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[Music] [Applause] [Music] big [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything i go through [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was meant to kill me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] see my destiny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's working [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fingers [Music] she's [Music] i really [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] for [Music] you is [Music] [Music] my body [Music] now sometimes we've got to wait for him to do what he said he's going to do [Music] like it's already done [Music] already [Music] [Music] already is [Music] sleepover [Music] is [Music] the sunshine [Music] [Music] wow [Music] good morning all nations good morning all nations if you don't mind go ahead and center your feet my name is kasha and i will be leading us in corporate prayer this morning hallelujah i ask that you get your mind on jesus hallelujah and nothing else hallelujah if you have your heavenly language go ahead and join in with me enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name so on today father we enter in thankfully we enter in thankfully we interred thankfully we cast aside every sin and wait that so easily beset us and we say we thank you lord for deliverance we say we thank you lord for healing us oh father in the name of jesus we'll be ever so careful to keep our praise on our lips no matter what it looks like no matter what it sounds like no matter what it feels like up but we say hallelujah unto you we say thank you jesus we say lord we love you we say lord we believe you we say lord we trust you so father god we in torino today of seeking your case in the name of jesus we seek everything that you have for us hallelujah your word declares that man shall not live thy bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god so father we trust your word we believe you all today here well today we raise our faith like never before oh today we raise our faith like never before we will trust your word we will trust your word we will we will trust your word and so father you sweep through this up like a mighty russian wind hallelujah go ahead and close your eyes and reverence god sleep through this place like a mighty russian wind burn up everything that's not like you and father as we get together and we praise you on one accord we say father you do it in our hearts god we say problems do it in our minds yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh we call on you today we worship you father because we need you we worship you father because we love you god come in and renew our strength come in and renew our minds come in and renew our soul come in and we knew father we knew we knew we knew we need to cut like never before when it seems so crazy on the outside we know that we can find rest in you we know that we give our protection in your wings in the name of jesus so father father god father god bottle up every tears that we cry in the name of jesus meet the broken hearts of today like never before we need a renewal we need a refreshing we need a reviving rejuvenate us god re-energize of god recalibrate everything in our bodies in our minds in our hearts so that we can serve you wholeheartedly in the mighty name of jesus [Music] jesus let this mind be in you that is in the name of jesus we need to eat in the mighty name of jesus father we love you if i ever praise you and we give you glory and we give you glory that we it's a brand new yesterday it's a brand new yesterday not the yes from yesterday not the years from last week but of today we planned our everyone is saying yes lord yes lord is [Applause] yes [Applause] so what you want yay yes the deliverer is here the deliverer is here yes somebody lift your nest in this place lift your yes in this place open up your mouth and give him glory here open up your mouth and reverence him open up your mouth and glorify him he's awesome he's awesome he's awesome he's awesome he's awesome somebody should block the lord in this place father we give you glory because you're here and you're in control i want you to look towards heaven and say god you're in control oh god we love you come on let's worship everybody lift your hands and give him praise in his place your worthy god we bless your name hey we thank you lord you're in control [Music] [Music] let's set in a place [Music] let's sing together [Music] [Applause] let's go let's worship sorry man [Music] yes [Music] if you believe that i want you to shout [Music] we thank you jesus we know who you are [Music] i need you to open up your mouth and shout that in this place [Music] let's worship me oh you know that he has control over everything i want you to shout he's in control i need the believer to begin to wave your hands all over this place if you know over everything worship you're so good we know who you are and we know who you are [Music] and we know who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] now somebody praise the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and we trust you and we trust you and we trust you and we trust you and we trust you and we trust you and we trust you [Applause] we every minute of the day and we love you and we love worship here we love you in this place you are the god of peace we worship you if you love them shut your hands up say i love you with everything that's within me [Music] i don't care what it takes [Music] anymore [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on let's fill this place from the depths of your soul worship him in this room oh god we trust you we love you we know who you are jesus [Music] do you love him in this place [Music] come on [Music] my delivery [Music] my delivery [Music] is my shield [Music] he's in my heart [Applause] [Music] of the lord is worthy to his ways is to be praised [Music] who is worthy to be crazy somebody shouted who is worthy to be praised lift your voice like a trumpet who is worthy to be praised i have no doubt i'm gonna oh calling us i said he's keeping your mind now i need somebody to scream that name all over this place [Music] open up your mouth and shout this way [Music] is who you gonna call [Music] the god of peter jesus the god of healing jesus the god of deliverance jesus jesus and we'll [Music] somebody give that name glory open up your mouth in this room there's power in it there's power in it that's powering is power we give you glory [Music] i will call hallelujah [Music] cancer his name is above depression tonight something something something something something called that that came up that name that all the vicious power and begin to think about anything that's bothering you anything that's causing you anxiety anything that's making you lose sleep at night and i want you to think about everything that the name of jesus represents he represents the king of glory he represents the lord of lords he'll reject them [Music] oh jesus jesus i don't know what you came from but i came to encounter the man named jesus 100 man 100 god able to do what exceedingly abundantly above all that you and me and that's the good actor i think the savior of this world hallelujah oh bless this day i'm gonna put those hats together and clap for jesus come on and give it to him come on and give it to him come on and give it to him ain't nothing i can do for you but i know somebody i can bring you two of us i can lower you through the ruler i can bring you in the present i can bring you to insider you can come in with worshippers i can bring you to the man [Music] when i think about jesus and i'm just as personal and all that he does for me listen you don't know like i know all he's done for me the very pit of my soul cried down hallelujah and i began to thank god for saving a wretch like me oh bless this day oh bless this name oh bless his name it's scary to me that so many believers can just sit and stand and look when we call them the name of jesus you know if i didn't have to do what i got to do at this moment but i'm gonna keep it together hallelujah thanks be unto god thank him cause listen i don't care what you're dealing with he's going to cause you to triumph over everything he intends for you to triumph over everything so good morning to each and every one of you on today those who are in the house and those who are watching us online to all nations memphis and nashville good morning good morning good morning to each of you i am elder debbie and i am here to bring uh to you a portion of our worship which is our giving somebody get excited for giving i don't know about you but listen for me tithing and offerings they work i want to be a witness today that tithing and offering work i want to give an honor to our awesome powerful anointed appointed leaders pastors brandon and christopher clack in their absence amen we know that their heart is here with us and we