Pathfinder: Kingmaker Beginners Guide to Creating a Character

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hey guys welcome back this is a brand new video we're gonna be doing a beginner's guide to creating a character and Pathfinder kingmaker we just recently finished playing through this on a twitch channel a link down below to that it took us about six weeks to play through this game nearly every single day I think it I spent about 250-300 hours getting to the end this is an amazing RPG in the vein of baldur's gate if anybody's interested I have done it before you buy video for this game I'll throw it up on the screen right there anyway let's jump into it let's create a brand new character I'll try to explain everything as best as I can to help out the new people who might be coming into this experience a little bit overwhelmed so the first thing you're gonna do is select a portrait let's create some kind of like paladin fighter let's create like a really classic class I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with a paladin so let's select this guy he looks like a badass so immediately right on this screen right here it's a little bit crazy right I know so first of all there's your portrait up here these are your list of stats we'll get to those in just a second the big thing I want to talk about right now is this list on the left-hand side this is your the choice of race of the character that you're going to be creating and one thing to just keep in mind right here is this is really the key area that you want to look at right here because this is going to explain the traits of your choice you'll see if I select alpha they change the awesome thing about this game is that when you hover over things you get this nice little pop-up window that explains what these things actually are one other thing to just keep in the back of your mind when you are choosing your race for your character is that notice as you click down this list your base attributes do change for some of the classes you can see dwarves get a bonus to Constitution a bonus to wisdom but they lose some charisma I'm gonna go with an azimuth for this one check these little bonuses out so asthma's have this ability called light halo they can manifest a halo they can create a light sensor on their head at will while using a halo they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled that could be really useful as a paladin so they have acid resistance five cold resistance five and electricity resistance five what that basically means is if something attacks you with any of those acid cold or electricity and let's say they they would normally do ten damage they would only do five damage to this azemar Paladin because the five represents the amount of damage that they will have immunity to okay so moving over here we've got obviously we've got a male or female we're gonna go for a male this time it's pretty cool you can actually choose your left hand or right hand dominant we're gonna go right handed there's some very simple options for body type you can either choose a kind of a an average body type but really thin or super bulky I'm gonna go for the really chunky guy some really really simple like face adjustments as well here there's only a couple I'm gonna go for this stocky looking dude I'm also gonna go for a kind of a dark skinned guy let's let's check that out let's go through and pick a hairstyle for him oh I like that long-haired kind of Conan the Barbarian look yeah let's go for that and also give him a little beard actually that looks pretty damn cool let's go for all my goodness yes let's go for this wow this guy is already starting to look amazing I know it doesn't really look too much like the portrait but hey I like this really epic beard it's actually pretty cool let's go with that okay so let's go ahead and click Next now this screen is when things start to get a little bit overwhelming so we're gonna kind of take this slow this is the key area right here so now we get to pick our class and these are all the classes that are available for your character now you can choose any of these classes but just a really quick and small note you'll notice there are some classes right down at the bottom that are not currently selectable you can't choose them you can't start as one of these these are more like advanced classes and they have prerequisites that you need to meet in order to be able to use them or to level up in them we're gonna go back up here and we're gonna select paladin and look how badass our guy looks already this is just an example of what he'll look like this is pretty cool right here you can choose a primary color and you can choose a secondary I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep our guy like really golden yeah that's pretty cool golden black cool okay so now that we've selected paladin you'll see that this is opened up another little branch of choices right here now we can stay as just a flat basic paladin but there are now three different choices here think of it as three different kinds of paladin now when you choose one of these three archetypes you'll notice that this this window down here changes dramatically so first of all let's go through what these windows actually are this one over here is a very quick overview of the base stats spells beaches ability and class skills of your class and this window over here is more like a progression of how your character will grow from level 1 all the way to level 20 and this shows the skills and abilities that they will learn at specific levels so for example if we go for a paladin at level 4 the paladin will gain an additional use of smite evil and the ability to channel positive energy so with that in mind now you can go through and see what each of these skills are and see if they align with what you want your character to be it's actually a really cool way of getting a full overview of your character and how it's going to be to eliminate any surprises because of the skills that it's learned where you can check that out right here right now at the start I think that's pretty cool so we can't really go too much further without explaining the underlying system ie the D&D system or in this case Pathfinder system and that is is that every action or at least the outcome of that