Pathfinder: WotR - Legend Crusade Mgmt Is BANANAS

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[Music] greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder rather righteous this time i wanted to show you some of the crusade options you get on the legendary path this is absolutely crazy i have not been through all the mythic paths yet of course but i can't imagine that any of them have an act 5 storyline for the crusade that is more wild than this so let's go ahead dive right in can't wait to show you all this content the most unusual congregation of creatures imaginable appears before your eyes my greetings to the commander of the fifth crusade an imposing devil who towers over everyone else speaks first we have never met before but i have been watching you closely for a long time i am methodophilus ruler of cana and archdevil of hell i have come here to support your crusade in its final push against the abyss a familiar angel with one demonic wing bows her head before you in greeting greens to you my liberator so many different forces have come to aid you in your final stand i knew i had to be one of them zacarius hero of the first crusades is ready to stand under the banner of the crusaders the skeleton cladded spellcaster robes says gloomily his eyes boring into yours i will gladly help you child i remember your kindness and the purity of your thoughts a little dragon with iridescent wings is busy looking around her eyes burning with untamed curiosity you must be a great hero nancy my name is avu i'm a dragon an incredibly cute and adorable dragon but i guess you could already see that for yourself i've come from ellusium to help you what's the word i memorized it especially to help you with morale and i'm really really good at it if someone feeds me cookies in advance or maybe pies or even a small cake and don't you worry about the demons hurting me hollow what's the scale so keep an eye on me he doesn't know about that yet but i know he'll agree abu triumphantly sticks her nose in the air i am still terribly offended that you abandoned our common endeavor so-called banan says with a pout but i am willing to set aside my hurt feelings for the sake of a little adventure together chamira's vivid fiery red mane seems especially bright today the daemonist looks truly regal with her glowing eyes and proud posture i have come to flex my muscles a little and to have some fun even alan shinra's intrigues can get a little tedious after a while the arded dream wishes to shine again why have you decided to help me the existence of the world wound and the glowing influence of the demon lords runs counter to the interest of hell they always have but i cannot openly help you before commander since your power was affiliated with certain entities and stemmed from an unreliable source now it's a completely different story i am not prohibited from helping a simple mortal you saved me what more reason do you need but i will say this by rejecting the gift of the cursed our relu you have shifted the balance of power now you do not belong to any other side to any other plane except for your native material plane you can choose your own path and this means that various powers can now come to your aid without destabilizing this balance if hell comes to help you heaven must do the same if not more that is why i am here i hope that one day i will have amassed enough courage to eliminate our lose gift the angel spreads her demonic wing i am not as brave as you but at least i am ready to stand by your side shoulder to shoulder with you against the abyss by rejecting your mythic power you have undermined narciculus authority shamira's size with feign sadness creatures from every plane witnessed her argument with i am a day virtually everyone who could watch it did the lady in shadow is not accustomed to being rejected especially not so publicly the thought of how upset and hurt she is fills me with genuine sorrow for that feeling alone i am going to help you music to my ears so-called phenomena softly shamira my dear we should meet like this more often informally in the world of mortals as for me i need no specific reasons for coming here i do what i want when i want and how i want but i must admit the way you showed up my sister nakticula greatly influenced my decision to be here the demon lord gives you a breezy smile wetting his lips with the tip of his black tongue i swore an oath to help the crusaders and this oath is stronger than death the lich states gloomily you failed to become the worthy success i had hoped for but in your current state i suppose i can stoop to helping you a great battle is upon you child and i cannot stand to one side and merrily observe especially not now that you have rejected your mythic power and demonstrated unimaginable strength of will i need some decoration a fluffy tassel or maybe a titan trident the little dragon having clearly grown bored while the others went on with their speeches examines the tip of her tail pensively announcing do you have a big blue fluffy tassel or maybe even a red one i need a decoration for my tail what were you asking again why did i come to help you well it just seemed very interesting how can i miss something like this how exactly are you planning to help me we have brought reinforcements for your army moreover we are planning to join your march to threshold when you are ready to go there mephistopheles says answering on behalf of everyone we will assume the functions of your guard and rear guard to ensure that no other powerful beings suddenly decide to join the game welcome to the crusade perfect we will accept your hospitality and stay here in the city we will wait year until you muster enough forces for the final march the dragon before you holds her head high and slowly waves her tail to and fro obviously trying to impress you hello nancy we don't really know each other yet but that's all right you definitely need a dragon advisor and now you have a dragon advisor a dragon child advisor to be precise you know i flew around dresden and i listen to what your crusaders are saying basically they're cowards