It's All About the Heart | Robert Morris | Gateway Church

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the series came about because James Robison and his team asked me if I would come on their program and teach on giving because I teach give to give not give to get and they said it's the most balanced message we've ever heard and if you could if you could could you write a book because if a lot of people would like to read and not just listen to the CDs or the tapes you know and I said sure you know how when do you need the book they said about about a month and so I went away and dictated the blessed life in in three days in a tape recorder because it's it's been in my heart for years it's been something Debbie and I've been living and I've been preaching and teaching for years the blessed life now the book millions of copies I've been told 30 something languages around the world I've given all the royalties away to this book we've been blessed from other books you know that I don't ever try to hide that from you that we've been very blessed financially from royalties but we all this book we were the first one we gave it to the Lord matter of fact all the royalties have come to Gateway Church and so it's been it's just God uses it all over the world here's the reason because there's truth in this book that will change your life I promise you and it'll change your marriage and it changed your family they'll change your health and change your relationships and change your job you'll change your life it's a blessed life not a blessed pocketbook or a blessed wallet it's a blessed life so look here at Matthew chapter 7 verses 1 and 2 it says judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured back to you now I just want to ask your simple question of is the word money anywhere in those two verses no and and the context is judging don't judge or you'll be judged okay now I want us to commit to short-term memory the first phrase and the last phrase and I'd like you just say it after me judge not and you will not be judged great this is all the campuses and all the churches by simulcast all right and with the measure you use it will be measured back to you say that now flip over to Luke 6 okay now let's say them one more time judge not you will not be judged with the measure you use it will be measured back to you okay look at the first sentence of verse 37 Luke 6:37 judge not and you will not be judged no you don't have to say I'm sorry then thank you thank you though okay and then look at the last sentence of verse 38 for with the same measure you use it will be measured back to you come won't you understand this is the parallel passage but I want to show you a verse in the middle that in my opinion many times the context is not understood okay so just loop 6 37 and 38 judge not and you shall not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned forgive and you will be forgiven now look at verse 38 give and it will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be put in your bosom for with the same measure you so be measured back to you now let me just make a statement this might shock you the word money does not appear in those verses and yet most of the time when we hear Luke 6:38 we think about money as a matter of fact when we think about the word give we think money I was being interviewed by a magazine awhile back and they they said how often do you preach on giving and I said every week they said you preach on giving every week and I said yes I think what you meant to ask me was how often do I preach on giving money and that's about every three years every three years I do a series on stewardship and generosity but you didn't ask me how often they're preached on giving money he asked me how often to preach on giving I can't preach on Grace and not talk about giving because God still loved the world he can't preach on marriage and not preach on giving because the marriage will not work if you're not givers if both people aren't givers and again not finance is now giving you understand say this dis applies to every area of our life that's what we have to understand giving is about the heart here's the title of the message I should have given it to you earlier but the title is it's all about the heart it's all about the heart jesus said where your treasure is there your heart will be some people say well you know they're after my money let me explain some deep yes God is after you're not the church God is after your money because he's after your heart and your heart is connected to your wallet I I guarantee I've seen there's a stream from your heart to your wallet because I watch people when they start to reach back it just it hurts if God can get your wallet listen to me he can get your heart and I'm not the one that said it jesus said where your treasure is there your heart will be also your heart follows your treasure you put your treasure in a stock you put some money in the stock you'll start going on the internet checking to see how that stocks doing and you never checked it before and you never cared about it forth but you care about it now because your treasure is there are you following me you want your treasure in the kingdom you put you want your heart in the kingdom you put your treasure in the king okay so it's a hard issue because he's talking in these verses about judgment condemnation and forgiveness don't judge or you'll be judged don't condemn are you wreaking it don't and then he says forgive and you'll be forgiven and he says give okay what's he saying though give judgment and judgment will be given back to you and here's the part I don't hear a lot of preaching on good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will mean give judgment back to you for with the same measure you give judgment you'll get judgment back that's the context of these verses judgment condemnation and forgiveness now you can apply it to other areas because of the laws of sowing and reaping if you give a seed you don't just get back one seed you get back a tree or a plant with many seeds and that's the way God is so whatever you give you're gonna get more back so it'd be better to give good things than bad things so you're gonna get more of it back whatever it is I was counseling with a lady one time and she was a single mother and she'd having anywhere to leave her kids and so she brought her kids and we just let him I said please come anyway and she just left him with the the my assistant we left the door open there and I was talking to her and here's literally this what she said she said my kids yell at me she said they