Love Changes Everything Replay - Johnny Hunt

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hey good morning everybody let's stand together it's great to have the woodstock worship man from woodstock georgia and uh so let's worship for a few few minutes lord thank you for this beautiful morning that you've given to us this is the day that you have created we should rejoice and be glad in it we love you so much in christ i pray amen [Music] good morning everybody good morning everybody happy to be with you let's sing together [Music] you are here moving in our midst i worship you [Music] i worship you you are here [Music] working in this place i worship you i worship you [Music] i worship you [Music] [Music] my god that is who you you are we make miracle promise keep light in the darkness my god that is who you are you are here touching every heart you are here and you're healing every [Music] heart you are here you are here [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] who you are [Music] you never stop [Music] you never stop you never [Music] you never [Music] you'll never stop [Music] is [Music] that is who you are [Music] news [Music] do you feel the world is broken we do and do you feel the shadows deepen with you but do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through we do and do you wish that you could see it all made new [Music] is all creation groaning is a new creation coming it's the glory of the lord to be the light within our midst [Music] and is it good that we remind ourselves [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] is he worthy of our blessing and honor and glory is he worthy of this [Music] and does jesus and does our god intend to dwell again [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is he worthy is he worthy is he [Music] let's sing it worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is worthy of this and death could not hold you the veils are before you you silence the [Music] for you [Music] you know [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] what a powerful name it is jesus christ [Music] what a powerful name it is [Music] [Applause] amen let's pray together god we love you jesus we worship you this morning god your name is powerful lord it is our hopeless morning god as we come into your house or would you open our hearts to you and speak to us this morning lord we love you it's in your name we pray amen thank you guys for staying with us she can grab a seat all right thank you so much thanks abby and jake and david thank you so much what's wrong where are you going you leaving okay didn't they do a great job wouldn't it wonderful it's hey ushers if you're ready it's great to have a lot of great guests in the crowd this morning my my dearest friends uh dave workman and now buckwhites and god bless you guys thank you for being here pastor dave from the vineyard church over here in cincinnati now travels the world doing elemental leadership so glad you guys uh for blessing us with your presence this morning and my good friend steve zeiner right over here who travels the world printing bibles god bless you steve's honor give him a nice round of applause go right ahead ushers go right ahead hey just one announcement and uh that's next week don't miss jenny meyer will be here to hear her miraculous story of how she survived an unbelievable accident and i've heard from her parents there's going to be so many people here her whole softball team from mason high school is going to be here the helicopter pilot that airlifted her from the accident scene to the hospital is going to be here a lot of first responders are going to be here so that's going to be a crazy day next week great opportunity to give the gospel and to see a lot of people come to christ next week we're looking forward to it i want my friend scott white if he would uh he led worship for 25 years at first baptist church in woodstock georgia his wife millie is uh with him this morning but she may be out by the table because he's got an exciting ministry as he travels with chris lee and pastor johnny hunt chris it's nice to have you with us he does all those you know uh before pastor johnny gets into town make sure everything's good and uh we appreciate you coming to be with us chris as well give him a nice round of applause god bless you he's also from woodstock georgia well scott tell us about what's going on in cambodia we've already sold some radios but we need to sell a lot more i told them last week there was a church over here and i won't mention where it's at but they sold quite a few radios and it's a dumb church and so we need to really really do a lot but some people have already come through hey we're going to show a quick video would you please this is scott white give him a nice round of applause thank you pastor matt good to be with you honored to be here as he mentioned i've had the privilege of serving in music ministry for 40 years but the last 25 with pastor johnny hunt nobody i'd rather be with you're in for store for a blessing today to hear this man of god preach the word of god we'll hear that just a moment but i'm honored to be here today to share about a ministry because for my 40 years of serving jesus has been about one thing it's been about the gospel getting the gospel to people i was sitting there just a while ago weeping as we were singing those songs and i was weeping because i know him and it blessed my heart to think as a 15 year old boy i heard the gospel and jesus changed me forever forever one day i'm going to be in heaven with him amen and only he can do that and that so excites me and so to be able to serve him the way we have for these years have