Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Ep. 02: Some Light Concerns

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[Music] hey retcon raider here today's video is dedicated to the raiders the fine folks who helped make this series possible with special thanks to revenant eloise a nerd in war paint antonio hernandez dragon matrix seven excelsior goat lib kazorm lima nathan welch jr thomas pietkowski and valen rook thanks for your support guys that said let's get started and welcome back to pathfinder wrath of the righteous as we uh pick up right where we left off last time with an impromptu scavenger hunt in the um remains of the first crusade that's certainly uplifting more specifically we are currently looking for the blade of an angel that died during the first crusade which could go a ways towards explaining why there are no angels in the fifth crusade though i suppose we will find out a bit more about that as things move forward a statue of an unknown knight the technique is crude but the figure was clearly crafted with genuine feeling that is one thing we'll have to be sure we account for now what is that as we start assembling our long-term party we'll need to make sure we have someone with religion the room looks like an improvised museum or perhaps some kind of temple what do we have here ah here we go [Music] a strange flash pierces the gloom and vex god glove feels drops of searing blood run down his chest the wound healed by tyrandelev reopens and weeps scarlet but there is no pain or weakness a hazy scene appears a cave chamber this one or another one entirely vex's heartbeat quickens and a stream of thought suddenly bursts into his mind thoughts that clearly belonged to another treachery they betrayed me trapped me and stabbed me in the back my trusted allies my treasured friends the people i swore to protect the people for whom i descended from heaven and came to this turbulent mortal world there they are up ahead in the gloom of the cave what are they waiting for are they afraid to draw any closer do they believe i am about to die from their traitorous blows next to me a quiet moan a girl with a golden braid lies on the rocks clutching her slashed side she refused to join with the traitors then paid dearly for it i could have tried to run but i will not whilst i still have strength i must while recognizing the foreign origin of these thoughts vex intuits that he can control them somehow let's try to furiously call out to the traders the voice trembling with pain and rage carries to the farthest reaches of the cave ceiling in this strange vision why why did you betray me and your comrades what did the servants of the abyss tempt you with blurred shapes the faces of several mortals bleed into existence one of them a young half-health with his hair twisted into a knot responds to the accusations you and your goddess have given us nothing larial nothing but lord discari will give us everything and there is no power in the world that will stop his advance the frenzy of foreign thoughts comes faster and faster like a rushing river and images flash by one after another a priestess and colorful robes observing the stars a young female paladin praying clutching her glowing sword a majestic golden winged angel gazing into the distance his face covered by a helmet but his voice ringing clear only if you are willing and only if you're ready there is no going back there in the vision the darkness in the cave stirs into motion something massive appears from within its deaths a vague shadow an outline a nightmare come to life a wave of odious cherubing and rustling emanates from the shadows the sound piercing like hot irons lancing through flesh and bone the traitors fall to their needs before the shadow in reverent ecstasy and the wounded girl thrashes in her death throws the yawning chest wound burns white hot vex's head pounds with pain and it is no longer clear whose pain it is the person called larial who sent this vision or the one unlucky enough to receive it but vex is determined to fight off the illusion the force of this terrifying attack though originating in a vision is much greater than anything vex can withstand crippling fatigue drags him to the ground hands trembling cold piercing his skull and slowly creeping along his spine the one who sent the vision is experiencing something similar he is broken and exhausted a monstrous shadow emerges from the murk of the cave it is not real it exists only in this strange vision or memory but the thrill of fear it provokes is more than real the shadows features starkly resemble those of discari the terrifying demon lord in a moment miss swift is thought itself the monster's hand is wrapped around the throat of the one they call larry l the foolish angel struggling on the rocks like a fly with its swings torn off in tones the shadow its voice changes as it moves shifting from a quiet whisper to a sonorous shout becoming young then old and quavering [Music] where is your goddess angel where is her self-assured herald how is it that you are dying here alone so far from the light of your heaven a strange calm envelops the thoughts of the one called larry l he recognizes who stands before him and he knows he will never bow down before this enemy the flaming sword flares