A Second Chance in Life (With Greg Laurie)

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hey everybody why don't you grab your bible and turn to mark chapter 14 and the title of my message is a second chance in life hello to harvest riverside harvest orange county harvest on maui and all of you watching at harvest at home we have three more messages in the gospel of mark my next two messages are on a very important topic i'm going to be talking about the death and resurrection of jesus christ in fact if someone came up to me and said you can only preach two more messages before you go to heaven that is a topic i would choose to speak on the death and resurrection of christ because that is the heartbeat of the gospel on the heels of this mark series we're starting a brand new series on the book of revelation so let's pray and then we'll begin father blessed now this time as we look at your word it is truth and we need truth in such uncertain times we commit this time of bible study to you now in jesus name we pray amen again the title of my message is a second chance in life i don't know if you read that story that was in the news about a man who had a hippo as his pet he lived in south africa and this man named the hippo humphrey and he adopted him when he was a little calf and according to this man uh this 2000 pound beast was like his pet he would ride it after it got a little bit bigger he would play with him he would even brush its teeth which seems to be a daunting task i think that would take a pretty large toothbrush and the owner said quote he's like a son to me and then he went on to say people think you can only have a relationship with dogs and cats and other domestic animals but i have a relationship the most dangerous animal in africa end quote i think you can imagine how the story ended i'm sorry to say that humphrey the hippo turned on its owner and tragically mauled and killed him that's because hippos are not good pets because they're dangerous i remember years ago i was in africa and i stayed in a little tinted camp and they warned me at night be careful of the hip balls and i'm thinking the hippos how why would i have to worry about hippos oh they're out running around at night and they attack and kill people and they told me more people are killed by hippos than lions in africa i could hardly believe it and sure enough that night i heard some noise outside of my tent and i opened up the little flap and looked out and there was a hippo and those things moved fast on land so i don't think that the owner realized that humphrey was a hungry hippo and he would strike why do i tell this story because in the same way sometimes we may think that well this sin in my life i have control of it it's like a little pet i'm always gonna be able to not be overtaken by it i'm sure when humphrey was smallish i don't know if he was ever all that small but when he was smaller at least that his owner never thought he would get as big and aggressive as he became and we think the same thing about sin it'll never overtake me and one day it does we have a story before us now in the bible of a man who was overtaken by sin a man who probably never realized that one thing would lead to another and through five steps he fell away from the lord and this man was a full-fledged apostle of jesus christ and his name is known to all of us i want to tell the story of simon peter and his fall and his restoration hence the title a second chance in life we've cleared 20 20. now we're in a new year and this is a good time to look back and ask ourselves some honest questions about last year starting with this did i progress or regress spiritually in 2020. did i move forward or did i fall backwards if you fell back in 2020 this is the perfect time now in 2021 to learn from peter's mistakes and move forward in your life i might even say fall forward in your life because if you fall and mess up and learn from your mistakes that's failing forward but if you mess up and you don't learn from your mistakes well that's just being stupid okay so let's learn from the mistakes of simon peter of course jesus gave to simon his given name a title he said from this point on you're going to be called peter which means rock now i think the other disciples might have had a little bit of a chuckle at that moment because they're thinking okay there's a lot of things we could say about simon well we would not describe him as a rock he was sort of unstable at times and vacillating and impulsive almost the opposite of a rock but jesus gave him a name that he knew simon would grow into with time in the same way we don't see the potential in our lives that god sees we see a lump of clay god sees a beautiful vase or voss we see a blank canvas god sees a finished painting we see a piece of coal god sees a refined diamond we see problems god sees solutions we see failure god sees potential we see an end and god sees a new beginning and so peter was going to have a fall and jesus told him he was going to have a fall and maybe some of you have fallen spiritually in the last few months or in the last year but listen the past cannot be changed but our response to it can be because god can take our endings and turn them into beginnings let me say that again because i know i'm talking to somebody right now that has made a mess of their life i want you to know this god can take your ending and he can turn it into a beginning so sort of to pick up where we last left off in the gospel of mark we're in the upper room jesus is having this final meal the last supper with his disciples and he has revealed that one of the apostles is going to betray him to a man they say is it me lord is it me and at that moment judas iscariot was dipping his bread at the same time that christ was and jesus identified the betrayer and he said to judas whatever you do do it quickly the bible says at that moment satan entered