Pastor Tommy Bates - World Harvest Church (11/9/05)

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well is there anybody excited about Jesus tonight well about three of you I said is there anybody excited about Jesus tonight no you came in here tonight to hear a word from God that's going to absolutely change your life if you believe that get on your feet right now right now right now just look at your neighbor and say tonight tonight I've been waiting for I don't know why you came to church but I'll tell you why I came to church I came to church to hear a word from God I don't know why you're in the place where there's some praise going on because tell me now if you're sad I'll lay hands on you so you can get happy before this thing starts because we have come into the house of God tonight to hear a word from God if you're sitting waiting back there in the back you Minds will get up here with a fire is real power get your stuff move on up we've got xx piece up front oiler I want you right now just to throw both hands up in the air and just begin to tell God how good it is to be in his house happy you are that you've got breath in your body and life in your bones that you've got energy to give him praise come on somebody lift up your voice and praise Him like he's been better than good to you somebody lift up your voice tonight and praise it oh come on if he's been good real good to you just put them hands together and give him glory glory glory are you ready to go into the presence of the Lord tonight come up with them hands together all over this place [Music] a little presence of the Lord of this place already the family of God [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want you to think about this because I don't want you to think literals we're not talking about the morning time we're not talking about in the middle of life what I'm talking about is when all things are new in the morning and in the middle of the night when you have to give God that sacrifice too great praise them through your circumstance praise them through your trials praise him through anything that you're going through that's what we're talking about here so without Revelation I want you to sing in this different way now I want you start down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got to give [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is over [Music] I wanna hear you to time [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah family warriors we got in the house tonight some money howdy let's look at the neighbors that I am awake in the Holy Ghost Micah chapter 17 when I fall I shall arise just look at you all the neighbors say I'm getting up I'm a I got knocked down but I'm getting up I shall arise I shall arise somebody say wake up the mighty men wake up the wire [Music] if you're awaiting the holy ghost tonight lift up your voice and give him a - ha ha [Music] high-five your neighbor tell him you got a word coming tonight get yourself ready get yourself ready for the Word of God tonight slap somebody in the Holy Ghost tell them get away something's coming your way tonight Louie the garlic for that do you build it back consent well the Holy Ghost has designated this whole month all month long as wake up in the spirit we're going to wake up this month the Bible said on Joel chapter 3 verse 9 wake up the mighty men arouse the Warriors how many warriors in the house tonight because there are multitudes and multitudes in the valley of decision Oh glory to God we are literally claiming thousands for the cause of Jesus Christ I'm not talking about the television I'm talking about you are doing it world Harvest Church thank god you're right in the middle of a Holy Ghost explosion amen praise the Lord get your Bibles if you would as you seated and turn them to First Samuel Chapter 17 First Samuel chapter 17 I just want to give you a quick word tonight before we go on in this service and this is a wake-up call amen if you haven't heard the alarm the Holy Ghost is sounding the alarm all month long wake up the mighty man Oh glory to God that gets me excited because I know God is getting ready to do great things are you in 1st Samuel Chapter 17 look at verse 4 just say there's my prom and there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath Oh gasps I looked up that word Goliath just cause it sounded ugly and the translation of it is he is one who was cast out and exiled that's what it name means he was just somebody nobody wanted to be around big bad and ugly that's who he was just say that's who my enemy is the Bible describes him here we won't go through all of it but just know this he was over 13 foot tall and his armor weighed in excess of 300 pounds in other words every inch of his body was covered with protective armor and he had a man holding a shield out in front of him just in case you know that wasn't enough in other words nobody could touch him in the natural are you hearing what I'm saying and you might be facing an obstacle tonight I don't know what your Goliath is tonight but in the natural it looks like there is no way you're possible you're going to be able to get through I don't know if you're facing bills I don't know if a doctor has given you a report I don't know what your Goliath is could be your spouse I don't know I don't know what your problem might be tonight but God said I'm going to give you a word and I look what he said in verse 10 look what he said in the Philistine said I defy the armies of God you know what that means it means to strip or expose or defame or bring reproach that's what the devil is trying to do to your faith he's trying to expose you and make you reproached among those that know who you are and verse 11 the Israel of the Israelites were dismayed and greatly afraid just look at you made to say the devil got in their head that's where the strongholds are he got in their head and made them afraid they started believing this lying devil and look at what happens in verse 25 the challenge David says what's going to happen to the man that whoops him look what it says in verse 25 of the second part the man that killed him the King will enrich him with great riches oh you didn't hear what I said the King said I'm going to make the man that kills this Goliath rich just just look at your neighbors say your problem is an opportunity your problem is an opportunity for great blessing when problem comes your way you oughta shout hallelujah oh thank God I got a Goliath today I've got an opportunity for blessing look what David does in verse 45 David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword and a spear and a shield but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied this day with the Lord delivereth he say this thing say tonight God is going to deliver you into my hand I will smite you I'll take your head from your shoulders I'll give your carcass to the host ah you are going to die