i'm not afraid to fly to war with demons but they are they mumble about those mythic powers of yours how much they relied on them and on and on and then you had to go and refuse them and now everyone is talking how can we defeat the demons and they are worried does it sound like i'm sneaking around and telling tales but i'm not i'm giving you advice you need to find a way to calm these cowards choice effect ends provide 75 additional finance points supply centers provide one additional material point sanctuaries provide one additional energy point if you say you won't let them panic and you punish the gossip mongers if you talk to the soldiers you're raised crusade morale and maximum crusade morale by 15 if you allow them to leave if they are afraid the cost of building construction reduces by 15 the cost of recruiting mercenary units reduces by 10 percent [Music] what a great idea those who are afraid will be able to go to home to their mothers and fathers and many new friends will come to us and no one will be sad the little dragon youngs i like being an advisor but it's a little boring let me think maybe i want to be a general instead how about a mayor maybe a cute dragon everyone gives candy to well i think i will ask someone else to advise you while i make up my mind the demon lord so-called bernanke blows you a sensual kiss there he is my very favorite mendez crusader commander of all time i admit i love reckless mortals but never i've seen such folly as when you decided to confront the whirlwind without your mythic power i love such madness so i want to support you in your suicidal campaign since you will not accept help from the abyss i know this much i have come up with an interesting idea that is in no way connected to any other planes i have several admirers among the leaders of the aspis consortium i indulge their sins and cravings for forbidden pleasures and they pray to me if i tell them to they will offer their support to the crusade the best instructors for your warriors superior equipment gold mercenaries and all this to improve the public perception of the consortium as they put it tempting is it not limit yourselves to equipment you get asked this equipment all units have all units gain a plus two bonus to the highest ability score a plus one bonus to attack and damage and a plus three bonus to ac skilled instructors you get aspects instructors all your units have a plus four bonus to constitution and if you can manage without the consortium's help you increase crusader morale by 10. skilled instructors magnificent let these layabouts do something useful for once in their lives enough lollygagging in the gods forsaken kingdom of goran where they pretend to train rebel troops and so my dark deed to help the crusade is done let someone else pick up the slack from now on unfortunately for you there is no shortage of volunteers the angel's eyes flash with anxiety as well as sincere sympathy a nazi we promise we would not sway you to our side and thus prevent mortals from deciding their own fates but this does not mean we will not assist you now that you've renounced your mythic power you need help more than ever if this war is a mortal war gallorion should know this tell those who believe higher powers watch over them that their fates now lie in their own hands we are ready to spread your words throughout galorean you can reach out to us to call on the commoners for help address powerful kings or appeal to mysterious and influential organizations tell me what kind of help you need and we will do the rest address the people recruitment growth for trainable units increases by twenty percent the number of available mercenary units increases by one influential organizations all generals grain the influential mentor feat all generals have a plus 4 bonus to power and a 100 bonus to energy asking rulers to send their elite guards gives combat education all units get a plus four bonus to all ability scores we'll go with influential organizations so be it i hope you mortals will be able to rally and overcome the ever-growing threat of the abyss i will pray for your victory farewell a nazi we will keep our promises and we will return when we know how else we can help you the lich zacharias arrives accompanied by a tall old man his broad shoulders and proud posture make it clear that this man was once a warrior and his stern face is covered by the ritual scars of the peoples of garund zacchaeus voice is dry and commanding a nazi i want you to listen to this mortal and accept his gift before he embraces merciful oblivion you must not tarry he looks so ancient i think you may need my magic if you wish to hear his story through to the end the lich gestures for the old man to speak a familiar face if you've played king maker before the old man nods with dignity and hands you a pair of braces carved from the bark of a tree his deep and sonorous voice rolls over the entire fortress commander this relic holds great power my own power not power borrowed from another i poured all my zeal and courage into them but seventy dry seasons have since passed and it is now time for us to part accept my gift and may it bring you good fortune but first hear my story if you have no interest in hearing the story the legendary ring the braces grant to wear a plus five deflection bonus to ac a plus five natural armor enhancement bonus to ac plus five resistance bonus on all saving throws and a plus six enhancement bonus to all ability scores it can only be equipped by the player character why did you bring this man to me because you must win this war once the war wound is defeated the bar holding me here will become void and i will be free once more after a century my rash vows will finally stop ruining my own life but to win even you need guidance and you are off so obstinate you rejected all paths that were open to you you refuse both not ticula and i am a day you're a difficult case but there's a reason i'm known as a good mentor i found a piece of wisdom that would be useful to you who are you vulnerable one and what is your story my name is verat and i hail from the chag tribe