love you wherever you may be in jesus name hallelujah i'm not going to belong the time we have been in the presence of the lord of the the music access worship has brought you in now it's up to you whatever you're going to do amen hallelujah someone as you're getting your ties and your offering together this is your week to tithe i want you to go ahead and get your phones out write your checks whatever you need to do but as you're preparing and i will give you a few minutes to do that i want to uh let you be able to be all right with giving sitting on top of the principle of the word of god amen amen sometimes we just need a little proof that this thing works amen and the proof is right here in the word of god 2nd corinthians 9 and 6 says a stingy sower will reap a meager harvest but the one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest so in essence what the apostle paul is basically saying here is that you control the amount of your blessing the control is in your hands you control the abundance of your blessing or you control the meager harvest amen so the apostle paul says your control of your blessing and because god is a good father there are provisions that we he will pour out on us simply because we're his children and then there is the opportunity to come into bountiful blessings tithing invokes and invites those bountiful blessing let me say that again tithing and offerings invokes and invite it's it's like that word invokes me it brings it it brings to be it's the cause for something invite me it welcomes something so the ability to be able to give back the one who gave you everything first and foremost let's make that number one everything belongs to god amen everything belongs to god it already belongs to him the bible tells us over in deuteronomy that it is god that gives us what the to get come on amen our pastor teaches us the word of god amen amen it is god who gives it to us so the tithing invokes and invites the bountiful blessings see the tithing uh it's like an added bonus to already we're already blessed because we are under the new covenant amen we're saying we're christians right we believe in the power of the blood of jesus our sins have been washed away we've accepted him as our lord and savior there are already things and blessings and things that god's going to give us but he give us an opportunity to invest it's like you got your nine to five job but you also have um you've also got investments companies that you're investing in and you're looking for a return and some of you looking for a return and you just sit there hoping that the stock the stock market don't crash you're hoping that that the company revenue has gone up this week so you can get more than what you put in but listen let me tell you some tithing and offering it's a sure thing it is a sure thing and why is this sure because the one who promised is faithful we invited we invoke blessing giving opens up the occasion to be on the receiving end let me say that again giving opens up the occasion to be on the receiving and malachi 3 and 10 tells us prove me now if i were not open hallelujah open hallelujah open you want an open flow you got to be able to believe the word of the lord and become consistent in giving the tithes and the offering the only way to prove this principle is to actually time that's the only way to prove the principle is to actually tie verse 7 says let giving in second corinthians 9 verse 7 says let giving flow from your heart not from a sense of religious duty let it spring up freely from all the joy of giving because god loves a cheerful giver give it begins with a decision to believe that god is faithful believe that god is faithful believe that god is faithful we know what hebrews 11 and 6 tells us that without god you got to come to god first of all and believe that he exists and without faith it is impossible to please god so first of all you got to make a decision to believe that yes i believe the word of god yes i believe that whatever god says he's going to make it come to pass i believe in the principles of god tithing has to be an intentional act of faith from the seat of your emotions your decisions your thoughts and your feelings heart posture and giving to god it's just important as what we give how you give is just as important as what you give how you give not grudgingly not out of greed not out of necessity but as a cheerful giver how would you like when you ask god something and he give it to you with a bad attitude you wouldn't like that stingy you wouldn't like that god told us to open our hands why and be givers because that's what the blessing is and let me tell you something else that word giving give with gladness that greek the greek word for giving is hilarious which is where we get the word hilarious that means people who are hilarious they're willing and they're prompting people who are glad cheerfulness is attractive to god hallelujah so as you get in your tithes and offerings together today i want you to know that you can encounter the abundance of god you can encounter the abundance oh yes you can encounter the abundance of god today simply by making a decision to believe the word of the lord and then act on the word of the lord and one last thing and then i will be out of the way galatians 6 and 9 tells us do not be conceived in other words make no mistake make no mistake about it don't be there away from the truth of god's word whatever you plan will always be the very thing you harvest and that is the truth everything you do is a seed every praise is a seed every every conversation that you give praise and and talk good about people or talk bad about people it is to see so the tithe and the offering is to see and why can we give so hilariously it's because god is faithful i wanted to tell you today and just pull down all the myths of the world that the world has told you and maybe your own self have told you god is faithful i want to tell somebody that today god is faithful i'm a living witness that god is faithful listen let me tell you something in one month my tax bracket has increased twice in this past month i gave listen i saw everybody being blessed i gave and gave cheerfully i wasn't worried i got to a point i grew to that listen i grew to it i gave and gave and watched others be blessed and i was glad for them we're glad believing god for some things and and it just seemed like out of nowhere things started dropping my tax bracket in this last month has gone up twice i give the glory to god for consistently giving for being a consistent you can't tell me what god won't do i'm a living witness i didn't ask for it it dropped in my lap it fell on me if you want the blessings of god to follow you i challenge you today to become a consistent giver budget for it intend don't give it make it a purpose in your heart don't wait to sunday morning at nine o'clock and say oh i'm i think i'm gonna give today no no no no when you get paid on thursday or the 15th on the 30th go ahead and write that check out write that check out and pay god what he owes amen to go ahead and uh all nations memphis you know what you can do you can text seven seven nine seven seven you can text ny a n w a m e m two seven seven nine seven seven and if you're in nashville you can text a w a n a s h seven seven 77977 a-n-w-a-n-a-s-h and without further ado you got that it's in the comments we know what to do amen and if you got cash on you we got some folks that can take your cash we still take cash hallelujah bless the name of jesus we cash check we take cash and we go digital amen so without further ado it is my awesome pleasure to introduce the man of god for the hour the speaker of the hour the awesome pastor and revelator the awesome uh singer amen prophet the man of god who i believe is called for such a time as this pastor joshua come on and stand to your feet the pastor of all nations chicago south and all nations louisville the proud husband of pastor kimmy hart the father of carson ava grimmy i bless god for you love you come on all nations memphis can you just lift your hands and give god a great praise all over the world come on give him a great praise don't play hard to get this morning he woke you up this morning started you on your way put food on your table and close on your back come on if you got breath in your lungs right now i dare you to give him back what he gave to you come on let's set the temperature like all nation does look somebody in the face and say god is exalted the devil is defeated and i got the victory find somebody who ain't got sleep in their eyes tell them god is exalted the devil is defeated and i got the victory turn around and look somebody who's still a part of the house of the hungry and say god is exalted the devil is defeated and i got the victory if that's not a slogan but that's your testimony i dare you to clap your hands oh god fix your face and celebrate him this morning celebrate the king