Pat and Simone Play Human: Fall Flat

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I can't fly we know this do I have to kind of like try to wobble into that room they're just nothing I think you're gonna fall in the next area oh cool okay okay you scared me I I done fall flat done falling flat I have someone on my flat ass we are if you are just joining us in the chat we're sorry the last attempt at getting the stream off the ground didn't work for some reason YouTube wasn't happy with us so we're giving us another shot so like a few thousand dollars and yeah we get to be on her again we went to Google's house with Jonathan Google Jonathan Google you know I went to grade school with him did you yeah John I think it's a nice I don't actually I don't want to talk about it can mean sorry should I shouldn't mention it delete the stream dude leave the stream uh so the last stream has been deleted this stream exists though and we're playing human fall flat cuz it's gonna be out on ps4 tomorrow back Simone I think so here's the thing that you didn't see in the tutorial if you look up you will reach up then use yeah I have that well that's so much easier come on come on so we've got some folks in the chance oh man let's talk to some of these these good good chat folks we say dog master 6000 says love this content also I do I'm doing interpretive dance it's really nice I love that boy Joe cows it says smooth creamy content I don't know what we're wait did this stream have the ASMR stuff or was that last stream last dream is the ASMR stuff we'll bust out some some quality ASMR later when people is expanding it we got to reach up for that box hmm hey hold on grab that big ox I'm reaching I've got the box okay there we go okay I'd hadn't grabbed the box before is the problem that I have now confirmed it's okay everyone I've grabbed the box come on Sean says Simone please yell for this entire stream like you did with boyo ah that was were you okay that day because I haven't seen you that keyed up well you're so concerned about me like we we stopped the stream and Patton alegre immediately looked at me and we're like are you okay and I had to be like no this is literally just the demon who lives inside me and comes out when I play competitive games like that thing like are you are you a cat owner um I am NOT I do not get a loan I like I don't hate cats okay I don't hate them okay I don't have you ever been around a cat when it's having its crazy time you know the cat okay it was like you were and I was like you're a diurnal creature and like your your body was compelling you to hunt yeah kill uh and you were just scrambling around the room like a small mammal and it was really scary for all of us really sorry that it was is archived on my computer yeah people and people were very did not watch it think of me the comments like I did afterwards a lot of helpful people in there yeah uh frustrated with my inability to play Tetris which is okay yeah cuz I'm not a professional Tetris player okay what have I done here yeah door I'm a lot better at this um no see that's actually the reason why I can't live with cats is because I am too much like them and I have my crazy time yeah and I we are when we are around each other the bad things happen gotcha some folks in the chat are saying that we need a series as carrie is saying simone start a series where you strictly play competitive games with other colleagues i really want that okay so so here's okay i am good the matter for people in the comments this is a series that we have no pitch for really there's just a title for a series that i want to do and it's called get pegged with Nick and Simone I know seriously we're Nick Robinson and I play peggle together and with that I need I really need like some kind of I guess content for it besides Nick and I playing decide to name it see the name is perfect yeah but the process is just to start the name and work backwards from there so I think you're on the right trail so if you can find a piece of content that will fit the name of get pegged with Nik and Simone I can think of so many done everything should - do you use my the weight of my body and God is not enough tilt tilt turn around and tilt upwards like I like like this you give it a little lift so like look up into the sky up into the sky Oh God oh man this is this would miss you no pops I bet I've died um oh come on buddy come on buddy got that box let's go let's go back and I at this time Oh balls okay this time I'll be better this time I'll actually push this thing go go go okay this will be better here we go ready just walk it and then you're gonna walk it over there I think I think I can walk it over so how let's talk I guess about this game for a sec about this game uh how do you like it uh so it's a game where clumsiness up is like part of the game it's that sort of Octodad thing where ya joint is coming from things going wrong do you feel like there is enough precision in it for it to be both a puzzle game and a good good time goof-ups game it definitely feels consistent at least in the the it up admits one of those things where it's like I hope this is a fun to watch because I'm playing it and it feels uh it feels like you would imagine it would feel but since you're you know doing the actions it's yeah be more entertaining oh I'll drink some of these some these physical comedy bits that you're doing right now I'm a dad some some folks in the chat have some other ideas for some shows a press F 13 has