been great but recently god transitioned us away from first baptist woodstock and opened up this door for my wife millie and i to be a part of something bigger than us bigger than we could ever even imagine and it's helping get the gospel to a place that they need to hear it as pastor john he's always taught me for the years i've been with him it's only good news if it gets there in time if you will give your attention to the screens and watch this two-minute and 20-second video not so very long ago the ancient kingdom of cambodia was a place ravaged by the communist dictator paul pott his government began an attempted and horrifying genocide murdering and torturing nearly 40 percent of his own people it is estimated that nearly two million cambodians died of starvation and execution in what is now famously known as the killing fields since that time cambodia has tried to heal in every way but these humble hard-working loving people have been deprived of hope for so long imagine if your children or family lived in such a place what would you do to make sure they heard the gospel what price would you pay to rescue those you love these precious forgotten and abandoned people have no voice but right here right now in this very moment we are their voice for nearly 20 years the power of grace ministry has been sharing the good news of the gospel in cambodia now through our distribution of free radios every cambodian can have access to hearing the gospel in their native tongue the follow-up visits by our power of grace ministry local church teams will help develop long-lasting relationships with those that receive jesus as savior we believe that by discipling the next generation we have greater potential for this nation to be rescued from the cult of buddhism for a one-time gift of 50 you can send a radio as a beacon of light entire communities sometimes gather around one simple radio to hear the gospel message as it is preached seven days a week even reaching deep into the remote jungles of cambodia please know that a simple little radio sent by you may indeed change a life still haunted with the scars from the killing fields for every radio that you sponsor they have a chance at the greatest gift ever known eternal life through jesus christ [Music] power of grace radio did you hear that on the video where it said right here right now at this very moment we can be their voice that group you saw on the end there with the children as they were running up or the kneelings anybody ever heard the neons their partners with us as well and they were able to go to cambodia this past year and and see how the radios are delivered see the lives that were being changed god's doing a great work and so what won't you ask you to do today is just simply pray of how maybe you could be involved it's a very simple way to get involved we have radios back at the table there we'll show you after the service you can stop by and see them they're solar powered kinetic driven radios and they're awesome for a one-time gift of fifty dollars you can purchase a radio some of you may be able to do one some of you may be able to do way more than that whatever god lays on your heart we would invite you to join us to partner together as we get the gospel there we have over 50 groups who have now partnered with us helping us get this platform spread out and we're in churches every week sharing about it so men and women boys and girls can be a part of getting the gospel to someone who needs to hear it i love that picture on the video too where you saw the children around the radio you know for many of them they don't have smartphones they've never seen things like we see even today but to be able to get a radio and turn it on and hear the gospel come out of it the bible says in romans 10 17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing how by the word of god so that's what we're trying to do is just simply get the word of god there and if you'd like to partner with us it would be a joy you can stop by our table after the service we take checks cash our credit card we'll tell you how to do it and whatever you want to give we'd be honored to have you partner with us would you pray with me lord thank you for this morning and this opportunity to worship you worship you because i heard and you changed my life when i by faith put my trust and hope in you jesus i thank you for that but there's many who haven't heard and i pray for this great church i thank you for landmark church and pastor matt and how they are very missional and how they're reaching people in this city and around the world i bless you and if there's anyone here today who would like to partner with us holy spirit would you just move on their heart and lead them to do what you tell them to do god thank you so much for the chance to be a part of something bigger than us and lord thank you for this time to worship you we lift everything in this service to you today we already know you here i sense your presence i pray for pastor john as he comes in just a moment and preaches the word of god we're excited about hearing it we want to tell you most of all jesus we love you in your name i pray amen thank you church pastor matt love you scott thank you buddy god god bless you yeah please another round of applause for my friend that was great get back here and buy some radios y'all let's buy some let's this service beat that second service in bond radios them hippies in that second service listen they don't know which way's coming and going so you all need to be the leader okay god bless you well we're so excited to have our pastor friend pastor johnny hunt from woodstock georgia pastor of the first baptist church there