Patterrz Reacts to "Shiny Pokemon Give You An Advantage In Battles... Here's Why"

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I've been around the Pokémon Community for a long time some might say too long in fact if you were to Google Pat is shiny you'd find hundreds of videos many many times if I found a Shiny Pokemon like for example when I well well yeah we don't have to that's we w why why did that one come up when I saw it Moxy boosted had had uploaded a video titled Shiny Pokemon give you an advantage in battles here's why I was a little bit confused I have to admit but Moxy boost always makes fantastic videos and I appreciate that we're both big fans of The Color Purple so let's find out what this all about you at some point may have encountered a player online with a full shiny team of Pokémon they're so talented they're so good at what they do I just look at them I think wow how did you get that many it's the hacking they did it was the cheating that they did you're seething uncontrollably for the first minute of the match because you're just that jealous you might wonder if there's any competitive advantage to running a full shiny team are they I mean you could say the sparkle animation that it gives off when it is thrown into a battle that lasts an additional second is very good for people that win by timer stalling now think about it think about it Hunters actually on to something are they wasting their time who knows well hold on what's this all about wasting time I just I like the sparkle thing shiny hunting is a drug and I'm addicted okay that's that's true that's fair that's valid not only is it sometimes optimal to run a full shiny team of Pokémon but there are actually some strategies that require a what what if you wanted to battle but God said 2 minutes left until the battle ends why did they make the battle timer 20 minutes what's up with that I know there's some updates that can make it 60 minutes but the normal regular battle timer being 20 minutes with out the ability to just go like oh no can I have 60 instead is really weird to me why take away the option if you don't want the battles to be that long you can have the default be 20 minutes you can make the official style of play VGC which doesn't last that long ever it's like 10 minutes per battle but why don't I have the option a full team of shinies to work today let's talk about why shinies are optimal in competitive Pokémon we'll also cover some examples of times you're at a disadvantage for running a shiny but if you I wonder before we get into this if the if I was going to take a guess I would say that some shiny Pokémon that are distributed by events have different learn sets they have different moves but also they can be a detriment because since they are distributed by events they can have things like locked statistics and they are very easy to predict some Pokemon can only be obtained by events in their shiny form so if you're obtained in that way you can kind of tell or you already know what the stats of this Pokémon are going to be that's my guess I don't know if that's right we'll see this video Play Time be sure to leave a like And subscribe as a matter of fact if you think you're subscribed do me a favor and double check cuz only half of my viewers are and trust me want cuz I have a full playlist of videos just like this one for you to check out right after this let's get into it so shiny Pokémon are typically no different from regular Pokemon other than that they have that cool little animation and a color change however Pokémon is a game of information and hiding that information as much as possible is going to be essential for winning a match and they've never expected my Max HP Max special defense AV CH pal hey they they definitely wouldn't expect it whether or not it's actually viable that's that's a different story we could talk about that different time but they would not see it coming and that's pretty much going to be the rule of thumb here if you having a shiny hides information it's optimal if your shiny reveals information you're playing at a disadvantage take for example the Gen 4 legendary beasts every single one of these dudes should always be ran as a Shiny Pokemon in Gen 4 the they also get additional moves do they get additional moves if they R shy I think they do year is 2011 Party Rock Anthem just came out and while Pokemon Black damn isn't it crazy that that band had two big songs was it like sexy and I know it and party rock is in the house tonight and then they kind of fell off the face of the Earth completely never to be seen again white is out in Japan you don't live there so it won't release for you until March fear not though despite Gen 5 technically being out already Gen 4 still has a round of event distributions releasing pretty soon these are the shiny suun with sheer cold air slash and aqua ring shiny ente with Crush C flare Blitz and Howell and Shiny Raichu with oros fere zap Canon and weather ball zap Cannon what were they thinking weather ball I can't believe I missed that one that's really funny orosia is good though both these are moves with super limited distribution and high potential for turning around a game well not Crush claw that move actually kind of sucks luckily all three of these guys also got access to extreme speed with this which is amazing but especially for ente what's his base 130 attack or something like that like Raichu and swun it's always nice to have priority that out prioritizes other priority but o he loves it so much especially Teran normal ente now in this day and age oh my goodness which is a move that ente gets to take the most advantage of due to its high attack stat and suun didn't get the short end of the stick either I mean Shear cold is literally an OKO move on a Pokemon as fat as that you can click that move as much as you want keep on gambling everybody but I mean hey there was a legitimate competitive strategy in scarlet and violet that was just to click OKO moves with Wen or was it Chen tinglu I think it was tinglu over and over again until maybe you hit it because you have a 30% chance to kill something so I like those odds these three were all massively influential Pokemon in both the VGC and Smogon