competitive ASMR oh how it okay what would the wind condition of that be like so I think relaxes the most people I think it would be so either we simultaneously being trying we'd be trying to trigger ASMR reactions in the same person at the same time hard cuz everyone has different triggers for that's true or we'd each have a session with the same person mmm um or yeah I like your idea as well like we have a pool we have an audience at home and it's low it's like what gets you going you want the clicks you want me to click for you oh do you want me to whisper in your ears I can do that do you want me to gently unwrap this burger and oh well then what if we have like a set number of props that you can bring so like you chose to bring something wrapped in plastic that day and I was like I think I'm gonna bring a hard plastic object because I think tapping is gonna be the trigger today but you were right because you you're all about that Ike that crinkly sound yeah you could push objects with your feet walk on top of the platform while holding oh yes I figured that out last time go away go away mr. chip I don't want you okay we're good demented dances we just have people vote I think that would be great ASMR votes uh moneybags mod man asks if this is pright 2070 it is yeah it's amazing pictures from previous one but I think I think it was a bold move by Bethesda she's oh we're back where we started they can't die Oh Mari did you play the the Xbox 360 pray that was like I think he was almost the launch title is a very early in Xbox 360 I know I didn't actually it was it was weird but it was kind of cool ahead like portals in it like porters have portals before portal I did yeah it's wild um you didn't have a portal gun there was just like every scenario decimated like go through a portal that was around the corner from yourself and you'd see yourself getting into portals you have to like find the way through the portals or was it was that the only way to I think he's little puzzling bits yeah sort of little buzz Lieb it's um a I've got this now I've got this now Oh God quel somatic in response to what you're talking about earlier where you sort of have to prep your ASMR kit is saying it's sort of like a deck building notes of our game oh my god yes yeah tight well yeah you know I think we gotta have to do it I think more oh some oh god okay what if I hand this over it's good and hand that off I'm gonna give you the chat I love we need to pump the brakes right now because we're quickly encroaching upon a cool games territory oh cool games coat oh no they posts they're uh well no no what I'm saying is we're doing their bit right oh we're doing their bit okay they go on YouTube I didn't know hey no no um we are it's we are YouTube we can be here all night I wouldn't mind um I would probably lose my goddamn mind if I played this game all night long I could definitely see myself getting into that loop though nice that is a good carry good chair check out this bring it I doing at home what young man check out this great idea I'm having is it where you push the box off the train with your feet idiot hang on can I climb back up that now question yeah I can I'm gonna do it do it do it I believe in you Oh his little soft body well I kinda do I but what do I do now cuz like I need I need that okay I need that Simone drag it back over drag it back over get back on the elevator like I did 20 times yeah you fool a competitive ASMR the thing that I'm liking about this idea of competitive ASMR is that both of us would be speaking very very quietly very quietly quietly talking to microphones to try to know what it do we each have is now rejected in the ASMR what what goal every trainer social will have a very very fancy looking UI on the screen with a tingle meter tingle meter and like the sound of that and those those bars will raise and fall according to our performance and according to but having really studio audience but so that the thing is we're gonna be like that we're gonna be hella quiet the hell I'm hella quiet don't really there will also be a very very loud British eSports style announcer commentating our commentary yes Graham Norton probably is is that is that what about any sports announcer at all so I does he's a I believe he's a British comedian but what I know him for is that he does Eurovision he does come the BBC commentary for a year of vision so uh Pat I got it I know it okay I open that door so I can you know yeah you did yes okay so let me know backseat game so you know that he gave me you do something you do some some sparse ASMR for me some sparse ASMR commentary and I will I will do these ones commentary for you this sounds good this is good practice for us here because we have to be really professional this big guy so hard on the vinyl is gonna know I believe in us go die okay Pat is now falling through the sky you can one wonderful call by Simone he is certainly falling through the sky plummet and there is his landed Rafa hot he's fallen to the ground and he is lying softly there no he rises and now that's the sort of accuracy in reporting we expect from Simone he hasn't checked all the caverns open he falls again and once again yes he pumps softly I was confirmed that Simone has correctly ascertained that he has fallen once again listen I'm sorry about that I lost my there it won't happen again now we're watching his pad wobbles across the platform mmm-hmm and jumps through the air Simone losing a composition a bit he is heading for another