in woodstock for 36 years grew to 10 000. just a just an incredible church there and now he's traveling all over the world as vice president of north american mission board he was in cuba last week all week preaching and he'll be in frankfort kentucky tonight he's somewhere all the time and he loves pastors and he loves people and that's why i love him uh we just connected several years ago and we've been friends and i'm so glad he's here to be with us this morning would you please give your undivided attention to my friend pastor johnny hunt from woodstock georgia thank you matt and let me say it is a joy to be with you this morning uh grateful for your pastor and his precious wife joy they've meant a great deal to us we've uh done a lot of things together through the years and as most of you know his uh son jake and miss ashley served with me for eight years before i left there in december uh to sort of continue training pastors and leading in i pray an evangelism movement of god grateful for scott i'm grateful for the privilege of investing in missions and so there's places i've not been i've been all over that region i just returned from vietnam been in hanoi been in ho chi minh city training pastors not been to cambodia but i gave a significant gift and so i am there now and i pray that you'll do the same have your bibles with you i invite you to turn with me to acts chapter 24. i want to speak to you on this subject this morning missed opportunities missed opportunities god will give us opportunities and one of the worst things that could happen is to get near the end of our life and to just be consumed with the thought of what if and so uh i want to speak personally about some missed opportunities and i want to talk about some characters in the scriptures three different occasions in the book of acts and acts 24 through 26 the apostle paul speaks the gospel tells how christ changed his life first of all to a governor by the name of felix and then there was a replacement when felix left festus came in and festus told king agrippa when he was visiting from rome about the apostle paul and he said i would like to hear him and one thing we know from history and from scriptures their wives were extremely curious about the gospel i'm of the deep conviction that if there's people that meet me and then they find out that i'm a christ follower i actually believe that they would like for me in some winsome way to tell them about my relationship with jesus and i know that factually and i know it also from research and so the apostle paul was faithful to tell them i have had the opportunity to visit this site where paul preached he was in caesarea by the sea he would have been on what the scripture refers to as the bema the judgment seat of christ a bema is a greek word judgment seat in the way it was used came from a roman arena and so really it was where they recognized the those that competed in athletic contests and so when agrippa would be there or felix and festus would be there paul would be brought to an area known as the judgment seat and yet he gave bold proclamation and the reason he did is he realized that was not the final judgment seat and so he would speak his opportunities to share and by the way it's one thing in cincinnati ohio that you get to hear johnny hunt and and the question will be asked if jesus speaks to you how do you respond but can you imagine having the opportunity listen carefully to have heard what theologians and historians believe is the greatest preacher that ever lived apart from jesus christ could you imagine listen to this i'm of the deep conviction that the worst thing about being separated from god and spending eternity in hell is your conscience and remembrance uh luke chapter 16 abraham is in heaven he's having a conversation with a man that died and went to hell and he said these words hey son remember thou in your lifetime can you imagine being out in eternity and if there was conversation somebody would look over and say man it's really hot here this is a miserable place did anybody ever tell you about it there was a guy named the apostle paul he talked to me about it and he rejected his opportunity because it was a missed opportunity by the way i'll give you one other i'm going to draw you in before i read this text paul is about to preach the gospel so here's here's where i'm intrigued as a bible expositor what in the world does paul share when he shares the gospel hold on just a moment how do the people react and how do they feel see we live in a generation in a culture that's trying to tell the pulpit how they're supposed to feel when they leave i wrote a 497 page sermonizing book on the book of acts every time i stood to preach for over two years from the book of acts i asked this question this book records the church that jesus started if jesus were to return today would he recognize the church he established that was good if you're looking for a place to slip an amen in that was that was probably about as good as you would have found so beginning in verse 24 listen carefully and after some days when felix came with his wife drusilla who was jewish he sent for paul and heard him concerning the faith in christ so paul's getting ready to present the gospel now as he reasoned about righteousness so paul thought he has three points in a sermon lady called me one time said i don't know what it is about you preachers every time y'all preach there's always three points what's the deal and i said would you rather it be ten and she didn't respond but anyway it's uh i think they're thrilled with three so the bible says he reasoned with the first of all number one about righteousness number two he preached