God's Answer to Fear, Worry and Anxiety, Part 2 (With Greg Laurie)

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hey everybody thanks for watching our YouTube channel we're constantly updating it with new content and never-seen-before content so if you want to get the latest from harvest hit the subscribe button okay we're gonna look at two passages tonight and this is part two of our series that we're calling God's answer to fear worry and anxiety and the two passages we're gonna look at our first Peter 5 in Philippians chapter 4 so turn there with me okay let me just make sure I'm talking to the right people here tonight how many of you struggle with worry fear and anxiety raise your hand all right well you're stressed up bunch of people aren't you well I've told you this before but you know I heard about one guy who was known as a worrywart you know I think sometimes we think worry is a virtue and it really isn't but this guy was a worry were always worrying about everything always stressed out and one thing is friends summoned this guy was totally chill he was calm he didn't have a care in the world and his friends didn't man what happened to you he said hey I gave up worrying he said really how did you do that the guy says I took an ad out and I hired someone to worry for me cuz that's really how much have you paying the guy says $5,000 a week man that's a lot of money you don't make that kind of money how are you gonna pay him he said that's for him to worry about so how many of you have heard that joke before razor again how many of you have never heard it how many be gave me sort of a courtesy laugh because she knew what was coming well really okay but anyway so many of us just worry all the time you know when things are going well we worry about how long it will be until they start going battling again you're just constantly worried you're worried about what other people think about you that's a big thing for a lot of people what do these other folks out there think about me you know it's been said you wouldn't worry so much about what people think of you if you realize how seldom they do but there's a great theologian that had a very insightful thought about worry the theologian ona is Charlie Brown and he said quote I've developed a new philosophy I only dread one day at a time pretty good jesus said sufficient for the day is the evil thereof in other words young enough problems to face it they don't start worrying about tomorrow and the day after in a week after and a month after but I'll tell you what anxiety fear and worry are big issues in our nation today proverbs 12:25 says anxiety in the heart of man causes depression Wow how insightful is that statement now all the medical experts are telling this effectively the same thing experts tell us the prevalence of anxiety across the country and around the world has reached a crisis level and it continues to grow especially among young people a recent Pew Research poll revealed that teen see depression and anxiety is their number one problem doesn't it interesting they see depression and anxiety number one it ranks above bullying drugs alcohol poverty teen pregnancy and gangs number one anxiety in fear and depression maybe that's one of the reasons that the suicide rates have increased in the last two decades in 49 out of 50 states and twenty-five percent of those states have seen an increase of 30 percent in suicide rates and so were filled with anxiety and worry and it's something that we need to learn how to handle there's a story told about a man who came face-to-face with the dangers of worry one day death was marching toward a city and the man said what are you doing and death said I'm going to take a hundred people today the man said that's horrible horrible so he ran again of death and warned everybody about the fact that death was coming at the end of the day as Sun was setting death was leaving the city and then man went back to death and he said wait a second you told me you were gonna take a hundred people a thousand people died today death said I kept my word I only took a hundred worried took the rest and that's what worried can do it is it can just send you into a tizzy and we live in a nation full of warriors you could put on a lot of American tombstones today hurried worried buried we're the only nation in the world with a mountain called Mount Rushmore we're always on the go always moving always stressed out 43 percent of all adults suffer mental health effects due to worry and stress and here's an interesting step 75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are stress-related complaints and disorders in other words it's not real here's one thing I guarantee we'll get you stressed out is if you have an acre of paint and you google your acre paint and then you get advice online have you ever done that I can illustrate this personally I was feeling pain in my chest and I think someone I knew it just had a heart attack so it was sort of in my mind and I felt this kind of pain in my chest sort of a pressure on it and I thought wow it what is this and so I googled it had symptoms of a heart attack pressure on your chest I had that and it said nausea I was immediately nauseated and I'm the kind of guy who never goes to the doctor so I call my doctor I said I think I need to get an EKG I might be having the symptoms of a heart attack he said come down here immediately they hooked me up and did all the tests on me and then he said you are perfectly fine your heart's in great working order and then I got the bill for it about a week later and I did have a heart attack no it's pretty bad actually but so I'm trying to figure out what is all this pressure well I started playing rocket ball again and I was going to chase the ball and I slammed up against the wall and just kind of bruised my massive chest and that's what it was but I thought it was something else and a gummy so all worked up about something that wasn't even happening to me at all dr. Walter Calvert reported a Serbian worried that indicated only 8% of the things people worried about were legitimate matters are concerned the other 92 percent were imaginary or they never happened that's why it has been said worry is advanced interest you pay on troubles that rarely come so what do we do when