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[Music] [Music] get that close that's Mike Foreman please and bring it here to the stage now I am delighted to have this brother here but what I'm going to do is relinquish the mic and give it to one of the people that be traveling with him all over the world one of his favorites come on welcome Brooklyn Brooklyn ian's I should say in New York visitors are other parts of the world we're here with our King Simon productions and New Covenant production house of House of consciousness we're here to bring onstage mr. Paul Mooney hi ho many clown in livin' Carla the word the man they put the words in Richard Pryor's mouth when the most prolific minds of the 20th century are you ready are you ready with your hands together [Applause] you know what the tosh.0 okay thank you thank you ya know want this let's took this turn these lights off I don't know huh fine listen listen let's turn the lights off this turned the lights down so it can yeah turn those lights down and put the spotlight on the the spotlight put it on there you go anyway listen this is for real this is the talk in this I was 12 years old when I came now I told his wife after hook him up I gotta get this Nick on the radio because he's too much I told him he knows all about that Bible he can make some money some real money no he's hooking up but I'm on manage that ain't get me for free I'm gonna be like the white folks anyway let me tell you something new black women that are here give yourself a round of applause it is all a big round of applause because you guys are not supposed to be here you're not you are if you would look at it if some outsider would look at what you went through you're not so you guys are so tough you use some tough black women Utah Utah Utah and nobody gives a it's only when the white woman does something it's a big deal what's that little girl's name she's the little gay girl this on I've got a TV show what something Helen I saw her on Oprah's show I saw her on ABC they said she has saved the world how she saved the world by eating the vagina how she saved the world [Applause] how does she save the world [Music] she could at least showed it to us I said well show me what saved the world and Oprah was all legit seal Oprah's got to be stopped did you see / did you see him opens too much but anyway that's a whole nother story let's get to the real deal who saw that white man kiss bit more with the big ears Obama son Will Smith [Applause] the mic who saw does you see that white man from Russia kissing you see ya know he did it and did you see wills eyes he did not like it won t and it was on that red carpet and you're a little French town but what's the award the might but but he wants half of you don't watch TV citizen nothing to talk about but the ones that you didn't have TVs did you sleep and pay your bill because the rest of him looking at me he kiss who just homeless and no have been television you know you remembered see from a TV anyway yeah that's that's the thing that's on there and I'm that's all I'm real sad down the summer Saint that cold [Applause] beep beep did deep she didn't want to be here no more she was sick she had she had the bum she had the bub but you don't know what the bug is you gonna get it good she had the birth she had the white box bug that comes from white people painted the trip in it deep when they come to them y'all I'm telling you look this is for real white folks are full of tricks you got to be very careful with white people because they know it's the end why you think you see all these white girls with these little brothers they're saving their no no brother see all dental stuff we're the devil they're not the devil we are we are the devil we do we do the dirt the white man don't do the dirt I'm talking about the black the mix Negros I'm gonna talk about us not them pure brought it back Africans in the jungle talk about [Applause] [Music] yeah hello it's my daughter applause come on yeah [Music] I guess what she had the nerve to say to me make me my money let me get off this phone so you could make me my money and Sydney son your kids but we have to take care of them is they so stupid but look this is the real watch that it's not with where our problem we have to read brainwash ourselves because we've been brainwashed and we got to start with our children and we got to take our cue from the June [Music] [Applause] [Music] they sit their children down and they teach them and do you want me to prove it to you wherever the community of them are here and the ones with the curls and whether pimp hats the super Jews go to any of their schools start with junior high you start with great school I want you to go one of the little kids and walk and walk up to him and say who's Mel Gibson and guess what they'll say to you you and mail gifts because their parents teach them okay the pit and their parents teach the bit you're speaking a foreign language but your mom especially you once from the islands and that British subject in feats and all that you think you're special they do they think they do you think you're