Pastor Paul Chappell: The Coming False Church

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take your bible this morning and turn to revelation 17 revelation 17. if you are a guest today we have been preaching a series entitled things to come and we're preaching about biblical prophecy last week we learned about the tribulation period next week we're going to learn about the second coming but this morning we're going to preach about the coming one world church how many of you have never heard a message from revelation 17 before let me see don't be don't be bashful okay good number of you so put on your thinking caps put on your bible belts we're going to get going into a very interesting passage and i hope that it will help you to have discernment as we move ahead in our lives let's stand together revelation 17 we're going to begin reading in verse number one for our scripture reading and if you don't have a bible maybe look on with somebody nearby you and i'm thankful that we can turn to god's word and find various principles that help us to understand things to come revelation 17 and verse number one and there came one of the seven angels which had seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come hither i will show unto thee the judgment of the great that sitteth upon many waters with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication and upon her forehead was a name written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth and i saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus and when i saw her i wondered with great admiration and the angel said unto me wherefore ditch thou marvel i will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carrieth her which hath the seven heads and the ten horns now we learned a few weeks ago the seven heads are speaking of the rulers of the last day the ten horns speak of the final division of this earth under the antichrist but this morning the emphasis of this message is on the harlot which is called mystery babylon the great what a different kind of a message we're going to have today but the title of the message is the coming false church and i really believe it'll come together as we study this passage and you'll want to take some notes with us this morning because we know that in the end times not only will there be a ruler called the antichrist but there will be a false church that worships that ruler and that's what we're going to see this morning so let's pray and we'll jump right into this message father we thank you this morning that you give us a glimpse into the times to come and that from these glimpses of scripture we can have discernment to follow you and to follow you alone so please lord bless our time of preaching today we pray in jesus name amen you may be seated well since the time of jesus christ there have been people that are called out unto him and have followed him in simple faith they have not followed jesus plus the sacraments jesus plus a prophet jesus plus good works there have since the time of christ been people who followed christ alone and we learn about them in the new testament in fact the bible tells us in acts chapter 11 and they were called christians first at antioch these people who followed christ in simplicity of faith became known as christians and a christian is a christ follower or a christ-like one and by the way it is a great privilege and responsibility to be called a christian and we want to make sure that we are living a life worthy of the vocation wherewith we have been called now for at least a thousand years author dave hunt wrote for at least a thousand years before the reformation the true church was composed of multitudes of simple christians who were not part of the roman system that such believers existed worshiped independently of the roman hierarchy is validated in scripture now that's an important statement we're going to come back to that the statement that was just made that for a thousand years from the time of christ there were people who followed christ alone they did not put their faith in the roman church they did not put their faith in their own good works but they had come out like the original disciples following jesus christ by faith like the philippian jailer who was saved by faith in jesus christ in a few moments i'm going to show you a video and you're going to hear someone declare that there were no simple followers of christ in the first thousand years that all those who were religious were roman catholic and nothing could be farther from the truth our faith did not begin in rome our faith began with the lord jesus christ and you can find more about uh the trail of blood as it is often called with some of the books that are in our christian bookstore but there have always been people since the time of christ who have simply believed in christ for their salvation and yet there have also been detractors of that simple faith deniers of that simple faith people who have added to the gospel subtracted from the gospel and this is why jude wrote in jude and verse 3. beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ there are people who are religious and yet they deny the efficacy of the cross of jesus christ they'll talk about jesus but they do not fully trust in jesus christ as our savior now the false religions that began really in the first and second and third centuries those false religions began to create false sacraments or ways whereby they said one must attain salvation sometimes referred to as works some of them also raised up their own false prophets and we could mention many false prophets today that have come on the scene of this earth and have claimed a gospel of their own today in this chapter we are going to see the ultimate perversion of faith we are going to see that in the last days there will come an all-encompassing religion that emphasizes tolerance and unity and lots of other buzzwords but de-emphasizes the finished work of jesus christ alone now the religious power that is mentioned in