Pastor Greg interviews his wife Cathe

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my wife Kathy is going to come out we're going to set up a couple of chairs right now and she'll be out here and we'll see what she has to say she can offer her rebuttal here she is Kathy Lori all right so you can sit there is there another school here we Kelly once you sit there okay I want to let you know this is an act of submission on my phone I'm living this girl's Oh dear me no better ok did you disagree with anything I said no I actually I want to pay you a compliment he's a good preacher wholeheartedly agree with the Word of God as you delivered it tonight it was great really good oh thank you very much important you know sometimes when Greg will teach to the wives like oh gosh you were just so easy on us it's hard for him to stand up here and say you know what the Bible says this is not Greg's idea or the idea that we came up with in our own marriage but this is what Scripture teaches that wives are to be subordinate to be in subjection to their husbands but that is not a demeaning role whatsoever I mean what I love to think about the most scoot over because my iPads here and you're looking at your notes I'm looking at notes we don't have talks with a book no we do it and you know I first of all I totally agree with the fact that women are way more complicated than men you know I mean just just just explain women right now just well listen here's the thing is women are constantly changing I mean think about this just physiologically for a moment from the time a young girl goes into puberty I mean she goes to some radical changes in her body and then you know kind of hit a plateau like okay I kind of got this monthly thing figured out the rhythms of all of that stuff and then she gets married and then she might get pregnant and when you are expecting a baby what happens your body goes to all other cataclysmic we just get fatter it's crazy I mean guy gain weight that's it they go through adolescence and they pretty much hit their stride and they Coast off into senior citizenship and nothing much changes but for women we change cause I mean you're giving birth to a baby nursing a baby think of all the things just physiologically that our bodies are going through and then we go through something later on in life men don't go through well do they male menopause I don't know you have to tell me about that later but we're not there yet but then we go through menopause and a woman's physiology change is all over again so you're constantly changing huge changes when you read the words of the Bible some people would say oh you know Paul and Peter and the authors of Scripture that you know they're chauvinistic it's sexist did its anti-women is the Bible anti-woman oh man let me tell you for if you were to look at ancient history and ancient texts you would begin to realize how completely opposite that is that statement is completely incorrect when you cited earlier Galatians chapter 3 that in Christ we are all sons of God it actually uses that term that we are all sons of God that there is neither male nor female Jew or Greek bond or free but we have equal standing before God and that is exactly how he made us before the fall in creation you know he created the male and female he gave them co-equal status they were both Co Regents in paradise they had dominion over all the other animals both Adam and Eve and that all was disrupted by the fall and that's where male chauvinism came in but the role that we have is feminism - and the role that we have yes exactly the battle of the sexes that was began in the garden there's a part of the curse and Men wants to dominate woman woman wants to dominate man writes right that's right you know and that was you know part is the way we normally communicate with just interrupt each other sin entered into the equation but the distinction in the roles was there before the fall I was there before the fault Adam was created first and then Eve we were taken from Adam so Adam had the headship and as you pointed out in the Trinity itself we see this beautiful picture that the father was the one who was the head over Christ and Christ willingly made himself subordinate and in subjection to the father so in a marriage and in a balanced Christian relationship where men and women are assuming they're the right god-given roles without apology we are actually representatives of something so mysterious and so beautiful and I mean really the the creation of women in Genesis where it says that I will make a helper suitable you know the only time God said in the entire creation week that something was not good was when he saw the Alumnus of man so god always had a plan from the beginning but we can learn from that that we are to be what he said I will make a helper suitable for him and so we as women are helpers comparable or suitable and the interesting thing about that I found out that is so fascinating is that that word helper really is fascinating it's um it's a word that is primarily used to describe you'll never guess God himself so for a woman to be a helper to a man is not a demeaning thing God is our help in time of need and so we come alongside our husbands as wives and we are helpers comparable we are not the same as a matter of fact in many ways we are opposite in there we're like two puzzle pieces you couldn't find any more two opposite people than Greg and chance that's really true it is we do have Ares just from the food we like you know I love these we wash I like hamburgers and burritos and pizzas and Kathy likes like Thai food or well I'd be happy with a salad for dinner and he thinks salad is just practice it's practice