Paul Joseph Watson is Wrong About: Sports

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Das ist ein älteres Video von Shaun. Ich dachte ich verlinks mal hier weil viele von den Argumenten öfter auch hier auf reddit auftauchen, vielleicht ist das ganz praktisch zum "in der Hinterhand" halten wenn man wieder in so eine Diskussion stolpert.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/LolaRuns 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone today we're going to be taking a look at a Paul Joseph Watson video entitled the truth about gender well that's the title now when he posted it it was called why women suck at sports in all caps before swiftly being changed for some reason and you should probably go and watch that video just so you can be sure I'm not misrepresenting his arguments it's only 8 minutes long but that means if you speed it up it's only 4 minutes long and he sounds rather funny sped up so that should hopefully take some of the edge off having to watch appalled Joseph Watson video go on then off you go and welcome back sorry about that so then what's the point of Paul's video well it seems rather stupid at first doesn't it you know all the football mistakes with the silly sound effects of music but it's actually a collab a little bit of manipulation this video exists to misrepresent feminist arguments about sports and reframe the discussion in such a way that makes feminists seem crazy whereas Paul Joseph Watson and by extension his viewers get to feel like enlightened truth speakers quotes triggering the social justice warriors just by speaking basic obvious facts and this is a fantasy obviously but before we get into the specifics of how let's go through some of those basic obvious facts and have a bit of a chat about them so then men obviously outperform women at the top levels of most awesome this is for a whole host of biological reasons if we take a man and a woman of similar height and weight the man will typically have a larger heart higher lung capacity and sub owns more muscle mass and various other things that will usually give the man an advantage in most sports now I say typically and usually because of course there are outliers men and women who fall outside the average so you can get men who are worse than most women at sports and vice-versa and of course with training it's not too hard for the average woman to outperform the average untrained man the majority of the time though women have to train longer and harder than men to attain the same level of ability and at the top athletic level say the Olympics or top-flight football everyone's training pretty much all the time anyway so this effectively squeezes women out of the running however even though women can't usually compete directly with the best men in each sport these differences and ability might not actually be as different as you might expect women's records tend to lag behind men's by about ten percent but that's not ten percent in everything kind there's a scale some records are closer than that and all those mainly ones that are more dependent upon muscle mass like weightlifting are much more exaggerated so then given all of this what are the feminist arguments for integrating sports well one arguments I do see is in favor of integrating sports in which biological differences don't play as much of a part say shooting at the Olympics for instance the last time women were allowed to compete with men in shooting at the 1992 Olympics a woman won a gold medal and since then the sport has been segregated by gender now some might say this is good it allows more women to get represented at the top level or something like van and others might see it differently in say it'd be better for women to be able to compete with men directly in these kinds of events and I don't know to be honest I kind of see both sides but that's one argument anyway that maybe some sports are necessarily segregated another arguments I see is in favor of more mixed sports like we have mixed tennis and badminton and that might be good you know you could have mixed relays and swimming and running and all sorts of team sports could have mixed divisions so there are real conversations going on there however and this is the Paul I have never seen any feminists make the case that we should just integrate something like boxing or MMA say and just leave it at that because that would be incredibly stupid and dangerous I've never seen any feminists deny that men generally outperform women at the top level of most spots you see Paul's problem here is that the actual arguments going on on as stupid as he'd like them to be so he has to pretend you see the argument he wants to have is one in which crazed feminists insist that women are always he called the men in three thing and then Paul smirks and unshift all of his facts and then the social justice warriors crawl away from him screeching you're a sexist and it's a great plan honestly but the spanner in the works here is that these people he's talking about don't seem to actually exist by and large Paul gives a couple of examples in the video of people who are supposedly making the argument that he is countering one is this post from feminists ENCOM by a user named Vicki Chaplin Paul read out part of it in a silly voice across now what Paul missed was the concluding sentence maybe in things like boxing or lifting weights men would have an advantage but what about other sports which are not just about brute strength now this conclusion makes it clear that Vicki Chapman does understand that men have an advantage in certain sports and is actually talking about integrating those other sports once in which the differences don't play as much of a part the other example Paul gives us from the start of the video so a while back I was having this debate with a feminist she claimed that women could compete with men at soccer but weren't allowed to because of gender segregation in sports and forced by the patriarchy