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Paul in not watching the board Kathy I have gone to Tina Turner to block that this may work out according to the author of Aesop's fables what is a greater blessing in life than having many children I'll say having many sport shirts [Laughter] Ritter what is artists party isn't it what is the greater blessing in life than having many children I I would say having a great provider for those children Cathy I'll disagree no having a few good ones that make sense right okay you've got the block and the install it's recorded it is recorded that in ancient Athens people relied mainly on one famous person for teaching sex education what was he called what was that masked man I am [Laughter] [Applause] Angell fa yes I didn't get his name I want to thank recorded that in ancient Athens people relied mainly on one famous person for teaching sex sex education who was one famous person yo-yo sure sex education not not to mythology no no ancient Athens parents oh boy ask her Greek back to a Paul in question according to surveys in The Daily Breeze what is the most common topic of gossip among young women you understand the question what is the most common topic of gossip among young women well lastly goes the rumor about Wilt Chamberlain and Olga Korbut [Laughter] what is the most common topic of gossip among young women I who the other ones going with the other ones going with and I disagree a pregnancy Paul true or false New York City produces about 25 tons of waste material every single day New York City you hear that dog lovers [Applause] Kathy I think sounds disgusting enough to be true it is disgusting enough to be true yeah you've got your trailer here are you clearing biggest - thank you since my name is Paula I've gotta go with Paul in alright Paul with Snow White a blonde or a brunette Snow White was she a blonde or brunette only Walt Disney knew for sure [Music] [Applause] I remember a very brunette yes I agree absolutely good start okay Samuel James Flynn all righty Paul for five hundred dollars true or false they use cows horns to make ice cream you mean those weren't chocolate chips [Applause] IIIi there's so much preservatives in ice cream you know you cannot melt ice cream in your with water running on if there's that money but I would say probably true I agree gelatin is made from the horns which is then used to make the ice cream five hundred bucks Sam DeAngelo congratulations for five hundred dollars in a tie game true or false every day about ten million American women take the pill and I can name them all but do a ten million American women take that pill yes yes oh yes and you know something 50 million worldwide we have a tie game that's good circle gets the square true or false research indicates that Christopher Columbus liked to wear bloomers and long stockings no it's not easy to sign a crew up for six months the little kids like to wear bloomers yes he always had him on when I saw his yes a lot of guys did then when little Frank Sinatra was brought into the world on December 12th 1915 the doctor couldn't help noticing that there was something unusual about the new baby what was it he did it his there was something unusual about Frank Sinatra when he was born what was it jr. no the senior something unusual obviously Paul does I have no I would you like the question Miriam I don't know yes he was quite large he weighed 13 and a half pounds to be exact we'll go back to a Paul in question right now so listen carefully true or false a man a man once pulled two railroad cars weighing 80 tons by his teeth he's now on the red cap Hall of Fame has a man ever told to railroad cars weighing 80 tons by his teeth well if you know once you get him rolling yes I'll agree yes we have a commercial put a circle right there what do though Sonny Bono Sonny Bono sadly admitted recently that although he's been looking he'll never find another another what Jo hub now he has a fantastic sense of humor I hope though he does you'll never find another what well I'd tear the I read the article in time and it was most flattering what he said of Cher I I would say another Cher I agree right two x's ok return all right Dave you look tried this game pick a star Paul in Paul according to Rona Barrett Rona Barrett share chair says that when she's 80 hers will be down to her hips or what her halter tops when she hers will be down to her hips her what well I'll I'll go she she loves long hair obviously hair can I agree say Paul a Gerald Ford says the truth truth is the glue that holds governments together what does he say is the oil that makes governments go whenever they fried taco who's here truth is the glue that holds governments together what does he say is the oil that makes governments go truth keeps them together yeah what makes governments go double dishonesty dishonesty no I disagree a compromise compromise with a circle debut about it I think I'll go with Pauline all right for 250 dollars true or false there is a new birth control dog food on the market yes it's good for girls on a budget [Applause] my birth-control a new birth control dog food on the market true or false boy that would be great if it were true I would stop the over population the dogs - I'll see - I agree that's a good thing that's true and circle gets the square [Applause] for $500 from what animal do you get your silk blouses from what animal do you get your silk blouses an animal to you Peter but kind and generous to me [Applause] what animal do you get ya other words where do we get silk from Oh from silk worms from silkworms hungry caterpillars that they call silkworms right but they are little caterpillar you you have a bunch of unwanted hair according to dr. Seuss listen what is most often the cause of unwanted hair a bunch of it running over a llama I have a lot of unwanted hair what's usually the cause of it the most often cause yeah I would say hormones hormones I'll agree uh no heredity wouldn't hormones be no we can't know all right I can't put a circle there lady laughter and let yourself Paul Lawrence Welk says that as a teenager he promised his father he had worked hard on their farm for four years if his daddy would loan him the money to buy something few boys ever get what Oh champagne lady [Applause] he promised that he'd work hard if his dad would loan him the money to buy something that few boys get yeah I would say in a quart an accordion I'll agree that's all it all started his first meal accordion I can go take a star I'll take handsome fall in handsome Paul for 250 dollars your date has had a great shock and then fainted according to experts you should loosen her clothing and then do one other thing what do you understand the question yes your date's had a great shock now she's fainted according to experts you should loosen her clothing and then do one other thing what send a postcard requesting an ambulance you don't get along with this young lady obviously oh god she's fainted now you've loosened the clothing now what do you do she's fainted from shock I guess it could be a guy - whatever happens man or woman they faint shocked loosen clothing and then see don't do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation feigning huh I would call a doctor just call a doctor I don't know anything else a call a doctor I disagree no you raise the legs keep them elevated and we have 250 dollars we're back around who determines the sex of a child who determines the sex of a child the father or the mother I say let the child make up [Applause] who determines I think the mother's genes the mother and disagree uh the father for he has chromosomes for both boys and girls yeah but a single there are relative n this brother Paul your rooster has been fixed so that he no longer has romantic interest in hens what is the proper word for him now suicidal you've got a fixed rooster yeah what does the proper word for a rooster that has been altered cape on cape on angry those two pawns go rolling along yeah with it several dinosaurs befall ah true or false there's a town in Italy where all the people who live there are bald how in the world can you tell the men from the weapon they're all bald yeah there's a talented Li where all the people who live there a bald to a fault ah it's so absurd it's either a like wasn't some kind of punishment evolved uh Oh true true I agree it's the town of azz oh and II don't think I guess we have a commercial you got a next day we'll be back well you're going around with a girl who wants to know all about your past romantic experiences according to Playboy should you tell her about them I don't think I'll tell her about the Indian guide although that was now undressing should you tell her about your past experiences romantic experience I if she hasn't asked even if she'd asks is it I don't think it's um I wouldn't said no you should disagree you shouldn't those are your business those are your business he finds the tiebreaking question I've got it here somewhere here it is all right for the tie and the car the tiebreaker in the car was the Opera Rigoletto composed by Verdi Puccini or Rossini I'll repeat the question was the opera opera Rigoletto composed by Verdi Puccini or Rossini I know it's not Puccini it's either Rossini are Verdi we have Verdi or Rosina if you say it's not Puccini at Rossini Rossini I agree Verdi X gets the square congressional override it are there exercises you can do to prevent your bosoms from sagging exercises yes but it requires pierced ears and ensign kites what are we going to do with you pull all their exercises you can't do the prevent your bosoms from sagging yes or though I you know we've had so many questions on the bosom about changing or camp I don't think you can change it much but I think you can do this no you can't huh no you can't you can develop I think the pectoral but that that's a whole that's another show in itself before the next day Dave it's your turn Paul originally Mac Mac before your name meant son of Sun up what did Oh before your name mean is that Oh Mac meant son of old meant um Mac is commish oh I would say in in American it would be the Saints the same son of I agree no grandson of yeah put a circle there okay sues that Paul through a pulse it only takes a good chicken plucking machine 14 seconds to strip a chicken bear I used to do that ah yes yes yeah I can you can I agree that is true yup you got the next day all right Suzanne your turn ahead go get homeland Oh true or false according to the Bible you you Paul in you are a sinner as long as they spelled my name right but according to the Bible are you a sinner yes I agree we're all sinners yes for all have sinned Romans 3:23 Kentucky yet brother you came in already for a tie game history tells us that Paul Revere only had 35 cents in his pocket when he made the famous ride what was he planning to use it for how long those days huh Milky Way and a woman [Laughter] thirty-five cents that's all he had this pocket he was planning to use that 35 cents for something what probably 35 I probably uh a little snack on my something to eat breath I'll agree what he got the Lexington he wanted to have dinner Paul in say Paul according to experts at the Indianapolis Star is it a good idea rather a good idea for mailman who are often bothered by dogs is to keep something with them while they do their job keep what with them cocker spaniel in heat [Laughter] German have been bothered by dogs though they should keep something with them while they do their job keep what with them well I know they're allowed to carry mace which you know you can wash out of a dog's eyes or your arms I it probably isn't the answer but I would say mace mace disagree oh yeah whether it is dog biscuits hey that doesn't make sense dog biscuits why not okay birthday boy there is a company that will rent you a nude bartender for your