Pastor Matt Hagee: "What God Can Do with a Warrior"

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today and we hear the words that describe for people that others would consider to be very different but the truth is they have a lot in common when it comes to warriors winners whiners and wimps I know that each and every one of us know people who fit the description if they're near you don't point don't even look just stay focused on me we celebrate warriors we enjoy the winner we're irritated and frustrated with the whiner and who can use a wimp each of them have earned the title but each of them have this thing in common they earned the title based upon how they responded to struggle how can we crown someone a champion unless we've seen them struggle and overcome to be a winner how would we know the valor and courage of a warrior unless he's endured the adversity of the battle how will we know who the whiner is unless trouble breaks out and all they do is complain how do you know what the wimp is until you see them put their faith in fear and ignore a problem hoping somebody else is going to solve it the reason that I choose these four characters is because I believe that they all have something in common with each and every one of us and that is in this life you will have struggle job said it as surely as sparks fly upward so is a man born to trouble there is no shortage of struggle in this life turn on the news and all you're going to hear them report on is struggle there's the global conflict the economic conflict the political conflict there's all kinds of struggles great and small in this world some of you in this place today are struggling with questions that you need an answer to and you don't know where to turn others of you are struggling with needs and you're not sure how they're going to be provided for others you're struggling with problems that you're certain are too big for you to solve in this life there is going to be struggle and when they come what will you do what role will you play will you engage like the warrior will you complain like the whiner will you ignore it like the wimp or will you be what God created you to be which is the winner you were bought with the blood of Jesus Christ so that you could stand in this sanctuary today and declare I am more than a conqueror through Christ who gives me strength this morning we're going to look at what God can do with a warrior let's read Hebrews 11 verse 32 together if you're there say Amen and what more shall I say for time would fail me to tell of gideon and barack and samson and Japheth also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms worked righteousness obtained promises and stopped the mouths of lions heavenly father let the word of God in this sanctuary today encourage and inspire those who are here and those who are watching that the battle therein belongs to the Lord and if they are willing to take him at his word they will be crowned conquerors in Jesus name all of God's children said praise the Lord you may be seated you were born to win when you came to Christ Jesus in faith the Bible says old things have passed away behold all things have become new so regardless of what you came from prior to the knowledge of Jesus Christ in your life the day you received him through faith by faith you were born to win this is what Jesus said in the Bible he said have faith in God what we just read in Hebrews 11 and 32 it says what more shall I say of these men who by faith subdued kingdoms stopped the mouths of lions and obtained great victories for God judges is a great book for us to turn to see the topic of warriors winners whiners and wimps why because they're all there not only as judges a great place for us to turn and look it happens to be the place that hebrews 11:32 is referring us to Gideon was a judge Barack was a judge Samson was a judge we're familiar with Samson but Gideon was a judge who defeated the Amalekites when God introduces us to Gideon the angel of the Lord goes to Gideon and says behold mighty man of Valor the Lord is with you and Gideon goes well if God's with me then how come he's not moving but if an angel standing in front of you calling you a mighty man of Valor and telling you God is with you what are you whining about hebrews chapter 11 it tells us and what about Barack what about the guy he was a wimp God told him Barack go fight general Sisera now cicero had the largest army of chariots in the Old Testament but God told Barak go fight Sisera and you will win his dad didn't tell him go fight him his uncle didn't tell him go fight him his preacher didn't tell him go fight him the Bible says God told him go fight him now God told you to do something and you knew it was God who was telling you how many of you would pretty much believe it was gonna happen but you know what Barack did he wimped out he waited until Deborah the prophetess showed up and she looks at him and says God has already told you to do this she she called him out and you know what he did he said I'll go if you go with me wimp so Deborah looks at Barak and she says let's go he was a winner but he started out as a wimp Samson he's a warrior but he forgot where his strength came from and every warrior who forgets where their strength comes from I assure you will not win but we look at the book of Judges not only because we see the parallels and personal lives we look at the book of Judges because we see the parallel in the world we live in today you see judges was a bad rut that the children of Israel were in and if you look at the world that we live in today in many ways we are in a pretty bad rut so what do you do when you're in a rut first let's consider what happened whenever