singles with their new event moves suun gaining access to sheer cold actually resulted in winning the 2010 Japan national championships on riota Judy's team Shear cold is a really powerful move onun for the same reasons that tinglu sometimes runs fissure in modern VGC there you go see also imagine being in the world championships of Pokémon you're fighting to the very end you've prepped for years for this every everything is led up to this all the work and sweat and blood that you put into this mostly the blood because you had to fight people with your fists to get there and you lose to sheer cold I I don't think I could live down that ever it's extremely high bulk combined with its middling offensive stats means that not only can it sit on the field for a very long period of time while supporting the team but it has a ton of opportunities to just toss out a sheer cold and fish for that 30% chance to one hit KO something while players outside of Japan received this event Pokemon in 2011 Japanese players actually actually got it back in 2010 just days before this National Championship took place this Pokemon practically came out of nowhere with little time for anyone to adjust to its presence before the tournament came ente now this is prior to ente gaining access to Sacred fire in Generation 6 so it relied on its event moves to be viable without I can't believe it took until generation six to get sacred fire that feels like a move that it should always have I know it's hoo's signature move but it always felt like it fit on ente so well as well and hoo revived it so it can distribute a little bit of sacred fire to it access to extreme speed and Flur Blitz an would be stuck clicking special fire attacks like flamethrower or a weaker physical move like fire Fang it's due to these events that ente was able to reach a level of viability that even allowed for it to be considered for teams mind the fact that it was only yuu despite being a fairly strong physical fire type nubl okay so if you don't know what the tiers are essentially these tiers are related to small gone which is an unofficial way of playing the game but it's the most common way to play singles Pokémon battling cuz doubles is mostly VGC which is the official way of playing the game so the nubl stands for never used borderline which means it's in the never used tier which is very low you have start with overused and you go to uyu which is U underused and then I think it's Nu so it's pretty low but the border line means it's in between of Nu and uu I believe that's correct with floor Blitz and extreme speed as a priority move without these options available andte wouldn't see much usage unfortunately due to this Pokémon only becoming available in June 2010 and the world championship coming very soon after an failed to have a similar impact in VGC as suun did it would eventually have its day in Generations 8 and N after gaining access to its hidden ability and inner Focus Dude anente Looks So Sick in scarlet and violet it's so oh my God one of the more reliable physical attackers in the game finally also yeah because in a focus it never gets flinched which is very very helpful in VGC can avoid fake out Raichu gained access to oros spere allowing for it to hit rock and steel types for super effective damage reliably this combined with the likes of calind and its stab Thunderbolt allowed for it to be a fairly strong electric type it's currently tiered in yuu BL and Gen 4 just below U but still banned from YuYu similar okay okay so it's it's in the middle of underused and overused it's not quite good enough or it's not quite used enough to be in specifically overused but it's baded from UND it didn't have quite the time to make any impact on Gen 4 VGC while you could state that these moves themselves allowed for the Pokemon to be optimal even if you're not running the moves you'll still want your legendary beast to be shiny this is because with closed team sheets back in generation 4 having a shiny variant of these Pokémon means that the opponent will have to cover for you possibly running the moves yeah if you have your Pokemon Shiny closed team sheets means that you can't see what your opponent is going to be running I think right now there is open Team sheets with scarlet and violet so when you go to battle someone you see what they're running you see like what they have and all of that but back in the day you didn't know so you had to just learn things as you go if you don't run the shin the opponent immediately knows that suun can't spam shold ente has no good fire stab and Raichu can't hit steel types for super effective damage and at that point why are you even running these Pokemon to begin with speak of the jodo beasts the lake of Rage actually houses our next optimal shiny due to an event distribution in 2017 VGC players had to run shiny Gyarados on their teams normally gyos doesn't have access to any strong physical flying moves or which is so weird right why are the like it doesn't get anything obviously it's not going to get wing attack but it could at least have aerial Ace any real physical well I guess it couldn't cuz it's aerial oh aerial Ace means it would fly arounds and Ace is based off of the the jet fighters in the wars that would take down five or more of the enemy planes so it had it kind of have to be a flying one okay well what about H how about H well fly yeah flying moves at all meaning it might as well just be a pure water type at least on the offensive side of things however in 2017 there was an event distribution of a shiny Magikarp exclusive to stores in Taiwan Malaysia Singapore and Hong Kong that is ridiculous Taiwan Malaysia Singapore and Hong Kong and the only places they got this bounce Gyarados which is so important for Gyarados this wouldn't be too big of a deal though as bounce taking two turns to activate means it's easy to play around by just clicking protect on the turn it comes down to attack this is why fly and dig are also not very commonly seen in VGC but gen 7 was the generation that introduced SE moves a mechanic which turned one of your attacks into a super powerful generic version of it based off of the type one of the most popular sets for Gyarados at the beginning of the