that dwells in far away garund since ancient times our tribe has waged war against the nearby hassi tribe because the spirits of jog and house were at war that we mortals followed the spirits when i was 15 my father the chief of the child was slain by the hassi i took his spear and donned his war mantle i became the new chosen one for the spiritual child and led them into battle the old man's voice resonates with strength and dignity and i was mighty the spirits loved me enemies fled for me we punish the horsey and avenge my father and many warriors that came before him we inflicted grievous harm and grave wounds we broke their spirits as they had broken ours i know you know nothing of this war but it was cruel and bloody and it consumed our lands thousands perished a confrontation of spirits that the other side of the world and you haven't even heard about and then i put an end to everything i remember the day as if it were yesterday we waited until the haasey warriors had gone hunting and crept into their village to kill their wives and children and desecrate their idols and then i had an epiphany i realized this war between the spirits had enslaved us mortals and turned us into their playthings and so i threw down my spear and war mantle i left and went out to the desert where i found alone with a tree and carved bracers out of its bark i poured all my anger and resentment into their making and then i returned to end the war we made peace with the hassi tribe and together we banished our jealous spirits oh how they tried to win my friendship with gifts of bright feathers and shining metal but from that day on i relied only on the braces i carved from the bark of a dead tree though i may be old i can still defeat any enemy for my braces contain my strength and warrior spirit i chose to be mortal and not the chosen one of higher powers i chose freedom and unfettered will and i never regretted it so now that i respect your path and am proud of you my fated brother what kind of braces are these these braces hold the resentment we mortals bear for the inhabitants of other worlds who seek to impose their wills and inanimately upon us while they were on my arms i performed countless amazing feats and emerged victorious from battles with truly terrifying foes look closely at this artifact and you will know you have never seen its equal it is the work of arcane art from a bygone era look closely at this artifact and you will know you have never seen its equal it is the work of arcane art from a bygone era you should thank me and your destiny that you have the honor to witness such a treasure even once in your life this place also has demon spirits who seek to impose their will on mortals why should i take your braces when i can have a warrior of legend will you answer my call or have you grown too old to heed it an invincible general season in many wars is recruited the old man is obviously in pain he winces and straightens his shoulders i was already old when i challenged arborus of 100 malls but i was not afraid do you think i am afraid now i may have witnessed many dry seasons but my strength is always with me in these very braces and if evil spirits attack mortals here and my fated brother calls me to war i will answer his call our business here is done make good use of my gift and i'll go back to my magical research i've clearly given you enough help so i'll finally be rid of this annoying devil and boisterous dragon from now on let them shower you with presents the young dragon bounces excitedly have you seen them yet did anyone tell you so many mortals have come to dresden and they all want to live in your realm and help you we did our best we did so good the devil winces stop confusing the commander mephistopheles his head to one side and addresses you but we did well each of us your assistants has made an effort to bring our flock to dresden they're ordinary mortals and they all have different beliefs and opinions among them are saints and demon worshippers ellusium revolutionaries and necromancers drunken fools and wise dragons they have almost nothing in common aside from one thing they care for glorion and want to help defend it it is amazing to see how mortals of such different creeds do not fight one another but instead wait patiently at the gates for you to announce the terms on which they can join your crusade only and alan shinra have ever before seen such a bizarre mix of peoples what's your interest in this matter interest how funny we're just trying to help you win this war take these mortals and do whatever you like with them we have no claims over any of them i swear that none of us have ulterior motives we merely spread the word among mortals and we will not use it to gain leverage over you this is our way of helping why did they all come to dresden because you said you would live as you wish and think for yourself and neither nocticular nor i am a day nor anyone else can tell you what to do these newcomers also want to live as they wish and think for themselves everyone is different but equally free and they believe you will allow them to live as they wish all these mortal fear and hate each other but they are even more afraid of the world wound and they are ready to fight against it so they came to the only person who will lead them in this fight what good will these new citizens do for me and so the bargaining begins my favorite part of any deal well i would advise you to take their knowledge as payment each group that came to dresden knows many magical secrets ask them to share this lore and their treasure trove of wisdom will become yours a profitable power position is it not nonsense we brought an army to your dera steps so use it you're waging war and we gave you soldiers so allow them to join the ranks of your army and spill their blood for your victory that's silly i've looked at these travelers and i can say this some of them are really amazing enchanters and artisans who can make all kinds of things maybe even toys we should give them a chance to prove themselves they will probably come up with something unexpected and that means wonderful