about self-control and number three he preached about judgment to come and look what happened to felix when he heard him uh he said felix was afraid and answered go away from now and when i have a convenient time i'll call from you and by the way the bible teaches in verse number 27 listen to these words he sent for him often and heard him often and it was it was like the spirit of god was dealing with him it's kind of like when i went to church and heard the gospel and i didn't respond but i found myself going back time and time again until i came to faith in jesus christ it's like god's dealing with him but he's hardening himself he's violating what the scripture says about how we're to respond to the gospel and he said go your way when i have a convenient time i'll call for you and i thought this is interesting verse 26 meanwhile he also hoped that money would be given to him by paul that he might release him you know the bible gives many examples of missed opportunities concerning salvation and service since i know that one day i'll appear at the judgment seat of christ i was journaling one morning and i wrote this look at me i want to do now what i'll be glad i did then it was when you get there and by the way just for the record sake in this life you may think sometimes i wish i'd never supported that or done this or done that when you get on the other side you wish to god you had redeemed the opportunities and given more done more gone more for god's glory the philosophers at mars hill in acts chapter 12 verse 32 when paul preached the gospel they said we will hear you again on this matter but soon paul left athens and never returned missed opportunity oh we all know the story in the gospel luke chapter 9 verse 57 recounts the opportunities of some would-be disciples but remember each of them came up with their excuse let me first bury my father uh let me go say goodbye to my family i like this one let me go find a woman first do you do you know of any lost opportunities let me ask you a question are there anything in your mind and heart this morning that you wish you could do over any conversations you wish you could retrieve any second opportunities let me just keep your mind it'll take the attention off you and uh so until i i'm ready to zero in on you i quit school at 16. my dad divorced my mom when i was seven moved to a government project i started managing a pool room became a pool hustler and hustled pool for four years no purpose direction in life and so god saved me and when god saved me i began to think god has a purpose for my life and just for the record sake look at me god if he saved you he apprehended you for a purpose and you need to apprehend that purpose for which god laid hold on you and that's where the christian life becomes exciting i just wrote a book entitled the uh anchored in jesus and what it's talking about is who jesus really is and how we come to know him and then how he does have a purpose and we find our life actually anchored in the son of god i will never attend my own high school reunions now i've earned three degrees beyond that my kids and grandkids say dad you didn't graduate my school and i said kids i was so smart they sent me right on to college and i got married i was 18 my wife was 17 17 days somebody said how's that working for you on the 21st of this year of november we'll celebrate 50 years of marriage now here here's the thing parents and grandparents wish i would not tell people that my wife and i got married so young because they'll say to their parents see mom look it's okay pastor johnny made it but then i need to translate to help your kids back in those days it was like bible days when we got married 17 was equivalent to 31. can i get a witness my wife could have gone to any college she was an honor student but she surrendered that right in order to help me by working jobs so i could go to school to prepare to be a minister of the gospel we had two children deanna and holly they're now 45 and 42 they both are serving the lord i'm grateful to god for them have four grandchildren but we made a decision without god's input have you ever done that have you ever made a decision without god's input we decided one day this is awesome god's given us two children that's enough my wife went and had what we called then her tubes tied it's only one thing about it when you get saved your body belongs to god it's not yours you've been bought with a price wherefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit with your gods that's the bible so years passed by and we both fell under holy spirit conviction that we moved in a region in an area that according to psalms 139 is not ours a lady that prays for me every day text me this morning and here's what she said for both of you that means for johnny and janet before i formed you in the womb i knew you and before you were born i consecrated you i appointed you a prophet to the nations jeremiah 1 5. wow you mean god you mean when when babies are aborted they're aborting people that god already knows their name yeah exactly right you say i named my son no you did it and god gave you the name and you named them sorry if you want to feel that way but so then one day we got it convicted by the way your insurance company will pay for you to not have more children but it won't pay for you to become fertile again so we literally bankrupted our account and had the surgery and god chose not to give us any more children but can i just be honest with you since there's nobody here but us and god many times i've wondered was there a boy coming to follow this wild preacher i'm a native american i've had fire in my bones to preach the gospel for 44 