to life in his hand bright pure flickering with multi-colored sparks like a sunbeam through stained glass slash the blade slices through the demonic creature's flesh and the monster recoils with a howl releasing his grip on larial's throat the angel falls back heavily on the rocks his vitality is ebbing but his pride remains undiminished he grips the sword and with his last burst of strength plunges it into the rock vex senses that the vision is fading the rush of thoughts diminishing like a river running dry the last thing he hears is this you will kill me monster this i know but one day someone will come here and raise up my sword they will raise it up and punish evildoers and traitors [Music] the vision disappears vanishing in a burst of colors vex does not hear the final words but he seems to complete the thought taking it to heart the words fly from his lips and with them something else the heat blazing in vex's chest fades away the edges of the scarlet wound close leaving not even a scar behind looking down vex sees the flaming sword in his hand or rather its outline the memory of what the sword looked like with a final surge of warm and soothing light the sword vanishes and the light is drawn into his hand vex senses that it will return all he need do is call it [Music] hey are you all right you were kind of glowing just now sila kneels before the light offering up a prayer to ioma day that that was it the light of heaven but how lan looks at you dumbfounded what did you do with it where did it go when dog frowns you guys saw that too right the traitors the girl it's only us here your group you me wendu and the light of heaven that sort of got uh sucked into you any chance you can whip it out again we do kind of need it land buddy we just met that is wildly inappropriate sorry i crack jokes when i get nervous and when i'm upset and when i'm happy anyway what i said it came out wrong we need to bring you to chief some you can show everyone the light of heaven we'll rally the tribe and go into the maze and we'll get back our kin land rubs his chin anxiously and what if he can't make it happen a second time what then the tribe will just say we're crazy and turn its back on us i think i saw the memories of some guy who died here uh larry l'oreal that really was l'oreal the angel from the legends the ancestors even got his name right on the gravestone the chief will be thrilled you thousands of gongs and no one's been able to touch it and now you an ordinary creature of flesh and blood no different to us get the sword and start talking about visions wendell watches you with suspicion okay well i kind of resent that remark because i am quite different from you two for one thing i'm shorter now now when to walk don't be a sore loser he is clearly different from us the sword appeared before him along with the angel's name and all that other stuff because he doesn't carry our mongrel taint heaven doesn't give a damn how special we are we're born with evil inside us heaven doesn't need to know any more than that that is uh depressing i know you're willing to tear anyone apart to uphold our people's honor but you insult you just refuse to face the truth we are the way we are because our ancestors bodies were corrupted by the abyss it does the same thing to plants and animals there's nothing heroic or special about it it doesn't make us better and it doesn't make us worthier i think i think i can control it that is just wow i mean that's amazing heaven has truly blessed you this power is the most majestic thing i've ever seen in all my life is this what the sun is like len yes it's similar but this light is more golden chief soul needs to see this now that we have the power of angels on our side he can't say no he'll have to assemble a troop to storm the maze you uplanders care about your kids right help us save ours without them we won't survive and then the perils of the maze won't be so bad if we go together we'll make our way through it and find the way to canabras land drags his gaze away from the sword and looks at you pleadingly okay look uh i feel like we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here let's go see your chief and we'll figure things out from there i think that's fair let's go we'll take the short route well the only route really yes that is how it works thank you come on looks like we've got a nice heroism buff going on so let's not squander that and we picked up two new backliners very nice one step closer to actually rounding out our party i am yours to command meditate on your mistakes it might make you feel better sadly i don't think any of these characters are actually going to make our party long-term the raiders had very specific requests so um we'll be leaning into more of an an arcane and divine caster party though i might have to tag in an extra oh that's interesting kaz actually made that check for us i didn't realize that animal companions could actually do uh skill checks huh i have to keep that in mind archers i was really hoping for more than that but okay hey look at that what good are all those legs now no match for me [Music] nice nice let's keep that going lovely and this is with our garbage starting bonuses too huh and i think we're pretty much done not too shabby guys damage output's a bit