party set him up Jones [Applause] I've got the routine yes yes there definitely is sorry yep that's true you've got the XK Ingram your turn dear Paulin Paul true or false Zsa Zsa Gabor is a deputy sheriff in Chicago what a pity she couldn't make it in show business it's just yeah Debbie Teixeira vinaya I'm a deputy sheriff in several towns they make your honorary ones I believe yes oh oh yeah by the Cook County Sheriff yeah you've got it with an X all right yeah your turn Paul what is America's principal big-game animal let me repeat the question what is America's principal big-game animal ah the game animal I would say oh well um I don't think you're allowed to kill most oh that's I just I don't I don't shoot so I I have no idea I'll offer the question to Kay the deer yeah this according to the world book back to a Paul in question Liberace Liberace is a lovely guy he really is a terrific person great entertaining he has a new book out Liberace has called the things I put in my hair [Music] Liberace a new book is called the things I things I the things I do for you are the things I do for you okay I disagree the things I love it's a book of photos of his art treasures you've got this circle and Steve it's your turn say Paul when is it a good idea to put your pantyhose in the microwave oven for about two minutes how surrounded by the police [Applause] but when is it a good idea to put your pantyhose in the microwave oven for about 2 minutes I would imagine when they're wet weather wet I agree you know if you do it for about 2 minutes it's a good way to drive them after they've been wash your you've got these ok not the secret square but a tie game 250 bucks what was it that made nice mr. Jekyll turn into the mean mr. Hyde tweed pajama bottoms what was it that made nice mr. Jekyll turn into that old mean mr. Hyde well a potion that he concocted I agree that's exactly right you've got yourself [Applause] Paul Lynde do we know Paul do we know of anyone who ate over 1200 baked beans in a half hour that may explain what happened to Amelia Earhart do we know of anyone yes you know who ate over 1200 big beans in a half hour Oh show her I'll agree oh sure yes you've got the circle Karl Karl David look Paul all right Paul in the Bible King David asked beautiful and wise Abigail to do something after her first husband died what get him out of the room King David as beautiful and wise Abigail to do something after her first husband died what at a marry him to marry him right and she did wear the neck pygmy there will be a film out in the future Paul called the greatest the greatest who is it about hmm about someone the greatest or the no there will be a film out soon well what time is it now in the future it will be called the greatest we want to know who it's about Oh merle oberon or our King Kong I'll say that's the publicity they're using I'll say King Kong King Kong I disagree that's already out that what is it what it is Muhammad Ali based on the biography of the same name the greatest yeah circle [Applause] Paul in Paul when asked to explain something Albert Einstein said be with a nice girl for two hours and it seems like a minute sit on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like two hours what was he trying to explain why he bought a tuba vollentine for his secretary [Applause] Einstein trying to explain something beat with a nice girl for two hours it seems like a minute still hot so for a minute it seems like two hours he was trying to explain what when when something is pleasant it what something is pleasant if I disagree its relativity yeah his theory of relativity good for you eating we got annexed there and now we're gonna add up this coming true or false Paul the traditional champagne glass is modeled after Maria Antoinette's bosom and we have careened thanks for the shot glass [Applause] that's your boss red for that's bosom fry a champagne glass well now champagnes French that's I I would say and that could be a possibility yes yes true I agree that is true all righty with a circle Jerry you got a secret according to psychologists if your average if your average will you probably tell it to a man or to a woman if I tell it to our man he might hit me I think I've always told my secrets to women women I agree do you know that women are confided in more than men yeah that is true [Applause] Paul true or false many of our highways and railroads were built directly directly on the trails left by the Bison so that's why the roads are so bumpy they were probably government that's true I'll agree absolutely true right living a second mother model in all right Paul has a court has a court ever awarded a woman half a million dollars because her husband was no longer able to keep her romantically satisfied all the jury had to see was Exhibit A [Applause] but has the court ever awarded a woman half a million dollars because her husband was no longer able to keep her romantically satisfied yes or no yes it happened recently here where else California okay with an ex Beverly Paul true or false there are no cemeteries in Miami Beach now they just seal up the door of your condominium and if you're rich they'll leave a maid in there whistle and they will have odd you know I've been in Miami Beach many times and that's true I've never seen us he said there are no cemeteries in Miami Beach I'll agree there are no cemeteries in Miami Beach for the circle okay ha go [Applause] Paul Paul true or false in an experiment a scientist has made one monkey smile over three hundred thousand times and not once did you have to say I love you a scientist has made one monkey smile over three hundred thousand times through a false that's just smiling all the time I'll say true I'll agree I think they were reruns of the gong show yeah okay let's put a nice bed yeah I'd like to start with Paul endlaves that's the secret that's been seeking Square up a long long time $2,400 Paul the famous song the man that got away was hurt in the classic film the man that cut away was it the man it was it from the men who knew too much a star's born or the man that got away a star is born a star is born I disagree yeah 1954 starring Judy Garland yeah Harold Arlen I believe wrote it and let's put a circle there we'll have another secret spray game after this point the author of that to kill Michael but I think yes Harper Lee is a woman but now it's MJ story okay Paul Lin please there's a plaque on the moon left there during Man's first landing it's signed by four men for Neil Armstrong Michael Collins Edward Aldrin and who else Randolph Scott [Laughter] a plaque signed by four men the alarm strong michael collins edwin aldrin and who else oh I'm gonna show my stupidity so I want I have no idea how would you like the question of je no I'll pass haha Richard Nixon back for fallen question according to experts in the Arkansas Gazette the Arkansas Gazette what is the main cause of nail biting what else goes good with goats now the main cause of nail biting uh nerves nerves I agree yeah tension anxiety it's alright with another ex Benicia pedophile yes sir did he say it right on the buzzer it's worth $50 per MJ or maybe $50 for Denis Paul in what literary classic will you read about a sad middle-aged man named Leopold Bloom Uncle Tom's condominium a sad middle-aged man named Leopold Bloom a literary classic the pawnbroker the pawnbroker I just say great by James Joyce Ulysses you know what you got your ex now we're gonna add up the score it's been an all right I'll take pollen to em for 250 dollars true or false a giant tortoise at a Seattle jus of shoes [Applause] [Applause] save me save me Harry ladies judgement come on Harry doc I want you to meet [Applause] anyway how many eleven years and that's maybe the best one I've done this will be in the outtakes and this would be about takes in Las Vegas friends alright a giant tortoise is at the seattle zoo recently slipped while mating broke its leg and is now strapped to a skateboard so it can make it around the food the same thing happened to Grandpa Walton so I would say I would say ah that's probably true tortoise I agree you bought that tortoise to a skateboard he said that's it's true yeah my circle gets the square listen carefully stand up straight raise your knee as high as possible then grab the leg and pull it against your body now do it to the other leg according to the LA Herald examiner what's that's supposed to help our loneliness [Laughter] stand up straight raise your knee as high as possible grab the leg pull it against the body now do it to the other leg what is that supposed to help well it would certainly help and probably it isn't the right answer but it would certainly speed up your circulation circulation I agree that's exactly what it does very good you've got the action going to attend according to the famous story who did narcissus eventually fall in love with well for a while he was married to Carol Lawrence [Applause] if you're watching bar eventually fall in love with Oh but himself yep selling I agree of course yeah you've got the certain target area according to UPI America's young couples are moving toward the decision to quit after two - what two times [Applause] now if I could you explain that a little more nighttime but according to UPI yeah I guess young couples are moving toward the decision to quit up yeah if there's any movement that I would be for which I think is causing all our miseries today as is over to many people and to children's I agree more and more young couples are restricting the size of their families with another exit hey that your turn back added by Ray Fuchs Paul Lin please the sixteenth Amendment has always been fairly unpopular from the time it was ratified in 1913 until this very day in fact what does it do the sixteenth Amendment free to slaves [Laughter] I don't believe know it provides for the income tax fall that's the income tax for the next there hey run with Hazen with Paul in Tarson was one of our of our earliest swingers hey that's cute I like the way that was brought me yes mmm-hmm target was one of our earliest swingers did he ever actually Mary Jane well if he didn't you know what that makes boy a free soul yeah that's right but did we 7l as a kid yes did the did boy crash - on a plane I don't know I think I think they actually did get married yes they got married hey I agree it was in the book the return of Tarzan in 1915 yes they'll be celebrating their anniversary soon [Applause] Portland please Paul a nationwide survey of personnel directors was recently taken and they were asked if they would hire a girl who showed up for an interview in a see-through blouse what did most of them say bring her in well if they wanted a lot of work done and he's a good businessman I'm sure he said no I'll agree 97% said no wonder what those three percent were the night Paul Lynde recently stated if there is anything helpful helpful for other actors to be drawn from my experience I think it is this don't try to fake what anything but I thought in football what is anything don't try I think Paul would say don't try to fake well III I'm gonna go for honesty because he's you know in his he's very honest honesty I disagree that's just about it Karen we really can't accept that but it's all said don't try to fake youth after reaching the after 30 group you know relax and live with it is that right Paul yeah I'll take Paul in true or false and Margaret reached 30 this year when she inhales thirty this year uh let's see I can figure that out cuz I did viber D with her and I mean old she was in Thank You Jessie yes she would be I disagree yes true 20 bucks fair play with an X Joe Fidel Castro was often seen around Cuba with something that Keita Khrushchev gave him what is it the heartbreak of psoriasis [Laughter] it's it's a a medal on his khakis that that Khrushchev was the only decoration he ever