PATHFINDER: WOTR - The Strongest KINETICIST Build! Up to 2500+ AoE Damage!

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hello there friends and welcome once again this is another of the demon builds that i have prepared for you in this case a very powerful demon kineticist character i know it can be a bit arrogant to say that this is the strongest kinetic dispute possible but i do believe it is because as far as damage area of effect damage it does not get any better than with a demon kineticist out of all of the other possible kineticist combinations with dispute you can do such massive amounts of area of effect damage against all of the enemies that everything will simply explode on your path making the already very powerful kineticist class even more dangerous and while it is a build focused on the synergy between demon mythic path and deadly earth which can only get at level 13 as usual for all of my builds i do make views that are viable from the early to the mid to the late game so even at the early game before getting deadly earth you still have access to some other powerful tools to easily conquer your foes this is also probably one of the tankiest builds in the game as far as hit points we have a massive amount of constitution during power our kinetics is blasts and also some very good armor class never mind extreme damage of course both single target and area of effect so let us get started first with the build progression now remember i already have a guide explaining everything you need to know really about kineticist such as how to use their abilities and how they work so for this guide in particular i'll keep it simpler demon is very powerful for it because of the synergy between a certain demonic rage ability and one of the strongest kineticist powers deadly earth as i will show you later on so let's get started we are growing of the normal kineticist forays human is my preferred choice as usual because of the x-ray feed but you can also choose any race of your choice as kineticists does have a lot of extra feeds and from the mid to the late game you won't really have anything to do with all the feats you have so pick something else if you prefer background is pickpocket for the bonus you initiative as for ability points this is the same as my generic kineticist we want to focus on constitution because it is what really increases the power of our blasts and also allow us to accept more burn the rest of the points can go into dexterity as for the two remaining points they can go anywhere you want i'll pick strength but you can even dump some of the other attributes and get even higher strength for dexterity the skill points are completely up to you and depend on what other party members you have and what skills they already cover for you but as i cannot assist use magic device is pretty useful because it does let you use spells from other classes by casting them from scrolls the other ones they don't really matter just pick the ones you like for example stealth trickery perception or mobility i'll just go with mobility and then stealth now as far as feeds the choice is simple point blank shot and precise shot as early as level 1 because all of our blasts are range edge attacks there are some very powerful abilities later on you get as a kineticists that don't have an attack row but for the early game we really do need these feats now we also have our first element choice you might have noticed that in both my generic kinetics's guide and also my zata guide i go with fire twice fire here and then later on at level seven when you get your second element but for this guide in particular i'll be going with a different choice and this is why i'm devoting more time to dispute because this is the build that will focus on the extremely powerful deadly earth ability from the mid game onwards we certainly need the earth element and you can go with it first this is not my preferred choice however i would much rather just speak earth at level 7. my favorite early elements choice for this character is water for a reason that i'm going to explain very soon as soon as we hit level 2 but just go with water and for your first infusion extended range so your blast can hit the enemy from far away by default they don't really have that high of a range and then pick water blast it is a physical blast so we'll target the enemy's normal armor class instead of touch armor class unlike the fire blast which is energy so by being a water kineticist you can gain the extremely powerful slick wild talent ability as soon as level 2. slick is basically grease it does actually work the same as the grease spell the difference is a kineticist has infinite uses out of it so that's right you can spam grease forever as early as level two and i've already said this many times but grease is basically the most powerful of the early game spells and it can actually last you through the whole game that's how utterly amazing this spell can be with it you can easily knock enemies down enemies that are knocked down take a -4 penalty to their melee armor class which is huge they lose their actions for the round and whenever they get up they are also hit with an attack of opportunity from all of the nearby party members by default the sleek ability even though you have infinite uses of it will only last for a single round you can however accept one point of burn to extend it to one