too low but it's a work in progress [Music] wow so he'll just do all of our mobility checks for us oh earth elementals that's new that might make for a slightly tougher fight than uh spiders easy it's interesting seeing the uh the difficulty tweaks they make between beta and launch they definitely ramp this one up we are the light they are the darkness well that doesn't bode well and that's with heroism running too cool cool why start hitting now into the frame [Music] oh here we go okay at least we're not alone in rolling critical misses they'll beg me to stop oh that is that is less than ideal all right no need to panic just yet um i'll rip you apart one moment please there we go you've crossed the wrong mongrel guys thank you thank you very much i think sela landed one hit that fight i'll watch your back [Music] oh and our reward for getting half our party pulp is uh a want of cure light wounds that's a bit on the nose but i suppose that's still a net gain so i can't really complain and back to some slightly easier fights really guys that's fine nothing to worry about here no match for me i'll cut you wide open yeah see we're fine oh nice rip you apart yeah yeah that wasn't too bad hmm masterwork crossbow you know what let's go ahead and slap that crossbow on wendy yeah yeah she's not actually locked to longbows just yet obviously we would um want her to get a composite longbow at some point but we don't have one so for now we'll take the crossbow that's the same net damage but with an extra plus one to hit oh the world in crimson well i am glad to see you guys are finally coming around no match for me ah surprise round you won't survive me the inheritor guide my blade the spirits demand your blood i'll rip you apart wow i was not expecting to uh have so much luck with tripping this early on ah right it was flat-footed that would help [Music] great sword wendell glances at lan who is fixing his slipped bowstring and quickly walks over to you her cat-like eyes glow from beneath her hood listen here you i don't know who you are or where you came from but you and i are the only two people here who see things clearly that's why i'm asking you don't show the light of heaven to saul i don't know lance seems pretty sure we should show it to the mongrels lan went to our grimaces and a guttural husky snarl unfurls in her throat he wants to play the hero his first idea if you remember was to grab the sword and run headlong into the maze does that sound like a plan to you to me it sounds like suicide the worst part is that the tribe might actually take his word to heart and follow where he leads yeah but didn't you say the mongrels are great warriors the descendants of great warriors i believe that my people are worthy of greatness that we are strong and can do many things that's why we were chased down here we scare people but it's one thing to go hunting in the caves and another to fight in the shield maze when dog leans in closer her pupils dilating i've been there i've spent my whole life training so i can make it through all the way to the end there were more of us trackers at the start we were young and stupid what's a couple of monsters when there's a whole world out there waiting for us that's what we thought but we weren't prepared the maze isn't just a physical challenge it's cunning and full of traps it's dark as the primordial night and if you close your eyes and listen you hear whispers right behind you and soft singing in the distance that seems to rise and fall with the beating of your heart when dog looks away i had to learn from my friends mistakes i had to step over their bodies and go further i don't want to have to do that again and it will happen again if a crowd of ill-prepared fighters burst into the maze with no idea where they're going all because land believes that a glowing sword will solve all our problems i mean she does have a point and we did side with land back in the beta okay but uh what about those kids don't you want to rescue them i do want to but i'm not going to risk the future of the tribe for the sake of a few stupid kids chief saul is hesitant and for good reason he also understands how dangerous this is for the tribe land's the only one who benefits from these childish games of heroism i'll go alone if i have to and find them or whatever's left of them without any heroics relying only on myself risking only my own life when dogs slows you and your friends you can come with me perhaps we can make it to the end of the maze together and find the way out to the surface yeah i'll uh i'll think about it come on let's get back to the others before they notice we're gone when do i nods don't show the chief the light and i'll lead you through the maze to the surface i swear it enablia all right i think we've done a pretty good sweep here let's go meet the chief and get this mess sorted would you look at that uplanders i don't even want to know what's happening up there yeah that's probably for the best i like the uh makeover they gave these guys too they look a whole lot more monstrous than they did back in the beta your first impression of the mongol village is of a squalid dump with the odors to match unblinking glowing eyes watch you from the gloom and deformed shadows sloped between the huts you see some mongrels