small field of of platforms of dirt it looks like soft tan dirt his floppy body wonderful descriptive language coming out of Simone's now the caverns that not caverns the I would you call them um oh the spaces between the platforms that's where he is jumping from platform to platform he hangs now his body I'm trying I'm trying to like think of more things to say in the bit but it is just completely dead yelling that loud ever you're even a short amount of time you're doing amazing cuz you're playing this game yeah and you're yelling at me and I as I know yelling and playing a game is it's the hardest thing that someone can do it takes a really skilled player to yell as they're playing so uh I really enjoy doing the ASMR what the somebody in the Chapman today s Mr B's how do people know about uh actually I saw people tweeting about that the other day seriously some of yeah some of the polygon followers found out and if you don't know the story I'm about to tell it it's great Pat when he was a candidate he had made a series called ASMR B's where he went to the Arby's website and rated or like explored it in an ASMR voice explaining things explaining their beautiful pictures and he did not submit this as part of his application he should have cuz we found it and it was amazing and so yes some some people uncovered it integrate yeah so you really have to bring that back for fans of ASMR V staging I got some other stuff coming up I feel like we're not really talking much about this game but it's I love it sexual confusion streams as Kel somatic it is you know you can make a lot of things psychosexual if you try like crawling and like wobbling pelvis first into that hole that was strange uh okay yeah there's no we went there yeah hops Michael Jordan yeah I feel like I haven't told enough Jesus Christ I don't even know if all those guys can dunk they can all dunk right they can dunk I know Michael Jordan can dunk because I've seen doves I've seen the pictures of all his holy dunks Koby dunks this guy I can name other basketball players too Larry Bird I bet there's not a darker Muggsy Bogues is very short if I remember anything from from the film Space Jam not if he conducts bunny dunks Bugs Bunny did in fact dunk Lola bunny did dunk Daffy Daffy I don't know if dad's acting sucked Daffy Daffy was more of an all-around defensive player yeah all right we're making some eat this that doesn't make him less important on the team yeah so you know so yeah I feel like I would have to play more this game to really talk in depth about like the variety of puzzles or whatever but I'm having fun just around with it yeah you so the game has been out for quite a while on Steam um it is we get to watch a movie it is let's see we're gonna learn how to climb here is this where the Fallen comes in Bastien dunks alright we're gonna see if we can use the climbing advice you gave us yes nice so I didn't listen to that at all well good thing cuz I am climbing the hell out of this mountain Clem this have you ever climbed a mountain uh to find mountain like a like oh no a 5k what the Frick um uh you're doing so good I think I have climbed a mountain famously did you enjoy it I did enjoy I hope you're not speaking of mountain climbing in the sense that like not I was risking my life like walking okay a big hill I I have not I have not used ropes and hooks to climb the steep cliffs some have I went to Korea a few years ago and there's this famous mountain on jeju island called hollows on that people climb and I didn't have sneakers and they wouldn't let me on the mountain it's illegal to climb a mountain unless you are properly prepared which is actually a really good idea that's actually really can be dangerous right and cuz it takes a lot of work to rescue some dumb ass forget dumb ass American who climbs a mountain in Korea with the improper shoes I snuck onto the mountain and I climbed the out of that roundabout sandals yeah it was great we got to the center yeah yeah I'm not legal there now I am banned um yeah they listen to a stream they're gonna find out you climb the government's gonna come get me um got to the top and the mountain people the people who are taking care the mountain people the people who were the legal guardians of the mountain were like get these stupid Americans off this mountain and if we had to leave the mountain but we had already gotten to the top that's cool I um I did a couple of the for K through the five K's whatever like that the tallest mountains in the white mountains choice is that somewhere in MIT ya mean I would go to New Hampshire to do do mountains noise um but I don't like it you get thirsty it's either hot or it's cold but it's so the good thing about it though is there's a really great restaurant called mote Mountain um where after climbing all day you can like literally eat whatever you want you'll never feel bad just because like you know there's no caloric limit after you've worked out that that is the best part of mountain climbing as the food that you have after I so I famously hate exercise and don't do it that's beautiful Pat beautiful form cliffhanger I just I love the ripples in his wobbly body they make me so glad oh my god yes yes get it ah I think maybe you like this a little too much no I like this just the right amount it feels it seems you're really satisfied oh my god are you gonna swing you bet your sweet bippy oh oh this is my oh well this is one way to die are we we may be you try it cuz you can't go hand over hand