this chapter you may have noticed is referred to as an harlot or a woman that has compromised and committed fornication with lots of other religions in order to have the power of the world religious system and it is interesting that on the forehead of this woman is mentioned mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth we're going to see that this world-ending false religion is a religion of compromise dating all the way back to babylon and we're going to learn about the significance of babylon in just a moment and so as we see the antichrist government coming into play in revelation 13 we see the church of the antichrist in revelation 17. i want you to notice in your notes this morning the identification of the false church the identification of the false church notice in verse number 1 where the word says come hither i will show unto thee the judgment of the great that sitteth upon many waters the first thing i want you to notice about this church is that it is a corrupt church she is corrupt in her relations this will be a philosophy that will replace christ with religion now folks i pray that we have discernment this morning how many of you have been saved long enough to know religion does not save us from our sin only jesus can do that how many of you know it is not enough to say i am spiritual the devil is spiritual the bible says the devil believes and trembles the devil can get emotional even it's not enough to believe there is a god the devil believes there is a god it's not enough just to be religious jesus said it this way i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except by me and so what we see in this passage is the raising up of a false church that will de-emphasize the work of jesus christ she will be corrupt in her relationships now the term harlot is a metaphor for false religion spiritual defection idolatry and even religious apostasy and we see that word in other parts of scripture for example in isaiah chapter 1 and verse 21 isaiah is speaking to the children of israel after they had allowed false religion into their into their ranks and he says in verse 21 of chapter 1 how is the faithful city become an harlot in other words this intermingling of false faith in with the people of god was displeasing to god that's why he often times told them to tear down the groves of baal and to destroy the false idols of the lands that they conquered because our god is worthy of worship and he and he alone deserves our worship and so we see that this false church will bring all the other churches together in her relationships she is referred to very clearly as the great what a terrible church to belong to but spiritually speaking this is how god describes the compromise in her relations we see that she is corrupt in her reach we see that she will have a strong and far reach notice it says in verse 1 the great that sitteth upon many waters now the word waters often refers to the expanse of many nations uh the spread geographically of a church notice if you would in revelation 17 15 and he saith unto me the waters which thou saw us where the sitteth are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues and so geographically politically ecumenically this composite of all religions is going to spread not just in europe not just in italy and croatia and germany but into the united states in china and the philippines there will be a worldwide spirituality during this time of the tribulation people will believe that something religious is happening amongst them and i believe the message of this church will be unity and tolerance and this will be a false church in that they will downplay doctrine they'll say we don't need doctrine doctrine divides us we just need to have some form of a good feeling together and so it is doctrine is displayed less and less by the way when someone joins lancaster baptist church we always give them the doctrinal statement which is to say here's what we believe about jesus about god about heaven about hell about the holy spirit about the bible we believe as baptist that doctrine does matter but this church will not emphasize doctrine her message will be quite different layman strauss who pastored in san diego county for many years wrote in his comment here on revelation the great is a combination of apostate protestantism romanism and atheism it is the huge ecumenical church of the last days and it is being heralded as a step toward unity and world peace john phillips wrote for as mystery babylon emerges in her final form she will embrace all of christendom and all the other religions of the world as well and so this end days church will be a church that embraces all religions together now how many of you have recognized that we are living in a day and age where there is less and less discernment even amongst god's people we're seeing over and over again that americans are less discerning they are less biblically discerning we're seeing that american churches are compromising left and right many mainline denominations are just saying look at we need to get more involved in social justice than we do preaching the gospel of jesus christ we need to get more involved in uh maybe promoting uh the the the freeing of the whales uh more than we do the gospel of jesus christ and mother earth and and we hear people that even use the word gospel but they're not preaching first corinthians 15 the death of resurrection we're seeing more and more a movement away from biblical truth the world is becoming less discerning recently i read a a survey done by george barna at the cultural research center of arizona christian university in this particular study they said that 57 uh percent of millennials stated that they were uh believers in a god but 43 percent said they don't know care or believe that a god exists and every time these studies are done there's larger percentages of people saying i don't even know if there is a god i don't really care if there is a god the god-consciousness the biblical consciousness that brings