Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Ep. 28: Blind Faith

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[Music] [Music] hey redcon raider here today's video is dedicated to the raiders the fine folks who help make these videos possible with special thanks to revenant a nerd in war paint antonio hernandez excelsior lima nathan welch jr and valen thanks for your support guys that said let's get started and welcome back to the pathfinder wrath of the righteous beta as we continue ushering act one to a close with the uh ongoing assault on the grey now we've just gotten started and we're unlikely to finish today but um we've done okay so far we managed to infiltrate the keep we took out the first several waves of guards and got a solid foothold inside the garrison though we do appear to have lost stone vein in the process i'm sure he's fine aside from that uh a couple of wasted healing spells a few minor flesh wounds but otherwise we're still going strong we just took out our first named character um i believe manago's pet alchemist other rubo and i think we're in pretty good shape to keep this uh extended haste spell running through the entirety of our assault still we do have a ways to go so i suppose i shouldn't get too far ahead of myself let's get back to it so many unused crafting ingredients the vials of these mysterious alchemical devices are filled with sinister bubbling liquids the pungent smell dominates the scene well that sounds delightful it's probably just evil potpourri oh secret lab and a secret staircase that's promising you know as we uh start getting closer to that september launch i am starting to think about what sort of character i might want to run for the full launch build ultimately um it will probably be decided by polls over on patreon but it would be nice if uh we had a maine who could actually craft stuff i'd like to get some actual use out of all these ingredients we keep finding all right let's see what else this place has in store for us i guess we're headed here next looks to be a pretty sizable room watch and learn hello this doesn't look right praise ioma day thank you for gracing your faithful servants with this visitation my lady i love you i love you like nothing and no one else several knights reverently kneel before the succubus who is wearing nothing but a smirk inappropriate with melodramatic flare the demon sweeps a clawed hand over the heads of the knights and gives a mock blessing and i love you my children all of you together and each one separately goddess i i must confess a shameful sin my thoughts about you they are impure forgive me for my blasphemous words and base thoughts but i can't help it you are the most desirable of all women no other goddess comes close to your beauty next to you sarin ray is a dull lamp and shaolin dust beneath your feet will you forgive me for loving you and not only in the way a true believer should love his deity i forgive you my night i forgive you and i accept your love but i see that you cannot forgive yourself your flesh craves punishment so punish yourself wash away your sin with blood and earn my love the divine and the carnal i don't like where this is going with trembling hands the knight brings his blade to his face these eyes which dared gaze upon you with lustful intent take them my goddess the knight cuts out his eyes with a muffled moan that holds the two bloody lumps out to the succubus yeah i didn't like that i accept your gift the succubus gently takes the eyeballs and trails them over her stomach and breasts decorating her skin with scarlet patterns then she brings them to her mouth and chews them with relish red saliva dribbles over her lips and chin now my knight i want you to lick every wait who's this blasphemers come to disturb our sacrament the succubus points at you and the knights who still have eyes obediently turn in your direction sila's face turns gray and she grips her weapon tighter sacrilege she's making a mockery of what is most noble and good in us she's evil but she made them think that she's good and kind and that they must protect her but that's just what the real gods be quiet please in the name of all that's holy stop talking the girl claps a burned hand over her mouth is this some kind of holy sacrament for you beast playing with other people's minds mocking their faith come a little closer i'll give you a blessing you won't forget snap out of it you've been bewitched the blind knight recoils in horror he opens and closes his mouth lost for words then brings his fingers up to his empty eye sockets what what did you do to me give me back my eyes my faithful children annihilate the heretics the succubus meets your gaze her blood-stained lips stretching into a sweet smile are you really going to raise your weapon against me i am ioma day after all hey don't listen to her don't give in remember how you scared the crap out of that demon in the shield maze this beast is nothing compared to that one a brief moment the demon's wanton features transform into the goddess's radiant visage but the illusion immediately dissipates the succubus spell didn't work scowling she enters the fray [Music] well i didn't like any of that uh looks like we got about half the crusaders with that dispel that buys us some time glad to see we got the blind guy he should be very useful so obviously our priority needs to be that succuby but we have to get to her first i'll make short work of this make every strike time to share your treasures nice thank you wall jeff fingers crossed and denied looks like we're doing this the hard way i'd also like to see if we can keep as many of these crusaders alive as possible but that is easier said than done precision oh um sorry you're doing great buddy just um keep it up distract them for me sorry uh is that your arm i'm sure i'll be fine i will see to your demise whoops that is not what i meant to click on there we go okay we've got this [Music] uh just hang back i guess all right this guy sorry sorry well we kept about half these guys alive sadly i don't think there is actually any way to save the others though um i suppose you