years and i've often thought wouldn't it be cool if there was a johnny jr kicking up gold dust just a question i'm talking about missed opportunities make sure jesus is part of the formula of your decisions i pulled out of new hanover hospital if i'd taken a right in three minutes i could have been at the front door of my mom's house take a left i'd be at longleaf baptist church where i pastored and i'd be early for a deacon's meeting when i got saved i went off to college pastored a college church went to seminary pastored a seminary church and then god allowed me to go back to my hometown wilmington north carolina the pastor to church i was converted in therefore a pastor of my mama my mom had called me that morning said i don't feel good today pray for me i won't be there today case you missed me i could have taken a right that afternoon and gone to see her i chose to go to the deacon's meeting early who under heaven wants to go to a deacon's meeting early my mom died that night missed opportunity there's funerals i should have done i don't have time to go into it should have done i didn't do a lot about why i couldn't do one this is interesting you don't have to raise your hand but if you ever lied if you have it you ought to confess the fact that you just did so with that in mind let me draw in on these next few minutes and talk about this biblical text so i'm going to give you just three statements about felix he's a roman governor and he wants to hear paul historians teach us and you're going to see why in a moment that it may have been his wife's drusilla's curiosity but maybe even pushed felix a little and said hey let's go hear him i've heard a lot about saul of tarsus the apostle paul so the first thing i want to talk about is the chance given to felix a chance given to him but what's the chance of felix meeting the apostle paul i was getting ready to get on a plane the other day i fly about every day and i was getting ready to get on a plane and i called god it's my witness i simply bowed my head and prayed lord give me somebody to witness to beside me when i went to sit down the lady was holding a six-month-old she was on the out i was going to be in the window next to her here's what she said as i approached the seat and she saw i was turning in sir i'm so sorry the baby was being fussy to which i said hey no no problem i'm a father and a grandfather and by the way i'm an awesome grandfather so i can handle that little girl sure enough chris was sitting behind me i didn't know that and he was sitting back there snapping pictures of me i was holding the baby holding it the window what's the chances i'm headed to baton rouge louisiana she asked me so you're headed home to baton rouge i said no ma'am going down there to speak she said well where are you from i said i live in the town of woodstock georgia she said that's bitter remembrance i said really and then she said do you know where the amphitheater is i said i pass it uh regularly on arnold miller she said do you remember a few years ago a lady a young lady a new baby a second mom we referred to her and another girl being hit by a 17 year old girl driving a jeep that was texting and killed three of the four i said oh my god there's a memorial there they even put a stop light up at that most unusual place for a stoplight because of that death and then the lady choked up a little here's what she said that was my sister my second mom and my only niece well look at me what's the chances come on now what's the chance that i would be sitting beside that lady on that flight so i thought god divine appointment so in a few moments i said so hey and by the way this is as easy as talking and it's as easy as talking about the weather or your favorite team that you can't quit talking about i just said this hey do you do you attend church in baton rouge she said well i'm glad you asked isn't that cool she said i'm glad you asked i'm going to a methodist church and she said matter of fact uh you know the bible pretty good she didn't know i was a pastor or anything and i said i've studied it some she said art i've memorized a verse tell me if you know it it's philippians 4 13. i thought i think i've got that one you know i think i got that one and then she said but you know what the strange thing is she said when i lived in woodstock or marietta i went to the catholic church which that's just reverse i mean louisiana is just colif it's catholicism on steroids and i said ma'am you got it backwards you're supposed to go into catholic church they should have gone to methodist church in marietta and then i did this look at me here's what i said hey can i ask you a question lauren when you were attending the catholic church and now that you're in the methodist church in either one of those churches did you ever turn from your sins and put your faith in jesus christ she said gosh i can't believe you just asked me that but thank you for asking i couldn't hardly breathe after my sister was killed and i went to see my pastor and he led me to faith in jesus christ and i couldn't make it i just thought what what a great testament to but what what are the chances when you remain silent god may sovereignly supernaturally put somebody in your life for you to give them the gospel so the chance given to felix look at this number one what he knew verse 22 having a more accurate knowledge of the way who would think that a roman pagan would know about christianity see you never know people say to me hey pray for my dad he's just been diagnosed with stage four cancer and here's my question it's a normal question it's a normal question tell me about your dad does he know the lord i don't know you know what that