judas's heart and so judas goes out now to betray our lord for 30 pieces of silver and now we see what happened to peter as this was all unfolding look with me if you will at mark chapter 14 starting in verse 27 and by the way i'm reading from the new living translation on the way jesus told them all of you will desert me for the scriptures say god will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered but after i'm raised from the dead i'll go ahead before you into galilee and i'll meet you there peter said even if everyone else desert you i never will jesus replied well i tell you the truth peter this very night before the rooster crows twice you will deny three times that you even know me no peter declared emphatically even if i have to die with you i will never deny you and all the others doubt the same now luke's gospel gives us a few more details about this conversation jesus turns to peter and says this simon simon satan has been asking for you that you would be taken out of the care and protection of god but i have prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me you need to strengthen your brothers can you imagine jesus saying something like that to you i mean he's hanging out and jesus turns to you and says your name twice and says satan has been asking that you would be taken out of the care and protection of god i wonder if he just paused for a fact what satan satan himself has been asking for me by name he's been asking for you but then he has these words these reassuring words but i have prayed for you this is a reminder of how the devil works sometimes we'll say oh the devil tempted me the other day i think it's very doubtful that you've ever been tempted by the devil himself let me explain the devil is a powerful spirit being but he is nowhere near being the equal of god a god is omnipresent which means he's present everywhere satan a powerful fallen angel can only be in one place at one time now i'm not saying you weren't tempted i'm just saying when you were tempted it was probably not satan himself but one of satan's minions not that kind of minion but you know one of his demon powers doing his dirty work but in this case with peter the devil himself came calling but notice that jesus says satan has been asking for you by name satan had to ask first listen to this the devil can do nothing in the life of the child of god without our father's permission let me say that again the devil can do nothing in our lives without our father's permission and god will never allow us to be tempted above our capacity to resist first corinthians 10 13 a verse i memorized as a teenager that i still remember it says god will not allow you be to be tempted above your capacity to resist but will with the temptation make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it know this temptation can be resisted every temptation is an opportunity to run to god and there is a blessing promised to the man or the woman that resists temptation over in james 1 12 it says happy is the person who endures temptation for when they are tried they'll receive a crown of life so don't tell me you can't overcome your temptation don't tell me you can't stop drinking don't tell me you can't stop looking at porn don't tell me you can't stop turning to drugs time and time again the question is do you really want to be free from that stuff jesus asked a man who had been disabled for his whole life this question do you want to be made whole what kind of question is that to ask a man that obviously doesn't like the state he's in it's a very good question because not every person wants to be made whole not every person wants to be delivered from drugs not every person wants to change the life that they're living so it's a question we need to ask do i really want to change don't tell me you're being tempted above your capacity to resist because with every one of those temptations there was always a way out wasn't there it's usually that first bite that gets us into trouble i don't know about you but when we go out to a restaurant and we can't do a lot of that right now in california but when we would go out you know we'd be done and someone would say do you want to get dessert no no nobody wants dessert and then the servant comes can i tempt you with the dessert they even use the word tempt and their voice even sounds like that for some reason tempt you and someone says okay we'll have one dessert with five forks all right so the dessert arrives and i said i don't even want any of that dessert and everybody's digging in and then i decided to take one little bite and the moment i take that first bite i'm like a shark smelling blood in the water i go into a feeding frenzy and so it's good for me to not take the first bite it's good for all of us to not take the first look or play around with that thing or think we can conquer it like that guy with humphrey the hippo we need to keep our distance god has put a hedge of protection around every believer in the story of job which is the oldest book of the bible the devil comes to god and wants to have a time of bringing difficulty into the life of god's servant named job and the devil says correctly of job have you not put a hedge of protection around him and yes it is true the lord allowed a series of hardships to befall his servant but in the end god blessed job in a wonderful and powerful way my point is there is protection in our life and there's always a way out of every temptation and when the lord lets us go through times of trial and allows us to be tempted it's for a purpose he's trying to make us stronger but remember jesus is praying for you every now and then people will come up to me and say you know we pray for you greg and your family every day and if you're one of those people from the bottom of my heart let me say thank you so very much there's no greater gift that you could offer to me than to say you