wore on a medal I agree a limousine and Paul is good at this game we can't butter like there's your laughter in that yourself I'll go to Paul Lam for 750 dollars Paul police departments in some large cities are telling their officers not to do two particular things to a person's home they're not supposed to lounge around or do one other thing what is it give change for a hundred or do what other thing what is that not lounge around and what other thing one other thing uh I think they can no longer hold you without any of formal arrest they cannot ask to search you I'll disagree well it's smoke smoke seven hundred and fifty dollars for Jill Brad Nancy Wilson of life Paul Lynde Paul Lynde once weighed more than 200 pounds true or false Paul to him I don't think so no he said it's false I disagree it is true while he was studying at Northwestern University and after that meal we had this evening yes you have a circle there and Mike it's your turn go ahead you really weighed over 200 pounds oh shut up right after trigger died what did Roy Rogers announce he would do this mount [Applause] right after Twitter died yeah Roy Rogers announced he would do something was champion before or after trigger I think that was G naught Gene Autry oh yes drinkers down at Apple been stopped is it that yes he was gonna have him stuffed I disagree yes I don't know with what but that's it yes we have a circle there hey Josie we're through Paul Lynde our President Nixon recently told Time magazine that he doesn't have something in the bedrooms of any of the places he lives what doesn't he have in the bedroom fun yeah he doesn't have any in any of the bedrooms he doesn't have something in any of the bedrooms of the places he lives what doesn't the president have probably probably a TV set television he doesn't have it in there he doesn't have any television any of the bedrooms I'll agree with you by that he's absolutely correct yes from the circle Michael Cuban leader Castro often sends Yugoslavian president Tito a gift what is it a cheap and payment I really love each other yeah no I would say that he would probably send him cigars tree you will agree is that what you said yes those famous Havana cigars what a circle good start I'm vertical lift suspension and trusts are all kinds kinds of what shorts [Applause] vertical left suspension and Trust are are all kinds kinds of what bridges bridges Chie agree bridges with a circle and hardly the Soviet Union doesn't have something in its Navy that always has had for decades what commander Glenn Ford [Applause] but the Soviet Union doesn't have something in its Navy that ours has had for decades Glenn for ah that's something and then Russian Navy they they we have something that the Russian Navy does not have uh I will say that we have the wives know what is no that isn't what wasps wasps which is the women's I agree no I tell you what they had they also had ladies in the Navy over there do boy yes aircraft carriers they are reportedly building their very first one and we have a break for Arnold there for the next and your turn pollen according to Dear Abby how does a respectable man keep from falling in love with his neighbor's wife by looking at his neighbor's gun collection [Applause] I was definitely from this is according to Dear Abby by keep by keeping his eye on his own life I agree we could accept that yes by keeping away by keeping a respectable distance from her before before he retired ball Frank Sinatra stated I said it before and I'll say it again Blanc is the greatest singer in the world who is it victim oh oh just one word yes another word yet no thank you victim own okay I agree Tony Bennett put an X there see your favorite the Guinness Book the Guinness Book of World Records Paul tells us where the deepest man-made hole in the world is what's it used for the 2995 special at poorest though it's the divas man-made hole in the entire world what is it used for the well I I would say maybe to store our radioactive material Marian I agree no it's a gas well it's an Oklahoma and it's over 3,000 feet deep for the next there Greg right there [Applause] Paulin oh I would have gone to Susie please shut the block this may work out oh who is Gerald Ford's who is Gerald Ford's own admitted hero Oh Fred MacMurray own admitted he Gerald Ford's his hero I would say obviously positive Barry would you like the question you'd like another without I don't like he's one of mine to Harriet room yes back to a Paul in question here true or false the founder the founder of the Girl Scouts of America was actually a man fortunately was arrested at a cookout the founder of the Girl Scouts was actually a man well I think they consider though you know the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts practically the same so I'll say true Marine thank we know the father of the Girl Scouts of America was named Juliet low okay were the next several ways to play this Greg Paul first their hand-picked and bathed then they go to a pulping house and go through fermenting and washing tanks then they're hauled peeled and roasted what are they contestants [Applause] but there can be there's a goodwill pulping house and go through fermenting and washing tanks then their whole peeled and roasted what are they I will say coffee beans coffee beans coffee bean classic Hollywood Squares weeknights at 8:30 Eastern what are you laughing at rush which star is it [Music] Valentine Vincent Price hurt petals carl reiner because hopeless or paul is all in the Hollywood Squares [Applause] you can even good evening the bottle is good hello stars welcome once again everyone well components of fluoridated water argued that too much fluorine in a person's system can cause an uncontrollable desire for sex he's breaking up already say in literature what is it that writes and having writ moves on meter maid [Applause] [Laughter] the hand of fate how disagree to Pauline what should you call the group of dancers in a ballet silly savages [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] recorded the ballet or do ballet that's right that's right that's right yes circle there okay I think Paul in the block in what state was Abraham Lincoln born in what state mm-hmm like all of us make it in scream oh you got a 43 on the last meter that means you illinois i agree kentucky x does not get the square would give you a three in a row the third one you must earn yourself several ways to win it take a look paul land to win all right why was daniel thrown to the den of lions our jaywalking in jerusalem must have been working at metro for trying to overthrow herod i disagree with you because he refused to worship pagan gods x gets the square at $300 for chuck [Music] I get that square Judy you're looking for a tree in Adama yes I am Paul in already the thing the short story the gold-bug was written by what famous author got a chance to go home [Applause] Gary Geiger Allan Poe I'll disagree he's right X gets the square o break for you chuck connie stevens who played an Margaret's father in the film Bye Bye Birdie oh dear I remember him very well Dick Van Dyke yes I disagree you know who it was take a guess not Dick Van Dyke no it was it was Paul Paul also started the Broadway production with Dick Van Dyke she drew the goatee a father take you anyplace all right Judy well he cooked chunks of onions tomatoes peppers and lamb all together on a long stick what would you call it I heard that but it's on Marcia ray you would have Omar Sharif yes onions tomatoes or tomatoes Oh wherever you're from Pepper's lamb all together on the long stick what would you call it that's just kabob I agree that's just kabob you're standing on your big gun and hanging five while you look for a dumper what are you up to that's a killer sport surfing I think fallen already well Socrates Plato and Aristotle all lived in what city Athens I agree X gets to square and we'll be back with more The Hollywood Slayer I was already how many men on a hockey team about half [Laughter] [Applause] and that's including the puck I agree with you you sir have an X and six enter dollars [Applause] [Music] we have to go too far in the box hauling the block from left to right the staff of life has been with us for ages what is the staff of life yogurt I think it's the staff of life is bread I agree with you it's correct put the circle there boy the old good spent when you sing ladybird ladybird fly away home why should she go because London wants his chilli I think that the house is on fire I agree he's right for the next day the blocks are left to right the newest best-selling album by this top star is entitled to Russell my brother whom I slept with who's the recording star little baby Rosemarie I think that's Davy Jones the one of the monkeys I'm gonna disagree Bill Cosby put a circle that she disagree [Applause] who is required to be kind obedient cheerful and clean hear that again yeah required to be kind obedient cheerful and clean who is boy scouts that's right reverent thrifty two-plus helpful break easily if you were Knights of the Sun a grand inspector Inquisitor commander or a sovereign grand inspector general to what organization would you belong the Luxembourg National Guard [Applause] [Laughter] I I think those strange fellows the odd I agree the mystic Knights of the sea the Masons a marvelous organization you agreed he was wrong X gets the square Charley Weaver if someone was dressed in soup and fish what would they be wearing soup and fish Friday supper I think that's a weave like a herringbone um laughter great white tie and Tails X gets the square Josh Charlie Weaver again oh that's fella these flip the coin backstage you'll start the game good luck to both of you and pick a star Judy I have a hunch mr. Paul Lin please no Paul in questions here to find out if you were awarded a B EE at college what would you specialize in yeah honey maker I think ought to be any economist economics I disagree electrical engineering $600 and the mother Goose rhyme goosey goosey gander the grease wandered into his lady's chamber where he met a man what did the goose do to him now a bee control yourself or contain yourself would you run that one sure and the mother Goose right I love to do beautiful phrases like that goosey goosey gander the goose wandered into his lady's chamber where he met a man what did the goose do to him frightened oh I disagree Wow he threw him down the stairs $600 John very good and Paul into block falling so we'll go to the polling questions here and see what we come up with what does the greed the green-eyed monster jealousy zsa zsa beer I'm sorry I have to destroy the I know well that's all right dear once in a while we blurted these things out that does happen we'll just get rid of this question right yes jealousy is the green-eyed monster big tall fellow you can't miss it okay Paul listen very important right now very important the quiet man was one of John Wayne's few non-western pictures where did the film take place a public library it took place in in Ireland the quiet man yes I'm going to disagree the square would give you three in a row that's all right you know he said that I never done it in my life you know what's real funny about that you yelled out jealousy thinking that it was a comedy $3,250 Paul as a recent party Liz Taylor had 1,000 little diamonds and 25 large ones decorating a part of her body which part her chance 25 large diamonds and 1,000 little diamonds decorating one part of her body I don't know I'll say a thousand a thousand little one little ones 25 large one is decorating Beltre a choker I'll go for a choker a choker I agree nope her head they were in her hair and she sparkled and glowed we have an X there for Charlie the clarity oh good Paul here's one on personality traits okay here's one on personality traits it's a person who sits with one leg over the arm of a chair