Pastor Jazz // Hold On! Help Is On The Way (Holy Ghost Series)

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powerful you're going to love it and secondly the reason why we rebroadcasting is cause some of y'all fell asleep last year when i preached it but also on all seriousness we're getting new cameras and so we're getting everything to go really on a whole nother level so be patient with us but i promise you this what is gonna bless you tremendously i think i preached it on a little you know earlier this year last year pastor jenkins church first baptist church of glennon hold on help is on its way hold on help is on this way enjoy god bless you don't forget to follow us on all social media platform victory grace center hold on help is on its way thank you so very much for allowing me to come here on today the gospel according to saint john chapter 16 i know it was read before just want you to go there real fast with me john chapter 16 and uh amen john chapter 16 and um there's a golf tournament coming up it's called jazz on the fairway i'm a i'm a golfer two-time champ iron man tiger woods ain't got nothing on me and i got it like that amen and so if there any golfers in town or here want to check me out try to beat me let me know amen amen i was in florida and i did a paw amen up amen i had a buddy on a path four amen on tiger woods golf course come on don't hate on me now come on celebrate what's up with that amen what's up with that what's up with that amen john chapter 16 john chapter 16 amen john chapter 16 and for those of you who are looking for pastor jenkins this morning we interrupt this regularly scheduling program to bring you smooth jazz next week we will get back to jj station hey man hey that's pastor john jenkins amen john chapter 16 let me just read in your hearing particularly uh verse number let me do verse number seven if that's okay verse number seven nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you all right it is to your advantage that i go away because if i do not go away the helper somebody holler the helper the helper will not be able to come on your way to your seat look at the neighbor in the eyes give them my someone title and say hold on help is on the way that's the wrong day but say hold on help is on the way find one other person say hold on help is on the way you may be seated in the presence of god first baptist church of glennon and vgc for many of us who have been in church consistently this year or for many of us who grew up in church we are aware that we are about to experience one of the most important event in the life of the church for many of us we have made the assumption that easter is the most important day or life of the church and two weeks ago we had a crowd in church because they were celebrating easter or resurrection sunday while easter is important because easter tells us about the dead the burial and resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ many of us as believers make the assumption that easter is the end when easter is really the beginning many of us make the assumption i call them cme christmas mother's day and easter that we miss the opportunity to assume that easter is the end but easter is really the beginning in fact if i were to give you a test this morning you can tell me everything that happened to jesus up to easter and then they get a little bit fuzzy after easter because i believe that the enemy has no problem with us celebrating easter but there's another important feast that the enemy does not want us to pay attention to that feast is not known by many of us particularly those of us who are not pentecostal or charismatic because we assume when i mention this feast that it only belongs to pentecostal and charismatic people and that is the feast of pentecost in fact jesus teaches you and i and the jews will travel to jerusalem three times a year to celebrate three main feasts none of the feast was mother's day none of the feast was father's day and don't mean no disrespect none of the feast was women's day just three feasts they gathered in jerusalem all male to celebrate the first feast was the feast of the passover where we celebrate the fact that the lord has allowed some stuff to pass over us is there anybody at the sound in my voice that when you look back over your life the only reason why you still alive is the lord allow some stuff to pass over telling anybody say i came to celebrate the passover passover is when god allows some stuff to pass over us but many of us don't even understand not only should we shout over a passover but we ought to thank god for the crossover anybody know what occur our crossover is when god doesn't allow stuff to pass over you but he allow you to cross over it then when you look at things that should have killed you should have wiped you out god allowed it to pass over you or he allow it to cross over you that's the first piece the feast of the passover the second feast most of us don't celebrate will take place in the month of october and that is the feast of the tabernacle the feast of the tabernacle is when the children of israel were given a command to gather their family all mail were to bring their family to church and celebrate the tabernacle that takes place in october so in april we celebrated the passover in october we're getting ready to celebrate the tabernacle but between the passover and the tabernacle is one of the most important feasts that many of us overlook and that is the feast of pentecost it is pentecost it is recorded in acts chapter 1 and acts chapter 2 when the disciples were in the upper room 120 of them and they were waiting for 10 days for the holy ghost to fall on them remember jesus got up early sunday morning and according to first corinthians chapter 15 he showed himself to 500 people after he got up early sunday morning he did not just ascend to