Paul Goes Donut Tasting In New York City | Paul Hollywood's City Bakes | Tonic

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I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world volition in search of the people the places and the traditions that make the very best of baking Wow from the laid-back sunshine vibe of Miami to the European chic of Paris ah super [Applause] [Music] I've gone stateside to check out the city bags in one of the world's most iconic places one that never stands still I'm in New York ASAP and already guessed it with the middle of Times Square it's sunset this place is buzzing 24 hours a day but I'm here to check out the base what's the next trend that's going to leave New York and come to Europe I'm here to find out I'm going to dive into the latest flavors of the New York donut yeah Wow I visit a bakery that has turned the rustic bagel into a performance pop bagels and after near death by cheesecake I come up with my own bit of New York cheesecake magic they were on something this is a city that instantly makes you feel you're in a movie everywhere you look screams New York one of the things about New York is its size I mean I know London's big and it's got the odd occasion of skyscraper but New York has got more than its first year wherever you go you feel dwarfed by these colossal buildings not more so in the Empire State it's a nice day I think I've got a head this way as you might expect eating in New York is a pleasure and in fact it's the adventure even something simple like a bagel for breakfast is a hard decision hello how's it going good everything bagel and of course the whole wound everything bagel and we also in the multi grain bagel or if you like we have a health grain bagel this is what New York is famous for thank you very much to do doing everything bigger and better even its bakes I like to think that I'm on the cutting edge your bacon I like to think that I invent different things but to be honest for me New York is gonna be fascinating and I'm sure gonna get a little bit of inspiration while I'm here it'll freeze me bagel it's delish the coffee is not bad either I'm starting my search for the best of New York with that American classic the doughnuts the United States has long had a deep love affair with them but I'm told that this shop opened for less than a year is trying to do something new these are great looking donors thank you not fattening it's all lovey no it's already weight on me now I'm used to a little bit of sugar on mine but the choice here is incredible lemon and poppy chocolates cafe au lait right I think I know what I want the toffee @mj I've got to try the basic one as well so a plain one place and the passion fruit place okay that's my favorite is that your favorite do you think that's enough to start with well you have to try the hibiscus yes I've never had anything like that must admit this is candied hibiscus flower wow that is an impressive array of donors funny is the shop owner and the bakery is right behind the counter they make donuts all day long here so they're fresh for the customer which I'm happy to say is me today you've taken the humble doughnut untended to something very very different now this one is littered with toasted almonds dulce de leche is a South American flavor it's basically that's Hoffy in banoffee pie it's very Morris that's delicious now this one is passion fruit I'm from Mexico so I didn't grow up with sweets that were extremely sweet so I crave sour tangy flavors oh yeah Wow it's a strong it Yashin food oh yeah look that suppose you have made it to Kela one the other one yes for Cinco mojitos so what is this one this is the hibiscus oh yeah that's delicious thank you I look though it's not a strong flavor there's a hint at the back but it looks so attractive although the flavors and the donuts are different they're out there they don't taste artificial they taste full of flavor I mean I didn't realize that the donuts could be taken to such a level because a lot of the flavors you haven't ever heard of I'm fascinated to see how funnies donut bakery churns out so many flavors all day long the hearts of the operation that funnies baking teams stamp the dough out by hand and after proving it's deep-fried before getting its flavored glaze and toppings what is it about New Yorkers that allows you in particular to be able to open a shop like this you have such a melting pot of cultures you know and I am one of those and so is everybody else so you're always surrounded by inspiration you go see things you go try things so what you're actually doing is your culture your heritage your flavors that you have in your mind that you grew up with you're bringing to the people of New York yes in the form of a donor exactly that's what makes a difference I love it I really do if this is what New York can do to a donut I can't wait to see what else awaits me which is the baking in New York originated in Europe family recipes brought over through the 18th and 19th century by waves of immigrants I've never actually seen the Statue of Liberty before I mean it looks smaller the distance but she's a whopper but this was actually the route in that most of the immigrants took coming into America it's incredible beautiful Maureen to come and say one of the bakes that came in with the Jewish immigrants with the famous bagels I wanna take you to a place called saddles now it's run by a girl called Melissa it's only been open nearly a year now she's turned bagels into an entertainment for really I'm the only one that could do that hello - mind if I take these guys inside look around now this place is very special this is a very different bakery to the street bakery where I bought my breakfast this morning the waiters are all dressed up with deke bows the center is where Melissa makes all the bagels and all around is the entertainment seats this is the theater seats of your life and when fresh bagels are baked they're announced and all the staff join in just like A Chorus Line I wanna introduce you to Melissa starts all this and she's over there making bagels come with me hello Melissa so this is your home this is my home my son jokes that it's the bagel Jail Melissa's sourdough bagels are prepared in a nearby kitchen like all bagels they are boil for a few minutes and summer tossed in seeds and then we put them on