you have to like yeah oh my god rip wait bus it no just drops you right now oh that's not that's actually a fairly generous checkpoint yeah let's try this one again that was a gorgeous cool um mountains I hate exercise but I actually kind of love hiking probably because I rarely do it yeah but unfortunately I have a history of hurting the people who hike with me right example last time I went hiking with our social media what's her title social media manager manager Ashley she sprained her ankle Oh pad she RiRi sprained an old sprain um that she had had years ago I killed her I killed Ashley awesome Mountain to die possibly resprayed both of them again today so we were thinking of you and please let me anything yeah can you walk do you need someone to come and get you she's not listening to us she doesn't wanna hear us talk anymore she hears it too much so let's give this rope swing a try again we're just oh that is bad ass alright let's talk about rope swings how do you feel about those a dig'em I want to go on the more I'm scared of them why what if something bad happens to you that's oh you can only live by taking enormous risks with your physical health okay then whoop up ah that's what enormous risks gets you Simone well you wouldn't fall that far unless you had like a cool sick ass cliff rope swing handy manny cannot die remember the yoga all right we're gonna give this a couple more tries um joke houses don't talk about her baby like that right shouldn't I was disrespectful on I'm in a college are yeah yeah I just don't know how we're gonna top competitive ASMR on this stream I don't know well we could go back to our NPR voices let's save that for a little bit later right that's great we can only have one gag voice per stream no not unless I go into egg voice in which case we're all yes I got the ropes um yes yes now what are you doing so yeah I'm going to try to use my floppy little body to swing over towards this area I don't want to distract you but I want to know about your most dangerous rope swing experience over this yeah I think that we should I focus I'm trying to get a good swing going real quick and then I'll tell you about rope swings look at your beautiful dynamic shadow down there it is nice okay here we go this is the one like hell yeah I'm scared Pat oh yeah yes yes you got an achievement that was good okay so dangerous rope swing experience I want to know that you can legitimately say that you're scared of rope swings what is it the danger I just remember uh ah that is yeah so I got to tilt this back the other way and then I got to use it again as a ramp I was in old town Maine which is a place far to the north from here and there is a rope swing out behind the McDonald's and we went out there and have you ever heard of Maine accent Simone no just imagine like somebody from Boston um like who I don't know just like they're really dizzy or scared why so just like just just imagine the Boston accent with like less class now anyways I was out there and glasses I'm from polycon classes of ricotta our newest product oh good one anyways a kid with super thick Maine accent comes over to me and I'm gonna butcher the Maine accent you no I've lived on my whole life and he's like you want to be careful right day of those rocks they'll hit you real hot and he looked like he had been hitting head with lots of rocks and so there was in fact okay so in this rope swing there was in fact a place where you could if you swung in the wrong direction you would land on rocks and hit your head and die that's terrible rope swings stories that's awful that sounds very dangerous I had to apologize in the comments for your main accent that's okay what there it is oh yeah I think you've got it now you got it that was a good idea with that train my jumping sound my exercise sound that's why I don't exercise it's very embarrassing to be at the gym going Wow have you ever have you ever been in an exercise situation where you've been like compelled to make noises no so you made this me trying to remember the last time I exercise yeah it was probably in high school god they make you run the mile oh them oh my god I went to a little bit of that freshman and sophomore year of high school in France yeah and not only not only did we have to do the running but the kilometers okay it was in kilometers yes worse than that we had a gymnastics course where we had to choreograph and perform for our classmates a gymnastics routine Jesus do you want to be a really physically unfit teenager and do a really fun thing learn gymnastics as a 510 completely unflexible person and then perform a beautiful routine for your your French that sounds miserable I just looking at this living or maybe trash you know what that let's talk about trauma yeah can I tell you a this is a great release just swinging the around in here and talking about these things it's hard to talk about otherwise so I'm going to keep up this living room and I'm going to tell you about a thing that happened to me in sixth grade yeah I was living deep I was living in Texas okay the first time I told this story sorry I was remembering it for the first time and I was like oh my god this actually happened so everybody hated me I was super awkward which you know a lot of people are very very hard time relating to my peers a crushing performance anxiety since I was a little tiny baby my social studies teacher hands out this handout and it's labeled the Egypt wrap and this is way before this is way before Hamilton