heaven but the bible said he remains on the earth for 40 days 40 days he shows himself to see us he shows himself to peter he shows himself to the disciples he shows himself to 500 people this is the resurrected christ this is the christ who can walk through doors without doors being open this is the christ who walks with the disciple remember two weeks ago we just celebrated easter after easter jesus remains on the earth how many days 40 days and 40 nights he remains on the earth and while he remains on the earth he shows himself some different disciples if you were here at eight o'clock he showed himself to thomas he shows himself to the disciples that deserted him he stays on the earth for 40 days if i were you i would take time to do a study of the number 40. don't play bingo just study it don't go to vegas and play that number just study it because in scripture 40 is an important number the children of israel came out of egypt and they wandered in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 years jesus hanged out in the wilderness and was tempted for 40. 40 is the number of transition is there anybody in here i'm trying to tell you that you're on your way to your 40 day you're on your way to transition and it's one thing to shout over the resurrection it's another thing to shout over transition are y'all still here so he remains on the earth 40 days and 49 he shows himself to the disciple and before he ascends so on the 40th day there is the ascension are y'all still here there is from resurrection to the ascension the ascension is now when he ascends to heaven and he sits at the right hand of the father making intercession for you and i he ascend but before he ascends he descends my god it's going to be good today before he ascends he descends he descends into the lower part of the he takes the keys of death hell and the grave he came up and like nipsy he made a victory lap i'm sorry and he said oh dead where is your sting or grave where is your victory can somebody pull out some keys out of your pocket and just shake it and remind the devil that jesus got the keys to my life he said whatsoever you buying on earth is about come on take your car keys out and just shake it and remind the enemy that jesus got the keys to everything in my life and he said whatsoever i bind on earth is bound in heaven whatsoever i lose i'm sorry i'm preaching right here he said i'll give you the key somebody shake the keys not the keys the mercedes not the keystone house but you got the keys to the kingdom god i said you got the key can somebody shake those keys and let the devil know you got access somebody holler access that whatsoever you bind on us is bound in heaven whatsoever you loose on earth is loose in heaven 40 days are y'all still here 40 days he remains on the year 40 days he shows himself to 500 people and then the bible said on the 40th day he now ascends he ascends the one who descended is now ascended and the bible said he ascends and he sits at the right hand of the father making intercession appointing for us but before he ascends he speaks to the disciples and he said i want you to go to jerusalem and i want you to stay there stay there until the day of pentecost i'm preaching right here i want you to go to jerusalem and i want you in the southern language i want you to terry stay there until the holy ghost come i know y'all call him the holy spirit but if you're pentecostal you call him holy ghost he said i want you to stay in the upper room 120 believers are in the upper room and he said i want you to stay there for 10 days so 40 plus 10 is 50. that's where we get the word 50 for pentecost now remember for many of us we make the assumption that pentecost started in the new testament but it really started in the old testament because when the children of israel came out of egypt and they are on their way to the promised land moses goes up into the mountain y'all still here he goes up in the mountain called mount sinai stephenhood and he stays there for 50 days god help me and 50 days he give he's given by god the lord the torah and the bible so when he comes down from the mountain his face was so filled with the glory of god that they asked him to put a bag over his face i don't know who i came to prophesy to today but god told me to tell you pentecost is on its way and when you experience the dynamite god help me when you experience the power of the holy ghost there is going to be a change in your countenance there is going to be a change in your behavior there is going to be a change in your disposition and you shall receive power can you snap five at your neighbor say i'm about to get some power and you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you so jesus said i'm going to my father and it's advantage that i go to my father because if i don't go to help her will not come he said i want you to go to jerusalem and i want you to hold on because help is on its way god i feel like preaching right here would you just laugh with your neighbor and say hold on a little while longer your help is on its way your breakthrough is on its way your blessing is on its way your deliverance is on its way is there anybody can shout before you get it is there anybody who can scream before you get it is there anybody can holler before you get it slap fight with your neighbor say i wait until i get it to shout i'm gonna shout that i already got it i'm gonna praise him like i already got it is there anybody at glennard somebody hall of pentacles oh pentecost pentecostal pentecost means he's gonna move you from helpless to helpful oh pentecost mean that you ain't got to walk around talking about i'm just a nobody trying to help everybody pentecost mean the believer who was a coward will have courage pentecost means that the stuff that was chasing you you're about to chase it pentecost means you about to have the