means you've never asked him you know how paul is about to find out what felix knows dog on it he's going to ask him it's greek word dog on it now possibly he knew what he knew because of the jewish wife drusilla now who is drucilla this is very interesting history if you if you study the bible any at all you ought to really get into this part of this message drusilla was the youngest daughter of herod the first who was harry the first acts chapter 12 her daddy killed james the brother of john and had peter in prison intending to kill him after easter there's a man in hell today that tried to kill the apostle peter and he killed james the brother of john and this is his daughter what's the chance that his daughter would get to here uh her brother agrippa too he was the one before whom paul would stand after festus came and then agrippa uh drusilla's family pastor johnny what does history teach us about about her she was acquainted with jesus she knew john the baptist she knew all the disciples and now she knew the apostle paul good night did you ever hear anybody preach and warn about hell before you went to hell just a few um you maybe heard of the lord jesus christ the 12 disciples the apostle paul and john the baptist wow when the bible says he had a more accurate knowledge it mean he he acquired knowledge about christianity understood what was being taught as to what it takes to belong to christ and sometimes i'm sharing the gospel so he says i know all that i know all that means they're really acquainted with the way but how many of you know that you can know about the way and not know the way but number two let me let me ask this question who was he who is this felix well drusilla was felix's third wife his first wife had been the granddaughter interesting of anthony and cleopatra while in her teens drusilla had been given in marriage to the king of syria but felix loved her and wanted to know how could he make her his wife and he hired a magician and lured her away from her husband i'm telling you these folks are messed up but look who they're before let me go a step further let me talk to you about the charge to feelings the bible says he heard him concerning faith in christ here's what i wrote paul discussed the gospel and christian beliefs with them and here's what he did this is good it's worth the trip this morning he zeroed in on every sinner's dilemma i'm telling you look at me a person that has never been saved has dilemma they have a dilemma and he's gonna zero in on it he's not gonna tiptoe through the tulips he's not gonna make sure that when they leave that day they wanna go home and rub their roman poodles he's gonna tell them the truth god give us somebody that'll tell the truth and so his sermon centered with laser beam on a person's greatest need some scholars believe that it was drusilla's curiosity she she was responsible for this time so so let me give you a three-point sermon make a one final comment and we're done pastor johnny what did paul preach because i believe the greatest preaching of the lord jesus christ in the new testament is the beatitudes i believe those statements are succinct i believe they're in divine order i believe the way you find in the bible this is not always true the way they're found in the bible you can't turn them around you mess it up it's a divine order of how god saves an individual that's jesus is preaching but this is paul's finest obviousness listen carefully our present need it's not unusual for a family member that i've been witnessing to to say something like this well johnny i i've known you your whole life and if you're going to heaven so am i because i feel personally i'm as good as you are you don't go to heaven because you're as good as somebody else nobody nobody only authority of god's word nobody will ever go to heaven without the righteousness of jesus christ he who knew no sin became sin for us he took what he didn't have that i had plenty of and he gave me what i didn't have that he had plenty of he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of god in him i'm going to heaven because the day that i repented god gave me righteousness squire parsons happens to be one of my favorite songwriters and singers i like all kind of music if you were to get hold of my phone you'd say good night he likes toby mac and then he's listening to greater vision which one do you like yes my senior adults told me one day that i reminded them of donnie osborne i said donny osborne they said pastor you're a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll now i know some of you think you're spiritual because you found the music that jesus used to listen to but if there's good godly lyrics i like it he reasoned with righteousness if you're making notes you might just want to write this down romans 3 20-26 it's undisputable indisputable a person cannot go to heaven but not righteousness of christ squire parsons i had his song sung at my mother's funeral remember i was our pastor the song's entitled if you ever just want to google listen to it a beautiful robe and it talks about when i stood before god i was just there in rags and then it says jesus gave me his beautiful robe to wear and what it's referring to is the purity of christ found through the righteousness of jesus christ so here's what paul did hey let me talk to y'all for a moment hey your greatest need laser beam focus more than anything in the whole world you need to make sure there was a day you turn from your sins and receive the righteousness of god number two he talked to him about self-control now now let me tell you what i think the average preacher today would say i ain't dealing with self-control this