Pastor John Gray | Relentless Freedom

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[Applause] now I asked you to stop it sir you and that drummer y'all are disobedient we're trying to have a regular service on a holiday weekend y'all in here acting like Jesus is real acting like you don't care what anybody thinks about your place [Applause] [Music] I see my sister back here waving all I need is two crazy phrases per rose now all I need is two because breakthrough happens in twos and at midnight Paul and Silas so if I can get two per row the rest of y'all can act regular but if you can get more than two per row maybe something supernatural so I need you to do a road check ask somebody will you praise with me ask somebody else will you praise with me now this is not a regular Sunday morning prayer [Applause] okay are y'all ready I want you to tear this rocker black the devil is under your feet because the devil is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Father bless the word fill this place with miracle testimonies because of what happens in the next 25 minutes one person caught it filled this room with miracle testimonies based on what breaks out in the next 25 minutes healings miracles signs and wonders healings miracles signs and one [Music] [Music] do you believe the word hey I said again do you do you be me [Music] do you do you me [Music] he's a good good father yes he is [Music] [Music] John chapter 8 [Music] John chapter 8 verse 31 [Music] for those who don't know we were alerted that there were people in the overflow and I remember at times being an overflow not being able to get in I told the Lord that if he ever made me a pastor I was never gonna be too good to go to the overflow because those the souls in the overflow ain't no punishment to be in the overflow you got to have extra faith to be watching on TV on campus and still be praising so to the overflow double portion to you and your family yeah matter of fact hundredfold in that room right now cuz y'all blessing God oh credit and for those that are in here may the Lord increase you in your house and increase you in favor and increase you in wisdom and in stature according to Luke 2:52 John chapter 8 31 then jesus said to those Jews who believed him if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free but Jesus said to those Jews who believed him if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free they answered him we are Abraham's descendants and have never been in bondage to anyone which is not true because they were in bondage for 400 years in Egypt oh how quickly we forget may you never forget where you were when the blood found you in Pride they say how can anyone say you will be made free jesus answered them most assuredly I say to you whoever commits sin is a slave of sin and a slave does not live or abide in the house forever but a son abides forever therefore if the son makes you free you shall be free indeed on this Memorial Day we rightfully honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep the borders of this nation safe and free and I want to preach from the subject and we've been in the relentless series for those who are visitors we are relentless church and I want to talk today from the subject last week was relentless love this week I'm preaching from the subject relentless freedom relentless freedom you may be seated does anybody else since the presence of the Holy Spirit here there's a sweet sweet spirit Ephesians chapter 4 there's a scripture that says in Ephesians 4 we're talking from the subject relentless freedom a freedom that will pursue you a freedom that will chase you down freedom that is unmoved by your brokenness by multiple failures it will still come find you and break you out but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men now this he ascended what does it mean but that he also first be sended into the lower parts of the earth he who descended Jesus is also the one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things finally in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 starting at the sixth verse however we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet not the wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory but as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory there are some things that God did not hide from you he hid them for you God has been playing hide and seek now for a number of generations he says seek his face but then he told Moses when Moses said show me your glory he said you're gonna have to look at my back I'll pass by you I'll put my hand over your face and I'll let you see my back for no man can see me and live now that's what he said right but then he says seek my face what what you mean you want me to seek your face because if I actually see it I'll die and he says that's the point [Applause] because no flesh can glory in my presence I want your flesh to die the only way you'll see me is spirit to spirit and the reason we haven't seen the supernatural outbreak of miracles signs and wonders that mark 16 promised us it's because we have been having flesh fests talent-show contests trying to see who's the best and who's dressed the nicest and who has the most and God says I'm not playing them games this is not a pageant this is not a contest I need some broken folk who are hungry and desperate who will walk down the hill and up a hill sweating and hot outside and sitting overflow if they have to but they know they gotta get to service because they believe there is a word from me to reach them God is looking for some folk that don't mind being uncomfortable to get to him and they lay down their pride their ego their agenda and their flesh to get to God is there anybody in here that I'm speaking to relentless freedom you can't speak about freedom unless you speak about bondage and one of the challenges with bondage is it's uncomfortable it's an uncomfortable conversation because bondage takes many forms there's actual incarceration people who are in jail some of them unjustly accused and convicted with no evidence and my prayer is that God through his righteousness will free all those who are unjustly convicted and being held and have done no crime but I do believe in order and I do believe in the law and some people need to be in jail if you rape somebody you need to go to jail if you murder someone you need to go to jail if you touch a child you need