Rev. Terry K. Anderson - An Interview From HELL (Powerful Message)

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there's a word i want to lift in your hearing found in the gospel of luke and chapter 16. luke at chapter number 16. and i want to commence reading in verse number 19. luke chapter number 16 commencing in verse 19. there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fed sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and leaked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeing abraham afar off and lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame but abraham said son remember that thou in our lifetime receiveth thou good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented and beside all this between us and you that is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence then he said i pray thee therefore father that thou would his hen send him to my father's house but i have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment abraham said unto him they have moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said nay father abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent and he said unto him if they hear not moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever i want to talk tonight about an interview from hell an interview from hell i do not believe that there's enough preaching about hell there's a whole lot of preaching about naming it and claiming it there's a whole lot of preaching about blessings and and heaven and there's a whole lot of preaching about how to lose weight and how to how to get a man and how to get rid of a man all kinds of cultural foolishness but the bible says that there is a place a literal place that burns with fire and brimstone there's a place where the worm never dies there's weeping and gnashing of teeth there are no windows in hell there are no doors in hell there are no exits in hell there's no air in hell but worse there's no god in hell hell must be an awful place that god would send his only son to keep us from going there i had a discussion with one of my relatives who said i just don't believe that god would create a person and send them to hell we went around and around with that and i finally came to say to him that i i too do not believe that god would create anybody to send them to hell god loves us too much to send us to hell but god will allow you to go there if that's your choice [Applause] god sends nobody to hell you go to hell because you refuse god's gracious invitation i'm not going to hell and i hope you're not going either but i'm not going to hell because i haven't been invited and my mother taught us never go where you have not been invited [Applause] but i have been invited to the marriage supper of the lamb and when it's all over i'm going to heaven to be with god because hell is not my destiny i want to call this man up who's in hell and stand him up in mount zion church tonight and interview him before these believers that he might tell us about the horrors of hell as unspeakable as the glory of heaven is that must be how unspeakable the horror of hell is hell is actually a place 162 times hell is mentioned in the new testament 70 of those times mentioned directly by jesus himself hell is not a figment of your imagination hell is not a parable hell is not some place you just go according to the christian scientists and be annihilated hell according to jehovah's witnesses is no such place as hell because the jehovah's witnesses say that god will eventually redeem everybody and nobody will be lost caught in pearson in his foolishness he's saying that there's no such place as hell the seventh-day adventists say that all will be redeemed and there's no such thing as hell stephen hawking the theoretical physicist and cosmologist who wrote a book entitled a brief history of time this past friday his remains were interred underneath the floor in a crypt in westminster abbey in london he's buried in between sir isaac newton and charles darwin isaac newton said to worship jesus as god is idolatry charles darwin says that there is no such thing as hell stephen hawking's voice was transmitted into space to the nearest black hole so that he would live forever in his voice in space he's in between isaac newton and charles darwin and stephen hawking himself said that i do not believe that there is a god neither is there an afterlife so there is no heaven and there is no hell he's buried underneath the floor of westminster abbey between isaac newton and charles darwin neither one of them believed in god all three of them were atheists i wonder what they're talking about in hell tonight because the bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no god brothers and sisters hell is a real place for real people who have not accepted jesus christ as savior tonight if you don't know jesus christ you are lost and on your way to hell that's bad news but the good news is you don't have to go to hell because god sent jesus christ to die for your sins to rise for your justification to keep you from going to hell i want to call this man out of hell tonight and stand him up here in the mount zion church and let him tell us about the horrors of hell the bible says a certain rich man clothed in purple and fine linen who fed sumptuously every day this this purple that this rich man wore was the garment of royalty uh the dye needed to make this robe deep purple had to be imported from tyree scarlet and amethyst and rose those colors blue were imported from terry the linen underwear was the most expensive fabric to the ancient world imported from egypt he had on purple robes with egyptian underwear and he failed sumptuously every day the regular affair the regular meal of people in that world was bread and soup and fruit and they feasted only at weddings or ceremonial holy days but this man fared sumptuously every day imported clothes