been like for five minutes nearly fell off his chair you know and he was like he says you know what he says because this is so comical he says i'm gonna sign this i'm gonna i'm gonna let you do exactly what you want because i'll see you back here in two weeks two weeks yes when you failed yeah and i was like i mean i couldn't thank him yeah when you applied was it were you straight into the testing process well no it's like a couple of months away so i had two months to train yes um and um so i didn't you know the heat was on yes and uh two months to train and and then i was off so we saw he signed everything and i never saw him again really i did see him again but the next time i saw him was in a blue track suit which is basically the sbs you know what i mean i was just like [ __ ] you so what is the process from like very start to getting into the like because i would imagine there's a certain amount of time you've got to serve in yeah well i think it's i think now i think it was back then but it's 18 months uh service minimum one operational tour then you can then you can put in a notice to to to do special force installation or sas selection and then what is that type of training because one of my friends has just joined the marines and is that the 32 week training no that's the 32 weeks is raw marines israel yeah and then the special forces is six months so that is basically yeah and which is horrendous and you said you you trained for that for two months yeah i had two months is that like obligated would you normally think there's no i mean you normally have them all but a lot of people fail you know when doing something like this they're over trained yes you know i mean and then they get to do selection and before you know the first week they've got injuries they've peaked too early too early i mean so a lot of people i think it i think it worked in my favor that i had two months yeah i mean we had a ufc fighter on he was the first fight of the fight on fight island yeah and he said the short account was better for me because i couldn't because he can't spawn light yeah that's a [ __ ] he's an animal yeah so he said the short i can't and just getting thrown out of the fight island was great for me it's good it was less time to get injured yeah yeah because that's how you're dreaming that you're doing is a lot of time on the feet i bet i would have added what it is you imagine you're stomping as well you're stomping with a heavy pack and all that you know that type of training i mean that the pressure that puts on your on your system on your joints and everything else so i mean you get smashed in the first two weeks across the brecon beacons you know massive weight the first thing you do i mean i turned up on day one i was like one of 350 and i sat out i remember looking honestly i was like one of the youngest i was 23 years oldness i got off the bus and i went i looked around and i looked at all these guys and i some some i don't think i'm i knew anyone as such but i looked around they look like super soldiers these these guys looked like they they they were the perception of the special forces already a lot of them so i looked around going [ __ ] now i looked to men i thought i look like a guy you know i've got the got off on the wrong stop yeah and i thought [ __ ] where's that boss i think if the bus was still there they got back on this is the one these are the lads made [Laughter] so anyway and but you know and that see the self-doubt started coming in again and it was like you know that those internal messages that was we're just saying you're in one place you're in the whole place uh you know all these guys had tattoos there they look strong and you know they're walking around with attitudes looking at me thinking you know like this scrawny little [ __ ] and then straight away you know it's like pretty much everyone check checked off and then you're off you go on and the first one is up the penny van um oh mate yeah you've been up there yeah are you running up there 30 of my guys are doing it in january oh really uh it's not right it is a horrendous test i mean i've been back to time and time again do you know what i don't know it's more of a mental test it is it is just keep going yeah but yeah well your mind gives that way before your body yeah it's [ __ ] seeing that yeah yeah so anyway it was like as soon as it went off and it's just a race you know you've got 35 pound of kick you've got your weapon water and um you know you're running up the hills and it's like bizarre yeah and you've got 24 k's you've got to do in four hours with full kit and it was hideous you know i managed to get to the front of the pack i wasn't the first but i was in probably around the first five or ten yeah on the way i think when i did it there was a lot of people seeing a struggle downhill yeah yeah it was weird i was i was fine well yeah jacob's lad i think bro yeah oh mate that is that's yeah not nice coming up the other way you know the hardest part first ten minutes yeah because there's no warm-up you're just gonna yeah i would have quit but i knew someone oh honestly i was like this is not for me yeah again yeah yeah but someone was there that i knew it was like but that's the thing is you know that's that's the thing i mean it takes me now that i know how i my body works and performs it takes me about a kilometer to get into it yeah before i start getting [ __ ] but that's the thing that's why a lot of people give up because they don't understand that short-term discomfort leads to long-term gains yeah i mean and that's when with everything that's like an analogy for life you know like a lot of people because it in the in the immediate you know in the short term it gets tougher like that i can't do this because they they then think that it's all going to be as tough as that yeah they don't realize there's a period you're going to get through and then it's going to start then you get into flow yeah you know i mean then that was the case so you know and that was it but basically what happened then you know i was then going up that hill a steep hill and some of these super soldiers that i'd seen were falling by the actually falling they were sat by the side of the track going ah shaking their heads going i can't go on and i was like have you seen the highlander oh yeah you know what i mean when they chop the head off yes and they they've well i don't i don't know what they call it but they feel the power yeah yeah it was like that yeah i was like you know doing the old duty right no no that's that's nice um i think sean connery is in one but there's a yeah there's a kind of mary's name it's so common yeah i landed but basically they chop the enemy's heads off and then they take their power from their soul you know it's like it's like gives them more power and that is like almost what happened seeing the people that i thought were better than me drop you know what i should say oh come on carry on in there no no no yeah and then once you once that's happened you know they're not going to carry on yes it's almost like you're taking their power and that gives you the confidence and power to keep on going and that's that was it and those little chips gave me the confidence to keep on going did the penny fan that first day and yeah by the time i got back i thought maybe you do deserve to be here yeah you know and then second day you're doing the same thing for two weeks you know different different different uh length of jumps and uh different weights of kit but it's hideous and people people are dropping every day yeah you know i mean so uh and then you go off to the jungle and that's here six weeks in there probably the most luxurious item is a toothbrush and you do you know i mean it's just like constant you you you get in there they very quickly your body's starting to rot and you can smell your body right now you know what i mean your actually because you're so wet all the time it's just damp all the time you know you get trench foot your feet you know you just stink yeah hardest part of that i'll tell you is it's hideous is because you from the moment you wake up in the morning you're absolutely ringing wet you know what i mean sweat everything um and they're thrashing you navigation i mean if anyone's tried you know people have never problems navigating around the [ __ ] city you want to try a jungle i mean that's a heaven sometimes i drive from home to the office and end up in the old office um so yeah and you just constantly to actually doing a lot of weapon drills out there you know so you you're a lot of shooting and moving around a lot so you're stinking wet and then at night it's absolute luxury because great thing about the jungle is about six o'clock it goes pitch black and you can't operate in the jungle at night so from that point about six seven o'clock you know in pitch black darkness then you wait till it's dark you're getting a sore all-round defense you wait till it's dark and then in the pitch black you set up all your hammocks and the overhead cover yeah which is quite a bit of a skill in itself how long does that take that's like six weeks in the jungle no how long does it how long does it take for you to set up camp i mean initially