minute per kineticism level just like the normal greed spell amusingly enough this ability does have very great difficulty class that scales based on your constitution and also kinetics's power so in the end game it can actually have more than 50 difficulty class despite the fact we don't have any spell focus or anything like that for kinetic's abilities so that's a 52 difficulty class at the end game which is very fun you know because an ability that you get as early as level 1 actually has such a massive scaling power and this can be increased even further because of the huge constitution boost to get in baylor form the difficulty class goes to 58. very nice considering we really don't have anything to boost this besides a very high constitution score and even though for example the succubus here is immune to grease because she has wings not all the winged demons are immune to it the gal for example fell some other winger demons like the rakhines also fell to greece the same for the rocks even now you might ask why not go with earth and this is honestly the main reason why i prefer going with water for the early levels as you might already know i do like my builds to be viable throughout the entire game and there is really no better ability for the early game than slick as a kineticist yes you do have to cast this instead of using your blast but frankly would you rather use your blast to damage a single enemy or would you rather knock multiple enemies down with greece which has extreme synergy with your melee party members who will get attacks of opportunity and a big bonus to their attack throws the choice for me is grease or slick of course remember we have infinite uses of this and you can for example use the slick ability extended by accepting one point of burn because grease will force the enemies to save every round and it does linger on you can then after that just keep spamming your normal kineticist blast for damage so you have both damage and crowd control as early as level 2 it doesn't get any better than that after all the first dungeon well the first real dungeon in the game only comes at level 2 before that you only fight the enemies in the cave which are somewhat easy even not unfair water also has the most powerful defensive abilities of any kineticist element the shroud of water which basically gives you a very powerful scaling bonuses to either your normal armor class or your shoot armor class should be in the best because we can just use mage armor and archmage armor to increase our normal armor class and you can actually keep increasing the bonus you gain from shroud of water up to 50 percent by spending burn so my demon here for example has 9 shield just from short of water which is plus 5 over the normal you can get from the shoot spell also because we get a second element at level 7 this is a perfect point for picking earth and we will still be able to benefit from all of the great earth powers including bowling infusion and deadly earth later on now as far as the normal feet progression from level 3 onwards this is going to be a lot similar to my azata or general kineticist but for your first level 3 feet i would go with improvement initiative this is a beautiful custom spamming slick or grease in the early levels and the sooner we connect the faster we can grease the enemies and just shut them down you can also go with weapon focus and kinetic blast which i'll pick later on for your level 3 infusion peak pushing infusion basically it empowers your blasts with a bow rush combat maneuver check so whenever the enemy is hit by your blast you can also attempt a bow rush to push them away from your characters you might ask why the hell are you pushing them away well because whenever the enemy is pushed away it will trigger an attack of opportunity from your allies and later on this ability we also have great synergy with the demonic rage power that makes that the earth so powerful so be sure to pick it at level 4 increase your constitution and this is also what you increase on all of the other levels for a level 4 wild talent i would go with elemental whispers and then the hair familiar to increase our initiative even further so with the hair familiar and improved initiative we have plus eight to initiative chances are our kineticist character will act before the enemy as to either spam grease in the early game or later on the very powerful area of effect abilities to easily defeat them before they can even react for level 5 you have two different choices weapon focused kinetic blast or the shake it off feet as you might already know i'm really a fan of shake it off it can highly increase your saving throws but your kinetics will be mostly attacking from range so if you don't have other ranged characters nearby or kineticist this feat doesn't have much of a purpose so you can go with weapon of focus and kinetic blast instead to increase our attack row also for a blast as for a level 5 infusion kinetic blade we won't really use this in the early game but later on it also has extreme synergy with the demon powers for a level 6 wow talent you can really go with anything i would pick kinetic restoration because this can help during the early game as another way to restore ability score damage honestly for level 7 i would go with shake it off even if you don't have that many characters nearby can still be of use because during some battles