special you want them what's their place to make ways is that what Islands are yeah you really think you special cuz they drop you off first you [Applause] came from that's what you come from no no because when I look at the first thing they said to me was welcome home I said welcome halfway home when we get to Africa we'll both be home that's the truth everybody gets it twisted if you take an African zebra to Canada it does not make it the Canadian zebra it makes it an African zebra living in Canada everybody let me tell you something race is the most important thing in the world in America it means everything and if your skin is white if you have the complexion for the protection for the collection if you got that white skin you got it go on that's why every time I see a homeless white person I just break out pride what a waste of white skin it's the truth I don't know where you work who's your boss but that white person coming in you could teach them and they fire you and they'll take your job that's happened to a lot of you happen you teach them and they tell you you've got to go but I taught here go now on your job all of you see words are powerful and I'll be back haven't forgot about race you think I have but I'll be back words are very powerful and I'm gonna give all you black people because they're powerful the white folks I'm gonna give you some how you can use power and words they mean everything on your job your boss the policeman stops you in your widest voice look at the policeman then go [Applause] officer can't we be civilized about use that word watch the look they give you simple eyes that's the work because they're sniffing you from the jungle not me [Applause] they think we're primitive the reason is some of the other said wouldn't it go give us some money it's white floating I'll never give you no money would you give your cow some money you own your goddamn cow you ain't giving you a cow no money they owned us they will never ever give up their game everybody else everything they'll talk it they'll talk a good talk come on Obama everybody talking but they will never never give us no matter they think they did us a favor by taking us from the junk helps you do were into each other until I found you and we so ugly we so dumb give all them diamonds in Africa you ever been down down the ground like someone's Rock stuff cuz it was everywhere then white folks solve it niggath did you know diamonds was dying they couldn't wait to get back to Africa but they have admitted boats into swam back let me go get them rocks for them dumbass but I said I want to take my cue from the Jew because they don't forget they don't forgive and they bring this up every ten minutes [Applause] that's the first thing I'll pay my and it's okay they can all day long it's okay and like you see in Hollywood white folks are missing a job on TV they miss it but they went to work we don't know where they are white folks wherever they want to be okay missing Edison it's just a minute this boy they shot that that boy that they killed was little boys named they won because he was whooping that man's ass you don't want to help officer dangerous they are they like us we one dangerous they're dangerous we're not we should have been signed with Motown my generation all we did was sing Oh wouldn't we sing it good and damn look ain't gonna let no you ain't gonna let turn me right keep up God you biggest oh come on cheap all over Walker God all the time talking about freedom that we shall overcome Matt and lead was something we could do about town it's all we go under say 'slap-ass we turn the cheek slap this again and forgiving and loving and saying no buttons and that goddamn what's-his-name from Soul Train what's that nigga's name what's wrong with that some white man's don't blow his brains up on the Soul Train line shake it off he gonna blow his brains up so that white woman to get all that money that's a [Applause] that his wife would have been black you couldn't have made in Shu this a black I'll get this [Applause] that's why I love Barry White I love me some Barry White whistling clodine with the long nails he left that black all the money and she big as a minute now she lost that boy did she this was while he was around but with it with that money got a lotta business this is a zero bet me single and the young girl that Barry White was married to remember that had the baby you know that what Barry's baby that was her boyfriends baby they was playing him and what happened was the young wife tried to get all the money club he was gonna take care of her so she tried to get so didn't codeine had that DNA now she gets nothing and you guys all these old dying and Merrick these young women believing the money the children stop blaming stop blaming these young women it's not them it's your daddy your daddy knew it wouldn't live forever he didn't want you to have my money if your daddy wanted you to have money you know left it to you he wanted that young girl to have it that's why he married her it's a hard pill to swallow but if your parents wants you to have money their liberty and pants