you know it's it's a bit of a trick you know you have to because you're doing it literally in the dark yeah um but then you don't you're doing it within 15 minutes once you've got a whole lot and then and then what you the beauty of that is you set everything up and then into your into your backpack you pull out your dry kit and i'm telling you there's no better feeling than taking off that wet shield and then you put on this dry stuff and you've got talcum powder you shove that down your nuts and you're like oh [ __ ] in heaven honestly and it's like but then the opposite of that the next morning you have to go before before um before first light you have to have everything packed away and backing all around defense yeah so as soon as the sun comes out yeah you're ready for an attack because that is the most likely time of attack but the thing you have to do before that you have to wake up in the in darkness and that takes a bit you know your body clock switches on you just wake up naturally 15 minutes before yeah and um and then you have to take off that beautiful dry kit yeah and you have to reach in your bag as soon as you open the bag the ammonia hits you in the face the stink and then you have to get that wet yeah moldy key out do you know what the only i think i talk about this all the time when we drink jujitsu yeah and what i've never washed me ever my wife always watched it i went to wash it once i was like leslie the cat has pissed all over the gate she said it always smells like that that's what the smell is ammonia yeah ammonia is [Music] remember then it was like you know i had to tell myself every day he didn't have a washing machine sergeant or a wife can you just watch this for his eyes checking yeah yeah exactly but um and then you have to put it on and i was i can remember every morning every day i used to have to go through this like mental brainwashing i was going i [ __ ] love these armani's i look so [ __ ] awesome just to get through it yes it was honking absolutely honking uh and that was it for six weeks you know you're doing that six weeks you lose a lot of people then yeah once you've kind of got through that you you kind of um they assume that everyone that's got through the jungle is pretty much they've got a solid team of people that are likely to then make it through to the end yeah and then you go into skills training demolitions helicopter drills all kinds of communications morse code all this and then the last thing you do is the escape invasion yeah across the hills and uh you know it's pretty much set you know we got to that point and it was like when you do the interrogation [ __ ] yeah the interrogation thing you've done me do you know ma'am i basically did everything he said he said it was riley he said open up your fingers yeah he said you play the piano i was like no i was exhausted at this point [ __ ] smash them on the table then then he said put your hands on the table pull your pants down around your ankles and i did this is extra curriculum i didn't know about it he said spread your arms on the table spread your legs and pull your pants down around your ankles and i did i reckon he's making me like crazy that dean told us yeah he said you're the first person that's ever done that i was like well i don't know i never even invited him one thing that i wanted to ask you is what's what are some of the modest [ __ ] you've ever seen in when you're in the sbs to be honest man i'm quite honest with this i mean you know a lot of my time spent in the special forces was for me a little bit disappointing yes and the reason for that was you know is the fact that times are quiet you know we didn't have the afghanistan stuff we didn't have the the kind of wars that you know the afghanistan all the iraq stuff you know at that time and it was pretty quiet so that was a lot of my frustration to be quite honest but um you know some of the operations that we did do and the few and far between but they were they were [ __ ] they were amazing you know what i mean and um i can remember we hit a few drug ships and um i can always remember we'd uh it was the first job ever and it was like this was when i knew i was in special forces or past election yeah and then we used to have a pager you know the pager would go off and a lot of the time you'd know if a code came up it was just a drill you just had to phone up and say that yeah and this time it was a friday afternoon [ __ ] would be wouldn't mean terrorists and [ __ ] they need to stop working they've got no respect whatsoever they need to have the kind of respect kobe it's got at the moment yeah 10 pm [ __ ] dude holidays hard day's work same as me same as me so um the page went off and it was the code and you're like [ __ ] once proper job back into camp briefing straight on a helicopter straight up forward operating base going through briefs and everything ships coming into waters it's got loads of drugs on board armed um uh enemy on board blah blah this and the other is [ __ ] brilliant you know this for me was like wow this is this is what i joined for you know all in black hit black belt do you think because a lot that's mine that's would be like [ __ ] you know what yeah [ __ ] i'm not doing that but they say that about you max a fighter another people be like there's two ways to frame that isn't it yeah and it's i'll think about this all the time it's the same physical feeling yeah exciting it's the same thing it's how you frame it though isn't it you know what's all that's running through my head right now have you played much call of duty call of duty call of duty 4 there's a there's a mission called wet work and it's on a ship and that's all i'm imagining you right now black loud ready to [ __ ] lapel it down onto the ship that's that's all that was it what's up i'm thinking of yours i'm thinking of your so basically we got up and we got over there over the target the target's moving at sea we're in the gila with a helo team we've got boats coming up the back and um i can remember looking down we're on a fast rope so it's not repelling it's a fast rope so basically you're not even attached to a fast rope it's just your hands you don't mean that grip you know it's that on there there yes yes so you're not even attached to it yeah and you've got all your weapons on you've got your grenades you've got you know you're all in black you've got your [ __ ] uh you've got your everything you've got all the weight your body armor the whole lot and then you throw yourself onto this you're looking down right and the bridge of the ship because the sea is so rough it's like a pendulum yes massive pendulum going it's like going from the 12 o'clock down to the almost it look like like the nine o'clock position then back over to the screen so you've got to time yourself like getting from the helicopter sliding down the rope and making sure that you hit the [ __ ] on the 12 o'clock you know what i mean it was it was like you know and you're having to slow yourself down and he was like but you're coming down fast and like you just have to make sure you land on the bridge as it swings over the other way it was like mental in the helicopter pilots trying to keep it on track and then we all got down on the onto the onto the um bow of the ship and um our objective was straight into the into the door on the on the first level clear all the decks and i can remember um first of all i can remember at the top because when you're in the helicopter you put like your balaclavas on and um everyone puts the balaclavas on and you get ready you know when it's two minutes to go in everyone finally checks each other off we're in yeah and then when you're down on the ship obviously there's lights and everything i can remember we stack up on the door and when you stack up on the door it's [ __ ] massive anxiety right you don't know what's behind whether you could be explosive devices people you know could you could be walking into a wall of bullets yeah so anyway you wait for the squeeze from the back the doorman opens the door you go raging through the door and i'll tell you what this door opened and it at that point it went boom hitters [ __ ] smashed his in the face the smell of [ __ ] cannabis really yeah and it was honestly been in there it's been in this place for days and days and days yeah and you know i mean i just looked in and there was blocks i think there were a hundred thousand quid each blocks just everywhere scattered all over the place so we all stormed through the door and we're like [ __ ] hell and next minute we start giggling really oh yeah yeah we started we're like [ __ ] you know fight it's just laughing and anyway the sergeant that sergeant then comes bursting through the door and he's like what the [ __ ] going on you know we've got a [ __ ] ship to take down get serious lads but the thing is he put his balaclava on and when he put it on he'd put one of his eyepieces over his nose and the other one was over one eye you know what i mean so we looked at him we were already laughing anyway we're just a [ __ ] bag of [ __ ] on the floor just laughing at him taking this [ __ ] down we had to really square ourselves away and we was like going down the courage and snickering anyway