for real practicing so he likes to watch anything with an English accent you knows I want a story thank you I like action yes he wants to watch another I did take you out to a guy's movie the other night I felt so bad afterwards I said I owe you one we're going to a chick flick next and I went to her movie her movie was better than mine it had a story and I cry it's pretty funny yeah and actually the funny thing is I kind of found myself enjoying the guy we won't tell him which movies they were but he keeps on let's um they were not bad movies just now you want to know don't you I know the one I wanted to watch well we saw it that was far from the madding crowd yeah two thumbs up from Cathy it was good I win some bad max yeah well you know what is really interesting and her movie was better I think what what marriage ideally what God wants for us in marriage is not that he makes two identical people because then you know one of you is redundant and isn't necessary but what I bring to Greg are my strengths my perspective maybe my sensitivities my inner connections with relationships women women are so very often adept at relationships with other people men are more solo type creatures but I bring that to him and he brings to me a great sense of clarity of black and white you know and it may be different in your marriages but you want to bring the best of yourselves to one another as a gift and when I'm asked in Scripture to submit to my husband that is not something that Greg demands of me it's something that I willingly give as a sacred gift to him and and his servant leadership over me as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it is also Greg's gift to me and let me just tell you that when you're first married I just said this to you in the backroom I said I don't think you really hit your stride in marriage till after about 20 years because now this is this is hopeful because you think as a young person you know you newlyweds my son and daughter in line my other daughter-in-laws out there somewhere Brittany and Robby you know you think kids they're married within probably span of five years each so you think marriage is good when you first meet each other and the initial falling in love stage you think that's good let me tell you that's just seeds planted in the ground but after you have nurtured and cultivated and weeded and planted and and staked and and fed and that little seedling becomes a tree and that tree starts to bear fruit it marriages like that in that sense it's like a garden that you don't really start to enjoy and appreciate after you've been at it for a while so this is going to move out of marriage for a second just talk about girls in general okay so uh like okay so here's a girl listening some are really young some are middle-aged some are older some are older who think they're younger confusion um but hey we're not going down without a fight right girls we're gonna do everything we get yeah Kathy was talking to this younger girl the other day and she says you know Kathy says to her you know I know I'm getting older but I'm not going down without a fight I think she looks very good myself well she's beautiful on the outside of the inside he's paying me compliments thank you yes Melissa we're trying it I mean everybody knows it's true and are you talking about younger yeah well I'm just saying okay for a girl in general so here's a Christian girl listening to this message what are kind of like her objectives what should she be thinking about what does God want her to be as a woman there's only one place in all the universe that you're going to find out that and that is in the scriptures that is God has given us women a plan he has given us a model he has shown us what it is what it means to live what a fulfilling and a happy life the little thing you said we're not to post up with our little cute outfits that deal those oh I real I don't know if you follow me on on our virtue website or get the emails that we send out it was on Instagram ty wrote about she wrote an article and I pulled this great statement go remember it yes I do even ran that CI more I used more words he wants me to get right to this statement and I want to set it up for you then I talked about what it means to fight like a girl yeah what it means to be a girl and that is you know that we are we as women were not created as second-class citizens we are not supposed to just stand on the sidelines and cute outfits and cheer while men do all the fun stuff and get to play all the parts that we have a role in what I'm seeing is this ancient document that you know some of which is up to six thousand years old and you haven't been up to LA to see the the the Dead Sea Scrolls that's something that what Greg and I are hoping to get to do I mean you realize that God has laid out so beautifully in Scripture a liberating beautiful portrait of what it means to be a woman and so for the young girls I would say don't we want you to stay balanced we want you to stay on the horse not fall off on one side and then get back on only to fall off on the other side and what I mean by that is culture today says you can do anything that a man can do you're as good as a man your roles are interchangeable there are no distinctives and you just go for it that's one side of the horse you can fall off on the other side would have been more of the traditional I don't have a life if I don't have a man I don't I'm meaningless and I don't have purposes if I'm not married I'm single I don't I don't have this role that we've been talking about tonight that's so beautiful in Scripture God is poured out and laid out all for us to understand the diverse ways in which it means