this day just shut it right now your Goliath is coming down I don't know what you came in here with but I see Goliath sitting next to you all over this building you came in with it but he's going down tonight I said he's going down I gonna leave him slain on the battlefield tonight he's not following you back out of this building look at verse 49 here's the key to your victory David put his hand in his bag hmm he put his hand in his bag number one he got a word from the Lord he started prophesying his future he said this day you gonna die Goliath you're going down and then the second thing he did is he put action behind his faith he put his hand in his bag he took what he had in his bag and he gave it to God I want you to put your hand in your bag tonight because God said if they will act on their face and they'll not only put prophecy to their face but they'll put action to their face I'll destroy their glass if they'll do it tonight if they'll do it tonight I want you to put your hand in your bag right now take out your checkbook take out your wallet take whatever you got tonight and whatever stones you have a man whatever stones you have God's going to take them as you put them in the hands of God and he's going to direct them to destroy your Goliath tonight tonight say tonight if I will obey the Holy Ghost God will direct my stone I want you to put your hand in your bag and I want you to get an offering you may get out say that's my stone that's my stone in my sling I'm pulling it out of the bag it may not be much or it may be much I don't know what it is that you've got in your bag but whatever it is God's going to anoint it and God's going to use it to give you victory tonight amen we got to put action to our face tonight we've got to put action to the prophetic word of the Lord he said put your hand in your bag and he took since a stone sling it and smote the Philistine in his forehead and he fell on his face to the earth are you ready to watch Goliath on mix your faith with your action tonight are you ready I feel the Holy Ghost in here tonight I feel the anointing of God in here tonight I don't know what you might be facing it really doesn't matter doesn't matter how big it is doesn't matter how large it may seem to you doesn't matter what it might be but tonight the word of the Lord said the glass coming down the glides coming down if you'll just obey what I tell you to do are you ready to obey Him tonight I want you to make your checks payable world Harvest Church we're going to give an offering tonight amen this is an offering that's going to bring down the Giants in your life tonight just but whc on your check you're using a check card or bank card you can fill that out with the envelope in the Pew praise the Lord if you're visiting with us tonight any visitors with us tonight raise your hand we want to welcome you any visitors with us tonight amen there's something back there welcome to Wednesday night grow over here praise the Lord we're so glad you're with us tonight amen there's a visitor's card also in the pew in front of you you'll take that and fill that out for us we'd love to have record of your attendance here tonight we want to pray with you believe God for every need in your life praise the Lord are you ready to take that stone and put it in the sling of faith are you ready tonight you got it ready you got it ready get it get it get it get it here we go Father in the name of Jesus by faith we proclaim the defeat of our Goliath's tonight it may be a Goliath back home waiting on us it may be a Goliath it's got our family members wrapped up tied up bound up it may be a Goliath back home it may be a Goliath right here sitting next to us it may be strongholds in our minds I I don't know Lord what might be here tonight but you know and you spoke this word so tonight by faith we take these stones and we put them in the sling of faith and we are release them into your hand Lord God guide them to defeat our Goliath father when we get home tonight ah yeah even before we get home may we hear the good report may we hear the testimony of faith that our Goliath has been slain tonight Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you for victory in this house tonight as we obey your word in the name of Jesus everybody with face shouted amen amen god bless you as you give and welcome these anointed singers as they bless us tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are in revival man loving your that you're a default and we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have open up your net your very poor again we are I accumulate and edit everything we all my god Oh Maddie for again we are to believe we are get on your feet like you got some brain [Music] can you feel it can you feel can you feel it can you feel the fly can't you feel it can you feel it can't you feel like you made do you want it do you want it do you want the fight do you want [Music] Oh [Music] well if you want reliable I want you to throw both of your hands and give God a shout right now is this house just look at your neighbor and say I don't know about you but as for me and my house we be in revival come on just look at somebody else and say I don't know about you you and your long face I don't know about you but i'ma tell you ask for me honey I have chosen to be in revival hell are you excited about the things of the Lord and it good to be in the house of the Lord tonight I just love God's house I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord it's not a habit it's not a ritual the love in my heart draws me to this place and I love to see you when you walk in I know you've been walking through trials and fighting devils and swinging your sword and you still got a big smile on your face come on now I know you've been going through it but look at you here tonight with a praise on you in the middle of the weeks you gotta pray it's good to be in the house of the Lord and it is a privilege tonight I want everybody just go ahead and stand on your feet it's a privilege tonight for me to introduce our guest Lord are we going to have a time tonight and I remember I probably was just 4 or 5 years old and just a little bitty guy and my dad and mom were preaching at Pastor Tom's church and and and I don't believe them but back then I used to be a little ornery I don't believe that but then it was some 15 16 years later I got a phone call and Pastor Tom was on the other end of the line and he said the Lord has spoke to me and God told me you need to come to independence Kentucky and it was a trip that would change my life and I owe so much to to him and the values and the the righteous standards that were instilled in my life over the next couple of years and as I carried his briefcase and Lord we didn't do no fly and neither now I'ma tell you right now jump in that van and off across the country we'd go and I watched him fast and I watched him shout and I