Pathfinder 2e Runes!

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that we can get on to the main event magic items but wait in Pathfinder you don't always have magic items you have magic runes which you then put on your magic items the benefit of a rune is that you can put it on any of your magic weapons or armor if it's an armor room that means you can even put it on that nice sword that you inherited from your grandma even though it's not a very good sword runes are often split up into two categories fundamental runes and property runes however personally I like to split runes up into three categories rooms garages and Furniture you know the furniture is the cool stuff that's where we get the cool runes like the Flaming Rune but unfortunately if you want somewhere to put your furniture you need a room this is the category that the potency runes go in in order to put a super cool property Rune on your weapon you have to first make sure you have a high enough potency Rune a potency Rune gives you a benefit a plus one to attack or armor that would be a you you guessed it an item bonus the number associated with your potency room tells you how many cool property runes you can put on that weapon or armor but we also have this third category garages garages are another kind of fundamental Rune you don't put Furniture in a garage but you don't need to put your garage in a room either these include striking runes for weapons which give you a bonus to damage or resilient runes for armor which gives you a bonus to saving throws so how do we put our runes into a weapon in order to do that you need the crafting feet and the Magical crafting feat then before you start etching the Rune onto the weapon or armor you need to know four things first the price of the formula for that Rune unless you already have it the price of the Rune or the desired item if you're gonna craft something else then you need to know a ratio the day per gold crafting ratio for your level and proficiency it'll be on a table in the rulebook if you want to be extra prepared then you can also figure out the day to Gold crafting ratio for the level 1 above yours this will all make sense in a second let's see how to etch a rune onto a weapon with an example first we need to know the price of the Rune in a case of a potency Rune it's 35 gold first you have to pay half of that cost for raw materials in this case 17 gold and 5 silver then it takes four days of crafting after four days you make a crafting check this is where you see if you succeed in etching the Rune onto the weapon if you succeed then you have a choice to make you still have to pay the remaining 17.5 gold but it's your choice if you want to pay that value in Gold directly and get your Rune right away or pay it in days in other words spend longer to craft the item but make it cost less that's where you need your day to gold ratio it's based on your level and your crafting proficiency then you can figure out how many days it takes to craft based on the remaining gold the cool part is you can spend any number of days you want reduce the gold value remaining and then pay the rest in Gold a cheaper option is to transfer the Rune from another weapon or runestone a rune stone is just a way to give you a cheap Rune to transfer a rune you only have to pay 10 percent of the value of the room then instead of four days it only costs one day if you're transferring a room from a rune Stone it actually doesn't cost anything runes are fun but it's not the only type of magic item you might come across there are plenty of magic items that are just magic items no runes involved at all however you can only have 10 on you at one time this is called investiture this includes an armor with a rune but for some reason it does not include a weapon with a room
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 14,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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