of kings he has never lost the battle and he ain't gonna start today weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in tomorrow i celebrate at midnight knowing that all things work together i tell you to clap in a predicament shout out a predicament worship him in heaviness for this is a season of turning before you sit down i want to just throw a word in the room and uh i believe that it's going to resonate for a few people that came expecting this morning there's a few people that are still full of eggs and we're gonna get you in a little bit but for the rest of y'all that are ready for a word from god i want you to help me prophesy a word over this room look at the neighbor and say neighbor this one is for you the word of the lord for your season is congratulations now i don't know who that's for and i don't know what that means but god said he's about to launch all nations memphis into back to back congratulations your season of weeping and pain is coming to an end and the word of the lord for this new era over you is congratulations i dare you to open your spirit and set the tone for tomorrow and say god i praise you for my congratulations if you receive and clap your hands all over this room because god is trying to break you into a brand new space he's trying to take off your own limitation and move you into a fresh tomorrow somebody just put that word in the room congratulations on your way to your sheet tell three or four people i'll celebrate for you if you break hope i praise for you if you praise for me i'll run for you if you run for me i'll clap for you if you clap for me if he claps look if he heals you he's getting the neighborhood to heal me if he provides because i'm the i'm nervous in a room of hope that can hear two tax brackets in one month and give god a golf clap you gotta know that if he's in the room he's in the neighborhood and god is not a respecter of persons lift your hands and say congratulations you may be seated congratulations [Music] welcome to all nations memphis have a seat i'm glad to be in the room with you i am pastor josh hart [Music] oh that's good news for a few of y'all because for the past 24 months it's been lost after loss but god said he's about to in one in a moment in a twinkling of an eye we shall all be changed your loss is about to turn in to a harvest of congratulations [Music] i'm honored to be in the house i'm honored to be in this pulpit this is a great people and this is a great house and your best days are yet ahead of you and i decree and declare over you that now listen i'm fully embracing the prophetic anointing on this movement and i believe that in the next seven days some of you are going to see the word congratulations in an email you're playing with me but what i'm telling you is god is about to do in the tangible what you've been praising him for in the spirit realm there is a shift and it's about to manifest all right have a seat we got a lot to do i bring you greetings from chicago and louisville and i'm honored to be in this place i i fully believe glory to god i for i fully believe and uh have seen the tangible power of the anointing that god has placed on your leadership and whenever god puts you under powerful leaders it's not just you saying they're great it's god saying you're great and i believe that there is a word that god that god has that god has put in your pastor's belly that is literally unlocking your future in this season so we thank god for what he's doing and we got to understand that whenever god has a great anointing over us we don't own that anointing [Applause] and so i can participate what i don't have ownership of but if you will stay submitted in this season i believe that your planting is going to produce a season of congratulations if you believe it just elbow your neighbor and say that's for us that's for us that's for us all right grab your bibles i honor god in this place and i honor the expectation that is in the bedrock of this people i i admonish you to not lose your expectation for the season that it is ahead god is not done doing miracles in fact i believe he is about to prove himself again afresh and a new to you if you believe it say yes all right grab your bibles i got some work to do this is a preaching house and you are not a house of ignorance so i got to make sure i do some good preaching in here so if it ain't good y'all shout so pastor clack thinks it is amen i want you to grab your notepad grab your bible i bring you greetings from pastor kimmy she sends you her love we are honored to see what god is doing in this time i uh we are in a season as the global body of christ but even the national body of christ uh what we have just come through a almost two-year season period now that has weighed heavy on the hearts of people and it has weighed heavy on the church of jesus christ and our perspective in this season and it's even affected the nation's heart and the season we just walked through and are still coming out of uh has left many of us on the edge trying to figure out why we are in the seas that we're in and what it is that god is trying to accomplish in a season like this and to be honest if y'all would be for real with me you left 2020 saying where do we go from here and what do we do now and for many the season of this past era has brought much clarity and uh health of perspective uh even to the the the setup of our nation and the health of our nation uh not just from a church perspective but even from a political perspective and it has changed or reinforced how we see life in america as a body of christ a little over a week ago we acknowledged uh that the happening of the 20-year anniversary of 9 11 in which a handful of terrorists took down the world trade centers uh 3 000 people dead and in 2001 we were launched into a season where we had to reboot our idea of warfare warfare and the idea of it changed america has always been a country of fighting we've fought in many wars we fought korea and we fought russia and we fought japan and world war one world war ii america was used to fighting but america was used to fighting governments and uh in 2001 we started fighting something that we had never fought before and we didn't know what to think because they said it was planes that took down the world trade centers but i submit to you a plane did not take down the world trade center and they started showing us pictures of terrorists and said these are the men that took down the world trade centers but i submit to you it was not men that took down the world trade centers what brought down the world trade center was a thought a thought it was a thought that terrorized and destroyed thousands of families and we found ourselves as a nation being brought into the revelation that war is not action war is conflicting ideas and uh i parallel 9 11 even in another tangible sense to our current national climate of racial inequality because as people brace and talk about the idea of civil war and what does that look like i submit to you that we've been in a civil war for a long time we we and honestly in all honesty have been at war for about 400 years now and and while a common request in the so-called post-racial era is for many african-americans to simply move on you know the racism ended in the 60s uh every african-american that i speak to as an individual knows that just because they are not being hindered in the same way as the 60s doesn't mean they aren't still being abused in this season and what they are being abused by is an idea uh it's why a long-term strategy is so tedious because we found out that that you can't fight back on a thought with a gun and you can't fight back on a thought with a physical struggle you you can't how do you kill an idea you can't you can't sanction an idea you can defund the police and still not defund the idea and and the the constitution in theory would work for all if it was written and held in power by people who did not have preconceived ideas to have the words liberty and justice for all written by people who were slave owners shows that the idea on paper doesn't have as much power as the idea of the writer himself so after 9 11 we were launched into a season of them telling us what terrorists look like so we started watching for terrorists they told us this is how terrorists dress and we were given the idea of what terrorism looks like in the natural and then over the past two decades terrorists started changing colors and because it was not a man in a garment that we were fighting it was an idea and i want to suggest to you that as it is in the natural so is it in the spiritual god does not require of us at this stage of america uh what he required of the apostles of the early church and and we are not yet asked to lay our lives down in a way where we are crucified or we are beheaded or or we are literally killed for our faith as believers and and and just as we have not had the same fight i suggest to