made it cool to do raps about history so it was this poorly versed horribly horribly like that there is no actual rhythm to this rap that was written by probably some social studies teacher trying to get his kids to think Egypt was a cool historical topic and he's like okay guys after lunch we're all gonna take turns getting in front of class and doing the Egypt rap oh yo and it's long period so he says it's right before lunch and he's like okay we're gonna break for lunch everybody you're gonna come back and when we come back Patrick you're gonna lead off the class doing the Egypt rap so I have like an entire like 40-minute lunch break just to agonize and like look at this rap and be like oh what am I gonna do what am I gonna do what I'm gonna do should I just not go back to class I have diarrhea yeah should I like should I make myself throw up so I don't have to do this Egypt rap in front this classroom full of people who hate me and so then I didn't do any of those things and I went I got in from the class completely without any totally unaccompanied no backing track you didn't even download download ah beat for me to rap to ah I start doing the Egypt rap I make it I make it what a couple verses into the Egypt rap which I don't remember any of it I just remembered that the course was the Egypt rap the Egypt rap so I'm just dying in front of this class classroom full of people and I'm done dying and then my teacher says yeah that was actually just you know nobody else has to do that I was just doing a joke what yeah that's the worst story I've ever heard go like oh my god did you see how it's sort of child abuse isn't it yeah emotional trauma holy Pat yeah the first time I told somebody that story I was like that is really messed up coming back to you you're like haha so I couldn't uh oh my god that's so that's why you never asked me to do a rap that's not okay I'll remember that when we do Hamilton at karaoke because I kill it at that um I don't have a traumatic rap experience in my pack that's why I hate Hamilton to just get flashbacks to be told the rap about historical topics how do you feel about history in general I'd it you know I'm done with it I mean there's a reason it's in the past right we've got it forget movin on it's we're over that history ah the destructive elements in this game are quality yeah David they they perfectly that was just the best timing I've ever experienced in my life ooh this looks fun yeah this does look fun so I'm gonna you maybe use just a break through this wall I hope ready see if there's enough weight in it yeah oh I love it when you think you can do a thing and then it lets you do the thing that's the goddamn best hey sorry I'm ignoring the chat I got distracted by a Pat's into a terrible story Oh God people did not want you to be forced to relive that memory but it's okay it's okay I think every time I tell the story it gets a little bit like it's catharsis but it's a little bit of catharsis it's getting out of my since it's me acknowledging that yesterday oh then it actually happened and that I'm okay I'm still here fire red NOx Ella says my name is King Tut and I employed slave labor in a major way no everyone agrees that your teacher is garbage and she fired thank you uh Dan oh hyung says Patrick stole weighed more than a feather that day if you remember your Egypt history Pat that I actually I don't remember my Egypt history I don't remember if that means you can go to Egypt heaven or Egypt hell do they have that a good thing do they have different ones do they have do they have both like do they have everything about it or nubes ate your soul if you eat your soul what wait a certain amount somebody please I guess I could google it if I'd done better the rap I might know this stuff yeah yeah I mean I understand completely putting it out of your memory yeah so what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you yeah I honestly like money bags mod man in the comments you just blew all my embarrassing moments out of the water I'll try to remember something but I'm on the spot here that's okay you're sorry what I don't want to make you remember anything you don't want to pushing this don't have any memories and it's probably because most of them were bad no they weren't I love my life um so I got this dumpster down here and I don't think that was supposed to good and now I might be dead no no you can what what the heck oh you found a secret world this looks like where Harry Potter had to find one of the Horcruxes Isaiah water was all full of weird little demons anyway what is Isaac say Isaac Powell says Anubis feeds your soul to his pet oh cool there was the devourer if you sucked in the field of reeds if you didn't I'm so sorry I'm so sorry ghost says Anubis is cool Osiris is baller your heart a crocodile will swallow I love it okay I'm actually gonna Pat would it be bad if I googled the Egypt racks look for I looked for it once cuz I was thinking like everybody myself right no no no no it was like it was like a printout that he had access to somehow I felt like if there's ever really good satanic teachers a conceptual like art show house about childhood trauma like it would be like great to just like do the Egypt rap again and just kill it just play it to like yeah really like a really hard beat but I don't I don't know if it would hold up to that oh cool I can I can use this wrecking ball to Simone have you found the Egypt rap yet no dog master 6000 I can't read says instead of ASMR voice