Pathfinder 2e ADVANCED Combat in 7 Minutes or Less

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one of the cool things about Pathfinder 2E is the fact that if you exceed a DC by more than 10 you get a critical success that means you always have a motivation to get your modifiers as big as possible so far we've talked about three modifiers you can add to your D20 role but it's important to note that you can never add more than one bonus or penalty from each of these categories at once let's say you had a plus one sword and a plus one Cape unfortunately your item bonus would still only be plus one that means you want to get your modifiers from as many different categories as possible the two other categories you can get modifiers from are status like if you're sick or tired and Circumstance like if you're attacking from a tree two of the most common conditions you can inflict on an opponent are frightened and flat-footed frighten gives you a minus one to all checks and DCS including their AC flat footed gives you a minus two to AC because these two penalties come from different categories they stack that means if you can get an enemy to be flat-footed and frightened their AC goes down by three the frightened condition always comes with a number and that number is the penalty applied to all checks and DCS your frightened status goes down by one at the end of your turn let's look back at our combat cheat sheet I think it's time we made it a little bit bigger you can demoralize an opponent with an intimidation check that meets or exceeds their will DC on a success the opponent becomes frightened one on a critical success the opponent becomes frightened too let's say you and a friend were fighting a Colo you might be tempted to use all three of your actions to strike three times in a row if you demoralize for your third action you will actually end up doing more damage on average one thing to note is that each character can only attempt to demoralize a given creature once every 10 minutes you also have to speak the same language or else you'll take a -4 penalty to your demoralize now let's talk about flat-footed we already know one way to make the opponent flat-footed that's flanking there's another way and that's by attacking them while you're hitting let's say you're locked in a battle with a Colo that's standing behind this strange rock formation let's ask ourselves what are the circumstances does the Colo have cover between no cover cover and greater cover all levels of cover use a pretty similar system we've already talked about cover let's introduce another circumstance visibility right now you can see the Colo perfectly and you know where the Colo is so the Colo is observed but what if the Colo is behind a cloud of smoke the Colo could then be considered concealed which means in order to attack him you need to make a dc5 flat check a flat check is where you roll a D20 and have to meet or exceed the DC without any modifiers it's essentially a fancy way of doing a fixed probability let's add a third level of visibility hidden if the opponent is hidden you have to succeed at FDC 11 flat check in order to attack them as you can see the concealed and hidden conditions have very similar mechanical effects just like cover and greater let's say the Colo is standing here behind the rock formation and is hidden first the Colo is hidden so to attack the Colo you would have to succeed at a dc-11 flat check even if you succeed that the color still gets a plus two bonus from cover two separate systems cover and visibility working in tandem now let's add a third column do you know the square where the Colo is if you don't the Colo is undetected and you have to guess while the undetected condition isn't completely independent of the Hidden condition it actually helps to think of it that way even if you guessed the right Square you still have to succeed at the dc-11 flat check then even if you succeed at that you still have to meet or exceed the colos AC which could be affected by cover the hidden condition has to do with Pathfinder 2e's stealth system which is usually described with four levels I would suggest not worrying about unnoticed for now that usually only happens at the beginning of combat you can gain the hidden condition on yourself by using the hide action you can only use the hide action if you're already sealed or have some kind of cuff Have You Ever Leave cover or stop being concealed then you also will lose the hidden condition you'll also lose the hidden condition if you attack but if you attack while you're hidden then the opponent is flat-footed if you're not visible to the opponent for some reason other than cover or concealment you also have the hidden condition if you strike the opponent they're flat-footed but since you're still invisible you still keep the hidden condition sneak lets you move at half speed but you have to succeed at a stealth versus perception check if you succeed then the opponent doesn't know where you went and you become undetected what's important is that if you fail this check to sneak you still remain hidden to the opponent you just don't become undetected naturally you also have to finish your sneak in cover so what could someone do against a hidden opponent the seek action lets you make a perception check against the opponent's stealth DC if you succeed you can make an undetected opponent only hidden and you can make a hidden opponent observed if you have an imprecise sense such as smell then you can use that to figure out what Square your opponent is in but they still keep the hidden condition there's also an action called point out if you know the square an opponent is in but your ally does not point out to let them know let's say you are fighting two colos Carrie and Kristen for your first action you stride behind this rock there's now greater cover between you and Carrie and regular cover between you and Kristen you then use the hide action and successfully hide against both opponents then finally you use the sneak action to sneak up closer to the opponents you now only have cover let's say you only succeeded your sneak check against Kristen you're now undetected to Kristen but only hidden to carry now it's Carrie's turn he uses seek and succeeds a perception check against your stealth DC you are no longer hidden to carry Carrie then uses a strike and only needs to beat your AC as Carrie's final action he uses the point out action while you were undetected to Kristen Kristen it becomes alerted to your location for Kristen's first action she uses hide on a success she is now hidden from you she then uses strike because she's hidden from you you're flat-footed against her attack although she still needs to succeed at a dc-11 flat check because you're hidden from her ouch then Kristen uses stride and steps right up next to you when Kristen finishes her stride you no longer have cover against each other without cover you also lose the hidden condition let's introduce another way to become hidden create a diversion lets you make a deception check against their perception DC against any opponents you succeed the check you become hidden to however it only lasts until the end of your turn that means during your term you have to decide whether you're going to strike against a potentially flat-footed opponent or sneak away and become undetected let's say you succeed your diversion becoming hidden you then sneak away back behind this rock formation with greater cover against carry and cover against Kristen you can stay hidden you can then use your third action to eat some cheese with these tools added to your cheat sheet you're now an advanced combat master foreign
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 28,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9qOleg3NZjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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