couple's out of control they'll know that i'm zeroing in on their need that they'll know they'll think that i talked to their family i had a guy that was a neighbor when i was in wake forest north carolina and he came over one day and he said just want to serve you notice i will never go hear you again i just led his wife to christ i said he's an architect his name was bob i said bob why he said it's a parent you talk to my wife before you preach today he said there's no way you could have known all that stuff about me without talking to her oh i want to tell you something i did talk to somebody that morning before i preach but it weren't your wife i got down on my knees and talked to the person who made you bob oh i didn't say it like that you know and i said i talked to somebody and people are afraid to invite me over to witness their family because they think that this is how talk in their house i'm glad to be here i've come to tell you today look carefully i wrote just simple statement here it is here's a couple who knew nothing about self-control a young girl following her passions in the sinful young union with her lover a worldly wise man used to getting his way at all costs by ruthless exercise of power good night using a magician but here's what paul is saying hey drucilla you're honorable felix if you will if you will receive the righteousness of jesus christ god will clothe you in self-control charles spurgeon said when he got saved he lost 80 percent of his vocabulary you know what that is self-control that means he cuts like a sailor until he got saved but then the righteousness of god came upon him and then he was feel look at me he was filled with the holy spirit and self-control is the fruit of the holy spirit and so so he he quit quit his cussing he didn't quit it jesus overcame it that's what sanctified when you get saved god sanctifies you you're sanctified i used to be intimidated when i understand my bible when i first got saved and somebody said i've been saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost so have i and sometimes i leap and you know what i do i get filled with the holy ghost again you don't think i leak and by the way if you tell me you don't leak i want to talk to your wife so we reasoned about judgment to come which is our prospect or or is our is our presence is our potential it's our potential now let me give you a third segment quickly time's up he reasoned about judgment to come i was doing research recently this is interesting what is the most listen to this this is really good what is the most unfavored doctrine in the bible to this culture a day of final accounting people do not like for you to say god's going to have the last word you may live the way you think you want to live but i want to tell you look at me every christian first corinthians chapter 10 every christian in chapter 3 first corinthians romans chapter 5 every christian will appear at the judgment seat of christ to give an account of the deeds done in our body whether it be good or bad pastor johnny can you explain that to us how do you think that's going to work i believe the only thing god's going to reward is that which was motivated by the love of god empowered by the spirit of god and done only for the glory of god it'll be where i give an account hold on because it's level ground at the cross it's where i'm going to give an account of what i did with what god gave me to whom much has been given much will be required what have i done with what god gave me but then revelations chapter 20 verse 6 and following there's the great white throne judgment i'll never believe the bible teaches a general judgment no general resurrection but not a general judgment but in the general not a general judgment will appear at the judgment seat of christ but then a thousand years later there will be a great white throne judgment let me just tell you what the bible says and you can read it on your own revelation is chapter 20 verse 6. that's one of the latest books i just wrote a book on the book of revelation here it is listen to this everybody that appears at the great white throne judgment with no exceptions or cast into the lake of fire read your bible it says they'll be judged according to their works a man says ted turner said it recently put it in atlanta journal constitution front page he said i'm not going to have the best seat in heaven but look for me in heaven i'm going to heaven somebody said said how are you going to heaven you don't even profess to be a christian he said i'm going because of my philanthropy i've given so much no god's going to have a record the lord jesus christ should be able to say i know exactly how much you gave but the only way you can get into my heaven is oh this is good it's not by what you gave but what i gave it it's just that simple so he's going to deal with the final account it's appointed on the man wants to die and then the judgment you see so and so got off this week they went scot-free hold on friend they're not scot-free there's a final accounting before god i'll live like i want to you can you really can but you will give an account that offends people but look at me it challenges me it encourages me to live holy it inspires me to write living well here's a statement because we need to look at this quick number three the callousness of felix what was felix's response this is so good i'm so glad i wrote this listen to this felix was afraid wouldn't it be something i'm not going back to here johnny hunt why scared the heck out of me well really here's what he scared about the h-e-double hockey sticks i'm not going back to hear that man he scared the daylights out of me i don't like the way