gutting white eyeless fish while others are repairing fishing nets all the signs of normal village life but tense expectation hangs in the air a heavyset aged mongrel slowly shuffles his way toward you the hair on his head grows in limp wispy strands and his face has a distinctly rat like appearance with pronounced teeth and you can hear a rattling sound in his chest with every breath he takes one of his eyes is white fully scarred by cataracts while the other gleams with moisture uplanders hey and times are upon us indeed chief saul we found the angel sword and we found the one who can wield it land points at you he had a vision and now the angels sword together with the light of heaven are somehow inside him gather the tribe anyone who can hold a weapon the young ones are still alive we can go save them sull raises his hand with ragged broken fingernails ah lan always dreaming always talking you're too hasty too hasty for your own good it's going to get you in trouble soul eyes you up and down an uplander with the light of heaven that's too good for us our kind don't have good things happen there's always a catch land trusts people because she likes to believe isn't that right lan i'm the chief i don't work on faith show the light wendell stares at you intently like a cat watching a bird and shakes her head and warning hey is there a is there someone else from the surface here saul points off to the side there he is hail and hearty and premise of peacock just like me saul laughs but quickly returns to business she's not good too many uplanders it's not good it's not right what are you up to here you're not one of us we're not your kind when the time comes we'll come to you not you to ush okay so we're going to swing things back towards chaos here at least for the short term like i said um we lean towards land side back in the beta so i would like to see what happens if we go the other way at least temporarily wendy made some halfway decent arguments look um i'll help you find your lost kids in the maze but you guys should really quit hoping for a magical sword to just appear and solve all your problems when dog lets out a satisfied laugh at last someone's talking sense no you don't understand it's holy light it'll scare off the monsters that dwell in the maze land drops his voice listen i don't personally believe in this angelic light but sull does show him it won't cost you anything sorry buddy yeah lance mistaken we didn't find any miracle swords how crazy would that be land whips around to look at you stunned he clenches his fist for a moment as if planning to shake the truth out of you but he quickly gets a handle on himself i don't know why you're lying no doubt you have your reasons but i know it's a lie and you know it and wendu knows it land turns to wendelog tell him wendu when dog stares blankly back at him i saw the light shining between the rocks and then it went out land saw what he wanted to say why are you doing this doing what telling the truth land buddy you just saw a light near me and then you assumed i had a sword or something you made a mistake there's no need to drag your whole tribe into this the scaly half of land's face is as expressionless as always but the human half is twisted by the pain of betrayal i see how it is you and wendu have worked everything out between yourselves land barks a hollow laugh i'm such an idiot land beats his fist against his forehead causing a few scales to fly off an idiot who decided to trust you everybody around me said that they didn't want to go anywhere or save anyone but i didn't believe them i always have to take things further than anybody else isn't that right chief fine i see how things are i don't need any more convincing lan offers a crooked smile peach land miracles are not meant for us we the tribe we wait if you're one of us you will wait we're not going anywhere uplanders rest now there is a hut over there you can rest there land is silent his eyes shifting from you and saul to wendelog you made the right choice it was the lesser of two evils and now rest so we can be at our best when we get into the maze i promise to lead you to the surface and i will poor land i am a little surprised that uh sela didn't try interjecting because she was right there when we found the sword but i suppose they don't want to take things too far out of the player's control when it comes to the big decisions like that obviously we also just hit level two so i guess we should take care of that real quick i will say though um i don't think we're going to be using any of these companions all that much once we get past act one so we'll keep this pretty simple first up we've got vex and at level two he picks up out flank for free but we're not actually going to get much use out of that just yet because we don't share it with kaz until we hit level three at which point we'll also start getting additional teamwork feats we'll start with precise strike and then just kind of branch out from there all of those will essentially be permanently active as long as we stay mounted short term we're not going to worry about athletics too much because we've got lan and wendy to cover for us but we will be boosting our intelligence at four at that point we'll be able to shore up our athletic score though long