discernment is waning in america millennials according to the survey consider pre-marital sex with someone expected to be their future spouse to be morally acceptable by the way i don't want to pop anybody's bubble but the fact is that it's still sin but they say well that's sort of acceptable uh they deem reincarnation a real possibility they believe that being liberal regarding fiscal and social policies is good in fact they champion liberal theology they are amongst those that call themselves the don'ts they don't know if there is a god or care that there is a god and they tend to perceive the expansion of government as a way to facilitate better life these are some of the core values and we see that there are many that are turning further and further away from god as their center of living and more and more towards other causes and so this church will feather into that type of thinking and there will be a corrupt church that is identified here in revelation 17 and it will be a compromising church notice what it says in verse 3 so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns now here we see that this woman is going to be the false church that rides the government of the antichrist the bible very clearly tells us here in verse 3 the woman sat upon a scarlet beast the woman depicts false religion the beast pictures the false governments of the seven leaders and the ten kingdoms we studied a few weeks ago the woman riding the beast now this goes all the way back to ancient european legends the legend of uh zeus and europa having an affair if you will a sexual affair and from that relationship uh there was the goddess europa that was uh also worshiped along with zeus this idea of a woman riding the beast then comes from pagan mythology but it is something that will be resurrected again in this church-state relationship now if you've been to europe you'll remember seeing the euro how many of you have ever had a euro in your hand let me see some of you been to europe they have a coin called the euro and if if you're like me i like to see what's on uh materials like a dollar bill or like a coin like this how many of you are glad you live in a country where on our dollar bill it says in god we trust how many of you are glad for that they haven't tried to take that off yet they might try to do that someday soon with all the craziness going on but if you're in europe and you are given a euro you'll look under the european coin and you'll find that there is a woman riding the beast the european union has chosen this as their symbol the woman riding the beast whether they understand the prophetic truth of this or not i do not know but i know that this false church is going to have a union with the latter days government and we hear now even religious leaders calling for more and more of a one world government that will also align with the one world church the pope at the pontifical academy recently said when a supernatural common good is clearly identified it is necessary to have a special authority legally and concordantly constituted of capab capably of facilitating its implementation he goes on to speak of climate change new forms of slavery and the need for peace and with that he is promoting the need for global governance this is something that is often spoken of in our world today and so this false church rides the false government and there will be a union during the tribulation of the two and the false church will be very impressive and intoxicating as the world views it and becomes a part of it notice in verse 4 the woman that's speaking again of the false church was arrayed in purple and scarlet colors decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication the world will be mesmerized by the antichrist and by the church or the religion of the antichrist now we're not going to spend a great detail of time this morning studying roman catholicism i do believe that the roman church will be very central in bringing together the other churches but the roman church alone is not the only false church there will be many that will come together nevertheless when you see this verse here and you understand the meaning of verse number four you see the gold and the precious stones and pearls and the golden cup in the hand if you've ever been to rome you're well aware of the massive amounts of gold and art and wealth of the catholic church you're aware that they are the largest landowner in the entire world the roman catholic church that they own every church is owned by rome and so forth revelation 13 and 14 says and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live so here you have this very powerful wealthy church and the bible teaches us that the beast or the antichrist will be the central object of worship by this church we'll see more about that in just a moment but the identification of the church is seen in that it is corrupt she is called a and it is compromising in that she will have forged relationships with the governments of the world we'll see this in just a moment but the only church in the entire world to have an embassy is the catholic church the united states of america sends an ambassador to vatican city it's the only church to which we send an ambassador and many see that as the beginning of the types of relationships that will come between state and church by the way how many of you remember in your united states history that the founders of america wanted a separation of church and state but it will go back into a church that is in union with the world government in the end we see the identification of this false church notice secondly the integration of the false church what will be comprised of their faith and their operation notice first of all there will be an integration of idolatry in verse 5 the bible says and upon her forehead was a name written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and the abomination of the earth here we see that this is religious babylon now archaeologists tell us that babylon is the cradle of