Pastor John Hagee - "Angels in Prophecy"

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[Music] thank you turn with me to Matthew the 13th chapter verses 38 through 43 as we continue the sermon series The Three Heavens with this sermon angels in Prophecy people ask the question can we trust Bible prophecy let me give you these facts when the Bible was written 25 of it was prophecy most of that has come exactly true the Bible says in second Peter 1 19 that a word of Prophecy is more accurate than an eyewitness account search that out now let's read Matthew 13 38 and following the field is the world the good seed or the children of the Kingdom but the tares are the children of the wicked one that will be Satan the enemy that sowed him is the devil the Harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the Angels say it angels as therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be in the end of the world the son of man shall send forth his angels and they Shall Gather out of his kingdom all things that offend the Lord and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth then shall the righteous shine forth as the son in the Kingdom of their father he who has ears to hear Let Him hear father thank you for your word thank you for the prophecy of God that is extremely perfectly accurate let us hear it today and let us prepare for the coming of the King of Kings and the Lord of lords Jesus Christ the carpenter son and all of God's children said praise the Lord you may be seated angels in Prophecy Angels announce the birth of Jesus Christ to the shepherds in the field saying do not be afraid for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people and suddenly remember that angels can move as fast as the speed of light and suddenly there was where the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on Earth and I'm going to quote the Greek text as it reads and on Earth Good Will toward men of whom God approves that's how the original text reads the angel said fear not that's still the message of the church fear not your past it's forgiven fear not your future the Bible says I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor exceed begging bread the angel said I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people unto you a son is born Jesus Christ he is Savior Jesus Christ is the answer Washington is not the answer London is not the answer Paris is not the answer the U.N is not the answer Jesus Christ the son of God he is the answer angels for witness of the Resurrection Luke 24 and why do you seek the living among the dead he is not here he is risen church we serve a risen savior Because He Lives we shall also live the angel said acts 1 11 ye men of Galilee why do you stand here gazing into the heavens listen to this prophecy this same Jesus say that with me this same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come again in the Clouds Of Heaven just as you have seen him go he will condemn like manner I'm saying to you the Son of God is soon to appear in the Clouds Of Heaven he is coming again and he's coming soon I can hear the orchestra in heaven playing here comes the bride because the great reunion is about to happen Give the Lord Praise In The House of God [Applause] now let's look at the angels in the Book of Revelation quickly and briefly of all the books in the Bible none illustrate the office the rank the assignments and the awesome power of angels more vividly than the Book of Revelation time will only allow us a sneak peek at a few of God's Majestic Angels demonstrating their awesome power in this book consider the seven angels and the Seven trumpets first let me Define and describe the Book of Revelation it begins with seals Seven Seals and then it begins with seven trumpets and then it has seven vials or bowls of judgment I'm going to go by the seals because Jesus opens all of them and began with the angels that appear because that's the theme of this message consider the seven angels and the things that I'm saying to you now for those of you who have not received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord you are going to experience what I'm getting ready to describe the seven angels will blow seven trumpets to announce the first of 21 judgments that God is going to pour on the earth in a period of seven years to say that this is going to be hell on Earth is an understatement the first Angel blew a trumpet and the third third of the trees were burned up and all green grass was burned up Revelation chapter 8 verse 7. then the second Angel sounded in something like a great Mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships that were in the sea were destroyed Revelation chapter 8 verses 8 through 9. how could this happen scientists are now warning us of the very real possibility that a massive meteor could strike planet Earth a meteor the size of a great Mountain could cause a Sonam snapping all rigs in every ocean causing Global Calamity causing the fish in the sea to be destroyed causing the air to become filled with the odor of rotting fish and the Seas to be covered with one-third of the ships on fire because oil will burn think about that the third Angel the third Angel sounded in a great star fell from heaven named wormwood and made one third of the drinking water of the world so bitter people died from it Revelation 8 verse 10 and 11. can you imagine a world without drinking water a world where people knew that the water was poisoned by a falling star and was so desperately thirsty that they drank it anyway and died you can live for 30 days without food you can't live very long without water this is the Great Tribulation this is the seven years of Hell on Earth during which the Antichrist will reign remember Satan has come to Rob to kill and destroy and that's in exactly what he intends to do the church has been raptured before all of this happens those who are left behind are going to be forced to receive the mark of the beast in their right hand or their forehead and the Bible says and when you do that you will lose your soul if you don't take the marker of the beast in your hand or your forehead you're going to have your head cut off now a few years ago when we were talking about people being decapitated they said that's entirely too barbaric that will never happen but alas suddenly that's now on the scene and you're seeing it on television every night we the people who love freedom in this nation and in Europe freedom is in a battle for survival with a radical Islamic group that intend to take America down wake up America [Applause] the fourth Angel sounded and a third of the sun was struck a third of the Moon a third of the Stars a third of them were darkened and a third of the day did not shine and likewise the night Revelation 8 and 12. God's message I am God Almighty I Am The Shepherd of the Stars I called him by name I am the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that the American people have forgotten I am the god that you