term i might try to work an athletic's pet into the party now that i know that animal companions can actually do the physical challenges for you a high-strength pet would also help us with carrying capacity because that is going to be an issue i'll have to look at our options and i think we're good nothing fancy for sela pretty standard paladin stuff as for cam though we might need to do something a bit more drastic with her she's currently serving as our party's effective rogue but she barely gets any skill points and her offense is pretty lacking just like vex but um she's also our primary healer which isn't great okay let's do this we'll go ahead and switch off to sacred slayer that should substantially bolster her rogue skills while also giving her a slight bump in offense with slayer study she'll also maintain her healing powers though with standard divine instead of nature and then later down the line she'll also get some big offensive boosts which she should be getting just as we get towards the end of act one sneak attack and bain yeah i think that's pretty workable another small bonus here is that she is now actually proficient with stealth that nets are an extra plus three class bonus then we'll get her going on perception and no we'll have other characters for religion but if we keep her on inquisitor she will pick up a mount at five yeah we'll just roll with that for now i might go back and change that though and we will of course pick up animal domain which does grant her an animal companion at five then we can bump it up with boon companion immediately and then spells we still want her to be able to buff and heal so we'll just grab some basics yeah i'm pretty happy with that though as usual feel free to let me know what you guys think in the comments below just keep in mind we're not using cam long term um there are a couple of specific points in the first two acts that we'll have to use her but long term i have a different healer and a different rogue for our established party loadout we just have to get to the point where we actually meet them and then on a similar note we're not going to worry too much about lan or window because i don't think either of them is going to have a long-term slot in our party either but i am still considering our options i might make a few tweaks off screen but i think we're good for now so heaves himself around to face you okay just to uh be clear we're not like prisoners or anything right we're guests have you drawn weapons against us no have you killed us no have you stolen our food no guests cool cool can i uh ask a few questions it's all nods hi tell me about the mongrels what's your deal hey ah well we're the crusaders under the ground the children of the first crusaders the world wound touches everyone look at us we are all marked by it the uplanders didn't like it they drove us down here but we have a secret souls one good eye twinkle slyly we're waiting when the shield mage falls that is the end of our lives down here we will go up to the surface to fight until then we don't our place is here uh tell me about windu ah winduag our beauty our huntress who is more skilled than wenderwog they're braver fighters yes but rey doesn't mean skilled wendugg is the only one of us to go into the maze and come out again the others listen to everything she has to say and lan what about him lan sol makes a vague gesture he's not one of us no not one of us his father was one of us but his mother no they took him up to the surface they ruined him as a child then they came back but he wasn't one of us a good hunter yes but he feels trapped down here but he can't go up there either she's not shave he wouldn't lash to gong uh thanks saul's shrugs there's no matter so what are you guys gonna do now live as we did before the ones who went their trouble is their own we will mourn them but we are neithers we wait for the call has the mage fallen no shall we wait yeah about that i was actually thinking about entering the maze with wendu so looks at you clearly preparing to say some harsh words but in the end he just waves you off i'd forbid it but what would be the point it's wendug she'll ignore me and do it anyway i spoiled her no point ringing my hands over it now all right well good talk i'm gonna go uh look around maybe maybe take a few souvenirs yeah looks like we've got a few lying around finally someone from the surface i was beginning to lose hope an elderly man an expensive but not ostentatious clothes approaches you his face is peppered with several healed cuts and bruises and twisted in an expression of extreme discontent allow me to introduce myself my name is horgas gworm yes that worm you no doubt have heard of me if you've spent any time at all in the city i have a business proposition for you yeah your name means nothing to me who are you you truly are freshly arrived in the city then well you couldn't have picked a worse time that's for certain only just arrived and the city's been raised to rubble you should know that you are looking at one of the richest and most distinguished men in canaabras i may not be as well known as certain swaggering loudmouths who spend their lives traipsing from one ball to the next but the gwerm trading company is one of the pillars of this city i'll have you know