it came to the time of judges judges chapter 2 gives us some insight chapter 2 and verse 10 it says now when that generation had been gathered to their fathers what generation was the Bible speaking of it was speaking of Joshua and Caleb the young men who spied out the land who endured the wilderness who conquered the promised land these two men were warriors for God Joshua told his generation if it seems right to you to serve other gods go do it but as for me and my house we serve the Lord he was a warrior and when that warrior died the Bible says that another generation arose after him that did not know God nor the work that God had done in Israel now the thing that you have to understand about this verse is it wasn't that they were ignorant of God it wasn't that these children of Israel didn't know how great-grandfather got out of Egypt and they didn't know how Joshua got across the Jordan they had all of the reminders they needed there were 12 stones set in the Jordan River to remind him that God rolled the waters back to the right and led there was a pile of rubble at a place called Jericho that reminded them that God had brought those walls down with a shout this generation knew who God was they just acted like God didn't exist we live in a society who knows who God is we just choose to act like God doesn't exist we know how God brought our great-grandparents through a time of financial struggle in the Great Depression into an era of prosperity but we've used the prosperity that he gave to them to almost destroy ourselves we know how the great generation fought for our freedom but now we've taken the Liberty that they defended and we've used it to almost destroy the country we live in how not because we don't know who God is we've just behaved as if God doesn't exist we've forgotten where our blessings come from we've forgotten that we are the Sheep of his pasture and that he is the Lord our God we have forgotten that all things great and small all things good come from him the foods you eat God did that the house you live in God gave that the strength you have to go to work God poured it out on you the breath you breathe God gives it to you the way your heart beats God designed that the time of the judges was not only a time when people forgot God but men were a law unto themselves and therefore there was no law whenever people cast off the truth of God's Word lawlessness abounds and you look in the world we live in today and we live in a lawless society the children of Israel not only suffered in social chaos but there was a tremendous political struggle does that sound familiar why was there political struggle because of the disobedience of the righteous why is there political struggle in the United States today not because we've got a two-party system there is political struggle in the United States today because of the disobedience of the righteous you say how have we disobeyed if you vote your Bible convictions there's no way you have a judge that supports abortion do you know what God's word has to say about your finances as a matter of fact it's the only place in scripture where he challenges us to try him when you accept God's challenge I assure you you find that he keeps his promises for your generous gift of any amount to Hagee ministries you will receive a copy of the power to get wealth sermon and the power to prosper booklet and for your gift of one hundred and fifty dollars or more you will receive a power box which includes the power to get wealth sermon series the power to prosper booklet a Hagee ministries pin and a power mug let God's Word come alive in your life I want you to get these resources today the Word of God is the greatest financial manual you will ever read send your tax-deductible gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm org slash power [Music] the children of Israel were given one command when they went into the Promised Land and that was drive out all of the inhabitants how many were they supposed to drive out all and so the angel of the Lord comes to them and says because you have not done this God says I will not drive them out before you but they shall be thorns in your side and their gods shall be a snare unto you and so for hundreds of years Israel is caught in this rut I'm convinced that the dates at the top of the newspapers change but the headlines really don't because the Bible said this thousands of years ago and it's very true today righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to many people when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice when the wicked rule the people groan thousands of years ago Israel was in a rut and today we in many ways are in the same they had social chaos we have social chaos there are enemies and adversaries led their children into captivity and believe me there are people in this nation who want to control everything your children will ever do we're shocked whenever we send our kids to a godless educational system and then they have a godless culture in their adulthood it's a rut it's not going to change until you engage and make it change we're stunned when the next generation doesn't value family but then we look back and for the last 50 years we've destroyed the family with selfishness and divorce we're shocked when our children don't want to go to work they just want to borrow and buy but that's what we've taught them to do it's a rut how do you get out of a rut first you have to stop acting like God doesn't exist you have to remember that this book is not filled with free advice this book is filled with truth and the truth will set you free you've got to stop whining about what you wish would change and you've got to stop ignoring