watched him sing and I said that's what I want that's that right there is what I want Lord I couldn't sing at all and now he did work with me in practice and I try real hard but I thank God for the Ministry of Pastor Tom Bates and that great church that he's raised up in Independence Kentucky I want you to give him a world Harvest welcome as it comes to sing and preach and minister tonight come on world harvest [Applause] [Music] the [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] my soul to my eternity and you call your threshold Poliquin [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tommy told me or shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel [Music] [Music] not soul compound Lord held on long journeys in in the church is caught away home I'm caught eclipse Oh [Music] haha I feel a breeze of the crystals the Lord sanding hi welcome [Music] I hope Iowa [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we had a family that got saved in our church a few years ago in January but in May their 18 year old boy two weeks before graduation has killed an automobile accident there's so devastated the students the superintendent called up high school assembly said you can't use the Bible because it's too absolute and you can't say the name of Jesus because that's - absolutely leave somebody out but they call the Catholic priest and a Baptist minister in a Kentucky Pentecostal preacher [Music] I've heard the Spirit of the Lord say ask him if you can st. and I asked him the question and they said you can say I said well what are we allowed to say he said if it's a song you sing anything you want [Music] this is the song I sang with 1200 high school students all devastated the loss of this handsome athlete Anacin what instrument of God used some money I'm hurt and confused innocent child [Music] somebody whose heart is breaking somebody out there feel it alone further wine being done wrong somebody L me shattered from the Oh for somebody out this arms open wide longs to embrace you on the tears from your eyes hold on a whole mess you carry the burdens you make when you don't have a prayer there's somebody [Music] somebody thought he was cool keep taking chances we can they never lose hooked on a feeling that's left their empty body I can't quite decide whether to leave we're there to die rich in restrain don't make it through their crisis body parcels and wine who longs to embrace you elastic you come your home or the whole flesh you carry the burden to lay [Music] [Applause] but you don't have a friend there's somebody out there [Applause] then I step [Music] Jesus is his name he kept someone out there I didn't stop with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] through prayer somebody [Music] [Applause] praise God thank you Jesus hallelujah turn to second Corinthians chapter 10 let's stand for the reading of the word I give honor to pastor parsley his wife his family his mother a great visionary I'm so thankful for what he did for our nation I cannot thank pastor parsley for taking on the stand that he did because when it come right down to what was going to make it a deciding factor it happened right here in this state and I believe that God chose this place to change the course of our nation so it's honor for me to even grace this pulpit or mighty men of God stand where the Word of God goes forth in power and demonstration of the Spirit I have two tapes David my son I don't know if you've heard my son or not but he's he's big in Dallas in Houston in California he's just his first singles just released it's called perfect day I am looking for the perfect day they found out he can sing something else inside the bluegrass but he he can do bluegrass he can do he can do black he can do white he can do holiness he can do Baptists Hindu Pentecostal but Ronnie Jo do you have that tape yet you do well brother canfield do you have it all right well let you have this one and then if you do like a little down-home singing I've got I'm singing with my son Eric my son Josh with my daughter Ashley and this is called take me home and it's just plain old-fashioned I'm gonna give to buzz over here anybody's got a name like buzz deserves take me home tape Thank You buzz and your wife for taking care of me hallelujah thank you Jesus Sega Corinthians chapter 10 verses three and verses for we do have some tapes about there in the back but it didn't come to fleece the flock didn't come I don't never come to receive I come to I come to give to this pastor and to this house and to this Bible College because this is something I believe in and I come I come to give I come not to give a little I come to give everything I've got every ounce of strength and if you want to some tapes all that money goes into my mission work and we just give God praise for that so thankful for Stephanie and Ronnie Jo and especially for Ralph and LeeAnn and I kept name any more names but they're the ones I've been connected with and we're just so thankful that you are blessed with them now I can't believe that stephanie has had four children and still looks like a model all right and I've known her since she was a baby - Ronnie Jo actually was two years old and his dad wore him out every day his little old his the little britches just drag get he got it quite often all right second Corinthians chapter 10 starting to verse three for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations images in your mind everything that exalts itself against what you know about God the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ and having a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled just for a few moments tonight want to deal with the subject the conflict let's pray father we come to you in the name of Jesus I ask you Lord to let your word go forth not with enticing words of man's wisdom but of demonstration and power the Holy Ghost and will give you all the praise and the glory in Jesus name the church says amen you may be seated for a few moments this evening I'm dealing with the subject of conflict our text is found in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verses 3 through 6 first of all the Bible said for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh even though we're walking in the flesh you've got to understand you are a vehicle of expression you are a carrier you are a transporter if you took all if you took your shoes and everything that's valuable off of you and they took you and you know whatever they do could do to you cremate you or whatever all your mineral valued be less worth less than two dollars you know so that's why I'm a not not to think of himself any more highly than you ought to you ever read that in the Bible don't think yourself any higher than you ought to because if you took off your false teeth and your false eyelashes and your false hair and your tummy tuck in your eyebrows and everything else and you took off