did you see the marquis in the square i paid for those tried any festival delicacies you have horgas squirm to thank for that gosh and yet you still somehow ended up in this pit why is that for a moment orgas's eyes focus on camellia before his gaze returns to you yes well like everyone else and down i went when that accursed beetle cleaved the ground and twain beneath our feet i'm lucky i didn't break my neck in the fall and i'm doubly lucky that i didn't encounter any subterranean cockroaches on my blind wanderings and instead came across hunters from this settlement although i must say that when i first glimpsed their physiotomies my life flashed before my very eyes but they turned out to be decent chaps frightening to look at but able to keep a bargain so these guys saved you but you're still trash talking them kind words are for people with hours to fritter away on pleasantries orgas gworm speaks his mind and he pays for services rendered not with kind words but with hard coin i gave the mongrels my dagger in exchange for their help its handle is worth more than their whole village well gosh that makes me want to do business with you even more what did you want from me i don't know what's happening on the surface right now but i am determined to find out you have no intention of seeing out the rest of your days in this village i suspect we must find a route back to the surface to the city if there's anything left of it you look like you've spent your entire life surviving in the wilderness i can't think of a better recommendation given the circumstances you are strong it'll be no trouble to you but i holas am not as fit as i once was i can't go crawling about through caves playing at scouts my proposition is simple lead me back to the city and i shall pay you a thousand gold coins i suggest that we help this man it is good to have friends among the canaabras elite you know what sure money up front i would gladly pay you in advance but all my wealth is up on the surface fear not the word of a gwyrum is worth more than platinum ask anyone orgasquirm has never reneged on a deal oh well in that case let's make it two thousand orgas gaze is piercing are you taking advantage of my dire circumstances very well make it two thousand and just like that we are in business i like you horgas because you pay me to in the meantime i shall sit here in the village yeah that sounds about right go on go on but don't forget our agreement when you find the way out be sure to tell me nice well that's an easy 2k that'll help us get properly outfitted once we're back up in canabrus proper which i'm hoping to do by episode five that said we are running a bit long here we're pretty close to leaving for the shield mate so let's push on a little farther and then we can jump right into that next time sorry about your fish buddy but um you know cats what are you gonna do this tragedy may not have happened if you'd spent less time surveilling honest citizens and more time tracking the real spies and demon worshippers idea how come i didn't think of it now if only the cultists would tell us they were cultists then we wouldn't have to waste time investigating honest citizens who decide to go all cloak and dagger right under our noses orgas and anevia sit some distance apart sniping at one another in an idle fashion that testifies to their long acquaintance and mutual dislike when they notice you they quickly fall silent anivia how you doing the girl scrunches up her nose well it hasn't fallen off yet so that's good they bandaged me up all nice and smeared some stinking stuff on the wound so it looks like i'm gonna live they said wait a day and i'll be right as rain so i'm waiting cool cool what's the deal with you two ah it's an old matter miss tirubate here had the notion of spying on me then of rummaging through my goods i ask you do i look like a cultist hmm cultists don't tend to look like cultists you know that's kind of the whole problem and you mr gworm built a whole secret operation of buying and smuggling into the city what was it oh yeah magical weapons how was i supposed to know that all the rigmarole with middlemen was so you could anonymously donate supplies to the crusade don't you see i have a reputation to uphold one that i value most highly orgasquirm is a hard-nosed businessman not a good fairy from a tale yes i care about my city yes i wish to see that its defenders my defenders were well fed healthy and well armed but to make those donations openly was unthinkable i might as well hang a sign outside my door welcoming in every sponge or leech and parasite in the city look i appreciate your help for the crusade no jokes you're an all right bloke but carrying on secret dealings in a city that's teeming with cultists is a huge pain in the backside for us a lot whose job it is to keep an eye on that sort of thing okay so gorm's not that bad he just plays up the bluster for the sake of business i can understand that but we are still charging him extra so uh what do you think is going on up top perhaps the city is no more if dascari himself appeared there's no telling how bad things are can you hold off on writing our obituaries just yet the city is full of fighters and besides that it's barely a stone's throw from nerosian i think our people will hold