you that we are in just as serious of a fight uh we we are we are not asked to to lay it down in the same way but we are in a fight that is not physical and just as we are currently in our nation fighting a war of ideas what we are fighting in the spirit is a war of mindsets now you can't see the crucifixion and it's not as bold as the beheading but the persecution that is happening in the spirit realm is just as lethal as the cross of the old covenant and people are dropping like flies around us and they're dropping to invisible things we walk through a season where pastors are dropping to the invisible and and institutions are dropping to the invisible singers are dropping to the invisible people are caving marriages are crumbling churches are falling apart and what are we fighting it is an ideological uh you got to understand that for those terrorists radicalization occurs first by the infiltration of an idea and and the war that we are in now is a war that is continuing in our mind we are in a war and for some of you you don't know what i say when i say it we are in a war for simple things like peace of mind and and you're fighting for peace and every time it seems like you were able to get your grip on the spirit of peace a terroristic thought would come in and attack the mindset of peace that you were surrounding yourself with it and it attacked your joy and it attacks your contentment and it attacks your boldness and it attacks your confidence and it attacks your strategy and it attacks your future all of that right now look at your neighbor and say right now all of that right now is under attack in this room right now you are under terroristic threats there is no need in you setting your house alarm your alarm won't detect this infiltration it it's not going to climb through a window and it's not going to bust down a door and as much as you would love it to your nine millimeter ain't gonna stop this one we are engaged in a fight of ideas and for a few moments i want to run over to second corinthians chapter 10. second corinthians chapter 10 and i'm going to read verse 1 through 5 and i don't generally do titles because uh in the pentecost church i grew up in we never knew what we was going to preach when we walked up on the stage so it was just whatever the lord wanted to do but but as i i was thinking of this there was a declaration more than a title and it was i will win from within would you help me say that say i will win from within tell your neighbor i will win from within now as you're turning to second corinthians 10 it's important to understand that every individual in this space online right now this morning every last one of us is engaged in hand to hand combat with a thought rich people and poor people are fighting the same enemy black people and white people are fighting the same enemy because no one is safe from a thought second corinthians 10 verse 1 paul says now i paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of christ who in presence and base among you but being absent and bold towards you i beseech you that i may not be bold when i am present with that confidence wherewith i think to be bold against some which we think of us as if we walked according to the flesh for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh my lord though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh now pastors have often given this to us to help calm the people of christ down to stop any debates and stop any quarrels and stop any arguments but you need to understand that this is not what paul was accomplishing with this scripture at all paul was not saying to be passive here paul was taking his highlighter to where the warfare actually was he said i know you see me in body but what i'm fighting don't have a flesh for the weapons of our warfare verse 4 are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds somebody in this room this morning has a stronghold on you but i decree over the next 22 minutes the stronghold is going to come down and for the pulling down of strongholds you don't need a weapon for a weak hold i need a weapon for a stronghold to the pulling down of strongholds casting down casting down somebody say casting casting down what did i just do i just cast down the towel a casting down casting suggests throwing something physicals casting suggests that that that that i am throwing something tangible but how can i throw an invisible object how can i throw something intangible uh casting suggests as in a fishing line how many fish in the in the yeah amen yeah it's the wrong house uh fishing line and i cast the line and so he said no you're not casting down what you can see you are going to throw aside something you can't grab a hold of you he says are in a fight but you are in a fight with imagination you're in a fight with an imagination how do you fight how do you wrestle an imagination yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow he says it's not even the death that i'm walking through the valley of what i'm walking through is the valley of the shadow so it's not even the death that i'm scared of what has me in fear is the shadow it's the looming threat of the possibility of the actual death itself and living under the threat of death is what is killing me so it it's not it it's the threat of it and the the death is casting a shadow on me and when a real thing is put in the light it always cast a shadow could it be possible that you were up at 2 am last night wrestling with ghosts wrestling with the imaginary wrestling was something that you're not even in danger from casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of god exalts itself this is the same word that that that was used by satan when he said i will exalt myself above the most high exalteth itself against the knowledge of god it exalts itself against what i know to be true about god with with your hand clapping self and your foot stomping self and your praise break having self and your church attending every sunday self you still at times have the audacity to have your mind under attack from a thought that will still come visit you at midnight and say ain't no god god ain't real how can we go through a pandemic and god be real how can we walk through that pain and god be real how could a god who is real take my life through something like that and you are the same one that has seen god heal you and seen god restore you and seen god turn your situations around seeing god set you free and deliver you but there are still moments of suggestion that say god is not real it exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought i'ma put a thought in jail to the obedience of christ i'm preaching already we are let's stop there are fighting like our nation and we are in an ideological warfare every day every day you are fighting a mindset i want to highlight for a moment something that is the game changer for the body of christ and it is belief systems just write it down belief systems because kingdoms are comprised of belief systems a kingdom is not a castle a kingdom is a system and a system has a belief democracy is an idea democracy don't have an address democracy don't have a bank account democracy doesn't have a 501c3 democracy is an idea what establishes even the kingdom of god is an idea it is a belief system john 1 says in the beginning was the word logos everybody say logos in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god all things were made by him without him was not anything made in him was life the light of men light shone in darkness darkness comprehended it not and then it builds all the way to verse 14 and says the word the logos became flesh that the abstract became concrete the invisible was made visible and dwelt among us and we beheld we saw his glory now this gives us the concept then that jesus was not here to give us a sermon jesus was a sermon that the physical representation was giving us a display of an abstract invisible god and we as a church went through a phase of of naming it and claiming it because we were taught the idea of the power of our words which is true say it is true the power of our words and we were told that you can have whatever it is that you sent and you just got to say that thing you just got to declare that and you just got to talk that thing and we started walking around cars that we couldn't afford and houses that we couldn't pay for claiming them for ourselves because we learned the power of the word but what we did not understand is that in the greek the word logos is more than just word the word logos goes all the way back to its conception it goes all the way back to the thought behind the word which means you're going to lean in with me now if you are confessing something with your mouth that you are not believing in your heart you are void of the power of the decree your words do not have power not because words don't have power but because your words have not been germinated