Pastor Matt Hagee: Expecting the Unexpected

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in everybody's life there's something that happens that takes you by surprise because in essence it was unexpected and I believe that there are things that we as God's children should be able to expect from him in our lives after all he said these signs shall follow them that believe whenever Jesus says these signs shall follow them that believe we shouldn't think it's unexpected when the sick are healed we should expect the sick to be healed when he says these signs shall be followed shall follow them that believe we shouldn't find it peculiar when principalities and powers are defeated we should expect that whenever supernatural things happen that God's kingdom reigns supreme you see I believe that there are things that God expects of his children and when we do what is expected he'll do the unexpected and demonstrate his power in a marvelous way which will leave each and every one of us telling the whole world you will never guess what happened to me today tonight I want to take you to Acts the 3rd chapter and show you some expected and unexpected results if you found Acts chapter 3 say it Amen with me now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer somebody say expected and a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask alms from those who entered the temple somebody say expected who's seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked alms somebody say expected and fixing his eyes on him with John Peter said look at us and he gave them his attention expecting to receive something from them somebody say expected then Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and he lifted him up and immediately his feet and his ankle bones were received strength so he leaping and running stood up and he walked and he entered the temple with them walking and leaping and praising God somebody say unexpected heavenly father teach us tonight that when we do what you expect us to do when we are faithful and obedient to follow your word your will your command that you show us the marvelous unexpected mighty move of God in our lives Lord there are needs in this place this evening that if you move that mountain if you made that way if you showed yourself mighty people here on this earth would say that was unexpected but we believe tonight that that's just the kind of God you are the one who does exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask think or imagine so for these things we give you praise in advance and all of God's children said praise the Lord you know the first thing that jumps out to me when I look at this is that good things happen when you go to church that's a good spot for everybody in the room to say Amen that's a good spot for everybody watching over the internet tonight to go man I missed it you see the thing that kind of jumps right out at me in Acts chapter 3 verse 1 is that it says Peter and John together were going to the temple at the hour of prayer now when we read that I asked you to say expected but it's really something that we should stop and take a moment and think about because if there were any two people on the face of the earth who could have made up excuses why they didn't need to be going to church it would have been Peter and John you see Peter and John spent three years walking with Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the Incarnate son of God Jesus Christ is the one who raises the dead he makes the lame leap the blind see he speaks to the winds and the waves he walks on water he takes a sack lunch and he turns it into a 5000 course buffet and then he has 12 baskets full they've seen some supernatural stuff in the three years that they were with Jesus they could have told each other you know what I just don't know that there's anything that's gonna happen at church today that we haven't already seen happen in our spiritual experience do you know anybody who thinks that they've been so deep that they can no longer reside with the shallow but the Bible says Peter and John are on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer it's not just that they spent three years with Jesus as his disciples walking and working with him seeing the miracles that he wrought think about it just a few days ago Peter and John came from Lazarus house in Bethany it was at Lazarus house that they saw Jesus stand outside a tomb and speak to a dead man who'd been dead for days and the dead man walked out of his grave it was this miracle and many others that caused the entire town of Jerusalem to receive Jesus Christ the week of Passover when he came riding on a donkey taking off their cloaks and waving palm branches and shouting and singing Hosanna Peter and John had been to the top received in the highest regard working and walking with the Son of God I mean if there's two people who could have said you know what I don't think we really belong in church we should go start our own church we should call it P and J or J and P and right there that had a church split because they'd have been arguing over the letterhead they saw Jesus come into Jerusalem received as the one who comes in the name of the Lord they saw Jesus taken under arrest by Roman soldiers fled in fear for their own lives they watched as Rome nailed him to a cross they saw him bleed they saw him die they wrapped him in burial clothes and they knew exactly where the body was laid they were there when the Romans put the stone in front of the grave they also went three days later when by the power of the Holy Spirit the man that they saw died had been risen from the dead and the stone had been rolled away they walked in and they saw the empty tomb and they saw the folded tallied and they went back to the Upper Room where they saw Jesus more than once they ate breakfast with the risen Savior on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and just a few days ago they were sitting in an upper room when the Spirit of God came like cloven tongues of fire and a mighty rushing wind had filled the room and sent them out into the streets prophesying and testifying to the fact that Jesus Christ was risen and coming again and with this message three thousand had come to the church if there were anybody in the world that could have said we have been there we have done that we don't need to go anymore it was Peter and John but it starts in verse one by Peter and John going to church you see if we're going to receive the unexpected power of God in our life I believe we have to be so faithful to do the simple and expected things in order to qualify for those unexpected things I often hear people say things like pastor I want God's power in my life I want God's favor in my life I want his supernatural anointing to heal I want his prosperity in my life if you want to know what the secret to having God's power being poured out in your life is it's one word faithfulness and it's not his faithfulness it's yours God expects you to be faithful to him when he took the children of Israel out of Egypt the first thing he told them is you will have no other gods before me he was letting them know we are in a faithful relationship I'll be faithful to you you be faithful to me we live in a culture that has given us excuses as to why God's faithfulness must remain when we're so fickle