could bring nenio and try a dispel i want to say she'd be the only one who'd have access to it at this point in the game sermon extract the scepter and orb are the hollow symbols of idol monarchs who lead lives of leisure far removed from the world wound while their people slumber peacefully under our protection the shield and sword these are the symbols of our queen galfrey the inheritor keeper with a shield of her righteousness she guards all her subjects as well as all the peoples of golarion who cower and fear at her back with a sword of her fury she will strike down the faithless okay we need to bandage our wounds my head is killing me that beast made us lose our minds my eyes what has she done to me chin up buddy that is one level three spell away from being fixed let the righteous find their wisdom and the wise their reward hmm prayer scroll oh lady of valor ioma day benevolent to the innocent ruthless to the malign with humble hearts we raise up this prayer to thee this day preserve our sovereign the righteous gal free from all harm so that she may lead us to victory over the spirits of devilry and wickedness may thy holy angels abide with us the hand of the inheritor who makes thy will known and the silver twins l'oreal and targona who led us into battle and healed our wounds and others of thy servants and our intercessors and take into the host of righteous souls gathered at thy throne the martyr zacharias of canabras and yanielle of dresden who died for all our sakes we trust in thee this day we dedicate our works words and thoughts to thee make thy name live in eternal glory hmm interesting yeah i think i get the idea here male angel holding a sword male angel and armor holding a sword and shield female angel holding a hammer woman in armor holding a sword a man in robes holding a staff and a woman in armor holding a sword and a shield that would definitely be gal free okay i believe what we have here is a very basic puzzle and this prayer scroll would be our combination gal free inheritor l'oreal targona zacharias mianiel gelfrey inheritor l'oreal targona zechariah cniel we have l'oreal's flaming sword so that has to be the angel with a sword the only female angel is the one with the hammer so that has to be targona zacharias was a mage so obviously the guy with the staff which i suppose okay i think we've got this gal free inheritor l'oreal targona zacharias yanil got it so that one is definitely gal free and then we need the inheritor which i suppose is the one in the middle l'oreal and targona [Music] zacharias yeah zacharias [Music] and daniel [Music] lovely seems weird to hide an armory like this but i suppose you have to prepare for every possible circumstance and you know given current circumstances uh i guess i can't really be that critical let's see what we got here nothing of note thus far masterwork spiked heavy shield not really useful for a current party but um it does open the door to some fun niche builds flail of light burst that's positive energy on crit hold iron falchion plus one not too shabby i suppose a few thousand gold worth of magic items a scroll of holy sword might actually come in handy and the two spiked shields which are really more fun than practical i wonder if you can still hold on let me just do some quick shuffling here [Music] okay so it's obviously still a work in progress but they do have placeholders in for dual shield bashing builds which is honestly fantastic i'm not sure that's actually going to make it into the launch build but i really hope it does moving on so trap more traps watch your step there's a trap there it's a part of the garrison's defense system the demons were unable to disarm it let's see if i can do it all right it might be harder than it seemed oops bye ah fine forget the oops we avoided certain death by a hair's breath well the way ahead is clear now just truly fantastic work there nicely done i really like the um little bits of visual storytelling there the fact that the second tiefling actually did move up to assist and then bailed the second it looked like it went wrong enough this is all that remains of some demons killed on the spot by a powerful flame it looks like a trap to protect the garrison and it might still be active i certainly hope not because we are standing on it the melody plus one cold iron short sword uh on hit dc 12 fortitude or become second for one round not terrible on the one hand the dc is almost trivially low but on the other hand it is an on-hit effect so i guess that kind of balances out and we have gotten some decent mileage out of that scimitar biography extract okay and that is a clue for the puzzle we just solved in this case focusing on visual identifiers for l'oreal and targona sword and hammer oh and magic essence we now have enough to reforge that buckle very nice shiny dagger plus one cold iron dagger on crit target becomes blind for one round no savings throw wow you know what that is actually a perfect fit for wall jeff though really at this point he'll take just about anything he can get his hands on let's go ahead and get that dagger equipped and onward almost done with this floor less is down let's get another one going the waiting is never fun oh and lights let's get lights up it actually says it's still running there but the visual disappeared can be on rogue just one visible but that can't be right that would imply there's more hiding somewhere nearby somebody please help me they're trying to kill me hmm so if there are more of these guys where would they be the room's not that big uh [Music] oh i guess he really was alone oh wait [Music] you clever well he's still dead so maybe not that clever did still catch me slightly off guard though so uh good for him ah into the frame we'll set up a choke point at the door here thank you amber oh good right yeah let's not let's not do that uh ah cool thank you that was very racing allow us to return the favor as line of sight permits endure this oh nice one hit kill well that was exceptional [Music] missed by one that gets us all back over 50 percent very nice i am going to murder you i mean at this point it's really