we took the ship and then and then uh we always hit at dawn so you've probably you know just wait just before first light yeah by the time you first like came up with taking the ship yeah and um and it was it was a take in the ship look like uh well basically you've got you've got control of the ship yeah there was no you know we didn't the basically nine times out of ten we hit these ships and the enemy would just didn't know they didn't even know we were on board oh really no i mean the boats come up because of the noise of the sea and everything else even with the helo above you know a lot of time they don't even hear that inside really yeah so they absolutely [ __ ] their pants and they just [ __ ] don't do anything they freeze these big hard gangsters that i used to look at i think [ __ ] down the path [ __ ] you [ __ ] kill me but um you know what i mean and then they just [ __ ] themselves so we took control of the ship yeah uh on that job um detained all you know everyone was in like plastic offs yes and then we wait for like the customs to come in and take in and then we go but it was it was amazing like the the chinooks come in which is the double prot hilos came in and basically lifted us off you know lifted our boats out the water with us in it and we went off into the sunset it was [ __ ] amazing yeah i was like you don't know you know joe one thing i wanted to ask you was i was reading um your new book already by the way congratulations on thanksgiving and i was reading about um when you were i think you were living in thailand or something yeah and you're having these panic attacks yeah and there's a lot about panic attacks and i'm part means like because i've suffered from panic attacks a few guys that that we've had on themselves tyson fury being on them and i'm like how can someone like you and this is this is gonna be powerful for anyone listening if somebody that like you who's been a [ __ ] northern ireland who's been through a [ __ ] who's doing all the [ __ ] that you've done is having panic attacks in like for nothing really wasn't it yeah like how have you managed that in fact let me ask you a better question why do you think that was happening then but wasn't happening to you when you were because a lot of when when i was having those panic attacks later on there was a lot more going on you know basically we go through life comprehensively like a pressure cooker yeah and by that time in my life so much had gone on there was a there was a path of [ __ ] absolute destruction behind me you know i mean relationships marriages and all this kind of stuff i was drinking too much drugs all kinds of stuff yeah and for me at that time you know i started having those serious panic attacks and i was getting to the stage in life where i was just i was looking back at my life thinking holy [ __ ] your life is just mayhem yeah your life is just absolute mayhem and it's that started to spin me out at times i mean at one point when i did start having those panic attacks was actually [ __ ] in vegas when i was about to get married to someone i didn't really know and um and i'll tell you what that was that was for me i was inc i wasn't i was taught or trained to be in flow and in comfort in chaos you know what i mean for me you know when i'm that i call it peace and war yeah you know i mean that for me is my peace was in war yes you know i mean that's how i was trained that's how we're trained but when it came to all i found it's so much harder to deal with that normal everyday stuff and the pressures and everything of normal day life yeah that you know a lot of times i used to run back to a war zone you know i mean when i was when i was a contractor in iraq my freedom my peace was going back to a war zone yes i mean it was it was it was the the white noise on the outside of war that i couldn't handle yeah you know i mean and that for me was was really having those panic attacks and just you know and i wanted to mention this because i think um i think that a lot of people listening without guys that have suffered from depression guys have been diagnosed bipolar people with um panic attacks anxiety stuff and i think a lot of guys actually they feel like they're on their own and then if somebody like that's one of the reasons why i want to tyson on because they're like well hang on if the heavyweight champion in the [ __ ] world who's [ __ ] beat vladimir klitschko like how back then could suffer like this and then if somebody like you who've do who've done what you've done in your career can suffer from it it's like well actually yeah it's not i'm not on on on my own but the second piece of this is i want to have you got a handle on that what have been so many things to get well i mean i've learned a lot since those days i mean certainly for me you know when i came back and they're really the basis for that book was in 2015 when i knew i needed to make some changes and you know and there was there were i was i was and and a lot of that you know this stuff about the anxiety was because i was in a repeat habit loop yeah and that was a repeat habit of destruction yeah you know i talk about that a lot in the book about you know we are we are creatures of habit that's just the way we wired our minds want us to do what we did yesterday and the day before because as far as um uh evolution of the species is concerned it knows what we did yesterday and the day before it's collect kept us alive until today it doesn't give a [ __ ] if you're happy or sad whether it's a good event or not it just knows he wants to keep on doing yeah what we did yesterday so for me my repeat habit loop was you know i already had these aspirations to really sort of have my own business do this i knew it was in me i knew i had this uh ability for greatness you know i had a benchmark of joining the special forces which helped me a lot um but for me it was that repeat habit loop i knew i needed to break out of that and that was where that term comes from the short-term discomfort for long-term gain yeah you know that is the ability to break out of that habit loop and to suffer that short-term discomfort at least and what would you say was yeah there were probably several but what was your pivotal moment for kind of for doing that yeah well you know what i woke up and i was in australia at the time i'd done all kinds of stuff um and um my job was coming to a close while i was working in oil and gas you know a job that um you know i was in a in an office in australia that was coming it was coming to a natural close something was drawn in an office i was working in the office yeah but it was it was absolutely hilarious because for two years i never did any work i went to the gym three times a day and because the management structure was so bad you know there was no team meetings no nothing there was no direction whatsoever and that's really that's a that's the first place i got the idea for breakpoint really yeah because i knew that i've worked in a massive organization where people could could just get lost and not you know there was there was such a lack of productivity yeah lost in a massive organization and i just thought how could it be able to put some military processes into a structure like that to make to really streamline their team work streaming on their synergy between them and that was the birth of breakpoint yeah you know their bad management of me went together there yeah so breakpoint came as you kind of reached your break point almost exactly yeah exactly and i came back to you know and again for me you know i'm a creative person i know that and um but i i know my strength isn't sitting down doing spreadsheets and computers and you know that's just on my strength yes but that's what you need to do when you're starting a business unfortunately you need to push into yeah exactly so but for me i came back and i thought i want to start break point i came back to the uk with absolutely nothing and i thought i want to start break point now i knew i had to step into that discomfort of embracing that kind of boring stuff i've come up with loads of the idea i've had so many ideas for businesses yeah you know what i mean but i've always got you know great idea great and it gets to doing the boring stuff i'm like yeah that's [ __ ] yeah no just because i don't want to do the boring stuff yeah i mean but this time you know when i came back it was like i'm starting break point and that's it yeah i was something in me was so driven do you think that was do you think that kept your focus from going back to the old [ __ ] 100 that was one driving force that kept me moving forward i came back and put myself into a boot camp for two months fortunately i got a spare house my brother as a pilot you know i was like hey bro i'm coming back home and he's like oh i'm going to [ __ ] malaysia yeah i think he i think he actually went to malaysia as opposed to but what that did he's left a spare house you know what i mean he's always a silver lining and that for me i was like right i'm going to spend two months now and i knew the only way you know we we we're born into this world as creative beings you know with uh dreams and and goals of things we want to achieve society takes control