Fluffy Japanese Cheesecake

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these are the ingredients you'll need separate 2 egg yolks and 2 egg whites pour some hot water onto a pot place a bowl on top of the pot for double boil process mix all butter, cream cheese and milk together whisk until smooth sift flour to eliminate any solids stir flour and batter evenly sift again to remove any lumps beat on medium speed until egg whites become foamy pour 1/2 of the sugar then beat for 30 seconds pour the remaining of the sugar, beat for another 30 seconds beat egg whites until soft peak take half portion of the egg white then mix well into the batter with a spatula pour the remaining egg white and fold gently until mixture smooth spray the baking oil evenly to prevent the mixture sticking on it to ensure the cheesecake will rise perfectly after bake stir the mixture with a stick for smooth surface knock the air bubbles out let's do the dishes while waiting first 20 mins done leave a small gap to prevent the cake rise too high and crack. bake for another 25 mins second 25 mins done turn the cheesecake to the other side then bake for another 25 mins at 165°C until golden brown total baking time is 70 mins (20+25+25)
Channel: Bake With Angus
Views: 7,905,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese cheese cake, Cheesecake, Cotton cheesecakes, Fluffy cheese cake, Cheesecake recipe, Uncle tetsu cheesecake
Id: pmTo3fHK9uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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