Happy Agape Sunday w/Pastor Mike Freeman [091921] 8AM

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[Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey listen this is the day this is the day that the lord has made i make a choice we're going to rejoice to rejoice and and be glad in it it don't matter what happened yesterday today tomorrow it doesn't matter i make a choice to rejoice and you got to stay right there listen welcome welcome welcome faith partners we want to be we want to just spare your faith ian's spirit of faith ian's my name is shamia and i'm george lee and we in the building back then let us up in here so listen we're going to have an amazing time today so don't you go nowhere because i promise you the word today is going to be fire life-changing hey if this is your very first time visiting with us here at spirit if you know what you need to do go on to drop a one and a half love and i guarantee you don't go nowhere because it's going to be something so amazing today that you don't want to miss that and we're going to show you so much love in the comments you're going to want to keep wanting to come back again and again why because watch this a ministry listen listen now go ahead go ahead here we go listen y'all heard me say this before but uh just like a church alive is worth the drive but what is it a ministry that wins is worth tuning it come on wow it was so corny i didn't remember oh no i'm gonna deal with you well listen how about that homecoming service right five so you guys know a couple weekends ago we had our homecoming service and it was like so amazing to see everybody who we haven't seen in like a year it's like a year and a half i've seen kids that that that's taller than me taller than me they driving now they didn't scream you know the people that used to have braces down the braces well mine's still here but anyway but we kicked it off with face city music that was like i feel like that was a gospel music awards or something like that like we had like everybody we had a man in the building we had lecrae out coming in just like a fajitas we were just missing andy i was missing you andy we was we was there no but we had an amazing time then saturday we turned around and had women walking in the word then on sunday it was homecoming service we were able to see everybody and everybody who had a green wristband we was able to hug he was able to hug yeah they they set the right yeah they set the right parameters up right you know there were some people that you know they just wanted they had their red they had their rear wrists red don't even just just give them give them one of these no but we had an amazing time and so listen don't don't don't worry if you missed that because guess what we have another in-person pop-up service guess where we're going to be at be more in the higher how are you in the house put that in there if you want to go ahead and attend that uh service go on spiritfaith.org so you can register it's going to be october 3rd at the baltimore campus so go to spiritfaith.org and register you don't want to miss it i promise you you miss hey listen guys if you haven't done so already start a watch party yeah share comment like post post but make sure you share it you know what i love about what about about sharing is that we always care well sharon is caring yeah i love that sharing is caring that's what we teach our kids but it's true but not only that it's actually easy some people are like afraid to share the gospel not our dr dede okay did you see dr diddy as safeway yesterday she had the parking lot ministry but she showed you how easy it is to share the gospel but it could be even easier than that just by sharing this broadcast so make sure you go ahead and share come on and share come on listen stay tuned because our sick groups are back we're up and running our sick groups are for men and women women and women and this is an opportunity where we make quote-unquote the big church or big ministry feels small the small group makes you feel still connected absolutely and we have so much around here but our sick groups are coming up so if you want to register for that and you should go to spirit of faith.org and register for the upcoming sick groups they're going to start i believe in october there have been relationships that are sustained as a result of those those sick groups oh yeah yeah a lot of relationships he has this little like offside group that came from a set group and now they just be talking all the time i'm like what in the world they got their own sick group but guys make sure you make sure you go ahead and register for that also as you know you see me right you see you i got mine come on come on girl come on i see you guys clearance girl [Music] guys girls girls is coming up and i'm super super excited as you see what i got grace gratitude and great girl that's that's all you make sure if you haven't registered for god's glamorous girls what are you waiting for go ahead and register make sure you go ahead and register for god's glamorous girls and guess what you should become a girlfriend because when you're a girlfriend girlfriend well i'm go i'm glad you asked when you're a girlfriend you get to watch the replay over and over and over again you can't you know you may miss it you may not be tuned in you may do something different and sometimes you go back and listen to the word again and you hear something something different that you didn't hear the first time absolutely so if you haven't registered go ahead and register if you have registered go ahead and upgrade yourself okay or become a gym okay what's the gym i'm so glad you asked a gym will allow you to sponsor another sister so somebody else can go ahead and be blessed by god's glamorous girls so you can also be a gym so make sure you go ahead and register at godsglamorsgirls.com hey listen saturday october 2nd is dee's house of hope bike ride which is against domestic violence so you can also where you going to go where are you going where are they going to go i was that was my second where are you going to go to register they're going to go to spirit of faith spirit of faith. or it's it's it's like it should be already ingrained in that just like somebody somebody put that in the comments spirit of faith.org for all your admissions are you coming on are you coming on a motor motorbike like what you doing oh no if that's a motorcycle that's not for me that's not no i could do a bike i can definitely do it i can do it can you still do it back though i can still do away [Music] also blaze kids ministry is every single friday at seven p.m it is lit you want to make sure your children are on there listen our ministry has something for every person in your family i feel i feel i feel that that uh pastor duane spirit got something for lottie daddy and everybody everybody everybody everybody got something all right so make sure your children are tuning in every friday night blaze kids at 7 p.m and you can follow blaze kids at sofcc blaze on ig absolutely now listen we'll be right back after these videos yeah [Music] so you're not gonna fight a fixed fight not because of who you are but because of how you see yourself who told you you couldn't afford that who told you you couldn't have that who told you you were sick who told you you were defeated god never said that about you every time the devil tells you you're going down every time the devil tells you you're dumb you're stupid you'll never be anything you're not pretty enough remember me standing in front of you telling you that you can do this [Music] excited but i love that they showed that you can have grit in every area of your life nobody's