to be under the jail and if you touch my child they won't have a chance to take you to jail y'all pray for me because the problem with a society that's so liberal in its idea that there is no such thing as order and structure means you can do whatever you want that is lawlessness no we need law we need order the problem is there are so many people who are imprisoned without bars prisons of your own making bad decisions and locked you up for years I talked to an individual not long ago who asked me for prayer because they this person and the person they were dating have been engaged for like 15 years what but I didn't say that I was but then I listened and they shared some details about how things are structured in such a way that if you're single and don't make a certain amount you're able to get disability then and you know things like that but if you get married they don't make enough to really cover the family so it's almost like there are certain things that are set up to keep you broken so either you trust God or you stay stuck in the land of almost there is no greater prison city than the city of almost looking at your dream but can't access it smelling the scent of your deliverance but can't grab it almost is a hurting thing because you're on the adds of what you used to be and you see what you're called to be but you're stuck in the middle prison prison of the things we've done wrong stop wishing we could get the time back it's Pastor John I'm playing I'm playing just like it's pastored being installed next week they come for real all right yes ma'am I love you bless your heart there are so many different ways to get in bondage we get into relational bondage we get stuck and there are people who want us to stay there even in our families I know we don't talk about it but their hierarchies in the family one sibling wants to run the whole thing you can't say America they right max you like [Music] [Applause] there's always somebody in your life that wants to act like they have power they know they don't have power but they're hoping you give them space and so now you're in prison because you don't want to offend then we're in prison to image whom the Sun sets free is free indeed church means this is this should be the safest place for me to be honest but most churches are Halloween is Halloween church more masks in here than any costume store in the world trick-or-treat we trick people into thinking we're free then we treat them like crap and we treat people bad based on our own brokenness because you filter your interactions through your pain and then many people are struggling because we know we're called to be more than what we are but people only know us is one thing so they keep accessing that one thing never let you grow up I'm from Cincinnati next week my family will be here y'all will call me pastor some of them will call me John John because that's the one that they grew up with that's their cousin that's the one that used to play games in grandma's backyard but I'm not just John John anymore I'm a husband now I'm a father now I'm a pastor now I'm a leader now but here's what I learned about people I've been there even folk that I grew up with and they remember we used to do such-and-such man you're doing good remember we used to be on the couch sleep on the couch remember when you had we all had nice dirt bikes and you had that old green bike people always want to remind you of the worst version of yourself people always want to access you for what makes them feel good you don't fancy John I love when you funny boy that blessed me when you're funny well sometimes I'll use the comedic gift but I'm not a comedian oh man I love when you sing I love it well my worship is to God I'm not trying to impress you or anybody else what I realize is people see you how they need you and people will keep accessing you based on what you give them but when you cut that part off and say that part is over I've graduated from math if you want that own person you should have caught me ten years ago but I'm over here now I'm going higher now I've grown up now I've matured now you know how many relationships would have ended ten years ago if you realize who you were you wouldn't have been sleeping with that person if you really knew who you were they just caught you and who you thought you were I feel like I'm preaching this morning til somebody get free tell somebody else get free many different types of bondage Pastor Dan you know many different types of bondage pastor Tasha's just even today we're slaves to social media or in bondage to the illusion of the appearance selfie fourteen pictures you took to get one selfie then you put three filters on there highlighted the picture talking about selfie I woke up like this hashtag lion wonder my wife shared something with me and was very profound and she said that I could share it and so I will and I believe if we're gonna be effective pastors for this local congregation we need to be the first ones to be transparent the enemy has been hitting my wife in the area of image for many many years far before long before I ever II married her I met her I think she's beautiful I think she's stunning her heart her commitment to this church working 18 hours a day to serve this church didn't want to take a check has served honorably she loves people she treats folk right she has grace if I'm the law she's grace she covers me but she'll say little things I don't feel good I don't like I don't like this so I don't like my hair right now I don't like this my arms I'm like girl you are fine she the enemy feeds off of our declared insecurities mastercharge they missed that I didn't say they were actual I just said you declared it because the enemy doesn't have discernment because you'd have to have the Holy Ghost in order to have discernment so the enemy doesn't intuitively know what's wrong until you open your mouth so he's waiting on you to tell him where the attack so when you say I don't like how I look he says they don't know they're created in the image of God so let me mess with him I keep telling them they're ugly until they try to fix this and fix that and put on six pounds of makeup until you realize that you can't fix what was never broken and this morning my wife texted me before the 9:00 a.m. service and she said do you know where my makeup bag is I'm in church already I'm already as I said um no cuz I don't wear makeup