I'm a pair pants lot of the children I love all of you the same nobody don't love nothing to say everybody has a favorite let's keep this real and when they read the will you find out who the favorite is all this time you thought it was you and they leave it to the and when it comes to leaving money white folks why didn't know like white people so you know they don't like us they'll leave all their money to the dog then at the dog not a cat get it the cat died the bird gets it see what I'm hip to them why do their them dogs [Applause] you don't leave a billion dollar sandal damn dog Buster having sex with the dog the dog gets everything my kids get nothing do they like do they love them dogs and they turn your out you then got just like em you you shouldn't be like that yeah you of kissing on dogs having up in the bean I'll bring it all in the house do like my grandmother said put that goddamn dog outside master bathroom and you notice a ghetto dog is different from a white dog you ever once again although the dog pound can't catch it you ever sit watch the dog bottle chase a ghetto dog for five hours you'll see get it off go to the red light and wait and knowing the light changes and one thing about animals they got more sense than us because if a dog gets hit by a car and lives a car will never hit that dog again did you know that our call will never ever hit that dog again a human being will get hit by car and go to the same place and get hit again and what you hear is oops Oh and then drugs tell on your ass better than marijuana how many of your cousins or brothers or sisters always boots up oops uh turn right they go turn left the other right they got two rights Oh oops short-term memory and that's just what we but that this this dementia this Alzheimer's that's some scary as that's why they want to kill Ronald Reagan's son he didn't told on Ronald Reagan had that and the boy came out and told on them and they real upset with that boy all the president didn't even know he was the president who said mr. president who [Applause] that's a galette also amethyst the cold-blooded cuz some know it gets it progressive doesn't get better you look in the mirror and won't know you that's a quote that's the mind is a terrible thing to waste it's the truth I love that to be so loud I love that nappy hair it's allowable the girl she walks real noisy never take you somewhere to rob a bank listen [Applause] back to color color means everything in color makes people talk crazy race makes everybody talk crazy you black you to talk crazy from the ass you about race you talk crazy oh you know my Indian grandmother your Indian grandma your Indian grandmother [Applause] my myfritz next-door neighbor my my Hawaiian grandmother over everything but everybody talking don't give the Lions talk crazy I'm Samoan Oh some momentum [Applause] everybody's everything but black why do they why is it black see it's all brainwashing what happened when that little white girl was missing the AMBER Alert the laws changed throughout America am i right an angel was missing [Applause] and someone said a did did the world stand still you didn't see the Laquisha alert damn de prisa go to the go to the crack house and find another black it's just the way it is hey that's them they change they would change the law to help Mike Ross you guys know us true I could get a little white baby and put it up here right up here all of you a change your energy a change a precious put wings on it or you be all I bring a little black one up there u-turn u-turn put wings on it look at the little black bat [Applause] kill it before bite somebody that's a damn shame but suit up - damn - somebody somebody help me somebody help [Applause] [Applause] double preach anyway look I did not know that that was deer on work somebody help me that blond lady I didn't know that was dealing just you smile I thought it was some white boy i TV I did not know that was dear [Applause] how does deer who said anything y'all be saving yourself hater I know they took my diner summers is 50-something suffers wouldn't know damn 63 that was before 9/11 when you could change your license and all this hairdo was 63 years old come on she got at the time something has to be at least 80 at least well how old was she when she started out in the seventies and eighties 12 how was she they said she started late don't you remember [Music] [Applause] come on now the psalmist wasn't no baby when she started y'all guys will just believe anything white folks say [Applause] does that I just look why people live sort of fit their purpose who in here saw that what's that Pearl Harbor who saw the movie now remember when the movie open first of all they did in Hawaii they shot and one no Hawaiian and I didn't see no Hawaiian anyway how do you gonna take the camera there why and don't see why it's okay they open the movie with the black soldiers shot and they bring him into the doctor's office the white nurse and white doctor remember they pray over them they try to operate and save him but he dies who that that's a lie they would never how army and navy was segregated that