really left out of that no no your finances every single your family your marriage prayer business your children god wants to make sure that we prosper in every area of our life that's why you gotta register and that's why if you haven't registered i mean wait till this service is over but you go ahead and register right so listen all month long apostle has been what we've been come on talk to me talk to me glory to the king glory to the king no but apostle's been talking about agape and honor so tell me something you you've been getting out of this i mean it's services every i mean it's services every sunday wednesday you got noonday bible study 7 p.m bible study we got we got 8 a.m 10 10 a.m 12 night cap we got services for for for everybody and at any time uh we it's definitely made convenient for you but some of the things that i i was getting out of it you know you're talking about a culture of agape and honor right and i looked up that word culture and it means to maintain in conditions suitable for growth right and so i started thinking about okay if we are maintained if god was to come back and look at our houses right can he really look and see that this thing has been growing a gapping in honor has been growing in our house you know when you go to the doctors they they have what's called a culture test they want to see how things have grown together well i just want to encourage you i want to challenge you just like pastor mike's been saying about checking challenge to change right yeah you're checking some time though oh that's that checking can't hurt that check but i love what pastor mike i think i think this is pastor mike who said that he said love is not a feeling no it's not so when you're being checked it doesn't always feel too good but when you know that the motive is love or agape you can receive it because you can say that challenges you it does because you can set out to do something good you can set out to to love your your co-worker who you know is is nice nasty with you yes right but i like what mike tyson said mike tyson said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face right so you gotta you got to be ready you got to have something deep on the inside this can't be surface right like i love i'm rocking this shirt but this means nothing if i don't have it in the inside of my heart and this doesn't mean anything if you toten around your bible if you don't have it on the inside of your heart as well well pastor mike said that you know i think it's john 13 where we love one another as god has loved us that sometimes is the challenge for us it's very easy for us to say we love god you know we told these shirts and we told our bible and we post our scriptures during the week right so it's so easy to say i love god and most people would agree hey you love god absolutely you ask people about somebody else what's wrong with you it's wrong with you right it's that vertical but what about that horizon yeah and and and he says that we must love each other the same way god loves us and he's going to actually use the way we love each other as a barometer a barometer on how we love that when i heard that that that was that was the best part of the check-in yeah that's the check-in because it's very easy to say come on guys you know i love you and then he says well what about my people what about your brother what about your sister your co-worker you're like well wait a minute wait wait like wait a minute anybody ask you all a lot can we see what i love about the last one is that you will change yeah and that's at the end of the day don't you just want to grow an increase in change you want matter how do you want manifestation yeah to happen but it only comes through and by allowing our our pastor to give us instruction to be able to correct this to challenge us to want to do better right and so that way we can we can change and see something i think president said this that we had to be committed to a lifestyle and culture of agape and honor like you really do have to be committed it's like being in a relationship like you can't just want to check out when times get tough when times get rough right so you gonna have some time with somebody gonna check your agape and check your love oh geez you're gonna be a little nervous about that but guess what it's all right and don't you go nowhere because you know today is going to be amazing right and i want you guys to get prepared and ready for face city music because as they always do always bring off the chain litty litty litty let's go let's go to face city music guys [Applause] y'all y'all already know this is the day that god has made somebody throw your hands in the air and shout hallelujah [Applause] [Music] like share and comment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] they used to say [Music] foreign [Music] let me let me let me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] stay right there stay [Music] [Music] put your hands somebody get a reason why he's worthy one more time lose that one more time somebody think about the ways that he's made the doors that he's opened the doors that he shut [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's what i will do that's what i will do [Music] [Music] what you do [Music] one two three everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey miranda i hear this right here say this with me right here can we lift you up can we lift you up should we [Music] [Music] miranda's thinking like you're villain [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know about you but touch yourself and say i've got a reason you can look at me and know that you're looking at a miracle you're looking at an overcomer you're looking at a survivor touch yourself type in the comments call text somebody and say [Music] i've got a reason lift your hands and shout to the miracle worker this morning i killed it like this you're the god of miracles science and wonders we believe in your power we believe in your power you're [Music] come on talk to him look up in the sky and say [Music] supernatural [Applause] somebody stretch your hands up all over the world [Music] uh i believe i will see it i believe i will see it he's a miracle worker come on miranda [Music] [Music] and we oh [Music] somebody said [Music] yes [Music] that's who i know you to [Applause] you are a miracle oh anybody need a miracle [Music] i know [Music] i've seen him manifestation we see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] miracle wonder what the timeline whatever what did what what somebody bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] should we believe in your power we believe there is power power wonder working power [Music] is [Music] [Applause] you're a miracle worker i believe it more than i've ever believed it before i need you to release your faith watching from coast to coast from country to country this isn't a moment of expectation don't just watch us i need you to participate in this moment say you're a miracle worker see your miracle worker seek your miracle work you're a miracle worker i believe in your power i'm convinced of your power [Music] i believe in your power [Music] miraculous saving power [Music] if you did it before you can do it again same god right now same god back then [Music] if he did it before i know he can't do it again same god right now same god back there you're a miracle [Music] i still believe i still believe i still believe [Music] i still believe [Music] come what may i still believe come with me i'll still be [Music] [Music] you are a miracle [Music] i believe in your power [Music] hmm [Music] you're wandering my souls you were wondering my soul you were wandering my