more self-defense but you get the idea you're dead stab yourself you why not both well look at that i am prophetic and we're good uh cover me all right sorry bloodlust stated i actually had to go into serious mode there for a moment because we almost lost our crusader wizards and i think kaiser was getting pretty low there too after breezing through those last several encounters that was uh actually a bit nerve-wracking here's another staircase oh hi there yeah see i thought it was just the necrophages who could do the um mass inflict my tail is restless speaking of which trust in yourself do not breathe well so much for that open fire oh hey thank you layla out of my sight so this is a mock fight from what i read about verm lex they're um giant demon worms that infest the bodies of grave robbers or people who otherwise mistreat the dead so they're actually just giant worms wearing a skin suit it is quite delightful let's see what goodies they've got for us um lockpick i guess kind of disappointing but we'll take it oh hold on right when that guy called for the alarm it triggered the secondary ambush so i never did get around to looting this room even in death you vex me okay i think we're just about done with this floor the only room i think we couldn't get into was the main hall for obvious reasons we have a main staircase but i think we're going to avoid that and use the concealed staircase in the hidden room instead ah okay and that is where we came in yeah yeah that makes sense the the only room we could not get into is the main hall and that one room that's partially collapsed with a ward stone sticking through it all right let's hop back over to that hidden room we'll check out that secondary staircase and see if we can catch a few baddies off guard wait is going to be an issue eventually i'll have to dump some stuff before we can actually finish the garrison huh okay [Music] well let's see what we've got um hi oh no oh no we are in a cramped space with three area attackers right outside one down and that is two thank you layla nope nice try oh that wasn't too bad really thought he'd lead with a fireball ow oh but we stunned him distract them for me you've crossed the wrong mongrel [Music] wow brimrack down archer neutralized um oh right the wizard woke it up already thanks guys [Music] i'll make short work of this welcome back funk no instant death but still a solid hit and now she's dead no glory without risk cover me all right hey wall jeff nicely done um six times the charm oh i will admit they are definitely starting to throw some more stressful encounters at us i love it but i also hate it but to be fair i suppose a large part of that is because i'm trying to keep these wizards alive oh well that happened it is a tattered blood spattered drawing thank you saila very insightful all right um i think we've got time for a couple more encounters let's push on oh quiet now but how will they know i've arrived let's push right oh hey there we've got a couple of babao incoming could be more behind them you're a good person i like you shoot i don't think she had time to finish casting all right we'll do this the hard way time to share your treasures the smilos will flank but they will not attack thank you amber better late than never so well that didn't work um hold distract them for me i win oh i wonder if that still woke it up i will see to your demise please die hold make every strike count and there we go hey and look at that we hit level six fantastic a little earlier than i anticipated actually obviously we don't want to go too much farther without taking care of these level ups but um let's go ahead and clear these two rooms out real quick we're almost at the 50 minute mark anyway so that should get us to a nice stopping point oh difficulty 20 mobility 70 success chance yeah we'll we'll go for it well done wall jeff i knew there was a reason i kept you around more magic essence i guess that'll go towards our next relic yeah yeah and then that's just another clue for that puzzle we already resolved i like that they have these clues scattered around but um honestly if the player's been paying attention they would have theoretically already gotten everything they needed from the blackwing library and especially the tower of estrid it is nice to have redundant clues though so many plans and hopes have gone up in smoke along with this city and so many are still yet to burn soon knocked me down with a feather that was the great demonic queen ship areelu herself was it if my eyes did not deceive me we just saw the most hated person in all of mendeb a relu vorlash herself well i guess that clinches it okay with uh actual voice acting too that's a nice touch uh i think that's actually our first glimpse at the fairly extensive voice acting in the current build we just ended up skipping a lot of it because we played through the early part of act one with the previous build before they put all that stuff in wow i did not realize that was supposed to be a reluv or lash that would seem to uh imply that she is at odds with iskari interesting all right folks um we're past the 50 minute mark and while we do still have a fair amount of the upper level to go i think we can knock that out next time we'll hit the pause button for now we'll take a look at our level up options get our inventory in order and we will pick up here next time as we conclude the assault on the grey garrison face off with manago and decide the fate of the wardstone see you then [Music] [Music] oh and remember although i do love playing pathfinder wrath of the righteous you can find out more about the game by visiting the official website the official social media feeds or the official store pages and if you'd like to help support the channel then feel free to push any of the buttons that do the things or maybe even check out the patreon links are in the description
Channel: Retcon Raider
Views: 4,342
Rating: 4.9351354 out of 5
Id: fb2UmDTrXqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 57sec (3177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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