about what you're too afraid to change and you've got to decide that you're going to be a warrior and you're going to make a change and you've heard pastor Hagee say this it was something should have been etched in the wall at my house as a child you cannot change what you will not confront ignoring the problem doesn't solve the problem it doesn't matter if you've got big problems or small problems you can't ignore them which means you've got to make up your mind to be a warrior because warriors who have the ability to use God's strength become winners but whiners and wimps never do warriors have an attitude that is not concerned about the number of the enemy they don't say how many are they they say where are they you have to make up your mind to be a lawyer you're not gonna feel your way into being a warrior you'll choose to be a warrior choose you this day that's what the Bible says and there's three things that every warrior needs first every warrior must remember what he's fighting for in our text today it says what more shall I say and on the list of warriors is King David but when we first meet King David he's just a boy and in First Samuel chapter 17 verse 29 he's standing on the hillside overlooking the valley of elif and there is Goliath down in the bottom of the valley and Goliath is mocking God and Goliath is taunting Israel and Goliath has an offer he says sinned and down the face me and if he beats me we'll be your slaves but if I beat him you will be our slaves with this threat David knows that the future of his life is in Goliath hands the Goliath wants to enslave him Goliath wants to take him off and use him for his own purpose rather than leave him home and let him live out God's purpose and suddenly David is filled with courage why because he remembered what he was fighting for in first samuel 1729 he looks at his older brother and he asks the question is there not a cause is there not a cause for us to stand up against this giant has God brought us out of Egypt just to hand us over to this jerk has he used all of the mighty men of the past and all of the miracles that we've seen happen did he bring us across the Red Sea and feed us with manna and send down the fire and bring water from the rock just so he could hand us to Goliath is there not a cause dad when it comes time to fight for your family remember what you're fighting for is there not a cause to see your children grow up in the fear and the admonition of the Lord when it comes to your wife and your and your marriage remember what you're fighting for you're not fighting for the victory in your argument you can't stay married winning arguments you stay married learning to love the way that Jesus said I know people say I'm gonna go home and win the fight you're going to lose the war and the war is not with your spouse the war is with heavenly places that want to destroy your family [Applause] the second thing every warrior needs is a battle plan don't go to war without a battle plan warriors without battle plans are casualties but a battle plan is how you become a winner when you read the story of David and Goliath the Bible says that David went to the creek and he picked five smooth stones now nothing is in the Bible without a reason so why five smooth stones was this just in case he missed Bible scholars will tell you that Goliath had four brothers so five stones was one for Goliath and then enough ammo for the rest of the family David was sending a message I'm not coming down there to start a fight I'm coming down there to finish a fight you're not going to solve your marriage problem without a battle plan turn that marriage over to the Lord use God's Word to decide how you're going to run and rule your home because that's an effective battle plan I want to give you another thought on David and his smooth stones I've often thought how could a king trust a kid with the kingdom was also upset about Goliath that he was willing to say hey what have we got to lose just see what you can do son and when you look in history it makes more sense what was happening in the battle in the valley of Ella you see in ancient times warring armies would fight duels it was more efficient better to have two men one from each army fight each other and the winner determined the outcome than to lose thousands of men who you needed to go home and plant crops build houses and be fathers so in this situation the Philistines put up their champion Goliath and the Israelites don't have anyone who can match him and David was in the artillery brigade he wasn't in the infantry brigade he had a slingshot and he went to King Saul with a battle plan he said hey all these guys are terrified to go stand next to old Buzzard breath but rather than go toe-to-toe with that guy let me come up with a plan that he can't beat I'm gonna stand way back and I'm gonna let these rocks go and I'm gonna hit him in the head before he can get a hold of me and then when I knock him out we'll win only then when King Saul heard a better battle plan did the king turn the kingdom over to the kid it wasn't just dumb luck the story of David and Goliath is not the weak verse the strong the story of David and Goliath is the intelligence of God being poured out on his children to go face an ignorant giant that needs to go away [Applause] so how does that apply to our life the Bible tells us that we have an enemy he is the serpent of old the Bible calls him the devil and he's real regardless of what you hear people saying today in your own strength you're no match for him you cannot go toe to toe with that giant he's been around since Genesis but you have a battle plan that can help you overcome because you have an opportunity to use the