likely to be cooperative or uncooperative is this person a man or a woman it doesn't state really ball I guess man or woman but if a person is sitting there with one leg over the arm of the chair is he or she likely to be cooperative or uncooperative I would say that's a very relaxed position very cooperative cooperative no it's uncooperative fall and we have the circle you disagree and it is your turn Charlie welcome before Virginia Graham was a talk show hostess what did she do for a living she was a pilgrim [Applause] now I'm gonna go with something we found out on the daytime I think it was a Hollywood Squares she was a newspaper lady and reporter I agree oh I get an answer from Virginia is that true yes we can accept that I went to bed with the print is that it all right I'll accept that and we'll put a circle right there shall we go common Oh according to a vodka bar I don't believe in them they're unnatural what doesn't Eva Gabor believe in Raquel Welch that means time is up but we have to deflate the question now what what does the aiviq Board not believe she doesn't believe in something what is it it just period no one regard to no one she just there's something she doesn't believe but I don't think she believes in overnight success overnight success Thank You Siri no it's bras which is fallen Henry Kissinger recently was quoted as saying they aren't even sexy what was he referring to the Joint Chiefs of Staff it was right Henry Kissinger I'll say topless topless dancers true true I agree no the starlets he dates they starlets and don't be glad you'll say John if you know she's not a starlet Jesus car we have a circle there and Sharon it's your turn for this game Vance good luck on the show you'll start at all I'll take Paul Lynde according to baby doctors when a baby bangs his head against her or his crib it is generally just before doing something else what numero uno he's going to he does this usually but right before he does something else what I would say start to cry for attention Hagrid no going to sleep it's his pleasurable way of going to sleep that's why you think it's easy being with a circle Jerry many Americans Paul many American rather many American magazines recently pictured Queen Elizabeth stepping ashore in Bangkok onto a carpet native native what 40 percent Dacron what country Bangkok yes onto a carpet made of so many flowers I'll say flowers I agree flowers very good Paul's with an X Jeremy there's some cash you'll start the wrong Paul in please when these citizens of China want a drink of water they always do something to it first what I remove the shirts well I know that I just read this the other day that the Nixon party that all the water will be boiled so I think it must be true of the rest of them I agree that is it they boil it well the next area to go ahead for $250 Richard Burton said recently that he gets up and does it every morning for two or three hours while Elizabeth is still sleeping what does he do he surprises huh no but Richard Burton did say recently that he gets up and does it every morning for two or three hours while Elizabeth is still sleeping what does he do takes a nap I would say since he's off the juice probably uh I would say jogging some kind of exercise exercise Oh agree that no he writes his memoirs like once upon a time I met this way no we put a circle there back in the book true or false it is illegal in certain parts of Georgia for chickens to cross roads Georgia versus cocky-locky [Laughter] it's true it's true I agree it is true in the Bible who is Naomi's faithful companion Tonto in the Bible faithful companion in the Bible Naomi's Abraham Audrey Ruth a 42 Queen Elizabeth of England there is something in the air near Windsor Castle makes it unbearable for her to take tea in the castle garden what is it a flock of naughty pigeons [Applause] something in the air that makes them impossible probably our shedding of leaves I'll agree no the sound of planes Windsor is on the main flight approach to the London Airport what's next gently Raquel Welch recently stated it's a carnival atmosphere but I can understand its popularity it's a patchy sweaty funky life but I enjoyed it what is it a choir girl it must have been her movie experience what's the rollerskating great that's it the roller derby and annex goes oh let me break for you Pauline please according to an official at Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth is seriously thinking of letting her son Prince Charles do something very important what is that it's either her hair Julia do something very important yeah she's considering considering it to take over before which is you know usually the death I think to take over before she actually to become king I agree she is considering abdicating in favor of her son by 1977 her silver jubilee very good poetry struggle effect is your thing she's under the laws the Tin Man wanted a heart of the lion wanted courage what did the straw man want he wanted the Tin Man the noticing [Applause] that 10-man wanted a heart and what what did you say the other man wanted a heart the line one courage yet the strong man what did he want the strongman wanted to be able to cry Joey wanted a brain yeah for the next investor Pauline please if the skin around your gold wedding band is turned dark it probably means your system has a great deal of something what bigotry it probably means you have a high acidity as an acidity agree that's right good stuff of the night Betsy go ahead President Nixon revealed recently Paul that he always keeps one of these in his desk drawer because it is symbolic of his favorite sport what is it our ski long draw it for him I'll say a bowling ball a bowling ball I disagree no it's a football a Courtney's and French chef Julia Child how much is a pinch five dollars how much now stick with me it's just enough to turn her on [Applause] how's it look good tense is just enough that you can get between a thumb and your index finger I'll agree no it's a half-teaspoon oh well who cares [Applause] Polly under win Paul in to win $500 Paul according to psychologists do most people think people who have good suntan's also have a lot of money why no Flip Wilson stretch [Laughter] [Applause] well I know that you have to be well of course a lot of you know at unemployment satanís people are unemployed there you have time to go into the Sun I I will disagree I'll say no no I agree with you no it's yes my kids are both in the both busted okay we can't yes we can't put a circle there so a break for a buddy Smith well pause for this commercial no it's Paul the first one in this country was set up a little over 100 years ago and it was shaped like an hourglass today they have lines across them in our shape like a rectangle what are they real fast again the first one in this country was set up a little over a hundred years ago and it was shaped like an hourglass today they have lines across them are shaped like a rectangle what are they the weather report I mean the barometer I disagreed tennis courts and a number of new courts is moving Buddy Hackett to block Paul Lynde Paul in to win $250 when a bull fighter retires it's traditional to have a ceremony where something of his is removed what is Aires now that's the bullet I would say his cue the the the hair braid the pigtail I agree that's right very good the hair in the back anyone forty to fifty dollars [Music] torval nylon is stronger than steel but steel panties don't turn me on [Applause] nylon is powerful else I'll say it is I agree nylon rope for instance is about 50% stronger than steel cable of the same thickness interesting with an X you're on the board your own secret spreading go right ahead there hang in there to light the $50 your fault the Niagara Falls were once located seven miles away from where they are today yes and it's a tribute to beacons [Applause] it is true they are eroding that fat fast I agree and they are moving steadily upstream yes palm in Lucille Ball received something small and grey from her hubby on her last birthday what was it small and gray last birthday Lucille Ball received something small and grave from her hubby on her last birthday what was it a cat a cat I agree it was a poodle we put her next day your turn Denver pick us to Artie Allen party island oh that Knoll is delighted about the whole thing according to Glenn Campbell love to me is something you you what purchase love is something you love to me is something you this is according to Glen Campbell you earn I got you earn I disagree no he said give and then the act of giving it always manages to work its way back to the giver Paul according to medical statistics a woman who is divorced has a college education and is 19 years old is more likely to get a certain ailment than anybody else get what heartbreak of psoriasis but according to medical statistics a woman who is divorced has a college education in his 19 years old is more likely to get a certain element than anybody else what is it divorced 19 I will 19 is what throws me I had no idea fall right off the question two cricket would you like this dear no okay it's a headache will go to another Paul in question right and the original classic movie Frankenstein doctor Frankenstein was supposed to do something very important the day the monster killed him what was he supposed to do I think a tonsillectomy supposed to do yeah the doctor was supposed to do something very important that day the monster killed him what was it I think put the monster away put the monster away I agree no get married ex gets the square no time is up that means in ancient times it was illegal to park your chariot in certain places in the biblical city of Nineveh what was the penalty if you did so they let all the air out of your horse [Laughter] what was the penalty for illegal parking in the biblical city of Nineveh in ancient times I would say the dungeon probably the dungeon I disagree no debt [Laughter] mr. Lind is a jealous wife likely to be a better or a worse lover than a wife who is not jealous I found him doing much better [Laughter] a jealous wife but she likely to be better or worse better or her first lover than a wife who is not jealous I would say that jealous wife makes a better lover angry yes according to psychological studies a these studies I don't know kara United Nations the United Nations has approved a plan in which you will be reimbursed for any damage to your health or your property caused by something falling on you what the secretary-general at page 8 box at all-you-can-eat calling on you yeah insurance and force well the United Nations has approved a plan in which will you will be reimbursed for any damage to your health of your property caused by something falling on you what I will see falling on you meaning the V of their home not inside the UN uh all I can tell you is what I have here falling on you I tell you what obviously appalled is stuck for a bluff or a real answer so we offer the question to our player if you would like it it is yours no thank you very tough question Paul logics which have been launched into space buddy were buddy let these do there they got that brain but not any object communication satellites only that are good for the benefit of everybody excuse me buddy yeah how much I know yeah Paul back to your question in my sex question makes out of every ten people Paul who are audited by the Internal Revenue Service how many end up paying more taxes out of one out of every ten people who are audited how many end up paying more taxes eleven oh yeah Allah paying more I would say 7-7 I disagree seven with an X this Elizabeth Taylor's middle name is it Rosalee a Rosamond or Rosalinda Rosalee Rosamond or Rosalinda Elizabeth Taylor's middle name I'm trying to take English because she's an Rosalee Rosamond or Rosalinda I'll say Rosamond allegory that's right we have the block