format was fly in EMZ with bounce this move alloted for Gyarados to finally take on the grass types like tapu lilligant or whimsicott which would normally take negligible damage from a Gyarados and it hits through protect as well so even if they do predict it and they correctly protect you're still taking a massive amount of damage once again due to the closed team sheets players could threaten a fly nemz bounce just by having the Gyarados be the shiny variant even the animation is so silly didn't run it though forcing a grass type to protect a scout is a huge way to waste an opponent's turn while moves can certainly be a huge reason for some shinies being better in competition it should be noted that there are also some less straightforward reasons one might run a shiny Pokemon in a match you see there Sparkles I'm telling you time a sto time when you send out a Shiny Pokemon in the game the extra time it takes for the game to play the animation of the stars coming off the Pokemon is a very valuable time waster one of the no I can't believe I was actually right I mean I knew I knew I was I knew I was going to be right the whole time that's why I said it I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think I was going to be right I'm just oh my God I can't believe that that's so freaking cools that you can play for in VGC is the timer some games have a game timer as well as your time you can win a match from your opponent running out of their personal timer by taking too much time time to make decisions or you can win by having more Pokemon by the time that the game timer runs out the game timer doesn't stop for anything in generation 9 matches can only be a maximum of 20 minutes meaning that at the end of those 20 minutes the game counts up how many Pokemon each player has left and then decides the winner it decides it based on the amount of Health points that you have left as well right some team's best chances of beating another popular archetype could be to win off of the timer this was actually a way some players had to beat shinja in restricted formats because shinja functioned as a win condition for teams by being an unkillable Pokemon once the opponent lost certain pieces some players ran full shiny teams as a way to more reliably timer stall against a Shedinja in the end game finally imagine shiny hunting for days and days and days and months and months just so you could get a shiny version of a Pokemon so it can spend like a few more seconds in the timer hey these these Pokemon play the Pokemon players these competitive Gamers not underestimate how far they will go to waste your time some of the funnier examples of way shinies are optimal rely mostly on your opponents being either gullible or not doing their due diligence shiny tsiri is technically optimal against Bad players tsi's ability Commander allows for it to enter dond Doo's mouth once they're both active on the field granting dondoo a plus two boost in all of its stats dondoo also has a signature move called order up this move boosts either a dond Doo's attack defense or speed depending on the form of tats sigiri it has in its mouth knowing what boost a dondoo can go for is essential for playing against it everyone worth their salt in VGC knows what forms boost what but running a shiny Tatu giri you have the your opponent to just not know what shiny corresponds to what form you can I would imagine you can check right surely you can a smart player will just check the opponent's Team without yeah I thought you be able to check but I guess if you have the the white one the the toothpaste tattoo gear you could call it something else but I'm not going to then some people will get confused or the team shoot in front of them but in high stress situations or versus worst players they might not think of this in the moment and make a disadvantageous play and also when you're thinking about so many different things in a battle when you in the stressor of the moment you could easily say from the outside looking in oh just check it dumb idiot but when you're in the battle you're thinking about every single different Pokemon there's two there's four on the field you have to decide like do you want to switch out are you going to protect oh what's the dond dozo going to do oh I don't want to don't know what it's going to boost it's just going to fly out your mind as easily as it entered and you're going to forget about it it's easy to get a little bit flossed in those situations I I would agree I do terribly Under Pressure I am not a diamond I am a I'm a piece of glass Under Pressure I it's like if you took a hydraulic press and put a normal glass underneath it or a mug a tea mug it would burst into a thousand pieces this one's more of a joke but back in generation six and sevens with megas Charizard was granted two different Mega Evolutions which played entirely differently shiny Charizard X is shiny was actually kind of garbage looking it wasn't that cool but chiny Charizard Y shiny was pretty sick so if you ran a shiny charizard you might be able to trick your opponents into thinking you were Running zard Y over Z you imagine hey hey no I I I'm playing against this guy no he's definitely Running Y no it's it's it's shiny because no you kidding me you seen Charizard X is shiny there's no way he's run that's so disgusting I'd throw up if I looked today ult x noard x since who would bother going for the shiny Charizard X am I right as a side note someone once ran Charizard Y but put a Charizard X plushy on the table in front of them this mind game undoubtedly won them some matches you might want to immediately jump to run shiny Pokémon on your team because of what you've heard today but you should be warned there are some exceptions to this rule like I said you want to make sure that above all else you're hiding information for that reason these Pokemon are much worse as shinies shiny Heatran was worse than regular Heatran due to Pokemon Ranger if you ah yeah Pokemon rangam all right guys I love those games I love them captured a Heatran from Pokemon Ranger and transferred it to a generation 4 game it would always be a quiet nature with the exclusive move of eruption erupt yep that's it they get restricted in stat was