pray for me or pray for our family or pray for our church thank you so much for that but i have to be honest with you knowing christ is interceding for me even means more there's an old commentator from days gone by his name is robert murray mcshane and he made this statement and i quote if i could hear christ praying for me in the next room i would not fear a million enemies yet distance makes no difference he is praying for me end quote i mean think about that christ himself praying for you i remember once talking with billy graham and i i said billy would you pray for me and he prayed for me right there and i thought oh man this prayer is going to be heard in heaven this is billy graham praying that hey i'm talking about jesus himself praying for you because over in romans 8 34 we read these words who is he that condemns christ jesus who died more than that was raised to life is at the right hand of god listen he's interceding for us so who will separate us from the love of christ shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword yes he was praying for peter and he's interceding for you as well and jesus is saying you'll be back peter in luke 22 32 jesus says that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me you'll strengthen your brothers and peter understood that and actually wrote about it in his own epistle first peter 5 10 he said after you've suffered a little while god will restore you and strengthen you in place you on a firm foundation so peter could speak from experience he had suffered he had fallen and he had experienced restoration why was the devil targeting peter in particular well i think it's because the devil also saw peter's potential he could see that he was first among the apostles and when peter said he was going to do something they would all usually follow after christ died and the cross and they hadn't seen the risen lord yet peter said i'm going fishing they all said we'll go with you he was sort of the leader the devil often targets leaders that's why you need to pray for those who are in leadership maybe you feel like you've been being tempted a lot and attacked a lot by the devil maybe that's because he sees your potential as well so wear it as a badge of honor now there are five steps that led peter down to his denial of christ here's step number one if you're taking notes his first step down was self-confidence self-confidence go back to mark 14 verse 29 peter said to jesus even if everyone else deserts you i never will and this is after the lord revealed that judas would betray him so peter's effectively saying hey even if judas betrays you i'll i'll never let you down and he's almost boasting at the expense of others even if these others fall short i remember you give me that new name rock i rocky will never let you down you know it's never a good thing to boast of your commitment to christ especially at the expense of someone else it's never even a good idea to boast about how much you love jesus rather boast about how much he loves you our love is fickle it's changing it's often changing god's love for us is consistent i love how the apostle john described himself as the apostle whom jesus loved now that may almost sound arrogant what do you mean the apostle that jesus loved he's just stating the facts he loved me i feel loved by jesus and we can call ourself a disciple that jesus loves as well so his first step down again was self-confidence in saying these words that i'll never deny you after christ said he would was actually placing unfounded confidence in himself and it was also directly contradicting what jesus said listen jesus said to peter you will deny me when jesus says something will happen you can take it to the bank if the bible tells us something is going to happen in the future trust me it's going to happen in the future and but in peter's mind even if everyone else abandoned the lord he never would look at verse 31 of mark 14 he says even if i have to die with you i will never deny you you know it's an interesting thing when you look in the bible you'll find that often uh men and women of god fell in the very area that they normally were strong in and so as an example we have elijah what do we think of when we think of elijah we think of fire called fire down from heaven we think of boldness bravery standing up there in mount carmel representing god but what happened after the fire fell on mount carmel there was a contract put out on the prophet's life by queen jezebel and elijah ran and hid in a cave so he was cowardly and afraid when he was normally known for his boldness abraham well he's the father of faith when we think of faith we think of abraham yet he had a serious lapse of faith when he lied about sarah being his wife saying she was his sister because he was afraid of what would happen how about samson known for his superhuman strength he was overthrown in his moral weakness this is why you must never lower your guard in any area of your life see it was self-confidence i heard a story about two ducks and a frog they like to hang out together in a pond in farmer brown's field and uh one summer the little pond dried up because it was a trot so the frog went to the ducks this is a true story and said um guys you got to help me out here i'm stuck here but but if each of you would take a stick in each of your beaks i could hold on to the stick with my mouth and you could fly me out of here so the duck said okay we'll do it and so they each grabbed hold of that stick with their beaks and the little frog jumped up and grabbed it with his mouth and as they're flying out of farmer brown's field farmer brown's down there and he looks up and he sees this amazing sight of two ducks holding the stick in their beaks with a frog holding on by his mouth and he said that is an amazing thing who thought of that and the frog said i did see he let go he had to take credit right the bible says