Carol your turn appalled historians say that King Henry the Eighth had Anne Boleyn beheaded because she couldn't do one particular thing what convinced Henry the eighth's he was Henry the first she couldn't do one particular thing so Henry the Eighth had her beheaded I feel that it was giving the child I'm angry yes son right yes so you have another exit velocity back pauline on one all right according to the constitution what's the proper term for our form of government at the moment shaky institution what's the proper term for our form of government a Republic for which it stands of Republic we agree we could accept no others except Republic very good in the circle Joe you're Jay Paul Lin please Paul true or false right this very minute you are being watched by something on the moon but where was that when I had my series [Laughter] yeah but are you being watched by something on the moon this very minute yes yes something yes I'll agree with that no you're not no none of us would be why for anything on the moon what a circle there you have circles all over the place now let me explain yes let me go with Paul Lynde please Paul President Ford has stated that the only way it will happen will be over my dead body what president rockefeller [Applause] the only way it'll happen will be gas rationing gas rationing I agree that's right another right Nancy your turn so does Billy Graham think it's okay to look at pictures of naked women toward the real thing well certainly there are nudes and religious pictures have to say yes I'll agree he says it leads only to frustration or even worse things fall into bloc true or false French police recently raided a house of ill-repute for senior citizens and arrested subway men in their seventies and they were charged with loitering aye aye I would say that's true I'll agree one fellow is 77 kept yelling vive la différence either Earl again how you gonna pull that I'll go with Paul in that's the secret okay this would be secret square and number two one this evening and I hope you get it Rick listen carefully Paul which of the following great artists was not was not French by birth was not French by Braille was it Suzanne daga or Picasso was not French by birth Suzanne Digga or Picasso I see there's a big mix-up about Picasso he was either exiled to God I know as French I who's there and say then I'll say I think I'll say Pablo Picasso I'll agree yeah I believe he was Spanish yes [Applause] for 250 dollars Paul according to psychologists can most people accept laughter during romantic encounter I think they prefer applause is it amazing that that is our buzzer now that's put on the timer so there that is not done in the booth that whoever blanket there and it always opportune moments yes has no sense of humor but that is our buzzer that means the time is up and this is for $250 for Rick so I'll go back to Paul in for the question here Paul according to psychologists can most people accept laughter during romantic encounter most people I am I would say so yes I would disagree it is yes we put a circle there and now we're gonna have the score is well the best-looking men in the world Paul in through a false guy yeah whatever the more money the more money you make the more likely you are to take a drink now and then is that why Kathryn Kuhlman slurs or words [Laughter] a little more apt you are the more money you make the more likely you are to take a drink I think I think it causes lots of anxieties I'll agree good statistics show that people are less likely to be teetotalers as their income Rises you have a circle head again I get pollen alrighty Paul in according to parakeet experts parakeet experts can a drop or two of bourbon be good for your bird no after a drop of urban I get me [Music] can I drop it you're gonna be good feeling good according to turkey experts if it'll shut it off yeah yeah expect it could it can help him get over a cold yes all right with a circle head your turn please no Harold tie game you could blow Harlan all right that is the move yes according to dr. Thorsen what's the major cause of itching I didn't huge what's the major cause of itching in old folks Oh eating shredded waiting bad [Applause] what is this can the age the cause of itchy and old folks what is it I'd have to be you know excessive dryness price again yeah absolutely sure because the body is producing less oils you have Paul into block diagonally we all know that birds go south as soon as the winter chill sets in do whales do the same oh I hope not I know the gray whales do my sister is a member of the Sierra Club and they watch them go down every year yes they do go south I disagree yes they do some swim as far as two thousand miles to find warmer water let me explain something Herald Paul is not the secret square it's worth over twenty six hundred dollars Paul in to win for two hundred and fifty dollars according to a Stanford University study who has a greater tolerance for pain young folks or old folks I don't know yet I'm heaven for more old people in tomorrow greater tolerance for pain young or old foe well you lose your senses in in real old age I mean so maybe you lose that one too maybe it eases up maybe older people can take pain more than mojo holla Cree no it's the young it's the young we put a circle there the Lord's back in it Lin Paul according to the National Enquirer Richard Burton recently stated I'm quite serious about this I hate it honestly I just can't bear it what was he referring to cholera I just hate it y'all I'm quite serious about this I hate it honestly I just can't bear it what was he referring to hmm he's such an easygoing guy one of the most charming people I've ever met I will say he stopped drinking maybe he'd learned to hate it I don't know I'll say drinking I disagree no it's acting acting he's brilliant but he doesn't like it we'll have a circle there Harold yeah this Court is saying next two beautiful women I think I like blanks best what comes after beautiful women paternity suit you think he says I next to a beautiful women I think I like blanks best fill in the blank next to beautiful women I think I like horses horses I'll disagree gadgets okay Paul to 250 million Hindus worship of peacock they did until they ate it they're eating everything and then the mm-hmm but do 250 million Hindus worship a peacock yes I think they worship a cow No Oh 250 million there's a billion there aren't there just maybe a smile at a town I I will still go with I don't I 250 million then that's it's a cow I disagree with oh yes they do it's the emblem of Krishna put it next there okay Laurie your train true or false according to columnas Burt Bacharach people tend to start shrinking a little after about age 30 did you know that rosemary is standing up in her college [Music] [Applause] you know I that you start shrinking after 30 well you know that I used to be six eggs on the head and I'm now like a quarter inch under I think I think you also got a little stew according to the classical song it was there I knew that you loved me true where is it okay to pint well according to the classical song it was there I knew that you love me true where in your eyes and your eyes of blue Patti I agree no audience down by the [Music] we'll be right back well the secret square up there and it's your option already for tie game Paul did any Shakespearean character use the expression right on right on mm-hmm I'd say was near the love scene near the end of the love scene so you say you say yes I think she said right on Rome he said yes I'll agree you'll buy that in Julius Caesar Mark Anthony says I only speak right on yes [Music] Paul reportedly the marriage contract between Aristotle Onassis and Jackie Kennedy stated that if Jackie did something within five years after they were married Ari would give her 18 million dollars if Jackie did what if she made all-pro with the Pittsburgh Steelers but the Jackie let's tear about you would say [Applause] five years after they were married Arie would give her 18 million dollars and she did what if she did something when the five years after the marriage he would give her her what let's see I would say uh I'm trying to concentrate that's Bob I would say they've not had any children I would say get me a child I disagree no if she left him he would have given her 18 million dollars but she's expected to get at least 100 million dollars if he goes to that takes place in the sky yeah so we put an X girl you have the block real Park experts who are repairing Michelangelo's famous statue the Pieta were recently surprised to find something in the figures left hand that they hadn't noticed before what Oh $5 when ticking on Goliath oh I read I read the the securities around that while they were doing the work and they said that the experts say you can won't be able to tell at all that it was ever harmed yeah but what what delivery they found something in the figures left hand that they had noticed before what was it I didn't read that I bet that she had in her left hand they found something in the figures left-handed they hadn't noticed before a ring a ring how disagree no the letter M presumably presumably well from nickel Angelo I guess yes a beginner you keep forgetting Paul does this Raquel Welch like milkshakes she doesn't have much choice does she play D that can you know eat anything and not gain and I should probably does she loves them yes L agree yes and we have an X there your turn Virginia go right ahead what according to the world book what's the main thing we get from Honduras you got it too [Music] their main our main import from Honduras Honduras I will say on sugar or pineapple something tropical I I'm not up on the Honduras I'll go I'll go without sugar sugar I'll disagree banana yes turbine and republic with a circle okay Ricky : in the center Paul what television show tells us the story of a black family who moves to Manhattan and takes up residence in a fancy high-rise apartment building I you know Martha Jefferson so Jefferson's absolutely correct absolutely correct yes you have the block and it is your dignity but no Paul Lindley Paul Lynde already this is for the block Paul speaking about her hubby Carlo Sophia Loren recently stated he loves it he really loves it and of course it's good to love it but there can be too much of it what is it oh and see the posture her it's good to love it but they're gonna be too much of it what is it I'll say money money I'll disagree work you have the X okay patty you're telling rocky friends Doris Day's Beverly Hills neighbors Paul recently made Doris get rid of some things she was quite quite fond of what her musical hide-a-bed and three korean acrobats you disagree did you disagree made her get rid of yeah Doris Day's Beverly Hills neighbor said she would have to get rid of something she was quite fond of - well she has many many dogs I don't know of any other animal she has out I think there's you know restriction I think you have to can only have three and not be a kennel and I think it's Oliver dog dogs I'll agree she had to cut down from 25 to five dogs you have the circle policy attorney Lynne please Paul drawer Falls there is a new bra on the market that squeaks in various musical tones the hills are alive [Applause] new brother squeaks musical tones true or false me for Halloween musical tones no legit brassiere I just don't think anyone would want that attention brought to uh I would say false this is false I'm gonna disagree on general principles the hills are alive Pauline please Paul what is the highest United States military award for bravery highest lndia $1500 toward the home of your choice highest military award for bravery the Medal of Honor medal of honor yes a B right well the next okay Mary Richard Paul accorded the Shakespeare Macbeth meets three women in strange attire who tell him that someday he will become what