your golden your silver and your diamonds and they put you in a Crematory and got you done when they finished with you worth about $2 worth of ash and that's not very much at all so a man is not to think of himself any higher at any altar thing but the Bible said we have this treasure in an earthen vessel that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of ourselves I don't know if these things I'm almost afraid to do it tonight and I hadn't planned on this but the way ours work oh yeah they work the same way but my canoodle caused a mess inside that plant inside that this plant is setting inside a vessel all right it's setting inside a vessel and that's what we are we are vessels the Bible said we're born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so the Word of God is planted in this house of clay we have this treasure in this house of clay that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of ourselves and the first thing that happens is there is a germination process that takes place it takes place at receiving the word you see the angel came to Mary and said Mary fear not I bring you good tidings of great joy you're going to conceive and bring forth a child she said how in the world can something live inside of me I have never had a relation with a man I've not had any type of involvement there's been no no way this could happen how can I have something living inside of me you see the born-again experience is more than attending church it's more than going to some place it's more than entering in into some type of bill or some type of organization there's something living inside of me there's something living inside of you so she said how can this happen he said the Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee and that was conceived in thee shall be of God he said you're that's how it's going to happen she said let it be done according to thy word and it happened now it happens she didn't feel anything moving there wasn't anything there but she knew it happened because she received the word and that's the way it is with salvation we receive the Word of God in a confession of Prayer and the word comes alive inside of us and we concede a new creature a new creation I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus old things have passed away and all things have become new and you may say well I'm not getting too many new things because you're not going anywhere you understand in order for things to become new old things have got to pass away and the only ways old things can pass away is I've got to be going somewhere I've got to be walking in the spirit I've got to be walking from where I am to where he wants me to be and something new begins to happen on the inside but it wasn't long so Mary began to feel life on the inside of her and that's the way it is when we receive the Word of God there is new life through the scripture that's planted inside of us and nobody really can tell too much until all the ones a little green thing starts button up and another little green thing starts button up and then all once this life begins to take over and this life becomes so great that when I look at this vessel I don't come up here and say oh look at these beautiful vessels I say look at these beautiful plants and what happens is the new life so much overtakes us that people don't see me anymore but they see Christ that lives inside of me can we give him some thanks tonight give him some things now the Bible said in the book of Hebrews chapter 5 I'm going to move just a little bit before we go there he said the weapons of our warfare are not natural but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds we're talking about conflict what are these strongholds he said first of all imagination he said image he said one of the strongholds are these mental images that in your mind you're either having a mental image of you succeeding or you failing neither one of them has happened one functions by fear and one functions by faith neither one of them has happened you haven't lived yet and you haven't died yet you haven't become rich yet and you haven't become poor yet you don't have cancer yet and you're not healed yet but these mental images come into your mind and every one of us get these mental images these pictures this movie screen that plays over and over inside of our mind and what does this movie screen want to do the Bible said these mental images and these thoughts that they want to exalt themselves above the knowledge of God or the knowledge that you have of God what you know about God you know him to be a healer you know him to be a deliverer you know him to be a saver you know him to be a comfort a present help in the time of trouble but the enemy puts mental images in your mind because he wants to destroy what you know about God he wants to take away what you know about God when we say the knowledge of God sometimes we think about we just apply it to Scripture but this is what you know about God you know him to be good you know him to be righteous he's not he's not good just doing good deeds he is good that is his character when you look at the very essence of God and we look at this world we know the world operates by a law called the law of cause and effect that means everything you see has a cause behind this piano is a creator that caused it behind these drums is a creator that caused it behind this organ is a Creator that caused it everything you see the wind is caused by something trees are caused by something so that means every effect that we see has a cause behind it and what causes us to love one another there has to be a the effect of love there has to be a cause and that is loving hallelujah what causes this life that we have there must be a the effect there must be a cause that is living what about that as we see the complexity of the stars and the planets and the universe but there must be a cause that is omniscient that knows everything what about the force of a volcano or the force of a rage and see there must be a cause that is a nipple canta all-powerful what about us know in all of these organisms that just by a little move the of the earth remover the Sun that everything rotates exactly there must be a cause that is on the present and you put all of that and those are just a few characteristics you say what is living what is loving what is omnipotent what is omnipresent what is all together omniscient what is it the cause of that these are the effects that we have it must be one living and true God hallelujah and the Bible said every good and perfect gift comes down from where God above so the cause of everything good in your life is God himself he is the cause of every good thing I read about David David said I would have given up I would have quit I would have thrown in the towel I would have said I've had it up to here and I'm over with it but he said I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living