pride goes before a fall peter's second step down was prayerlessness i'm not even sure if that's a word but it's a real thing prayerlessness how many of us would be honest to admit that we need to pray more i know that i do and peter was sleeping when he should have been praying going back to mark 14 37 they're in the garden of gethsemane now jesus says to the disciples peter james and john watch with me watch and pray and we read these words and this is from the new king james version he came and found them sleeping and said to peter simon why are you sleeping could you not watch one hour watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak again he went away and prayed and spoke the same words and when he returned he found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and they did not know what to say to him here's jesus contemplating the horrors of the cross in the garden of gethsemane and according to dr lukey's sweating as it were great drops of blood literally sweating blood as he thinks about what is ahead all he asked for was a little companionship from peter james and john and they fell asleep you know it's interesting and the bible sleep is spoken of as sort of a negative thing it says to christians now is a time to wake up for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed and we all know what it's like to fall asleep at an inappropriate time maybe you've fallen asleep in church by the way pastors know when you fall asleep i think it comes as a revelation to people to know that not only can you see me when i'm speaking but i can see you and when someone nods out and they make like put their hands up to their face like they're praying i know you're sleeping okay especially when you start snoring but we always deny it when we're sleeping for some reason someone will say did you fall asleep no no you did and these guys fell asleep but you see jesus was getting them ready he's saying boys you need to pray because he knew a storm was brewing he knew that hard times were ahead and they needed to be praying literally the devil's son is on his way with some armed guards to arrest jesus and it's a reminder to us that prayerlessness can be as much of a sin as breaking a commandment see there's not just sins of commission that's when you do what you should not do but there are sins of omission when you don't do what you should do the bible says to him that knows to do good and does not do it to him it is sin so if the lord impresses upon your heart the need to pray and you don't pray that could be a sin jesus is saying to peter james and john guys you need to pray yeah whatever we're gonna catch some z's right now that was a mistake his third step down was peter trusted human efforts instead of god's power he trusted human efforts instead of god's power verse 46 of mark 14 they laid their hands on him and took them and one of them who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear matthew's gospel gives us a few more details about this jesus said to peter put your sword in its place for all who take the sword and live by the sword will die by the sword and then jesus says to peter don't you realize i could call on my father and he would send 12 legions of angels now in fairness we can understand peter's outrage judas iscariot he's hung out with this guy for three years plus thought him as thought of him as a friend and yet here is judas who's betrayed jesus and how did judas betray jesus the bible says with a kiss i mean couldn't judas just say look it's the guy i'm pointing to that's jesus arrest him or the guy i'm shaking his hand there he is he betrays him with the kiss and in the original language it wasn't just a peck on the cheek it was repeated kisses a form of intimacy and he's appearing to be someone who loves jesus when he's betrayed him and jesus says to judas as he approaches friend why have you come friend he should have said fiend why have you come jesus knew why he came but i think judas mister but christ was giving to judas one last opportunity to repent of his sin and judas did not take it remember satan filled judas's heart so peter's just ticked off he's angry he's a fisherman not a swordsman he pulls off the sword whom he takes his swing off comes the ear of a guy named malcus another gospel tells us who probably was leading the charge and jesus reaches down picks this man's ear up and reattaches it so the last miracle of jesus before he died on the cross was the healing of a man who was coming to arrest him and it was also a miracle that was done to cover the blunder of a disciple what an amazing story that is you know this is a reminder to all of us that we're in the spiritual battle and they need to fight a spiritual battle with spiritual weapons i mentioned earlier that america really needs prayer right now i think a lot of people think everything is a political solution it isn't america needs a spiritual healing remember what god promises in second chronicles 7 14 he says if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and churn from their wicked ways the lord says i'll hear from heaven i'll forgive their sin and heal their land oh lord heal our land let's pray for our country right now father america needs a supernatural touch we need a spiritual awakening and we're asking right now in the name of jesus christ that you you will help us to take to heart what that promise of 2nd chronicles 7 14 says that we would turn from our wicked ways that we would seek your face lord heal our land you promised to do so we ask for that in jesus name amen two more steps that led to peter's fall step number four he was warming himself at the enemy's fire he was warming himself with the enemy's fire go back to mark 14 verse 66 we read as peter was below in the courtyard one of the servant girls of the high priest came and she saw peter warming himself she looked at him and said you also were with jesus of