soul [Music] i'll bless your name [Music] he's a wonder in my soul you are a wonder in my soul he's wandering my soul [Music] blessing name [Music] [Music] come on wherever you are in the world stop right now and just lift your hands come on he's a miracle worker all he asks us to do is to believe come on believers what do we do we believe so come on lift your hands up stop give god some praise give him glory and honor you know i don't know what you're going through but if you would just magnify him and not magnify all of your circumstances all of your issues all of the bad and the evil reports but magnify him i guarantee you he will become bigger than everything that you're going through so wherever you are really right now i want you to stop i know you're preparing breakfast probably for your family or you're getting ready for your day but now is not the time to do all of that if you were here in the building you would be involved you will be participating in this time of worship so come on just lift your hands and love up on the father and let him know how good he is father you are an awesome god you are a great god you are a loving father and we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor on today father for you deserve all praise you are a miracle worker father i even pray for those there that are dealing and going through things that they haven't been able to overcome on their own i add my faith to their faith and i decree and i declare that this is the day that they will see the manifestation of what you have already promised and what you have already done for them healing i call you forth in jesus name peace of mind i call you forth in the name of jesus prosperity i call you forth in the name of jesus you children that belong in the body of christ of the families that have been praying for you i call you forth now in the name of jesus marriages i call you forth in the name of jesus singleness wholeness i call you forth in the name of jesus this is the day that you will give god praise for all that he has already done for you in the name of jesus come on can you shout unto the lord with the voice of triumph the bible says to let everything that have breath praise ye the lord wow happy sunday to you i want to read you this scripture this is really one of pastor mike's favorite scriptures and i'm going to read it to you out of the passion translation and it really goes along with what i was just saying and what the praise team just finished singing if you really believe and you trust in god you will see the manifestations of everything that god has already done for you it is finished it is a done deal but we have a role in righteousness and that role is to trust in god to live out this lifestyle in faith like we're supposed to but this is proverbs three and five and i'm gonna start it i'm starting verse five but i'm gonna go to verse eight and it's an attract passion translation it's trust in the lord completely and do not rely on your own opinions how many of us we have so many opinions god if you do it this way oh god i was thinking that god is not concerned about our opinions our own understanding he says rely on him completely with all your heart rely on him to guide you and he will lead you in every not some decisions but every decision you make become intimate with him and this right here is really one of my passions is like if we can get everybody to just become intimate with the father we become intimate with so many things and so many people that we forget to be intimate with the father and god is saying become intimate with him like get in his word become one with his word because when you become one with his word that's all that will come out of you it's not just enough to confess the word and just say you can quote the scriptures but i'm talking about becoming one with the word so become intimate with him in whatever you do and he will lead you wherever you go don't think for a moment that you know it all come on you mr know-it-all or you mrs know-it-all don't even think you know it all because you don't for wisdom comes from when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid come on say avoid avoid everything that's wrong not some things that wrong that's wrong but everything that's wrong you have to avoid it stop talking about oh this happened oh this no you ran into that on purpose don't do that avoid it right and then this is the part right here verse 8 then then then after you do everything that i just read you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit longs for come on put your trust in god today put your trust in god today no put your trust in god today he's not going to come and make you trust him it's a choice it's a decision trust god amen praise god amen i'm in faith with you look i'm dr dede freeman thank you so much for being a part of our services we decree and declare that today is the best day for the not not for the rest of your life but this day right here is the best day out of all of the days that you've already experienced and it's only going to get better and better once you become intimate with the word of god amen praise god look if today is your birthday or your anniversary we want to say happy birthday and or happy anniversary to you make sure you turn up have a lot of fun celebrate you don't allow or don't wait for anybody else to celebrate you you celebrate you take yourself out buy yourself a gift tell yourself how awesome you are because you deserve to be celebrated amen if your anniversary or birthday is this week we say it to you as well happy birthday and or happy anniversary any first timers here i can't hear you i know you know i don't hear you yet but if you put a one in the comments i'll know that you are here we have a group of people that have been waiting on your arrival they want to love up on you so much so that you'll want to come back and be a part of our services again and again and then you will become a partner here with the teaching ministries of doctors mike and dede freeman we would love to have you so thank you don't forget put a one in the comments right now just put that one in all right partners make sure you are sharing this page make sure you are liking this page if it is good enough for you it is good enough for everybody else and this is how you help us take the word into all of the world like we all have been commanded to do amen listen you guys know what's about to come up god's glamorous girls what we have a few people here in the audience and i'm so excited about it it's coming up on the 28th through the 30th you don't want to miss it no i'm not just saying that because it's my conference i'm telling you that i know it's going to transform your lives it's going to take you into a whole another place a prosperity of wholeness in jesus name that's my decree i've already been to the end of the conference so i already see you're in now all i need you to do is participate so you can see you're in as well amen i do have a video announcement i would love to play for you at this time all right y'all watch this [Music] so you're not gonna fight a fixed fight not because of who you are but because of how you see yourself who told you you couldn't afford that who told you you couldn't have that who told you you were sick who told you you were defeated god never said that about you every time the devil tells you you're going down every time the devil tells you you're dumb you're stupid you'll never be anything you're not pretty enough remember me standing in front of you telling you that you can do this remember me standing in front of you even right now telling you you can do this so go and register go to god's glamorousgirls.com