action is based on dice rolls now you can't actually see them because it's just random numbers happening all the time in the game but just so you know and can understand the terminology when you see something like a d20 roll right here that just simply means rolling a dice a 20-sided dice everything in this game revolves around these dice rolls again and it can be anything from a four-sided dice six-sided eight sided 10 sided 20-sided dice okay so i've decided to go for a divine I really like the sound of that and there's a bunch of extra stuff over here which a divine guardian gives me that I kind of really like so first of all let's take a look at the saving throws section right here you'll notice that no matter which archetype we choose the saving throw section doesn't change so it's always a plus two for fortitude and a plus two for we'll now that's basically because those are the saving throw values for being a paladin if we selected monk for example it changes + 2 - 4 - 2 + 2 - reflex so a saving throw can basically be summed up by saying it is your chance your dice roll to see whether or not you can avoid or reduce the effects of a non-standard attack hitting your character this isn't about a sword hitting your flesh this is more about a mage throwing a ball of acid at you and seeing if you can avoid it completely or reduce the effect now fortitude obviously is a little bit more based on physical punishment and that is attacks against your your vitality in your health a will saving throw is more to do with a resistance to mental influence as well as magical effects and things like that now reflex save is about dodging earlier attacks and unexpected situations like a trap going off and whether or not you have the ability to dodge the outcome of that trap so ultimately this + - bonus here means roll a d20 ad - - whatever it is that you roll okay so moving along to base attack bonus this bonus right here is a representation of your overall combat skill now it increases by +1 for every level you gain as this character so essentially the higher this number is the more proficient you are with whatever weapon that you are using so let's take a look at the features and abilities of being a divine guardian first of all we've got this one we've got paladin proficiencies which basically means as a divine Guardian I am automatically proficient with all simple and marshal weapons with all types of armor so I can wear heavy armor medium armor light-armored and i can wield all shields except for tower shields paladin's basically come pre-loaded with that ability there's a deity selection so I get to choose a god or goddess as my deity I have the ability to smite evil and without going into the nitty-gritty of the description of what smite evil is because you can get a little bit confusing in here think of smite evil as a skill that I get as a divine Guardian that helps me to defeat evil creatures so lastly there is an alignment restriction if you choose to play as a paladin paladin's must be lawful good if I at any time my alignment shifts from being lawful good I will lose all of my paladin abilities until my alignment returns so consider that if you do decide to play as a paladin you need to be lawful good which means most of your decisions are going to be about helping people and upholding the law lastly there's a little section here for class skills but we're gonna take a little bit more of a deep dive into those in just a little while because there's gonna be a whole new screen for these I'm also really happy with the way this class progression looks over over at this side so I'm gonna go ahead and click Next and now the first thing I get to do is an azimuth choose my heritage now this is actually really cool because as a as a standard as a'mma if we go over here standard as Amar's have a plus to racial bonus to wisdom and charisma I am actually quite keen on going for an angel so I'm going to go for having a +2 bonus to my strength and charisma and have a + to racial bonus on my law skill and my used magic device checks and I can also use the lesser restoration spell once per day so there's obviously a lot of choices here different choices and they basically amount to different racial bonuses and different skills and things like that but I'm gonna go ahead and choose angel kin next now this screen even though it looks really scary it's actually quite simple the screen is basically where we're going to allocate our ability points and allocate our skill points now everybody starts with 25 ability points and we can distribute these among our six ability scores and we've got two points over here to distribute among our skills now really quickly I just wanted to touch on the the ability scores and what each of them mean and how they relate to your character first of all strength is basically a measure of your characters physical power so it's really important for characters that are gonna be right in the front lines doing damage to enemies and it also determines the maximum amount of weight that your character can carry a dexterity is essentially a measure of your character's agility reflexes and things like that it's super important for rogue characters and characters who are you know trying to be stealthy or characters who are going to be using primarily ranged weapons don't forget your dexterity also improves your armor class Constitution is essentially a measure of your character's health and stamina so it's directly related to them your characters hit points and it also affects your fortitude saves intelligence is basically a measure of how well your character learns and reasons it's really really an important stat for wizards because it affects the way that they cast spells it's also the primary ability that allows bonus spells to be cast for a wizard so keep that in mind if you want to create some kind of mange character wisdom is a super important ability for clerics and druids it's also important for monks and some Rangers as well the score that allows your character to have really acute census the reason it's important for clerics and druids is because this is the ability that allows clerics and druids to get bonus spells based on their wisdom modifier and charisma is essentially a reflection of your characters personality their magnetism it's really important