white nurse and white doctor would never touched that Nick he they had to die outside because remember they said white blood and black blood was different if I'm wrong if I'm wrong director didn't they say that you know how many white people died behind that they told them to sit with fresh shot of white blood only have Negro blood you know you don't want that [Applause] did my folks have white blood lactate and then doctors knew better they knew blood was well but they went along with because it was like that you know that whole did why because when they set up some everyone goes along with a the dick Clarke finally died [Applause] we thought he was black member because he stayed beyond for so long and then over there overnight when white folks crack off tonight the snuff of crack what's that little movie about that Chucky this muhfucka looked like Chucky when they when they break when white white folks are cute up to the Velvet 30 then it's a nightmare on troll speak and chicken feet pig feet overnight the pretty white woman Elizabeth him that was a pretty white woman beautiful eyes skin features that prepped who saw was overnight did you see them wrinkles in her face you coulda rolled a joint in her face Thanks [Applause] baby overnight she with the sleek look at my Grace Kelly hookup look at my hobo government that was some sadness I'm telling you I hate to be cruel than when they crap they crap and look at Lane Aloha was they know [Applause] that's a black white woman [Applause] black don't crack look at James Brown look at James Brown aged so well didn't it James Brown look like an old black Chinese woman [Applause] who else they just don't crap pad in the bill looks the hollows better but I think she's had work who's the ones you guys think it's so pretty you know this is the new model or something what does it mean you know the first model some what does the man says the TV's no huh yeah you guys think she's so pretty she's got a tell-all book that's a man [Applause] freely no she had the neck everything's everything it's coming who watches the show sometimes you want but have you noticed the voice changes [Applause] who didn't know who knows every knows her voice this is all she got a cold she's always saying it am i right yeah the Kolar school why are they back with this Medina what is go what what why well his is the deal the chip is this y'all get very upset but here's the trick the deal is real but dinner is real what's the other one's name Tyler parents are fake [Applause] My dear Israel you have never seen them together [Applause] what yeah enough yeah well yeah it's the movies this is they got this and this movie out about some mains what's that about what help this this [Applause] about a man me I thought they all up in the South I thought they all had manners this suppose would be a big difference see it's only a big deal when the white lady doesn't when the one that is raises her kids when she's working working mantis all the black woman took care huh kids in the way that his kids then nobody and nobody made a movie about that wasn't a big deal yeah you should have did that and more no you guys do something nobody cares the white woman does it in the earth stand still she's courageous she's this she's that and don't let these white women fool you they think they're white first and feminists second Institute rustling Obama's flightless Obama's wife's name the ghetto one the one to forget her she's ghetto you know she's ghetto you ain't that stupid she comes straight from the project's come on if it wasn't for what's the name again if it wasn't for Michelle Oprah would about yes I've seen it that's our plan [Applause] what opens no time Oprah is a horse she's not a thing Oh message they tell you that open box open Otis mama got a book that's coming out I think of Obama's birthday August for a tell-all book she said I was a liar a and spoiled she said Oprah was not molested by her real father nobody it's a lie said her real father stepfather a cousin of everybody worked three jobs to keep this she's a small senator school I believe they say Oprah is the sharing of their baby when she looked up she saw chandelier she did not see roaches his upper middle-class she's a liar and a look the mother says he's over your mama say yo who are you and that ain't no overnight she's gonna hook okay said this he been a home since she was three they said they did everything to make over a good girl and it said Oprah is she's ungracious she she she's a user they said they did everything they said in the school did everything to keep her in the school and said Oprah still soul you know what I'm the garage walling is all that work she'd say open up the cell she's just too huh and I believe it look every marketer ever watch Oprah show I can tell you everybody this has been an open shell open and school start with that little boy and that girl beat up Chris Brown you excuse me before he got in trouble who shows was he on was the on there every other day was he on their weekly and as soon as he got in trouble Oprah act like shouldn't even know that boy don't you remember Chris