Tony Orlando he meets a he meets the three witches and they say they will tell him someday that he will become something or Thane of Cawdor King King I agree right that's it yes you've got yourself 500 hours [Music] then calling of course Paul Roth Falls studies at the University of Wisconsin show that you'll probably live longer if you love only one man or woman at a time but it is alright to alternate probably true I will disagree yes it is true put a circle there a woman is fired from the university cafeteria for failing to spread mayonnaise to the edges of sandwiches and being too slow with the sour crop I just like to slap her silly I guess she was but I think that they took her back but she was fired she was fired just I agree yes and she wasn't rehired I believe but they put give her another department wouldn't I kick Paul according to experts something strange happens when a person who stutters starts to whisper what he's twice as hard to understand [Music] something strange yeah if you said sing you know I have actor friends that have stuttering problems and they sing they have no problem I'll go with that though that they they suddenly don't stutter Patrick would you repeat the short something strange happens to a person according to experts when who stutters when they start to whisper what he said stops stuttering I disagree that is exactly correct yeah put a circle there I'll break for you steena pick a star Oh your wife just isn't interested at all in romance now will giving her male hormones help well just how would you do that [Applause] your wife isn't interested in romance at all well giving her a meal hormones help the situation well if you gave her a female hormone she'd go to the neighbors I would say yes I think what helped her disagree no and the side effects could be miserable like she could trip on her beard in song she has a brow that's all furrowed and wrinkled with care who is she well she's a good laugher it's solved she has a brow that's all furrowed and wrinkled with care who is she ma there I disagree we a little more specific Paul mother machree mother machree I disagree that's mother machree he was really specific hit it right on the button mother machree traditionally Pope Paul Pope Paul does not have a big birthday to do he doesn't but he does get something special on his birthday what Kenny Williams tell Pope Paul what he's getting [Applause] [Music] usually something special on his birthday oh I'd say okay okay I agree it's baked incidentally by the nuns who prepare his meals yes all right according to his wife what is Lawrence Welk's worst fault he likes to sit on his bubble machine I don't know the welts what his worst fall yeah I caught he'd to his wife he's uh he certainly is this I'll say he's too nice too nice I'll agree no no in fact this is temper which he has worked the hardest to overcome he has a very bad temper attitude but he counts up to a 1 Wilma Paul before you play a game called idiot's delight idiot's delight you must have one certain thing what Monty Hall to hold the box when called diesel a you must have one certain thing to play it is to light what a game game I know the movie idiot's delight a candle a candle I agree a deck of cards it's a form of solitaire Paul Howard Cosell 'he's lovely wife Emmy says that 10 times a day Howard says something to her what is my hair back from the cleaners what does Howard to say who his lovely wife Emily ten times a day according to his wife I hear he's a very you know good husband loving man I would say I love you I love you that sounds alright good for Howard and you have picked yourself up $250 your house just burned down who is probably more upset you or your wife oh I am I miss her terribly well the man has to pay for the loss if the insurance company sure doesn't I would say how women like possessions more I think they would be more upset the woman would be more upset yeah I'll agree with know women tend to keep their heads better in major crises and the man now let me explain Barbara that was in fact are you gonna play it I'm still gonna go to college already for a tie game Paul according to dr. David Rubin what should you tell a 14 year old boy who insists that he has no interest in girls your slip is showing what should root dr. Rubik what would what would ya what according my good doctor what should you tell a 14 year old boy who insists that he has no interest in girls with hugs the bite is time I you know it's a L some people don't fall in love till they're mature or sometimes I agree yeah basically that's it you say nothing really still has a lot of time to work up to an interest yes alrighty we have a foggy night right fall in Paul this is for 250 dollars Queen Elizabeth generally swings her umbrella behind her back and immediately something happens what Lord Snowdon doubles up and pay take that an icon usually waves it behind her yeah Queen Elizabeth generally swings her umbrella behind her back and immediately something happens what probably a tendon argh I'm probably a guard of pairs the guard appears you disagree yes we can't accept that an aide moves to her side it's a signal I would suppose we put a circle there Cheryl Oh Paul Lynde according to Fred Astaire his mother wanted him to do it when he was 35 but he refused and he still hasn't done it done what moved out of the house yeah his mother wanted him to do it though when he was 35 but he refused he still hasn't done it done what I'll have his tonsils out have his tonsils out you bought that a no retired he says he still has no desire to retire and his mother says quit Fred quit well you have an ex-player Arthur a break for you secret square game Paul Twiggy reportedly added an inch to her bustline while making the boyfriend now it's a deli that is a motion-picture ladies examine the boyfriend is a motion picture you see alright we'll try it again Twiggy reportedly added an inch to her bustline while making the boyfriend what does that make her bust measurement now [Laughter] like Charlie does we had her measurement on the show once would she gain one inch me I'm one know her uh I'll go with 3232 how disagree he hit it right on the button he retained he remembered that this 32 she is now a dart this is for 750 dollars according to Josh Jakob or she is waiting for a real man and meanwhile love something fake what that means the game is up but we must complete the question so we'll go with this question according to ja ja Gabor she is waiting for a real man and meanwhile I love something fake what fake yeah yeah I know and I was already with my answer if I realized you were here for something fake any time ah I know that she's gotten rid of all of her furs because of her new love for Hannah not new love but her love for animals I'll say fake fur Thurs fake fake furs mm-hmm I'll disagree it's Jules she wears only fake jewelry since her robberies we have a circle in $750 and what's with it diagonally now there is a prune tree growing in your yard how do you know when the prunes are ripe my grandfather comes over [Laughter] [Applause] I didn't know there was a prune tree I thought it was a plum tree well they have there is a crane tree yeah there is a prune tree growing in your yard how do you know when the prunes are right I I would think that they would start to fall on the ground fall to the ground um I agree that's right because they are the plums and they fall into those buildings and they doctor you may then so point your question here for the block according to Ann Landers should a wife ever tell her husband that he is a failure as a lover well she should break it to him easy like you're almost as good as and what's the question shooting should she ever tell her husband he's a failure I love it oh I thought not if she wants him to hang around there's no I agree it is no how does she convey that though I mean - well into the hallways there are okay P dollars Paul is it especially difficult to train an ostrich to become a sheepdog yes they can't lift their leg without tipping over you mean the same function as she is a shepherd in other words shepherd is it it's an ostrich well boy they sure could you know they could pass a shape they're so fast like sure catch him I I would say maybe they could I'll disagree yeah they make excellent shepherds in fact with a circle Sheila break for use if the square game Karen Paul according to the old song I'd like to be your sister brother dad and mother - who are you Oh Cesar Romero via sister brother dad mother - who are you I'd like to be your sister I would say it sounds like you uh your lover you love it I'll agree know pretty baby already baby let's say your lover Karen - Paul oh I'm Smee put a circle there all right now Paul Paul there's a famous old old saying around which says that a good one is worth more than money a good what then how come they charge you for it a good one yeah an old saying around which says a good one is worth more than money a good what famous old saying I would say uh oh if you've had that luck a good wife a good wife I'll disagree no a good reputation let's put us out boys David McCullen is there anything on earth that can flap its wings faster than a hummingbird how about an owl and a forest fire [Applause] we don't have these specifics just is there anything faster on earth that can flap its wings faster than a hummingbird ah Tony Randel is the authority on hummingbirds and I think he told me there is nothing he said nothing Paula Cree oh yes there is many many insects for example yes what is Tony don't there lieutenant Don according to dr. Spock a good rule of thumb about when to first discuss the facts of life with your child is when he does something what gets his Barbie doll in trouble [Applause] I would think the first time is when he asks what he has to do I will agree right well the next okay Bonnie if they're in the agriculture of 4-h clubs you're from Ohio you should know this 4-h clubs three of the ages are head heart and hands what is the fourth hips head heart hands and help help repeat the question sure 4-h club whether the a chest and four we have a head heart and he said yes right very good for the night good money your fire I call on television on television what does the Bionic Woman do for a living she keeps leave majors from getting rusty a profession what is that I think she's a doctor a doctor I know she's a teacher Paul yeah put a circle there all right here what very very popular song was originally titled the bombardment of Fort McHenry Oh little town yes what is the very famous aguas riesling title the bombardment of Fort McHenry Fort McHenry the Yanks are coming the yanks are coming the remember they bomb he wrote the star-spangled banner' yeah well the next okay Hercules Hercules is famous for his 12 labors Franklin Roosevelt is famous for his four freedoms and Richard Nixon is famous for his six what names for Judge Sirica [Applause] six trials I think I was called six trials I agree no that's the idea but we needed crises famous book six cry see can't put an exit now felt let me just say this all right for a block at a horse race can you tell one jockey from another just by looking at his pants only if he's carrying extra weight but the colors yes I disagree good they all wear white pants their shirts and hats are colored to tell them apart so that's a good disagree put a circle to the cab pollen fall into win yesterday dollars Paul you've been awarded a Nobel Prize where will you go to get it Kenny Williams tell me where I'm going to get my I kept these countries mixed up but I just think it's Sweden Sweden I agree Stockholm in fact Paul according to the old song the Bible tells me so now you're an Ohio boy and I know that the Bible tells me so what three things do you have to have in order to live successfully the love of a woman good job and the love of another woman for the Bible what