I stay Ashley I'm a grown man I just take a shower my knuckles look like I've been playing with powdered Donuts just I stay at any other grown me I'm a grown man I'm not going I'm not gonna use shea butter and cocoa milk that's my wife she got all that Mountain scent and ocean breeze and lilac lilies and amen that's how you get two kids in 11 months come to bed smelling good that's how that rolls keep smelling good keep lotion on your heels keep them toes painted amen happy happy marriage amen you do you but if the enemy hears you say something he'll feed on it unless you combat the lie with the truth of the word he will hold you hostage to your own confession so I want to ask a question then I'm gonna preach it like I feel it and then we're gonna go home is there anybody other than me who has some chains somewhere in there like hold on let me see those hands again anybody who here have changed because pastor Tasha said I hear the chains fall see that wasn't just a nice song that was a prophetic declaration some of y'all need to look down by your feet cuz there was some stuff that was on you that's ask you now I need a couple people that I'm tired of the devil I need some more people to just be a little a little rowdy in here get off me devil tired of living in bondage because I don't have to I said I don't have to here's the thing because we're so used to walking broken that we've actually used our chains as cosmetics we've turned our chains into jewelry and called them bracelets are those chains on your ass no that's a that's a bracelet no that's a sin no it's just a habit no no a habit can't get you sin to hell but sin unconfessed unsubmitted without repentance better get you cut off and if you're not careful your sins will become heavens and then the conviction of the Holy Ghost stops cuz you've made it a choice to ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit and you are now content to walk through life with chains mark chapter 5 there was a man filled with demons he was off him down with shackles and chains he'd pull them apart they put them back on you'd get free and as soon as you get free Here Come them chains again and here's what's crazy it wasn't strangers bringing the chains it was familiar faces it's always somebody I'll come on come on I know you go to church but take another sip come on are you over a dancer what's it matter it was redemption you had a white pass now you got a black passer okay re y'all chocolate in vanilla okay here there you go man just smoke this drink this girl don't break up with me let's just spend the night one more time they always want to bring you back try to add another link to the chain but while you're sinking they're walking away I came to declaring fifteen million less than 15 minutes away from complete freedom I need a pre freedom praise break [Applause] just somebody get free anybody else feel that something just shifted right there some of y'all missed it the next wave is coming but I felt that first shift and all it takes us to and everybody gets free cuz that's what it says in the book of Acts Paul and Silas prayed and everyone's bands were loose even people who didn't want to get free they didn't even ask to get free but because they were near two people who were worshiping it didn't matter if they wanted to get free or not everything in there had to get free even if you don't want to get free just sit still because freedom is in that I just need two people to praise for the ones that can [Applause] it's Memorial Day where we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy and often take for granted as it is in the natural so it is in the spirit today I declare a Memorial Day because the greatest soldiers aren't the ones you see in Washington DC in the CIA building they have a wall of stars they don't have names it's for the undercover operatives who died in the line of duty protecting our freedoms finding out going behind enemy lines stopping plots and plans before they get to this side of the ocean you'll never know their names but they died protecting this nation all they have is a star on the wall but there is a bright morning star and he was the ultimate undercover agent when I think about the freedom that we enjoy in the spirit I want to talk to you about a soldier who lived over 2,000 years ago he was a bad man he was in training for 30 years then he went on a three and a half year tour of duty and everywhere he went he didn't have a gun but he had a sword it was in his mouth it was the Word of God and every time he spoke the enemy backed up and froster be he open Talitha to my little girl I say to you arise Lazarus come forth you are no longer a leper you are clean stretch out your hands you are free from the twelve-year blood disorder woman Thou Art Loosed does anybody know who I'm talking about yet when you want to talk about relentless freedom I need you to understand that our bondage began in a garden with one act of disobedience where the devil legally got Dominion and sin into the picture and so for all of us who think you can get to heaven being a good person you are mistaken because sin is not something you choose you inherited it in your bloodline you needed somebody to go behind the veil and there needed to be a blood sacrifice in order to free you from the bondage of sin now I'm fighting too hard in here do they hear what I'm saying he was undercover he was a soldier but he looked just like a carpenter and then he had his SEAL team SEAL team 12 it was really 11 cuz one of them was a devil but he kept number 12 just to give him a chance to turn but he knew he wouldn't and he walked he trained them and he equipped them but one night on a Thursday night he was in a garden of gethsemane and he was all by himself and the enemy had surrounded him they had been looking for him they had been searching scripture the Bible says the rulers of this world didn't know who he was for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory God hid who Jesus actually was from the enemy and hid his purpose because the enemy can read the actual words but couldn't get no revelation cuz you need the Holy Ghost to get the revelation so the devil said if I killed this one soldier then all my trouble is over so he surrounded him in the garden here come Judas he told him to one eye kiss that's the one y'all arrest jesus said it kids to be right here friend he called him a friend cuz even though he