worry hits what do we do when we're suddenly filled with anxiety what do we do when we're overcome with fear answer we need to give our worries to Jesus Christ or to put it another way we need to take out the trash I took the trash out last night I don't know why I put this off it's not a big deal I even have these trash cans with wheels and a handle but still higher I want to take the trash out I hate to take the trash out for some reason this has become the job of men universally it's like and you know I don't know where the guys are supposed to do it so I I dutifully take out the trash it's really no big deal but sometimes in life we start finding ourselves too filled with anxiety and worry and stress and we need to take the trash out so to speak we have a trash man that comes and picks up our trash once a week I'm really glad he does it and even more you have a savior you have a God who cares about you and the Bible says you can cast all of your care upon him I'm done saying Jesus is a trash man here's what I am saying he wants to take your cares he wants to take your worries he wants to take your anxieties off of you in fact Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 come unto me all of you that are laboring and are carrying the weight of your burdens come to me and I will give you rest alright let's read our first passage now first Peter chapter 5 starting in verse 6 by the way I'm reading from the New Living Translation so humble yourselves under the mighty power of God and at the right time he'll lift you up an honor underline this phrase casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you stay alert watch out for your great enemy that double prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour stand firm against him be strong in your faith and remember that your family a believers all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are well stop there so how do we deal with our stress or anxiety and our worry point number one remember this you are not alone in your suffering you're not alone in your suffering verse 8 remember your family of believers all over the world they're going through the same kind of suffering you are I know you're going through something right now and you think I'm the only person that's ever gone through this actually you aren't others have gone through it others are going through it others will go through it you're not alone and you're suffering others have experienced something very similar if not the exact same thing the Bible even tells us in 1st Corinthians 10:13 there is no temptation or testing that will come your way that is not common to others and God will with that temptation or testing make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it lose paraphrase there's others that are going through the same thing and somehow it's comforting to know I'm not the only person going through this right so if you're suffering with something and you find somebody else that is suffered with the same thing or maybe something even worse it's really helpful to talk about it this is where community comes in this is where the church family comes in this is why you should not try to be a solo Christian you need Jesus and you need your Christian friends your Christian brothers and sisters you should never isolate yourself and disconnect yourself from other believers you need to talk with them you need to pray with them and as collation 6:2 says you need to share each other's burdens so just say there's someone meant I'm going through something hard right now and and I want to share it with you and then you talk about it and sometimes just talking about it alone helps a great deal and then you find yourself praying about it as well so this is what we're all called to do let's say you find out that you have cancer and that's a very frightening thing to hear from a doctor and then you say well I don't know what to do and then you find out there's someone in the church that is a cancer survivor so they're gonna tell you their story how they've been able to cope with that how the Lord has been strong for them during that time of difficulty and it's very helpful to you and then one day you become that survivor or you become that person and you can now as the Bible says comfort with the comfort that you've been comforted with so you meet somebody else that thinks our world has just ended and you can say I've come through this and here's what I've learned and here's what the Lord has done for me and let me share this now with you so remember you're not alone in your suffering point number two you need to give your burdens to God you need to give your burdens to God verse 7 cast all your care upon him for he cares for you there's the New Living Translation puts it give all your worries and cares to God because he cares about you and by the way the word used here forecast is not the normal word for throwing something rather it is a word that signifies a definite act of the will but which we stop worrying about things and let God assume the responsibility for our warfare or a welfare brother let me say that again the word that is used here for casting your cares upon God is a word that signifies a definite act of the will by which we choose to stop worrying about something and let God assume the responsibility for our welfare something I am gonna deliberately not worry about this and I'm going to intentionally throw this on God I'm gonna put it in tens and I'm gonna leave it in his hands and the word that is used here for care as in he cures for you means he is mindful of you he's thinking about you not just let that sink in for a moment God Almighty the creator of the universe right now is thinking about you and he's so amazing he's also thinking about me he's thinking about all of us right now remember in our last message on during xiety and worry I quoted from Luke 12:32 where Jesus said fear not little flock it is your father's good pleasure to give to you the kingdom and we learned three things about God from that simple little verse that God is our Shepherd God is our Father and God is our King first of all he's our Shepherd were a sheep he watched us over his flock and it's interesting Jesus says fear not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom we're a little flock but