Pathfinder: WotR - The Commander Chooses Devil P.2

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the moment the commander enters the crossroads and steps onto the path leading to cannabis an impenetrable wall of fog descends on him like a heavy snowfall surrounded by this dense cloud it is impossible to see to hear or even to smell suddenly the outline of a colossal figure with long horns and three pairs of wings rises up in the distance the fog lingers for a moment more and then it retreats melee is a sipping wine from a goblet he looks bored but his eyes light up when he sees you he flashes you a cheerful smile commander we meet at last the time has come for me to judge your efforts i am afraid that i methodophiles the ruler of cana cannot allow you to return to cannabis until you have stood trial the arch devil mephistopheles is the ruler of cana the eighth layer of hell where he keeps many of hell's greatest secrets and contracts mephistopheles originated as the consciousness of hell itself pre-dating asmodeus's discovery of the plane when asmodeus and his followers entered hell following the exodus from heaven asmodeus traveled into cana and tore hell's very flesh from its bones reshaping it into a being he named mephistopheles the newly formed entity the first true devil pledged to oppose asmodeus's enemies as if they were its own and became one of asmodeus's closest lieutenants what does cannabis have to do with any of this why are you blocking my path face the truth commander you are not an aeon the aeons are born in space coalescing from pure energy a product of metaphysical forces beyond mortal comprehension you are a creature of flesh and blood a witch's experiment something unpredictable you cannot be infallible please understand commander that i only wish the best for you and galorian mortals cannot be allowed to meddle with the fabric of time it is too dangerous your actions and cannabis alone could affect the lives of thousands of beings across the universe you think you are promoting order i believe you are sawing more chaos instead how can we lawful devils do business in a world where even the past is subject not to universal laws but to mortal whims alas if you keep following the path of the aeon i will be forced to eliminate you so you are actually methodophiles well then i have some questions i want to ask you i'm sure you do by all means commander ask away why did you conceal your true identity i was playing the part of an impassive observer commander it would not have been beneficial for me to reveal myself i may have occasionally nudged you toward the correct decision but i have abstained from significant intervention in your affairs instead i choose to watch events unfold i must admit it could grow tiresome sometimes the problems of your little fort was so trivial however you were a constant source of entertainment there was never a dull moment with you commander it would be a shame if our beautiful friendship had come to an end so you were lying to me when you said your name was melis are all devils so deceitful mephistopheles smiles cheerfully his fangs are as sharp as daggers you won't meet commander melis is one of my many names and it is one that i genuinely treasure because it reminds me of how cunning mortals can be a long time ago when the world was young a devil came to a holy woman to seduce her he was so eager to claim her soul he failed to double check the contract the woman put her signature on the parchment but when the devil came to claim her spirit she just laughed at him is kana truly ruled by someone named maylie she asked if the devil had written the contract in such haste he actually misspelled my name of course i immediately corrected his mistake by adopting the name melis the holy woman did not escape me no one does the sinistal of hell has taken an interest in me but why your unique potential sparked my interest many different powers and entities have been watching you from afar but i wanted a front row seat and i have seen enough to want to claim you if you are found worthy of my gifts and patronage of course i have no more questions well don't be shy ask away i have all the time in the world remind me what do i stand to gain from becoming a devil you gain power strength and knowledge you might think that you have all of this already in dresden but your life on gloria is finite as far as i can tell it is swiftly moving toward its conclusion it is true that we are evil hell is cruel it is full of pain and suffering but there is an order to everything even the torture and torment hell is the model kingdom you seek to recreate and dress in we are harsh and ruthless but also fair and let's be honest judging from your actions you're probably going to end up in hell anyway when you die except that you have to start your career from the bottom like everyone else i on the other hand promise to immediately take you to the top how are you going to judge me the same way you judged orders in a court of law and of course we will need witnesses we are not going to break protocol the devil looks around it seems that we don't have a jury no matter i will assemble the wisest and most respected lords of hell i will be the judge the prosecutor and the jury of course you will have the right to defend yourself what do you say commander shall we begin are you worthy of hell's favor or you be sentenced to death let us find out sentence to death let me get this straight if you decide that i'm not worthy you're going to kill me melee's nods would mock sympathy dear mortal creature please try to understand you were not an aeon by birth you were made by a witch and that makes you unpredictable you are not infallible you cannot be allowed to meddle with space and time you would i'm afraid break more than you would fix i am ready to begin the trial melees looks pleased he claps his hands happily wonderful let us begin aye mephistopheles the ruler of cana will judge you littlefinger the commander of dresden now let us travel to the past when littlefinger discovered the power of aeon and took his first tentative steps on this path we aren't really going to travel through time of course i'm speaking figuratively we don't have the audacity of this self-proclaimed aeon when littlefinger began to solve petty and significant disputes brought up by petty insignificant