imported foods the best meats the most sumptuous delicacies and he had to go through his gate every day to get to his mansion to put on purple robes egyptian underwear and he passed a beggar ragged every day he goes inside his gated community walks up to his stately mansion goes to his closet get his purple that's imported from tyree his underwear that's imported from egypt sits down at his lavish with imported meats and delicacies from around the world and there are no napkins in that day so he takes his hand and wipes his hand on bread that he could give to the poor but he wipes his hand on bread and throws it on the floor and never even thinks about lazarus and here brothers and sisters lazarus is the only man that jesus ever names in one of his stories because the name lazarus in the greek is the hebrew name eleazar which means god has helped us but lazarus is a beggar he's ragged he's poor he's laid at the gate every day this rich man comes to his gated community goes to his stately mansion puts on his purple that purple robes died from tyree his egyptian underwear sits down at his table fast sumptuously wipes his hand on bread and throws it on the floor and never gives lazarus a second thought lazarus is a beggar there is no social security there is no uh fema check there is no uh no money from aid for dependent children he's a beggar he's broke he has nothing he's at the gate every day he's ragged this man is rich lazarus is is down and out this man fares sumptuously every day but then all of a sudden the scene changes there is a simultaneous juxtaposition both of them die they die on the same day because the bible says that lazarus dies and is angelically transported to abraham's bosom the rich man dies and he's buried listen to that again lazarus dies and goes to abraham's bosom the rich man dies and he's buried if you don't know god when you die all that will happen to you is you buried everything that you are everything that makes you you goes in the ground with you if you don't know jesus christ but if you know god you are angelically transported because to be absent from the body [Applause] is to be present with the lord when this earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved the believer has another building a house not made with hands but eternal in the heavens both of them lazarus goes to abraham's bosom the rich man is buried but i want to call him up and stand him here in mount zion church tonight and interview this man so he can tell us something about what's going on in hell first thing that comes to mind for us from this man's lips is in hell he is conscious he sees lazarus he's aware he has all of his faculties that there's no going to hell and burning up and it's all over in hell you you are tortured forever no windows no doors no exit no air no god you can try to die and won't be able to there's no getting out of hell there's no getting incinerated and then it's all over no you are tormented in flames forever i could handle hell for about 13 seconds but i can't get with that forever situation no air no windows no doors no light no god he hears the screams of the tormented he feels the flames of the wicked and he sees what he could have had because hear me brothers and sisters hell is filled with memory and remorse memory and remorse because in hell he sees lazarus i want to show you how god has a sense of humor when this rich man was alive and on earth walking through his gated community up to his palace going to put on his purple and fine linen sit down and fast sumptuously at his table every day he walked down looking down at lazarus but now he's in hell and he has to look up at lazarus i need to say something to you mount zion be careful folk you pass by and and act like you don't know them and and act like they're not on your level and act like you better than them every saint in here has a past and every sinner in here has a future have i got a witness here be careful how you treat the stranger i wish i had somebody to help me preach this country will go to hell if we keep mistreating people on our borders and not taking them in what you gonna do with that passage of scripture that says it would be better for you that a male stone were tied about your neck and you were drowned in the depths of the sea than to cause one of these little ones to go astray what what what happened to that scripture that says suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for us such is the kingdom of heaven what happened to the scripture that says i was hungry and you didn't feed me i was naked and you wouldn't clothe me i was sick and you wouldn't come to see me outdoors and you wouldn't take me in and the evangelical church will say lord when did we see you hungry thirsty naked sick and in prison and jesus will say to them in as much as you did it to the salvadorans and as much as you did it to the hondurans and as much as you did it to the african-americans and as much as you did it to the native americans you did it also unto me [Applause] i'm i'm i'm trying to get away from that because i because i feel my pressure going up every time i talk about this [Applause] but but trump is the president of these united states because of this country's fascination with celebrity and wealth and the white church and it's starting to happen in the black church we are starting to worship wealth and people who have it our heroes are not the brothers and sisters in the church our heroes are fools like jay-z and and kanye west and and beyonce and them crazy people some people don't know nothing about god give me some old person in church who comes to church every sunday knee bent and body bowed and given god the glory that's my heroes on christ the solid rock i stand all over the ground is sinking sand when i was a when i was [Music] when i was a child growing up in my little town in louisiana where i'm from we used to laugh at those