who did look why he was screwing you know who we talking about she likes screwing Chris's she screwed Chris Brown she screwed Chris Rock she screwed Chris Tucker she screwed Santa Claus [Applause] see Lifeson chris's you guys ate that not because I'm talking about Saint Oprah let's be real about everybody on Oprah's show by the ladies and to tell you who she's sleeping with who's that play the Ray Charles watch them together didn't they have nice food you could see the bottom and James Brown she likes the roundness to Bobby Brown's the screw father did you read Bobby's book Bobby's tell-all book Bobby said that that Whitney had him on drugs he didn't have said Whitney was on drugs so he met her he said all he brought to the table with some dick that's what he said [Applause] he said I'm a stud that's all I am he said everyone he messed with had him on son he said Janet Jackson is a drunk she likes that liquor that comes from Russia that vodka she had him drinking that he said Oprah had in eating biscuits [Applause] he said his pain queen latifah did you read that she hadn't eaten you know what come over here Bobby help me eat this [Applause] this is what Bobby said all right all right [Applause] melih girls that over school I'm telling you you guys do minute awkward likes to screw she would get Obama if it wasn't for that ghetto wife not like across your fight to who opens ass in a while she'll take him earrings off she fights she'll be too fat all over all right so how to help me what is that one that she rules on the runway that little dark-skinned one was real pretty to all white man the one that gets in trouble that will beat you up who saw you'll never see it again who saw her interview who saw her interview with / who saw it she came on to push our new Cologne remember and her clothesline oh really no Oprah can't help myself tell us about the Blood Diamond she brought that up naomi has an accent the black woman other accent is dangerous [Applause] she walked off Oprah's show and threatened to jump oh no she did she said no one's ever walked up I said - - you fat she walked off you won't be saying that again she went off but oh well you know Oprah got up was gonna always ask some crazy question she can't help herself look how she made us wait and she says he has something tells me the secret remember we waited what happened we wait for 60 days but us to tell us that her mamas are home she's a dirty when her mama gave the baby away you don't make the public wait to tell me your mama's a hole then over to my thermometer like no man and another model must have thought of many nights I gave the wrong baby away he gave this laugh about away that's your mama you don't eat their mom in Soho that's a secret you don't tell that you understand don't you protect your mouth only mama you got oppa don't care but I mama kill him I know that I'm telling you Oprah bears watching Shane been the same since color purple it did the white book lets us use a big water buffalo the dim white folks life color purple that they like it I hated it precious color purple to precious I thought it was a horrible way I ran out that theater screen I said there's a book of air not to either baby depressions got a you know there's a white version of precious it's called fishbowl you don't even know it's called fishbowl look it up on the white man's lie it's called fishbowl it's about white folks trailer trash and all about the same and why people do not like that movie they don't like seeing themselves like that they like say that's like that they're walking out of the movie they're talking and you know they don't talk and Phil's talking acting like who broke this but crack it is insane [Applause] I saw it a hundred times ever throw me out the deal I'll just applause this is precious see look I don't don't be tricked my words I don't mind you telling me that there's a problem okay we have a problem okay fat skinny you telling me this you telling me it's a problem but tell me where it comes from you're not gonna tell me where it comes from because if you tell me where it's comes from you're gonna insult your white friends it comes from England they with that marriage they kept it in the blood that royal blood they married their cousins they do all that that's what that comes from tell me what a it comes from that's where it comes from that's where we got it from we learn from the best nothing that happens to black people in America is by mistake it's all program and plan nothing nothing out there why do you think we say and white folks will say they don't bring their mother into it unless they've been hanging out with us we say it because you heard the expressions Cheaper by the desert when the black boys got bold enough to climax they would put a brown paper bag over their head and make them screw their mothers and the babies would come out illy form and they would sell them by the Dozen and that's why we say that yeah it's what comes from nothing by us by accident that's why we say yeah well that comes from they have lost this car bandana wall back in the day you never saw them a white woman with no