of that you go to school all that stuff is programmed out here they're getting you ready for society your dreams get crushed and i knew that years of years of this negative programming i had to get through that i had to change the blueprint in my subconscious and the only way to do that was put myself through um a a boot camp where i had no distractions no tv no newspapers no alcohol no drugs no nothing that would contaminate what's going on in my head and i knew and i put myself into processes that now do to this day and that's detailed in that book oh nice nice story but breakpoint and listen that was 2015 2016 time yeah it hasn't it can't that can't have all just been it playing sale and i started a business i won right that's that's never a reason well no it's not especially you know at that time as well i was in that house and i was you know what i couldn't get anywhere you know the easy thing for me would have been to get a loan get loads of money throw it at the business and you know buy the websites and this that and the other but it wasn't going to be as easy as that you know i had no i had no credit rating whatsoever in the uk i actually had to borrow a credit card off my mama it was quite pathetic 43. it's funny because my brother was calling me he says uh because at that time i was just before that i was doing a little bit of work in london chasing some some villains around you know doing some surveillance work and some villains in london and and all sorts and even one of the guys this very nasty russian guy he had a shark tank in his proper james bond stuff yeah in his office and um i was telling my brother this my brother's always you know he's he's been the the you know not just straight straight one but he's always been the more sensible one out the two of us and i was like you know i had no money or anything when i came back and he's like i said well i'm doing this that and the other john he says you know what you're like i said what he says he says you're like that bloke you know born and i went oh yeah yeah yeah he says yeah but you're broke born [Laughter] i like that there's some mileage in that way and it was at the point you know at that point that's when i had couldn't get any money and i couldn't get anything yeah you know at that point i'd ask my brother to my brother lame lend me a couple of grand yeah and it was at that point you know i was like well i'm gonna have to try something that you know what can i try so i thought i've got to give this positive thought i've got to give that some kind of that's all i have yeah i mean so i thought you know my ego was saying that's a load of [ __ ] it doesn't work you know it's you know laughing at me almost yes but i thought you know just be non-judgmental let's get through this let's let's put some processes so i visualized i put a plan into place i wrote everything down i used to listen to podcasts every day and everything i was doing was like really just trying to change that blueprint yeah i wrote a contract to myself for what i wanted to achieve i said you know put a date on that contract contract and when i started reading i used to read out it's like a proper contract like an official one i'd signed it and everything it's like by this day i would have achieved um setting up my business break point yeah unless when i started reading i used i could hear myself my ego and that thousand person audience we think we've got around us laughing at you going you are a tit yeah you know what i mean which i mean and i was agreeing with it yeah um and at that point you know i got through that sort of bit of discomfort and then went right try doing it in the mirror so you're telling yourself what you want to achieve i did that and it was even worse i looked at myself and you went looked like a tit yeah i mean you you're not only at it you look like one as well yeah and i was and then i was off this is stupid then i thought i stopped and i went hold on a sec if you can't look at yourself and tell yourself what you want to achieve how can you ever expect to achieve it you know what i mean and that was the one thing that made me go through that discomfort of going to that then before i know i was doing off you know without looking at the piece of paper and talking to myself yeah and that is such a you know it's like me you know no you know what i think that's like and it's very cheesy and very memorable it's like casting a spell yeah you know what i mean if you see it like that it's casting a spell i remember i was on a podcast another woman's podcast that's why they call it spelling is it spell wow yeah she said this she said this to me i love that she went your words are your wand i was like wow that's all about cheesy a bit heavy ish but i like it makes a [ __ ] ton of sense yeah because when you talk even your mind you're casting a spell on yourself yeah yeah and that's why that's why it's so important writing stuff down when you actually write you do a physical action of the things that are in your mind that has so much power i think there's actually i think somebody told me she was doing a degree in [ __ ] psychologists she said there's actual evidence yeah that something changes in your brain when you put on paper yeah i must find out what that is yeah because it that that although there was also a study done where people have you ever heard about that study where they said they did a study where people write their goals down and achieve them later in their life and that that was actually proven never to be true but that scientific fact that apparently it's a sound in fact now if you start writing [ __ ] downs in your mind yeah it changes neural pathways in your brain yeah yeah which makes it for me it makes a lot of [ __ ] sense yeah yeah absolutely so so breakpoint was originally and and still is it was a corporate thing right yeah yeah but that point you know the point you know when i was in that boot camp if i could just finish that it was like it was getting to the point where um you know i was thinking [ __ ] hell this stuff doesn't work and i was like i was almost showering some days going give me a sign that this stuff works i'm not wasting my time yeah you know my family was starting to say hey man you know come on you you're gonna have to [Applause] [Laughter] yeah i was like going you know i was telling myself and then family would start to say you know you know you're gonna have to get yourself a job you know some families saying forget about breaking point you know you need to you need to do what you guys do and go back to a war zone yeah and i would start thinking you know i mean and then i started to lose a bit of passion for what i was doing yeah you know and i had to really fight against that and then all the you know i can still remember the call to this day and then all of a sudden when i was thinking this stuff doesn't work you know i've got a phone call a phone call from foxy and he's like mate you know that stuff we're looking to do with breakpoints do you want to do that how did you know [ __ ] i mean foxy if you want to serve we serve together oh [ __ ] there's a big gap um i didn't see foxy for 13 years but yeah when i left he then you know he his career really took off then yeah so we knew he you know we're like best mates and um you know he's he's like you know that's um you know do you want to do what we are talking about doing with breakpoint do you want to do that on tv and i went are you kidding me so we were looking yeah we had a great idea no exposure yeah i was like wow it was like almost for me i said i thought he was down to pub yeah i was like foxy where are you i'll come join you he's like no no mate it says i'm with the production company now they want to talk to you yeah so anyway that was the conversation that led to where we are you know where we are with the tv show that was the platform but for me when i look back at that you know you know i all my visualizations were about me and foxy being on the stage yeah being on a big stage with a massive audience talking about our experiences this and the other how powerful that would be yeah and it was almost like you know it didn't deliver to me little wins i was so intensive and so disciplined about my uh my processes in that boot camp yeah they delivered to me something massive and that that stage in that platform would talk about was me and him on telly yeah you know and that for me was the gift from the gods yeah that changed everything yeah and then you've obviously actually been on the stage because we saw you last year which we thought was [ __ ] great but yeah amazing yeah yeah obviously i was telling you i was telling laura we were sitting there and you know because i've been to a few of the lads as things and yours was dramatic there was music on there was no it was very dramatic as a [ __ ] torture i'm saying to him i said don't let that [ __ ] torture us me because like with you me you never know what's gonna [ __ ] happen i'm saying [ __ ] hell i'll be doing pushups from your underpants i've missed a trip there if you guys did i was like i'll let you know next time you can get me oh anyway but obviously i ended up going on that tour thing which was [ __ ] amazing we had it we had a