and register today you only have a few more days and also get your merch what are you waiting on go to dedefreeman.com and order your t-shirt your sweatshirt so you can take pictures in it and you can tag us and we can repost you in your gear all right listen on october the 3rd we are having our next live in-person service and that's going to be held at our baltimore campus and we are excited about that as well but you have to register because we will be in the building we need you to register to be in the building even if you can't come to the building you know what to do click that button just like you're doing right now but that information should be on the screen right now please know that you must register all right at sofcc no way that's not right how do they register you must register oh with the link below that's what they just told me just say with the link below all right so make sure you register and then we are having our fourth annuals d's house of hope bike ride against domestic violence and i'm excited about that that's going to be october december 2nd and you need to register it as well please the link is on the screen we want you to be a part of it this is not the bike rise that you know the mighty minivalor is doing these are the ones with motors right with an engine i guess so these are the ones you know these motorcycles you don't really have to you know be in real good shape to do i probably could be in part of this one no but i would love to have you because it brings awareness to domestic violence we want to be able to spread the word that a woman or a man doesn't have to stay in an abusive situation all right so make sure you be a part of it if you have a motorcycle or if you know how to ride go rent a bike for the day and be a part of that and then we have dee's closet i would love for you guys to remember dee's closet that's at the temple hills um campus is open on thursdays fridays and saturdays and you can go you can donate you know your gently worn garments there please make sure they're clean and they're nice and in shape even though you may not want to wear them let it be something that you would wear if you had to all right so make sure you go and support that please mark your calendars for september the 25th at 10 a.m to join our fire ministry it's the fireside chat the information is on the screen as well we want you to be a part of that they're teaching you how to win people to jesus listen i was in the parking lot of safeway on yesterday it is so much fun i didn't need fireside chat i didn't need pastor mike i didn't need anybody else to be with me because i know my responsibility and my role in this christian walk we are here to be ministers of reconciliation i was like hey hey girl you hear me talking to you and i really got her she stopped and she paused and she received jesus christ as lord and it's so much fun there's nothing more fulfilling than getting people saved and born again to receive jesus christ as lord please keep the following partners in your prayers monica blaither bleither i believe that's blyther her mother's transition carol toby her mom and derek ellis his mother as well please keep them in your prayers we're praying for you as your ministry we're supporting you and we're praying that the joy of the lord will continue to be your strength in jesus name if you have a loved one to transition and you want us to be in prayer for you please email pastor rick at rick.wooten at sofcc.org all right we love you guys don't forget to be a part of our services you know we're here on sundays at 8 10 12 and again at 7 00 pm nightcap with pastor mike and then on wednesdays our bible studies at 12 and then 7 p.m all right don't forget share this page like this page follow this page i love you guys and i'll see you next week [Applause] [Music] hey said unto me i'm restoring everything's stolen [Music] [Music] is [Music] broken [Music] don't get weird come over here [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] that is [Music] [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] [Music] in my seat yes right now right now [Music] everybody is [Music] last time [Music] come on save me come on jb come on jb [Applause] living my best life leave it my place [Applause] i need you to believe it receive it feel free [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you're not gonna fight a fixed fight not because of who you are but because of how you see yourself who told you you couldn't afford that who told you you couldn't have that who told you you were sick who told you you were defeated god never said that about you every time the devil tells you you're going down every time the devil tells you you're dumb you're stupid you'll never be anything you're not pretty enough remember me standing in front of you telling you that you can do this you can do this i'm telling you you can do it [Music] get ready ladies all over the world for god's glamorous conference girls compass you got to be ready for it uh this is not just something or another conference this has been ordained of god didn't i we don't play those things relative to having annual events it's not necessary the most important and critical part about everything we do we have heard from god and when you've heard from god concerning everything that's supposed to be or should be implemented in the body of christ then there's guaranteed success that comes along with it whether you're here or not guess what this is already a successful meeting because god called it every god-called meeting is a successful one he he wants to be so confident of our trust in him the bible says god gets no greater joy than to see his children walking in truth his children walking in trust to him i think that's one of the most disappointing things about our relationship when we don't trust god dr d just talked about this trust in the lord completely with all of your heart and don't lean to your own understanding so i need you to hear from god concerning your registration and do it today this is the day that god has made he instructed us to do two things he said rejoice and be glad you're glad all to be glad i don't know about you but i'm living my best life now i'm living i'm living no no this is not a faith confession this is not conveying this this this is in full manifestation i'm living my best life now up until now tomorrow when it's now again i'll be living my best life now next year when it's now again i'll be living and it gets good and good where am i ready to go miranda ran to the bathroom y'all remember did you all see miranda she was she she looked like she was just stuck at one point like i'm living my there's there's there's a there's a there's an understanding there's a realization that it hit you that will make you pause to see god you've been so good to me that'll stop you dead in your tracks to make you acknowledge how god has brought you from one place to another that's in his word that's the role and the responsibility of righteousness now god can't bring you if you don't want to be brought did that make any sense did that sound grammatically correct if if you don't want to comply with the order of god then god can't get you from point a to point b and it is his desire for you to transition from glory to glory and from faith to faith and from mountain top to mountaintop which segues me into a wonderful part of worship experience unfortunately so many people limit worship to singing and dancing but worship is a lifestyle what did i just say it's a lifestyle and there are many elements many dimensions of worship which we're about to enter into now when i was telling you you have a role in righteousness in order for god to prosper