kind of power that when the devil sees you coming they will take off one pentecost means is that you can stretch your shoulder and say no weapon formed against me will be able to prosper would you just look down you will tell your neighbor said pentecost it's on its way the holy ghost is on israel is there anybody that needs a refill preach passage i said a refill because the spirit of god refills me not just one time but every day and every day i need a refill because i leak preach passage i say every day i need more joy every day i need more peace somebody holler can i get a refill that's what the holy spirit comes he comes to not just be president but he comes to be resident he shows up and so he says i want you to wait in the upper room for 10 days because help huh tell me hold on say help is on this way now listen you cannot live a victorious christian life without the indwelling power of the holy ghost and the holy ghost is not just for you preach message i said the holy ghost is not just for preachers you cannot have victory in any area of your life without the indwelling presence and the reason why you won't shout is because you made the assumption that the holy ghost makes you run around fall on the floor tell him it's a neighbor that's not what the holy ghost comes to do that's what the drummer does the holy ghost makes you walk in victory in every area of your life anybody want victory in their family anybody wants victory in your finances anybody want victory in your flesh you need the power you need the power of the yeah yeah yeah you see i don't need the holy ghost to dance i just need rhythm i don't need the holy ghost to shout when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me i can shout without anybody telling me i don't need no drums no organ i need the holy ghost to equip me with power to have victory in every if i give your neighbor a high five so when pentecost come you're gonna have victory in your faith you're gonna have victory in your family you're gonna have victory in your finances you're gonna have victory in your flesh and you're gonna have victory in your fight so have you been living a defeated life if you have been filled with a defeated life you just need the manifestation of the presence of the holy ghost so pentecost tell me we say pentecost is on its way so hold on huh help is on the way what i need the holy ghost to help me with what do i need the empowering holy ghost to help me with i've got four things i'll give it to y'all then i'll bid you fair number one the holy ghost comes to help me in my worship oh jesus the holy ghost comes to help me or the holy spirit comes to help me in my in my what what's number one give it to me in my work in my worship for they that worship him must worship him in spirit and then shoot i was talking to somebody downstairs i'm not gonna put them on blast they said i wasn't gonna come to church today because i wasn't feeling it but the holy ghost y'all didn't hear me said you better get in that place this morning cause there's a blessing with your name on it is there anybody in here who said i can't praise him without the holy ghost when the holy ghost shows up in my life he empowered me to open my mouth he let me do what i never thought i was gonna do you ever came to church and you said not this sunday you just looking cute you ain't trying to give up the praise you ain't trying to mess your mascara you ain't trying to mess your shoes but all of a sudden the holy ghost shows up and you look around your shoes is on one side your mascara is all jacked up because it's like fire god i wish i hit somebody telling him it's a neighbor i'm about to infect everybody on my road cause when i open my mouth and praise him everybody in my section gonna praise him ain't nobody gonna sit looking cute next to me because if god has done anything for you and the holy ghost is inside of you you're gonna have to show some sign pull your neighbor right ahead and say excuse me i'm trying to hold my peace but the lord's been too good to me has he been good to anybody has he opened a door for anybody has a wig away for anybody then you just said holy ghost teach me how to wash [Applause] the spirit comes and when he comes upon me i got to do something god deliver me from the people who sit like a bump in the log and sing the national practice baptist antoine i shall not be moved just like a tree planted but if the lord is inside of you when the spirit comes upon you when the spirit of the lord is there is liberty is there anybody who feels like warning and ain't nobody chasing you is there anybody feel like dancing and ain't no drum on yourself it's because the holy ghost that's number one here's number two here's number two the pentacle tell me hold on help help help is on its way i need i need the holy spirit or the holy ghost to help me in my in my what in my worship because my worship has nothing to do with the outside my worship has to do it that's why i don't need drums to shout i don't need any instrument because it's from the yes number two the holy spirit comes to help me in my work in my work wr king in my the holy spirit comes to help me in my worship but number two the holy spirit comes to help me in my now i know you believe this lie that your spiritual gift is all about you but it says that each believer has been given a spiritual gift for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry that your spiritual gift is not about telling me it's not about you yeah yeah yeah yeah that's why the scripture said let your light so shine them out that they may see your your your good works they they how you think you're going to produce good works you're going to need thank you somebody got it and without the holy spirit my work ain't good yeah yeah yeah you see i know you've got the holy ghost because you're going to work on time preach passages oh jesus