great night didn't we yeah yeah so how was that yeah no that was a matter actually to be quite honest gateshead was probably one of the best i'm not just saying that because you're here man it was it was one of the best ones and that venue was a [ __ ] great venue it's a great venue it was great but the thing is i mean for me it was something i didn't embrace initially because yeah it wasn't something that i was happy about taking on but i really enjoyed it and i had to add that bit of it yes you know what i mean i couldn't just stand there going on right now so i couldn't i couldn't be just standing up saying oh you know like uh i had to make it something more and that's why i did the whole thing at the start you know which gave it a bit of an edge a break point and also similar to the tv show you know it's for me it was about everything i do is about giving people something back and i think that's what the tv has given us and it's given us the responsibility and the duty of care to actually use that exposure for some good you know not it's not about stroking egos i've got no interest in doing that yeah in fact quite the opposite yeah but you know i do think you know and that's why everything we do everything we do at breakpoint the tour was about me trying to get people to understand that they that they have so much power yes that they're not using you know i mean to get them on to the the goal-setting class and all that kind of things and just to get them start to things just you know because people society has created this bunch of people that just they don't make their own tracks they follow footprints yes you know what i mean there's no one that's hard there's not a lot of people now the worst part is the following footprints that are printed on a [ __ ] stick i know i'm on the floor that's exactly right yeah i know you know what you know what makes me laugh about now he's like you know when i was at school and you must have they said to you you know when you're at school and the teacher comes up and you've done something wrong and you go he made me do it yeah and the teacher goes well if he told you to jump off a cliff you wouldn't do it would you i think that needs a dressing i do too if it was me why would it be different because i probably would have to i probably would have to uh but i mean you know at the moment it's like people need to stand up and understand their power but it's not their fault it's the fact that people you know that they've got the thumb heavily pushed and pushed and pushing them down yeah yeah and i think it's a lot of people you know i think a lot of people just don't know where to [ __ ] start what i mean i think there's a lot of people waking up now to the fact that actually do you know what yeah i've created this situation for myself but like where do i [ __ ] start yeah so what would your advice be there the thing is i mean you've got to identify with it you've got a lot of times when you're in that situation i think this is the biggest mistake people make is the fact when people aren't in a place that they want to be they start looking at people that are in the place that they'd like to be then they start comparing and that different vibration is too far gap to even achieve so what that then turns into is resentment yeah and that resentment is just their own internal energy that will never get them i mean the thing is also you think we were talking about anxiety and excitement before two weeks to look at that someone will look at it be like oh i can never do that and there's nothing some people be like how the [ __ ] do i do that yeah you know what i'm saying but it's the same thing and that's what people it's all about it's the same thing how the [ __ ] can i do that reframe it just refresh fear and excitement very similar yeah i mean it's like a lot of people going on stage can't oh i can't do it i can't do public speaking i was horrendous when i first started but the thing is it's just about reframing it if you do no i'll reframe this man i love you because i get that as well and i spoke on big stages and i'm like that's my body making sure i've got the energy i need to put on a great show yeah or it's my mind just reminding me to do a good [ __ ] job yeah yeah you know what i mean yeah that's it that's that's i'm pretty good at reframing what are some of the tools that you use then is it just a natural thing or you got have you got any tools that you go to probably well i think a lot of it i mean a lot of it is about confidence and what you're talking about isn't it so yeah and practice because a lot but you're in a war zone if you haven't gone yeah no exactly exactly and the fact of the matter is you know i we teach a lot about people about um anxiety and did we teach that to you about breathing recalibrate delivery yes yeah yeah so that i mean that breathing patterns is such an essential part [ __ ] up my anxiety weren't there one i tried to quit within 30 seconds yeah and then i had to walk through some [ __ ] like a big pipe in pittingford park there was like a piece of pipe i couldn't even walk through that yeah anything yeah yeah yeah another one that's how [ __ ] up i was back then yeah um i basically got forced through it and i was like and honestly that was a big thing for me so yeah the whole so taught the guys through their breathe yeah the breathing and they do teach in special forces now and some uh special forces units in the world they teach this now what happens when you get into a pressured situation you really become your breathing becomes erratic you know i mean anyone can relate to that who's falling when you fall in cold water first thing you do yeah i mean it's that's the same when you go into a pressured situation um and you're anxious now what happens then is cortisol increases and that is your fight or flight response yeah that is almost and and then also at that time you know our heads can only handle five to nine pieces of information at any one time when we're not stressed when we're stressed that goes down to one i think my maximum two one maximum two so the thing is it's like you can only sort of um and and that's the whole point when you're in a stress situation the first thing you've got to do is control your breathing yeah you know i mean be conscious of it if you know you're going into a stressful situation do this technique if you find yourself in this in this situation then the first thing you need to do is take a deep breath but it's box breathing and box breathing is basically in for four seconds hold for four you know breathe out for four yeah and some you know there's all different types they're saying that the breathe out should be um like six seconds yes before you know because that then tells them when you when you breathe out that sends a message to your system that everything's okay yeah you know what i mean it's when they're when you're breathing in reticles i had a panic attack on a flight from you remember saul campbell the footballer yeah sit next to him on a flight at heathrow and i started having the panic attack right he saw him having one no i started all right he's like he's looking at me like that [ __ ] i'm having a [ __ ] created this horrendous planet that was way back when before start getting [ __ ] it was probably 2015 yeah and then they gave me oxygen and it made it like 20 times worse because it's all that obviously you must be it must be something to be with that cortisol thing you must be over oxygenated yeah and then i'll learn that whole wim hof [ __ ] you know the way yeah bad bastard yeah i did all his [ __ ] and that breathing out thing is huge huge yeah yeah no absolutely people don't understand that you know it's it's so important breath control is so important yeah what that does is right lowers cortisol and then you um we then call that recalibrate so that is when you're triaging the situation you're managing to to offload all the [ __ ] that doesn't matter yeah you know focus on one to two things that really do matter that you can control in that moment yes you know if you can just make it one yeah and once you've got that focus deliver but if you don't do that you end up making a [ __ ] a you a move a decision whatever it is based on fear and and that can push you into further danger or make it you know let's look at it in we teach this quite a lot to sales people yeah right and i i've been in sales and i've come out a room before when i've walked down the corridor and i'm going what an absolute [ __ ] i am i've just lost about 10 grand or whatever yeah you know i mean then the guy's in the room going yes got him because he's controlled that situation yes you know what i mean it's just the fact because all that's happened he's put that person under pressure and their their body is gone just get me out of here so they've they've just said yes to anything just to when it's a band-aid quick get out yeah i mean what i need to think about i need to ask me why yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah those are all you call them stalls yeah you put up any stall they can't yeah exactly to get you off the phone yeah but the thing is all you have to do is in that moment just have to compose yourself you know you're not under