bandana those black women that look like Vanessa Williams and all them they think that hair they go downtown people think they will likely cause problem so they made all black men wear bandanas no matter what the hell was nappy of course whatever they made him wear bandanas bandana law if your grandfather was white these light-skinned people you could own land these all laws done on purpose for us and I'm so tired of us having out black on black our own racism on our own people they tell us all these negative things about light-skinned people but they don't tell us the positive how they pass for white to free us and they would tell us all the secrets they would and they look white white white but they knew they would laugh but they don't want to tell you what they did they don't want to tell you that how they got killed and lynched for helping us and how they married into those the marriage is my family those those white people running around and white when told me the other day oh you know my grandfather hated that's because he was a native [Applause] what's that presidents was that all of life was his name Jefferson what was what was this is the one the mistress turn yet all of it Sally what okay do you know she was half-sister to his white wife half-sister they had the same dad so that meant that they all were doing it she couldn't have been related to them it's just him all of them are doing it sliced oh no it's the family affair [Applause] he's the Doris Day que sera sera he was dogs dogs all that ballplayer she was always fun of the name and she was the whitest white it's always like that it's always that way never fool yourself the white is white well when you know is part of the name [Applause] that's God where say I'm not showing [Applause] [Music] not always please trick tricks on man the other stage tricks oh you like my oh I'm gonna give you something that looks white but they don't be white I think they call them Jews [Applause] [Applause] why do you what do you think Oh what do you think all of them say I'm Jewish what do they say that Bible that Bible is 2,000 years Oh what were you believe in like it or not read it does anybody in there saying I'm Jewish no way that happens ish I am a what Jew thank you that is came when they left Israel they were Jew when they got there in France and Germany and Sweden married them white people and then went to America is shame that's like me saying I'm ish [Applause] goodbye ish my way in hey there's no ish gonna do what the white folks say that they're for did you see something 68 at airport the trip love it though they got people over there who can't even speak English cross-examine white folks can I see your piece for my piece you can say fast work can I see your goddamn green card they can get a job over there anybody that's speaks another language it has an accent and get a job at that Airport today you can't get one you go up there try to get one I'd like to apply for something we don't have anything available but block it I don't know how you say cookie baby can you start today I think anybody at the airport who doesn't speak English to be put under arrest right on the spot if you go update on another language arrest that on the spot that's what they do in other countries in other countries you go to the airport you better speak their language be talking some other you'll see what you're in jail somewhere because they think you planning some they over there we're the only country that has this in Spanish and this is and that all that you are in America you're not in Mexico or wherever you come from get the book do like I do when I'm in the top 50 new people of other countries who pretend like they don't speak English they all speak English they pretend they don't you don't believe me when you're in France to Germany you you [Applause] all everybody tells lies aiming deep and then that TV that damn television those lies the news and then white anchor people and these white one with a these anchor white women they're too much for me they're too much of it it wasn't but they mean one would be bill on TV I remember when there was two Mexicans two from the same block I give it up I give it up to them they have taken over they get there I almost had a an asset on the freely last night I saw Mexican with braces [Applause] I don't know but they've been have no teeth they have racist manner they have come all the way up I give it up to them they know how to do it it is houses you just give them the houses I don't want this ticket we don't know how to keep nothing maybe that's pitiful and those Asians I take my cuticles Chinese those Japanese they don't around and let me think that the blood is mixed they'll be in the street homeless and stupid the blood is mixed so they get crazy but if they're pure you ain't seen nothing our trip you give them a bowl of rice and come back ten minutes it's a restaurant [Applause] and now all of a sudden white folks could cook never you notice The Cooking Channel somebody help me out who notice the Cooking Channel is it too much I don't know why folks could cook Oh baby they just cooking