yell at me I don't know why and then she did this y'all stop talking out there I don't know one day yell at me I said Luke 6:38 give yelling and yelling will be given back to you good measure pressed okay all right now if you can flip Deuteronomy 15 how you gonna develop a heart of generosity well way back Deuteronomy 15 God tells us what we need to do for things we need to do because it's all about the heart all right so Deuteronomy 15 look at verses 7 and 8 if there is among you a poor man of your brethren within any of the gates in your land which the Lord your God is giving notice God's giving you the land by the way notice we're giving you shall not harden your heart it's about your heart nor shut your hand from your poor brother but you shall open your hand wide to him and willingly that would be about your heart lend him sufficient for his need whatever he needs okay so there are 4 things that we need to do if we're gonna become generous givers here's number 1 deal with a selfish heart deal with a selfish heart look at verse 9 Deuteronomy 15 verse 9 beware lest there be a wicked thought in your heart notice hard again saying the seventh year the year of releases the hand and your eye be evil against your poor brother and you give him nothing and he crowd to the Lord against you and it become sin among you notice selfishness is wickedness in God's eyes and it becomes sin now here's what he's saying he's saying now when your brother comes and asked to borrow from you you you open your hand and willingly lend to him you you you open your heart to him but don't let there be this wicked or selfish thought in you that says man this is the the year of Jubilee that means all debts will be canceled in other words he became and said hey I need to borrow some money my crops were bad this year and and you thought you know what six more months is the year Jubilee if he can't pay me back in six months then then I have to cancel this debt see God implemented an economic system were all debts were canceled every seven years how many of you would like to re-implement that economic system okay so if you thought you know I'm not going to do this because he might not be able to pay me back you know what God said don't do that don't think that way and here's what he called he calls selfishness wickedness he's dealing he's telling the people of Israel this I don't want you to feel looser I want you to be generous like I'm generous yes I'm ask you a question as to Bible College class this one time why did God create giving never thought about that because God did it's it's it's all through God's work so why did God invent or create giving and the overwhelming answer was to support his work and I said to them I want you to think about this I said these these college students I said do you really think and when you think about this cuz it's funny to me do you really think that God needs your money to support his work I mean you know it is the light bill you know in heaven you know too big for God they running out of gold for the streets I mean cattle on a Thousand he'll he's running out of cow I mean you know what God needs you know listen God did not create giving for his sake he created giving for your sake giving more than any other activity that a believer does work selfishness and greed out of our lives this is why I don't like much of the preaching I hear on giving because it's give to get give and you'll get giving you'll get and let me tell you what that does it actually works selfishness and greed back in your life and what do you how do you think God feels when when a preacher preach giving you'll get give and you'll get and people's well I want to get so I'm gonna give I wonder of God he's thinking well this is great all of my people are catching the revelation of getting know we need to catch the revelation of giving now I do want to say it drives selfishness out of our lives we have to deal with a selfish art I do want to just say just for a moment ladies that there's an area of selfishness that men never grow out of that's what you know okay we do not want to share our food and for some reason you won't our food and I don't I don't understand it and we do not want to share our food the very first time Pastor Tom and Jan Lane sitting on the front row J and said I knew you were gonna say this sitting right there the very first time I went to dinner with them I we were going around the table ordering I ordered and Jan said oh good I've been wanting to try that I never even met the woman and she wanted to eat off my plate and I said well you better order some cuz that's the only way you're going to get in thank you back come on what does every woman say when you're at the drive-thru what does every woman say you say what would you like something no I just have some of yours no you won't I'll buy you two orders of fries but you're not getting any of my fries and the fries that fall in the bottom of the bag are mine too [Applause] so point number one is deal with a selfish heart I don't know that's directed just to the men or to all of us all right here's number two deal with the grieving heart grieving heart now he's talking about money so I'm like giving verse ten you shall surely give to him give to him and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him because for this thing watch for this thing giving with the right heart the Lord your God will bless you in all your works that's amazing and in all to which you put your hand if you learn to give from the heart with the right heart got a bless you and everything you do that's what he just said see we need to understand this is a heart issue but selfishness attacks us before we give and grief attacks us after we give you ever given a large amount or made a commitment and then something breaks and the enemy comes immediately say see he shouldn't have done that he comes in and then grief because we get now you know I'm sitting here Here I am preaching this message and I had this thought just go through my mind and after thirty years of preaching how to know to just let the thought go and by but here's the thought ahead I just thought to myself I'm going out to eat after the service and and I don't I don't have any cash I just had that thought just go through my mind you know I'm just well $100 sir okay I'm gonna start saying those thoughts more often okay no let's let's talk about that for me all right why when I said I don't have any cash why did David get up that fast and give it to me let me tell you why because I gave it to him before the service it's $900 getting out he's not grieving that he gave