have mocked you have mocked my word you have mocked my kingdom now I'm going to show you what real power looks like I'm going to turn off the sun I'm going to control the moon I'm going to cause the Stars not to shine I am the creator of the universe I Am The Great I Am I am the master of winds and waves I control the tides of the ocean I hold them in the palm of my hand I measure space with a span of my hand my kingdom shall not pass away Look At Me Now I am not the Lamb of God I am the lion of the tribe of Judah and I'm controlling the world because there is no God but the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the world is full of turmoil and uncertainty many live in fear of what the future might bring soon the trumpet will sound and those who are alive will be caught up and will meet the Lord but what will happen before his return there are signs everywhere that the Rapture is near Jerusalem is reunited with Israel and the nation's own Earth are preparing for war through your study of Bible prophecy you can gain wisdom and prepare yourself for things to come for your gift of any amount we'll send you an autographed copy of Pastor hagee's End of the Age book for your generous gift of 175 or more we will also include our prophecy Bible and an End of the Age study guide stay in the word and share the gospel with your loved ones the coming of Jesus Christ is imminent what a day that will be receive these resources today call the number on your screen or go to Eternity the fifth angel the fifth angel was given the key to the bottomless pit and out of the pit came Locus the size of horses that will sting like a scorpion how many of you have ever been stung by a scorpion that's a good number of you a few years ago when our home had black mold and we had to move out of it for a year and a half while they repaired our house and we lived in a rental house that rental house was full of scorpions one morning I was running late and I dressed hurriedly and I put on my shoes without checking them and as I'm walking out of the house Bang bang it felt like someone was driving a six penny nail through my big toe it was a scorpion I kicked my slipper off and it went about 15 feet high and 30 yards downfield and that little three-inch Scorpion came tumbling out but what about something the size of a horse the Bible says in Revelation 9 verses 1 through 10. that that sting will last for five months and there will be no relief listen in these days men will seek death and they will not be able to find it they will desire to Die the Bible says and death will flee from them remember death is a spirit and it's actually controlled of God in this situation welcome to a world without God's presence welcome to a world that you're calling the New World Order welcome to a world of occult Satan worshipers they're going to adore Satan's son the Antichrist the chief Son of Perdition that means the chief Son Of Satan every person who has rejected Jesus Christ you're moving toward the occult every person who does not accept the will of God is embracing the will of the Prince of Darkness and you're going to walk through the hell of this tribulation simply because you rejected the grace and the mercy of Jesus Christ extended you at the cross the prophetic parade of angels continues the sixth Angel the sixth Angels sounded his trumpet and John the Revelator is heard saying in Revelation 9 13-15 release the Four Angels now listen to this who are bound at the great river Euphrates this is where civilization began and this is where it's going to come unrivaled so the Four Angels Who had who had been prepared listen for the hour the day the month and the year were released to kill one third of the Earth's population that means God has already selected the hour the day the month and the year that this is going to happen frightening think about it it's a staggering Calamity one-third of mankind killed in 24 hours by the command of God almighty to Four Angels that's power Jesus said in Matthew 24 22 except those days be shortened no flesh would be saved yet after all of this horrific judgment John the Revelator records in the ninth chapter in the 20th verse quote but the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of their works that they should not worship demons and Idols of gold silver brass Stone and wood which can neither see nor hear nor walk and they did not repent of their murders or of their sorcery that means worshiping the devil or of their sexual immorality or of their theft or of their lying end of quote point that God is making here the refusal of men to repent of their known sin demand that God sent his angels and cast them into the furnace of Fire that's God's word that's not my word I'm here today as the messenger to tell you what's going to happen if you reject the message it's on your hand if I refuse to speak the message it's on my hand I will stand before God on the day of judgment and the Bible says the blood of the ungodly will be on my hands if I speak a word that does not bring to them the truth of God that's the word of God listen closely the seventh angel then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he is going to Reign forever and forever Revelation 11 15. listen up saints of God we are part of a kingdom that's never going to end and that kingdom is going to be greater than the Grecian Empire it's going to be greater than the Roman Empire it's going to be greater than the British Empire it's going to be greater than the United States ever hope to be our King is King Jesus our capital is the city of Jerusalem I rule is the word of God this is the Constitution and bylaws of the kingdom of our God and of his son Jesus Christ give him praise give him glory the king is coming back Hallelujah to the Lamb of God now comes the final Mighty angels from God the seven angels with seven bowls of judgment that come rapidly like chain lightning one behind the other the angels that I've just described this will happen over a period of three years what I'm getting ready to describe will be seven judgments that happen in Rapid fashion the world never recovers as one staggering judgment comes behind the other the first Angel sounded and poured out his bowl upon the Earth and every person who had taken the mark of the beast was covered with boils the second Angel poured out his bowl upon the Earth and all the Seas became as the blood of a dead man that means it was coagulated every living thing in the Seas on planet Earth died Revelation 16 3. people say well God would never do this the truth is God has already done that he did that to Egypt during the time of the plagues when the Nile River was turned to blood and every creature in the Nile River died because there was no oxygen in that water the third Angel poured out his bowl upon the rivers and Springs this is fresh water and they became blood Revelation 16 4 this also happened in Egypt the fourth Angel poured out his bowl on the sun and power was given to him to Scorch men with