your characters will start in closed areas and they will all be very close to one another but most importantly at level 7 we also get our second element of choice and of course with one earth so we can later get deadly earth and now get started on our very powerful earth feats and at level 8 we already get our first earth feet we won't strip that's because very soon we'll get an ability that just like pushing infusion which causes your blasts to attempt a bow rush combat maneuver will get one that lets you trip the enemy and you can actually use them together so triple actually increase the power of our trip attempts to make it easier to trip the enemy for a blast you won't actually be using the trip fitting battle it's just for the built in plus due to the difficulty class at level 9 furious fall this also requires strip and will further enhance the power of our trips by letting us add our dexterity modifier to the final role as for an infusion bowling infusion and this is the one i mentioned before with this whenever you hit the enemy with a blast you also get to trip them for free using your constitutional modifier instead of strength for a level 10 wild talent bonus feed and then greater trip to further enhance our trip rows for our level 11 feet improve it critical and then kinetic blast this makes their critical 19 to 20 and we can soon find a ring that actually doubles that so 17 to 20 which is pretty good for a kinetic blast as for our level 11 infusion i would go with wall it's basically the first of your area of effect damage blast abilities and can be pretty good until you get deadly earth at level 13. by level 12 your wild talents choices are really up to you see even though we only got the earth element at level 7 by level 12 we already have the best of the earth talent so trip greater trip and then bowling infusion you can really pick anything you want i would pick tremor sense because it does give you blind sight blind sight does actually let you bypass almost all of the enemy consummate abilities which is great for your blast that require an attack role as our water and earth blasts when combined to create mud blast this is the same for a level 13 onwards normal feet you can really pick anything you want most of them don't really increase the power of your kineticist who is reliant on his blast abilities now something that can be interesting to pick is that the tandem trip feet if you already have a pet that has it like for example the dog or the wolf i usually pick this on all of on all of my dog and wolf builds whenever you try to trip the enemy you get your road twice and pick the best result this can highly increase your chances of dripping the enemy the only downside is that it does require you to be close to an ally that has defeat but honestly because your most powerful kineticist abilities also have friendly fire and they basically destroy the entire game by themselves what you can do is for example park your dog or your wolf close your kineticist have them cast deadly earth and boom that's it everything will just die so i'll be picking tandem trip for now but remember you do need to have another character with this ability as well to benefit from it as it is a teamwork feat now a third thing at last we also get the deadly earth ability if you've played the final king maker then you already know how extremely overpowered this ability is it is a game changer it just destroys everything has an area of effect it doesn't even require an attack road to hit so it always hits the enemy regardless if they have 1 000 armored glass on unfair doesn't matter they will be hit with deadly earth and it does actually hit all of the winged demons as well they don't have immunity to this as far as this current patch at least and the beauty of deadly earth is the fact that it has an amazing synergy with both the pushing infusion and the bowling infusion by just having bowling infusion with deadly earth whenever your deadly earth hits the enemies they will also be automatically tripped and because of the aspect of the kalavaku's demonic ability whenever the enemy is stripped you also get a free attack against them no matter how far away you are this is what makes a kineticist demon so outrageously overpowered and the best part is you can actually combine both pushing fusion which is also a combat maneuver with the bowling infusion so you cast that the earth the enemy takes the damage from deadly earth all of the enemies really because it does have an area of effect and then the enemies are automatically tripped and then pushed away from you they will be mostly tripped because we actually use two combat maneuvers with our deadly earth the enemy will then be hit twice with our normal attacks and get this this is the reason we pick kinetic blade because it will replace our norm of attack so not only do we hit the enemy for a massive amount of damage with deadly earth we also get to treat them for crowd control and then we hit them two times before kinetic blade all of the enemies that were hit with that the earth honestly there are no words really you just destroy everything on your path with just this ability and the extreme synergy it has with the demon rage power aspect of the kalavakus i mean just try it and you see how extremely powerful this is so let's pick that the earth and instant i win button and honestly your kineticist progression from now