hallelujah I am what I am because of a good God hallelujah I'm here tonight because there's a good God up that reigns can we give him some praise hallelujah now we know he's a good God so secondly if all good things comes from above then that means all evil things must come from a culprit to and that culprits name is Satan he is Lucifer he is that fallen star he is that one that led worship in heaven but iniquity was found in him he despises you he hates your worship and every evil ungodly thing comes from him what did I tell you this for because when you go to Hebrews chapter 5 the Bible said for when the time should come that you should be teachers in other words you've been in the church so long you ought to be helping other people you ought to be helping them get close to God I told our church that we are pastor an old-line Pentecostal Church we run about 2,200 people and I said if you all are quit shaking and shouting long enough just to go get somebody saved I'll appreciate it I thank God for all the fallen in the floor but God knows that Pentecostals have fallen in the floor until the back of their heads are flatter than a two-by-four they've spoken in tongue till they got calluses on both sides of their tongues and they still live in a hellhole and they still live in a lost city and they still live in a lost environment and while we're shaking and shouting and falling on the floor the enemy is too in a heyday on us the Bible said it's time it's time for us to grow up it's time that we should be bringing somebody to the kingdom it's time that we should be bringing them into the house of God it's time to we should he said here's what you know he said first of all let me tell you about something when this seed is sown in this earthen vessel in this house of clay he said you're like a babe and you got to have milk now this was written before bottles folks it was written before bottles which meant this in order for you to survive you've got to eat off somebody else that has the goods all right in order for you to make it you have to nurse off of somebody else now you're allowed to do that when you first come into this good hole in this way and you first find the Savior and you're first find God real to your soul and you first wake up in the morning up and you got your half unspeakable and full of glory you're allowed to nurse off of other people you're allowed to draw life from other people you're allowed to draw life up from those and they're in the house of God that have a praise on their tongue up and a shout on their lips up it's perfectly normal for you to draw a life from those people but when you get a little older and your mustache is hanging down to your shoulder and you're about this tall after that's out of order for you to be nursing off other people and what God says something he said it's time to grow up up there it's time for you to grow up it's time for you to take on some position I want you to learn how to get it for yourself up in I want you to learn how to stand up with nobody else so sign up oh [Applause] you see you got to get to a point in life when you don't have to have somebody going home with you and checking out your video Department you've got to get to a point in life you don't have to have somebody looking in your closet to see if it's too skimpy too short too little or too tight you shouldn't have to have one of those holy ghost mother's mother's standing over your back say honey you don't need to grease yourself to put yourself in those drawers he said there ought to be a time that you grow up there ought to be a time that you're the one growing up he said because milk nursing people belongs to Bates he said how do you know how do you know when somebody is of age of full age he said you're their affluent full age means it means that now what is sown in you has reproduced fruit you see I love to go out in the woods this time of year Ronnie's got little Choctaw Indian in him I've got just a little bit of a little bit Cherokee Indian I'm a direct descendant that she Fred Bertha's well hallelujah I'm a direct descendant from the mountains of Kentucky my mother's people in Clay County and I love to get out in the woods this time of year I love to walk around around those oak trees and those big old maples and those yellow poplar the hickory nuts and the walnuts falling all over and you know what this time of year I like to get in under the leaves and find me persimmons how many of you ever is real sweet persimmons they're delicious comment you know what kind of tree is that a persimmon comes off us is there anybody anybody knows what kind of tree come on doesn't anybody know guess what a persimmon tree yes hallelujah in Greek you call it persimmon in Hebrew you call it persimmon up in Kentucky you call it persimmon ah I know it's a persimmon tree you know why it's a blade and it produces persimmon something when you become a full age all body stretch in their hand up trying to figure out are you one of the sold-out ones up are you one of the born again once up have you been to Calvary's Mountain nothing have you had a talk with Jesus is the blood of Christ fall into your veins up nobody's depth and who you are because you come to pull a each other you got through throwing all over you who out there if you have more cruel it out of you then you've got on your flash up how can you give God a shout of praise up and turn around come over get him some praise Lord we thank you I want to hear your voice this time a man yeah hallelujah preach it brother oh yeah I believe we're in the same key hallelujah praise God he said when you get a fool age when you get a full age nobody's guessing who your Lord is nobody is guessing up what sure you have happen nobody is guessing up what you enjoy doing most hunters nobody has to wonder how what's his favorite tie time I do nobody has to guess about your music huh nobody guesses about your movie stutters nobody guesses about your literature nobody guesses about your entertainment happens nobody guesses about where you go up who you're where what you do up how long you stay there because there's no doubt about it happen he's what he says he hears nothing he's got something up on the inside of it that's moving on the outside up I'm talking about a new creature hold it in christ jesus is high five about five people and say I believe I'm on that right track if you are [Music] yeah he said he said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not natural but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of those mental images those images that says you're going to be poor you're gonna be busted you're going to be broke you're going to be single you're going to be lonely what are those mental images up there for they want to exalt themselves above what you know about God I said what you know about God and I found out what I know about God yes my God is merciful my god