but God didn't say well done thou good and fickle servant he said well done thou good and what faithful and we need to know that the measure of fidelity is not the people who sit to our right in to our left do you know people who compare themselves with other people so that they can feel better about themselves I get to visit with them all the time they say Oh pastor I'm doing good I show up to work on time Wow you know what I bet your boss expects you to show up to work on time oh but I'm not like those other people who don't Oh pastor I'm good I pay my bills ah wow I'm glad your creditors expect you to pay your bills Oh pastor I'm an awesome dad I love my kids I do everything with them once in a while you need to know that the measure of your fidelity is not the people on your right in your left your measure of fidelity comes from your ability to read and obey and accomplish the word in the will of God now I understand that that's not real attractive in a modern world where we want secrets to success but the secret is very simple read and obey trust and follow do the expected things and God will pour out his unexpected power in your life listen to me your inconsistency does not require a command performance from God Almighty it's your faithfulness that gets his his power to move in your life do you want to see God's provision in your life be faithful in giving because the Bible says give and it shall be given unto you say that with me give and it shall be given unto you gives first you do people say well I just don't understand giving oh you do stuff you don't understand all the time tell me how Wi-Fi works well there's a cloud yeah right the Bible is filled with promises that will change your life forever but to receive God's blessings we must be faithful servants and obey His Word when you make God your top priority his faithful promises are poured out beyond measure for your generous gift of any amount to Hagee ministries you'll receive a signed copy of response able by Pastor Matt for your gift of $75 or more you'll receive the power of expectations sermon series a Hagee ministries prayer journal and a signed copy of response able by Pastor Matt your obedience to his words brings abundant blessings into your life request these resources today I know they'll be a blessing in your life send your tax-deductible gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm dot org slash expect don't allow your excuse to give you a reason not to engage in what God asks you to do so he can demonstrate his power in your life think about this poor man laid daily at the gate it affected his relationships he had no friends he just had people who could help him he didn't have anybody that considered him a companion everybody that was his companion saw him as a burden they had to carry him everywhere that he went they had to help him do everything that he needed to do they had to help him fix this they had to help him pick up that they had to give him this they had to clean that they had to pick him up they had to put him down this emotional dependency didn't give him the ability to see other people as human beings he just saw them as a resource and something that were only useful to throw a few quarters in his cup not only did it affect him emotionally but it affected his perspective he's on the outside of the gate of the temple the Bible says that he is on the outside of the gate called beautiful the eastern gate it's the gate that faces the Morning Sun it was made of Corinthian bronze and when the Sun shined on the city of Jerusalem that Corinthian bronze bounced off of the limestone and made the whole city look gold it was a glorious sight but he could go no further than right out front because he had a little problem that caused major issues in his life laid Ailey at the gate he was close to the presence of God but he couldn't get into the presence of God because of the little things in his life how many times have we come to church and been in the right place to receive the presence of God but we've allowed the little things in our life to keep us from God's presence people come into this sanctuary and they're more worried about the small things outside in the street than they are the big thing that's right here in the room and you say what's the big thing that's right here in the room the God who created the heavens and the earth not only did it affect him spiritually but this little problem gave him such a mentality that whenever Peter and John spoke to him he expected quarters instead of healing the Bible says that Peter and John walked up to him and Peter saw him there crippled on the pillow and he walks up and he says hey look at us and here this blind this lame man sits and he's got his cup saying change change change Peter says look at us and he says change he's got a major problem and he thinks that the only thing he needs is just a few more shekels in his cup what would you do if somebody asked you what's the one thing you could have in your life tonight what'd you ask him for just a little or what'd you ask him for the one thing you really need Peter and John looked at this man they said look at us and the Bible says that he expected to receive something from them he didn't expect to receive a supernatural touch from God he expected to receive just a few coins out of their pocket but they said look at us you see they knew something about why they were on their way to the temple I have people asked me all the time pastor what is God's will for my life and I tell them very clearly when you do the general will he'll show you the specific will when you do what he wants you to do every day he'll show you the specific thing that he's designed for you that day Peter and John are on their way to the temple that's the general will of God and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit shows Peter this crippled man and now Peter knows the specific will of God and he it's up to this man and he says look at us Peter expected something to come out of him and into that man so that that man would be healed and restored but instead that man just said change I promise you in this room tonight there are a lot of God's kids that have major problems with minor issues and if somebody asked you what can God do for you tonight you'd beg for change instead of ask for the one thing you really need I want you to believe that whenever he's done with you you're not gonna be called by your deeds you'll be called by your destiny say what does that mean preacher you see when we meet this man all we know is he's crippled that's his deed when we meet Jacob he's called Jacob the Cir planter the liar that's his deed but when he encountered God Almighty God said the men that have known you in the past have called you by your deeds but I say you're no longer Jacob you're now Israel you're a prince with God that's your destiny Peter looks at this man who's crippled that's his deed and he says to him silver and gold what you're expecting I don't have but what I do have give I it unto thee in the name say that with me in the name say that with me in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk child of God I want you to know that there is but one name given among men whereby we might be saved and that name is the matchless name of Jesus Christ there is one name that causes sins filled lives to be