his [ __ ] writes itself now I couldn't find the suppose that argument Paul had I said true of Twitter and didn't find anything and he's not usually above naming and shaming people to be honest but he doesn't here for some reason so my guess would be that this conversation didn't actually take place and he's just pretending it did because the only way he can win an argument is by making up what the other side said but since I might be wrong about that let's pretend this argument did take place anyway so the imaginary slippery slope straw man feminist said women can compete with men at soccer but just aren't allowed to play against them because of the patriarchy or something they do love blaming the patriarchy don't play those imaginary feminists now all I can imagine here is that Paul has either met a real-life caricature of a cartoon rabid feminists or he's misunderstood a different argument you see there has been the odd case of clubs in men's lower-division leagues trying to sign professional women footballers and being denied that by FIFA who insist on the league's being strictly divided now I can't see someone making the case that men's clubs should be allowed to sign women if they want to if you integrated the league's in that way you know keeping the women's leagues but also allowing women to play in the men's if they're able to you'd end up with something like the current chess situation and probably with similar arguments for and against that anyway misunderstanding or not Paul has framed the argument such that the feminists he's arguing against are all delusional and all he has to do to beat them is cite basic biological facts and tell the truth it's quite a low bar except for himself there and surprisingly he will fail to clear it because as we'll see even with dishonest framing Paul just can't help lying for example Paul includes this clip in its video that's because no matter what gender pronoun you call yourself biology is king so that's the supposes world's strongest woman armwrestling against a supposedly average man and losing the implication there being that even the strongest woman in the world is weaker than the average man so I went looking for the context here and first off I'd like to submit the following clip for your consideration tonight we return it's made woman giving the help where you get hold of him he robbed so that was American strong woman Jill Mills beating comedian and not professional athlete Sam Tripoli in an arm-wrestle on a show called the wild world of Spike Sam Tripoli was one of the free hosts on that show alongside KITT cope and jason ellis jason ellis being the man from the clip that paul showed in his video where he labelled him the average man and here is average man jason ellis winning a professional MMA fight he see jason Ellis isn't actually the average man he's a trained athlete do you think that this fairly represents the average man Paul because if that's the case I think you need to look in a mirror you look fairly average Paul no offense but according to you this means you're stronger than Jill Mills so here's Jill Mills deadlifting 475 pounds repeatedly I might add and I've got a challenge for you Paul if you post a video of you dead lifting that weight even once I'll donate 500 pounds to a charity of your choice and they'll even give you until Christmas to do it just in case you're a little out of shape right now you know it shouldn't be too difficult for you I mean you're already stronger than Jill Mills clearly just by virtue of being an average man you see this live reveals another purpose of Paul's video not to reassure his male audience that women aren't as good as them and never can be and he does this again elsewhere by telling porkies about an Australian football match but what happened when the professional international Australian women's soccer team played a team of 15 year old boys a 15 year old boys team won seven nil they called this a shock result it wasn't a shock result even at 50 the boys were physically superior to a highly trained of adult female professionals so there was a lot deception and lying by a mission in that clip which I noticed because I'm lucky enough to just remember this incident from when it actually happened so losing seven nil it's not a very good result is it really what Paul declares this not shocking at all because of the obvious biological advantage that the boys have over the women now this might lead you to believe that this match was a one-off like an exhibition battle of the sexes sort of thing and that's just not true this match was a warm-up for an international friendly game that the Australian women's team was playing in the run-up to the Rio Olympics you see they play these sorts of games all the time there aren't enough women's teams around at that level to get in enough training games so they play against the youth teams of men's football clubs that's another point actually this was the youth team of a professional football club it wasn't just a random group of teenage boys and it actually was a shock result because the last time the women played against teenage boys in a similar match stay true to two and as Coach Allen's dad kick stanch kick explains we've probably played 40 matches against boys over the last 18 months and the objectives are always the same to test out our players to find out their strengths and weaknesses and see where our team structures good and where it's not in fact for all of those actually involved they seemed surprised that the match even had a reported result you know it was a training match warming up for a friendly half the first team weren't even present and it was rotating play a match meaning they kept swapping players out and testing new positions the captain was playing in a jumper also the women's team was themselves fielding players like Ellie carpenter who was 16 at the time the exact same age as the boys she was playing against regardless 7 nil is still a bad result but