is good at other goodness I depend marsett have followed me into this house something I know about my god Hutton he's a healer when I've been sick Hutton he's been a comfort when I feel lonely happen he's been my joy happy winter fishing Taney mother that's what I know about God I know there's bigger picture somethings that are trying to tell me something different of all the things being caught up in the weapons from our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down Wow some of you have a difficult time you can't enjoy your salvation yeah yeah hallelujah good good good yes it's been good oh good good good yes he's been good cause it won't look me up this morning and it started me on my way good yes he is been good you're gonna have to learn how to start your own fire when Pastor parsley cannot be found and when Tommy Bates is in the Hills eatin persimmon ax and Judy Jacobs is out in Carolina somewhere and why need a bottom is somewhere in New York and Darlene Bishop is flying on a plane to California and you don't have an 800 number and you can't get to the prayer tower until something and you can't get a hold up any hand and you're bout to fall apart others cuz there came time to preach up you're gonna have to learn how to start your own fire you're gonna have to learn how to get up and walk for yourself up you're gonna have to learn to say hell happen whatever you're saying in my my hand up I don't believe in something cuz I know my car to be good that's good it's good good good good [Applause] [Music] hallelujah Oh Gege good yes he's been good that's gonna one how to do oh good good good yes he's being good he walked me up this morning starting me on my way Oh God yes he's been good you'd have to learn to say he's my man er come down from heaven everybody yes he's being good he's my fourth man in the fire yeah he's been good alright I only got 15 minutes left folks I've said hallelujah oh I know I know how to put the brakes on but I haven't reached the speed limit yet hallelujah because when this thing is over I want to put one foot on the brake and grab the emergency braking skid out of here do you hear what I'm saying I said hallelujah somebody said well I have a ride I don't need what you people need I don't need all of that praise I don't need all of that worship I have a ride well listen you are going to have conflict all the way up to the end do you hear what I'm saying you're going to have conflict all the way to the end I read about a man who was caught up in the third heaven I read about a man that had root had written 14 books of the New Covenant I read about a man that was knocked off of his high horse on his way to Damascus I read about a man that God you to plant the church everywhere and the Holy Ghost stood dime and said Paul oh you're gonna go to Rome you're going to declare the name of Jesus in Rome huh yes how many knows whatever God says about you huh Satan has conflict and he's going to stop it if God says you're gonna be healed up he says you're gonna die if God says I'm going to give you the abundance Satan says I'm gonna make you poor then all jobs Turkey oh yeah if God says I'm going to give you joy Satan says you're going to get depression if God says I'm going to give you mercy Satan says you're going to get judgments up I'm here to tell you he's got one thing in mind out there even though I have a treasure in this earthen vessel even though the excellency the power is not mine but it's God there's going to be conflict so the Bible said he got on a ship on his way to Rome and something happened a storm by the name of Yurok ladonna here attained and it blowed and it blowed and it load it was in the winter they were trying to get through the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean Sea and this storm lasted for many many days and the Bible said it looked like they were about to lose their lives could I have maybe about 25 Bible School students men that'll just get right up here I need somebody to fill my boat up huh yeah that was a good place for you say yeah yeah well believe it you see that'll get your mind from cutting the grass that'll get your mind off of putting the turkey in the oven now get your mind off of doing your homework now you all just fill up the boat and just sit right down in here down on the ground that's right get up here get up closer in front that Bible stand fill it up right here we're in the boat boys hallelujah come on get on up here we're in the boat hallelujah Apostle Paul also called said all this thing looks like it's about over it's just about ready to end but the angel of the Lord whose God that I serve huh he spoke to me last night and said except these men abide in the ship abiding in the ship except they say in their faith except they say in the house of God I know the enemy comes sometimes and he knocks your finances down and it seems like you start to get weak and you say I think I can make it on the own on my own but the church says to say in the ship stay in the ship help me preach hallelujah I know you may be in a situation up and it looks like your wife I don't know if you have one up it looks like your wife's getting ready to leave you and you're going to have to be paying alimony and you're just about ready to jump off hallelujah but what's the church say huh stay in the ship happen hallelujah it looks like it that old habit of drugs is coming back on you and you feel like walking a mile for a camel oh and now you feel like getting a little bit of Jack Daniels and you just feel it coming up and the temptations getting greater then I hear the Holy Ghost say say in the share pattern I see things falling apart in your life and that old demon wants to get back on you get you out there to club something and do some of that y'all happy and I old devil of a snow get back in the ship it may be rough it may be tightened it may be hard it may be difficult others but he never brought up this part Olivia he never brought her here to cast it out [Applause] hi have this treasure I have this treasure they have got a treasure telling each other I got a treasure I've got a treasure in this earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of ourselves because sometimes we're trouble on ever hands we're in trouble boy high five for trouble ha ha ha but we're not stressed out we're not taking value and we're not turning old Jack Daniels down and we're not out the club dancing our troubles away because we're going to watch I'm going to stay in the ship look I may be trouble but I'm not stressed out I may be perplexed that means confused why am I here how did I get here what did I do to deserve here but I'm not in despair you know what that means something that means in my trouble I'm still got anticipation nothing that he he is able to keep that that I have committed unto him against that day I am persuaded about it [Applause] I may be persecuted the stones may be throwing I