we have a big God and our big God is watching over his little flock but he's not just our Shepherd he's also our father who cares and notice Jesus said it is your father's good pleasure to give to you the kingdom God loves to bless his children let me put it in another way God likes to spoil his children dare I use that phrase he likes to indulge you give you things you don't deserve the Bible says he's able to do exceedingly above and beyond that which we could ask or think he loves to bless you and thirdly he's your king which really speaks of the sovereignty of God so he is looking over you he's caring for you he is your father you know the other day one of my grandkids asked me pop up are there more stars in the sky than sands on the shore how would I know I said you know I really don't know scientists and astronomers tell us that there are billions of stars out there a hundred billion galaxies in the universe so billions and billions of stars and but here's what I dunno God says my thoughts toward you are greater than the sand of the sea hmm Wow so go down to the beach and pick up a handful of sand and let it just pour through your hand for a moment look at all of that sand and think about this God's thoughts for you about you are greater than all those grains of sand that's an incredible thing he thinks about us he cares about us and finally he is our King it's his pleasure to give us the kingdom but when we say he's our King it speaks up the sovereignty of God and the sovereignty of God simply means that God's in control God is in control of your life and nothing catches him by surprise and may catch you by surprise but it doesn't catch him by surprise he knew it was coming and if it's a concern to you it's also a concern to him and here's another thing you need to remember there are no accidents in the life of the Christian only Providence let me say that again there are no accidents in the life of the Christian only Providence we as believers do not believe in fate we believe in faith and we believe that God is in control right this is very important stuff to remember because when it seems like your world's coming apart you're like god I hello are you aware of this God senior I'm totally aware of it I knew what's coming and I've got this I'm in control of this and he gives us this wonderful promise that we all know well Romans 8:28 we know that all things are working together for good to those who love God and are they're called according to his purpose notice that does not say some things notice it does not even say we know that the good things are working together for good it says all things David speaking of this and some 119 wrote everything serves your plan so with this in mind we need to cast our cares on God this is something we need to do daily and quite honestly it's something we need to sometimes do hourly because sometimes we give something to God when you take a read back don't we oh Lord I trust doing this I know you're in control hallelujah comes back again and you brought it back again you started worrying about it again so maybe you have to do it over and over and over again that's alright you just empty your trash you know you don't empty your trash once a year at least I hope not all right you don't empty your trash once a month you do it weekly sometimes even daily constantly cleaning constantly emptying it and sometimes we have to keep coming back to the Lord again and again some days we have to bring it to them more often than others days depending on what we're facing in the given moment okay so these are things that we all deal with but let me just for a few moments talk about clinical depression you know there is I believe people can be clinically depressed or actually have medical issues in play and sometimes the answer is not just you know another verse from the Bible and another prayer sometimes people need to go see a doctor and they need to have a complete checkup and they need to maybe take a little time off you know there is a place for recharging our batteries there is a time to take some time off take a vacation even even Jesus with his disciples over in mark chapter 631 said come apart to a quiet place and rest for a while and the reason he said this because so many people were coming and going that Jesus and the Apostles didn't even have time to eat I love how practical that is Lord that you're so many people are being touched yeah let's go get away for a little bit you guys need to have lunch now I love the practicality of that listen if you don't come apart you're gonna fall apart and there's sometimes practical things we need to consider when we're dealing with maybe depression that we're facing in our life frankly it could be your diet you know I look at what some people eat and I'm thinking that's gonna affect the way you feel and the way you think you're eating Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and washing it down with diet coke I love that you know meaning in all this fattening boob and I'm having a that'll pretty much correct everything so you're just filling yourself with sugar and then you're constantly watching television or looking at social media or filling your mind with junk and you wonder why you feel down maybe ask yourself some practical questions when's the last time I took a vacation what images am i filling my mind with how much time am i spending on social media do I have a tendency to isolate myself that can be another problem when we get alone and we're not around others who can sort of help us and we can get into a funk and by the way this happened to men and women of God Elijah comes to mind Elijah the great miracle-working prophet Elijah who prayed in the rain stopped he prayed again the rain came back the Prophet who literally called fire down from heaven and yet after his great contest his great battle with the prophets of bale up on Mount Carmel and the fire of God fell from heaven and answer - well I just prayer and and those false prophets were were dealt with and it was just a glorious moment right afterwards he went into a cave and just went into the deepest depression ever and it was in that cave that the Lord actually spoke to him and said what are you doing here see he isolated himself and then he's sleeping and an angel wakes him up and I