old deacons and pray in the same prayer every sunday i can still hear brother richard walker right now he get on his knees and say lord here i am once more and again knee bent and body bow [Applause] thank you for a reasonable portion of my health and strength then he said i thank you that the bed i laid in was not my cooling board and the kibbles that i laid in he never would say cover he said give her my killers were not my wine and she and we'd go home and i'd put some old glasses on and my brother would be an usher and my sisters would shout and i would pray like brother richard walker cause we were playing church somebody ought to help me here but now that i'm almost 60 years old i get on my knees and say lord here i am once more and again thank you for a reasonable portion of my health and strength have i got a witness here when god has been good to you don't you ever forget who it was that brought you don't you ever forget that it was nobody jesus said what you do to the least of these [Applause] you did it also unto me [Applause] america is gonna have to repent for how we treat the stranger because the bible says be careful how you entertain strangers for some have even entertained angels unaware but i've come to mount zion tonight to say that the flag is not the cross the constitution is not the bible and god bless america is not my doxology i'm here tonight because stony the road we trod the chastening rod felt in the days when hope unborn had died yet with a steady beat have not our weary feet straight from the places where our father's side we have come over a way that with tears have been wanted we have come treading a path through the blood of the slaughter i wish i had one or two witnesses here i don't ever want to forget when i was down god came and picked me up when i was nobody god pulled me off the streets sanctified me and forgave me and i can't walk by you and act like i don't know who you are listen lazarus is in heaven and the rich man is in hell [Music] and he doesn't go to hell because he kicked lazarus he doesn't go to hell because he misused lazarus he's inhaled conscious because he ignored lazarus he ignored him he didn't see him because he couldn't get anything from him he couldn't do anything with him he was not in his social strata he was not in his economic class he was a beggar and nothing and nobody but when the scene changes when the script is flipped [Applause] lazarus is in heaven looking down at the rich man and the rich man is in hell looking up at lazarus and he's conscious he sees he hears he feels because hell is a place of memory and remorse because in hell he's trying to run it in hell he's still trying to be a shot-caller in hell he still think he got it all going on and and he can all the folk around because he says father abraham tell lazarus to come down here and dip his finger in some water and put it on my tongue because i'm tormented in these flames in hell trying to run something in hell lost in hell trying to be all of that ain't got nothing he's in hell broke in heat suffering tormented and he's trying to give lazarus orders through abraham still think he's better than last week abraham said no no we we ain't getting ready to do that because there's a gulf fixed between you and us and we can't go where you are and you can't come where we are but abraham says something that chills me in my shoes he says remember remember and then memories start cascading in of when he had a chance to go to church he had a chance to hear the gospel he had a chance to do right by his neighbor he had a chance to put his name on a church role he had a chance to do the right thing but now that he's in hell there is no chance for any of that and abraham says do you remember when you had it like that and lazarus was broke now lazarus is being comforted and you're being tormented do you remember lazarus is angelically transported the rich man is in hell and in hell he's conscious and he remembers not only does he remember because of his consciousness but in hell not only do you have consciousness this man is now concerned all of a sudden is father abraham father abraham father abraham father in hell [Applause] he had a chance to sing all these years when i was in hell father abraham kind of like some of my relatives they all get saved when they go to the pen everybody's a preacher when they come out of jail they're not a muslim they're a preacher come on talk back to him you've got some folk like that in your family they're all spiritual and they got a bible that lasts about two months i had one of my cousins reverend uh named gary gary went to jail and he came back a muslim had his little muslim outfit dashiki on and his cap on his head pulled down and he's assalamu alaikum and he came to our house and my mama was cooking the pork roast and you can smell that garlic all the way down the street and gary say mommy give me some of that pork i said gary i thought you was a muslim i'm i'm gonna get a little piece of this pork first everybody gets spiritually in jail everybody gets spiritual on their deathbed everybody gets spiritual when you're in trouble everybody love the lord when it looks like you ain't gonna make it but soon as god brings you out then you turn your back on the one you say you love well there ought to be somebody in here tonight who know that god's been with me ever since i left the gates of hell and i know too much about him for you to try to make me doubt him [Applause] he's concerned [Applause] he said sin lazarus dip his finger in some water and cool my tongue and and there's a sermon in that because just one drop of water from heaven can quench all the fires of hell but he said no no alaska was not doing that because when you were here you had all your good stuff and wouldn't remember lazarus and now lazarus is comforted and you are tormented and there's a gulf fixed that we can't go where you are