you financially he has given you a role to play in this relationship of righteousness he has and it is your responsibility to take hold of his order and his instructions concerning your part as it relates to your financial prosperity i'm gonna throw it right over to my main man you know it's my main man i'm gonna throw it right i'm gonna pitch it right over to my mate i'm gonna pitch it right over to my man i'm gonna throw it right there this setting is so conducive i love this set in fact i can walk right on over here to my main man the cameras follow me did they follow me i'm a pitcher to pastor duane that he's going to share with you this reminds me of the setup of the early church because the temples and sanctuaries and places where they met were not constructed so they went huh pennsylvania pennsylvania pennsylvania avenue no he didn't go back to pennsylvania 39 11 80 pennsylvania avenue hey i felt something that's where this thing kicked off and people were just flowing out of my house did i do something wrong there where is it it's over here by my neck how'd the thing get over there okay all right well he should have told me that years ago yeah that goes to show you this is live in living color right pennsylvania avenue d pennsylvania avenue [Music] see that's one of the things that'll just make your pause that's how miranda got stuff see ain't got back from the restroom yet [Music] okay but what causes you the paws my soul looked back no my mama used to say what my mama used to say when i think of the goodness of jesus come on somebody knew what my mama said and all my soul my sanctified soul i wish somebody would go ahead and clap your hands all in the sanctuary my soul looked backs in one huh you got a whole oh yeah all that he's done for me uh pastor wayne take it away you know i want to i want to go right back to that we're living our best life now i don't don't don't just sing that don't just say that we're right in the middle of an endemic y'all i'm i'm talking about what oh it's endemic it's it's oh you're independent in the end [Music] suck in there i mean boom shakalaka i mean you're saying the power of god i'm not talking about you living your best life in the middle of everything going well you're living your best life in the middle when everything looks like it's going downhill but i'm telling that's how our god is are you ready to give i know you're excited to give come on put your hands together right there in your home put your hands together because we believe that every need is met in jesus name now you know we before we um i want to i was just thinking about jesus was talking about when he was going to the cross he was giving his life the bible said for the joy that was set before him he was able to endure what he had to go through and i was reading that and the spirit of god spoke to me he said dwayne there's a joy in giving that you cannot get in receiving that's why it's more blessed to give than it is to receive because there's a joy that comes along with giving and you got to know that jesus said the joy that was set before him your giving is personal that joy that is set before you got to be personal can nobody do that but you nobody could take jesus place in his giving just like nobody can take your place in your giving but you got to see the joy that was set before you i was looking at this scripture over there in second corinthians chapter number 9 verse number 10 in the lit new living translation it says for god is the one who provides seeds for the farmer then bread to eat in the same way he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you yes you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous and when we take your gifts to those who are in need they will thank god and then they say this so two things two good things will result from this ministry of giving listen to this y'all when you and i give it says the needs of the believers will be met and they will joyfully express their thanks to god let me let me tell you something child of god every time you and i give i you you you mock my word and when you see it you're going to remember this scripture when people when we give and we meet the needs of people what happens to them all of a sudden their need is met and then their hands go up and begin to thank the almighty god those are two good things that happen for you and i when we give in this thing called the ministry of giving man i ain't out of word but i'm out of time are you ready to give in your home at the bottom of the screen you'll see some different ways that you'll be able to give i want lottie dotted everybody i want you to sow i don't care what you saw i want everybody to sew you ain't got to be a partner you sow because this is good ground and i'm telling you your need will be met because god will make sure he'll multiply your seed so are you ready to make your faith confession come on if you're ready to make your faith confession let's focus on the uh on you watch the screen and we're gonna make our faith confession father in jesus name i thank you that i'm anointed to prosper my eyes are open to see creative ways to increase financially my ears are open to hear the best deals and my heart is pure so you can channel finances through me i'm on the path a perpetual increase and as i enter into my wealthy place wealth and riches are in my house i declare i am the righteousness of god i sown my seed for supernatural abundance and i live in a daily expectation of increase money comes to me my nature attracts money the fear of lack has been broken and has no power over me i hear my father's voice and the voice of intimidation and limitation i choose not to follow i am free from debt i am the lender and not the borrower the wealth of the wicked is being transferred to me and i commit to establish the kingdom of god in the earth i'm ready to distribute and my life is a distribution channel for god's work in the earth i thank you father that daley you loaded me with benefits i am anointed to prosper say that one more time i am anointed to prosper i am on your mind because you want to increase me more and more abundance is your will for me and it pleases you when i prosper i call increase abundance and prosperity to come to me now in jesus name and i'll never be broke another day in my life amen well put your hands together because we believe that we receive every need met i need y'all to make some noise that was just a rehearsal folks i said put your hands together because we believe that we receive every need met in jesus name boom amen are you ready for the word i pray that you've taken the time out to have given at this particular time some people quite frankly like even deedy and i i just reminded her did you give put your phone out did you give you you you always you don't always give on sunday mornings oh okay i thought there was sometimes in the evenings when we catch it ooh don't get in trouble with god yeah yeah i just reminded you i said text to give where's your phone i just reminded you you did it earlier okay all right fine i just want to make sure because i have not missed a time of giving in over 40 years every single sunday every single wednesday every single giving opportunity and here's what i love the most about giving i don't just give according to the letter but i give according to his voice ladies and gentlemen listen there are some things fred that he'll say to you that you'll never read in the bible y'all just missed what i said i said there are some things he will say to you that you'll never see in this scripture like for instance when i wanted to buy that porsche i wanted to go out and buy that porsche god knows i wanted that portion i could i could i could sense it in my shop now boom i felt that thing and it's amazing to me how you know i'll present something like that to dr dede and she'll say oh baby you don't need that but everything she presents to me she seems the need you know and and and she holds me to my word because everything dede wants did he get so sometimes i wonder you know baby you don't need that but i heard that repeatedly as a matter of fact after i asked god about it twice and he stopped answering me on it i knew it was a no i knew something was going on where i could not allocate that money towards a car pass john and what's so interesting about that is i had every single diamond required that car cost anywhere from 220 to 250. 