anyone else's dictation of what to do you know what i mean but in those moments you like feel so pressured to say or do something and take action that it stops you from actually making a decision based on clarity and not confusion yeah yeah clarity no confusion i love that mate okay bottom here's what i want to ask you i almost forgot about this question let's talk about the celebrity thing the celebrity sas thing which one which one this who's the most famous person in your phone book chris ramsay foxy chris ramsay on edge here i think he wins but this how's the celebrity thing been have you enjoyed that you know what i talk about this in a lot and a lot of people always say which one do you prefer yeah now i do prefer the celebrity one and the reason for that is not because i get to mix with celebrities because that doesn't mean anything to me yeah but the reason is is because from the outside looking in people have this perception of how these people frame themselves on the outside yes they always have they also that perception is also controlled by the media who then frames someone how they want the public to pursue yeah so we've got an idea of these people who they are what they look like so when they come into that the process of special forces selection the process of breakpoint the process of the sas who there's wins tv show absolutely this is where it is very much like the real thing it actually shows how when people are in a pressured situation where they can't control the outcome yes the actions reactions and emotions become organic because the ego is gone yeah they're exposed they're exposed and it's only when that happens that you can really start to work with people you can get them to work with people that they probably wouldn't have worked with in the past because their egos in a way creates uh it creates an atmosphere or a feeling of vulnerability yes and it's only when you can do that people stop actually gelling and bonding together and people then see it's like jerry essex on the last show it's like tony bellew joey essex blew my [ __ ] mind exactly i'm an idiot before i went on there we got so many of those very same messages about joey essex i look at him in a totally different light because it showed that it showed that you know this perception of him that is this you know idiot that's thick and you know blah blah blah all these this negative stuff you know wasn't it he was you know a totally different person it happened it happens with all these celebrities yeah and it shows how powerful the process is yes when you've got the non-celebrity one it doesn't show the power yeah yeah because we don't know these people yes i mean so celebrity one for me is is the bomb yeah yeah i i thought about joey essex you know what i want to ask you do you know what really i was i was like wow when tony bell you when you had like 10 women on a tony belly and you just started [ __ ] hiding yeah yeah that was and then went ahead with ant yeah and he was like [ __ ] i was like yeah he's a he's an air yeah he's just talking about that oh yeah yeah you're before yeah how did them what was he what was going through your mind then do you think anything was going to go off or well i took a step back [Laughter] no but it was it was interesting because and i think it was it was good for ant to do because there's not many people who would stand up but for him he's probably never had that hardly ever had that in his life well he might have had it yes but you know probably more recently he's probably never had would not expect that to happen so and especially when we've got him in you know we're trying to work with these people i mean tony is an awesome guy but you know he's the the fight is definitely not left tony no i mean not mean he's not you know no you know i mean imagine making a comeback actually seen him on that show i think that show changed his life i'm when i watched it i was like this is cheap you could almost see it happening in the show obviously it's production yeah but you must have seen that happening as well yeah no you see with them all you see it with them all you know and it changed you've been on the course because you you can relate to it yeah and it changes people because i honestly believe that when these people come on and their ego's gone they don't get the opportunity to design the most perfect outcome that makes them look good and that's what we all do all of us do that don't we i mean our ego want doesn't want us to look stupid we always try and create a perfect outcome yes and they know they very quickly that's gone and they they can't and all of a sudden they're they're left with their true and raw character yeah and for them it's a hard pill to swallow but one that changes their life yeah i mean because then they start to really understand who they are yeah you know when you're living and trying to be the perception of what you expect everyone knows yeah to believe that you are you know you you the actual you becomes the byproduct of this person you created yeah when you first when you first go into that like parade thing you worry about what everyone thinks yeah and then you quickly realize that no one gives a [ __ ] no no one really gives a [ __ ] because they're too busy worried about what they're doing yeah that's what i say on the show as well i mean actually when they first go in i look around like this and then eventually they're almost it's almost like a surrender to the process yeah and that's that's the word you're not mean until they learn how to surrender the ones that don't learn to surrender go yeah very quickly and that you know it's often not i look at it sometimes i'm like it's often not because they're the most out of shape yeah yeah what i'm saying yes there's some people i'm like they're not in the best shape there but the [ __ ] still there yeah no exactly because and that shows how you know it's the mental robustness mental strength is so powerful you know obviously if you're really unfit you're not going to last five minutes yeah um but you know what i mean it's just because a lot of them come on they like that i'm going to go in there i'm going to smash it i'm going to be the best i'm going to be the alpha male i'm going to be the best female you know whatever it is they're going to go in they then get there and they they think [ __ ] everything i told myself isn't going to work yeah and they actually then that this confusion comes that then hold on i've got to work with the people i'm competing with they'll have never done that either before i mean the only way they're going to get through is working with people that they want to beat um yeah yeah and that's hard that's really hard they've probably never ever done that yeah i mean we've got professional sportsmen on there you know footballers the whole life they'll have never had to work and yeah and bond with someone they're trying to be i don't think as well i think a lot of that there is there's nobody that can kind of talk their way through it yeah no i mean half on that very quickly yeah no exactly you can't just you can't black your wave well that's that's it you try and create the perfect answer yeah you can't do that anymore can you because you're you've surrendered you've lost control and i'm not you're no longer in control yeah you know and the whole anxiety of not knowing what the [ __ ] happening and that's that's like real selection you know it's like you don't know you you've got no you've got no control over the outcome yeah bringing it bringing it to stuff you can control i love asking everyone this yeah what's your air what does a morning look like for you morning yeah yeah for me i mean and this goes back to 2015 when i really had to get a grip on things 2014 15. the morning for me is this is this is my power time you know and this is where people fall down a lot i think because they think oh i've got time to do this i've got time to do that the way i see it you know people are also going to need to understand that um your work and your time you know you looking after yourself and giving yourself i call it mental wealth yes you know that's when you make an investment to yourself that gives you up for how you perform at work so if you don't do that then your work life is you're not going to perform to your best anyway so for me i get it i've gone into a workout not warming up right no no exactly yeah yeah yeah no exactly and you're not you're not giving yourself the best opportunity to perform and i really think for me i give myself that power of taking myself to the day every day yeah you know i mean and when i say every day i call my book battle ready because every day i'm fighting a battle to be the best version of myself it doesn't mean that i do this process every day but this is my perfect day yes and that's up at five o'clock downstairs meditation so 25 minutes meditation and i use a guided meditation or whatever now when i look at meditation a lot of people get freaked out because they don't think you're in the special way you know i was on the i was on a like a webinar with jade to uh to a client last night and like jay says yeah i'm starting meditating as well and a lot of people going yeah ex special forces meditating