love what the angel said to him he said to him in first Kings 19-7 get up and eat and then interesting not pray more read more scripts just have a sandwich will you maybe you're just hangry right you just need to have something anyway my wife can tell on him a little bit cranky you know she'll throw food at me just to calm me down no but seriously sometimes it's as simple as just having something to eat having a good night's sleep resting a little bit having a balanced diet even exercising these things all have their place but here's something I found depression often comes after high moments in your life lo-lo's often follow high highs right so you have the big moment and then you have to return to reality and for some it's kind of hard to deal with I read an interesting article by a doctor named Robin Smith she wrote a book called hungry the truth about being full it's he writes about those who feel an emptiness in their lives after experiencing great success and she calls it quote being hungry for the high note and she writes about the deaths of Michael Jackson in Whitney Houston she said and I quote people say drugs killed them drugs didn't kill them what killed them as they were striving and hungry and they were striving to hit the high note again and I think that can be true of people you know they they have this certain success in their life or there's certain euphoric moment in their life and they want it to always be like that and when it isn't like that they get depressed we just have to understand that the culture is not going to bring us the fulfillment that we're looking for it wasn't that long ago that we had a string of suicides of famous people Anthony Bourdain the very well-known chef that traveled around the world for CNN and Kate Spade the designer and then Avicii the deejay and Anthony Bourdain was quoted to say your body is not a temple it's an amusement park so enjoy the ride yeah that's real cool to say that but it didn't turn out so well for him he was so despondent in his own life he committed suicide Avicii who was at the top of his game as an electronic DJ I mean adored by thousands of people that would chant his name was so depressed he turned to alcohol and his young body began to fail because of the heavy alcohol abuse and finally he killed himself and his family said well the reason he did it was he was struggling with thoughts about meaning life and happiness he just couldn't go on any longer he wanted to find peace I read about an Instagram post by Justin Bieber and he made this Damon hey world that glamorous lifestyle portrayed by famous people and Instagram don't be fooled into thinking their life is better than yours I can promise you it's not in quote so we look at these people on social media or we look at them on TV or we see them in the big screen and we say oh man if only I were living their life well maybe you should be happy you're not living their life because you see how empty and sad so many of them actually are point number 3 if you're dealing with depression anxiety and fear take your eyes off of yourself and put them on God take your eyes off of yourself and put them on God remember this you are not alone if you're a Christian caught us with you if you're not a Christian God is near and can be with you and in you if you call out to him the Lord reminds us in Isaiah 41:10 don't be afraid I'm with you don't be discouraged for I am your God I'll strengthen you and help you I'll hold you up with my victorious right hand listen when you get down he can lift you up so you need to remember you're not alone call out to the Lord remember in our last message that we looked at on this topic Peter was walking on the water doing the impossible with this eyes set on Jesus and then he began to look around see how crazy it was seeing the stormy waves and such and he took his eyes off the Lord and he began to sink and when you take your eyes off of Jesus you're going to start sinking so listen if you're dealing with depression I have a ten step solution dude it to your depression to overcoming that so if you're taking notes definitely write this down ten steps to overcoming depression point number one - something for someone who has greater needs than you do do something for someone who has greater needs and you do step number two repeat step number one nine more times that's it yeah that's it now understand I'm not dealing with clinical depression or anything like that now but I'm just saying a lot of times our problem is we're so focused on our self and if you just find someone who has a real need probably you need much greater than yours it can put things into perspective for you experts have found helping and focusing on others instead of yourself can literally change your mood it's a well documented fact that volunteering elevates mood in most people it's a phenomena that has actually been dubbed the helpers hi the helpers hi and it's been assessed biologically in brain imaging studies and it's been looked in and looked at in research on the release of endorphins so you've heard of the runner's high there is also the givers high and I can tell you I've experienced this myself where there been times I've stepped up to speak and maybe I'm not feeling well or something else is troubling me and I'm really not in the mood to speak but I get up and do it anyway and I start with my spiritual gas take maybe a 20% and I end at a hundred percent I'm thinking wait how does that work I started out depleted and he ended up full I'll tell you how it works the Bible says given it shall be given unto you press down shaken together and running over with this same measure you give to others it would be given back to you so that's where we're always saying to you get involved in serve I have a said a little bit earlier tonight that we need help with Vacation Bible School I don't know if any of you even considered that you thinking well I don't know if I want to do that and that would take probably a lot of time yeah it'll take some time but listen you could change a kid's life and guess what it could change your life as you start serving and I think would church really starts firing and all cylinders is when we start participating not just attending not just expecting everyone to cater to us but we come saying I want to