from a place of sincere thought so you can be saying a thing about yourself that you negate its birth of because you are saying something that you have not given a word a belief system to flourish in i'm talking the belief system is the thing that validates your declaration so you're saying i'm whole but you're thinking i'm sick and wondering why you never get healed you're singing i'm free praise the lord i'm free but you have a belief system that is fertilizing bondage and you are where you are doing what you are doing in the space you are in not because of what you say you are but because of your belief system jesus came all the way to the world to challenge what we believe god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever might believe he he believeth on him wants your belief system changes then you shall not perish but have everlasting life which means now over here in my system you don't have to kill any more ghosts and you don't have to slay any more lambs we don't have to do any more peace offerings or drink offerings no not over here in jesus church everybody else's church has the blood and the smoke but over here in my church we don't need any blood besides mine we don't need any smoke besides his glory there are no more screaming animals over here because i am the lamb of god so he said if you can believe you shall receive what is he doing in this statement he is attacking a personal belief system he's attacking the belief system of the religious structure of the day and he's attacking the belief system that has kept them from being free what do you believe for real for real not not what you sing as lyrics on the screen what do you believe at midnight on tuesday [Applause] what do you believe let's start here what do you believe about god have you even yet to separate god from a church service because this is where we lost a lot of people in quarantine because your relationship with god was in a time schedule on sunday they praised god and they believed god but they believe that god is a place that i visit and not an indwelling that i have that that he's a building i come to and don't sit in my seat this is my okay right so so what do you believe about god is god a doctrine is god a theological study is god baptism is god communion is god white on first sunday what is god to you and what do you believe about god because what you believe about god has everything to do with the nature of your relationship with him it has he has everything to do on if you're even really going to worship him because some of you are still uncomfortable worshiping god because contrary to your sunday church activity you still don't really believe he's there and it's hard to feel like a grown-up adult when you feel like you got an imaginary friend so you feel uncomfortable because you know you're talking to something i don't really trust [Applause] what do you believe about god some people believe that but that god is not a god of love that god is a god that's just waiting to get you god's gonna get you if you if you don't say your prayer before food you're gonna die by poison god's gonna get you if you don't make sure you crap your bible by seven am god's going to get you that if you don't cross every t and dot every eye god is gonna get you because god don't even really like you he god don't want you how could he like you you you ain't even smart enough to be healed you can't be good enough to get with him but as soon as you mess up he's just waiting to take you out and and this is why it's hard to get in his presence because it's hard to come boldly before a throne we don't feel welcomed by [Applause] so i feel i'm in the room and and so now when you start dealing with belief systems systems are hard to fight beliefs are hard to fight belief systems cause you to be bitter and angry at people who molested you not just because of what they did to you but because of how they left you in your mind they created a belief system at that you left and you left with not that was bad you left with i am worthless and the person is moved on the person is gone for some of you the person is in the grave and you are still trapped in the system of how you see yourself and you keep recreating how you see yourself with everybody you partner yourself with because what was left on you was not the seed of that man what was left on you was the belief system and everything else could have been washed away everything else could have been healed but the belief system glory to god a belief system is a second grade teacher telling you that you are stupid and you are dumb and you are never going to be good why don't you do your work it creates a belief system a belief system you are just like your daddy and you ain't never gonna be more it's a belief sister you can't do that and that's why you don't try that because your belief system is bound to what they told you this is why the church don't work for so many people church will always tell you what to believe about god but not enough churches will move into challenging what do i believe about me what do i believe about me and paul said i can't do all things through christ who strengthens i can do all things through christ now the scripture is good for us but let me tell you where our church is in a post-pandemic era we got a great through christ we just got a weak i can't oh man and there is no power in her through christ until he first has an eye can a through christ without an eye can is like a car with no gas what good is a through christ if you don't give him a body to manifest through christ through a belief system doesn't just say i believe he can a belief system says he's going to use me to do his care would you just look at somebody next to you holla i can't i can't believe systems are important because if you can't change the belief system you can't help the person you can't help them until you help their belief and most people can't change their belief system we're gonna get there in a second because they are unwilling to change their belief circle it's all right you ain't gonna say nothing a system can't change if there is no circle transformation so belief system are reinforced by association and a circle of nothing but same is not empowering it is imprisoning and to all of you who are only comfortable with people who are into what you're into and like what you like and think how you think you have created yourself a prison for your current level but in order to be out of that belief system you've got to be willing to plant yourself in environments of the uncomfortable you need diversity not just in color you need diversity in portfolio in your circle you need diversity in the community of your world to help irrigate your mind with sound reasoning to help you create a new belief system so you can just get out and escape the prison of the old one you all know all them single girls that you run away trying to get marriage advice they only have one culture called single and all their invite how can she tell you how to be a great wife and she's already lost five husbands y'all ain't gonna talk to me i'm talking about a belief system a belief system what is a belief system hold on we almost there write this down a belief system is something that you say over and over inside yourself without ever moving your lips a belief system is what i say over and over inside myself without ever moving my lips no words a belief system is what i say inside myself never moving my lips because when you talk to us you talk good how are you i'm blessed and highly favored you talk right you talk positive but it's not what you're saying to me that is killing you it is what you are saying to yourself come talk to me somebody i feel like preaching i i feel like in the next 14 minutes we're going to cast some strongholds down because it's belief systems that are making you sick and belief systems that are telling you what you came to but i dare you to just shake your shoulders right where you are come on do it shake yourself because we are going to leave what has been holding us we're going to move out of what has been limiting us and we're going to move out of what's been telling us our purpose was dead what you can't do and what you can't be the devil is a lie i'm going to sing again i'm gonna shout again i'm gonna run again i'm gonna build again i'm gonna create again i'm gonna start again what do you believe about god what do you believe about yourself [Applause] and there what do you believe about your next [Music] well it just is what it is whatever happens happens but it is what it is it's always going to be ears for you because is for you is however you see it is it's all right you'll catch it and if you never get around people who challenge the way you see your god challenge the way you see yourself and challenge the way you see your future you are going to be stuck with your rich self stuck with your poor self stuck with your pretty self stuck