220 thousand dollars is 250 000 dollars had every dime it wasn't that the money wasn't there was going to pay cash for it i mean it wasn't about 250. glory the god glory glory no i'm shouting obama it wasn't but 250. lean over to the person you came here with because we don't want you leaning and say 250 is not anything no okay had the money just because you have the money to do something doesn't mean you have permission to do it okay okay i'm not even tolerating the foolishness from haters today okay if you want to hate you want to have a problem with what i just said 10 159 people how's going 250 okay fine i'm not tolerating that you just stick around so that you'll be able to spend whatever you want to spend when you want to spend it i hadn't always been able to do it and would not even think about doing especially cash i remember time i'll be trapped in that little booth at the car dealership for the rest of the evening how are you going to pay for this what entrance i'm negotiating in all of it now we go in there and buying cash my point being god said uh-uh unbeknownst to me that he had car dealership on his mind and instead of using the money for the car the money i was going to put on the car was the precise amount of money that kept me in the game when it came to pull the trigger on the car dealership in cash if i would have spent the 250 for the dog because i have an allocation with all my finances you need to be good stewards over your money just don't take your money and have these open kind of expenses or these open kind of luxuries where you just can't allocate i i have a certain amount that i'll spend in a year if i spend it and there's a certain amount i want to save i need to have some classes that was the month of what was the month of giving march what march january was vision february was faith march was fine family so uh april was financed and some of these lessons you need to go back and redo look over them again so you can stay on top in your lives listen i'm not just teaching sermons i'm building lives here and when you go for no need status we don't want for anything everything we own paid for now the laying down and and uh that we bought down in uh outer banks isn't paid for that's just because it's land we didn't necessarily want to put the cash on because we've allocated it for something else but i want to teach you which literally segway segways me and now again into another area of of this lesson that i'm teaching you go go right now uh get john 13 34 but then get first thessalonians chapter number five because i want to see i want to show you go to first thessalonians number five verse 27 first because because i feel this is the best time to do this by the spirit of god because what i just sent is appropriate for this moment right now because the apostle paul here is charging the church at thessalonica and what i'm noticing in the body of christ there are not enough leaders pastors who are charging believers believers are all over the place these days and so those of you who are specifically in my care as it relates to the order of god the scripture says that i should have the authority go to verse 27 please verse 27 i should or i possess the authority to do what i charge you by the lord that this letter be what read to all the holy brethren okay go to second timothy chapter number one let's go through some of these charges because there are charges i told you that i wanted to check you challenge you charge you and to change you that charge was just added because we were talking about check challenge to change check challenge to change do you have first timothy chapter number one verse 18. and then we're going to first timothy 6 verse 17. 1-18 said the lord that the lord that second timothy you have there first timothy please first timothy chapter number one verse number eight come on flow with me this charge i do what i commit to you son timothy according to the what prophecy previously made concerning who you timothy that by them you may wage the good warfare now let's go to 6 and 17. i just want to in the mouth of two or three witnesses that's what the scripture says in the mouth of two or three witnesses establish this authority or this establish authority command those that's new king james look at look at look at king james so we can stay consistent with this charge king james or tpt should have that charge them let me see what tpt has to say about this come on work with me here and let's just take our time through this moment oh i like that to all the rich of this world okay i don't like that i don't like that because paul did not have the authority over all the rich of the world i thought i would get one amen out of that but maybe you don't know paul just had the authority of those who were rich in the church okay go back now because i don't particularly care for that and that's why all of you can't just selectively take some translations that you are not acquainted with because if in fact if in fact uh uh that was the case look charge them that are in this world now the only ones he had the authority to charge in this world was those who were under his authority so that cannot that cannot mean all that are in the world not all the rich people are under my i wish all the rich people in this world were under my authority that they be what not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living god who does what he gives us what come on talk over your mass he gives us what richly okay so if you wanted your dream car does that come under richly all things to enjoy so don't get upset with me if i understand a word that you may not understand it would be good that you connect yourself with my understanding so that you will richly watch this have all things and enjoy them all right now go to second timothy chapter number four and then we're going to go back to john chapter number 13. i i i so love this setting and i got to tell you one thing i have complied with the order of all of my advisors and all of those who have had input but i'm going to tell y'all something uh i want everything in place because i believe at any moment or any morning i can wake up and say open everything back up and all of you who want to come come all of you who don't and it's your prerogative it's it's it's up to you because our online partners certainly you cannot come relative to the physical meeting being all together and i would admonish you or charge some of you jump on the plane jump in your car jump on a train do whatever you have to do to come and sit in some of these meetings even even if it's four times a year or twice a year or once a year make sure you return back to mecca yeah yeah the birthplace here at spirit of faith christian center all right uh and and so i'm putting that out right now i'm put so that all the leaders would know that i want i want every location i i want the work to go on to make sure everything has been covered i charge you with that i'm starting to like this charge