name that is above every name that has already crushed the head of the serpent [Applause] the third thing every warrior needs is to remember whose strength you're fighting in Goliath saw David coming and the first thing he said has come near to me why because he knew if that kid stayed out there there was no way he could harm him so just like every enemy who wants to destroy you he's tempting you come near to me when Goliath looked at David and said come near to me David said you come to me with spear and sword but I come to you in the name of the Lord did he do his part yes but he did it in Jesus name and you have to do the same no matter the conflict you have a choice to make be a warrior and a winner or a whiner and a wimp but God can do great things with a warrior with every head bowed and every eye closed you're in this place and you say pastor there's a conflict in my life a conflict I've been ignoring a conflict I've been struggling in a situation that I need God's help to get out of and today rather than wine or wimp out I am going to make the choice to be a warrior if you know what that conflict is and you know you want God's help I want you to raise your hand right where you are now I want everyone in this room to repeat this prayer with me Lord Jesus Christ today I thank you for your word because it is alive it is powerful and it can set me free today I choose to be a warrior for the King of Kings believing that the battle I'm in belongs to him and the victory is mine through Christ the Lord now I want you to take a moment until the Lord about the battle you're in if it's in your finances say Lord I release this problem in your hands if it's in your physical body say father today I'm receiving healing in my physical body if it's in your family if it's an unsaved loved one you give God their name and say they're on the wanted list because I want them in the house of God to be part of the family of faith no matter what it is you need to know God already knows it God already has solved it and he's waiting for you to execute your battle plan in Jesus name so today in Jesus name received the victory in Jesus name here comes your breakthrough in Jesus name your house your children your business your heart your body your soul your mind in Jesus name receives blessings beyond your ability to contain them I want you to continue in prayer with me Lord Jesus Christ thank you because I have asked in faith I will receive in Jesus name give the Lord a hand clap of praise at the sanctuary of hope we are dedicated to the sanctity of life and showing the grace and mercy of Jesus to those who need it most here single expectant mothers and their children will have the opportunity to grow in the light and love of Christ phase one is complete and will provide mothers and their unborn children with access to housing medical care counseling support and educational opportunities we are now accepting applications and referrals for residency construction of Phase two is underway and it has been developed through gifts like yours so we can provide children with a safe and nurturing environment phase two of our building project is under way these lots would become six loving Christian homes to mothers and their children I asked for your help in building these homes will you pray and consider giving your absolute best gift possible in order to provide someone with life healing and hope please consider partnering with Hagee ministries today call the number on your screen or go to jhm org slash soh cares thank you for all that you do in so many ways and make it possible for us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to this nation and to the nations of the world thank you God wants you to lead a rich and abundant life filled with joy but do you own your possessions or do your possessions own you if you seek God first and place him above all else then you are releasing God to bless you with blessings you cannot contain you can never out give God what's in God's hands is far greater than what's in your hand we pray blessings over you and your family like the Apostle Paul did for the Philippian church that helped him preach the gospel my God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches and glory thank you for the daily difference you're making now here's pastor Hagee with a blessing receive your blessings and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you know that God is leading you in paths of righteousness for his name's sake may you know without a shadow of a doubt that his power and presence make you more than a conqueror that our Heavenly Father has gone before you and defeated your enemies if you will surrender your burdens he will carry them and see you to the other side now let the Lord fill you with His goodness and mercy so that you can walk in the victory that he has already given you in the authority of Jesus name received this blessing for yourself and for every member of your family amen [Music]
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 42,667
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Keywords: John Hagee Ministries, hagee, hagee ministries, matt hagee, matt haggee, matthew hagee, matthew, truth, bible, god, jesus, christ, jesus christ, church, ministry, hagee ministry, sermon, sermons, sermons series, preach, preacher, bible story, bible study, word of god, god's word, christianity, christians, teach, teaching, scripture, spirit, spirituality, holy spirit, cross, grace, love, hope, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, encourage, cornerstone church, warrior, what god can do
Id: MhomPSC1PEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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