with your ugly self but you are stuck whenever you are in a circle that never challenges your belief system so here comes jesus right and he says believe on me and he shakes up the entire belief system of how the kingdom is going to work in the new covenant he starts shaking it up with things like said he said it has been said eye for an eye it has been said tooth for a truth it has been said uh turn the other cheek but but then he challenges belief systems he said but i say to you what is he doing he's confronting the idea of the world he starts breaking the ideas of the world the pharisees are killing him because he's eating corn on the sabbath so he's troubling not just church systems he's troubling the national belief system and he starts breaking their rules right in their face i know you don't like it he says i appreciate your sabbath but i am lord of the sack good god what does he say he said i'm the boss over your rules i'm the lord over your regulations which means i do what i want to do when i want to do it what did he say i'm the one who brings one up and if i feel like it i'll take another one down i am god and beside me i feel like preaching so watch me there are two opposing ideas right now at war for your mind for your mind and if it's at war in your mind until you choose which mind to follow you are stuck in transition and i've got to choose what i believe about god choose what i believe about me and choose what i believe about my future so he says there's two opposing ideas two ideas sit down i'm almost there that are fighting for me right now they are fighting for your life whether you are 18 or you are 78 there are two ideas fighting and it's why you feel unstable it's why you don't feel like you can get your feet under you it's why it's why you can't seem to catch your footing how many of you i i'll see how honest we are in here how many of you have ever wondered to yourself how can i be so spiritual and yet so carnal at the same time how can i feel like giving him the glory at eleven and feel like cussing you out at 12 30 [Music] i can't hear nobody not now i know do you wanna you don't wanna say nothing in church because because you you brought you brought sister wilson to church but inside sister wilson is always a sexy sally and sister wilson and sexy sally are both having a conversation in you right now and and when you walk in the church you have to tell sexy sally to be quiet so sister wilson can give god the glory but if some of you are honest you can sit on the seventh row and still have sexy self [Applause] throwing you a few thoughts so two opposing ideas are fighting for control control though i am in the flesh i do not war after the flesh there was a moment where god and satan were having a conversation in heaven and and god looks at satan and says have you considered my servant joe he's he's a faithful servant faithful enough right satan looks back at god and says man you know why i'm not messing with joe you got a hedge around him you got a hedge around you i can't i can't even get to him so god says to satan look now i want you to also think about the fact that that god and satan are talking about job and job didn't even get an invite to the meeting [Applause] i wonder what conversations have been happening in heaven over your life [Applause] and satan says if you move the hedge i'll get him to curse you and and god says devil i know you lying so so you can touch anything around him but don't touch his soul so satan starts afflicting everything that made job feel stable he starts afflicting his natural stabilizers he he starts afflicting his cattle which was his money his land he starts afflicting his sons and his daughters his relationship he starts afflicting his reputation he starts afflicting his marriage he starts afflicting his work all for one reason i want job to curse god ah this is the goal of the affliction i want job to curse god one of the objectives of hell in this season is to get people to curse what has consecrated them job lost everything but in the middle of the loss he maintained his integrity and listen to this he kept his thoughts toward god pure what did he start saying whatever you say is from a thought he said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away but blessed be the name of the lord i know that my redeemer listen to his thought life and he shall stand in the last day he starts speaking good about a god that he feels like has abandoned him and what you should see is that job is not in the fight job is the territory of the fight oh god and there was a fight over you you are territory for the spirit realm there was a fight over you why are you territory because according to genesis the mandate of genesis man has dominion in the earth and when he decrees that that means there is no spirit moving unless there's an available man so every spirit has to have territory in the earth in order to accomplish its will in the earth so there's a fight over territory not just because he wants to own you but because he wants to you use you and you've got to know that hell wants to use you just as bad as god does so there's a fight over the use of your future there's a fight over the use of your tomorrow and your past and your future are arguing over your next move and the past says i own that boy i own that girl and she's never going to get away and whenever your past wants to control you it will always start by throwing you a memory and what does your future do when it's time to combat a memory your future comes and gives you a vision and so your vision and your history are fighting for what you're going to meditate on now and if you tell me which one you think the most about i can tell you where you are in your life right now preach me if your mind is always on where you've been you can never move into where he's trying to take you but if it's on where you're going where you've been can't hold you any longer but the two are in a fight right now for your next step i'm telling you that your history and your dream are in combat over your next move i heard the scriptures say without a vision that the people perish which means if you don't have something in front of you to fight for you will always fall to a relapse so now i said we are not fighting against the flesh so what are we fighting with paul you are fighting with an idea an idea got in that wedding dress with you an idea put on that veil and when that man said i do to you he said i do to the ideas you didn't get rid of he said i do to every residue of leftover ideas and what i'm trying to get you to see is your past and your pain are fighting for control of your mindset but your future is beckoning you to come on over here even jesus said father if it be thy will if it be your idea let this cup pass from me but not my will or not my idea but yours be done and hebrews said that jesus despised even the shame of the cross but how did he endure what it was that he despised he said if i got to go through this in order to get to that it'll all be worth it in the end y'all might as well help me preach this thing look at somebody real quick and say it'll all be worth it in the year that's the wrong way tell somebody else it'll be worth it in the end so how do i get through this in order to get to that by keeping my mind on that and if i lose my that i lose my fight with this he said the joy that is set before me when you look back oh you're gonna find this pain but when you look forward you should be able to see some joy i'm not saying you're not going to crucify some stuff but you will be able to crucify them for the joy that was set before you listen to how jesus talked he said if you destroy the temple in three days i raise it back up again his mind the whole time while he's going through the process is what's gonna happen on the other side i will drink no more wine until i drink it with you knew in the kingdom of god so his mind was not on going down to the grave his mind was always about when i get up you're not worried about the cross it's the night before the crucifixion and he's talking about drinking with them on the other side you're not scared of the death now cause i got joy over there and this joy that i have the world can get it and the world can take it away and that's why i got to remind you that we've got to do this with intentionality because if you don't handle your thoughts right your activity is imprisoned to duplicate what's already been and that's why folk are leaving our churches because they came to church looking for answers and they danced and they shouted and they praised and they hollered and they ran and they jumped and they had an experience that was real in their spirit but because the war ain't in my spirit the war is in my mind if you don't help me challenge what's going on up here this dance ain't gonna get me through what's waiting for me when i get along with myself so i said god where is the answer and he took me over