for paladins sorceress and bards it's important for paladins because they are you know they're they're likable people they want to be able to discuss and talk to people and persuade people and some paladin's can also use this charisma bonus to certain attacks and abilities that they may have now these little green thumbs up a recommended abilities based on your class choice which is pretty cool thing to have because if you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about D&D it's gonna be a safe bet to stick with the thumbs up and now you can distribute all of your points however you see fit between these abilities so you'll also see that we've already got a +2 to our strengths and a +2 to charisma and that came from the Heritage choice that we just made prior and you'll notice that what that actually led to is this modifier score over here increasing by +1 now why this is so important is because you'll often see these scores being referenced by various attacks by various saving throws and things just scenarios throughout the game will constantly be referencing your intelligence modifier or your strength modifier or your dexterity modifier this is what that is referring to and you'll see what take take a look at the strength modifier here and see it grow as I increase my strength you see it hits +2 now it's at +3 18 is +4 20 reaches +5 20 is also the highest you can crank any score up to at this level 1 something worth pointing out here also is is that the higher the score value the more ability points it consumes to increase the value by 1 so you can see a value of 2 right here so if I want to go to increase my strength from 15 to 16 it's going to use 2 ability points if I want to go from 16 to 17 another 2 ability points if I want to go from 17 to 18 I'm gonna use 3 ability points now I'm gonna distribute these fairly evenly I want some strength I want some Constitution and I want some decent charisma so I'm meeting up with a +4 modifier to my strengths a +3 modified to my Constitution and a +3 modifier to my charisma now those of you who are actually paying sharp attention would have noticed that as I was increasing some of these scores it was affecting other things on this sheet for example pay attention to the Meili attack bonus over here when I reduce my strength I remember when I was saying that this modifier score here actually references a bunch of other stuff or here's the first thing right here basically your strength modifier is added straight over here onto your Meili attack bonus and what is your Meili attack bonus well think of it as purely a score that represents your character's ability to hit another enemy with whatever weapon they are wielding same thing for Constitution you'll notice as I was lowering or raising that it affected my hit points hit points is basically your life you have 14 hit points if something deals 14 damage to you you basically drop unconscious to the ground and when you reach a negative number that is equal to your total hit points you die so at level one if if a creature did 28 damage to me at level one it would kill me instantly now charisma is a little bit different you notice as I raise and lower this it doesn't really affect my combat abilities my combat and maneuvers it doesn't affect my armor class saving throws or anything like that but it does affect some of my skills over here you'll notice that as I put my charisma down my ability to persuade people while I'm having discussions with them drops dramatically so this should give you a really good idea about how interlinked and intertwined everything is now if I take a bunch of these points away and I start adding them into for example wisdom you'll see some things start taking place over here law nature law religion and perception starts going up if I add intelligence you'll see that actually this a higher intelligence gives me more points to actually allocate on this list right here dexterity on the other hand you'll notice that dexterity increases my ranged attack that's that's weapons like short bows long bows any ranged style weapons it also effects things down here my armor class now one thing that I did want to talk about over this side now I'm not going to discuss combat maneuver bonus or combat maneuver Defense Initiative flat-footed armor class touch a see the speed because I think all of those are kind of they are quite in-depth topics and they really delve quite deeply into the bells of what makes D&D D&D but there is something here that I did want to touch on and that is armor class every character will start with a base armor class of ten think of armor class as the the number that when an enemy runs up to you and takes to swing at you with its axe it is going to be attacking your armor class so the higher your armor class is the more difficult it will be for any of your opponents to hit you now there are a lot of ways you can increase your armor class including wearing heavier armor equipping a shield or increasing your dexterity bonus so before we apply these two points into this list of skills think of these skills is like secondary traits that your character is good at for example are they very athletic are they extremely mobile you know do they have skills and trickery but things like disarming traps or opening locks are they stealthy do they have knowledge of magical items can they you know learn or borrow spells from spell books and scrolls do they have knowledge of the world do they have a high perception skill maybe they're able to persuade people when they talk to them or use magical devices I'm going to add one to my persuasion skill and I'm also going to add one to my law religions skill for my paladin basically these two skills are persuasion will allow me the ability to manipulate other people through negotiation deceit or intimidation and my law religion skill allows me to recall knowledge about Plains religions I can identify outsiders and undead creatures which means I can look at their stats so I can better understand how to fight them when when we're in combat I'm so I'm gonna go ahead with the law and persuasion but you can quickly see I hope that you guys can quickly see now that in pathline a kingmaker there's no way to build a character that is good at everything that's the beauty of it and one other quick note