doesn't really matter at all because you already have the most powerful ability in the game considering the synergy with the demon path you can choose whatever you want i'll go with enduring earth here but it really doesn't matter we are already overpowered as hell the same for your feet's choice really i'll just pick toughness to increase or hit points as kineticists do tend to have lower hit points because of the burn that you take now another choice that might be important at level 15 is your third element i would go with air because it does have some useful abilities and then the normal air blast for your level 16 my talent if you picked air i would go with aerial evasion so we can gain the evasion ability for free basically just at the cost of one burn for a level 17 feet anything you want really doesn't matter i mean you can pick a skill focus for your skill of choice spell penetration doesn't matter for us at all because all of our blasts are physical blasts including the deadly earth ability and only the energy kineticist blasts actually have to penetrate the enemy spell resistance or you can actually go with coordinated maneuvers if you also have a pet with it or another character with it because it further enhances your trip power as for another kinetic infusion i would go with cloud but like i said before it doesn't matter cloud is just another way of dealing area of effect damage to the enemies and if they ever patched deadly earth not to work on enemies that are winged so winger demons you can still use clouds to heavily damage them for a level 18 white talent anything goes but i would personally choose expanded defense and then enveloping wins to give your character quite a lot of concealment against enemy attacks you can of course also pick this earlier so at level 16 instead of aerial evasion and then just use the ring that gives you evasion instead for a level 19 feet while at this point in the game you should already have access to the buffer mat book that gives you one dice of sneak attack so i would go with accomplished stink attacker as for your lasting fusion in the game it honestly doesn't matter i'll just speak blade whirlwind here as for your meta kinetic master ability i would go with maximized and i already explained how to use this abilities in my general kineticist guide alright so let's talk now about our kineticist demon mythic progression i would go with instrument of freedom as usual there isn't a point to close to the abyss because we aren't going to be melee range as for your first mythic ability it should be kinetic over charge without a doubt to further enhance our gather power ability for mythic rank 2 go with mystic improved initiative for mythic rank 3 there isn't really a point you're picking over infused blast by now i would rather save this for later after we get our earth powers and deadly earth especially i would actually go with less stand because honestly this is one of the best abilities in the game and it does help your kinetics survive as after all it is a game over if your main character dies with less stand you can basically cheat the f for quite a lot of time and all you have to do is rest to regain another use of this ability for your mythic ring 4 ability go with mythic trip by this point we'll already have trip from our earth element that we pick at level 7. just as a note at mythic rank 4 you can also pick mythic improved critical kinetic blast instead now for your mythic 4 demon kineticist we get our first demonic aspect and of course we want aspect of kalavakus for reasons that i have already explained but basically it adds a lot of free attacks on top of our already very high damaging blasts and because we can attack with a kinetic blade that also has insane damage well we are basically demolishing all of the enemies with this from mythic ring 5 i would go with over infused blasts by this point we already have deadly earth and also the aspect of kalavakus with over-infused blasts we can apply two substanting fusions to our blasts so both bowling infusion and pushing infusion this way whenever we use our deadly earth we get two whole free attacks on the enemy of our kinetic blade instead of just one for even more crazy damage for another demonic aspect at mythic ring 5 you can go with either succubus for the immunity to compulsion and fear for all your party members or incubus for an increasing damage before kinetic blade and also an increasing difficulty class of let's say your sleek ability i'll be going with succubus for now because immunity to some of the most annoying status ailments that demon enemies love spamming on you is always great now we also have our first major demonic aspect and the best for kineticist is no doubt baler not only because you get a very high bonus your constitution score so a further way of improving your blast damage and gaining more burn but also it left your normal demonic rage so the plus two bonus to attack damage caster level and reflect safe intros and also difficulty class also apply to all of your party members so baylor aspect is very stacked be sure to pick it for a second major demonic aspect i would go with vavakya because it does increase your strength strength and our physical blasts such as our kinetic blade do target the enemy's normal armor glass as if it was a physical blow so the higher rs strength the higher chances of hitting although it doesn't