to romans chapter 12 where he said i beseeching therefore brethren by the mercies of god which is oh god that he presents your bodies as a living sacrifice lonely and acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be he transformed how am i gonna do it god by the renewing of your mind he said if you renew your mind you can go home with your life which means there's a new woman in you that your kids ain't seen there's a new man in you that your family ain't seen there's a new woman and a new man in you that's your business hazing somewhere down a town on the inside there's a man and a woman that is screaming out let me out would you help me do it right now scream let me out let me out look at somebody and say let me out let me out i got captivity down on the inside somewhere there's a captive down there screaming let me out he's chained behind a bad thought chamber had a bad idea chained behind a bad issue but in your core there was something hollering let me out if you feel that thing let's take eight seconds and let that thing have control and give god a praise because there's something trying to get out of me open your mouth and shout unto god not from your flesh but from that thing because the goddamns are about to come open you got seven seconds open your mouth now there was a woman in the bible and we don't even know her name all we know is her issue she was the woman with the issue of blood sick for 12 long years people knew she was sick and now she's more than sick now she's sick and broke because she spent all her money trying to get people to help her heal from her history i don't have time she spent her money and her resources trying to get people to treat her pre-existing conditions she spent all her substance of what the bible called worthless physicians who could not treat her issue look at how much money and how much time and how much effort you spent on people who couldn't even help you get to where you are right now so this woman somebody holla let me out said she was in the corner bleeding and now she's bleeding physically but she's also bleeding financially and it's got a bleeding emotionally and one day she heard that jesus was passing by i only got a minute to catch this and that's why when you're in a good church you gotta make sure you sit next to somebody who ain't a destruction when you're in a good church you don't want nobody talking to you about chicken at two o'clock or about a facebook status because every sunday is a moment where jesus is i feel like having church holla at two people and say he's passing by he's passing by and i can't miss it some people say that jesus healed the woman but jesus did not heal this woman in fact he didn't even see her she didn't even know she was behind him because when she got it he said who touched me and then somebody else said it was the hymn of the garment that was the thing that healed but that can't be true because if the hymn healed her all of jerusalem would have been crawling to the hill she touched the hill but it wasn't him that healed she touched him but he never touched her so the triumph wasn't even in his touch so how did the woman get healed she got healed by her belief system and she said in herself i know it looks bad i know i've been sick i know i've been broke but if i may touch the hip of his garment i'll you're gonna win from within you're gonna overcome like an idea let me out throw your hands up and shall let me out somewhere there was something healthy saying let me out so let me tell you what she did and matthew didn't touch an organ she had chance all by herself down in herself and it says that she said within herself if i may but touch now there was another thought that came up that every time a right one comes a wrong one will be present and another one came and said why are you trying you've been in this for 12 years you tried everything and it didn't work but every time that boy spoke she said to herself if i made a church if i never touched her it ain't going to happen if i may be touched it ain't work before if i may because it ain't happened last time if our neighbor just and she talked herself into the moment god had prepared because she knew inside that there was a moment she kept on crawling and i got a word i said i got a word i said i gotta worry but for all nations memphis keep on calling keep on pressing keep on pushing and let that thing get out i'll have three people and say i'm coming out the more purpose i talk i'm coming out a heart is what brought you to the pain you're in and if a thought brought you to pain it's a thought that'll bring you out let me give you a bible [Applause] i tell you to stand up on your feet and tell three people i'm changing my mind i feel the holy ghost pushing us right here and i need to stop because i'm seven minutes over but i dare you to give god a ridiculous praise right now because where you are is not the finish line but where you are is transition believe the old the height behold all things have passed away and behold all all things oh all things appeared they knew throw your hands up and say god i'm loose god i'm new three people i'm coming out i'm flipping down so belief affects behavior i don't deserve to be loved it's always going to get me left [Music] people who don't believe that you are supposed to be blessed never get to walk into new blessings you'll have all the necessary degrees and won't have the belief system to maintain what god is trying to bring out of you but i'm on assignment this morning to deliver this message for somebody who has been stuck in a season that did not want to let you out the lord said i'm going to bring you out but i'm going to do it by a new idea and you will win but you're going to win from within just lay hands on your belly and say i will win win from there it's a new idea now don't touch nobody but just stretch your hands to everybody around you right now because they're wondering why they've been so tired it's not just your exercise you've been at war while you've been asleep and there's been a war raging on the inside it's been an ideological war and it's come to destroy not just your now but it's come to destroy your future but the devil is a dog online and the anointing is in this room this morning and it's honored assignments uh it's on assignment to deliver us from the strongholds of bad ideas and bad belief systems for the weapons of our but they are mighty through god to the pulling down come on just do it right there pull it down i'm not pulling it down from the sky i'm pulling it down from my mind you got some stuff to pull down you got some strongholds to pull down your moves your attitudes your dispositions your perspectives the word curses and what they said we pulled them down today we're going to stop fighting with ghosts father i pray that the anointing will become tangible in this room right now come on stretch your hands all around you that you would use these hands to distribute an anointing that it would liberate the captive and set the bound free that they would never be the same again that the yoke of old minds would be destroyed and the prisoner of all belief systems would be torn down i dare some of you to just lay hands on your own head and start walking around and praying in tongues that the holy ghost in you talk about you but let the holy ghost oh shut up holy spirit i ask you to do brain surgery in this room the future is too important for us to be bound bound by disappointment bound by lack bound by not enough and in the name of jesus we tear down every idea that did not come from heaven and pulled down by the power of the holy ghost every negative belief system that has them talking themselves out of what you said they were you have called us something and if we say anything else we are in the old way but in the name of jesus i decree all over this room the a fresh revelation of a new perspective of who i am a fresh revelation of a new perspective on what he gave me i did not survive because he thought i was good like i was i survived because he wanted to put a new thing on me and let this mind be in you that was in christ jesus so many of y'all come on pray in the holy ghost so many of y'all are fighting with something and i want to lay hands so bad but before we get there let's do this just spin around in your seat in that spirit i'm changing how i see my god spin again i'm gonna change how i see myself spin again i'm gonna change how i see my future if you believe you didn't survive just to fake it but you survived because there's more take 60 seconds and praise him from a future perspective there is still healing there are still miracles there is still provision there is still a breakthrough and for those of you that don't know what's happening right now let me announce to you this is breakthrough sunday this is a sunday where we decide to break out of old ideas i choose to leave the bondage of yesterday and i'm running to the future praise