three things do you have to have an offer to live successfully jesus loves me I disagree that's how it starts but his faith hope and charity and that's all right with an excellent return recently revealed that Richard Nixon spends about 3/4 of his time doing something which he finds agonizing agonizing what is he doing Richard Nixon reading obscene skywriting he finds it agonizing that's about 3/4 of his time doing it though I would probably say reading history reading history my decision no writing is memoir yes okay with an ex even your turn according to doctors now Ralphie is a doctor he may know this according to doctors can spending a night in a sleeping bag do anything good for you I'll say my den mother bought me a Corvette good for you sleeping in a sleeping bag yes I'll tell you why according to the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston sore muscles of course they are are effectively eased by the uniform heat of the sleeping bag well for the next day on the debut of his television show he walked out with his thumb in his mouth and said I want my Nana who did that was that the State of the Union address his mother said I want my Nana who did that sounds like jonathon but I'll say Red Skelton Red Skelton Oh disagree Johnny Carson on his first Tonight Show yes okay when he was a child Paul when he was a child American frontier hero Daniel Boone was adopted Daniel Boone was adopted who adopted Daniel Boone the Indians the Indians I'll agree the Shawnee Indians yes you've got the circle Wow $250 true or false a woman in Idaho has filed a big lawsuit because she was stuck in a restroom stall and couldn't get out that's false imprisonment she had to slip her complaint under the door she was in in this restroom stolen couldn't get out is a woman suing because of that I I would I would say yes I'll agree to that you've got yourself two hundred and fifty dollars congratulations Carl and the black Paul has there ever been a nine pound goldfish yes and a star in the Japanese version of Jaws 9 pound goldfish [Laughter] well they some people classify carp as goldfish and I've seen them way that he said yes I agree in fact it made the Guinness Book of Records just recently we have a commercial you're under the poll you are listening to passion passion music in all probability where are you the Oxnard conservatory of electronics and a massage [Applause] I passed it every time yeah you're listening to passion music and all probability where are you if you listen to passion music I would say you're in church and church I disagree sure it's the sacred opera usually sung during Holy Week and only in church can't put a circle there Ruth Pauline ready for $250 a famous person stated recently Paul I have not been frustrated by being number two and I'm having a great time who was it Henry Weinberg that's Liz's trick that's Liz's extra yeah well this week I'll say I'll say it must be Rockefeller Rockefeller I agree that's it now Paul what's another name for the famous queen of the Adriatic so many people another name for the famous queen of the Adriatic I'll say Greece Greece I disagree no Venice Italy Venice what a circle Georgia to hell in didn't start my friend Paul in please no I would have go to Sandy to block this may work out I'll give you two lines you give me the title of the famous song you must remember this the kiss is just a kiss a sigh is just a sigh as time goes by time goes by I agree quickly Paul true or false Jerry Lewis paid $15,000 to have his dog fitted with a hearing aid yes he actually raised 150,000 well I tell you I'm I hope it's true and if it is I'm gonna call him because Harry's losing his hair or if that's possible I'd sure spend this agree yeah it's true Gary loves that dog just like you love over lack of food okay Paul true or false gypsy folklore gypsy folklore says that God created man by baking him in an oven looks like you were overcooked [Applause] you'll have to give it to me good gypsy folklore says that God created man by making him in an oven true or false true I'll agree that is true all right your turn no pulse eating a lot of cheese cheese can help cut down on how much pain you feel that's why I never serve a salad with Roquefort [Laughter] in other words cheese can cut down on how much pain you feel true or false well I nutritionally cheese is not that good for you I'm gonna say it doesn't cut down on things so that's false disagree it contains the substance which makes you less sensitive to pain good to hear that all right you've got the circle and pleasure to attend to true or false for $60 for $60 any tourist can have his picture taken next to the Golden Gate Bridge with a naked lady and that's extra $40 you get to cross the bridge can you have your picture taken next to the Golden Gate Bridge with a naked lady for 60 bucks yes I'm happy to show the folks back home I guess you're having a swinging time in San Fran you've got the circle quiet my only thing Paul superstitious people believe that stepping on something will bring bad luck stepping on what Frank Sinatra's for the crack in the sidewalk step on the crack I agree that's right with a circle then pop all true or false vitamins can make you smell bad that's why I prefer not to exercise with Jack LaLanne some vitamins can agree a b1 is a killer yes okay all right you got the signal and you're trained within two within two how many husbands have the three Gabor sisters had among them you mean including their own how many husbands have the Gabor sisters have had its combined that total with it to Bob with into yeah I thought you're gonna say we're than it does all all the sister all the decision agenda I will say a 10 10 I agree 17 oh okay pick a start go home according to the Los Angeles Times right before he died showing lie said I shall soon be seeing Karl Marx but first Jean Harlow [Applause] [Laughter] I he was certainly his Idol I would think that would be yes that is true I agree that is true all right you've got the fallen to win on May 20th 1927 something historic began which lasted 33 hours in 29 minutes what wasn't that the year of the Diane quintuplets May 20th 1927 something his story began 1927 May 20th which lasted 33 hours in 29 minutes start I don't think Paul has a bluff for this Jan would you like a question no I I bet you George knows what is it joy that's right Lindbergh famous flight to New York tip taught me actually st. Louis to Peggy all right back to a Paul in question Paul according to the Philadelphia Inquirer what bad habit will your dog they're probably developed if you constantly feed him table scraps you want Thursday's off uh-oh we'll just drive you crazy when you're having and you know your meal with your family or something you'll be begging all the time I agree that's absolutely correct [Applause] [Music] if you stripped all the paint off the Mona Lisa she stripped all the paint off the Mona Lisa what would you find underneath a t-shirt all the pain in other words what was it painted on the Mona Lisa Oh obviously not canvas I guess huh I didn't say that I know well well I'll just I'll go with canvas canvas I'll agree no wood it's painted on wood can't put a next heir Parliament Li Paul at what famous place in America will you find couples strolling arm and arm along flirtation walk and smooching at a place called kissing rock Leavenworth [Applause] very famous place in America couples stroll arm-in-arm along tomatoes and walk and scoot to the place called kissing rods I saw that movie 80 times West Point West Point I agree I saw the movie too yes all right weather another circle according to Glamour magazine Paul do people tend to eat more when the lights are low what do people tend to eat more when the lights are low do they tend to eat more when the lights are low people love ya do they tend to eat more with the lights hello people yes yes and said yes they do I disagree you play the game beautifully people tend to eat less and more slowly in dim lighting it is no with another circle all right not plan already Paul true or false scientists say that a small child will believe the story that the stork brought him easier than he will how it really happened what do you mean really huh [Applause] [Laughter] is that true that he'll believe the story of the Stark easier than the the true story if a parrot tells him the true story or the stork he'll go we'll take the stork story well I can only go by I I was told the stork story and I believed it and I thought it was charming oh it's true for the next they're interesting major Paul Pope Paul Paul Pope Paul the sixth recently stated that if women take it too far it can pose a threat to their spiritual and moral integrity take what to far a bus with reclining seats if women take it too far it could pose a threat to their spiritual and moral integrity take what to far I mean I don't I would say loose living loose living I agree nope women's lib women's lib put an X there major break you are a guerrillas worst enemy what are you a discount furrier what would be the biggest enemy of gorilla I probably man man I agree his only real enemy is men yes with a circle major I'll go to shoot sandwich drawer falls the United States Department of Agriculture has finally managed to developed a mini pig I hear you can kick him a mile a mini pig yeah they do a little mini pig I don't know why they'd want a mini pig I mean because you grow them for food I'll say true he said yes they've developed a mini pig I'll tell you why for research mainly it's very small and docile you know their skin is very similar to humans they are very kin in many respects but a circle Tom your turn Ben seems several ways to play this how you gonna play okay for a tie game $250 what well-known space-age word space-age word comes from the Latin for little chest yo hey Space Age word comes from the Latin for little chest well I'll just go with now you know the first one that comes to mind orbit orbit I'll disagree a capsule yes we have a targeting that's right why did Robinson Crusoe call his Island companion Friday House Thursday was his day off why did he call him Friday why did Robinson Crusoe call his Island companion Friday I will boy I don't remember for sure but I would say that that's when they met was that's when they met on that day allegory that's right you have the X okay daddy according to the new book of knowledge the most important use of leather is for what to hold animals together [Laughter] [Applause] what is the the most important use of leather gee I I would say today it would be clothing a little more specific leather upholstery upholstery my shoes Paul we are in the right yes we had to be a shoes yeah you were right with clothing but we needed shoes you have the charcoal and can it's your turn we've been taught what does the name Jose Iturbi remind you of how hard it is to get good help these days Jose Iturbi what does that remind you of the name Jose Iturbi it reminds me of am para leader be his sister my pianist piano great concert pianist right you have the circle can you think I'm Jevon say Pauling sure Paul true or false during the recent holidays rosemarie our own Rose Marie entertained on a cruise ship entertainment not according to the reviews anyway she found the church [Laughter] [Applause] I should have said steamer yes she did she said she had the greatest time she told us the other night I'm gonna disagree again oh yeah she had attained she's got a new Act and it's terrific I mean it's really terrific and we're very proud of you so we put an X there and get it your turn Paul Lynde Paul true or false women smokers in Uganda traditionally put the lit end of the cigarette into their mouths don't tell me what they do with your chewing gum is that full of false whoever put the lit end in their mouths in Uganda god yeah I think Ugandan is do leave the men smoke just the way we do but the