said the stones may be throwing it yeah but he said he had never forsake me Stephen could take the stones cause he could see Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father huh somebody said that it hurts better I don't know I'm sure it is nothing but I know one glimpse of the Savior Sutton took away the painting happy I said why he's with me give him a shot a breeze [Applause] hallelujah he said I got a treasure in an earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of me God wants to show you how big he is God wants to show you how great he is I'm trouble but I'm not a nervous wreck I'm perplexed but I'm not without hope I may be persecuted him but I'm not forsaken here's the last one I may be in the gut I'm sorry Mike Tyson - hallelujah I may be hidden a godfather I may be his majora I may be hit me other Joseph I may be not plumb out [Music] ah I may have both eyes blinded they may be swollen up huh I may be laying in a pool of blood and hell maybe over top of me happy saying 100 I'm gonna look through a squinty eyes and I'm gonna look hell in the face huh and I'm gonna say hell yeah count to ten thousand if you want justice mm if you will as long as I'm in the ring as long as I'm in the ring I cannot be I cannot be destroyed do you hear what I'm saying huffing you may be laying on your back you may have typical testing but you just lay there a little longer - pop pretty soon huh he's gonna come up and pick you up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait a minute we haven't gotten to the good part yet it gets better get back in the ship for you trout well did things get better no they got worse the old ship hit a rock and the old ship hit a sandbar till they were blasted all over just sort of dissipate all over this platform and down here on the ground get down here on the ground all over halleluyah just flop all over the place because now you're in the Mediterranean Sea come on get on the ground boys you don't walk on water you're not Jesus some are holding onto boards some come on you're you're hanging on for dear life some are holding onto boards nothing some are holding on to the ship huh they're holding on to whatever they can hold on to but listen this isn't the end of the story one by one get back up here and you can stand huh one by one make it up here yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] you may have conflict happen but let me tell you something about your conflict button when the battles over happens you may be hanging on a board tonight and you may be just doing just behind happy and start working for the Lord and a snake batch of Hunter but once you come to your conflict with the devil by Chester you can shake him off button in the past [Applause] [Music] we just stay in the ship and you hang on to what you got when the conflict is over you're gonna have supernatural protection [Applause] then the Bible said there was a man by the name of publish ha ha and publish had a huge palace' hallelujah nothing and he had an estate ha all brother get down there and swim on a board one more time hallelujah you may have gotten here get that on your belly licks looks better hallelujah ha ha you may have gotten here hanging on died aboard huh but you're going to get to find protection huh and let secondly get up here huh guess where you get to say tonight huh in the Hyatt Regency Hutton hallelujah Hutton he's going to give you he's going to give you ha ha supernatural provision [Applause] I've come through the tire have come through the flood but when I get through my conflict I'm going to have supernatural protection and supernatural position I'd be like chasuble I feel like a fat hen [Applause] this is it this all happened in less than five hours Wow in less than five hours they were hanging on a board sharks are licking their jobs but weren't allowed to eat them yeah those big ol long nose sharks their fins are swimming around Holy Ghost said no supper here cuz I told um I told I told her if they will abide in the ship and endure hardness as a good soldier no weapon formed against you shall prosper five hours later design protection five hours later to find position your answers on the way Hutton your answers on the way stay in the ship stay aboard [Applause] listen to this one Bible said after Publius his father was healed they said they brought other I looked up the Greek and the other and it says all the remaining sick o ever single solitary person whole thank you Jesus supernatural power supernatural provision supernatural protection supernatural provision now supernatural power come on who's got a headache we've got to back out of place who's got a sore throat huh who's got not be he said I mean when you come to the flood you come through the fire you swim on a few boards up you're going to rise up and something inside of you is going to say my god tend to do exceeding it up underneath a power pole I can ask or think according to the power that works for the name hallelujah supernatural provision protection supernatural provision supernatural power hallelujah it's not over yet he said when I got ready to go home they brought me so much gold and silver and closed and goods they laded me heavy till I had to stop them not only when you stay on the ship are you going to get supernatural protection huh supernatural provision huh you're going to get supernatural power but there's going to be an explainable supernatural prosperity that the devil didn't give and the devil can't take it away nothing I bet I'm gonna say in the ship huh I want you to high-five about six people and give God some praise go ahead now shout out [Music] you want to shout go ahead yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] our provision protection prosperity our provision protection prosperity is mine gonna stay on the ships I'm gonna keep the pain gonna fight the battle the conflict is real the victory is real you go on down shout your way down [Music] how about a quark is mine mine mine mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all stand together one two join hands across this place all the way across this place this is a hell hate this see I don't know there's a big crowd here Eco shy column and Olson aka I don't know who you are and I'm here to report right now we're going to pray a prayer of faith every thought every mental image that is coming to your mind it's trying to push out what you know about God trying to push out what you know about God you can be an apostle you can write 14 books of the New Covenant you can be caught up into the third heaven but as long as you're in this house of clay you're subject to conflict but when the storm is over and I know when you're holding on to a board full of nails and you're coughing up salt water and your clothes are hanging off of yet and you're cold what does that mean when you walk in one night and your husband's not there three little babies sleeping back