business okay second timothy chapter number four verse number one i charge thee therefore before who this is apostolic authority see and if you're challenged with that it's just a little more growing up that you have to have it's nothing to be bothered by i love having the the the the order of god implemented in my life especially when my pastor was alive and i can tell you all right now i'm looking for throughout the earth the voice that i'm to be committed to or submitted to so that i can always have someone who will charge me every pastor should have a pastor my spiritual father is gone i don't need another spiritual father my spiritual father raised me well but as it relates to the order of god in the order of god of having a pastor i need a pastor got it it says i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus who shall do what judge the quick and the dead at his appearance so all throughout the scripture we see these charges being made especially with the apostle paul and with his sons in the gospel those of you who sense a level of connection and god has connected you with this voice i possess according to the scripture the authority to charge you i thought i was going to get one amen out of that okay no get it in your heart say charge me man of god i'll charge you for your good not your evil i promise you that you know what i just wanted to hear just a moment ago i was teaching at uh keith butler's y'all get ready up there y'all get ready i i was just teaching at keith butler's bishop keith butler's on on friday night and it had to be about 2 000 people present and that's what kind of got me fired up about us getting back in these buildings and i was up teaching and all of a sudden because and i remember i hadn't had an opportunity for a praise break and i heard the thing and i said can y'all give me i just need all of the believers it was like it was like oh they they tuned it up they tuned it up it was like a down payment on something that i was about to receive by the spirit of god i was willing to invest in it by praising god for it before it showed up some of your testimonies got to come before you get the stuff giving honor to god are you hearing what i'm saying can i just get y'all you few people to give god a down payment on something in this just praise [Applause] right where you are at home i said right where you are get up and give god a damn baby on this friend glory that i got all right okay okay i said okay i said okay i said okay be seated yeah you got that you got to shout before the glory gets out okay all right let's get it i said i said i said cut it i said cut it john 13 34. you you you you got to make sure you don't get over there in the emotional arena you know you get a praise out established it's it's it's established and and and given by the spirit of god because you're the one that's in charge of that people say i couldn't control myself you can't control yourself i know what jeremiah said it's like fire set up in his bone well it shut up he didn't say it was out of control so he had the authority to control john 13 34 this scriptural reference is a scripture scripture reference that you have to have established any time i call for john 13 34 35 every last one of you that are in the sound of my voice whom god has given me the authority to charge you need to know john 13 34 like you know your social security number not like you know your driver's license number most people don't know their driving license number but they do know this like you know your telephone number or like you know your name i need you to know john 13 34 and 35. now there are some things that are going to create and establish an environment of signs wonders and miracles for your lives daily there are some things that are going to establish create and establish signs wonders and miracles for your lives daily now i don't know about you but i'm interested in seeing signs wonders and miracles daily in my life this thing is one of those things that will establish create and establish and sustain signs and environment for signs wonders and miracles daily this thing right here this environment of agape and love will keep you in an environment where you will create establish create and watch this sustain in the environment the sign wants signs wonders and miracles everywhere you go you'll see occurrences as such i'm not talking about the spectacular what people kind of look for on on on as it relates to signs wonders and miracles on it on a regular on a daily but but but irvin i'm telling you even when it's a parking space of a crowded parking lot that's closer to the store than all the rest of them i was i was i was uh i was attending a football game on yesterday pastor rick's uh grandson my my god son and uh i pulled into cedar lane park is that where we were see the lame part and uh i've never seen such chaos i i pulled up in this park and and i had to find uh field five well already knew five what's the number of grace oh y'all ain't with me so but i didn't have any idea where field five happened to be so i stopped and i asked his woman i said can you direct me to field five she said yeah it's it's up this hill here uh a little up this hill here and she said i strongly suggest that you park your car down here and just walk up there because you will not be able to find a spot i said this kind of subject matter will cause you to create establish sustain an environment of sign see you don't look at a crowded parking lot full of cars where i gotta walk up a hill and she said you i would suggest you i strongly suggest i said thank you ma'am rolled up my window and went right up the hill in my car cars were everywhere parked on the side devil some cars had other cars the minute i pulled close to the field about two cars parking spaces from the field somebody pulled right out of a spot and from i said signs one see i'm not talking about signs where the stats this the sky is opening to you i'm talking about where you walk in the place and they put things up 80 percent off okay okay don't worry about it john 13 34. no look for these things on the regular because when you walk in this and you make your lifestyle in this there's nothing that shall be withheld from you a new commandment i give to you that you do what love one another love one another look across the room point at somebody said that's you over there i love one another watch this here's the kicker as i have loved you that's that's the barometer now every time that you funnel and filter everything through agape is guaranteed to come out on the other side the right way when you funnel and filter everything through agape there's a guarantee that it will always come out on the other side the right way now you just got to be committed to agape and honor you got to be committed to it you can't have this as a situational kind of setup in your life tracy are you listening to me i charge you to make sure as spirit of faith ends that this becomes top priority in all of your lives i charge you in that that agape and honor now this has to be established in every home that's represented here and all across the world this this order this charge has to be established in your home firstly are you listening to me i need you making sure you are exalting what i'm giving you by the spirit of god it so amazed me when we rolled over into march 2020 and this pandemic oh pardon me this endemic got started that all of the instructions that i was giving you pre-pandemic those things surfaced in my understanding and god said son you were right on it because throughout this thing people have had to rewrite their regiment they've had to rework their routines things that we were doing on a regular day