people he immediately demonstrated a talent for diplomacy of course the humble devil malays had to prompt push and direct the commander to making the right decisions really you could say that melees became his teacher and mentor but the devil's tireless efforts have paid off the commander is beginning to stray from the false path of the aeon but that is all water under the bridge since that time the commanders made many decisions some of them were good and others were questionable he even tried to bring order to the abyss but let's continue our journey through the commander's past our hero departed the abyss and decided to punish everyone who had harmed resin but then something went wrong he could no longer summon the power of their yards and that is hardly surprising after all how can a simple mortal creature pretend to be an aeon it was a mistake for the commander to claim this mantle from the very beginning littlefinger this simply isn't your path but perhaps you'd like to say something my lords it is a great honor to be given so much attention everything i've heard so far has been very enlightening i'd like the judge jury to take my lack of experience into consideration before they declare the final verdict no galorean has ever become a neon before so this case is truly unprecedented very clever i like how quickly you've grasped the rules of the game your mental acuity does you credit but now that i have briefly described the life of our pseudo-eon we can now discuss the reason i call this court intercession it is not a neon's judgment that sets it apart from everyone else i am no aeon but i wear the mantle of judge very well as you can see no what's such an ayanna park is their ability to change the balance of the universe it is in the aeon's nature to seek the balance so when our pseudo-aeon found himself in the chaos of the world he chose to become a servant of order and then when he began to see distortions in space and time he decided that it was his duty to fix them the commander discovers distortions and of course bravely ventures there to recklessly hack away at the fabric of time as he sees fit lucky for us time is more resilient than it appears it has actively resisted the commander's interventions and events remained unchanged everything is in perfect order but who can guarantee that things will end well the next time well littlefinger do you have anything to say for yourself it's time for you to address the court i'd like to remind the distinguished court that not even devils can measure the aon's influence on space and time therefore it is impossible to prove whether or not the number of potential contracts increased or decreased as a result of these interventions perhaps you could put the ripples in the fabric of time to good use and reap the benefits ah you have an eye for detail not bad not bad your pension for bureaucracy will get you far but let us continue so far i've been listing your achievements i may have occasionally been critical of your actions but now i simply wish to offer my compliments i know how succubuy have a habit of handing out so-called profane gifts to entice simpletons but you saw through the rules commander you rejected a gift from the lounging on alan shinra's throne this is a testament to your power of will i am impressed i will admit that i had my doubts i questioned whether you commander were truly worthy of entering into a special contract with me i wondered if i was jumping to conclusions because i was biased in your favor but the way you handled yourself during the trial was enough to convince me as usual i have been right this whole time so here's the final verdict the court finds you worthy littlefinger it is time for you to sign a contract with me forsake the false path of the aeon and embrace your true destiny as a devil you have what it takes trust me you belong in hell lawful devil mythic path i agree to sign your contract excellent then sign the contract and we will put an end to these formalities looks over the contract one more time than smirks excellent commander congratulations on joining the ranks of the devils now everything is perfectly legal allow me to join in on the congratulations commander i cannot help but note you've chosen your allies wisely i am sorry you chose hell but it seems this is our path in this war i hope this all pans out for you chief but this fella makes me feel a little uneasy all the same not a fan of contracts and laws me they'll have you tied up announced before you even realize it as modest be praised finally our lord has rewarded me for my faithful service oh no your service has only begun and the most valuable rewards lie ahead of you i ain't convinced you will have a brilliant career what should i do next the same thing you've been doing ruling defending dressing destroying demons putting things in order essentially and don't worry about the future because it's already predetermined from now on you're part of hell will you teach me the devil's craft what would be the point why teach someone already skilled at everything i'd rather carefully guide and push you toward the right decisions the devil's craft is a lifelong journey not something that can be taught you look pleased what's the catch mephistopheles smirk grows even wider why must there be a catch i'm simply glad i've acquired such a valuable supporter in you i hope our other supporters will be equally glad safe travels should you wish to talk i'll wait addressing and by the way mephistopheles eyes glint always remember that you're not alone allies may arrive in dresden any minute to pay their respects to you
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 9,066
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Keywords: owlcat, owlcat games, owlcat pathfinder, pathfinder, pathfinder wotr, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wrath of the righteous, devil pathfinder wrath of the righteous, devil pathfinder wotr, devil pathfinder 2e, pathfinder devil mythic, pathfinder wrath devil path, becoming a devil pathfinder, melies pathfinder wrath of the righteous, melies pathfinder wrath, mephistopheles pathfinder, mephistopheles pathfinder wrath of the righteous, mephistopheles pathfinder wotr
Id: Va32VGRLtOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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