why not rap this stream because that would be bad it would get bad real fast it would be very bad we are know that bad um each if trap and somebody else has suggested that you ancient Egypt for kids suggested that you wrap in your next video to get a Nintendo to notice you which i think is a great idea I would do it if I could get a really good rapper to teach me how to do good raps first so what I'm finding by googling Egypt rap is actual rappers from Egypt who are killing it yeah so congrats to them I'll try educational yeah Egypt rap written by white people [Laughter] I'm not having any luck oddly enough weird maybe I should see if that teacher is still alive I just maybe track him down and result handouts confront him Oh mr. Nikki's world history song so what's this um oh no now I'm sad yeah hold up I'm just gonna lose it oh the headphones are so good here's that take the headphones I'm picking the headphones so if you're just tuning in folks this is a patent Simone we're playing a human fall flat it's a physics oriented puzzle platformer it is coming out on PlayStation 4 tomorrow it's been out on PC for quite a while so you've probably seen streams of this before um did you find a teacher prep um I couldn't hear what you just said because I was listening to mr. and Nicky tell me about ancient Egypt to the tune of moves like Jagger okay so elastic maroon 5 song definitely not that one because that song was too modern for you images for educational Egypt rap oh hold on Oh baby hold on oh my god this Emmitt this is literally an image of song lyrics that is too small to display on the screen that might be yet ancient Egypt 4,000 years old that's it does the Nile flow that's it good oh no out of respect for Egypt I feel like we shouldn't sing this but I am going to paste this link in the comments oh no I know I want other people to be able to maybe I could like literally I'm having like a flop scene right now I'm so starting a physical response to see rant and hearing those first words Egypt rap hopefully that link will pose yes yes oh no I didn't go no it worked it I'm just looking at ghosts rap suggestions um see look how freaking horrible that uh that image is it's so tight then I can barely read it the Nile River is 50 miles wide that would be a long boat ride I think it says and then it's just each line repeats no wait no no the Nile River is 4,000 miles long this is the ancient Egypt song yep this is it the ancient people had many gods like can't I know I'm gonna try to find find a bigger version he also sent it to me uh yeah do you want to like print it out and burn it ceremonially hey maybe we can I found of mitosis rap the mitosis rap shut the up um this is like the only copy of this song we're gonna have to that's on the Internet we're going entire internet we have to delete this website we're gonna have to do some some law-and-order style enhancing on it yeah to get it oh you can you can order it from somewhere uh yeah teaching material this is great holy you can pay one dollar to download this song wait download the lyrics to the song download okay download the lyrics to this song um resource types fun stuff songs mnemonics so folks if you're just joining us once again this is human fall flat it's a puzzle game available right now on Steam it's also going to be out on ps4 and consoles tomorrow it's a goofy physics oriented funtime game and in the course of playing it I told Simone about the worst day of my life when I had to do an Egypt rap in front of the classroom half full of other sixth graders who hated me and Simone has since found the lyrics to that Egypt rap and is distributing them I must I must let the people know I think we could all stand to learn a little bit about ancient Egypt it's been open me how do a my going to jam this door Simone um good question I have not been watching it's okay so I finest leaves right here this lever and if I pull it this door opens when that door is gonna closed as soon as I let go yeah can I can't can you use the poles to push that box up so no the problem there is like it did a box down no the box is just gonna it's just gonna hit this door it's not gonna go through that door unless it but I can even the poles are there you won't have to run all the way up there before you push it interesting this week you can create some sort of you're thinking of holy system hahaha like a pulley system yeah this is very imprecise I don't think this is kind of whoa good-evening careful where are you swing that thing um alright I'm gonna have to have a thing I'm gonna go around okay go around I want you to know that the song has really good quality ratings on teachers pay teacher's calm mm-hmm now I'm reading the comments and I'm sad at all the teachers who that find this song useful don't tell - can you are there any written reviews um of the this distress is a negative one little long and not as applicable as I had hoped oh nice job students loved this it made the learning fun and they really came up with clever raps thanks so much this was really helpful when teaching ancient Egypt so um how Pat yeah you're the other side of the store sure I think we need we had your side of the story this is what the teachers say I do you think that the teachers are telling the truth uh I think teachers don't care about the kids I think how dare you I think to us we were just you know we're just on the assembly line we're just we're just bricks in the wall they're gonna turn us into sausage like in the Pink Floyd music