civil civilization we're going to learn a little more about babylon in just a moment but there are many who have longed for a one world church that could get to god if you will without jesus christ or without following the ways of god globalist theologian lloyd gearing in his book the world to come wrote if the global society emerges it will require humanity to develop a new consciousness and a new form of spirituality so here is a man who does not believe in christ who does not believe in the bible but he believes in global governance and he is calling for a new type of spirituality similar to that from babylon now notice this in verse 5 again mystery babylon the great those of you who've studied the book of the revelation know that about one-fifth of this book refers to or speaks about babylon babylon comes from the root word babel which always symbolize revolt against god dr harry ironsides wrote we learn that the founder of babel or babylon was nimrod his unholy achievements are recorded in genesis chapter 10. the word nimrod means rebellion he was a world leader who determined to build a one world religion the tower of babel which was a way to get all peoples from all different languages to god uh to heaven without believing in the god of the bible and he was making an attempt at the first one world religion how many of you remember that story in genesis 10 11 12 that god chose to confuse them with different languages in their attempt to create this tower genesis 11 tells us about it and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime for mortar and they said go too let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad throughout the face of the whole earth so nimrod the rebel determines to build a tower in babel and that tower was to get up to heaven without believing in the god of the bible and it was an international attempt it was an attempt to get to god in a way of rebellion toward god it was an attempt to get to their god i should say and so god describes the last day's church as mystery babylon the great in other words another attempt to get religion without believing in god an attempt by a rebel only this time the rebel will be the antichrist himself in in essence all false religion can be traced back to nimrod and the tower of babel all religions try to get to heaven without god's prescribed method and god's method is jesus christ and yet false religion says well i'll get there by doing my own works i'll get there by going to church i believe what i want to believe i worship god at yosemite every false religion has their way but it's not always god's way and so this false religion is referred to in verse 5 mystery babylon the great it's from babylon and it's filled with abomination this church will be so filled with compromise and practices that are an abomination in the sight of god did you see that in verse 5 the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth now the word abomination is a common reference to idolatry i have been to buddhist temples in seoul south korea where i have seen crucifixes laid there i have been to catholic churches where i have seen idols of buddha at their altar these are just minor pictures that i have taken but they are a picture of things to come the false church will be an amalgamation of all religions mystery babylon the great and full of abominations and the ultimate abomination which we studied a few weeks ago is that the antichrist will be the object of their worship in the very end do you remember that notice in your notes second thessalonians 2 3 the man of sin will be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god ultimately this world church will worship the antichrist he will break his truce with israel at the second half of the tribulation and demand the worship of the world so this false religion is from babylon it is filled with abomination and i want you to notice that uh this idolatry is not only from babylon and filled with abomination but thirdly notice this it's flowing with blood this church is a bloody church now notice something super interesting in verse six and i saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints now let me pause here for those of you that are new in the lord the word saints is not referring to some dead guy on the church that you went to when you were a kid okay in the bible all of us are considered to be saints so the bible says for example in galatians or ephesians under the saints of galatia unto the saints so if you are saved you are set apart that means the word saint means a set apart one it means that you are in christ j vernon mcgee used to say there's two types of people the saints and the ants all right so if you're saved you're called a saint in the bible if you're keeping up with me say amen okay we're the saints we're the christians there's another word for that so we come back to verse six and it says this woman is drunken with the blood of the saints this false church will be a church that has killed many christians and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus now that's how many of you would say this is a heavy passage today this church at the end will be a church that is known as a church that killed many christians now throughout history and during the tribulation itself false religion has taken the lives of many christians as well as many jews but specifically here it speaks of the saints or the believers now i want you just to think in terms of history with me for just a moment some of you recall the inquisitions or what was called the period of the crusades and i remember one time former president obama saying we christians better not be too critical of the muslims he was sticking up for the muslims and he said because we were guilty of the crusades and that was a highly offensive statement to me and it showed that the president had never studied really the history of the crusades if you study the history of the crusades it wasn't baptist killing people it wasn't born again christians killing people if you