Pathfinder: WotR - Ranking 199 Classes Part 15: Oracle & Archetypes

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readings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we are back again with more Pathfinder wrath to the righteous let's get things off with Oracle a class that uses Mysteries and Revelations to heal your allies or devastate enemies we've already reviewed the mechanics so I'll let you know right up front I rank this class in a oracles are absolutely fantastic for both healing and casting Divine spells there's a lot of Versatility in what they can do that makes them a very interesting class to play the first archetype is divine herbalist you lose two rankings of Revelations which obviously harms your ability to customize this class in exchange you get healer's way which basically works like lay on hands except it cannot be used against the undead at level 7 you gain an upgraded version of this ability that will also clear harm the buzz from allies if you can pass the Lord nature check that gets more difficult depending on what the debuff is if you fail this fact there are penalties but that's not a problem since you get another mechanic to help with those checks I am not a fan at all of trading two Revelations for this ability the healing isn't good enough for you to forego having a main healer and if you have a main healer there really is no need for a secondary one most of the long lasting debuffs are easily clear with a scroll so I just don't see this is worth it if this is your main healer then maybe it's useful but otherwise it's a waste you also lose the ability to gain class skills from your mystery instead you gain a competence bonus on Lord nature checks equal to half your Oracle level and you use your charisma modifier instead of wisdom when attempting Lord nature checks obviously this goes a long way towards clearing those healers way DC checks finally you gain brew potions which allows this character to brew potions while you are camping potions are definitely nice but some of the DC's to create good ones get really high so I'm not sure how effective it is to have your potions maker be someone who doesn't specialize in intelligence overall I give this class A C because I don't believe it serves any purpose clearly the extra abilities are meant for healer but if you are the main healer then you are probably choosing the life mystery and there are several really nice Revelations to choose from with this class you wouldn't even be able to channel energy into level three next on the list is enlightened philosopher on the sheet it says you get two Revelations but when going through the first level I was only able to choose one and the wiki says you can get two so I assume that's a bug and we should have two Revelations up front you lose the bonus spells that your mystery usually provides and instead get a set list of bonus spells Al's wisdom at level 4 remove blindness at level six confusion at level eight true seeing at level 10 owl's wisdom mass at level 12 true scene communal level 14 mind blank at level 16 and finally mind blank communal and level 18. all in all not a bad list you get a plus three bonus on knowledge World checks and if you have at least 10 ranks in that skill the bonus increases to six if you enjoy cooking or perhaps making posters with your Oracle then this will be very useful to you you lose one ranking of Revelations in exchange you get mental acuity this will give you an inherent bonus of up to plus five to intelligence as far as I could tell this is worthless Charisma is still your casting stat and nothing you get interacts directly with intelligence it will help you clear knowledge World checks but obviously with the skill focus feed at level one you don't really need help in that area finally you lose the level 20 Revelation and keep in mind you will also lose the final Revelation if you take a second mystery in exchange you get a different final Revelation which provides a bonus on all saving throws equal to your charisma modifier and Immunity to confusion exhaustion fatigue nausea and sicken effects you can also take up 20 on all knowledge skill checks finally once per day after dying you are revived with four maximum hit points obviously this is all very nice and will help whatever build you have created overall I give this class an A minus I think the loss of a revelation and mystery spells hurts but this is something different that is exceptional in its own way the next archetype is Lone Strider you lose two Revelations which again makes it harder to customize your build you also lose the full list of mysteries and instead must choose one that adds Lord nature to your list of class skills in return you get reclusive stride which increases your land speed by 10 feet at fifth level once per round you can get a plus 20 bonus to AC against the first attack of opportunity at 10th level you can teleport as a move action a number of times per day equal to three plus your charisma modifier technically all of this is great but my problem is I feel like the abilities are geared towards a melee Oracle the loss of Revelation is really hurts that because you need several of them to become equally competent to more martial classes not to mention you cannot choose the battle mystery here which is probably the best one for melee oriented oracles so honestly I think the loss of Revelations and Mysteries pushes this class towards being a caster and unfortunately that renders reclusive stride to be not nearly as useful at level 7 as a free action when there are no enemies within 10 meters you gain 20 concealment for one round at level 14 this increases to 40 percent for what either you are a Caster in the back of the group who is rarely getting hit so concealment doesn't help that much or you are a Melee character and will almost always have enemies within 10 feet you