video that's a deep cut there that's actually ancient history as well yeah oh okay I use the box to prop up the lever system music oh thank you you're so smart okay reading the comments is good I'm sorry I'll look at the comments well it turns out the answers are all here um use the rod on the lever is another suggestion little rod leaver action rod leavers are cool we actually have a teacher in the comments who said inspired my students who struggle to connect with ancient Egypt I'm happy that that worked for you oh well I'm sure that that teacher strategy did not also involve humiliation hopefully not yeah see yeah see Pat's example would unless you do everyone unless you picked the weakest student in your class like I think my teacher presumably did just to like - and then my humiliation inspired the rest of the class wait can you can you put the pole behind the lever and like pry it go stick the pole there um uh-huh a whole dollar um we forgot to turn on the face cam oh it's okay oh I don't think we forgot to it is not ok there we go the pole did it yay I move this dang box where oh now we have to I think we can but maybe if I give a little tug yeah enough to keep it locked down there yeah yeah baby get it Pat good job good ideas everyone in the comments um yeah sorry about the other night Fox cam y'all um should we do the cam or we're gonna get a nicer camera getting lighting installed in here in Excel days we just moved into this office okay we moved into this office in January um but our room where we stream from and do game stuff from has gone through a lot of upgrades like you'll notice if you watch really old streams we had really shitty we were just like using one Yeti mic for two people and it was sitting on the table like two feet away from our mouth and now we hold these wop-bop-bop ah these lovely mounted mics that are beautiful and right in your face so the room is still kind of under construction so eventually we will get a nice a nice cam right now only have is like a tiny Logitech webcam sitting over there I'm staring right at it but we're not using it where is that video ask sauce Tina 1908 what video I don't remember what remind me what I talked about five minutes ago cuz I don't remember um hmm I'm gonna bring a box in from out there cuz that'll solve my problem I think that you can solve all your problems that way I love Pink Floyd I'm sorry that I made a joke about them being old which they are they are no they its Oh Mary legitimately factually old mmm-hmm but quality music yeah I don't they're good hey you silly I used to listen to Pink Floyd a lot when I was in Middle School no they did not expect these box hacks box hacks what up or maybe they did expect that maybe they didn't huh if you're if he made this game weigh in on whether you expected box acts just scrolling back through these comments no see moneybags mod man wants to see some hot pack face I can Pat Pat's face anytime I want I don't find it particularly warm to the touch it's cold it's a cold face he's actually made of wax yes very strange um yes you do fall into the same area bubble gum when you die yes Oh a lovely save condition that this game gives you you just another point up there there we go cliffhanger Tim bonuses these mics are too good for my ears yeah I'm sorry I will remove them I don't want you to feel uncomfortable by the good quality of our sound I want you to feel at home with the shitty sound that we're all used to in love cake Pat can we can we just take these mics down and burn them yeah that's okay I'm gonna just real quick clip it to laptop mode and just like will use the built-in laptop mic yeah in the lot op cam too right yeah yeah ah this game is fun you're having a good time I'm having a really good I can see your skills improving as you as you play should we wrap up pretty soon here some musician is like after 6 p.m. yeah um I'm sweaty and hungry oh god I think what did you take room for the those of you asking in the comments earlier this is egg voice it happens when I'm distressed egg voice egg you can't do it I can't no I'm not trying to do it I'm just I'm kinda stressed by egg voice why are you distressed I do it every day stop it stop it everyone so sick of it stop egg whites no okay well we're buried under debris here at polygon calm and I think it's probably a good time to wrap up human fall flat Simone any final thoughts on the physics puzzle platformer human fall flat on steam now coming to consoles tomorrow yeah the game we've been playing I like it it has a good aesthetic yeah it's funny and cute and we had a good time playing it yeah so thanks for hanging out with us and if you don't already like the page please do that we're streaming grab and then I can watch our videos all the time smash that lock but in is that - it's not nothing I see the voice it's like half a muppet horse but it's called AG voice it's a muppet half a muppet that's not enough Muppet God Simone okay uh sorry Simone do you know how to end the stream on YouTube yeah yeah no I don't know okay do i press to press the button this is stop streaming go ahead and do that okay please hey bye everyone thanks for joining us for this sweet released Tuesday Oh
Channel: Polygon
Views: 51,111
Rating: 4.9450173 out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, gameplay, polygon, news, review, overview, walkthrough, lets play, human fall flat
Id: n1Nw4To64Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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