study the history of the crusades what you're going to find is that it was during that period of time that the roman catholic church was killing muslims we're killing the waldensians we're killing the anabaptists it was not a god-fearing christians that were killing other people but it was the church of rome that was taking the blood of anybody that did not agree with them including people who trusted in christ alone as their savior following pope innocent iii the inquisition did most of its work in southern france but it claimed people in germany and italy and spain and later on in the inquisition it crushed those who tried to raise up during the reformation like martin luther who said the just shall live by faith salvation is not through a church it's only through jesus christ that's what the reformation was all about and the church began to squelch that now what i'm preaching to you today is not to be mean towards someone that is catholic in that sense it is to simply say this is history this is recorded history you can read it plenty of books in the bookstore about it honest catholic historians will tell you the same it is stated that in the 30 years between 1540 and 1570 no fewer than 900 000 protestants were put to death as the pope attempted to exterminate the waldensians the waldensian people were those who have a heritage linked to us as baptist the waldensians believe salvation through jesus only they believed to be baptized after salvation they they refused to pray to statues they did not believe in transubstantiation or the idea that you can give money to the church to cover the sins of dead people they rejected that and the waldensians were killed to the tune of 900 000 people now folks i could take the next several weeks and share with you the names and the incidents of the martyrs we have books on the martyrs in our bookstore today i think of john huss i've stood at his place where he was killed where he was a martyr for the faith in 1417 john huss was brought to constance germany the roman catholic bishops demanded that he recant his faith in jesus christ by the way john huss was a man that was a roman catholic priest who realized salvation is not through the sacraments it's through christ only and he got saved and he began to speak against the idea of the church as a way of salvation they brought him to constance germany they tied him to a stake they placed the or the small sticks below his feet and they said to him recant this false teaching and he said what i have taught with my lips i now see you with my blood and they burned him to death i think of latimer and ridley in 1555 in oxford also roman catholic priests who came to the realization that salvation is only through jesus christ queen mary was so disgusted at them that on broad street in oxford you can visit yourself there's a cross in the middle of the street that will show you where those two men were burned because of their faith in jesus christ the stories go on and on and on by the way they go on to this very day just last month in indonesia there were four men christian men who were going about passing bibles who were passing tracks they were apprehended by a muslim mob and their lives were taken as martyrs for the faith false religion has always persecuted those who believe in jesus christ as savior and so we see that this false religion is is an integration of idolatry from babylon it is filled with abomination and it is a religion that is identified verse 6 with the blood of the saints and i say this again historically i know of no other church more clearly identified with the shedding of the blood of saints than the the church of rome and so we understand that all churches will come together in the end to worship the antichrist but i believe rome will be central the integration of idolatry then i want you to notice secondly that there will be an integration politically this last day's church will have a an integration with the world's government verse 2 with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication so again this false church has a relationship with this false government and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication so there is a desire for a type of state church on a worldwide level and again the only religious power that has an embassy to with every major nation is the roman catholic church to this day there's a union between the church of rome and the nations of the world at this very moment then notice thirdly there will be not only an integration of idolatry and integration politically there will be an integration of theology they will try to bring all faiths into one faith verse four the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication what's the fornication the fornication is the false teachings that come together as one now let me say this morning we must recognize that as we look across the expanse of religiosity today the world's message of unity is often at the expense of truth and this will be the message of the last days church and i want to just bring up here because many of you are newer in the lord some of you this is a different type of message but let me share with you colossians 2 8 i think these are in your notes if you want to look it says beware lest any man spoil you that means carry you away through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after christ you see the last days church will say let's all get together let's have peace religion has been the problem that's why there's so many wars let's not emphasize so much doctrine let's just tolerate all the religions and god says beware of that philosophy first john 4 and 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether there be of god because many false prophets are gone out into the world sometimes someone will come and say look we just need to get all the religions together let's just be spiritual let's just pray if you believe in the god of abraham i believe in the god of abraham then that's all good but i want to remind you of proverbs 14 12 