that we can fulfill our lives and our god-given role as women whether we're single whether we're married or whether we're widowed whether we're grandmother's or whether we're daughters just figuring all that all of this out he's given it to us and that is why I think the virtue ministry here at the church this is what we're dedicated to we want to surround women with a circle of friends in which we will and support you in this very counter culture viewpoint that we're laying out for you tonight because you're not going to get this in the magazines you're not going to get this on the talk shows or on radio or in music as a matter of fact it's going to be the tide is going to be pushing you back the other direction and so what we want to do ladies is surround ourselves with the scriptures and with friends a circle of friends that will support us speak truth into our lives that are walking the same direction that we are and there's no better way to do that I think than to become a part of what we have here virtue Bible study we're in recess but we're coming up to girl talk tell them what Girl Talk is and we're going to surround you and that's what you know so maybe they've never been to virtue but this is a great way to check it out it is it is Girl Talk in this summer is coming really soon it's the first three weeks in July and we've got an amazing story of a young girl who was totally messed up totally wanting to check out of life entirely she was angry at the world she hated her life she didn't understand why God allowed suffering around her and wanted to kill herself and she came to Christ and her name is Lacey Sturm she's an amazing singer yeah some of you may have heard of her that was actually lacy her here tonight no it wasn't I fell in love with Lacey in with her book she was in the band fly leave the lead singer yeah great singer in so she'll be there's me second but she's is she gonna sing and speaker a little bit oh ok God and then second week we've got so that'd be a really good one to bring younger girls to all of these are great to bring younger girls to all of these all know the Lord even yeah absolutely because each week we're going to present the gospel and and call people to Christ call ladies to Christ so second week we've got Sally Lloyd Jones who is an amazing communicator to children and she spoke to our ladies and we just fell in love with her and their last week will will be at least fitzpatrick and she's going to do a two session study on and she she definitely lays out what it means to be a woman of God in such plain and direct terms so that's a great opportunity for the ladies every one is different but there are I mean Sally's amazing Lisa's amazing Lacey of course each with a story to tell different kinds of girls will relate to different aspects of it but I think this would be a great opportunity for you ladies to come check this out and then be in virtually like what are you guys going to do next time virtue starts up again we'll be taking signups and we're going to be studying letters of Paul and we're going to start with the book of Galatians which is a good one to start with you've quoted from that earlier tonight and and then from there on we're going to go to Philippians and Ephesians and some other of the epistles it's going to be a really exciting year in Bible study and we're going to get some real clear directives from scripture on what it means to be a woman you're not going to get it from culture you're not you have to go to the Word of God and that's I think what I really appreciate about the virtue women's ministry is it so Bible centric you know because sometimes in in you know I don't want to point out anyone in particular but sometimes I've seen in conferences for women there's a lot of a moding there's a lot of stories you know but it's like give me the Word of God I mean there's a place for those other things but you know girls need the scripture guys need the scripture so we can learn to think and live biblically and I love the fact that you guys emphasize that so much it is really big is really important because women can be so emotional yeah and we do think through our ups and downs that that we love God not just with our emotions you know it's one thing to sit in a worship service and get all warm and fuzzy feelings as we sing about the love of God it's another thing to love God with your mind and your loving with all of your heart soul mind and strength and what we want to do is get the Word of God into your mind so that you'll know how to think clearly because you can't just think what reality is is based on your emotions you've got to instruct in and steer your emotions as women that you go the right direction and for that we need strong teaching from the Word of God and that's what so we've been married 41 years what's our secret what is the secret you would say here's what you need to do to have not just be married because you could be married for 41 years miserably or happily married what would you say is a word of advice for ladies listening and guys to even well I think that you know very being interested in it that's part of it but not everybody gets that do they um I think staying married is a great goal staying in love is even better and what I think is really your the girls in it I know I love and what is that guys really what does that mean it's the time to eat yet or is that just what you're thinking that's what I'm thinking sorry go ahead that's good that what you're saying yeah no it's you're getting an up-close personal look into our homework our marriage yep this is how it works um I didn't want a marriage that was just gonna survive I wanted a marriage that was going to be where