how you got the holy ghost and you're always late preach passages he's a on time god come on up in here yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh go ahead take your shoes off just say ouch yeah yeah yeah yeah that evidence that i'm filled with the holy ghost is not just what i do on sunday is what i do monday through friday preach answer that i said that evidence that i have the holy ghost is i don't just speak in tongues but i say good morning in english tell your neighbor said neighbor if all you do is speak in tongues but you're mean as a skunk you got something but it ain't the holy ghost because when the holy ghost cannot preach of you when the holy ghost shows up you're going to be nice to your coworkers oh jesus when you're going to walk tomorrow you ain't got to tell them you worship just do your job and if you do your job right they'll know you've been in worship because the overflow of worship is what happens at work oh god help me right here how can you have the holy ghost and be lazy how can you have come on up in here when the holy ghost shows up you give caesar what belongs to caesar [Applause] when he shows up he shows up to help me in mine but he shows up to help me in my well and i need the holy spirit to work the ministry because in the ministry there's sometimes some crazy people that if you ain't got the holy ghost you're gonna go off on them come on up in here tell me i said don't push me cause i'm close to the edge come on say that's why i need pentecost because if you don't slide over the next time i'm gonna tell you y'all ain't ready if you try to cross me in the parking lot i don't know what i'm going to say that's why i need the holy ghost in here because when i get out there i don't know what i'm facing but i need that i need it i leave it i need it the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost comes to it it comes to help me in in my and secondly it comes to help me and my who tell accidentally say how you doing on your job oh it got quiet right there oh how you doing are you the meanest person on your job are you can they depend on you on your job and talking but you've been in church and got the holy ghost and no you only have 40 minutes lunch break but you took an hour and a half jai the holy ghost oh it's getting quiet up in here let me move on here's number three the holy ghost comes not just to equip me to worship not just equip me to work but the holy ghost comes to equip me to be a witness oh jesus to be what to be uh to be a what to be a what to be a what to listen neighbor you're sitting next to a jehovah witness okay y'all missed it come on say you're sitting there oh y'all didn't know that god's other name is jehovah [Applause] that's why when they come to your door next saturday don't hide behind the closet open the door and tell them who you are because they're holding i wish i had somebody in here i wish i had a real belief in here tell your neighbor say be a witness you want jehovah witness and by the way you don't witness in church you testify in church you witness out there preach pastor jail tell anybody when i leave here i'll go witness of the goodness of god and you shall receive power and you shall be my witnesses in jerusalem in judea in samaria and the utmost part of the world let me break that down your first witness is at home who at home know that you're saved do your children know that you're saved or are you perpetrating up in here you'll be a witness at home jerusalem then you'll be a witness in judea your neighborhood do your neighbor know you got happy hour without drinking okay y'all missed it tell your neighbor say i don't need no capacity when i drink the holy ghost i got happy hour oh god i feel like preaching right here jerusalem judea samaria are you just witnessing to people who are your color but not your kind what are the people in your circle who don't look like you are you just reaching black people or a certain demographic of people and then i wonder if there's anybody can believe god for 3 000 unbelievers to get saved before this year is our god if each one reach one look around if each one just said god send me to the right person to be a witness and you ain't got to be a witness by pulling out your bible because listen you are a living epistle god i just said something you ain't got to know the book just make sure the book is in you can't help me because people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care preacher tell your neighbor said the lifestyle evangelism just live right god i gotta get out of here when when the holy ghost somebody holler hold on help he's on its way why i need help i need help i need help so i can i need help so i can i need help so i can okay let me make sure everybody got it hold on help is on the way when the holy spirit comes he helps me admire he helps me and mine he helps me and now he helps me in mine he helps me in my he helps me in my well here's the last thing i bid you phil when the holy spirit comes he equips you to win god i'll see you all later okay tell your neighbors and neighbor all i do is win that's the wrong neighbor come on i gotta get out of here look at you never said neighbor when the holy spirit comes he quits me not just a worshiper he quits me not just to work he equipped me not just a witness but when the holy spirit comes into my life he equips me to win oh i'm sorry i thought you would have shouted right there i thought you tired of getting defeated i said when the holy spirit comes he gonna equip you to win would you look at your neighbor say watch me win let's get out of here say watch me win watch me win in my family watch me win in my finance watch me win in my flesh would you slap five at your neighbor and say all i do is win no weapon formed against me will be able to prosper no town that rises up against me will be able to stand or y'all sitting