serve now I want to help now I want to do something now and I don't care what I do I just want to do something to bring glory to God and you'll start having that helpers hi so to speak or the givers hi so when someone asks you what you're doing on the weekend you can just say hey man I'm getting high let's say what I thought you were a Christian I am a Christian I'm going to church and Sunday and I'm gonna serve the Lord and that makes me high man now you know understand I'm not trying to make this overly simplistic you're not always gonna have you afford feeling when you do things for God but I am saying this there is a certain lift that you can experience and then when you find someone really in need how do you think of times I've gone to make a hospital call and then maybe I have a call oh cool life's so hard I hate cults I'm thinking then I go and visit somebody that is terminally ill or somebody that's facing a real serious illness of some kind and sometimes they minister to me more than i minister to them and I walk out feeling bad about how selfish I was not even wanting to go there in the first place and how I got perspective on what real hardship is but yet how the Lord was there with them so I think it really helps us when we can get perspective about these things let's read one more passage and then we'll wrap this up a Philippians chapter 4 verse 5 to 7 rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice let your gentleness be known to all men the Lord is at hand be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus now my final message in this three-part series I'm gonna really drill down on what it means to pray about everything and not worry about anything and and the verse that follows whatsoever things are true and lovely and helpful and virtuous thinking these things but I want to just focus on one part of what Paul said here for my final point which is number 4 rejoice and the no matter what you're going through rejoice in the Lord no matter what you are going through rejoice and the Lord always writes Paul and again I say rejoice by the way circumstantially Paul had nothing to rejoice about when he wrote this he was going through great hardship with a very uncertain future sitting in a prison cell yet he writes rejoice and the Lord always him by the way the phrase that he uses in the original language is a command he's saying I'm commanding you the Lord is commanding you rejoice in the Lord notice it doesn't say rejoice in your circumstance as always and again I say rejoice you don't have to necessarily rejoice in circumstances you don't have to say Lord I'm so thankful that you know I just wrecked my car no rather I'm so thankful that despite the fact that I wrecked my car you're in control of my life and you can provide for me and you love me that's rejoicing in the Lord see so despite my circumstances or maybe my physical challenges I'm facing or despite other areas of my life I'm dealing with the Lord still in control the Lord is my shepherd the Lord is my king the Lord is my follower a father the Lord is thinking about me so with this in mind I can rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice as I said earlier you know we justify worry in a number of ways but God commands us to rejoice Paul is effectively saying well you guys just lightened up a little bit just be happy in the Lord and rejoice in the Lord look if anyone can be depressed it's me where I am right now I could be depressed I almost deserve to be depressed but I've chosen not to be because God is in control of my life and I'm rejoicing in a bike and rejoice you can rejoice as well maybe you've come here tonight with the weight of the world on you you've just heard some devastating something that's happened that is sort of sent you into a tailspin and you're just you don't feel good right now you don't even really in some ways want to even be here right now but here you are and here's what Jesus is saying come to me right now if you're laboring under the weight of your sin if you're tired of carrying heavy burdens and let me carry that for you here if you're slepping around a bunch of heavy luggage and someone says can I carry that for you your answer should be yes you can and thank you very much for that so here's the Lord saying let me lift that burden off to you let me help you with that let me stand right next to you now and carry that thing that you're carrying give it to me now look he's not gonna take it from you you have to give it to him that's why Jesus says come to me if you're under the weight of sin or you're under the weight of anxiety or you're under the weight of worry he says give it to me casting all your care upon him for he cares for you he says come to me with your problems maybe you're saying man I I made such a mess of my life I don't even know where to start but but how do I get this fixed will you just come and admit you can't fix it on your own you come to God and say I need your help I'm a sinner and I need a Savior I need someone to pull me out of this mess that I'm in right now because I can't pull myself out of it maybe you have like an addiction or maybe you have some other vice that has a hold of you or just some other area of your life you just can't sort it out you can't fix it that's okay you're just like the rest of us so just come and say lord help me forgive me and and I'm telling you whatever problems you're facing in our life God can change your story right here right now but you have to come to him he's not gonna force his way into your life he invites you to come he welcomes you but you must say alright Lord I'll take your hand right now and and let you pull me out of this and and Jesus started the cross for your sin and that's your biggest problem your anxiety not your worry not anything you're facing right now that's of a temporal nature your biggest issue is where you're gonna spend eternity and according to the Bible there's only two options can you guess what they are heaven in hell by the way that hasn't changed and it never will despite shifting culture and what we think or don't think doesn't matter two destinations in the afterlife heaven or hell God wants you to go to heaven God doesn't want anybody to go to hell that's why he sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sin