on long enough for reinforcements to come from the queen this ain't discari's home turf he's gonna have to retreat or else fight off the whole mandevian army so what do you guys think about the mongrels weird right i thought they were just a story the sort of thing drunks and the taverns would come out with now i discovered that it's true well what can i possibly think of them the poor creatures are most unfortunate with their faces and their minds so deformed it's a miracle they're even alive the part that boggles my mind is that they're the descendants of the first crusaders all these years they've been living beneath our feet in caves in the dirt if i'd known the legends about them were true i'd have dedicated my life to getting them out of this place to what end the people of canaabras would have stoned them on site and pralit hollerin would have had them tossed on the fire and mass whatever the ills of this place it is their home how long do you think they would have survived on the surface so what are you guys gonna do when we get back up top i'm going to go home last i knew i owned a very fine mansion i shall see if it's still standing or if i am now homeless i'm going to find iribeth she's my wife and the leader of the eagle watch as long as she lives she won't allow cannabis to fall sounds like a plan i guess i'd better go find our way out then go on then and don't dilly dally the sooner we get out of here the likelier we are to find some people still alive up there take care of yourself all right i'm gonna go ahead and upgrade both of them to acquaintances i'll only stab them if i absolutely have to hey uplanders come and see my wares those wears or did you mean these wares you there a tall woman with a face deformed by an enormous swelling smiles broadly at you showing off her double row of small sharp teeth you from the surface you must be tough to make it all the way here never thought i'd see the day call me dyra let's trade and who were you exactly the people around here call me all sorts dire the hoarder dire the coin dier the city girl like that's a bad thing i trawl the caves picking up all kinds of things from the surface that wash down here through your sewers i trade all kinds of junk for food and clothes but i only part with my best finds for coins got no coins forgot what money is well then i have no use for you if you want city goods you need to pay for them with gold like city folks you are coming on a bit strong there dyra why me specifically because all the people here are no better than animals now dyra yells with surprising anger before being overcome with coughing wiping her mouth she continues our forefathers lived in the city like you our people love to reminisce about armies knights crusades but i couldn't care less about that savages with clubs can fight a war only civilized folk can buy and sell they've all forgotten what trading is they've forgotten the value of gold they barter hides for plant roots and go on about the feats of the crusaders who cares about them i don't need help remembering i have coins and i have things to sell now let's trade like proper city folk yeah okay sure show me what you got well i certainly wouldn't mind that plus one padded armor but we have nowhere near enough money for that i'm actually not sure how you would ever have enough money for that unless i really missed something big back in the tunnels [Music] but we will grab some camping supplies while we're here and uh we'll get rid of all this vendor trash too otherwise it's just gonna weigh us down yeah that's fine all right let's just grab these last few pieces of loot and then i think we'll be at a good stopping point this should put us right on the cusp of heading for the shield maze though events should play out a bit differently this time since um i didn't show the light to chief sull like creed did back in the beta series i do feel slightly bad about that land's a nice guy so it feels weird kind of double crossing him like that but you know gotta shake things up every once in a while such is the nature of the chaotic neutral otherwise we'd just be chaotic good again all right folks i think that's it we'll hit the pause button for now i'll do one more lap around the camp just to make sure we didn't miss anything and i will get our hot bars in order but we should be in pretty good shape for our siege on the shield maze though as always feel free to lob feedback at me about those pretty basic level ups we just did i'll set up a hard save just in case i decide to change anything but otherwise we should be getting into the think of it next time see you then [Music] oh and remember although i do love playing pathfinder wrath of the righteous you can find out more about the game by visiting the official website the official social media feeds or the official store pages and if you'd like to help support the channel then feel free to push the buttons that do the things or maybe even check out the patreon links are in the description any chance you can whip it out again we do kind of need it
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Id: wG6bGaUKYWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 39sec (3879 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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