ya you're not grieving oh you're little huh no he's not grieving because why because it was mine see see the reason that we grieve after we give is because we thought it was ours and the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof so when we give back to God what is already his then we don't grieve over it so the O will degrade me heart here's number three develop a generous heart develop a generous heart look at verse 14 you shall supply him liberally generously from your flock watch from your threshing floor and from your wine press now watch this from what the Lord has blessed you with you shall give to him God wants us to be generous we were born selfish we are born again generous we just have to renew our minds you think about it you really want to be generous now we read Luke 6 a moment ago if we were to go back and read the context again and back up a little more and we're not going to do that right now but you can do that you go back to around verse 30 here's what it says give to everyone who asked of you and from him who takes your coat given this - and it's yourself whole context is Lynde it's people even hoping not to receive anything in what he's doing is dealing with the heart it's the it's the first thing we have to try to teach our children I want you to think about that what do you have to try to teach your children that is so hard to teach your children share share know we share and what happens a little neighbor boy comes over to play and the neighbor ward picks up a toy what is your boy do drops the toys play with runs over and says I played with that I was playing with that right and the neighbor voice okay so he goes there and picks up something else is that your boy runs over I was playing with that too I explained that to do you realize what God is saying to all of his children when are you gonna grow up what are you gonna grow up when you gonna become like your father that's so love that he gave you know heard us story of my son joshan's daughter-in-law Hannah told me a while back they have two children Grady who's seven and Willow who's four and they got in the car Hannah picked him up from church and Willow said mommy did you know that there was a woman in the Bible that only had two pennies and she gave both of them to God and Hannah said yeah that's that's a wonderful story and Willow said I want to give something to God so Hannah said well pray and ask the Lord what he wants you to get and so you could see her she closed her eyes Hannah was watching her in the mirror you know she closed her eyes she did like this and then she said what [Laughter] and then she said little baby no little baby Oh Betty baby oh yeah you can have Betty baby I don't like her okay that's cute that's kids learning about giving but some point you got to grow up some point you say or do what you want me to give you say that's great that's what I'll do that's what I'll do so we want to develop a generous heart here's number four develop a grateful heart develop a grateful heart back in Deuteronomy 15 look at verse 15 you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you then he says this therefore I command you this thing today you always say I command you to be generous I'm commanding you and you know I'm the authority that I'm commanding you is that everything you have came from me you need to remind yourself every now and then at your slaves you know every now and then I get a reminder I leaned over to John and the David right before I came up and told him because it happened to me yesterday I was hard going to sleep last night I knew the enemy was trying to attack him too because this series was the beginning but Debbie got an email from a friend of ours we went to high school with and she said you know love the first conference watched on the internet all this but hate to bring bad news but we've lost two more of our class members she named two guys both guys I did drugs with one of the guys I started on drugs and she one of the guys died from a drug overdose another guy committed suicide I'm lying there last night thank you thank you God for redeeming my life out of that for redeeming from that type of a lifestyle these guys now 35 years since high school and still what a horrible life they must have had for 35 years thank you God you know the Lord just reminds me it's not hard for me to give you understand I didn't have anything I was a slave you you didn't have anything either no matter what you had you didn't have anything if you didn't have Christ a while back my pastor and his wife were had heard me share our testimony on giving and in this series I'll share our testimony and giving and by God's grace Debbie and I've been able to give like many cars to people we were able to give our first home away we've just been able to get very extravagantly and we love to do that and I shared that testimony in the church and we went to dinner of this pastor his wife and the wife said to Debbie I have a question for you and and both of us knew the question because we've heard it many times she said how did you feel when your husband said he wanted to give away your house and Debbie said I felt great I felt great she said you have to remember that Robert and I were married before he got saved and every time he's wanted to give something extravagantly I think thank you God thank you God for my new husband and then the pastor asked her a question she never been asked he said why do you think that Robert is so generous and I'm not trying to set myself up as an example I know many many people are very generous but he said why do you think that I mean he just has given so extravagantly retirement savings all these things over the years why do you think he's so generous the tear came down her cheek and she said because he's never gotten over getting saved he's never forgot where he came from and he knows that everything we have
Channel: Gateway Church
Views: 31,571
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Keywords: Preston, Morrison, gateway, church, gateway church, scottsdale, tempe, gateway church sermons, church online, arizona church, arizona churches, scottsdale churches, tempe churches, phoenix churches, gateway people, gateway life, Preston Morrison, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert Morris, Pastor Preston Morrison, Preston Morrison sermons, church sermons, all about the heart, messages on heart, the blessed life, blessed life, tithing in church, giving in church, heart, what is tithing
Id: FccpnBhLn1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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