and pay the price for the wrongs we've done so we don't have to go to hell he died in our place and if will believe in him and turn from our sin he'll change our eternal address from Hell to heaven but you must call out to him the Bible says whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved and if you've not done that yet why don't you do it as we close in prayer I'll tell you why because in a few moments we're gonna receive communion together what is communion well it's when we take the bread and we drink of the cup and it symbolizes the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ and why do we do that because jesus said to his disciples in the upper room as he broke the bread and gave out the cup do this in remembrance of me saying I want you to remember me I want you to remember my sacrifice and I want you to do this as a reminder I have a ring on my finger here reminds me I'm married that's not the only reminder I saw of a woman that's been in my house for forty-five years but um named Cathy no but seriously it's just a little reminder I'm married yeah of course and God says that giving you a little reminder and I want you to remember me in this way just take her this bread and drink of this cup and remember that I laid my life down for you I shed my blood for you I want you to remember this me this way but then the Bible actually says a very interesting thing it says when you receive these elements of communion don't do it in an unworthy manner say say well what does that mean I have to be worthy no not at all because nobody's worthy but don't do it you could translate it in in a reverent manner here's another way to put it don't do it flippantly in other words though we don't believe that the bread will hold in a moment becomes the actual flesh of Christ nor do we believe that the juice in the cup becomes the blood of Christ we do believe they represent his broken body and his shed blood and the Bible says don't do this in a way where you don't really believe in the one they represent so a simple way to put it communion the Lord's Supper is for Christians only only a Christian should receive in these elements because the Bible says if you receive these elements without believing in the one they represent you literally eat and drink a judgement to yourself so you think well you know I think I should do this because it's a nice little religious ritual and I think a little religion would do me some good listen friend you don't need a little religion you need a lot of Jesus little religion won't do you any good in fact receiving of these elements without believing than the one they represent would do you some bad cuz it's almost like you're mocking the one that they represent you don't want to do that so that's why before we receive communion I want to extend an invitation for anyone in this room who has not yet put their faith in Jesus Christ who is not sure that they'll go to heaven when they die the person who doesn't have this certainty that Christ is living inside of them the person who's come here tonight with all the weight of sin and guilt and other problems you're dealing with on you and you want to get rid of it here's Jesus saying let me lift that from you so if you've not asked him to come into your life yet why don't you do it right now as we pray together let's all bow our heads father thank you so much for sending Jesus to die on the cross in our place Lord Jesus thank you for coming and laying your life down for us and now I pray for anyone that has joined us here tonight if they don't know you if they don't have a relationship with you help them to come to you help them to believe in you help them to be forgiven by you tonight we pray now while their heads are bowed and our eyes are closed now we're praying together how many of you would say tonight Gregg pray for me I need Jesus Christ I want to be forgiven of my sin I want to start this relationship with him you've been talking about listen if you want Christ to come into your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to know that you'll go to heaven when you die if you want to get rid of the weight of your anxiety and fear and worry and have Christ come into your life would you just lift your hand up right now wherever you are and I'm gonna pray for you just lift your hand up and I'll pray for you tonight god bless you god bless you anybody else god bless you as well raise your hand up high where I can see it please and I need Jesus they're in the back god bless you as well anybody else you want to get right with God you want your sin forgiven maybe you've been trying to fill that hole in your heart with all the things this culture says you should have to be happy but they haven't made you happy here's Jesus standing at the door of your life and he's knocking and he's saying if you hear his voice and open the door he'll come in will you open the door of your heart so to speak and that's Jesus to come in anybody else raise your hand if you want Jesus to come into your life tonight let me pray for you wherever you are where's your hand upon where I can't see it if you haven't raised it yet god bless you anybody else raise your hand up I'll pray for you tonight god bless you alright you that have raised your hand I want you to pray this prayer after me you can pray it out loud even again as I pray just pray this prayer after me now pray these words Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner but I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin I turn from that sin now and I ask you to come into my life to be my Savior and Lord and my God and friend in Jesus name I pray amen god bless you that just prayed that prayer [Applause]
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
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Rating: 4.8670578 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, greg, laurie, harvest christian fellowship, greg laurie sermons, jesus christ (deity), 1st peter chapter 5, 1st peter sermon, sermon on 1st peter, 1st peter 5, 1st peter 5 6-7, 1st peter chapter 5 explained, bible study for me, bible study on anxiety and fear, bible study on worry, bible study on stress
Id: O0eZBocog1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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