women do that you've got two circles can you turn true or false Kate Smith Kate Smith is a Texas Ranger but I'll always remember is a big singing star is she a Texas Ranger well I know she's you know that baseball team that's made her an honorary member I think yes she is I'll agree an honorary member of the Texas Rangers okay well then I look still more answers can a moose remember anything just enough to have more moose you say that a moose can remember something or is that most says I don't know why they didn't get it hahaha you say they can't remember I didn't I didn't know I was nodding my head I was saying what is the question Oh according to the book still more answers can a moose remember anything yes or no oh yes definitely every kind of creature on earth can remember and forget already a magic ball can a rock an ordinary rock can a rock be female can't after 30 years of marriage [Applause] Rock Beach email yes yes they do have genders Alex rocks are neuter no less you get hit by one it's put another circle there we have a conversion all lawrence welk recently admitted that he loves it but his audience doesn't like it what is it about pigs knuckles and sauerkraut he like he loves it his audience doesn't like it what is it uh oh I bet he likes the modern sound the modern sounds doesn't it sound disagree I'll lead a ruling on that he says the modern sound which we have jazz here but we can't say modern sound which is his favorite type music jazz we can't accept modern sound very good with the next Martha your turn boys wore high heels to help them do one specific thing what I'd say get on the horse get on the horse elders no just ride the horse that anchored them in disturb not to get on ride with another egg smart theater I'm a star dear good luck Paul Nancy Sinatra says that her year-and-a-half old daughter Angela is already doing something that grandpa Frank Sinatra is famous for what she threw a diaper at a reporter [Applause] you have old daughter Angela Frank's granddaughter is already doing something that grandpa Frank is famous for well I would have to be singing singing sure good start with a circle John you turn Paul according to the old song here we are out of cigarettes holding hands and yawning who are we and ale by dawn's early light right you've got the circle John Paul II Paul a Ronald Reagan was placed on top of the list of 1975 s 10 best what 67 year old brunette 67 is he 67 he looks terrific yes yeah but Ronald Reagan was placed on top of the list of 1975 10 best yes best dressed best rest that is true yes you've got the circle we've gotta come up to it Paul modern science can't really explain why but if you go outside at night stand on your head and stare at the full moon you will notice something unusual what lesson just 8 seconds rain will fill up your nose you stand on your head and stare at the full moon you will notice something unusual what full moon mm-hmm I wouldn't go out - fall see notice something unusual about the full moon that it's not written I'm gonna see that it's not really quite round that it's not really quite round I disagree no it will look only about half as big as usual if you stand on your head and look at it they can't explain why okay with an X and Pat it is your turn Paul Eddie Fisher Eddie Fisher says that he hasn't had one for eight years but he's looking for what Oh an accompanist who takes master charge Eddie hasn't had one for eight years but he's looking what what I have see exercise it must be eight years already I'd say a why a wife I agree a wife yeah that's right Paul true or false if you turn on a certain television station in Manhattan a woman will walk up and put her lips on the screen and you can kiss her I like Barbara Walters better when she does interviews oh I'll bet I bet you can han said you can I make you disagree yeah you know what's on cable TV there's some wild things going on in fact it doesn't stop with that by the way I've heard all these stories you can't put her next door regular edge yourself Paul Lin please Paul Thissen for 250 dollars according to Hugh Hefner is inflation a big problem in the Playboy empire an inflation did you see Miss February uh well I I hear he's in great financial trouble at least the magazine is I so I would say indirectly yes it's true I'll agree yes absolutely and you've got yourself to it Paul the average American gains three point seven pounds after he does something does what buying dentures from a drug star what I know what it is and I wish I could quit but it's smoking smoking I agree I've gained ten and it's been hard to lose ought a but it's worth it anyway it's smoking right okay you've got the accent dear Lyra triple-n please uh Paul and Landers is written a booklet titled how to tell the difference between love and what a kidney infection and land is written a booklet titled how to tell the difference between love and sex sex I agree that's right hey very good two x's on the board Judith I think Paul Sir Alexander Fleming Ernest B chain and Sir Howard W Florrie were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for discovering something which has made millions millions of people around the world feel better what did they discover Chinese underwear Ernest BJ do sir Alfred W Floyd we're awarded the Nobel Prize if that's in 45 so discovering something which has made millions of people around the world feel better what did they discover the aspirin the aspirin I disagree in 1945 no to penicillin penicillin you've got the X all right Judith it's your turn all righty Paul President Johnson had a personal Butler in the White House so did presidents Kennedy and Nixon says Gerald Ford also have a butler yes he doubles as Secretary of Agriculture [Music] [Applause] twelve is two bucks but does the Gerald Ford have a butler President Ford he's in such good shape he probably serves himself we've always heard what good's a butler I I just don't get that image with him I don't think he's not I agree he decided it was a needless luxury no good for you president for twenty several eggs even more that's why I was rushing everybody through this by the way would be worth fifty dollars to Allison and a total of two hundred dollars in cash that is our buzzer meaning time is up or you did choose a star we can't finish the question we all know Paul about the destruction caused by forest fires but does anything good ever come out of a forest fire ever had roast venison [Applause] how many conservationists out there just go run off the cheese and we have a retired fire captain anything good come out the forest fire yes or no it's such a ridiculous question I obviously answer is no but probably the answer is yes so everything good come out of a forest fire I can't believe it I will say no I disagree they often destroy harmful insects Paul an eyeball everything okay uh-huh all righty according to coronet Coronet do most men feel uneasy when with a woman who has an extremely large bust in other words the most men feel uneasy when they're around women with extremely large busts guess they run for cover I think it's hard to talk it's hard to look at their eyes it's it's hard to do anything yes I think they are yes they're uncomfortable uncomfortable most men with its agree yeah they are most men become upset and scared I don't know why we can't put an Xterra Randi laughter and that's yourself Paulin already for two hundred and fifty dollars does Mark Spitz believe swimming in the nude helps you go faster by Lots easier to stare I think I think any additional garment or anything would be you know cause resistance if I said yes I think would be faster I agree no in fact he says swimming suits actually improve freedom of movement I think they shave their arms and think but not that nude we put a circle there you're back at at Norma already according to the old song I want to be happy but I can't be happy until what till Johnny comes marching home again I want to be happy but I can't be happy until you're happy too I'll agree yeah I make you happy - very good it's your turn no no Dave lamb Paul President George Washington once said quote I would rather be in my grave than in what grants town [Music] I would rather be in my grave than in into what I don't I just try to make some kind of sense I'll say most presidents truly hate war I'll said rather be my grave than being and war and war I disagree no I'd rather be in my grave than be president isn't that interesting that - yeah okay with a circle Randy I'll go for pollen I don't blame you Paul according to the world book what's the most important single thing you should do to take care of your skin [Music] don't tell Jack Palance that you hate his dog commercials [Laughter] [Applause] thing to do to take care of your skin the most important thing keep it clean keep it clean that's an eraser I'm gonna disagree yeah you keep it clean already put an X there a break for you Pat John Day speaking of matrimony Eddie Fisher my recently said marriage kills love marriage kills love and love kills well 20 minutes [Applause] Eddie pitcher recently said marriage kills love and love kills marriage kills love love kills marry marriage ships in again do I tell you what that is that is our Buzzard ladies and gentlemen and it's either worth $50 for Jo Ann or nothing for Pat so marriage kills love and loves kills marriage jo Ann I'll agree no friendship friendships okay we're gonna have up the scores we have two x's up there for you pat and that means the very first the very first of the 10 commandments says that you should not have what [Laughter] the very first of the ten commandments says that you should not have we just lost oh hi [Laughter] I honor thy father and mother though they'll shalt not have strange gods before they are the gods right yes thou shalt not have other gods before me yes bill you know you've got the excavator tipping fall in all right Paul this is for five hundred dollars according to new dawn magazine is it uncommon for women to talk to themselves while romancing I don't even have a bluff [Laughter] [Applause] it's yes or no fall I mean is it uncommon is it uncommon for women to talk of themselves while romancing if they're enjoying it I hope they agree I'll both men and women do it they sure they do it okay you've got the X $500 according to the Pittsburgh Press Kate Smith did something on her 23rd birthday that had a lasting effect on her life in show business what did she do well good American that she is she ate 412 apple pies [Applause] what is that taste good Jul 2 2013 10 elastic effects on her life in show business I think she probably recorded her favorite favorite song you know I think she's saying I do you agree I disagree I agree no she made her debut on Radio May 1st 1931 yes her debut now let me explain the secret square up there it's worth $5,500 the secret square is not Paul Lynde are you a gambling man I'll take I'll take Pauline alright Brazil is Paul do we get any heat from stars do we get any heat from stars you will if I have to share my dressing room again who are you selling it for big burden Oscar I think it's so many miles away I mean as human beings to be in any heat from stars from the stars the way I don't think says no I disagree uh we don't get much but a little yes ex gets the square 250 bucks [Applause]
Channel: Becker
Views: 466,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul lynde, paul, lynde, hollywood squares, hollywood, squares, the, game, show, network, classic, tv, peter marshall, peter, marshall, joan, rivers, buddy, hackett, wally, cox, glenn, ford, match, match game, the price is right, price, is, right, newlywed game, richard dawson, charles nelson reilly, bob barker, television, jokes, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 20sec (10100 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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