nazareth he denied it saying i don't know or understand what you're saying and he went out on the porch and a rooster crowed remember what jesus said you will deny me three times before the rooster has crowed twice so he's warming himself by the fire have you ever tried to go undercover as a christian sort of hide your faith go unnoticed in the larger crowd following at a distance peter became cold and was attracted to the warmth of the fire he didn't think that anyone who had recognized him there now he is following jesus still so we have to give him some credit he hasn't run away but he's not doing anything either in fact we're given the detail here in matthew 26 58 we read that peter went and sat with the servants to see the end see that's what he thought it was the end there's no more hope everything's gone off the tracks jesus and peter's estimation was supposed to establish his kingdom and drive out the romans and now he's been betrayed by one of us and now he's going to die on a cross but i guess i'll just stay here and see the end but it was not going to be the end it was going to be a beginning a new beginning it's not a bad thing that he was warming himself by a fire but he's with these people around the fire the bible says in psalm 1 blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly or stands in the way of sinners or sits in the seat of the scornful see that's what was happening he was mixing in with this crowd and he's called out right there he should have said yes i'm a follower of jesus but he denies it denial number one now his fifth step down another denial luke's gospel tells us some time elapsed before the first and second denial so peter could have left that place but he stayed inexplicably he had plenty of time to think about it and we might criticize him for it but wait a second the last time you were tempted did you flee did you remove yourself from that place where you were being pulled down when that scene in the movie uh came on the screen did you walk out of the theater or did you turn the tv off when your buddy mocked or cursed god did you speak up for your faith that temptation from that girl that came your way did you feel like joseph did see it's very easy for us to critique but we do the same and we get compromised and that's what peter was doing right now he was trapped in a miserable web of compromise suddenly someone recognizes peter look at mark chapter 14 verse 69 and as servant girl saw him again and began to say to those who stood by this is one of them but he denied it again a little later those who stood by peter said to him again you're one of them for you're a galilean and your speech shows it and he began to curse and swear saying i do not know the man of whom you speak a second time the rooster crowed then peter called to mind the word that jesus had said before the rooster crows twice you will deny me three times and when he thought about it he wept you're a galilean they said now we don't understand what that means necessarily but it was sort of an insult because those that lived in jerusalem a sophisticated city at the time thought of the people that lived in the region of galilee as a at being at a lower level it would be sort of like saying you're a country bumpkin or you're unsophisticated or you don't know what you're talking about you're not educated like we are in jerusalem and and then peter denies again and the rooster crows peter should have just come clean and admitted he was a follower of jesus christ but verse 71 says he began to curse and swear saying i do not know this man of whom you speak and then the rooster crows now when the bible says he cursed and swore it doesn't mean that peter swore like a sailor though he was a sailor but it's a different term it means to take an oath and to swear to god so and what could best be described as the worst illustration of taking the lord's name in vain peter effectively said i swear to god and i take an oath right now i never knew jesus christ now luke fills in in important detail luke 22 59 while he was still speaking the rooster crowd listen to this and the lord turned and looked at peter and then peter remembered the word of the lord what he had said to him and he went out and wept bitterly the lord looked at peter so at the very moment of his third denial and the rooster crows who appears on the scene jesus they're leading him from one place to another and he makes eye contact with peter imagine that if you can what kind of expression was on the lord's face do you think he rolled his eyes like what a loser do you think he looked at peter with scorn and anger no actually i think he looked at peter with deep love did this all come as a surprise to jesus no he knew peter would do this he told peter he would do this did jesus know peter would fail absolutely was peter still a believer at this moment yes he was believers can fall believers can stumble but believers can get up again peter needed to remember that jesus said when you have returned you will strengthen your brothers in other words this setback is temporary see for peter his setback was going to turn into a set up and god was going to use this failure as a way for peter to encourage other people yes his mess would be turned into a message this is a great example to us that anybody can fall into sin but peter was really repentant the bible says he wept bitterly the bible says godly sorrow produces repentance see everyone's going to sin and when you sin and feel bad about that that's a good thing because that means your conscience is working but if you can sin and sin again and even sin some more even doing the committing the same sin repeatedly and feel no remorse no guilt something isn't working right in your heart and in your soul the conviction of the spirit that will produce guilt is a reminder that you need to get right with god peter wept bitterly are you sorry for your sin now let me