fire think about that Dutch global warming on steroids Revelation 16 8. that's going to happen the fifth angel will pour out his bowl on the throne of the Beast that is upon the Earth and it will become full of darkness and men will gnash their tongues because of the severe pain and their sores and what will be their reaction listen they will blaspheme the god of the heaven and refuse to repent of their deeds Revelation 16 10 11. you say why is that because the Bible says no man cometh unto the father except the spirit draw him and the Holy Spirit left the world when the church left they have no desire to know the Lord the sixth Angel is going to pour out his bowl on the great Riverview free T so that the kings of the East that will be China can March their army of 200 million to the battle of Armageddon why is China now becoming a superpower why is China mocking America in the international marketplace and militarily why are they building their military as rapidly as they can and our nation is reducing our military as rapidly as we can how insane is that kind of rapidly becoming a global superpower while America's weakened leadership is causing us to become weaker by the month why have we entered into a dimension of History where America's friends do not trust us and our enemies do not fear us why is America reducing its military might when China and Russia are expanding theirs as rapidly as possible the answer is painfully clear the world as we know it is getting ready to experience this prophetic conflict of Kingdoms every prophecy in God's word is now in perfect alignment every nation is on the stage they have the military might and the military muscle and America has backed off the stage and given the key to the hoodlums of the earth John the Revelator prophetically recorded the headlines of the newspaper the world will soon read quote Nations gather for the war of Armageddon and they Revelation 16 16 demon Spirits gathered them the kings of the earth to gather to a place in Hebrew that's called Armageddon then it'll be over the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air and a loud voice came out of the Temple of Heaven saying from the Throne of God it is done Revelation 16 17. instantly there's going to be a global earthquake far greater than anything the Earth has ever seen before the next angel of Prophecy comes from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand in Revelation 21 this Angel arrests the devil puts him in Chains and cast him into the bottomless pit for a thousand years the last angel of Prophecy is one of the seven who has poured out the seven bowls of God's Wrath this Angel reveals to John a glimpse of the New Jerusalem in your mind this is what's happened the battle of Armageddon is over Jesus Christ and the bride of Christ have come to Earth and now the capital city is about to be sit down from heaven in Jerusalem the Lord says come and I will show you the bride the Lamb's wife as he carried me away in the spirit to a great high mountain that would be Jerusalem he showed me the great City that's Jerusalem the holy Jerusalem descending Out of Heaven from God having the glory of God Revelation 21 9-11 the battle for Jerusalem is going to be over soon presidents Prime Ministers Queens the kings of the Earth are going to stand in line to Bow before Jesus Christ as he sits on the throne of his father David forever knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the father that's going to happen the King of Kings and the Lord of lords the son of David is on his way and of his kingdom there shall be no end Hallelujah to the Lamb of God [Music] quickly and closing the snapshot of the world today 40 years ago when I would teach a prophetic theme and say for all of this to happen America had to cease being a superpower I could get more hate mail in a week than most preachers get in a lifetime but now that's happened the nations of the world are laughing at us China was starving to death Russia was starving to death Iran didn't have oil and didn't know how to use it turkey Arab Nations they were not to be considerate but now China and Russia and Iran and turkey and the Arab nations are in perfect place according to the prophet Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 for the god Magog War which is right out in front of us an economic crisis is developing in the world you see these wild swings on Wall Street that's not stability economically that's because there is no economic basis if you understand economics you understand that if you don't you don't but it means the economy is being manipulated by very powerful people or nations for their own benefit not for the common ordinary investor that economic crisis is going to bring a demand for an economic czar Europe will be the leader and that economic Czar is going to be the Antichrist all of that is in process right now here is the good news before all this happens a trump of God is going to sound and the church is out of here hallelujah to the Lamb of God we're thankful that you've joined us to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ we are living in the end times together we're changing the world with God's word we want to share a very special thank you to our ministry Partners those who have supported us through your prayers and generous giving we also want to encourage you to stay tuned to hear Pastor hagee's blessing Hagee Ministries continues to proclaim the truth of God's word around the globe together we are providing humanitarian Aid across Israel community service initiatives at home and abroad and transforming the lives of young mothers at the sanctuary of hope your partnership today ensures we reach the generations of tomorrow through many of today's social media platforms and live web streaming become a legacy partner today call the number on your screen or go to partner Ministries is taking a new pilgrimage to the land of the Bible on November the 6th through the 16th 2023 celebrating Israel's 75 years of statehood and we invite you to join us we will visit ancient Bible sites to include the Pilgrim Road the pool of Siloam experience baptism in the Jordan River have a time of private prayer at the Western Wall called the number on the screen or go to events and now your blessing with Pastor John Hagee and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace be ready for that moment in the twinkling of an eye when the Trump of God shall sound and the Lord himself shall descend from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air we shall remain with the Lord for all eternity read the word and pray be ready to meet him because the King of Kings is coming prepare yourselves and your family to spend eternity praising King Jesus receive this blessing in the authority of Jesus name amen and amen [Music]
Channel: Hagee Ministries
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Id: aGrV95SHslI
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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