what's that all about but the thing is meditation for me is is so powerful because it's your focused attention at your intentions that's what it is for me in the morning anyway so i want to focus on what i want to achieve perfect chance to work on your breathing exactly perfect chance for that perfect chance to think of what you want to achieve your goals short medium and long-term goals and it really the ability and and it's hard when you first start but the ability to be able to clear your head of everything yeah organize your thoughts yeah yeah it's so powerful i think the challenge that a lot of people have is they think the the i think the meditation has this like reputation for that you have to not think anything yeah you've got [ __ ] no chance no because as soon as you lie down yeah all you can do is think there's nothing else to do yeah or even sitting down there's nothing else you would think yeah the way you're describing it is you're organizing your thoughts in your head well they say 70 000 to 100 000 thoughts go around heads every day if you don't choose some of the things that you do want you're going to end up with a load of [ __ ] you don't want and that is because you know and when you consider as well on top of that that we are as humans we wired negatively and that has just helped us survive to this day you know we're still from that blueprint yeah well before you came in i was shooting a video about this negative thing yeah actually it can be quite useful yeah because if you didn't think negatively like you wouldn't stay safe as a soldier no exactly the boxer doesn't think negatively he wouldn't bother putting his [ __ ] hands up yeah well and that's what you know exactly yeah there's got to be some but the thing is you've got to be able to identify with it and not let it consume you yes you know what i mean i always say this we're still living off you know technology is flying past there's all kinds of speeds but we're still i've got that sort of primal instinct you know cavemen never used to come out the caves and go i'm going to have a massive day full of opportunity yes good day where's that [ __ ] time i'm not going to eat it what's going so that's why everything is every time we come up and want to do something that's new we want to make a change of something we've not done before like i said before about something that changes that habit loop we naturally go [ __ ] let's focus on everything that could go wrong yeah you know i mean we do don't we no you have a short honeymoon period going yeah that would be [ __ ] um hold on yeah no i'm gonna look stupid because it's the smart in the in the survival instinct kind of thing it's a small thing to do if you have all the negatives before the positives yeah well there's no are you going to die i think it's getting stuck there that's the issue yeah yeah yeah exactly it's just a little bit of feedback it's good it can be kind of useful because for me i think negative thinking can sometimes help you make more objective decisions yeah like if you only made decisions when you felt positive you'd hardly make any but b some of them would be [ __ ] yeah you'd make shitty risks you take risks that aren't necessary yeah no absolutely but i think there's a lot to be said about you know the more you the more you sit and linger about i mean for me i've got i've got something that drives me forward you know which is over always overwhelms negative circumstances yes i mean so i don't become a victim of of my circumstances yes i don't get lost in that you know you know what i think you have and we're talking martin stable and about this thought you have and i think a lot of people lack this now in their life is a purpose yeah like even not if it's not like oh i was born to do this is like this is what i'm working towards i think a lot of people when they get certainly just stopped doing that yeah stop setting goals they get married they have kids they get a decent job they get a call done yeah then after that it's just i hope i make it to me we can [ __ ] turkey yeah yeah there's no there's no there's no drive anymore i think people use that's what you have well the thing is i died for your scores yeah exactly but i didn't find i didn't understand this whole purpose thing you know when i was in when i joined the special forces i didn't realize what it was i was like something's not wrong maybe it's because i'm not going to war every day it wasn't that it was the fact that i hadn't found my purpose yeah i didn't understand purpose of that age i understood purpose when i then stumbled across it when i went and saved those kids in thailand that is when i went wow and that was the power of helping other people that a lot of you know and that when you look at it when i look at everything now you know when i first left because i didn't get you don't get paid much money as a special forces soldier believe it or not but when i came out you know certainly in that insane yeah it's bad enough it is bad well you tell that to football isn't that a lot you haven't said that this might sound very controversial but my wife told me that boris johnson only gets paid 150 grand which is i'm not a fan of him but everyone cleans them i'm like why the [ __ ] aren't you doing his job you couldn't [ __ ] do his job exactly what i mean exactly all that [ __ ] [Applause] that basically for me is my meditation 25 minutes um and i do that as a guided meditation as well so i'll sit there i've got a guided you know you can find all these resources on google youtube everywhere so that's really powerful for me um and then once i've done that gym session or run and that is super important you know doing some kind of health if i if i have a [ __ ] day but i've been for a run in the morning it's still a success that day is still a success is it running these days about 7k oh yeah yeah 7k and my gym session you're slowly doing that still or not are you no no i mean i mean listen i've stopped competing with myself i've stopped yeah i've stopped beasting myself you know i don't wear a watch anymore when i go running i don't really i know i know i know if i'm not i know if i'm not working i know if i am working yes i'll always try and push myself but i don't need to be interested yeah that's interesting yeah yeah so i don't i don't know you're running for a different completely different reason yeah i i see running on everything now is it it's more it creates such more of a mental stability yes you know if i stop training and fox is the same if we stop training i turn into i don't get so negative yeah i mean i'm i'm grumpy i'm not i'm not you know so for me you know with fitness and everything for me looking half decent yeah is the byproduct of feeling good yes you know i don't i don't i don't train because i want to look alright on instagram or what i train because because i want to feel good yeah and then you know and people i think have got that wrong with that message wrong yes because everyone's fighting to look good for instagram yes but a lot of these people that look good don't feel good yeah you know i mean that's something so anyway yeah i do that then i come back and then i've got i'm i'm in front of my computer by seven o'clock i mean what's that what's up is not going crazy my emails aren't going crazy for that day yeah i've only got to look over stuff that probably needs a bit of traction you know the emails come in all you got to do is send them back and give them keep keep keep the momentum going with hope yeah make sure that stuff's done and before you know eight o'clock i'm rfd hang on i'm gonna figure this out ready for the day not and because available got that attitude of gratitude you know you're stealing all my life yeah ready for domination i know it sounds drastic but i am actually really i love that yeah yeah you know and it's and that then for me i i don't really care what gets thrown at me but if you're the type of person that's like snooze news news not only will you the day will walk all over you but you'll make decisions based on snooze you know i mean i think a lot of time the more you allow yourself to linger over decisions the more your mind will sabotage i once got i once got caught summons because i hit snooze tell a story on the stage i'll have to tell you this because you'll never hear it i tell this on the stage all the time so back in the day 10 years ago 11 years ago i used to teach these boot camps outside right fitness things and my morning routine was like get up have a coffee have a [ __ ] go and teach this classic quarter past six in the morning anyone one day i hate the news got a little bit late i got the coffee missed the [ __ ] started teaching this session on the beach needed a [ __ ] 10 minutes away from your house so i thought [ __ ] yes there's a public toilet there it's caught by six in the morning well it wasn't open so i thought [ __ ] what am i gonna do i've got 20 people doing [ __ ] lunges there my house is 10 minutes away i need a [ __ ] and when you're a guy that's not staying in me it's coming out yeah so i thought outside the public toilet i had a [ __ ] obviously walked away from cctv and the news i got call summons so they that's what that's an example of what happens when