ask a follow-up question are you sorry enough to stop this is a hopeful story because peter went out and went bitterly but three days later jesus rose again from the dead and what was the message it was go tell the disciples and peter he's risen why wasn't it go tell the disciples then john or go tell go tell the disciples and andrew or matthew it's go tell the disciples and peter why was peter singled out because he needed a special word from the lord am i talking to someone right now that needs a special reminder from god that you are loved by him well let me say that to you god loves you god longs for a relationship with you and when you run from him or fall spiritually he longs for you to return to him again god says in jeremiah 3 22 return you faithless people and i will cure you of backsliding how is this all possible through the death of jesus where was jesus headed he was headed to the cross to die for the sins of simon peter to die for the sins of the apostles to die for the sins of all the people of that day to die for the sins of people of every generation he was going to the cross to die for your sins and mine i love the way that the apostle paul personalized it when he said of christ he loved me and gave himself for me it's personal jesus died on that cross for you why because he knew there was no other way for you to be made right with god do you think good works will get you to heaven do you think living a better life is going to get you closer to god it won't no you see every one of us falls short of god's glory every one of us breaks his commandments and that separates us from him but christ died for our sin and paid for our sin so what you need to do to come into this relationship with god what you need to do to be forgiven of your sin what you need to do to know that you go to heaven when you die or what you need to do to come back to the lord is admit you're a sinner turn from that sin and put your faith in jesus would you do that right now yes there can be a second chance in life for you jesus christ who died on that cross and rose from the dead three days later is alive and here and he's knocking at the door of your life and he's saying if you'll hear my voice and open the door i will come in so why don't you open that door so to speak why don't you invite jesus into your life listen if you would like your sin forgiven if you would like to know that you'll go to heaven when you die if you would like that second chance in life i've been talking about you can pray a prayer with me right now i'll pray a simple prayer and i'll ask you to just stop what you're doing wherever you are you can bow your head close your eyes if you like you can pray with your eyes open if you want but i would ask you to pray this out loud and this is a prayer where you are asking god to forgive you of your sin a prayer where you're asking jesus christ to come into your life or a prayer where you're recommitting your life to the lord if you need to do this do it right now with me let's pray pray these words lord jesus i know that i am a sinner but i know that you are the savior who died on the cross for my sin i turn from my sin now and i choose to follow you from this moment forward thank you for hearing this prayer and thank you for answering this prayer in jesus name i pray amen god bless you if you just prayed that prayer and i want you to know that god has heard your prayer and he's answered it if you meant it from your heart the bible promises that if we will call in the name of the lord we can be saved and you just did that in prayer listen i'm going to send you a special gift it's called the new believer's bible i'm holding one right now this is the new testament in a very friendly translation called the new living translation it's filled with hundreds and hundreds of notes that i wrote to encourage you in this commitment or recommitment you've made to christ so you'll see a phone number on the screen right now and you see a little box you can click if you're watching us on a computer or on a tablet or a phone click that box saying that you just prayed with me we'll send you this bible for everybody else you can call the number on your screen and we'll get you a copy at no charge of the new believer's bible i thank god that you responded to this opportunity and let me be the first to welcome you into the family of god all right so for everybody else now let's think about this new year if we mess up let's turn that mess into a message let's see that setback turn into a set up let's fail forward let's learn from our mistakes and not follow this pattern that peter fell into starting with self-confidence the bible says pride goes before a fall don't be like the little frog who took credit let go of that stick no give god the glory and trust in him and know you're vulnerable and remember that with every temptation you face there's always a way out as i said temptation is an opportunity to run to god and there's a blessing promised to the person who resists temptation let's all pray together father i pray for everyone watching now that you'll keep us strong in this coming week that will walk closely with you and not stray from you in any way and use us for your glory we would ask now in jesus name amen hey until next time god bless you
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 17,081
Rating: 4.9427209 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, greg, laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, bible study for me, bible study, youtube sermons, a second chance in life, second chance in a lifetime, once in a lifetime when theres no second chance, how to have a a second chance in life, how to have a second chance in life, do you want a second chance in life, what the bible says about a second chance in life
Id: PWd6_p02N1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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