a powerful option as off of oh wait that's not the shiny massive special attack stat this could reliably pick up Ko's if it was at full HP since Heatran couldn't be shiny in Pokemon Ranger a shiny Heatran would indicate to your opponent that you couldn't possibly have access to eruption this not ah also it doesn't even look that good I mean I really like the contrast on the eyes the purple eyes are absolutely gorgeous but apart from that it doesn't really look like it eliminated the possibility of the move but could also be an indicator of item since eruption was pretty popular on Choice spec sets in OU while was locked to a particular nature this was a minor disadv Advantage compared to the benefit of bluffing eruption unlike tapu Coco who should never be ran as a shiny in Generation 7 which is sad because it is such a nice shiny because tapu Coco was shiny locked outside of its distribution in 2017 however this event tapu Coco would always be a timid nature tapu Coco could run a variety of natures due to its stats from timid to modest to Jolly adamant or even Hasty in some pretty fringe cases and I remember you could do things like Z meam move in Generation S that would boost your attack by two stages and then also copy the last move from the opponent so you just get a massive hit and you get plus two in your special to attack oh it was wonderful due to the shiny immediately revealing the nature in Generation 7 tapu Coco should never be ran as that shiny the funny thing about this is that all of the other tapos were released as shinies through an event but they were able to have whatever nature you wanted so honestly I think that tapu finny is probably the best looking one here I don't much like the topu Buu shiny I mean tapu is okay but tapu looks really nice so tapu Coco was the only shiny you'd never seen among the quartet in competitive another electr type that shouldn't be ran as a shiny is Gen 3 Zapdos Zapdos in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness was obtainable as a shadow Pokémon upon purification it would gain Baton Pass but since Shadow Pokemon can't be shiny in the game a shiny zap wa they can't be shiny I thought there was a way to do it oh no you can in Coliseum the sh the shiny Shadow Pokemon glitch occurs in Pokemon Coliseum was fixed in Pokemon XD Gale of darkness which disabled the chance of obtaining a shady Shadow entirely oh man that's so sad I mean you can't get it in Coliseum but since this is XD yeah no that's really unfortunate immediately removes this possibility of having Baton Pass on your set now that I think about it most of the suboptimal shinies are actually Electric types for some reason in fact back in Generation 6 there was an all electric type tournament where the Pokémon company offered a special prize if Pikachu reached a certain level of usage among players with the highest usage goal getting players access to an event Pikachu with an exclusive move this ended up being the move Endeavor a move which allowed PE Endeavor is there's no way is Moxy about to say this is good I mean I know nothing about competitive Moxy is way more educated on competitive than I am actually plays competitive a lot and is very good at it I I don't know anything is this no it's not good you to immediately cut the target's HP to be equal to Itself by evolving this event Pikachu into a Raichu and combining it with a focus sash or just a set built to barely take a hit right oh so you get reduced to one Health Point you use Endeavor and then you use the high speed that you have to finish it off maybe you could seriously chunk some teams this specific Raichu even won the 2016 World Championships on Wolf Glicks team it was all right I'm an idiot never mind I said there's no way this is going to be good right yeah it was in the 2016 World Championships in which Mr wolfy Glick won the championship of course yeah of course it was an assault vest set built to take a hit from the likes of Kyogre then have a partner like Rayquaza pick it off after the Endeavor finally the last of the suboptimal shinies that we'll cover today is Greninja possibly the most well-known one as when I reached out to get info about this topic 99% of the replies were this specific example I get yeah really cuz I mean it looks sick though it can't be shiny and optimal okay I get it look at all these comments I got wait really it's non- shiny was optimal so your opponent could oh the ability oh of course that makes sense replies it was insane Greninja in gen 7 had access to the ability battle Bond upon scoring a KO this ability would transform it into Ash Greninja getting a massive boost in stats and a passive increase on the power of waterers shuriken while not legal in VGC wait it gets an increase on the power of water Shen I genuinely did not know that is that part of the battle bondability it was insanely powerful in gen 7u as a choice spec sweeper unfortunately as this was a gift for playing the Pokemon Sun and Moon demo it was never available as a shiny so by running shiny Greninja you were basically screaming I'm not battle Bond I'm not battle Bond but those are the reasons that shinies are competitive play as well as the few examples of shiny Pokémon that you really shouldn't run but what do you think are you going to start running an all shiny team to run up no because shiny Andino looks absolutely awful shiny FL made does not look good of fact none of these shinies look good apart from glamora glamora is the only one here that looks good the clock or are you not a total sweat let me know in the comments section down below and if you enjoyed be sure to leave a like And subscribe a special thank you to all my patreon supporters and YouTube channel members if you want we love the patreon supporters the patreon is linked in the description please go and subscribe to Moxy boosted this video is absolutely fantastic thank you so much for watching if you want to see more of my D face you can always subscribe here as well
Channel: MorePatterrz
Views: 31,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patterrz, morepat, patterz, reaction, reacts, reacting
Id: l8M10hmDu-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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