let those who think i should accept magical secrets as payment from the new citizens speak out i think i will speak for this option why should we exact payment from the weakest members of these groups the ones were prepared to send to slaughter when we could tax the strongest let them share the secrets of their power magic and mysteries it would be fools to demand payment and steel when you can demand knowledge your guests have accumulated many arcane secrets and this is the best time to find them out who thinks i should replenish the ranks of my army with these new recruits i do a strong army is half the battle and these soldiers are not only strong but also diverse you will be able to assemble a whole so multifaceted and unconventional that there will be no problem they cannot solve if they wish to live in peace and dresden let them earn this right by taking up arms to help us who thinks these newcomers skills and expertise are sufficient payment me learning new things is so interesting and fun and there are so many different mortals here and they all know all kinds of different and fascinating things don't you wonder what they can bring to the crusade the loud dragon child made a good point my dear sister nakticula returned alan shinra into a city that welcomed visitors from all planes and this diversity brought her both wealth and power surely we are no less intelligent than my arrogant sibling i have no more questions i hope so i'm not used to such extensive meetings let us resolve this matter quickly all right if i have them share their magic you will unlock innervation infernal might time manipulation and song of deceiving thicket rituals if you allow everyone willing to fight in the crusade you will get heaven warriors the dragon army you will be able to summon rolikai and get ninja pirates vampire ninja pirates what in the hell being pirates vampires and ninjas at the same time these warriors are the combination of everything most awesome in the entire world vampiric shurikens holy smokes that's ridiculous do i get that as a lich please tell me i get that as a lich let our guests demonstrate their unique talents all units will gain sound mind demonic rage and all generals gain the dragon's knowledge plus a to power that's crazy and the effect of positive around the chance of additional action doubles for all units we'll go with five i will accept everyone willing to fight in the crusade you didn't disappoint me i see a true general before me one who can crush innumerable hordes before he relies on only one thing the power of his loyal army it seems i was not wrong to bet on you by uniting mortals of all creeds and convictions under your banner you will finally accomplish the impossible you will banish the whirlwind from the face of galorean i am glad to see the fate of the material plane rest in the hands of a true warrior i believe that under your command this motley army will not only win but will lay the foundation of a powerful alliance please accept my compliments o wise one the devil's voice rings with triumph it seems we did an excellent job helping you commander now it is up to you to prove that mortals have the right to determine their own fates that they have the right to decide for themselves who to love and what to hate what to believe in and what to despise and that no power in the universe has the right to impose its will on them protect galorean from intruders and become its legend i hope to see this city as a peaceful settlement not a fortress i wonder how many buckets of paint it would take to paint one tower what if you then wanted to paint speckles or dots on it for some reason she's bugged and gives the same dialogue as abu such a pleasant way to unwind i just can't wait for the main course the battle for threshold we're about to be very naughty storming threshold and closing the wound in one fell swoop i would prefer a more orderly consolidated approach to the crusades in general but even with what they have now it is possible to achieve the primary goal to close the wound did i like this city when i was alive i cannot recall but there is too much hustle and bustle now [Music] [Music] so get out of our world demons shoo abyssal minions you should have killed me right away instead of tormenting me in captivity you will pay for leaving me alive and here i am fighting demons yet again will this ever end we will win if not us then who the demons have always tried to surpass hell in the acquisition of souls and they have always failed these demons are so icky don't they ever wash it all even fighting them is gross ew do not expect me to do all the work this entire crusade can curl up and die for all i care this is cheating bringing a demon lord to a fight with demons poor things i even feel a little ashamed delightful bloodshed when i ascended to the throne of alan shinra there was a slaughter just like this one once you step close to the core of the world wound the poison of the abyss within you will try to rebel be stalwart my kid all right and that is the video just in case you all were curious yes when you are halfway through the threshold and the fight starts outside of the fortress with the companions that you do not bring with you all of these legendary figures will join in the fight to help wipe out those demons it is absolutely fantastic hope you all enjoyed this content if you did please leave me a like down below share this video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 8,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: owlcat, owlcat games, owlcat pathfinder, pathfinder, pathfinder wotr, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wrath of the righteous, legend pathfinder wrath of the righteous, legend pathfinder wrath, legend mythic path, legend mythic paths wrath of the righteous, legend mythic path wotr, legend crusade management, crusade management wrath of the righteous, crusade management pathfinder, crusade management wotr, crusade management pathfinder wrath of the righteous
Id: jAiD9AYtefo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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