could try to slap this on right before a fight starts but remember it only lasts one round so it's not really long-term protection concealment is fantastic but I don't believe this is a good application of it overall I give this class A B minus there's probably a particular mix of Revelations and a mystery that works well with these mechanics but overall I think it's weaker than the base class and I am not sure what audience this class is supposed to serve next up is possessed Oracle you lose one Revelation which slightly impacts your ability to customize your build in exchange you get two minds which provides a bonus of up to plus four on saving throws against mind-effecting effects this bonus is not bad in and of itself but it's certainly not worth losing a revelation so this is a poor trade you also lose the ability to choose a curse and instead are forced to take powerless prophecy this isn't a bad curse Choice as the plus 4 bonus to initiative is really nice for some characters overall I give this class A B it's serviceable but honestly there's nothing special happening here so I don't see an overwhelming reason to take it next is purifier which is the asamar specific class you lose the ability to get the entire line of cure on flick spells added into your Spellbook in my opinion this is actually a big deal and impacts your ability to be a competent healer you also lose three rankings of Revelations which again significantly impacts your ability to customize your Oracle in exchange you get sacred Scourge which allows you to channel holy power to damage evil Outsiders this scales off your charisma modifier which should be Sky High so this should be a very powerful ability at level 7 you get your first of four rankings in Celestial armor at first it just allows your armor to weigh half as much and you get armor training as a fighter who has four levels below your Oracle level at level 11 you gain heavy armor proficiency this makes it easier to place the purifier right up front in the thick of combat also at level 11 you get sin eater which allows you as a full round action to literally consume a curse enchantment or emotion effect you must clear the spell check that gets a bonus from your charisma modifier which again should be Sky High if you succeed at the check the effect is cleared however your Oracle will be sickened for 1d4 Rounds this is actually really interesting at higher difficulty levels some of the curses and enchantments are very difficult to remove forcing you to basically separate some party members and wait them out having this would make those situations easier to deal with overall I get this class in a minus I still don't think it's quite as good as a base Oracle but it does stand on its own merits next on the list is Seeker you lose two rankings of Revelations which again is impactful in exchange you get trickery as a class skill and can add half your Oracle level to any trickery skill checks this lets you use your Oracle as the main trickery character even though you won't be focusing on dexterity depending on what party members you prefer this might be useful at level five you get the first of three rankings in Seeker bonus Feats these are Feats that revolve around you being a caster and I think it's a fantastic exchange for two Revelations since as a Caster you don't need nearly as many Revelations as you do when focusing on melee I write this class A Plus and honestly believe it's an upgrade over being a base Oracle if you prefer to be in melee range then base Oracle or purify is probably better but I think Seeker makes the most of what the Oracle kid can provide quick note before we review wind Whisperer if you enjoyed this video I would really appreciate you subscribing and hitting the like button this information tells me which content the channel is enjoying and helps my video spread to more people I really appreciate all of the support okay finally let's review wind Whisperer you lose the ability to choose your own Mystery and instead must take win win has a pretty nice ability so this isn't a bad choice but of course the loss of Versatility hurts you also lose two rankings of Revelations which again is slightly impactful in exchange at level 7 you get haste of the win which allows you as a swift action to give all allies haste for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier for the most part this is useless since you will almost certainly have somebody on a regular basis casting haste on the entire group the only reason I don't write this off is you do get ambushed a lot while traveling the global map and it's a pain to burn a standard action giving your team haste having someone who could do it as a swift action in those situations is nice I still don't think it's worth losing a revelation for though at level 15 as a swift action you can give all allies the freedom of movement spell as I have said before playing through core I never use this spell it was a necessity in King maker and it has his uses here but again I don't think it's worth losing a revelation overall I give this class A B minus the Hast ability is useful in a pinch and wind is a pretty cool mystery but I don't think this is worth picking up compared to his peers that wraps up my rankings for Oracle and all of its archetypes in summary I rank Oracle a Divine herbalist C enlightened philosopher a minus lone Strider B minus possessed Oracle B purifier a minus C a plus and wind Whisperer B minus hope all of you enjoyed this video if you did please leave me a like share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already I will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 11,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SbiNHketwRA
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Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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