matter that much you might ask why i'm not going with weapon finesse i don't find it needed for a kineticist because it is very easy to increase your strength to huge amounts because of the size increasing spells like in large person and legendary proportions also notice we don't have a major demonic aspect that increases dexterity we can however increase our strength with avakia for your mythic level 6 ability i would go with improved mythic critical and then kinetic blast just a note deadly earth because it doesn't require an attack road to hit the enemy you can't really critical with it however we can critical with our kinetic blade ability which we will get as a free action because of the aspect of kalavakus when tripping the enemy of deadly earth for another lower aspect at mythic ring 6 go with incubus to increase your damage rose for kinetic blade and also the difficulty class of your abilities for mythic level 6 well we already have the best abilities really for our kineticist demon you can go with master shapeshifter but i don't recommend it because whenever you change into a demon form you will lose access to your kinetic blade thus highly reducing the damage of your deadly earth and the synergy it has with kalavaku's aspect i would just go with archmage armor for even higher armor class even though chances are you won't be getting hit that much for another major demonic aspect shadow demon and for another lower aspect go with sheer to increase your attack bonus with your kinetic blade your mythic level 8 ability can be anything i would just keep it simple and go with mythic toughness as we do get normal toughness for even more hit points which do help a kineticist overcome their burn panel due to hit points your other aspect doesn't really matter i would just go with nabasu for now your level 9 mystic ability is also up to you honestly i would just go with always a chance so we don't fail our kinetic blade attack rolls if you roll one but you can overcome that easily by just casting fortune hacks besides that if you really want to have fun with a shape-shifter kineticists with the demon forms then you can pick master shapeshifter to benefit from the late-game very powerful forms such as merely and baylor of course for style points and a very high boost to constitution i'll actually pick it here just to show that even with the downside of not having access to your gather power abilities and kinetic blade a baler kinetics can still be very fun and any other aspect here can work i'll just go with babao as for your last mythic feat at level 10 and as a demon we do get early access to mythic rank 10. i would just go with mythic snick attacker by this point you already have sneak attack from the bafflement book so why not and also aspect of anything really i'll pick rock now at mythic 10 we also get our demonic lord aspect at last i would certainly go with aspect of nocticula to share all of our rage powers unlike the baylor which only shares the normal demonic rage nokticola can share not only the normal rage but also all of the aspects that you have turned on at the moment so extremely useful and it is a free action so it doesn't cost anything in battle to use and lastly for a second aspect i believe aspect of arashka go is the best one for defense but if you don't care for it then aspect of sukhov ben off although we don't really have that many abilities as a kinethesis the target the enemy's saving draw besides let's say slick and grease because our deadly earth doesn't really have a safe intro and our trip and bow rush attempts well they target the enemies combat maneuver defense not their saving throws you can go with cabriri if you want to have massive healing but it doesn't matter that much or also about zuzu for one additional attack but we won't really be attacking on melee so overall i'll go with arashka go as far as gear for a kineticist you can just follow my general kinetics guide as i explain why i picked all of these and where to find them but when it comes to kinetics gear the items you really should be on the lookout for are the greater kinetic diadem and earlier on the normal version the lesser knowledge this wrote unfortunately there isn't a way of getting greater versions of this at the moment in the game unlike in king maker where we had the tiffling twins there's a lot more support for kinely's gearing king maker i think and of course the sigil of destruction to further increase your blast critical range alright so let's now talk about how to play dispute especially how the synergy between aspect of calavacco's and your deadly earth and other kinetic stabilities work from a gameplay perspective and this can also work as a damage showcase to show you how truly insane dispute can be we activate demonic rage while having aspect of calavacuzon after that all we have to do is use deadly earth or any other kinetic stability while powered by the pushing fusion and also the bioling infusion let's drop our deadlier somewhere around and here exploded already just look at that they didn't even get a chance oh man look at this so let's take the merry lift here for example first we do our deadly earth damage which is the stuprox of 161 damage as because it's a composite blast it applies the damage in two stacks of physical damage after that because of both the bowling and pushing infusion and the aspect of calavacco's we get two hole free attacks