him from your tomorrow oh what is that what do you believe he can do what do you believe he can do i am what he said i heard i said i am what he said i am i don't care what your mama calls you i don't care what your uncle did to you i don't care if that boss finds you you are what he said here what did he say out here he said out the head and not to tell but he said i'm above and not putting he said i'm the lender and not the borrower he said i'm blessed in my coming blessed am i going blessed in the city bless in the field i'm blessed today and i'm blessed tomorrow and i refuse every mindset that tells me otherwise come on just lift your hands and pray the holy ghost come on that's it open your mouth do brain surgery on us holy spirit change our eyes change the way we see change the way we perceive so good [Music] this is the word of god over you i will say blessed is he who hears the word of the lord i don't care how long you've been bleeding and i don't care how long you've been losing if you are redeemed by him losing is not your identity if i belong to him every loss is still employed because he said all things work i'm not saying you won't have down days i'm not saying there wasn't still a cross to go through for christ he said i could endure this cross for the joy that is set before me i can go through this because of what this is doing on the other side all nations memphis on the other side of this is something to be joyful about god trusts you to take you through a cross that will unlock a brand new people an entirely new covenant was offered by a man willing to take a cross so father i changed my mind i i changed my mind about the nails i changed my mind about the bleeding i changed my mind about whatever loss this season has taken me through and even though i went through it i refuse to become it i will not be what i've gone through but father what i've gone through has unveiled and uncovered the brand new me all things are passed away i hope all things have become new father i'm asking you to just settle us in this season settle our hearts settle our souls and may we see the spirit moving in a fresh way the future is miraculous the future is full of wonder the future is full of evidence and father i refuse to miss it because i don't think like it father just as the woman with the issue of blood didn't have a prophecy that if she touched his garment she didn't have a scripture that if she touched his garment she created her path to breakthrough by expectation in herself so father i'm asking you to give us divine paths from the inside to follow so that your will can be manifested in our future you are doing a new thing springing forth shall we not know it god help us if we are in the midst of the miracle we prayed for and we can't recognize it keep my eyes open to your way to your plans may i know that your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are higher than our thoughts but you want to use us to be the hands and feet of this move father i thank you that this city is primed and available for everything you have planted in the hearts of this people father we are not people who come to church we are people who leave as the church so i'm asking that this miracle power would not be relegated to altars but that a healing anointing would be taken to our mondays and tuesdays father i thank you that i won't dance about breakthroughs in here that i don't believe you'll do out there so father may my praise be attached to for real expectation a real thing a real thing and we know we know we believe that all things work together and we give you the glory for it we give you the honor for it for we know the only person that could take what i am and do something that big is you it's not by might nor by power it's by your spirit so before we go home we just lift our hands all around this room and we have a few seconds of worship positioning ourselves and posturing ourselves in the presence of the one who wants to reveal us to us [Music] show me to me show my plan to me show my purpose to me and may the joy set before me give me the endurance for what i'm in now and father i thank you that you are unveiling unleashing and calling out the thing that has been imprisoned by old belief systems in me and we come out of the shell of low belief we come out of the shell of low expectation we come out of the shell of disappointment and we scream let us out into the future you have prepared us for in jesus name amen and amen come on clap your hands all around the sanctuary and give god a praise come on give god a praise come on give god a praise would you turn around and tell everybody in your circle we coming out this season we're coming out we're coming out we're coming out god bless you come on and give god praise if you believe that word on today that you're coming out let me tell you something you're already out yo if you believe it you're already out whatever it is that you're in you're already out come on and believe the reality of the word of god your reality must match the word of god your expectation must match the word of god hallelujah what such a powerful and timely a rhema word for the people of god on today hallelujah from within god is going to do what he's going to do for you from within from within what are you telling yourself this week what are you telling yourself right now if god be for me who can be against me nothing else matters if god before me hallelujah come on let's give honor to the man of god for such a powerful seed that was a seed that was deposited in your heart on today and you got to let that seem mature and you got to let that seed grow and you've got to praise on that seed and guess what you need to be able to give on that seed hallelujah hallelujah i'm not going to you can go ahead and stand up i'm going to dismiss you and i want you to believe god by faith that god gives seed to the sower remember that god gives seed to the sower so let me tell you something a giver is never without a seed a giver is never without a seed those of you who are online i want you to believe god on today and i want you to join in with me and give a 20 seed on today on that word if you believe god if you can't trust nobody else you can trust god and he will do what no other power can do the power of your belief system what are you believing god for what do you you believed in people long enough what are you believing god for you spent your time your energy your breath on people to understand and try to bring you solutions and answers and the answer all the time has been within what do you believe in god and if you want to you can online you can give so you're 20 you can text seven seven nine seven seven a w a m e m in nashville a n w a n a s h two seven seven nine seven seven to be able to give unto the lord it's an honor and it is worship so all over the building come on and stand to your feet if you've given i want you to hold up your phones hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh bless his name oh bless his name what's in the word of the lord rich on today i'm so full right now and i'm endeavoring and i'm pushing to change my belief system and to bring everything that is not like god every thought bring it to the feet of the word of god and replace it so you got to do an exchange it's a daily thing exchange the thoughts that are not like god about you about what you believe about yourself what do you believe about you do you believe you're the head and not the tale do you truly believe that that you're above and never beneath you're a lender and not the borrower and i don't care what your prayers and circumstances say right now for the joy that's set before me for the outcome what god is gonna bring me into and so father we just declare today god hallelujah you have spoken and no man can reverse it we declare today god as i look out over a blessed people a people who are changing from within a people who are coming out of people who are already out we believe the word of the lord and that state so on that word god we believe that you are the one who would do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or even think and god we believe it for ourselves we believe it for our family we believe it for our children we believe it for our co-workers we believe that we are worth that promotion because we believe that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me in the prosperous and mighty name and powerful name of the lord jesus christ i want you to scream out [Music] i am new i can and let me out you are dismissed go in the glory of the lord amen i will see you in the morning at 5 am devotion hallelujah
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly- Memphis
Views: 1,224
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: SbJqe6l4430
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 38sec (7598 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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