these boards and these boards then go into the oven so we put them in the oven upside down after a few minutes in the rotating oven the bagels are flipped over so you bake them on one side flip them over onto the plate yeah it's fantastic I love it the British afternoon tea is served on a cake stand you've taken the scone or the biscuit they pull it out and put the baby lip we have we love the elegant presentation and we wanted to elevate it so that it wasn't considered your local deli bagel that you can get on any street corner I think it's a great idea it's fine the whole point of this is a celebration of the bagel celebrates of that yeasted little bun that came over to new york and it's just gone boom and this is taking it to a whole new level so one of the next look do two commands momentarily are they I know you all know me is a shy retiring Baker but when in New York be loud hot bagels the next time that was quite rowdy I think that were one of the great things about New York is obviously you've got these huge buildings everywhere just go vertical and then right in the heart of New York you have this Central Park Central Park is vast it runs from Midtown right up to Harlem and any time of year it's beautiful most people that live in New York come to this place it's a little bit of a respite so suppose the equivalent would be High Park in the UK and London whether you fancy a horse and carriage ride rollerblade jog or spotted rowing it's all here and one thing which is pretty poignant to me coming from the northwest of England there's a memorial over there to a guy I'm a big fan of John Lennon I was born and raised on the Beatles my mom and dad were both big fans my mum saw him in the cavern many many many times and she actually didn't think there was cop which is strange and I made up the call this place truly feels after him it's a nice memorial you know [Music] still to come I discover a new way of baking bread that is so easy I can hardly believe it works that looks like a true artisan bread might make my own tribute to the inventiveness of New York by putting its cheesecake inside my chocolate brownie get in I'm in New York exploring the inventiveness of this incredible City my next bakery is in Hell's Kitchen on the east of Manhattan Sullivan Street Bakery is so renowned for even the New York Fire Department stopped by for their lunch this is a bit of a personal fact-finding mission for me because Jim Lahey is famous in the bread world for coming up with a brand new super simple way of making bread at home great looking things you're known because you changed the way that we mix bread you mean you're talking about the no need that's the one can you show me and explain what this whole thing is all about yeah I'd love to show you you want to come back if you're a quick turn I've always made bread at home by giving the dough a good long need that's beautiful yeah but Jim has apparently come up with a method that does away with all that elbow grease and I want to know how it works this is the technique now that you came up with so the no-knead process is a really really simple principle 400 grams of flour you had yeast and that's about a half a gram and this is 8 grams of salt okay fine table salt sea salt yeah and then mix it together this method hands-down produces better bread that even the best artisan Baker's attempts and what's really beautiful about it pause it it requires no effort on your part my part or your viewers parts this sounds too good to be true I've laid out for you 300 grams of water let's get really detail in hard water or soft water tap water okay just regular tap water pour it in and then I'm just gonna put it together like this and it is done and that is Shaggy and that was about like 6 yeah normally I'd be working this day for maybe ten minutes until it is smooth and elastic it's a very different methods cuz obviously you're not working they're just leaving it alone but this is all Jim does perfect it gets covered and left alone this is what it would look like so it goes from that to this the dough is risen ever so slowly despite not being needed it's now smooth what is really weird is during my baking life I've done dough's like that before inadvertently just mix something together and forgot about it come back it's blown up what I haven't done though was go to the point of baking it respect the integrity of the blob you don't want to cut it into a bunch of little pieces you want one whole piece okay Jim is what I would call a bread head I love his energy anyone can do this and that's it done that really does take just seconds to bake it tim has a whole new technique using preheated casserole pots or dutch ovens us and then in America then we have a dough's that have been sitting here for a little over two hours a little bit too big for the pot but we're gonna make it work anyway a little lopsided not ideal it's the principle kiddo and we're gonna put this in the oven now for about 20 minutes personally I've never baked in a Dutch oven before so this is gonna be fascinating to see what they come out like so they baked for 20 minutes with the lid closed about 15 minutes with the lid open can pick one up now they're still hot but tell them quickly I'm white yes so I'm gonna try to cut this in a way it smells fantastic yeah but look at that structure that looks like you're right a true artisan bread from the middle of France I love it I love the way yes structure however I say it this is a really impressive loaf tastes like think of the best home-made life you ever made that your grandma used to make that's where this house a huge compliment the grandmother thing I mean I like immense me kind of yet like all teary-eyed dual tissue Purdue I think in Europe as Baker's were restrained by tradition by rules and I think in New York that doesn't exist I think they've mastered the recipes that come out from Europe I think he's changed it made something completely different that's why I had to go from New York thank you yes what I'm slowly discovering about New York is the quality of bacon is here they've got some fantastic recipes and what they've done with those recipes is step them up a notch I think it's revolutionary and that's the key thing that is the New York way bigger and better before I leave this city I'm on my way to visit a New York institution I want to