it was a warm-up match where they were trying out new players and tactics it's not as though they were playing as if they were in the World Cup final no the only reason this news story took off is because it allowed sexist men to have a bit of a chore all about women being crap think you know completely ignoring the dozens of other times that the women's team has played similar matches and not lost seven nil oh I am good at ruining golessan aren't I now the oddest portion of Paul's video is little bit on Bill Nyes recent apparently controversial show about sex and gender and this is odd to me for a couple of reasons firstly I went and watched that show and it seems a fairly basic rundown of the modern scientific understanding of sex and gender interspersed with frankly rather rubbish attempts at comedy as though it was surprising to me that anyone even took issue with any of this other than the comedy there's the other reason this was odd to me is that the show has absolutely nothing to do with the different sporting abilities of men and women Paul seems sort just shoved it in there because it's a recent meanie thing about gender to talk about so let's talk about it briefly anyway now the fairly recent scientific understanding of sex gender being different things and even when only talking our biological sex there are different chromosome combinations than neatly fit into just two categories seems to have less the anti-feminist antisocial just as crowd a little bit confused you know sex and gender are the same thing they say there's only two how could our precious science which we claim to love be leaving us behind and that's because science changes it updates with additional evidence it may come to new conclusions over time and just as creationists mock science for its evolving and changing understanding of things the rationals and anti-feminists are now mocking Bill Nye just for reporting the current scientific consensus and my favorite take on all this was Ian miles chunk aka dear August man on Twitter retweeting the criticisms of an actual creationist saying that there are only two genders gender politics makes strange bedfellows so anyway as I close out today I'm going to put in a bunch of clips of men [ __ ] off a football just to balance Paul's clips of women [ __ ] up at football as if a bunch of cherry-picked clips prove anything you know so watching this video I kind of got the sense that Paul doesn't really understand why people like sports because it's not always about watching the very best of the best or everyone in England would only watch Chelsea say because they won the league or everyone would only watch the heavyweight boxing and MMA fights I mean they're technically the strongest but they're not always the most interesting to watch are they similarly women sports can be fun to watch even completely divorced from the fact that they can't compete with the best men you know Ronda Rousey's career has been incredible to watch and the story of her dominance and downfall is as interesting as anything happening in men's MMA you know far from only wanting to see the best of the best perform people tend to like an underdog story you know the best football match I've ever seen not in terms of sheer ability remember but in terms of entertainment and excitement was the 2011 Women's World Cup final which was Japan versus the United States now Japan had already shocked everyone by getting to the final they had to first beat hosts and current world champions Germany and then they had to come back from being behind against Sweden and then they had to face the Americans in the final and were expected to lose handily having never once beaten them in 25 previous appearances the Americans were much taller and stronger and faster than the Japanese and they were dominant from most of the match with the Japanese barely holding them back and they equalized in the final minutes of extra time with one of the most inexplicable goals I've ever seen you know what happened there even I don't know it's just sort of somehow went into the goal so the match went to penalties penalties in the World Cup final always very exciting isn't it and I didn't give Japan much of a chance here because their goalkeeper appears to be the smallest person in the entire world but she saved two and Japan won it was the perfect underdog beating the odds and winning story and if you're prevented from being entertained by something like this because you're sitting there thinking well they couldn't beat the German men's team or something like that then that's just sad frankly it doesn't all have to be about gender you know so anyway Paul nobody thinks that males and females are exactly equal in ability in everything except the feminists that live in your head you're in an argumentative cul-de-sac talking to yourself your fans are a collective fragile male ego who want to believe that the average man is an MMA fighter you know you're not triggering anyone or speaking truth to power you're being a shoulder to cry on for lonely men who are scared of ladies anyway go and do that deadlift video I want it by Christmas thanks a lot for watching everyone here we hit our next patreon goal where hey thanks to the support of all these lovely people you can see on the screen right now I couldn't do it without you and you're all wonderful so give yourself a firm handshake and pat on the back if you like my videos and want to see more of them consider joining this list of names by pledging me $1 now I say a dollar he can pledge me way more than that if you like I mean I'm not going to stop you but I'm genuinely happy for any support really also like and subscribe and follow me on Twitter and all that jazz if you feel like right see you next time folks
Channel: Shaun
Views: 648,209
Rating: 4.4399395 out of 5
Keywords: pjw, paul joseph watson, shaun jen
Id: -9xmpikmsBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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