there is a way which seemeth right unto a man and the end thereof is destruction so we want to have discernment and many christians today are going by their mood or their feeling but not by the discerning spirit of the word of god now someone says well how could all these faiths come together let me tell you it's already happening in many places already happening many ecumenical meetings of this sort in 1996 the united nations published a 420 page report entitled our global neighborhood in the report the thesis advocated not simply global governance but also a one world religion these concepts are being discussed not just by preachers preaching from revelation 17 but by world leaders all around us today vera alder a teacher in esoteric knowledge said in her book when humanity comes there is a plan and a purpose behind all creation world unity is the goal toward which evolution is moving the world plan includes a world organization a world economy and a world religion so there is a movement toward a world governance we we hear of those today we hear of this uh thurnberg girl in europe this young lady who screams about all the issues related to the climate and she said global problems demand a global governance and there are many with that message but there will also come a global church that will unify with the global government government now there is a coming together in recent days between the roman church and the muslims the uh the islamic faith in fact if you visit rome as i have on several occasions you'll you'll hear from the tour guides that they are so proud that the largest mosque in the world is in rome and that they're doing all they can to bring those faiths together now i think all of you should know that islam denies that jesus is the son of god we all understand that islam denies that jesus is that's their doctrine our doctrine is that jesus is the son of god and the bible commands us to come out from among false teachers and be separate unto the lord but there's a movement to bring these together in this day from vatican ii we read the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the creator in the first place amongst whom are the muslims vatican ii in black and white you can read it yourself declares that a muslim someone that is monotheistic and believes in creation is a part of god's plan of salvation i declare this morning based upon the authority of the word of god that any man woman boy or girl who rejects jesus christ as savior will not see a place in heaven someday it doesn't matter what a church says but in this attempt to get all the churches together we're now seeing this claim that all who are of the faith of abraham will have regard by jesus christ in the end one one theologian wrote while the roman catholic church teaches that islam is erroneous it also holds that sincere muslims can be included in christ salvation through their faithfulness to monotheism now the fact of the matter is that that is biblically incorrect being being a monotheist or believing that god created the world is not the way to be saved jesus said neither is there salvation in any other whereby a man must be saved it is through the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ now someone might say well pastor chapel this is a very narrow message yes it's about as narrow as this book because we want to stay with what the bible says we want to follow god's word how many of you are with me so far this morning all right we're going to go just a little deeper because what's happening now is the pope is actually sending emissaries to different religions to try to get them to come back to the roman catholic church now if you've studied baptist history we were not protestants we did not come out of the roman catholic church we trace our history all the way back to the lord jesus as i said a moment ago but the fact of the matter is that from the very beginning of christ's ministry there have been people simply following christ sometimes people say well the first thousand years there was only one church and then everybody split off of that that is categorically false there have been many many people following christ many who were murdered for their faith and martyred for their faith but we thank god for that trail of blood but now there's this idea let's bring all the people back together including islam including buddhism including christianity and so the pope has an emissary that has been coming to america and a few years ago he met with a group of charismatic pentecostals in dallas and this person was trying to get the hearts of the children back to the father but if you listen to this entire youtube and you can do it by typing in kenneth copeland and the pope and you can watch the whole thing you'll find that the father he's speaking about is the pope not the heavenly father but here is an evangelist from rome trying to get christians to join a one world faith let's listen to some of this now i believe that god has brought me here to this year's minister's conference in the spirit of elijah let me explain if you look carefully the spirit of elijah was on john the baptist to turn the hearts of the sons to the fathers and to turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons to prepare the way for the lord and we know that prophecy always has a double fulfillment and we know that elijah will come before the second coming as well and i've understood that the spirit of elijah is the spirit of reconciliation to return hearts to each other this is very important we know that the first thousand years there was one church it was called the catholic church and the word catholic means universal it doesn't mean roman catholic means if you're born again raise your hand if you're born again you're a catholic catholic you get the sins if you're born again you're catholic he's here in america to turn the hearts of the children back to the father to bring unity amongst all of the faiths now if you want to know why that is dangerous listen to his next clip and