after change now ladies and gentlemen what you got to understand these things have changed forever corporations google amazon facebook twitter corporations all over the world are trying to determine how now they're going to orchestrate or they're going to strategize are people going to stay home companies are now moving people from one town to another town so that they can put them strategically in places because you no longer have to come in anywhere you can do everything from home so they're moving you based upon the conditions and the controls of their organization so they're going to present you with offers at particular times that may be above where you currently are and people unfortunately because they don't hear from god and don't walk in the love of god they're not going to know that god doesn't want them to move and they're going to move based upon condition and circumstances and they're going to get out of the order of god well i'm telling you when you walk in this agape in honor your footsteps will always what did i just say be ordered by the lord this is agape the love of god will keep you in his orders okay he says as i give it back to me as i have loved you now this is the kicker that you also love one another now go to 35 35 buy this by this love god i'm not gonna be able to get over it and she got to sign up i'm gonna bring my pistol next week you hold that sign up see what happens by this all will know that you are my disciples if you have what love the two places i want you to go go the first corinthians first and then go to matthew 5. i go to matthew 5 first and then go to first corinthians 13. because you think you know everything and i want to be as innocuous as possible in introducing this higher way of living and and and doing life and there's some things you must know and understand and i need every last one of you in your homes to be talking to your families about this kingdom mentality of agape and honor this has been ignored left over um uh left out uh trampled upon people are taking their own positions as it relates to their responses to others in the world and even in the body of christ i've never seen such such disobedience and lack of submission as it relates to believers responses when it comes to agape and honor you're choosing to respond to people based upon what you feel and now you've just stepped outside of the order of god that environment of signs wonders and miracles because you choose to do life on your terms and as long as you want to do life on your terms god is not obligated to protect you his obligation in protecting you will never leave but if you step outside of the order of god you'll be on your own are you hearing what i'm saying to you and people don't understand it's their decisions that's going to have their heads chopped off even when god loves you so much it was never his desire or design that you have some of the consequences of life that you have but you have them because you want to do life based upon the way you want to do life and when you gave jesus christ the authority of your life you forfeited the right to love people like you want to love them you gave that up you cannot choose well you can because it's your will but those who have made okay okay i'm gonna stop all this hollering because you're right here those of you who no i i'm so on to this and as i see believers i'm noticing believers will cut you off as fast as somebody in the world i'm done with you let something not go the way divorces at an all-time high it is amazing to me to see how some people are just throwing away what god told them to stay in it's amazing to me how you have relationship and that's your bestie but when your bestie gives you their worsty and it's all over i don't know what love you operate neither because this love never fails and either you're gonna depend on his love or go and depend on whatever you choose to depend on are you listening to me that's not a put down to any divorcee or put down to anybody who's left their bestie but the love of god can correct anything in life what do you not believe about that you just can't you can't change everybody i didn't say you were going to change anybody i'm saying change you and see what happens in you and when you change you and literally seemingly become the doormat i ain't gonna let nobody walked all over me well you let them walk all over jesus and that was all right oh and i lost my group here if there's another group who choose to come out on next sunday [Music] we let them walk all over jesus but then we don't want to be walked over i only go where i'm celebrated and not just tolerated well you're not like jesus i can't get no help in there what happened i only go where i'm celebrating that ain't jesus you got that from the street you got that from the devil you got that from the world cause he went where he was not celebrated now are we gonna stick okay okay okay calm down i tell you what they got one time where you get this stuff from you didn't get it from this book that i'm reading and it's constantly changing my life changing the way i view things because i'm seeing jesus in this and then you've got the audacity to quote first john 4 and 17 as he is i can't even go to this dog won't clock the bible says matthew 5. did he play music that's like one of them oscar thing join me tonight please join me tonight because we got the wrong idea of agape we got the wrong idea of the love of jesus because perfect love or perfected love cast out all fear fear i'm not scared of any of you i'm not scared or intimidated by any of you of any of you of any of you do you hear what i'm saying to you because i can walk with you out of the love of god i don't have to watch you and y'all got to watch people see what they're going to do jesus had judas a thief sitting right at this table one who was about to betray him at the table the love of god let jesus sit there if we find out somebody about to get us oh i'm gonna get okay if this message has blessed your life because i gotta go you gotta start examining what i'm saying to you stop taking hold of what you've heard in the streets in the world because this will change your life forever if you want to be born again get born again if you want to be spirit-filled get spirit-filled if you want me as your pastor i'm gonna tell you something right now out the gate i'm gonna charge you to walk in agape and honor that's why the scripture says woe be unto you when all men speak well of you because i'm not interested and you're speaking well of me i'm interested in loving you as christ loved the church and when you when you're interested and loving you you won't be concerned about followers having a blue check how many friends you have you won't be concerned about that you'll tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because everybody is not going to speak well of mike freeman and if you walk in the love of god they're not going to speak well of you because they won't think that you should tolerate people who's come for you and they'll say that mike freeman crazy but they say the same thing about jesus and i don't mind being in his company because i'm the god-kind remember these words found in second corinthians chapter number five verse number seven for we walk by faith not by sight no doubt about it i see [Applause] hey let's talk to him [Music] listen and i believe [Music] [Music] [Music] broken i got encouraged you
Channel: sofcctv
Views: 2,944
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Id: Ztkv-2aHYYk
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Length: 107min 18sec (6438 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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