on every single one of these targets that were hit by our deadly earth and the best part is we can actually use our kinetic blade to proc these normal attacks as a free action and because the damage of our kinetic blade is already massive this can't even critical hit which is why the poor merry lift here also got two whole critical hits each dealing close to 1400 damage that's right and everything can be empowered further by the maximize and empower kineticist abilities i mean just look at that 1374 damage maximized and empowered and you can also add other extra sources of damage i have force and holy here so this single merry lift alone took what three thousand damage from just a single action we could even have quickened the deadly earth so we get you cast twice per round so that's what six thousand damage to put it simply everything was utterly annihilated in just a single casting even the mythic baler here that's how powerful a demon kineticist can be also don't forget that your deadly earth and some other kineticist area of effect abilities actually have friendly fire so you really don't want to hit your own characters with them after battle ends or during battle if you want your characters to move to the deadly earth zone all you have to do is is use the dismiss infusion ability by going to your ability tab then clicking it and selecting the deadly earth area so now we dispel it and it is safe for our own characters to move there you can even hit those pesky swarm enemies with deadly earth so it's a very easy way of defeating them bam everything almost died notice how the gallows storm collar got tripped by our bowling infusion deadly earth and get this we actually have a 105 modifier to our trip attempts so honestly you can hit even the bosses on unfair the late game demon lords with this because our trip modifier is simply insane that's 105 modifier before the d20 roll and we can actually increase it even further by reducing the enemy's armor class which does reduce their combat maneuver defense such as having camellia use evo i for example and if you're wondering about the very early game well honestly all you have to do is keep spamming slick because nothing will be more efficient than just constantly greasing enemies in the early game especially the packs of enemies that are close together you soon also get pushing fusion to push enemies away from you after damaging them with your blast and proc more attacks of opportunities from party members don't forget you also get the wall power at level 11 which can make up for deadly earth which only comes at level 13 and after that well that's when the fun really starts now you might be wondering what is the difference between this guide and my general kinetic's guide well that other guide is focused on you know kinetics as a whole in a general way explaining how the mechanics behind the class works and there's a lot of unique mechanics for kineticses like the metacannasis feeds the element selection all of the different infusions you can get and so on and it's also meant to be a generic kind of build for any mythic path this one on the other hand is fully focused on the demon mythic path and the special abilities we get from it that have a lot of synergy with kineticist now lastly before i end this guide i know some people might say well what if they change aspect of kalavakus not to have this neat interaction with kineticists will this will become worthless and no not at all even if you don't get all of these chew free attacks on our deadly earth that lyric still remains one of the most powerful abilities in the game ever since king maker we can still do very high damage akinet assist still has lots of other abilities to use even if they change deadly earth not to work on winged mobs you can still use cloud wall and bowling and pushing infusion do work with disabilities as well you can still easily grease the enemies to the f2 because we do have infinite uses for all our abilities even if for example it is changed to only get the attacks when you are near the enemies so they fall under your reach even that's not going to change anything because you can just park your character behind your tank nearby the enemies while enlarged for very high reach and then simply cast down the earth where the enemies are as you easily proc your three melee attacks against them alright so this was it from my kineticist demon guide everyone i hope i managed to show you how very powerful demon kinases can be especially for area of effect damage as usual if you found this guide useful then please remember to support the channel if you can by liking subscribing and even becoming a member for some exclusive perks thank you for watching and see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 116,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, videogame, rpg, boss, unfair, pathfinder, owlcat, crpg bro, owlcat games, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, demon, demon path, demon mythic, pathfinder demon, pathfinder demon path, pathfinder demon mythic, pathfinder demon build, pathfinder kineticist, kineticist, kineticist build, kineticist mythic, demon kineticist, deadly earth, aspect of kalavakus, demon build, demon path build, kineticist guide, kineticist tutorial, pf kineticist
Id: PaM5X8xmTQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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