you hit snooze oh yeah that's it yeah so anyway don't anywhere don't forget don't don't don't slam the scene i think snooze you recommended the book about making the bed yeah because that for me sets the mood and the tone for you right now but the thing is what i talk about i talk about break point i tell a quite dramatic story about when i got tapped by chimp as a kid and that was my first break point because i made the decision to do something while this chimp's attacking me and that was stepping into that short-term discomfort i was taking it up a level to retaliate yes but i knew by doing that it would you know up the ante with the chimp yeah but that was my chance to live in that day but the thing is now don't say it you haven't got to go off and get found a circus and get attacked by a chin i mean by ollie's first book is that your first one yeah that's in breakdown yeah it's also mentioned in that one but the thing is it's about doing the small stuff because yeah you know you get up in the morning you're like oh i'll leave the bed you know at night you're like i'll leave the dishes till the morning and it's it's about taking care of that small stuff it's not about so much it's just the physical that's making your bed it's the fact of you taking care of the small stuff because when it comes to the big stuff that takes care of itself you know how you do anything is how you do everything yeah yeah i mean it's like it just creates that amazing so one more question that i want to ask you one more question because this is important and i get asked this all of the time because we've got a lot of i mean we've got a lot of listeners i would say 80 percent of them are guys yeah um 20 of them are ladies who all have a crush on mark actually i've got their eyes aren't painted i'm going to ask you another two questions before we get serious these are two important questions does sparkling water make your mouth dry no do you like spotlight more i love it biased opinion buys an opinion he always saturday morning the saturday kitchen he said the brother's a spotlight and i [ __ ] sent it back anyway but here's another one mashed potato on a scale of one of 10 10 being amazing where are we at mashed potato five five yeah what would you rather have than mashed potatoes of all the things that you do with the potato what you think jack potato roasties fries oh roasties potato wedges oh my gosh yeah yeah waffles waffles are pretty large no for me not for me potato no oh it's a broad potato but it's it's been sliced on the back of it little slices across the back and buttering he reckons he reckons mashed potatoes the bomb yeah cut it last night from nando's i'll tell you what he can't honestly two members of staff in the office i said if you had if you had a choice i was being generous with five you know if you're on a low carb diet and you're like i can only have roasts these are carbs yeah sorry roast these are mash these [ __ ] chose mash nash what the [ __ ] is the matter with them he put baby potatoes higher than mash that's spoiled they're the spawn of satan them wow anyway let's go serious questions this is the last question for alex i'm going to take it it'll be time man um booze how'd you get a handle on that right that was toughest the toughest gig in my life was controlling booze um but it was the one thing that i knew that if i didn't get control of that then i wasn't going to achieve anything and that was a repeat habit loop for me i was losing so it's i don't know i don't speak for everyone here but for me you know i used to enjoy it i used to have some great times on it i've had some great great adventures um but for me when i drink and i'm probably something inherited from from the military as well is you know we used to work hard play hard there were three day binges i didn't lose that you know that was that's part of my you know so when i have a drink i drink well drink to get drunk yes it's not a mind no it's not a planet no no no no that's the point of that it's not a glass of wine no no it's like i drink to get drunk and then i'll end up three you know three days later in a bag of [ __ ] you know so depressed and then before i know it i've lost like three days getting back on track yes you know my my old week used to be i like you just get hammered at the weekend it took me to wednesday to get back in back on form so i'd start performing on wednesday then thursday night was warm up for the weekend yeah i mean it was that was that was that was that was my repeat loop yeah and i wasn't achieving anything so for me getting on top of the drink was something that um i had i had to i had to sort out what what is some of the do you have strategies that you use to kind of keep the b or anything yeah well apart from drinking sparkling water because it's amazing no but this i mean yeah sparkling water but i mean that does get a bit tedious and you know you know time and time again when you're going to the pubs but um you know seed lip and all drinks like that have you tried that no seed seedling what is it what is it seedlit seedlings you look for seed lip they do a load of drinks that basically they taste like gin flavored and maybe it's bliss one thing i do know is that definitely won't have that and south shields in a bowl could have a seedling actually getting a grip on that stuff and initially initially when i stopped like the first friday night i was like [ __ ] yes me yeah what the [ __ ] do i do you know it's like and then then i've realized that i was like wow how much of my life did that consume massive amount of my life and i was thinking how do i feel these gaps but then over a short period like over a month i started filling those gaps with productive things at that time i was starting a business so you know on a friday night instead of being in the pub i was like still doing some work it still didn't work and i used to think the plus of this is the fact i won't be doing this you know i'm doing something productive yeah and then before i knew it i had so many things fill in the gaps of those you know the gaps so many productive things fill in the gaps i was thinking how the [ __ ] did i have time to drink you know i mean i actually went back to drinking i tried it again is yeah because i thought oh i've got a grip on this now and that's you know i mean i'm scared i was missing out yes so i thought i'll try again yeah and that was with the lads in chile you know when we just filmed uh series three or four and uh you know i was like ah scared of missing out so i'll try and then before i knew it you know i was like back to square one yeah losing productivity eight months i spent then and then one day i can remember i got back from the recce like i started in chile with the lads when we were filming then we went on a record the first one in scotland yeah and i can remember i came back from that i've been drinking all week with the lads i got back laura was away and i was in my home got home that friday night the next morning i was i was still sort of dithering around the house at 10 o'clock and i thought oh you know what i've had a hard week i'm going to sit down i'm going to watch a film yeah sat there on a saturday morning turn the tv on i went what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah and i went if you weren't drinking you'd be up the mountains you'd be doing this you'd be taking murphy out for a walk i went right that's it yeah i love it i love it ollie alden everyone man thank you so much for coming on me thank you very much can people find out more about breakpoint what you do um i think the best thing that people can do is actually go to my personal website which shows all the projects all my books etc and that's ollie ollerton so o l i e o double l e r t o n dot co dot u k amazing actually me i've got another question sorry go on social media what's your deal social media i wanted to ask you this yeah so i wanted to ask you this because it's important and what's your thing with social media what kind of relationship do you have with it yeah to be honest i mean i i'm i i don't favor it yeah you know it consumes so much time and you know if you really want to get into i i know it's being controlled so you know the algorithms and and and yeah i know it's being controlled so i think it's a powerful platform and i use that to inspire people i agree um and and that's great but if i tell you now if i didn't have to be on it for business i would be well clear of it yeah i love it amazing thank you so much
Channel: Paul Mort
Views: 1,910
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: military, soldier, being part of the Special Boat Service unit, ollie ollerton, sas who dares wins, from army life to normal life, mental health for men, depression motivation, helping anxiety, men with problems, men suffering, depression in men, helping mental health, mental health matters in men, how to help with mental health, suicide in men, mental health podcast, podcasts for men with mental health, suffering men, talking men shit, talking man shit
Id: lE2c1n7pPP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 57sec (5457 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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