and you can't come where we are he said well send him to speak to my brothers and send him to my father's house because i have five brothers and i don't want them to come here to be tormented in these flames abraham said they got moses and the prophets let them hear them then he said no father abraham they will be convinced if somebody rose from the let dead run that by you one more time they will be convinced if somebody rose from the dead that man is conscious he's concerned about his brothers too late i might add because he had an opportunity to to witness he had an opportunity to join church he had an opportunity to give his life to christ he had an opportunity to share his wealth with those who were less fortunate he had an opportunity to be an usher to be a deacon to sing in the choir he had an opportunity to give his money in the church and share the tithe and the offering he missed all of that opportunity because he failed sumptuously wore purple and imported underwear but now he's in hell conscious and concerned and finally convicted he's finally convinced that what he's heard all these years is true i wonder what robert ingersoll the great agnostic who said i have no respect for any man who preaches jesus christ as savior and lord i wonder what he's talking about in hell right now i wonder what steve jobs who invented the apple phone said that there's no such thing as a god or heaven i wonder who he's dialing in hell right now steve hawkins and and charles darwin and sir isaac newton all of them claimed that there was no god and and one second after death they had to meet the one that they claimed did not exist the wages of sin is death but the free gift of god is eternal life this rich man is in hell and he is convinced that hell is a real place for real people who reject jesus christ as savior and lord if you don't know god tonight i don't care how much you teach sunday school how many years you've been preaching the gospel because you do know you can be in church and still be lost you can read the bible and never meet jesus christ you can sing god's praises and never know the god you're singing about you need to be convicted and convinced tonight that you better come on the lord's side because there's power in the word there's healing in the word there's deliverance in the word there's joy in the word that hope in the word there is salvation in the word the word has power i tell you because that word saved me one day down in louisiana where i was born i came to jesus as i was weary warned and sad but i found in him a resting place and he has made mclean is there anybody here tonight no that old ignorant preacher told you that there was a man named jesus or maybe it was an old sunday school teacher who told you about the good news of jesus christ or maybe you were raised in a house with a mother and a father who made you get up on sunday morning put some clothes on and go to church you didn't like it then but you so appreciate it tonight maybe there was some old person in your neighborhood who told you that there's a way that seems right but the end thereof are ways of death i said i'm glad about the word i'm glad i've trusted jesus as my savior laugh at me if you please but i'm going to church on sunday morning talk about me and say that don't make sense to go to church every week well it may not make sense to you but you don't know what god has done for me you might say it's silly for you to always be in revival at mount zion well god's been so good to me god has opened so many doors for me god has answered so many prayers for me god has dried so many tears for me that i'm glad to be in the service just one more time you might say reverend it don't take all of that well you ought to speak for yourself it don't take all of that for you but you don't know where god brought me from you don't know what god has done for me he brought me from a mighty long way is there anybody here no god's been good to you is there anybody here can testify that god has opened the door for you is there anybody here that your name is written in the lamb's book of life if god's been good to you and you're not ashamed to testify if god brought you out and you don't care who's looking at you if god has made a way for you and you don't mind testifying why don't you hug somebody why don't you grab somebody tell them you don't know like i know you can't tell it like i can tell what the lord what the lord has done for me i'm through now i'm trying to get in my seat now but abraham told the rich man they won't believe even though one rose from the dead but i believe tonight because one rose from the dead he was born in bethlehem red in nazareth baptized in the jordan he died didn't he die sunday morning he arose from the dead and i serve a risen savior he's in the world today i know that he is living whatever men may say i see his hand of mercy i hear his voice of cheer and just the time i need him he's always near he lives he lives christ jesus lives today he walks with me it doesn't walk with you he talks with me have you tried him won't he make a way out of no way won't he pick you up turn you around place your feet on solid ground say yes yes yeah yes i know he's alright [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 283,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old School church, terry anderson, lily grove baptist church, frank ray, td jakes, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, michael todd, the potters house dallas, marcus cosby, terry k anderson, tellis chapman, ralph d west, jamal bryant, praise break, cogic praise break, at the cross, salvation, hell is real, Carlton Pearson hell, gospel of inclusion, conservative preaching, John MacArthur, gino jennings, gino jennings hell, trump, borders, immigrants
Id: c7u5dVEBtVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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