we would stay in love and that's very different than falling in love staying in love is a commitment it's deeper it's stronger and I think that the key is sooner or later in life and this is the key to the Christian life and the key to a happy life whether you're married or single no matter where you are old or young the key is finding out that it's not about you it's not about you it's it's what Philippians 2 says before it gets into that the most one of the ancient hymns of the early church where you know you talked about that earlier where Jesus who being in the form of God did not think it robbery to be equal with God but took upon himself the form of a servant and then became an emptied himself and became obedient unto death okay so here's the deal before that passage there is another little segment that Paul uses to introduce that he says don't everyone think about their own interest but esteem one another more important than themselves he's not just talking about husbands and wives or wives being submitted to husbands he's talking about every Christian this is the mindset of Jesus himself this is the mindset of the Godhead and the Trinity it's not about us it's about other people and if you think about it for just a minute the happiest people that you know the happiest married couples that you know are going to be people that are others centric they're not the center of attention they don't want to be the most important person in the room they're thinking about the other person and and I have a long way to go in that I want to keep growing in that in my marriage where when Gregg walks in the room it's you know I want him to be the most important person in the room I don't want to be thinking just about well what is it going to do for me now he's been gone all day now do something for me you know and the same with you you want to think the same way what can I do how can i how can I empty myself and show my love to someone else because you know what this is this is the atmosphere of heaven that other centeredness other thinking of others that is what the God had displayed so beautifully for us when Jesus humbled himself and gave himself up for us when we least deserved it he died for us and so would you why don't you pray for the girls right now and just that God would help them to reach our full potential as a woman of virtue and a godly woman in so pray for them but we thank you that you love women that you cared about women when you walked on this earth women were a significant part of your life and of your ministry you esteem the role of women you gave us dignity you honored us and we thank you that you think of us Lord that it is not just a matter of us having to grab hold and take on an attitude like a man behave like you know behave like men would behave but we want to be women in every sense of the way that you designed us to be and all the glory and the mystery of the Trinity exemplified in our lives as as being women who would follow heart after you we want to be strong women we want to be women of influence and Lord we want to know what it means to love our husbands to love our families and our children to be loyal and faithful friends and great examples of what it is to walk with you and so for that we need the power of your Holy Spirit we again humble ourselves and ask that you would fill us afresh that you would give us the strength and the power to live the lives that you have called us to live to love and honor our husbands and respect them in the way that the scripture tells us we ought to that we would just be completely and wholly surrendered to the divine plan that that you laid out in in creation before the fall Lord we want to as your redeemed daughters assume that role that you have planned for us so we lay aside our own thoughts and our own ambitions and we take up what it is you have put forth in Scripture and we pray that we would grow and continue to grow in this ministry in helping women to do that we thank you in Jesus name father we I want to pray for the guys right now lord I start with the single guys just help them Lord to be patient and wait for your perfect timing to find that virtuous and godly woman and help them Lord first and foremost to be a godly man and then Lord I pray for the husbands that you will help us to love our wives as you love the church we fall short in so many ways but lord help us to have that sacrificial love following the example that we see in Scripture we see how Jesus laid his life down and Lord we pray that you bless every marriage here Lord that it will be strengthened and and that it will grow and that as time passes if you give us that time graciously as we await your return that that will grow more deeply in love with you and with each other and for those that are single Lord that you'll help them wait and some may be are not called to ever be married and for them Lord as you call them do a special life of being set apart that you will use them for your glory Lord our identity is not in being married our identity is in you as your children your sons and your daughters and we thank you in our access to you father that there's neither male nor female we come equally because of the blood of Jesus and we're so thankful to be your son and daughters so bless us now we pray and we commit ourselves to you in Jesus name we pray amen well let's think Kathy Laurie
Views: 23,322
Rating: 4.66787 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Laurie, Cathe Laurie, marriage, wife, husband, roles, submission, headship, encouragement, helper, counsel, trials
Id: NnmlwTHNnls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2015
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