listen to the very last sentence very carefully the glory that the father had he gave to jesus the glory was the presence of god what is the charismatic renewal it's when we experience the presence of god and he said and i give them the glory pragmatic reason so that they may be one it's the glory that glues us together not the doctrines it's the glory that glues us together not the doctrine now doctrine i've preached this for 35 years doctrine is what brings us together we're all from different backgrounds culturally some of you drive forward some of you drive chevys some of you drive mitsubishi's we're all from different backgrounds why are we here today because of what we believe about jesus christ because we believe he's the only way because we believe the bible's the word of god because we reject the words of other prophets and we follow after the bible these are doctrines what is the emissary from the pope saying he's saying what we need is glory and what we need is unification and what we need is a good feeling we don't need the doctrine and some of you single adults and young couples and i know that a lot of times there's younger churches they say hey we just need to be wide open to this charismatic guy from seattle he's so great and charismatic guy from l.a he's so great all these different things and sometimes i might seem like an old fuddy duddy let me just clearly say to you this morning that a lot of the renewal that you're hearing about and a lot of the openness we hear about towards these different theologies is actually leading in a direction that we as bible-believing baptists don't want to go and we must have discernment that there's an integration of many false theology so this goes on and on so what this man was doing at this meeting in dallas texas he was introducing the pope to all of these charismatic pentecostal uh leaders that were there at the convention so now the pope is going to speak to them and listen to what the pope says and and i'll read it to you as well [Music] foreign all these american pastors let's just all do a kumbaya hug the unity's coming everything's great and then and and sometimes you might say well pastor you know you preached so strong and by the way i believe kenneth copeland is in heretic i don't have the time to go all into that but what does kenneth copeland the leader of this meeting do what is his response he begins to pray a blessing for the pope i want you to see that right now father we we answer his request and since we know not how to pray for him as we ought other than to agree with him in his quest and in his his heart for the unity of the body of christ we come together in the unity of our faith hallelujah so father we just all of us now according to scripture when we know not how to pray as we ought we pray for him in the spirit a charismatic preacher praying for the pope in the spirit now say well that that's weird but i've seen some of that going on on television all right well let me just share this with you while they're reaching over here to what i would call the left wing and maybe even unsaved or professing only christians they're reaching out the pope is and saying hey let's get together they're also reaching out to islam and saying hey let's get together and it all is forming an integrated faith for the end let's just watch a little clip of the islam portion the leader of the largest independent muslim organization in the world met with pope francis this week to discuss his vision for a more peaceful future and greater human fraternity solen tardier european correspondent for ewtn's national catholic register sat down with sheikh yahya holy stroke we don't have time this morning but the point is simply this here you have the roman pope reaching out to american professing christians and islam and saying let's all get together any of you who know your faith recognize you cannot join hands with people who deny jesus christ is the only way of salvation it and sometimes it might say well we're part of an old-fashioned church and our pastor teaches that we should come out and be separate from these things it's exactly what the bible tells us to do and while there's been a little bit of a purging during covid and maybe some have stopped attending church there may be more of a purging because it may not always be popular to say oh no i'm not going to be a part of the one world church i'm not going to take the mark of the beast thank god we won't be here for the mark of the beast but that will be the challenge of believers in the tribulation but even prior to the tribulation it may not be popular to say i'm an old-fashioned believer in the fact that salvation is through jesus christ only and we will not participate with a group that denies that fact and that's exactly where things are progressing along and you'll be challenged with that because it's not politically correct to believe in christ alone it may not be popular to believe the bible's the word of god because there is an integration of faiths that is already underway i must say sin there's an identification of the false church there's the integration of the false church may i share with you as we close this morning the invitation of the true savior the invitation of the true savior turn to revelation 22 if you would for just a moment verse 16. now in this world in which we live there are many invitations there's the invitation of the cults the mormons the jehovah witness we don't believe that jesus is god's son but come and study with us anyways there's the invitation of the the integrated one world church let's just drop doctrine and let's just get together and have a glorious time there's the there's the invitation of the marijuana crowd hey let's just smoke enough of this to get get closer to god hey let's get into some kind of pharmacy uh high and that's how i get close to god and people say these things there are a hundred different kinds of invitations out there in the world i want to share with you the only invitation that really matters that