betrayed him he still pushed him in the destiny so even if they hate on you and and betray you they're pushing you into your destiny they're still your friend he was a soldier they arrested him the rest of his team scattered he could have killed them all right there could have had a legion of angels take him out he took it like the G that he was the capital G the G OD the devil was rejoicing thought they had the ultimate soldier under wraps got him up on a cross on a Friday and while he was slowly suffocating hell is rejoicing and then Jesus screams out it is finished and he gave up his spirit but the scripture and Ephesians says he went into the lower parts of the earth the lower parts of the earth we know is what is called shio it's the place between heaven and the flames there's the bosom of Abraham and then there's the flames ask Jesus about the rich man and Lazarus the rich man went to the flames Lazarus went to the bosom of Abraham and there was a distance between the two but they could see each other getting ready to help you Jesus had to die the devil thought killing him would solve his problems but all it did was actually multiply his problems because as long as Jesus was alive he could only do as many miracles as he could do while he was one man but once he got in the ground he was no longer a man he was a seed [Applause] I wish I had 17 worshippers in here Jesus was sewn into the ground the Bible says he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men which means there was a transaction you can't legally go to hell you can't even die the only reason death is here is because sin is here Jesus gave up his spirit he said no man take my life why cause he is life and life can't die any more than death can live he needed my sin to be his disguise to get into the lower part of the earth he was an undercover operative he put on your sin and my sin snuck into hell started preaching and the people who had died in hope he said you know the one y'all been waiting for surprise it's me I'm the fulfillment of the law in the prophets [Music] I am the way the truth and accept prove me by the time he got finished preaching it was Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Applause] somebody give him glory master aventure he got up with our power did you hear what I said power over our mind our will our emotions power over our identity power over our perception power over our sin that were over our past dollar over our present power over our future he has all power when he got out of that ground he said I got the keys to death hell and the grave all of it belongs to me and so now while people are scooching out trying to beat traffic and I love you the rest of us give me a couple minutes coz the blessing is on the benediction [Applause] there is freedom it's only found in Jesus Christ and there are three things that mark freedom I said there are three things that mark freedom freedom has a sound if you've been in bondage your whole life and you finally get free what sound would you be [Applause] freedom has a sound number two the Bible says in mark 5 the man that was filled with two thousand demons when he saw Jesus from a distance he ran freedom has a stride you run different when you get in free you you walk different when you're free you talk different ring you're free you shout different when you free am I talking to anybody pastor Tyson saying she wanted a runner that was prophetic because when you get free you don't care what people think your jump twirl guilty jumping jacks backflips high five your party you'll do whatever is in your soul coz whom the Sun sets free is free indeed free and be free indeed free indeed free indeed freedom has a sound freedom has a she tried finally and somebody what's that smell [Music] that is the fragrance of freedom freedom has a scent when you get free it's attractive it draws people when you have freedom it's attractive people want to know what is that fragrance oh that's freedom where did you buy it well I actually didn't buy it it was given to me for free what's the name on the bottle relentless [Applause] [Music] you need to act like you spraying freedom on relentless [Music] if you're in here and you need the fragrance of freedom and you need Jesus to be the Lord of your life or you need to repent ate your light to Jesus or you need to join this church and the Lord is calling you to be a member of relentless run down to the front run down to the front run down to the front run down to the front if you're getting saved if you need Jesus if you need to rededicate or you wanna join relentless church meet me in the front you got 30 seconds 29 28 Bibi and the altar 20 19 18 17 16 15 eleven ten nine seven six five four [Music] three [Music] pastor aventure come here I'm speaking supernatural breakthrough in favor over every family that's here right now supernatural breakthrough in favor the enemy has attacked me in the areas of identity image they kept telling me I'm not worthy I came in here last night at midnight said all the way in the back in that last road and I said Lord thank you because you made me worthy and I said bless everybody that comes in here tomorrow talk about today that included God said Lord put a miracle in every seat so if you've ever battled through image and identity even my beautiful bride when she had her thyroid most of it removed and anybody who's ever had thyroid issues know it messes with everything it messes with your weight it messes with all of that but I want to tell you you are beautiful in front of these people inside and out your phenomenal woman I want to honor you pastor aventure for all that you do that they see and everything that they don't thank God for you if you were here right now I want you to say this with me Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you for the blood that was shed for me thank you the cross was enough I'm brand new and now I'm home and I'm free and I'm free indeed you are my Lord and my Savior in Jesus name Amen on behalf of Pastor aventura and i and the relentless church family welcome home [Music] you [Music]
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 28,811
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Keywords: #Church, #Pastor, #TheWord, #YouTube, #subscribe, #comment, #channel, #uploads, #views, #likes, #series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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