i feel when i leave that church the bible says in john 3 18 he that believeth not is condemned already if you feel condemned under biblical preaching that's a good thing god is showing you where you are so you can get to where you need to be it's good god help us that people don't leave the way they came he was afraid um they were alarmed by the penetration here's what i said listen to this man here's a good statement felix had never heard anybody preach like paul something he threw it down and scared him powerful preaching felix now is in a moment of decision eternity swings into balance uh felix and drusilla missed the opportunity to come alive and live forever you may say well how do you know they may have believed james 2 19 my favorite book in the bible written two books on james even the devil believes in trembles translation a.t robinson greek's greek word the hair on the back of his neck stands up you ever been scared and you felt like the hair on your arm stood up i'm telling you god put the put the fright the fear therefore knowing the terror of the lord we persuade men wow that's what the bible says jesus believed in judgment john the baptist believed in judgment apostle paul believed in the judgment so what's his reasoning that i keep saying is the last statement this is the last statement he said um go away for now i graduated from garden to web university 41 years ago they've never asked me to come back and sorry just never had me there i'm i'm a big deal over at southeastern seminary but i'm got school of preaching there i've got a hunt scholar program there i got a house there but i've never been back on the campus of garden web but they called me this week and they said well president and trustees want to meet with you we're ready to turn things around that's why they didn't call me people don't call you if you're headed in the right direction spurgeon one time was was confronted by some of his leadership and they said spurgeon you need to cool it a little bit you're rubbing the fur on the cat the wrong way spurgeon said turn the cat around i was sitting in a class one day i'm through this i'm sitting in class here it is good morning class um clean everything from your desk get out a clean sheet of paper and a pencil and we have ten true faults okay his name's robert lamb he called me wrote me just the other day it's up in his 80s now dr lam here's what he said true or false i'm through this is the invitation to you true or false to choose not to choose is to choose johnny hunt false he came back with the answers getting all up it's the only one i missed so what did i do went to i went to the office afterwards went to his office trick question that is not true yes it was too see today you can say this heard johnny hunt the other day boy god you used him he really said some things and lord dealt with my heart and i i think it's probably you know going to make me be a better person but i'm not ready to make the commitment i ought to or surrender my life as i ought to i'm gonna go my way for now look at me you just said no to jesus again oh i didn't make a decision today yes you did to choose not to choose is to choose how does a person go to hell i thank you for asking um they come to enough services like this and then one day they turn on their heels and they leave the service never to hear the message again and spend the eternity separated from god heavenly father in jesus name if there's a felix or drusilla in this room that has never been clothed in the righteousness of jesus never known the spirit of almighty god his holy spirit that gives self-control they know their fear in their heart about the the judgment to come help them to get it settled today and father those that just aren't fully surrendered they're not giving as they are they're not serving as they all they're just playing it safe taking no risk help them to live by the motto i want to do now what i'll be glad i did then in the name of jesus amen pastor thank you pastor thank you stand together our heads about and eyes are closed uh one day i said a prayer as a young man invited christ into my life you heard pastor johnny give his story that when he was a young man he gave his heart to jesus you're here this morning uh would you please right where you stand if you've never invited christ into your life just breathe this prayer jesus forgive me my sins come into my heart and save me thank you for saving me today on this last sunday in february 2020 christ i pray lord i believe there was one here who breathed that simple prayer of salvation according to your word you saved them and you've given them eternal life i pray they'll say something to one of us after this service that they received christ as their savior thank you for this wonderful and powerful message that we heard from your servant now lord i pray that you would prepare the hearts for that second service as people are going to hear the word the wonderful music and it's just been a wonderful joy to be in your house today in christ i pray amen hey listen before you leave go back to that table and uh buy some of those radios and send to cambodia you may not go to cambodia yourself but you can send a radio to cambodia where these precious people can hear the gospel of jesus christ in their own language all right god bless you you're dismissed shake hands with uh about 22 people before you leave unless you have the flu amen
Channel: Landmark Church Cincinnati
Views: 64
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: jasvZ6vnZFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 58sec (4078 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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