Pathfinder Kingmaker: How Not To Suck Part 1 | Beginner’s guide

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hello and welcome to the pirate spaceship so if you find yourself here you are probably considering playing Pathfinder King maker well let me be honest with you this is not an easy one especially for beginners it's a game that demands some strategic thinking some planning and most importantly a great deal of patience but fear not because I Morgan the cat put this guide together to make your journey a bit easier now King maker is a pretty big game so I'm gonna split this guide up and today we're gonna introduce the game and all the basic mechanics that you will encounter and since I'm a rookie myself there is only one thing you can expect that in truly pirate fashion I am gonna be very bad at this foreign [Music] kingmaker is based on Pathfinder a tabletop pen and paper RPG that draws from the classic versions of Dungeons and Dragons but since this is a video for rookies we are not gonna go into any of that you just need to know that a good chunk of the lore that you will encounter comes from the pen and paper version and the game will give you a glossary every time a concept comes up born from a crowdfunding project King maker was brought to life by owlcat games it is a single player strategy RPG where you will lead your character through adventures and requests to establish and Rule your kingdom as you start a new game you will have a lot of options in front of you so this page we skip entirely you might be tempted to change some of the settings because with the default ones the game looks almost easy well don't just move on to the next huge set of options the character creation system is a deep and intricate process if you don't want to spend too much time on this you can just use one of the pre-built characters and move on but if you want to make your own here's a quick guide first you pick a race which determines the type of creature that your character is such as human Elf or org there are eight races in total plus stiff links if you have the wild cards DLC each class comes with its own abilities and weaknesses so for example a dwarf would have an increased Constitution and resistance to poison while an elf has higher dexterity and Keen senses that make their perception better but penalized Constitution next is the class which defines the combat style of your character you can think of the classes what your character studied or trained for want to focus mainly on fighting with big heavy weapons then pick a character based on strength like a barbarian a fighter or a paladin want to make things go boom then go with an alchemist once you pick a class you can refine it with the archetype which gives your character even more specific skills for example you can make a rogue into a knife master or into an elderx scoundrel that can also cast some spells it ultimately comes down to how you want to play this on the battlefield now it's time to attribute points to the 6 main stats of your character you should aim to give more points to the two or three skills that match your class the Pathfinder system actually makes a lot out of calculations behind the scenes and you can always find out how everything works in detail by looking at the encyclopedia but you can broadly think of the main stats like this attacks are usually based on strength while Constitution accounts for resistance dexterity is a measure of your character's agility and it includes things like dodging incoming attacks but some characters like Rogues who are agility rather than strength bass can also use it in attacks intelligence is about thinking logically and learning so it's useful for classes like Wizards and Alchemists wisdom is basically how straight to Smart a character is and is key for classes that need to be very perceptive like Rangers and Druids finally Charisma refers to a character's personality and ability to inspire others and is important for classes like paladins and Barts these thoughts will be affected both positively and negatively by things like race equipment spells and conditions like diseases or poison if any of them drops below zero your character dies the next step is assigning points to your skills there are various types of skills based on the six main stats So based on the class and race each character will be particularly proficient in specific ones skills are used to determine if your characters can complete certain actions in combat while exploring and while camping for example picking a lock requires a trickery check while cooking requires a knowledge of the world one when making skill checks dice rolls are used behind the scenes so it can happen that if the first time you fail to disable a trap the second time you succeed or you fail even harder triggering the Trap and killing almost the whole party after that you will have a bunch more stuff to choose like defeat a special bonus that your character gets either in or outside of combat you will gain more of these as your character levels up with also some useful team ones the Spells available to your character if your class has any for some races or classes specific details or power like a favorite enemy type for Rangers and finally the alignment which determines the model of your character and how they think and behave alignment moves along two lines from good to evil and from lowful to chaotic which measures the attitude of your character towards things like law order and tradition this will partly determine some options available to you in dialogues and the attitude of other characters towards you and in turn it will be influenced by the choices you make you will also have some options to customize the appearance of your character as well as the portrait that will appear in dialogues and book scenes the appearance is probably the aspect of the game with more limitations and look at the smile this damn smile but to be fair it's probably also the least important thing because you won't see your character that much in details anyway so really just pick a portrait that you think represents your character best not like me stuck with this resting face the character creation screen will come back Less in detail when you will level up your characters you will have more skill points to assign and new spells to learn new fits to gain and more powers to unlock you will get to do this for all of your companions as well and if you don't want to do it you can just load the pre-made bills for them when you level up you can choose to add the level to your current class or multi-class your character taking levels in another class this will give your character the benefits of both classes but at a lower level and as a beginner I wouldn't do it at least for the first chapter of the game and if you want to experiment you will have Octavia who is a wizard and a rogue the story starts in the Mansion of the eldori and Noble family of Sword Lords in the nation of bravoy the leader of the house lady jomandi invited several adventurers to take part in an expedition to free the stolen land an unclaimed region west of privoy now unlawfully ruled by a gang of Bandits led by the Stag Lord those who managed to free the stolen lands will become button of the region now the eldori have some of the best militia in the country but why would you sacrifice your Noble sword Lord when you can form a party of penniless adventurers with the promise of a relatively useless title instead and obviously we are one of the adventurers this is actually a good spot to introduce the other members of the Expedition the first we meet is Lindsay a houseling Bart who got kicked out of art school for writing some satire on kingivereti and since then she traveled around looking for a hero worthy overpen she is a chaotic