in cooking and recipe and the Mexicans can cook everybody could cook but can't and my grandmother could cook her ass off no recipe no measuring cup no nothing what no leftover it was the pie she made a powder and sauce and all this and made an ice cream made her own liquor huh corner huh on every goddamn thing ruthless in her yard all that stuff had chicken head all that we don't have nothing that you can't get even look at the chicken what do you think the chicken was saying but chicken could talk I always talk about frying and bacon and roasting we will the chicken up chicken booty chicken feet chicken feet we lunge a chicken breath but chicken could die chicken so we cooked chicken so got taste on this chicken just delicious chicken feet we will jump chicken breath but chicken can die chicken soul we cooked chicken soul that tastes of this chicken is delicious [Applause] you give everything and everybody outbreak but I got damn chicken and then a big special oh they said that soul food helped us than slavery what we needed the energy because you pick cotton all night said but now we're gonna either have to bring back slavery I'll get a new diet [Applause] if they brought slavery back tomorrow and they might because this will go you couldn't stop Harriet Tubman said it best I free the thousands place I couldn't free the power but if they only knew they were slaves that came from her debt did something don't speak tell stores or something cuz them are trouble they dig out the way and go tell that white man so you have to kill them now I want you see these white folks have all these superheroes all this is superheroes because they have no heroes they have to make up stuff let me tell you something when Harriet Tubman did what she did my you know not today which a little bit of freedom you have today and it is little imagine my folks is running they would kill you if you looked at them she had that's God where did she get enough balls the think she could free some what they would do to you they lynching burning rake you murder your family where does she get her from what what does that person get that nerve it's God in them that's why I know there's a god we don't have to make up those superhero lied and all that Harry to have that's a hero to have that kind of balls I've got three minutes even if they shut me up and burn me and eat me I'm off real that's the nerves why I know that's why we sitting there I know there's a god I know I've met some stupid that demonic ass Starbucks all the demons are demons that's why you keep going back you can help me so opening [Music] meenie miney moe is up there crazy ladies come on but yeah I'm talkin jump he's an atheist I could not believe that the reminded me when try to be hippies remember back in the day 60s I'm a hippie has it no he's just a crazy are you gonna drop out of some you ain't [Applause] like their Isaac Hayes the Scientologists come on the Scientologists you know they don't believe in the Bible Jesus humbly little bit we had a good book likley I said yes the Bible like showing a vampire or cross believe what they believe with spaceships coming to get them a slave ship don't get them it [Applause] I'm a peon I said you not no atheist yes I am leavin oh damn God don't show me where's Sean I'm coming do a spot show it off I say you think don't you yeah I think that's it have you ever seen a thought [Applause] but you know whose name hope your smart [Applause] myself you don't believe it God give me that money in your pocket never get giving if I got their money say really what it says then God We Trust you don't want to be no hypocrite give it to me [Applause] god bless you [Music] this song the obvious is what they don't get is to obviously what was wide America Finch trillions of dollars are to go with space and when they get out there they realize they're already here trying to go away y'all ready they get out there theater Bowie you're already with Amy right the new love it and that Sun is coming closer to earth you my people to stay inside know because we have Miller my skin we can go out there we protect it even though our blood is mixed cause impure brilliant black from Africa biggest a out there all day long all day that's what they had that when they tested them for syphilis and all that they were trying to find out what was in our blood that cured us they always test them out just like Dick Gregory tried to tell you you didn't believe from filling he tried to tell you there was testing your young black boys
Channel: HardworkDedication
Views: 555,459
Rating: 4.7734766 out of 5
Keywords: Richard Pryor, Donald Trump, Rossane Barr, Paul Mooney, Kat Williams, Kevin Hart, Mike Epps, Bill Cosby, race, Dave Chapelle, Sommore, Monique, Tyler Perry, stand up, comedy, god father, breakfast club, interview, oj simpson, comedian, paul mooney stand up 2018, paul mooney stand up 2017, paul mooney tour, stand up in it ealey, stand up desk, stand up comedy dc, stand up comedy 2018, comedians in cars getting coffee, comediantes mexicanos, comedians coming to dc
Id: eClgBR_P5tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.