redeemed and restored and that name is Jesus Christ there is one name that can heal every sickness cure every cancer conquer every enemy destroy every weapon move every mountain and that name is Jesus Christ there is but one name that gives us the authority to go into the throne room of grace and find mercy in our hour of need and that name is Jesus Christ if you have a need tonight I don't know what you came expecting to receive but I promise you I came expecting that the name that is above every name would move a mountain in your life would make a way in your life would touch your life would change your life if you need to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ receive healing if you need provision in the name of Jesus Christ receive provision if you need a miracle in the name of Jesus Christ receive that miracle if you need to live win see in the name of Jesus Christ be set free if you need powers and principalities to be defeated then in the name of Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] remain standing you see when God moves you get change but it's so greater than the change you were expecting you expected a little change he says I'm gonna change everything and when that happens you get to go places you've never been before you get to do things you've never done before you get to say things you've never said before and you get to tell those who didn't believe it could happen in you you'll never guess what happened to me today you see because this man the Bible says that when they took him by the hand and they said in the name of Jesus rise up and walk immediately the minor issue in his feet and ankles was changed and he had a major change in his life and he leaping and running and jumping not in the theatre of your mind he didn't say oh I think I'll go to church the Bible says that he got up and he saw people who had carried him to church that morning and left him by the gate and he said and they said what happened and he said you'll never guess what happened to me today I said what was it he said silver and gold have I none but whatever I do have I give it to you in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk if you're in this place tonight and you need a touch from heaven I want you to lift your hands before the throne of God and right where you are I just want you to spend some time talking to the father he knew your need before you arrived in this place he knew you'd be here long before you got into his presence but like every father he wants to hear the heart and the voice of his children like every father he wants to know that you trust him to keep his word I want you to repeat these words with me Lord Jesus Christ tonight in the name that is above every name the matchless name of Jesus I am asking you not for the kind of change that I would expect but for the kind of change that you know I need Lord I am asking you touch me change me move in my life that every shackle would be broken that every burden would be lifted that every yoke would be destroyed that every mountain would be moved that every enemy would be defeated that every weapon would be conquered that you O Lord would do such great things in my life that I could tell those who know me you'll never guess what happened to me today the unexpected miraculous powerful move of God has changed everything in Jesus name I receive it in Jesus it is done in Jesus name give the Lord a hand [Music] I do [Music] where that was [Music] ah Lord we thank you that your promise still stands we thank you that you are faithful from generation to generation now help us through the power of your Holy Spirit to be faithful in the few things that we might see your supernatural power in all things as your children teach us to expect the unexpected power of God to move in our lives because we believe these signs shall follow those that put their trust in you they'll lay hands on the sick and they shall recover they shall speak in other tongues they shall bind powers and principalities and no weapon formed against them would prosper these things we ask in Jesus name in these we receive in faith believing all of God's children said praise Allah go go and tell the world that Jesus came died and rose again for the forgiveness of your sins go and share the good news of your salvation take it into the furthermost corners of the world the starches for every Christian but not every Christian knows how to preach amongst the day-to-day rhythms of life we do when we can do this together hippie ministries is taking the truth to all generations for their online and social platforms humanitarian projects in Israel possible rallies and the sanctuary of Hope a haven for unwed mothers and their children your monthly support as a legacy partner helps to fulfill the Great Commission by enabling heavy ministries to reach the unreached and call the untold connect your passion with arts become a legacy partner today call the number on your screen or go to JH an org forward slash legacy [Music] do stress financial issues and the hardships of life caused you to doubt or question your faith through prayer faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ Heggie Ministries prayer line hopes to bring healing and restoration to every caller we consider it a privilege to hear your prayer requests and to intercede on your behalf call the prayer line today or go to jhm org and let us share the miraculous and healing words of the gospel with you expect the goodness of God to flow over every portion of your life like a great tidal wave of blessing let this goodness love and miracle-working power flood your life like never before get ready great things are on the way thank you partners for being faithful to the cause of Christ through your faithful giving and your prayers you help us carry the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who desperately need to hear it now here's pastor Hagee with a blessing for you and for your family I want you to receive this blessing knowing that this word is powerful and can change your life and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you walk in his power proclaiming the promises found in his word to conquer every demonic thing that comes against you may they bring healing to your body and Morrow to your bones God's promises conquer every form of sickness and disease they put your enemies to shame began speaking God's Living Word to conquer lack or want because he's the king of the universe he is the yes and the amen may your life be blessed with joy unspeakable as these promises ring true and His Holy Spirit invades your life in his name amen
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 40,800
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Keywords: John Hagee Ministries, hagee, hagee ministries, matt hagee, matt haggee, matthew hagee, matthew, truth, bible, god, jesus, christ, jesus christ, church, ministry, hagee ministry, sermon, sermons, sermons series, preach, preacher, bible story, bible study, word of god, god's word, christianity, christians, teach, teaching, scripture, spirit, spirituality, holy spirit, cross, grace, love, hope, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, encourage, cornerstone church, young pastor
Id: cxiAQE6CWqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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