welcome you to Brooklyn I want to welcome you to juniors I'm told you don't know cheesecake until you've been to juniors this New York family has been reinventing it for the last 65 years Alan Rosen is the third generation to make this recipe for 65 years we've been on this very street corner making the recipe exactly the same way as when we started it is incredible and then even the signposts on the road here yeah well we were fortunate enough they renamed the street corner Harry Rosen wait cheesecake corner Harry Rosen was Alan's grandfather who created this recipe in 1950 now I've come all the way from the UK to look at your cheesecake generations of Brooklyn Heights have come to eat at Junior's diner and on the floor above in the original 1950s kitchens the housings of cheesecakes are still being made by hand and unusually every Junior's cheesecake has a sponge base I've gotta try some new york cheesecake today we're gonna start with our classic what started us off the original the New York style plane gonna try this that is the one that my grandfather started with 65 years ago I like good I like it a lot it's very very creamy um you can taste that the cheese in it the the sponge is beautiful and soft that was gorgeous thank you glad you enjoy I can't finish it all and I want to keep your fork oh we got some more coming okay we have a slice of strawberry please Marcel sure when Alan said he had some mocha mango strawberry cheese pie he wasn't joking fresh strawberries now it's delicious that's a standard filling yes same exactly the same okay bring it on whatever you have marcin Wow what's happened is over the last 65 years juniors have elaborated on their original recipe creating more and more incredible cheesecakes for the pilot book so I'm sitting with my dad over breakfast 20 years ago yeah and my dad says why don't you take a plain cheese cake and put it inside of a chocolate cake you know what it shouldn't work but it does to us the sincerity waits and then from that we came up with red velvet cheesecake okay that's quite light such thing so laughter you pat down with this video I love the color on those well light you up with a little fruit now having an apple crumb it's difficult to explain but the flavors are excellent the strobe you want to particularly I'm going back to the fennel okay so we took two of America's most beloved desserts apple pie basically and cheesecake that's a great blend that well if I hadn't eaten any of those I could probably clean off one of those how I could - you haven't got any more of it yeah we did we got a few more of course he does Allen also has Black Forest cheesecake oh wow and carrot cake cheesecake does it get any bigger than that that's a big ass well we'll work on that one later you're doing great I got it thank so much chocolate mousse and raspberry swirl at the same time thank goodness these the lasts as seriously is that a portion yes regular-sized portion we didn't do anything special for you here today no offence not very good all these cheesecakes taste amazing I promise you they do I'm pretty full after my one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve spoonful of cheesecake if the New Yorkers can innovate like this so can I before I leave juniors I asked Alan if I can invent my own Hollywood cheesecake you'll be the only guy except for our Baker's who get to work upstairs in that bakery so that's gonna be amazing I hear you're a big deal back in the UK so we're gonna let you let you up there thanks Alan I just need to sit even if it's rat I've decided to take my own chocolate brownie recipe and somehow get Junior's cheesecake inside it so you're gonna crack on with your cheesecake I'll crack on with my chocolate brownie and we'll try and have a bit of a mix my pleasure a mash-up so to speak of a mash-up yeah yeah Alan's recipe unchanged for 65 years is Philadelphia Cream Cheese which he's going to slowly blend with sugar two eggs double cream and vanilla extract my brownie starts with whisking together six eggs with sugar do you mind by hand you say you're cheaper slightly chill using the mixer into the eggs I pour a lukewarm mixture of dark chocolate and melted butter straight in a can see how slack that is a perfect next self raising flour the last thing in add pieces of chocolates if you don't make them like this before brownie with a cheese maybe next week I call a Hollywood cheesecake you'd like that wouldn't you oh yeah he thinks that's funny but I think it's gonna be a winner I think it's ready all yours my friend beautiful this should be quite delicious actually looks pretty interesting I have one more there if I wanted to change color too much you want it to be quite stark so you see the cheesecake and the brownie together we bake at 170 degrees C in juniors original ovens now that's amazing thank you very much that's a great look at all yeah the cheesecake and the brownie both baked at the same rate and stay separated Wow giving the brownie an incredible looking cheesecake marbling running right through it I've never had anything like this before I'm looking forward to it cheers buddy [Music] it's delicious really wonderful it's a lovely blend you still got a brownie textures rather you've got soft chocolate and the brownies all across the bottom and the cheesecakes on its own I want something this is my little innovative nod to New York and its history of incredible bakers I like here it's given me back something which I think I was beginning to lose New York has given me the passion basically to go back home and try lots of different things and not be restricted by the tradition of a recipe change it why not that's what New York tuss and it works [Music]
Channel: Tonic
Views: 1,348,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Hollywood, paul hollywood's city bakes, city bakes, city bakes full episodes, paul hollywood London, Paul Hollywood full episodes, City bakes, city bakes paul hollywood, full episode, full episodes, season 1, season 1 episode 6, sourdough bakeries, tonic, tonic channel, new york doughnuts, new york bagels, new york pizza, where to eat in new york, typical food in new york, what to eat in new york city, how to make bread at home, home made bread, bread easy recipe
Id: HBExCPwi5gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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