here you might think oh why did you put so much in strength Constitution and charisma why don't you distribute them evenly among all your stats honestly you can play that way if you want take a quick look let's see how high of the of stats we can actually get if we distribute them all evenly so we can basically end up with 14 and everything what this does is it will create a character for you that doesn't really excel at anything and they will be quite flat and ordinary and everything in the game and it's kind of not what you want ideally you want every character to be really good at something and have strengths and weaknesses rather than mediocre at everything and they don't really have any strengths or any weaknesses and the biggest reason for that is because in Pathfinder kingmaker you will be creating or you will end up having a full party of six characters and you want each of those characters to kind of complement the weaknesses and strengths of the others that way you're able to combat most situations so I'm pretty happy with this miasma angelic paladin you guys can clearly see that I'm going for that whole angel warrior kind of angle so let's click Next now we reached once again don't be scared by this this is our character progression and that we saw a couple of screens back the new thing is this one on the left here right at level 1 we get to choose a couple of abilities now we can choose any abilities we want from this entire list and actually elcan has done a really good job of separating these abilities firstly there is a thumbs up which is almost like a recommended hey we think that you should get this one right away it's also you know a whole list of other possibilities that you could choose and then a thumbs down section thumbs down section is typically not recommended for the class that you've chosen what you can also do down here is you can click to show the unavailable feats right now this gives you a full list of all of the feats in the game so I actually am going to go ahead and choose a weapon focus then what weapon focus does is it gives you a +1 bonus on all of your attack roles you make when you're using the weapon that you select so if you have a weapon and mine for your character if you envisage them using a giant axe then the weapon focus what you would do is you would choose the weapon focus feet and you would choose battle axe or you would choose a great axe right here for my paladin I'm gonna go ahead and go for the old classic so I'm gonna go ahead and select longsword for that and now we get to move on to our deity selection and here's where I get to choose a god that I follow as my paladin you can quickly see here that there are kind of good and evil deities here I'm gonna go for Yomi day you can see right there that the favored weapon is longsword the domain of glory good law son and war she's a goddess of righteous valor justice and honor that sounds pretty good to me so let's go with Yomi day next now we get to choose a voice for our character Mad Men Oh pious sounds pretty good so I really like the pious one I'm gonna go for that I'm you can set your birthday let's say the 16th of business let's go with that I'm gonna enter my name cares Vaughn Scizor hands we're gonna choose our alignment of course I have to be lawful good we talked about that earlier lawful good for a paladin we're gonna click Next and now we have our complete character this is everything that our character is this is basically what's typically called in D&D your character sheet so this let's l got our portrait here our hit points here it's got our class right here we are a level one divine Guardian these are our ability scores our bonuses right here I don't forget when we hover over them we can actually see a whole bunch of extra information and where that is coming from we can see our mainly attack bonus our range attack bonus we can see all the rest of our stats including our saving throws we have a full list of all of our abilities right here including all of the feats that are pre-loaded with this class and the extra feat that we chose when we had that choice and of course we have those traits that we got right from the very very start when we picked our class and race and all of course here are our total skills we don't have any spells here our martial qualities which are based attack bonus we have weapon proficiencies here and this is our resistance section over here which lists our 5 acid resistance 5 cold resistance and 5 electricity resistance which comes from this trait right here that we discussed at the beginning and that is pretty much it this is our brand new paladin has Vaughn Scissorhands the level 1 Divine Guardian I really hope that that was useful and helpful to people I know that this was quite a long video once again if anybody has any questions about this feel free to jump into the twitch channel discuss it talk about it say that you'd come through from YouTube and you were making a character and you wanted to discuss things there are a lot of people who are pathfinder fans who have recently joined the stream talk ask about things there'll be lots of people in the event available to help and of course I'll do my best to help you as well but I hope you guys enjoyed this if you want to see more of this kind of stuff more in depth breakdowns about Pathfinder in particular or even other games really I'm really do enjoy making this kind of video it's a little bit nerdy I might delve into some of the more advanced things such as flat-footed AC touch a see how all the rest of these things really intertwine with a lot of the deeper subjects behind D&D it gets really mathematical but I would like to make those kind of videos as well anyway you guys thanks for sticking through to the end and I will see you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: HazVsRPG
Views: 75,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder Kingmaker, Pathfinder Kingmaker Guide, pathfinder, game guides, pathfinder: kingmaker, guide, kingmaker, pathfinder kingmaker character creation, learn to play pathfinder kingmaker, pathfinder kingmaker builds, beginners guide to pathfinder kingmaker, pathfinder kingmaker playthrough, pathfinder kingmaker gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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