all of us should hear today revelation 22 16. i jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches i am the root and the offspring of david and the bright and morning star and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely my friend the world has many wells and you can take of the water of islam or catholicism or drugs or immorality you can try to find joy in every kind of an invitation but you will be left thirsty and yet when you come to the lord jesus christ the bible tells us that you can take of his water freely and that from the water of life it will never run dry it will be a well springing up within you forever for his spirit comes to dwell in your life the source of this invitation is not the baptist church and it's not the catholic church it's nobody's church the source of this invitation is jesus christ himself he says i am the son of god i am the root and the offspring of david luke 1 31 and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name jesus and he shall be great and he shall be called the son of the highest and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david the source of this invitation is jesus christ himself and there is neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no one cometh to the father except by me the philippian jailer said to the apostle paul sirs what must i do to be saved and the answer was believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved they didn't say get baptized they didn't say have last rites they didn't say have first rights they didn't say get married in the church are buried in the church the only thing said to the philippian jailer was believe on the lord jesus christ you say pastor chapel this is kind of a narrow message oh yes it is it's just so narrow that we're going to say it until jesus comes he is the only way of salvation jesus is the source of the invitation and we are the subjects of his invitation he's calling out to the world through churches like this and missionaries around the world today the spirit and the pride hey the holy spirit and the church they're saying come come to jesus come to jesus while there's still time oh everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come and buy and eat yea come come and buy wine and milk without money and without price false religion says do this and do that give us your money give us your time do all this and maybe you'll go to heaven but jesus says oh no you don't have to have money to come unto me i've already paid the price with my blood on the cross of calvary you can come freely and take of the water of life for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved it's not about getting all the churches together it's not about holding hands with the pope hey there's no hope in the pope but there is hope in jesus christ oh that we would come to him and to him alone salvation is not something we achieve salvation is something we receive oh we don't achieve salvation by getting all the religions together we achieve salvation by hearing the invitation of jesus and receiving him as our savior revelation 22 and 20. he which testifieth these things saith surely i come quickly amen even so come lord jesus my friend jesus is coming soon and i believe every one of us need to be ready we need to be looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of that great god and our savior jesus christ i'm not looking for hope and help from the world council of churches i'm not looking for hope and help from the united nations i'm not looking for hope and help from some worldwide government or some worldwide church my hope is found in jesus christ in christ alone this morning and in this coming day of ecumenicism may we put our hope firmly in the person and the finished work of jesus christ for the bible says in matthew 7 straight is the gate that leadeth unto salvation and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction think about it with me this morning there's a straight way there's a narrow path that leads to christ there's a broad path that leads to destruction i think i've got a slight of it here i want you to think of it straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to salvation broad is the way that leadeth to destruction someone might say oh i think going to heaven is like going to the shopping mall all roads lead to the same place it doesn't really matter what you believe you can believe anything broad is the way that leadeth to destruction narrow is the way that leadeth to salvation if you're sitting here this morning trusting in a church trusting in some ecumenical thought trusting in yourself you're on your way to destruction the only way to salvation is to realize that on this broad way it's a broad way it's leading to destruction but on this narrow way it's a way that's it has blood along the path there's an old rugged cross along the path there's an empty tomb on that path it is the way of jesus christ it is the only way of salvation narrow is the way of salvation friend if you've never come to christ it may seem like a narrow way this may seem like a narrow message but oh i would beg you this morning turn from your religiosity don't tell me how spiritual you are it has nothing to do with you it has everything to do with what jesus christ has done and come come to this narrow path and drink of that water of god's spirit and believe that as a sinner jesus died for you and he shed his blood for you so that you could have a home in heaven and christians be discerning in these last days be faithful to the word of god faithful to the house of god that we might one day hear jesus say well done thou good and faithful servant
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 2,203
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: lancaster baptist church, lancaster baptist, baptist church, paul, chappell, paul chappell, pastor paul chappell, Revelation 17
Id: miC0Fym0oG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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