in the room what does it mean it means that you're somewhere and everything's pulled out from under nothing nothing that's what it means nothing and the only reason why you're holding on to this board that's full of nails because God said hold on hold on next a whole reason why you're holding on it's worthless in the natural it's just a piece of board it's just full of nails but there's something on the inside that's it hold on hold on now we're going to pray right now the Bible said let the strong bear the infirmities that's the trials the tests and the difficulties of the week and this huge crowd on a Wednesday night there must be several hundred people that are weak maybe they're on a board right now but supernaturally something's going to happen faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God I want us to begin to pray and if you've been baptized the Holy Ghost you release the Spirit of God let's start praying right now come on from the front to the back [Music] I don't even know the song but you never put more on me then I can bear [Music] hallelujah he'll never put more on I feel a wave of the Spirit getting ready to fall on this congregation well Oh Satan you've got some of these people pinned to the floor you got some up with their eyes black some of them are gargling and blood in the mouth some of them you hit them hard but I'm here to tell you count to ten thousand if you want what Islam as a whole lot even if it's a board as long as I'm say in the rain stand a ship say it with me no weapon formed against thee shall prosper now throw your hands up and get him praise [Applause] hallelujah so I thank God for the mountains and I thank him for the valleys and I thank him for every storm he brought me through yes I never had a prom I never know my god good Stalin never know what faith in his word could do just a little bit of this through it all through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus to trust in God [Music] I depend on I can tell you after many years one day some of you having struggles but one day you'll be able to say I thank God for the mountains and I thank him for the valleys and you'll be able to say with all companies I thank him for every storm he's brought me through what's little sister whining saying what is that one she sings it wasn't easy no but it was worth it and let's turn it over to brother Canfield maybe he can sing that song hallelujah run [Applause] do you appreciate pastor Tommy Bates come on let's let him know that we thank God for him what a word of encouragement tonight praise God now he's going to be with us tomorrow in chapel at world Harvest Bible College starting at 10 o'clock and you may be seated god bless you and we don't ordinarily do this but if you're here in the church you're not enrolled in world Harvest Bible College will give you a special dispensation to come and join us tomorrow and be with us for that special chapel service it's going to be wonderful I really really appreciate that word of encouragement tonight how many of you needed a word like that tonight amen amen let me share just a couple of things with you that we didn't have an opportunity to tell you about Sunday the last membership orientation for the year is coming up membership orientation will be held Saturday December 3rd 9:30 to 12:00 noon in the Mac conference room you say I don't know where that is just enter the doors there where the harvest prep students enter in the Mac Building and there will be people there to guide you child care will be provided at $2.00 per child for ages 12 and under a continental breakfast will be served to all those involved in the membership class also warrior Madness we're going to introduce all the harvest prep basketball teams this Friday November 11th that's the end of this week here at 7 o'clock in the cave attendance is free come out and support our basketball teams they're going to have great seasons this year Metro Harvest needs your help at the beatty Recreation Center on Saturdays a team will be sent to minister to the community there'll be discipleship training classes outreach fresh start computer training and all kinds of other things going on at Beatty rec center please see the Metro harvest table in the East foyer for more information or call the Metro Harvest Office airborne children's ministry is soaring to new heights with their tots landing preschool chapel team if you're interested in helping with drama puppets or praising worship now I tell people all the time if you're a little bashful about getting up in front of people you need to go by right behind a puppet stage because nobody will know is you Amen they won't even see your hand they just see the puppet stop by the nursery office in si-wing family life youth basketball from kindergarten five-year-olds through the sixth grade sign ups are going on now you can stop at the Family Life table in the South foyer volunteers are needed to help those grades the five year old kindergarten through the sixth grade you can stop at the Family Life table or call the Family Life Department here at the church for more information total body fitness class meets Tuesday 6:30 to 7:30 and Saturdays 10:45 to 11:45 in the bradleyb Jim GeForce junior high ministry grades 6 through 8 meets every Sunday night at 7 o'clock and there's some kind of announcement for fellows that I didn't get it was on the other it was on the other announcement sheet it's written down somewhere Helder bender has it praise God come on welcome elder bender hallelujah there it is all right fellows next meeting will be Friday November 11th at 7 o'clock in the youth area not in Dominion Hall going to be discussing power through purity and the tailgate party that they scheduled for November 19th has been cancelled because of the Reformation Ohio Crusade it's going to be going on in Dayton and we're going to give you more information about that on Sunday praise God everybody stand everyone stand with us you're going to have a great remainder of the week I said you're going to have a great remainder of the week somebody ought to say Amen right there we're going to be right back here Sunday morning pastor parsley is going to be in this pulpit we're going to be singing shouting the praises of God and enjoying the life of God and the glory of God together Heavenly Father we thank you for ministering to us and men yourself to us tonight we thank you Heavenly Father that in the days to come we'll see doors of opportunity open for us to share the life that is within us with those around us in the name of Jesus we thank you for it amen amen have a great remainder of the week we'll see you here Sunday morning
Channel: Jason Lands
Views: 3,732
Rating: 4.5428572 out of 5
Id: Qh46CcTHSo8
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Length: 102min 54sec (6174 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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