there looking cuter but look at you never say i'm gonna win today i'm gonna win tomorrow i go into next week because god has placed the holy spirit in me and the holy spirit shows up he makes me win are there any winners in here i said are there any winners in here i said are there any winners in here i said are there any winners in here the bible says that when you get the holy spirit you get the helper there's another word for the holy spirit it's a greek word it's called the pericle ah that's the power cleaner that's the one who come alongside you come here stephenhood when the holy spirit shows up he come alongside of you he walks with me and he talks with me i can lean on him when the holy spirit shows about i can lean on him he will carry me would you pull your name like you're about to pull it off and say you can lean on me not only does he walk with you but pick me up he'll carry me i said he'll carry me he'll carry me through everything he'll carry me through trouble you can truck me out pull your neighbor by the head and see when the holy spirit shows up in your life you can he will carry you is there anybody is there anybody is there anybody who say i thank god he carried me lift up your heads who ye and be lifted up the everlasting door and the king of glory shall come in who is we gotta get out of here but tell you to myself just fill the holy ghost he gonna carry your children he's gonna carry your marriage he's gonna carry your job weeping me and girlfriend shut up he's apparently but you know you don't know nothing but greek so uh you don't understand paraclete so let's call him he's a paramedic do y'all know what a paramedic is when you in trouble you call y'all didn't hear me you called the paramedic tell him he said that's what the holy spirit is to me he's my paramedic sos i've fallen and i can't get up but he shows up and he just stops me god help me is there anybody in here thank god he's a paraclete but i don't understand pericles so he's the paramedic but i don't understand paramedic but he's my parachute [Applause] telling him it's a neighbor the only reason i'm still alive after my fall is because he was my parachute i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here but i feel the holy ghost pushing on me tell your neighbor said neighbor i don't know why i'm still alive i don't know why i'm still in my right head it's because the holy ghost the just man stole it seven times but your rise is up again tell your neighbors and that's why first lady first lady um i lost my car i was at bwi and i lost my car because i haven't always been safe and this is the effect of smoking weed oh i'm sorry so after i'm from trinidad so after three days i stephen heard this is this is creep is before christ i i lost my car and i'm going up and down don't look at me funny some of y'all have lost your car i'm going up and down in the garage trying to find my car i'm hitting the button i'm on floor one two three four and i can't find my car so i go in the elevator and on my way into the elevator there's a sign that says push for help [Applause] push for help i pushed and the lady came on and she says how can i help you i said i lost my car after describing it to her she said hold on [Applause] help is on its way y'all ain't ready for me now listen it took 30 minutes to send me help but i had to stay where i was until help showed up i'll see you all later call your neighbors and neighbor just stay where you are help he's on his way i said help his honest with help for your children help for your marriage help for your family help us just stand still because can you just scream for 30 seconds for your help can you just holler for your help can you just praise it destroy your heart well don't be going so hard you don't only get 29 seconds 29 minutes listen hold on [Applause] help is on the way and that's why pentecost is the birth of the church because the lord knew you cannot do life without the holy ghost and without a church oh god you can't do it by yourself and you have been like cliffhanger and you have tied a rope around you and you're hanging over the cliff but the lord sent me to tell you hold on help now listen you get so deep that you forget to understand that help comes from god through people when i was when i was falling help came to the jenkins when when when i when i was losing my balance [Applause] why am i saying that because there's somebody who's standing next to you who's been assigned to help you they've been assigned to help you with one of the most important decision you about to make that decision is number one to trust jesus as lord and savior number two to get the assurance of salvation number three is to rededicate your life number four is to connect with a church where you can grow hey listen you can't be a soldier not being an army wait wait wait wait wait you can't talk but you playing the nba what's your team you ain't got no team well you can't be a christian and don't belong to a church the early church had three bees they believed they belonged and they baptized they believed they belonged they did life together loving you forever where the good y'all got it okay yeah they did life together and right now there's somebody next to you who's gonna say hey listen is the lord leading you to walk i'll walk with you would you come looking for salvation rededication recommitment are you looking for church would you come would you come would you come would you come would you come would you come would you come come on come on come on just holler at me so hold on health result here they come there they come there they come here they come there they come here they [Applause] come hold on
Channel: VGC TV
Views: 4,485
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eQU6_cqQpj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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