good character tiny and direct doesn't like anything that's evil and really just wants to write her books there's a Miri a human Barbarian who comes from a tribe where women are relegated as Housewives but she wasn't gonna have any of that she's a chaotic neutral character and basically only cares about fighting monsters to get increasingly bigger valade is a human fighter who ran away from an order of paladins because people complimented her too much she has a thing about proving her worth with her actions rather than her beauty which is cool yet she manages to be extremely uptight with everyone at some point she insults another character because he says that the sky is nice herim is the most pessimistic dwarf on the planet honestly he must have been the model behind Marvin the Android's true personality he was never able to forge anything which is kind of a big deal for dwarves so everyone abandoned him because they thought he was cursed he then found a new family in the worshipers of greatus the god of end times and thus since then been going around telling everyone that they will die soon jaital is an evil on the delft that I would not put in charge of an r d Department she got exiled after killing several family members for some of her experiments then she woke up dead and yes that's a thing when you're on that and since then is devoted herself to the god of death and Chaos or guitar oh and there's tartucho a gnome with a weird Obsession for the color purple and a very inflated sense of self he basically already declared himself the baron of the stolen lands even though you haven't even left the place yet so you mingle a bit with the guests then go to your room to rest for the Expedition on the day after in the middle of the night though a group of Assassins assaults the Mansion aiming for lady eldori here is where the tutorial starts you will have to make your way through the aldori Mansion back to the throne room and resist the attack picking up the other characters on the way the game has two fighting modes real time fighting and turn base in real time fighting you can choose a specific enemy for your characters to attack select specific moves but your party will do most of the stuff by itself this mod is good when you have to clear a place from enemies that are easily manageable and being faster it will save you some time honestly I'm not using this mode so much because I really like the turn-based fighting in turn-based mode each character will take a turn to move and attack or cast spells for each turn a character can take a move action and a standard action the move action can be used to move around for as many feet as the speed determined by the race and the armor allows it can also be spent to consume restorative potions or it can be switched for a 5 foot step in this mode a character will only be able to move 5 feet but they will not provoke any attack of opportunity so it's good when moving amongst numerous enemies if you move you won't be able to use 5 feet in the same turn but if you use your move action for something else then you will still be able to use the 5 feet the standard action is used to attack cast spells during potions or as an extra move action attack and move actions can also be combined into a full attack so characters will attack twice and you can use either your move action or your standard action to change your character's weapons then you have three actions and Swift actions you can take one swift action per turn while free actions are unlimited they are used to activate special abilities so things like having bonuses to weapons armors or characters this might seem like a relatively minor thing but actually they can be very effective some spells like the ones to summon a light creatures will take up both the move and the standard action some other spells will require a touch attack to succeed and some will create various combinations of actions the order in which characters take turns depends on their initiative if you manage to sneak in on your opponents you will also get a surprise round where your opponents will skip the first turn but you won't have your move action each character has specific abilities and weaknesses and spells and effects take into consideration all of those for example skeletons only take full damage from bludgeoning weapons while damage from other weapons against them is reduced by 10 points snails are immune to acid some trolls will be immune to Fire and so on and so forth the fighting system is actually a lot more in depth and complex than this it keeps track of things like combat Maneuvers the type of terrain the position on the map but since we are beginners we can ignore that for now the game mainly goes forward by exploration and dialogues dialogues are in text and you have options to choose some options will always be available able while some will be exclusive some options will only be available if you pass a skill check while some will require a skill check after you choose the reply some choices will require a specific alignment and or will influence your alignment as well as the opinion of your companions and sometimes the story too you will also encounter some book passages these are events in the game where you read what is happening as if it was written by Lindsay they work like dialogues and you will have options to choose from or you might have skill checks to pass and they usually come with some nice illustrations for example one of these will be already in the tutorial Mission when you will go through a building on fire and you will have to make a couple of decisions about running to jumandi or slow down to save a couple of guards who got trapped when you manage to get back to the throne room you will take part in a pretty big fight involving a frost Giant and stuff but don't worry too much because between the fact that you are gonna have a huge party and that jumandi is pretty op you won't really have a problem it's more like a battle to show you how cool the fights will become since for the next couple of level they're going to be really bad so you fight here and there there are lots of people that a proper massacre in the mansion and Lady eldori is like okay so I did notice all the dead bodies around but I don't really care we are gonna start the Expedition now at this point tertucho tries to cut you out by attempting to convince lady eldori that you were the spy for the assassins and several other things although he decides that she trusts neither of you anyways so she decides to organize two groups the other characters are free to go with whoever they prefer so if you were lawful you get Valerie otherwise you get harim if you were good you would get Lindsay otherwise you get Gentile Amiri will come with you by default because she just can't stand tartucho and honestly because without her your party would get nowhere until they reach at least level 4. at this point jamandi will send you and your newly foreign party to Olex Trading Post in the outskirts of the stolen lands here you will already meet the Stag Lords gang for the first time and then it will become your base for the whole chapter one you will be able to rest trade weapons spells and emotions and talk to your party members okay I think I talked enough for today stay tuned for part two where I'm gonna go through some tips and tricks for beginners that will hopefully help you in the game if you like the video consider leaving us a like and checking out our Channel thank you for watching and a goodbye from the pirate spaceship
Channel: Space Pirate Cats
Views: 9,501
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Id: 0WtdXNFjepw
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Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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